Your Child In Casey and Cardinia May 2020

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MAY 2020


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EditorsLetter Welcome to Our May Online Magazine Wow, what a difference a month makes, we are all now bunkered down, riding out the COVID - 19 storm that arrived with a bang, a BIG BANG at that! After listening to some pretty harsh comments & arguing over reopening or completely shutting down for another two weeks. PERSPECTIVE: WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME BOAT ... I heard that we are all in the same boat, but it's not like that. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.Your ship could be shipwrecked and mine might not be. Or vice versa. For some, quarantine is optimal. A moment of reflection, of re-connection, easy in thongs with a cocktail or coffee. For others, this is a desperate financial & family crisis. For some that live alone they're facing endless loneliness. While for others it is peace, rest & time with their mother, father, sons & daughters. With the $600 weekly increase in unemployment, some are bringing in more money to their households than they were working.Others are working more hours for less money due to pay cuts or loss in sales. Some families of 4 just received $3400 from the stimulus while other families of 4 saw $0. Some were concerned about getting a certain chocolate for Easter while others were concerned if there would be enough bread, milk and eggs for the weekend. Some want to go back to work because they don't qualify for unemployment and are running out of money. Others want to kill those who break the quarantine. Some are home spending 2-3 hours/day helping their child with online schooling while others are spending 2-3 hours/day to educate their children on top of a 10-12 hour workday. Some have experienced the near death of the virus, some have already lost someone from it and some are not sure if their loved ones are going to make it. Others don't believe this is a big deal. Some have faith in God and expect miracles during this 2020. Others say the worst is yet to come. So, friends, we are not in the same boat. We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different. Each of us will emerge, in our own way, from this storm. It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance. Not just looking, actually seeing. We are all on different ships during this storm, experiencing a very different journey. Realise that, and be kind. Best wishes for a bettermonth and stay safe,

Glenda Long

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mums

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Oh, Mother’s Day!

by Marilou Coombe and watching clouds pass by to bigger things Oh, Mother’s Day! This one day where it seems like pampering of your choice in a salon. our children are encouraged to celebrate us. ¬ Take a moment, as needed, to just stop, Well, I ask my children to celebrate me every breathe and get grounded. A calm mother is day. I mean, I am still a mother on the other 364 a powerful mother. This is so under rated yet days of the year. Unless they prefer me to take so powerful. Deep belly breathes allows those days off. Ha-ha oxygen to flow better to the brain and gives us better clarity. In all seriousness though, let’s explore what this ¬ Set up a roster or routine where self-care day means to us. rituals that light you are scheduled in just like an appointment for the children. You Is it a time to get super spoilt by the children? Or wouldn’t miss their engagements, so apply even their dad? Be allowed a sleep in? Get away that for yourself. with not making breakfast, lunch or dinner? Not ¬ Get your family involved in self-care follow up with prompts on brushing teeth or routines. We have massage time, bath time, eating their veggies? Is it a time to be allowed an meditation time, silence time, mindful uninterrupted bath or shower? How about colouring time, movie time, baking time and somebody else doing the dishes and other other activities, all of which can be done for cleaning activities? each other, together or solo. You see, a mother’s job never ends or stops. The ¬ Learn how to communicate your needs positively, from a place of thriving and in trick is to make sure that all the above gets met turn watch your children communicate their along our motherhood journey. I love spoiling needs too. my children and have them spoil me back, not only on “special” days. This applies to birthdays, Easter and Christmas. I also think it is super Yes, Mother’s Day is a beautiful thing to important to spoil ourselves, fill our own bucket celebrate. Just make sure you can celebrate and not wait on other members in the family to being a mum daily! do it for us.

In doing so, we teach our children how to also look after themselves and meet their own needs. If you are not feeling loved up and special on the other days of the year, what can you do about your situation, so things change? Here’s a few things I recommend: ¬ Work out what makes you happy and do

those things daily. They can be small things, like drinking a hot cup of tea on the balcony 6

y p p Ha er’s h t o M ay D

^ Marilou Coombe is a Coach, Mentor, Author, Speaker and Yoga Teacher to little humans

