Your Child In casey and Cardinia March 2020

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Casey & Cardinia

lActivities for the school holidays lGreat Reading lKids in the Kitchen Recipe lLeaf Printing in Kids Corner lPLUS MORE... Volume 4

Your Local Family Magazine

e e r F March 2020


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EditorsLetter Welcome to Our March Magazine March is here already and what is even scarier? Your little darlings are on holidays at the end of the month, so soak up the peace and quiet while you can. Casey and Cardinia Libraries have some great programs over the school holidays we have just a sample in our What’s On section, see page 22. We will list some more activities in our April edition. And we haven’t forgotten the Kids, check out Kids Corner on how to do a leaf print and Kids in the Kitchen for some homemade Icy-poles. We have some great reading this month on page 6 Life is like a Boomerang - What you give you Get Back. Sibling Rivalry makes for an interesting read on page 8 and Things I wish I had known when my child started prep on page 16- its not late to help you with your prep child! Start off driving on the right path a great read if you have Teenagers nearly ready to learn to drive always a nerve wracking time for parents. PLUS MORE.. Do you have a flair for writing? Then tell us your story, opinion piece, or pass on your knowledge about your profession and it maybe we can print it for you, for a copy of our Guidelines. email Do you, or do you know someone, wanting to own their own business and they live in the Monash area, then see page 29 for a great opportunity! Best wishes for a great month and stay safe,

Glenda Long Editor

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Life is like a boomerang What you give you get back! ”The devastating drought and bushfires that have raged through many areas in Australia have caused sorrow and hard ship for many. However- from the darkness has emerged some wonderful lights- not just Australians but also so many internationally have given both financially and of their talents- to help the effected communities. While the financial donations will be beneficial to rebuild some of those who are hurting from loss that include homes, farms, businesses -- money cannot give the warmth and care that so many people have shown in this bleak time. People have opened their hearts and volunteered in many areas both for fellow humans and our wildlife that have suffered greatly. So, let's look at ways we can become generous within our community. We do not need to wait for a disaster. Volunteering- the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your community. Volunteering provides many benefits to both mental and physical health, increases self-confidence and provides a sense of purpose. There are many opportunities to give of our time, energy and skills. Schools, sports club, maybe join some of the community groups and work together for a special goal. Just visiting a lonely person is important- and there are plenty of lonely- both young and old that enjoy someone making them feel special. Organize a Clean Up. All you need to hold a successful cleanup is a big box of garbage bags, a substantial supply of rubber gloves, a group of friends or volunteers, and a location that needs some love. And these days most public parks 6

by Irene Goonan and neighborhood streets are in need of a little TLC, and sometimes folks just need a little inspiration to encourage them to help out. Lead the way, and see what follows!

Build a Community Garden. Not only do community gardens beautify the community, they often provide produce and other goods to local neighborhoods. And whether a green thumb or just beginning a relationship with the land there's always lots of work to be done to get to harvest. You won't just be growing fruit and vegetables, but friendships and community along the way! Shop Local. Shopping local invests in your community. Spending money locally supports the local economy and your neighbors — by keeping money in your neighborhood, where it can be reinvested again through other shops and services. It's a cycle that keeps on giving. Michelle Obama said, “Success isn't about how much money you make; it's about the difference you make in people's lives.”

Irene Goonan Cube Café- like us on facebook

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Sibling Rivalry N

ow that school is back, and my boys are not seeing each other much due to being in separate buildings as well as different areas for playtime, I thought the holidays bickering would stop. I thought they would miss each other so much that when they got home all they would want to do is play nicely together!

Oh, but how naïve I was!! That was so far from the truth and sadly they have been fighting and shoving each other around quite a bit over the silliest thing. Rather than tearing my hair out, I examined the situations that had this behaviour arise. Children are not able to express their feelings and actions logically. They can easily take out their emotions as they process them on those, they love the most! And there is no doubt how much mine DO love each other. Here are a few methods that have helped bring back some love and equilibrium into to having happy siblings…

n Never take sides and always hear both sides of the story. And at times, depending on the issue at hand, refuse to listen to any of the story. This has stopped any negative reinforcement on them receiving attention for ongoing battles and encouraged them to work it out for themselves. This works well when no physical fighting is happening! n I sneakily bring out photo album of them and start looking at them when they around. There are so many loving pictures in there of them as babies. I then talk to myself out loud of how much they love each other and what amazing brothers they are. I reinforce their 8

by Marilou Coombe

Brothers Ruben and Logan love for each to them in a subtle way. I have also laminated and placed photos of them hugging and loving on the fridge and around the house. I refer to those photos sometimes and remind them how loving brothers treat each other. They are both quite visual, so this works well.

