Your child in monash august 2017

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Monash Your Local Family Magazine

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Anxiety in Children Fighting the Cold War Emotional Regulation A guide for Parents Returning to the Workforce

Volume 3

August 2017

From the Editor

♥ Your Child in Monash is Overview monthly for the published mums, dads and grandparents of the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ 5000 copies monthly are distributed in the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ Estimated readership of 15,000. ♥ If you would like to contribute an article or products for competitions feel free to contact us. ♥ For advertising enquiries please email or give us a call.

How many of you are fighting a never ending battle with your weight? I have been doing it since teenage days. I have tried diet supplements, detox diet, exercise and all different weight-losing methods that once were popular. Some of them have worked and some have not. Now in my thirties and after having two children I find it even harder to maintain a healthy weight. I don't want my children to run down the same track. Research has shown that the dietary habit of a child at age three basically affects his/her weight for rest of his/her life. Doesn't that sound horrible? We look at our cute little chubby child and think they look like angels but if you don't watch out for their diet at this age, we are not helping our children. So probably start from not taking them to eat junk food frequently; cook healthy food at home. Stop them constantly eating especially in the evening, avoid too much sugar. Take them out to exercise with you. I know it sounds like hard work, it is hard for me too. But I am trying. Will you try too? Rachel and Kirill

Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business Editor Rachel Blake Call 0425 30 1986 Design & Layout Kirill Blake Email Ad Sales Rachel Blake and visit our Facebook page Your Child Areas Available for Advertising in VIC: Banyule & Nillumbik l Boroondara l Casey & Cardinia l Manningham l Monash l Whitehorse l Whittlesea l Yarra Ranges 4

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What’s On in Monash

South Oakleigh Wildlife Shelter information session

5 August 2pm to 4pm

Animal Emergency Centre 248 Wickham Road, Highett VIC 3190

Dvorak 7th Syphony Presented by Monash Academy of Performing Arts Call 03 9905 1111 for more information

WINTER CONCERTS - Whimsical Winter Music Auditorium, Monash University at Clayton Campus (55 Scenic Blvd)


5 August 7.30pm

13 August 2pm and 3.30pm

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St Peter’s Primary School Clayton

Your Child’s Key to Success Come for a tour during school hours any day. Call Helen today on 03 9544 3032 To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986



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CSIROCare Clayton is a community-based, not-for-profit early learning centre offering long-day care and 4year-old kindergarten programs. With over 25 years of experience and qualified staff, we offer your child a high-quality educational experience in a nurturing, stimulating and supportive environment. ● Play based learning tailored to children’s interests ● Excellent educator to children ratio ● Funded 4 year old Kindergarten

● Music program ● Sports program ● Natural outdoor play areas with shade, sand-pits and play-structures

Open for Tours! Book a tour today or secure a place for your child. Call us on 03 8521 2117 Or send us an email on:

19 - 21 Research Way, Clayton, VIC 3168

Maria Montessori Preschool Member of the Montessori Australia Foundation (MAF)

751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

Give your child the best founda on for future learning and living. Maria Montessori Preschool provides firstclass care and educa on for children from 3 to 6 years of age in a s mula ng environment. With over 30 years experience the qualified Montessori teachers will give your child the opportunity to experience enjoyment in learning and achieve a strong educa onal background. “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. The more fully the needs of one period are met the greater will be the success of the next”. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952)

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“I can do it myself”

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Climate Chaos and Kids


Figh ng the ‘Cold War’ Just Tell Stories I blame my Mun & Dad for being shortsighted A Guide for Parents Returning to Work Anxiety in children Emo onal Regula on

归来仍是少年 儿童故事:武松打虎

10 12 14

18 20 22

Cafes / Club / Restaurants Mulgrave Country Club Education / Early Learning / Schools Alpha Omega CSIROCARE Heatherton Christian College Kids Unlimited Maria Montessori Pre-School Oakleigh Occasional Care Rosswood Kindergarten St Peter’s Primary School Starfish ELC Waverley Meadows Primary School Wheelers Hill ELC Health & Care / Sport Monash Link Health & Community Waverley Gymnastic Centre Photography / Talent Photobook Australia Play / Care Centre / Museum Crocs Playcentre Clayton Lollipop’s Playland & Café Noble Park RushHQ UpUnlimited Services / Agencies Bendigo Bank Fletcher’s Work From Home

29 30

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最近很流行一句话:“愿你出走半生,归来仍是少 年。”第一次看到这句话的时候,我喉咙里涌起一股暖 流,人有些恍惚,眼睛有些湿。这是一个多么美好的祝 愿,半生的风霜过去,至少都要50岁了吧,但眼神还是清 澈,模样仍是轻盈,初心还没变。只要谈起青春,我们都 会有一样的怀旧情愫,一样的希翼。 可是事实上,想做到如此该有多难。这个人该有多么 幸运,生活的风霜从来没有摧残他,一直有人保护着,手 不沾尘,心如赤子——很难;当然有另外一种人,他们经 历了生活的雨雪,跌倒过,又爬起来,每天在柴米油盐酱 醋茶里打点生活,但心里的一隅,却从来没有改变过少年 的模样。我想这个祝愿更多是第二种的模样吧。因为这才 是大多数人的现实。 我们是幸运的,和平是这个时代的主题,不愁吃穿, 有屋避雨,有孩绕膝。生活已经很青睐我们了。但是有的 人还是不满足。我在《瑞丽》上看到一个美女,咋看20来 岁的样子,不想却已经40多岁,而且已经有孙子了。这样 的开挂人生让人咋舌。是天然的吗?我也不知道,平时保 养当然少不了。我支持日常的保养,也支持“女人要对自 己好”等等的说法,但有时有些人是不是走得有点过了? 现在打打玻尿酸已经不算整容了,我知道的十几岁孩 子就割双眼皮,做各种小调整,这些大家都不会再惊讶 了。可是这就是“少年”吗?这就是我们要保住的青春 吗?西方有个女伯爵据说为了保持容貌,用少女的血沐 浴。再追溯一下,那些练仙丹的道士,寻求长生不老的秦 始皇,是不是也是一辈子想要做“少年”? 我想这个祝愿只是在说心态。保养无可厚非,可是打 着保养的旗号,在自己几寸肌肤上整日折腾,跟这个美好 的祝愿没有半点关系。胡歌车祸以后真的没有以前俊美, 杨颖整容之后并没有提高了自己的演技。希望我们都能使 少年,但也知道哪里该打住了。 愿你出走半生,归来带着皱纹也带着微笑。