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Sometimes it takes three.... Would you be our Egg Donor? We are a healthy, loving and financially secure couple. Having been happily married for nine years we are beginning to ache to have a child of our own, to raise our own family..we are both from loving and supportive families and we are confident we will be able to provide a child with a loving, caring, stable home, a good education and a happy upbringing. Sadly we have been unable to conceive ..our only hope is for a generous donor to help us. If you are a mother under 35 and are willing to help us, please contact Jason and Belle via email or ph: 0414 037 385 or 0478 162 859. Actual expenditure incurred on medical expenses and associated travel costs will be reimbursed. This advertisement has been approved by the Victorian Minister for Health, as required by s.40 of the Human Tissue Act 1982 (Vic) August 2014

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I'm a Nurse. What's your Superpower?

by Debra Landini

I bought myself a fold-up Tote Bag the other day that had a patch on it, which read: I'm a Nurse. What's your Superpower? It made me giggle. (And I love bags, so I had to buy it). When I showed it to my daughter, (who isn't a Nurse), she said, “Mum, I've got a Superpower too”. “Oh, what's that?” I asked. She said, “I'm a Mum.” I thought this through, and I believe she's right. All Parents have Superpowers. Being a Parent is such an enormous role that it is essential to develop Superpowers….juggling multiple tasks or multiple little beings at the same time, planning ahead for complex excursions, handling an incredibly dynamic family budget, and the list goes on. But just like Superman and his weakness (defeated by Kryptonite), we Parents need to know that we can stumble and feel defeated by certain circumstances. The “normal” heartaches in life, like losses (loved ones, pets, jobs etc.) most would recognise as a difficult time and know that grieving goes with these events. Stresses like money worries and illness also fall into a common experience of struggle. But what about times with your otherwise healthy children, when their behaviour “drives you to the brink”? Ordinary child development involves challenges for Parents. These challenges may be small, or they may be very big! Take the example of Toilet Training. Your first 8

child may sail through the process and so when child number 2 reaches an appropriate age, you expect another easy ride. Instead, it's a nightmare! Not just “wee wee” accidents but “poos” in the pants, over and over again. All the while the child keeps refusing to wear a nappy. What do you do? You can ask family and friends for opinions or research it on the Net. Or you can ask an appropriate health professional. Your MCH Nurse is a good place to start or Parent's Helpline. If an older child (5 years or older) continues to wet the bed at night (at least twice a week), you can engage the assistance of your GP who may refer you to a Specialist. It is important to seek help if bed-wetting worries your child or affects what they want to do, like sleep overs. There are several techniques that can be used to assist, such as those recommended by Triple P (Positive Parenting Program). Back to Parents' Superpowers. Remember, a really important Superpower is to seek out advice when things get tough, and smile… Debra Landini R.N. Accredited Triple P Provider

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Keeping your home clean

One thing you need to remember is that cleaning and sanitising are not the same things. Although deep cleaning of your home will not kill the virus, it is a vital step of the whole process, as it will remove dust and dirt, which help spread the infection. Here is how to clean your home before you proceed to disinfect it.

CLEANING Step 1: Prepare It is a good idea to create a checklist and a plan of attack. Thus, you will make sure that you will not miss anything and also, that you are not duplicating your efforts. The rule of thumb is to start from the farthest part of any room and make your way to the front door. Also, go from the top down and ensure that you can vacuum, sweep and mop all rooms at the same time. Step 2: Cleaning the bathroom Cleaning the toilet. It is unpleasant, but it needs to be done, as it is one of the dirtiest things in every house. Do not forget to use rubber gloves! After that move on to the shower and tub. Use a shower cleaner, a bristled brush and a little muscle power and you should be done in no time. Finally, clean the sink and all glass and 10

mirror surfaces with the appropriate detergents. Step 3: Cleaning the kitchen Start by washing the dishes and after that, put them in their rightful places. Clean the sink, too and move to clean the oven, extractor and the microwave. Once you do that, you can say that the hardest part is over. Continue by cleaning all the other appliances that you might have, then wipe all the cupboards and drawers, as well as the countertop. Clean the floor last. Step 4: Clean the bedroom Start by organizing your bedroom. Clutter can help spread germs and viruses. So, that is the first and most important thing that you need to do. After that, make your bed and wash the sheets. Now, after the COVID - 19 outbreak, it is a good idea to do that a lot more often than you used to. Step 5: Finishing touches Dust, vacuum and mop all surfaces. Shelves, nooks and crannies all need to be cleaned, as dust likes to settle there and it helps spread the virus. Finish by vacuuming and mopping the floors.

