Your Child in Monash December 2019 - January 2020

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Monash Your Local Family Magazine



Volume 5

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

Beat the Heat and keep your party COOL by getting $20 Credit towards Cold Drinks for your next Birthday Party (discount includes Private Hire) * Only valid at Croc’s Clayton Bookings must be made before 25th of January Party can be held anytime during December and January Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer at the time of booking

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FROM THE EDITOR refer to page 5 Hi, We are selling this magazine. But we will keep it running at a high quality as it has been of, until we find a confident person to take over. More information of selling please refer to page 5. Both of us have been working respectively besides running this magazine since June 2015. Four years have come and gone. Over these years not only did we manage to make Your Child in Monash blossomed but also we got to meet many successful and determined business owners in the areas of Monash, Dandenong, Knox and beyond. Meanwhile since then my workload in a school has increased steadily every year and finally these two years being a full-time teacher besides running the magazines is taking its toll on me. Therefore we have decided to hand it over to another person, who is ready to make changes in life, with ambitions to increase family income, and to improve our local communities. Look forward to talking to you.

ABOUT US ● Your Child in Monash is published monthly for the mums, dads and grandparents of the Monash and surrounding areas. ● 5000 copies monthly are distributed in the Monash and surrounding areas. ● Estimated readership of 15,000. ● If you would like to contribute an article or products for competitions feel free to contact us. ● For advertising enquiries please email or give us a call.

Kirill and Rachel Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business Editor Rachel Blake Call 0425 30 1986 Design & Layout Kirill Blake Email Ad Sales Rachel Blake and visit our Facebook page Your Child Areas Available for Advertising in VIC: Banyule & Nillumbik l Boroondara l Casey & Cardinia l Manningham l Monash l Whitehorse l Whittlesea


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Why Us? ● Home Based Business ● Protable $$$ ● Enjoyable and Fun ● Rewarding and Creative ● Affordable ● Flat Fees ● Work in your Local Area

BE YOUR OWN BOSS CALL US NOW 0425 301 986 email:

What’s on in Monash

December 2019

6th of December 6 to 9 pm

8th of December 4 to 10 pm

Christmas in Monash

Monash Carols by Candlelight

Carols in the Park Call Je Crotty on 0403 293 806 for more information


Call Monash Council, Events 03 9518 3636 for more information

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Maria Montessori Preschool Member of the Montessori Australia

751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

Give your child the best foundation for future learning and living. Maria Montessori Preschool provides firstclass care and education for children from 3 to 6 years of age in a stimulating environment. With over 30 years experience the qualified Montessori teachers will give your child the opportunity to experience enjoyment in learning and achieve a strong educational background. “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. The more fully the needs of one period are met the greater will be the success of the next”. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952)

“I can do it myself”

To secure a place for your child call us on

9545 0764 or send an email to: I love Montessori!!!

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Ceres Calisthenic Club ● Dancing ● Singing ● Gymnastics



唱歌 体操 Fun for All

Innovate Inspire

Classes Thursday 4 - 5:30 pm 每周4点至5点半开课 Electra Community Centre Electra Ave, Ashwood

0433 022 596 Children’s dance classes in Mt Waverley

Come and Try a class for FREE 免费试课 Contact Julie for more information on 0409 973 160

MadFun prices include food, drink and entertainment plus free Face Painting for every child Various Sessions for children 4 yrs to 12 yrs

GROUP OR PRIVATE PARTIES Knox 5 mins from Knox City

Moorabbin Call: 0402 766 025

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5 mins from DFO

7 13


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7 15

Junior Gymnastics at Waverley is a structured program that is oriented towards gymnastics learning in our fully set up 5-star gymnastics facility in Mount Waverley. Children are taught gymnastics skills leading to improved learning outcomes, coordination, strength, flexibility & confidence. Lessons incorporate a wide range of gymnastics equipment & teaching aids, including the beams, bars, floor, trampolines & foam pit. Each session runs for fifty minutes & is coached by our dynamic, friendly & qualified staff in a safe gymnastics environment, designed to maximise the learning opportunities for every child.


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Where everyone is a

Est 1995

First class


Enrol now for 2020


Congratulations to all students who are working professionally within the industry.

Mt Waverley

Box Hill


Enrol Now! Limited Vacancies PH: 0408 581 943 To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986



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Kids Corner

December 2019


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Are you for business in Monash ‘Target your Marketing’ Deliver Your Business directly to the Mums, Dads and Families of Monash


Your Child Magazine ticks all the boxes......


Monash Your Local Family Magazine

Call Now 0425 301 986

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Useful Information Emergency Numbers

Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Monash Hospital................................................. Austin Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

9594 6666 9496 5000 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline GriefLine

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/1300 072 637 1800 686 268 1800 641 091 9935 7400 / 1300 845 745

Your Local Police Station 9566 1555 Glen Waverley ........................................................ If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number 9888 3757 Mount Waverley .................................................... included on this page please call 0425 301 986 9567 8900 Oakleigh.................................................................. 9543 3888 Clayton.................................................................... Other Monash City Council...................................................