n Refrain from ever comparing. It is so easy to do and yet so detrimental to long term relationship building. It creates jealousy, disconnect and resentment. The feeling of never being good enough can arise from comparing our children. Instead I focus on the strengths of each child. Example, “I love the way you used your voice the” and “ Look at the way you can be so kind even when you a re a n g r y ” o r “ Yo u h av e s u p e r b communication right now in the way you are telling your brother what you need”. These are just a few examples that have really helped us. The most important one though is for you, as the parent to stay centred and not take on their fighting to mean anything about your parenting. Marilou Coombe Coach, Mentor, Author, Speaker, Yoga Teacher to little humans

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Start off driving on the right path G e n e r a l l y, most teens can't wait to grab those keys and hit the road and after watching their parents for years drive with such ease and confidence it can be quite a shock to the system to realise how much you need to know and how much focus is required to control a vehicle. In turn, a friend or family member can in fact have a similar shock when they are trying to explain how to do a task that is second nature to them and how to explain to someone step by step what to do and also know what the current road rules are. The first time a learner is behind the wheel of a car can be a very nervous, stressful and exciting experience that can set the precedent for what they will expect to feel every time they go to drive. Driving schools have found that if students have had a negative or stressful experience while practising with a family member or friend they will hold onto that anxiety for quite some time. When a learner has been taught by a professional driving instructor they not only get a quality learning environment they also gain more confidence on the road. Driving schools structure every lesson to suit the experience and confidence of each student and also critique the student in a friendly and professional manner that will assure the student will continue to progress and be safer on the road. Another benefit to obtaining professional driving lessons is that when you book in for that lesson this time is dedicated solely to the 10

by Rebecca Holden-Hion learner. Unlike when friend or family members take the learner out for a practise, they may not be as focussed and observant as a professional driving instructor. A driving school's number one suggestion is to start the student off on the right path to being a successful, confident and safe driver on the road is to have the first few driving lessons with a professional. Think of it as an investment for the future safety of the learner, by learning the correct way from the beginning this stops any potential unsafe habits that can form from a friend or family member teaching them. We tell our students that when you drive with an instructor you are learning new skills and when you drive with friend or family member you are practising those skills. This assures the learner will continue to improve after each lesson and together gain 120hrs of safe and educational driving in all driving conditions. Teaching a learner to drive is a team effort, the driving instructor and friend or family member work together to building a safe and supportive educational environment for the student to learn all the road rules and how to predict what other driver's will do and avoid accidents. Being a friend or family member that wants to help a learner drive we suggest reading the learner manual first so that you are sure of the current rules and stay calm and be as supportive as possible. I hope that this insight into learner drivers helps you and has educated you on the benefits of using a professional driving school appose to worrying if you have taught the learner the correct and safe way to drive. Rebecca, together with her husband Jarrod own YVE Driving School based in the Yarra Valley VIC

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Preferred providers for Medibank, CBHS, HCF and BUPA. Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme available for eligible patients 12

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The Importance of Swimming Lessons Year Round

by Jodi Taylor

There are many benefits to continuing with your child's learn to swim classes all year round. Just like any skill, the more it is practiced the better and stronger your child will become. The continuation of their lessons will help them with their confidence and strength in the water. Consistency and the repetition of each skill taught during their lesson will all contribute to their overall improvement and confidence in the wonderful life skill of learning to swim. Learning to swim is really a long-term process. It takes time and is a financial commitment for your family. Like any skill some children pick it up a lot quicker than others, while other will take much longer. It comes down to the individual child, their motor skills and how comfortable and confident they are in the water. There is no age that a child should be able to learn to swim by. Having regular consistent swimming lessons throughout the year will help greatly with the development of your child's swimming skills. Taking a break over the cooler terms really will have a negative impact on your child's progression. Children who take a break over the winter months tend to forget a lot of swimming skills and lose the feel for the water. Committing to a 30-minute swimming class once a week all year long, really will be one of the best opportunities you will invest your child. Even for those children who have mastered the skill of swimming, it also needs to be maintained. Continuing lessons all year round will help with developing a more efficient stroke and better techniques in all four strokes. Sure, Melbourne's winter weather will become unpredictable and unpleasant over the winter months, but your local swimming pools are