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during COVID -19 by Jane Wilson the other appliances. As for the bathroom sanitise taps, toilet seats and toilet brush.

SANITISING The best way to disinfect your home is to use a solution with at least 70% isopropyl alcohol or hospital grade bleach solution. The demand for disinfectant has increased significantly these days, so if you have problems purchasing it, use the following recipe. Mix â…“ cup of bleach with a gallon of water. Keep in mind, though, that bleach is not suitable for electrical devices. Also, do not forget to wear protective gloves. The easiest way to do the job would be to put your solution in a spray bottle. Spray with it all hard surfaces and wipe them with a soft cloth. Pay special attention to high touched areas, such as furniture, walls, floors, handles, doorknobs, light switches and worktops. As well as, the external parts of the fridge, the oven and

Cleaning alone, will not kill the virus, but disinfecting makes your chances surprisingly good. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting hightouch surfaces in your home is an important precautionary measure against COVID - 19. Always follow cleaning product instructions for safe and effective use. If you feel your home needs specialised antiviral sanitisation you can always turn to expert companies. They offer professional sanitisation with certified virucidal products and their cleaners are certified to handle hospital-grade disinfectants. Jane Wilson is a mum, a blogger and a marketing executive from Melbourne. She represents the local branch of Fantastic Cleaners, a licensed cleaning company, which provides a wide range of services, including antiviral sanitisation -

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Find Your Strength

by Kathy Ha

I walk down this well-trodden path, resigned to my fate. The sky is filled with dark clouds, threatening a downpour that will sweep me off my feet and drown me in its flood. There is no light; no rays of sunshine; no warmth. Despite efforts to protect myself, piling layers upon layers, I feel the cold penetrating into the depths of my soul. Winter is here. Well and truly. What do you do when your mind begs to succumb to the deep pits of despair? How do you crawl out from the sinister tunnel of selfdoubt? You're in pain; mental fatigue; physical stress. You're on the brink of shut down mode. Oh, but The Show must go on! The children need to be fed, clothed and loved. The house should be cleaned. The bills must be paid. You have to turn up to work. People rely on you to function. Society expects your contribution. Life stops for no-one. "Mummy, why are we going round and round?" asks Henry, my two-and-a-half-year-old son. We've been driving around the neighbourhood for the last half an hour. At any moment I expect a police car to pull me over and write-up a ticket for public nuisance. I've taken the same roundabout ten times now. "You need a nap," I reply. The truth of the matter is that I need a nap but at this stage, I'll take the consolation prize of a break. I am beyond exhausted, physically and mentally. Parenting is hard. It is relentless. You are on call twenty-fourseven, every day for at least eighteen years. "Mummy, I need a chino!" "Mummy, I did a fluff fluff!" "Mummy, where's Daddy?" "Mummy, I want FOOD!" 12

I drive for another half an hour before there is silence. I park the car and rest my forehead on the steering wheel. It took everything I had to concentrate on driving without incident. I feel overwhelmed with the burden of responsibility. It creeps and climbs like vines, slowly choking and leaving me gasping for breath. As I silently fall apart in the car, I realise that I need to seek help. I need to reach out to my village and remember that there are people willing to support and care for me, if only I ask. I need to pause to allow myself the time to recover so that I can gather the strength to continue. Right now I'm merely existing, living day-to-day, going through the motions. I'm a grainy black and white. Instead, I want to be vibrant and colourful. I want loud and bright. I want to live life to its fullest. Why? I owe it to my children and husband to be the best version of me. I owe it to myself. For the time being, I'm reminded that after every storm, there is a rainbow. Kathy Ha is a creative writer and storytelling enthusiast, sharing snippets of her journey through life and parenting on her blog, KN J Tales and Snippets. She aims to inspire, empower and ignite laughter, with every word that she writes.

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Home Schooling...... Home schooling presents the opportunity to teach children about our Indigenous culture. Home schooling is the perfect time to teach children about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island culture, traditions, history, and language. Australian readers are hungry for an Aboriginal perspective on a history they are just beginning to comprehend, so for kids and parents alike, Magabala Books – Australia's leading Indigenous publisher – has suggested a range of books parents can get their hands on via online booksellers that will both delight and educate during home schooling.