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武松在离景阳冈不远的酒店里,喝下了十八碗酒,倒提着哨棒,脚步不 稳地正想向景阳冈走去。店家追出来喊道:“走不得!走不得!最近冈上有 只老虎,已经伤害了二三十条人命。”武松听了,笑了笑说:“你休来吓 我,便真个有,我也不怕!” 武松乘着酒兴,大步走到景阳冈下,看见一棵大树,刮去了一块树皮, 上面写着两行字:“最近景阳冈出现了老虎,凡是来往行人,最好在中午时 分成群结队过冈。”武松看了,笑着说:“这准是酒店老板吓人的玩意儿, 好让人们到他酒店住宿。我怕什么!”于是,对告示置之不理,依旧拖着哨 棒走上山冈。 走不到半里路,看见一座破庙。庙门上贴着一张县衙门的布告。武松看 了这才相信有虎。他本想转身回去,但犹豫了一会儿,还是自言自语:“怕 什么!既然来了,倒要上去看看。” 这时候正是初冬,昼短夜长,天很快就黑了。武松一路上并没有发现什 么,又喃喃自语:“明明是人们自己害怕,不敢上山,哪里有什么老虎!” 武松走了一阵,觉得酒力发作,浑身燥热,便一手把胸前的衣服敞开, 直朝乱树林子走去。他看见一块十分光滑的大青石,板索性把哨棒放在一 旁,正想要躺下入睡,忽然刮起了一阵狂风,接着“扑”的一声,从乱石丛 林后面跳出一只吊睛白额的猛虎来。武松不由“哎呀”一声,连忙从青石板 上翻身下来,拿起了哨棒,闪在一旁。那老虎又饥又渴,两只前爪在地上轻 轻一按,朝着武松纵身扑来。武松吃了一惊,出了一身冷汗,酒也醒了。 说时迟,那时快,武松见老虎扑过来,只一闪,就闪在老虎背后。老虎 往背后看人是很困难的,于是便把前爪搭在地上,腰身一掀,掀了起来。武 松又一闪,闪在一边。老虎没有掀着武松,大吼一声,就像半空里打了个霹 雳,震得地动山摇。接着它倒竖起铁棒似的尾巴一扫,武松急忙又闪在另一 旁。原来老虎伤人,就是这一扑、一掀、一扫;这三下子不成,气焰也就减 了大半。 那老虎没扫着武松,又大吼一声,一兜扑了过来。武松见那老虎转回身 扑来,于是双手挥起哨棒,用尽全身力气,从半空中劈下来。只听见“啪” 的一声响,竟把一根手臂般粗大的树枝劈了下。来原来武松打得慌了,没打 着老虎,却打在枯树上,那条哨棒折成了两截,只剩半截拿在手里。老虎更 急了,咆哮着,张开大口又扑过来。武松一跳,退了十几步远。那老虎两只 前爪正好落在武松跟前。武松索性把手里的半截哨棒丢在一边,两手就势抓 住老虎的头皮使劲往地上按。老虎拼命挣扎,武松用脚朝老虎脸上、眼睛乱 踢。老虎疼得吼叫着,身子底下扒起两堆黄土,扒成了一个坑。武松把老虎 的嘴按到黄土坑里,又乱踢了一阵子。那老虎已没多大气力了。这时,武松 左手紧紧地按住老虎,右手举起铁锤般的拳头,用尽平生之力只顾打。打了 六七十拳,老虎眼里、嘴里、鼻子里、耳朵里都喷出鲜血来,只剩下了一口 气,再也动弹不得了。 武松担心老虎不死,找到那根断了的哨棒,又打了一阵。眼看老虎连气 都没有了,这才扔了哨棒,过冈去了。 30

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蒙特梭利学前班 澳大利亚蒙特梭利教育成员 751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

你想给孩子未来的学习和生活打下最好的基础吗?蒙特梭利学校构建 的学习环境能够刺激孩子的学习能力,致力于给3到6岁孩子提供一流的关 怀和教育。 我们已有超过30年的办学经验,每个老师都有蒙特梭利资格证,我们 将让孩子们体验学习的乐趣,赢在起跑线! 蒙特梭利创始人玛利亚(1870-1952)说:“生命中最重要的阶段并不 是大学阶段,而是人生第一步,从出生到6岁。在这个阶段发展得好的孩 子,才能在接下来的人生里绽放。” “I can do it myself”


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归来仍是少年 儿童故事:武松打虎 二



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