heated and as long you rug your child up after their lessons and make sure they are dry and warm once their lessons are finished all should be fine. 5 Tips for Enjoying Swimming Lessons over the Winter Months 1. Have a warm shower straight after the lesson if available 2. Get dry and dressed quickly in to something warm and cosy 3. Pack a Beanie – as your head is where you lose most of you heat. 4. Pack a dressing gown and wear UGG boots it's important to keep those feet warm 5. Pack a hair dryer to give your child's hair a quick dry Continuing lessons throughout the year really is the best thing for your child's swimming progression.

Jodi Taylor is the Director of Total Aquatic Solutions Pty Ltd in Bulleen VIC

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Things I wish I had known


Go a Little Easy on Discipline

Limit the Kids' Outside Activities After School

The first term or so is usually when tiny preppies get a little overwhelmed with multiple new classroom and yard rules. So, it will help if you go a little easy on them. Expect some tantrums during this time of their early lives. Don't be too firm with your rules and punishments to give the child some leeway.

side from the roller coaster of emotions that the first day of school brings, I don't think all of us know exactly what to expect when it comes to this massive step up. There were things I didn't know that I wish I knew before I sent my son to school. They could've saved me a ton of time and the pressure wouldn't have been that much. Here are some tips I'm sharing with you to help you prepare for what's about to go down.

Your little active toddler will be massively tired for at least the first term while they adjust to the school hours and activities. So, if you think you can enroll them for a dance, music, or sports class after school - just scratch out that idea and throw it in the trash bin. Limit any activities or don't let them get involved with any activities during school days because they will more likely end up falling asleep

...forms disappear like magic for some reason or does that only happen in our house? Make Sure They Sleep Well It's highly recommended for school-age children to get 11 hours of sleep not only to strengthen the child's immune system and reduce the risk of illnesses but to also avoid cranky tiredness during the day. A good sleep pattern is putting them to bed at 7:00 pm and waking them up at 7:00 or 7:30 am the next morning. The number of hours your child is asleep makes a lot of difference in how they act in and after school. Don't forget to get some 16

decent sleep yourself the night before prep school starts, you're going to need it!

Get Everything Organised You probably are doing this already but here are some tips from me who had to learn the hard way. Put up a large calendar where everyone could see and write all the activities, notices, lunches, drop-off and pick up schedules, etc., Then, label everything and check lost property semi-regularly, you'd be amazed at what your kids can lose throughout the school year. Make sure you also fill in return notices/permission slips straight away and put it in your preppie's bag, so you don't forget. One more thing, please get a good magnet that can hold multiple forms on your fridge because those forms disappear like magic for some reason - or does that only happen in our house? Never mind. Teach Your Kids Proper Hygiene Simple things like how to use a urinal or wipe their butt after doing #2 are things that need special attention before you let your child go to prep school. They won't get it right away and there will be times they'll get dirty, so I highly recommend that you pack an extra shirt and pants in their bag in case this happens.

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when my child started prep by Irene Becker Join the #MumsClub in Your Child's Class Get involved in social gatherings and make friends with fellow mums. Once you establish genuine friendships with any mum in the class, you can always trust someone to keep an eye on your child. This is especially helpful for all working mothers like me who needed a little help with school pick-ups and drop-offs. It's very likely that you will find a fellow mum who either lives right across the street from your house or in your block and you can then arrange a pick and drop off schedule with your friend and her kids. Get Support from Grandparents or Host a Demi Pair I'm lucky to be surrounded by my amazing family who would pick up the slack whenever I get stuck at work and I couldn't pick up my kids from school. But for other working mums whose family members live overseas, hosting a demi pair might work. In fact, it worked for me really well! For a couple of years, I had to rely on my in-laws and husband to help out with childcare and light household chores, but everything changed when I discovered Demi Pairs. They are student Au Pairs who are allowed to work 20 hours per week - 15 hours is covered by food and board and for the other 5 hours, I get to give them some pocket money. My Demi Pair helped me with the little things that oftentimes we, working mums, find really difficult to do. All of a sudden, I don't feel like a monster mum anymore. Things like packing lunches, dropping and picking up kids from school, preparing snacks for kids, getting the kids to bed, and doing the grocery really helped