Respect Aunty Fay Muir, Sue Lawson and Lisa Kennedy *Pre-school to early primary

Respect is the first title in the 'Our Place' series of four children's picture books which we l co m e a n d i nt ro d u c e c h i l d re n to important elements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Perfect for this uncertain period, it's a gentle book for families that whispers a soft and heartfelt message about the basic cultural principle that informs all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nations throughout Australia. Respect is about a way of life that is older than flickering stars, about stories that shimmer through tall grasses, and redgum leaves that tumble to a parched and red earth. It teaches children the importance of family who show the way and how we need to listen, learn and share. This eloquent and delicate story shows young and old alike what respect looks like for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Willy-Willy Wagtail Helen Milroy *Primary school readers

'Tales from the Bush Mob' is a series of books about the Bush Mob, a group of animals that works together to solve problems. A rich landscape of characters and places populate this series and include Platypus, Koala, Emu, Wombat, Kookaburra, Echidna, Kangaroo and Gusto, the wind. W i l l y - w i l l y Wa gta i l - f ro m ta l e nte d storyteller and artist Helen Milroy - is the first book in the series and goes back to before Bush Mob get together. Nobody understands each other and there are lots of fights. One day there is a terrible bush fire and Willy Wagtail, Gusto (the wind) and Crow get all the Bush Mob to work together to save the community. For the first time, everyone understands one another, and Dingo takes charge and leads all the animals to safety. Dingo is now Boss Dog and is head of the Bush Council and, with Willy Wagtail and Crow, the Bush Mob is formed.

“Dream team Aunty Fay Muir and Sue BUMPER BOOK GIVEAWAY Lawson…have collaborated with artist Lisa For the chance to win one of these books Kennedy to deliver this absolutely exquisite go to Book Reviews - Giveaways picture book…Muir and Lawson's sparse click on the picture, tell us your name, text is offset by Kennedy's luminous images, your area magazine, email address and which book you would like to have for your very own. which come alive on the page.” Shop Local and mentionRANDOM Your Child in Casey & Cardinia 16 and Publishing DRAW Books

Book Reviews......... The suggestions on these three pages celebrate the talent and diversity of First Nations voices and introduces young readers to a range of cultures, languages and traditions from across Australia. Readers will be captivated by these stories. Please read more below. Easy to use teachers notes are also available to help structure the conversation/learning.Edie's suggested Indigenous stories for home schooling!

Brother Moon


Maree McCarthy Yoelu and Samantha Fry

Julie Janson

*Pre-school to early primary

Brother Moon is a powerful story lovingly told by a great-grandfather to his great-grandson; a gentle read for families who are together during this challenging time. Beneath the dark sky of Wadjigany Country, Hippy-Boy is captivated when Great-Grandpa Liman tells him the mysterious story of his brother and how it guides his connection to Country. Great-Grandpa is a masterful storyteller and, as the tale unfolds, he reveals his brother is the moon — a wonder of the universe. Hippy-Boy learns how his Great Grandfather uses the phases of the moon when he goes hunting and fishing, and why it is important for us all to understand brother moon. Introducing young readers to Indigenous kinship relationships, this book is the perfect way to open conversations about different ways of being in relation to the natural world – perhaps more important now than ever. Liman (Harry Morgan), the author's grandfather, was a respected Wadjigany man — a leader amongst his people and the community. Brother Moon is author Maree McCarthy Yoelu's own Grandfather's story told to her nephew and she is delighted to be able to share it in this stunning book.

*Year 12 to adult readers

Benevolence presents an important era in Australia's history from an Aboriginal perspective, for the very first time. Told through the fictional characterisation of Darug woman Muraging (Mary James), Benevolence is a compelling story of first contact. Born around 1813, Muraging is among the earliest Darug generations to experience the impact of British colonisation – a time of cataclysmic change and violence, but also remarkable survival and resistance.

At an early age Muraging is given over to the Parramatta Native School by her Darug father. Fleeing the school in pursuit of love, she embarks on a journey of discovery and a search for a safe place to make her home. Spanning the years 1816–35, Benevolence is set around the Hawkesbury River area, the home of the Darug people, in Parramatta and Sydney. Julie Janson's intensely visual prose interweaves historical events with "This is a quiet but powerful book that leaves an detailed characterisation – she shatters imprint on your heart and soul. It's about family, stereotypes and gives voice to an Aboriginal tradition, nature and the stories that make us 17 To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996 experience of early-settlement . who we are." – Kids Book Reviewg