9518 3555

Advertise Here This Space is Available From Only

$75* per month *Conditions Apply

Ph: 0425 301 986 26

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Table of Contents


What’s on in Monash

Another year gone by


Is writing a letter to Santa a good tradition?

Summertime eye advice



School of Choice: Looking for a Positive




Essential Literacy Skills for Preschoolers

7 Ways Art can improve the quality of life



Cafes / Club / Restaurants Mulgrave Country Club Education / Early Learning / Schools Ceres Calisthenic Club Dream Dance Studio Karen Margaret Studio Maria Montessori School Waverley Gymnastic Centre Services / Events Madfun Reptile Encounter Stonnington Council Work From Home

29 让他飞

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1/4 from $140 FULL PAGE PAGE per month from $285 per month

HALF PAGE from $210 per month

Call 0425 301 986 Your Child in Monash takes no responsibility for any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors. All material in Your Child magazines is Copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher.


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灯笼迷宫 ⼊⼝


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让 他 飞 编 者 随 笔


我在朋友圈发了孩子练习钢琴的照片,国内的朋友调侃,在澳 洲还用中国的教育方式,怕是要让孩子做人上人吧。我苦笑,你 想太多了,在我的孩子前面,还有千万个华人孩子,犹太孩子, 还有少数白人孩子。 到了澳洲,竞争的确没有国内那么紧张,可是并不意味着可以 轻易成为人上人。于是,我们看到大部分华人孩子都在练钢琴, 上补习班,参加各种比赛。习惯了竞争的我们看到孩子一点作业 都没有,心理是恐慌的,恨不得把人教版苏教版全部搬来给孩子 品尝知识的“苦果”。 我们又何尝不知道,补习才考上好学校的孩子,并不是真正意 义的天才,如果我们也已经在这边扎根,有深厚的人脉,不用让 孩子以成绩作为唯一的长矛赤身跟人搏斗,我们或许也可以谈笑 风生,说这些补习的亚洲人扭曲了精英学校私校奖学金考试的真 正意义——选取有天资的学生。但是一代移民是不能这么妥协 的,几万里外的老祖宗说的“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”我 们深以为然。 就连弹钢琴拉小提琴,我们也以北上广莘莘学子为标准,越小 学习越好,越快考级越好,一切程序化,模式化,最好在十岁之 前就考个八级,这样才能对孩子交代,对朋友圈交代。遇到听话 的孩子还好,如果遇到不听话的孩子,怎么就是懒得练习怎么办 呢?我们看到国内兴起一股“VIT陪练”风,把人民币一折算,觉得 真是又便宜又解放了双手,于是有的人已经开始远洋视频陪练。 我是动过心的,特别是每次跟孩子练习的时候自己受得气,孩 子的不耐烦,听到朋友圈妈妈们说效率多高,孩子兴致多好,我

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恨不得马上就给孩子报名。接着我作了一番调查,听了各种声音,看了各种观点 和经历,这把火竟然也就熄灭了。总体来说,反对的声音中最让我动容的一点就 是,因为陪练老师追求速度和短时间内的效率,所以孩子一有错马上就会提出 来,这样子孩子能在最快速度把一首曲子练好,周末跟钢琴老师一上课,老师也 满意,以为孩子再没什么问题,家长自然欢喜。长久以往,孩子就不会思考了, 他不会思考为什么这首曲子这里我总是弹不对,不会思索如果这样不对我是不是 可以尝试一下另外一个音,另外一个拍子,他的耳朵没有变得敏锐,头脑几乎完 全停止思考。当以后没有陪练的老师的时候,孩子不会再自我修正,无论这个孩 子已经考了多少级别的证书。 这正是我作为一个父母和老师最恐惧的一个现象——缺乏自主思考能力的下 一代。何止下一代,我身旁太多的人就是不会独立思考的人,他们人云亦云,大

家说什么好他们就要跟风去做去买,却从不考虑什么才是最合适的。不敢想象, 我们辛苦培养的孩子,原来也只是为了让他们变成一座座不会思考,供我们炫耀 的雕像而已吗?他们毕竟不是雕像,所以那么多孩子把该考的证书都考了,成人 后却不再碰乐器一下。 究其原因,我们父母太急躁,太想偷懒,总以为有捷径可走。每个周末,大 多数的我们把孩子往中文学校补习学校一丢,自己闲聊买菜去,以为这样就是对 孩子负责。可是学了那么多年中文的孩子,心理对中国没有一点认同感,中文说 得结结巴巴,甚至成年后不再说中文。这就是走捷径的后果。 我想如果我们坚信孩子不能只管生不管养,那就好好养,这个养是把他养成 一个健全的人,一个有翅膀能向自己梦想飞的人。如果你只想方便只想满足自己 的控制欲,做个人偶娃娃吧,又不会乱跑,也不会给你带来婆媳矛盾,还能任你 打扮,何苦去毁了一个活生生的人? To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986


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