decrease my mental breakdowns, not to mention, they're a huge time saver! I know other mums are currently in the same shoes which is why I started my own company, helping busy working families needing in-home childcare support and disability needs and aged care. It's only fair to share this opportunity with other mums. We rise by helping others after all. I know sending off your little one to prep school can be quite overwhelming but don't let it distract you from the fact that motherhood is like a full-time job - you have to keep things in order or else you'll lose track. You got this Mumma! Irene Becker is the Co-Founder & Director of 99aupairs, a multiaward-winning social enterprise helping families find flexible in-home childcare/disability care and aged care help they desperately need. She is also a mum of two wonderful children and has been hosting Au Pairs herself for the past five years.

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The ‘ART’ of

efore I had children, I used to leisurely stroll each and every aisle of the supermarket, picking things off the shelf absentmindedly. I didn't bother with a grocery list. There was only two of us and if I forgot something then I'd return another day. No big deal. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought of this simple act of necessity as being an enviable task. I mourn the days of languid and uninterrupted meandering, just like how I wish I had appreciated sleep-ins. Nowadays, I go to the supermarket with either one or two kids in tow and the most pleasurable part of the experience is getting the kids back into the car and going home. I don't know about other parents, but to me having two pipsqueaks continually saying, "Mummy, can we buy this?" and "Mummy, can I get that?" drives me insane.

arranging items in particular positions like he's a Tetris prodigy. Simply perfect for my anally retentive grocery packing personality. I can appreciate good packing skills. No one wants a dirty tango between raw meats and fruit. As he continues to pack at the rate of one item per minute, Henry starts to grumble about wanting to hop out of the shopping trolley. I try to placate him with a yoghurt and silently pray for the dude to hurry up. Henry's about to throw down and no one will be ready for the impending Hiroshima-like explosion that will be unleashed.

I almost never leave home without a grocery list, and I speed down aisles to collect items like I'm on a My Kitchen Rules cook-off. I obviously pass the chip, chocolate, and soft drink aisles because seriously, who needs the drama of wrestling contraband off a raging toddler? Normally, I go through self-serve because it's the quickest way out of the store. With a toddler that can drop a tantrum like a hot potato, it's best not to procrastinate in a place with too many temptations and "get the hell out of dodge" is my shopping mantra. On this one particular day, I had too many things in the shopping trolley to go through self-serve and seeing a calm Henry, I opted for the manned checkout. I methodically place items in groups that I hope get bagged together. The young man at the register begins packing the bags, 18

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by Kathy Ha I twiddle my thumbs, glancing nervously at Henry's whining and thrashing about. I give checkout dude one more minute for good measure but my eye twitches at the sight of him taking out a punnet of tomatoes and replacing them with the punnet of mushrooms. They are the exact same size!

Practical baby and child first aid skills We teach you life saving, first aid skills in your own home, so you can keep your baby or child safe. You will learn to deal with:

"Mummy!" Henry wails, his little fists gripping the bar and shaking it furiously. I suddenly jump into action. I grab the tomatoes off the dude and shove them into a bag. "How about you scan and I'll help bag," I tell him with a smile that's too wide to be considered normal. He recoils at the sight of my crazed look and starts quickly scanning. I shove items left, right, and centre into bags, practically arm sweeping them in. I work at a rapid pace and only pause for breath once I hand over my credit card to pay. I stand back and take stock of my surroundings. The people behind me and the checkout dude are giving me strange looks. I start from the realisation of my erratic behaviour. Embarrassed, I quickly leave with my screaming toddler. It's a sobering moment of selfawareness at how different my life has become. Do I regret having kids? Definitely not. Would I change anything? Probably not. Oh, wait. Yes. Avoid the Tetris guy.

Get the confidence to know exactly what to do when your child needs you. Contact your local Parentmedic Educator Kiraly Pugliese 0458 892 546 |




^ The hardest part of that job is

Kathy Ha is a creative writer and storytelling enthusiast, sharing snippets of her journey through life and parenting on her blog, KN J Tales and Snippets. She aims to inspire, empower and ignite laughter, with every word that she writes.

accepting success

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2020 What’s On...........