Bumper Book Giveaway Cooee Mittigar

Young Dark Emu

Jasmine Seymour and Leanne Mulgo Watson

Bruce Pascoe

*Years 4 to 8 *Primary school readers

Highly acclaimed by the industry and teachers alike, Cooee Mittigar, meaning Come Here Friend, is an invitation to yana (walk), on Darug Country. In this stunning bilingual picture book, Darug creators Jasmine Seymour and Leanne Mulgo Watson share a story on Darug Song lines, introducing children and adults to Darug Nura (Country) and language. Greeted by Mulgo, the black swan, readers are welcomed to Nura. Journeying through the seasons, Mulgo describes the land, skyscape, birds, animals and totems. It is a gentle guide to complex Darug law and traditions. It is also an appeal to remember, offering new ways of seeing and reading the lands of the surrounding Sydney region. With Darug language interspersed with English and an extensive glossary throughout, Cooee Mittigar presents an important tool for learning, told as a tender story with exquisite illustrations. It is Jasmine and Leanne's wish that with this book, everyone will know that the Darug mob are still here and still strong. “The illustrations are stunning, and children inquisitively point to the animals they know – and the ones they don't – on the page. The glossary means no reader is left unknowing a b o u t a ny l e f t - f i e l d q u e st i o n s t h a t quintessentially come from children expanding their minds” - National Indigenous Times


Bruce Pascoe has collected a swathe of literary awards for Dark Emu and in 2019 he brought together the research and compelling first-person accounts in a book for younger readers. Using original sources from early European explorers, colonists and farmers, Bruce Pascoe argues for a reconsideration of the hunter-gatherer label for pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians. This book is perfect for upper primary and early secondary children who are being home schooled. Readers are invited to see Australia as it was before Europeans arrived – a land of cultivated farming areas, productive fisheries, permanent homes, and complex system of environmental management that supported thriving populations across the continent. An important addition to any child's reading list. "It's perfectly pitched to audience, balancing authentic story telling with age-appropriate concepts and language, never becoming patronising. Moreover, it's a gorgeous book; the illustrations and the graphic design make it a delight to hold and to read." – Words and Leaves Blog "Young Dark Emu is an illuminating and important non-fiction work for children. It is meticulously researched, and beautifully designed and compiled. The work highlights and challenges the whitewashing of Australian history, centring Indigenous knowledge, and articulating vital – if inconvenient – truths." Judge's comments, NSW Premier's Literary Awards

The next two titles are The Emu Who Ran through the Sky (July 2020) and The Sweetest ofand All mention (OctoberYour 200) ShopEgg Local Child in Casey & Cardinia


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How To Survive Toddlerhood


hildren, especially toddlers are great at testing your limits. They like to push your buttons, incessantly, until your eye starts twitching, your mouth flattens into a hard grimace, and you explode like a nuclear bomb. Every parent or carer will have their own horror stories and tips for how to survive toddlerhood and/or parenthood. I'm no expert, but I have observed some interesting character traits. They are fickle pickles. Henry: "Mummy, close the window!" Me: (closes the window) Henry: "NO! NO! I said open the window!" Me: (deep sigh, opens the window) Henry: "I want it closed!!" Me: "Make up your mind!" (closes the window) Henry: (cue meltdown) They have the memory of an elephant so don't make promises unless you are going to deliver. Henry: (pointing at a car ride-on) "Mummy, can I go on that?" Me: "Sure, maybe on our way home." An hour passes. Me: (arms overloaded with groceries, veering away from promised ride-on) Henry: "Mummy! Mummy, there is the car!" Me: "Do you really want to go? How about we go home?" Henry: "NO! NO! You said so!" They are the world's best procrastinators. Henry: (sitting on the toilet at five a.m.) "I have to take my time. I feel a poo in my bottom." Me: (every few minutes) "Are you done?" Henry: "Not yet, I'm just waiting." Me: (frozen like a corpse on the cold hard floors after waiting for thirty minutes). They become extremely thirsty at bedtime. Henry: "Mummy, I need water!" 21 24

Me: "Here, now go to bed." Repeat cycle at least thirty times. EVERY NIGHT. They like to push boundaries and limits, of the sanity kind. Henry: "Beep, beep, beep!" Mandy: "Henry, stop saying that. It's annoying!" Henry: "BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" Mandy: "Stop it!" Henry: "BEEEEEEP!!!! BEEEEPP!!!! BEEEEPP!!" Me: "Just ignore him, Mandy. He will get bored and stop himself." Henry: (continues for another ten solid minutes) Mandy: (breaks down crying) Me: (whispering) "Soon. It will stop soon.� What have I learnt so far? Toddlers are unpredictable and volatile. They are prone to indecisiveness and stubbornness. Passing strangers will comment on how angelic they look until they see the switch flipped, and the tantrum-throwing, fist-bashing, leg-thrashing devil in disguise rears its screaming self. Based on my n=2 parenting experiment, I can offer the below suggestions: 1. Tea is an old acquaintance, but coffee is your best friend. Just don't expect to drink it hot or warm. 2. Perfect your eye roll. You'll need it at all stages of parenthood, so better practice now. 3.Pretend not to hear the screeching and crying. It will morph into whingeing, bartering and begging later on. If you work on your craft, instead of pretending, you'll eventually just not hear it. 4. Ignore that inner voice telling you that people witnessing your child's meltdown are judging you. Of course, they are. Jeez, that inner voice

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Says, ‘Thank You’ To All Our Dedicated

could be more helpful by telling you something you didn't already know! 5. Bribe with TV or snacks if you must but make sure it's on your terms and used sparingly. Like nasal decongestants overuse can lead to loss in effect and the dreaded rebound. You do not want to invite that misery. 6. Become a counting expert. It's not hard. You only need to count to three. 7. Expect tantrums. They WILL have one, at home and in public. It is NOT a reflection on you or your parenting. 8. Don't compare your child to other children. They are all different and special in their own way. You might even get a runner, like mine. 9. Do what works for you and your child. Remember to laugh. Remind yourself it's shortlived. Accept that the struggle is real and that you are not alone. 10. Whatever you do, never ever give in to a toddler tantrum. Once you do, they WILL own your ass. Trust me, my bottom can attest to this. Kathy Ha is a creative writer and storytelling enthusiast, sharing snippets of her journey through life and parenting on her blog, KN J Tales and Snippets. She aims to inspire, empower and ignite laughter, with every word that she writes.

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CORNER These children have some flowers for Mummy for Mothers Day, can you help them find their way back home?

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Casey & Cardinia Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 5374, Cranbourne 3977 email: Shop Local and mention Your Child in Casey & Cardinia 24 24 ph: 1300 657 996



KITCHEN Easy Mini Sausage Rolls

l Wash your hands l Preheat oven to 220 degrees l Line a baking tray with baking paper l Separate pastry sheets to thaw Ingredients 500gm Sausage Mince 5tbls Tomato Sauce 4tbls Worcestershire Sauce 1tsp Minced Garlic -heaped 1tsp Cracked Pepper Pinch Salt 1tsp Dried Chilli Flakes (Op onal) 1 Egg whisked with a fork in a cup 1 Pkt Frozen Pu Pastry Method Lightly mix all ingredients except the pastry and egg in a bowl with a fork, add half the egg. Now the fun bit, put on some disposable gloves and squish the mixture with your hands un l combined, mixture should be quite wet. Cut a pastry sheet into three strips, using a bu er knife scoop meat up and lay an even amount along edge of pastry strip (not too much) now wet the other edge with a li le water and roll pastry and meat over and press lightly to seal. Repeat with remaining strips. Cut roll in half and then each half into three, place on baking tray using a small fork prick each sausage roll twice. Brush lightly with egg wash and sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds (op onal) Repeat with remaining pastry and meat. You will get 18 sausage rolls per pastry sheet. Place in the hot oven for approx 20 mins or un l golden. Serve with tomato sauce.

I bet you can’t stop at eating just one! Why not send us a photo of your sausage rolls! You may win a small gift! 25

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CORNER Australian Animals & Birds Jokes

Missing Letters K_ _ga_o_ Wo_b_t Ec_i_n_ _o_l_ K_ _k_bu_ _a _o_ _um Ro_e_la Goa_ _a G_l_h

What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with a sheep? A woolly jumper! What is small, cute, cuddly and purple? A Koala holding its breath! Why did the Emu cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken! Why do Kangaroo Mums hate wet weather? Because their Joeys have to play inside! Why did the cockatoo sit on the clock? So he would be on time!

_m_ B_l_y P_ _ty_us Answers

Just for fun........... a Silly Limerick I arrived at the Hotel Bel Vue with my Kanga and motorbike too. Said the Doorman “Good day Am I right when I say That you’re needing a vroom with a roo?