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f you are anything like me, you've had moments with your kids when frustration turns to anger and words fly out of your mouth which you never meant to say. I've spent a bit of time (they are teenagers now) observing myself and researching what causes such outbursts. So, here's what I've learned about being a good parent. Let me warn you, it isn't comfortable to hear. But, knowing these things and taking them seriously has helped me heaps! In order to raise great kids, they need a solid foundation of self-control. Here are four facts to help build a self-control centre in ourselves and our children: 1. Parents, we are in charge. 2. When we 'lose it,' the thing we have lost is self-control.

They are acting 'against' who they are, not who you are! As a parent, whether you realise it or not, you are on a different level to the kids. Not only are you bigger and older, you are the boss. The kids are the followers. They know you are in charge of what happens at home. Until they understand the boundaries, they will test them. We teach our kids (and learn along the way, ourselves) that “The only person who can control you is YOU!” The best way to teach this is to model it. By taking ownership of our emotions we can realise, “Wow, I'm really upset about this!” Then we can choose to direct the fight/flight reaction caused by the stress into positive action – doing dishes, mowing the lawn, going for a walk. As we get better at moving from reaction into action, our kids will too. They learn from watching us.

3. Like us, our kids shine when they take charge of themselves. 4. Ultimately, the mature person has consistent self-control. When we get angry with the kids, it is because we feel we have lost control of them. Little Lady throws a tantrum in the shops. Sir Serious asks “Why?” for the 150th time in three minutes. Mr Muscles tries to rip his sister's hair out, again. The three angels leave a trail of madness and mayhem through the house. Before flipping your lid, pause and review the 'self-control' centre. When the kids are out of control, they are not out of OUR control, they are out of THEIR OWN control. Getting that clear in your mind releases you from taking offence.


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by Dave Edgren

Then we can talk about it; teaching our kids to ask, “What name does this feeling have?” “Why am I feeling it?” “What can I do instead?” “What can I do to make things right?” and finally, “What can I do next time this feeling comes?” We learn the most difficult skills in life by watching others and then practicing it on our own. Self-control is one of these skills. To master it, it helps to see it mastered by someone around us. As adults, we need to model it. Stop blaming others for our loss of self-control and start taking charge of ourselves. The better we get at selfcontrol, the better start in life we give our kids!

Dave Edgren is a storyteller, author & trainer. Dave writes from a primary school in Melbourne where he spends his days playing games with kids and talking about things that matter

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With Hannah

y h t l Hea s e l o P y c I

Ingredients: 12 large strawberries (sliced in halves) 1 large ripe banana (peeled, cut into chunks & frozen} 1/2 cup pineapple juice (or orange juice) Method: Step Step Step

1 - Blender all the ingredients on high until smooth approx. 2 minutes. 2 - Pour the icy pole mixture into the icy pole mould. 3 -Place into the freezer and freeze for 8 hours or overnight *overnight is recommended for easy removal.


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You Will Need -

leaves paint paper sponges rolling pin

Always cover the table before starting With the sponge dab paint all over the leaves [You can use different colours] When your leaf is painted ready to print, place a piece of paper on top of the leaf and using a rolling pin, roll across the top. Then lift off the paper and you will have an Autumn Leaf print. Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Casey & Cardinia Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 5374, Cranbourne 3977 email: ph: 1300 657 996 To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996


HANDY PHONE NUMBERS Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Casey Hospital........................................................ Monash Medical Centre.......................................... St John of God Berwick Hospital............................. Dandenong Hospital..............................................

8768 1200 9594 6666 9709 1414 9554 1000

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268

Your Local Police Station 9705 3111 Narre Warren Police........................................................ 9709 7666 Endevour Hills Police........................................................ Cranbourne Police.......................................................5991 0600 Pakenham Police ................................................... 5945 2500

Other City of Casey..................................................... Cardinia Shire Council......................................

9705 5200 1300 787 624

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4. Editors Letter 26 Kids in the Kitchen 27 Kids Corner 22 What’s On in the Community 28 Useful Local Information This Month’s Advertisers


AFM Auto

6 Life is like a Boomerang...

Beaconsfield Dental

8 Sibling Rivalry

Glory Kids Childcare & Kinder

10 Start off Driving...

Gym of Arts

14 The importance of swimming...

Haileybury College

16 Things I wish I had known..

Hey Dee Ho

18 The Art of Packing

Officer Real Estate

24 Teaching Self Control

O’Shannessy ELC Parentmedic Paul Sadler Swimland Puffing Billy Regency Calisthenics College Scope Splash’s Swim School Thompson Parkway Kids Club

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