Kangaroo Wombat Echidna Koala Kookaburra Possum

Rosella Goanna Galah Emu Bilby Platypus

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Casey & Cardinia Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 5374, Cranbourne 3977 email: 25 To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996 ph: 1300 657 996




“Ooolaalaa�...A French Breakfast for Mum......Croissants Are you ready to spoil your Mum and cook breakfast for her on Mothers day how about filling some croissants with Mums favourite fillings. (You can buy mini croissants in a packet at the supermarket.) Preheat your oven to 160 degrees and place your baking tray in to warm up. Cut croissants in half with a sharp knife (Get help from a grownup) Now for the filling - here are some ideas: 1. Sliced tomato, a small slice of cheese cut to fit, bacon or ham. 2. Avocado & Tomato (or Bacon) 3. Sliced strawberries or Blueberries mixed with a little cream cheese 4. Tasty Cheese and sliced capsicum. Fill croissants Place baking paper on your warmed tray. Place croissants on tray and put in oven for just a few minutes you just want the croissants to be crisp to touch. If Mum would prefer plain croissants cut in half, warm in oven till crisp and serve with butter and jam or honey in small bowls. Serve with Mums favourite juice, tea or coffee . Place a flower or pretty bow on Mums tray or at her place at the table. To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996


USEFUL INFORMATION Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Casey Hospital........................................................ Monash Medical Centre.......................................... St John of God Berwick Hospital............................. Dandenong Hospital..............................................

8768 1200 9594 6666 9709 1414 9554 1000

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268

Your Local Police Station 9705 3111 Narre Warren Police........................................................ 9709 7666 Endevour Hills Police........................................................ Cranbourne Police.......................................................5991 0600 Pakenham Police ................................................... 5945 2500

Other City of Casey..................................................... Cardinia Shire Council......................................

9705 5200 1300 787 624

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Are you ready to start Let's face it – looking for work is not fun. Job seeking at any stage of life can be challenging and stressful. But with the added emotion and adjustment associated with being a parent returning to work, it can feel daunting. Unfortunately, when we're anxious or stressed about something many of us tend to close our eyes and hope for the best. But being unprepared and jumping blindly into a return to work may actually contribute to stress. So we're going to take off the blindfold and have a look at how prepared you are to start looking for work, and what you can do to get ready.

1. Be clear about why you're planning to return to work There's no right or wrong time to start looking for paid work after you've had kids – it's about what's right for you and your family. However, there are a lot of 'stories' out there about working mums (and about stay-at-home mums too!) that can trigger anxiety about whether it's the right thing to do. It's easy to be influenced by what we think we 'should' do – pressures about the 'shoulds' might come from community attitudes, family or peer influences, or from our own selfexpectations. And it's common to be unaware of how much we're influenced by these pressures. It's a powerful thing to remind yourself that we each get to make our own decision about whether or not to undertake paid work. And it's so important to base your decision on what's right for you and your family. Create some time to take stock of what matters to you – the sort of person you choose to be, what you want your life to be about, and which values underpin your family? Being clear about your values, and how they influence your 30

decisions, can act as a powerful anchor if you're unsure that you're doing the right thing. In the face of uncertainty we can come back to our values to reconfirm we're on the right track.

2. Think through the logistics and practicalities Arranging for care of the children is usually the first thing we consider when planning to return to work. And obviously it's important to ensure suitable care arrangements are in place. But there's more to think about. If you were to return to work tomorrow, how well would your home run for the rest of the week? What about next week, or the week after that? If this raises concerns, consider reviewing how your home and family will keep on track once you're at work. At the antenatal classes with our first child we were given an exercise called “whose job is the baby?” It was a list of tasks and roles, designed to open communication between couples and to manage expectations (hopefully before baby arrived). When a stay-at-home parent returns to work, even if they have only been home for a short while, it can change the household dynamic. Communicating openly and managing expectations about roles and tasks can be important for a smooth transition. This applies not only for partners, but also for older kids, extended family, or any others involved in your family unit. For instance, whose job is: Cooking, cleaning, getting kids to activities, leaving work or staying home for a sick child, covering (and organising) school holidays, homework, booking and attending appointments? And whose job is it to oversee that everything continues to run smoothly? When thinking about the logistics and practicalities of returning to work, it's also

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looking for work? essential to prioritise wellbeing and health. This is the fuel that keeps everything else ticking over. Is your schedule going to be so tight that you never get a break? When this happens we can end up like a car that never pulls over for fuel (hint: eventually it stops running). Part of prioritising wellbeing may be to review current r o l e s a n d obligations and asking the question; what's NOT a priority? As you add paid work to your plate, what can you remove? Finally, be aware of resources around you – who or what can provide services, information or emotional support? Make sure you use them!

by Bri Hayllar

role, consider taking the time to check whether the job is still a good fit. There is no right or wrong about work preferences, and it's very common for our values and interests to change over the course of our life – particularly after a life-changing event like parenthood. Think about some of these work values – hours, location, responsibility, interest, challenge, travel, risk, income, pace, stress, social connection, contribution, flexibility. Has the significance of any of these changed for you? Is there a role or an employer that may suit better? 4. Job search skills The last step in getting ready to return to work is preparing the tools and methods of job search. This includes having an up-to-date resume, knowing how to write a cover letter, refreshing your interview readiness, and knowing a range of approaches look for work. This may feel daunting, and you might think your job search skills are a little rusty. But like any skills, they can be learned, practiced and improved. Just like climbing a mountain, returning to work is a step-by-step process. Nobody ever jumped straight to the top of a mountain, and certainly nobody climbed a mountain (successfully) without some preparation. Get the groundwork underway and keep aiming for your peak.

3. What sort of work do you want to do? An obvious return to work may be to go back to a previous role. If that idea excites and energises you, then you're probably on the right track. But if you're reluctant to return to an old

Bri is a psychologist and career counsellor, and the owner of Flourish Careers & Coaching. She has been working in the field of careers and employment for over 15 years, and has experience working with people at all different career stages, including return to work parents. Bri is passionate about teaching people job seeking and career self-management to empower them with the life-skills to move toward their best possible life.

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Let’s Look at the Positives-COVID19 by Irene Goonan It is reminding us how precious our health is. If we neglect it by poor eating and contaminate it with chemicals we will, of course, get sick It is reminding us of how important family and home life is and how much we have neglected this. It is forcing us back into our houses so we can rebuild and strengthen the family unit. It is reminding us that our true work in not our job. Our true work is to look after each other to protect and be of benefit to others.

The old adage- 'Out of every negative must come a positive' I believe is a great way to look at life. With all the sad news about the COVID-19 let's see what it is teaching us. Our Leaders have placed restrictions on our movements and the way we live our day to day lives. We do not need to panic- this critical phase will pass if we follow the rules. Let's look at some new beginnings this phase could be teaching us. It is reminding us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. The disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should too. A good example is Tom Hanks. It is reminding us that we are all connectedwhen something affects one person it has an effect on another. The world has no borders, the virus does not need a passport. It is reminding us by oppressing us for a short time, that many live a whole life in this state of oppression


It is reminding us of how materialistic our society has become and in times of difficulty it is the essentials we need - food, water, medicinesnot the luxuries that we sometimes give value to. It is reminding us that we have freewill and can choose to be co-operate and help each other or we can be selfish, to hoard and just think of ourselves. It is reminding us of the shortness of life and of what is most important for us to do, which is to help each other, especially those who are old and sick. It is reminding us that this can either be an end or a new beginning. We can learn from our mistakes. The way we do things will change. It is reminding us that behind every grey cloud is a blue sky- it is just a phase in this great cycle. Many see COVID-19 virus as a great disaster, perhaps we should look at it as a corrector, reminding us of important lessons we have forgotten. Irene Goonan

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COMING...... Hang in there! To advertise in Your Child in Casey & Cardinia call 1300 657 996



4. Editors Letter 24 & 25 Kids Corner 26 & 27 Kids in the Kitchen 28 Useful Local Information

This Month’s Advertisers


AFM Auto

6 Oh, Mothers day

Beaconsfield Dental

8 I’m a nurse, what’s your

Chairo Christian School


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10 Keeping your home clean during

Haileybury College


Hey dee ho

12 Find your strength

Jason and Belle

16 Home Schooling/Book Reviews/

Officer Real Estate

Bumper Book Giveaway


22 How to survive toddlerhood

Paul Sadler Swimland

30 Are you ready to start looking

Puffing Billy

for work

Regency Calisthenics College

32 Let’s look at the positives

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