Monash Your Local Family Magazine
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Is my child ready for school? Book Review and Giveaway Back to school costs
Volume 4
March 2018
From the Editor
A mom's day starts at the sound of alarm, Sneak in, and move your girl from her bed in your arm. In case you wake up another younger one, Who is too young to go to prep and that's your son.
♥ Your Child in Monash is Overview monthly for the published mums, dads and grandparents of the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ 5000 copies monthly are distributed in the Monash and surrounding areas. ♥ Estimated readership of 15,000. ♥ If you would like to contribute an article or products for competitions feel free to contact us. ♥ For advertising enquiries please email or give us a call.
Dress up the school child with her uniform, Warm up the breakie while turning TV on. Pack up her lunch box and feed yourself with whatsoever's there, You put your own clothes on and fashion style? Who cares. Your goal is to get her on time to school, And make sure you are following the social and school rules. But who has thought about us, our lives, Full time working moms but not superwoman of any kinds. Well, cheer up, you are not fighting for no reason, At the very least we have the love from our children. Rachel and Kirill
Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business Editor Rachel Blake Call 0425 30 1986 Design & Layout Kirill Blake Email Ad Sales Rachel Blake and visit our Facebook page Your Child Areas Available for Advertising in VIC: Banyule & Nillumbik l Boroondara l Casey & Cardinia l Manningham l Monash l Whitehorse l Whittlesea l Yarra Ranges 4
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Whats On in Monash Greek Playground in Clayton
March 2018
Do you have a child under the age of 5 years? Are you a grandparent who cares for your underage grandchildren? Are you newly-arrived in Australia and feel isolated at home with your preschool-aged children? At Clayton Community Centre. Wednesdays. Limited places. Call to register 9388 9998 and ask for Adonis or Kelly for enrolment informa on and waitlist register.
Live at Warrawee Concert Saturday 17 March 2018 Warrawee Park, Oakleigh Call 03 9518 3636
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Here’s a 15 Day EnVie Membership as an Easter gi from us at EnVie Mt Waverley REDEEM BY APRIL 30 BY CALLING 03 9886 75992
BOOK YOUR NEXT PARTY! St Dominic Savio Early Learning Centre Service to the community since 1977
19 Donald St, Clayton 3168
15 months to 5 years
Mon-Fri: 7am-6:30pm
4 yr old funded kindergarten run by Early Childhood teacher
● English-as-a Second language program ● Mul -Cultural educators ● Completely inclusive and halal-friendly Qualified chef cooks with FRESH ingredients
Call 9504 3668 for a tour at 3 Bees Early Learning Centre 22-24 Fentree Gully Rd, Oakleigh East 3166
All diploma qualified staff
Weekly ‘Kelly sports’ & ‘Jumparoo music/movement’ programs
Affordable Low fees :Daily $80 Weekly $370
Not for profit organisation Contact: Ph. 95440928 Email:
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Visit our new website with lots of surprise: To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986
your t e g e to m ON i T E V OO GR
hey dee ho
Little Groover's Concerts
Family Concerts for Babies, Toddlers & Pre-Schoolers
Mar 15 - Creepy Crawlies Apr 19 - How Will I Get There? $5.oo per person Adults $5 redeemable at the Bistro if you stay for lunch! FREE for children under 12 months
Mulgrave Country Club
9582 4600
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Maria Montessori Preschool Member of the Montessori Australia
751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150
Give your child the best foundation for future learning and living. Maria Montessori Preschool provides firstclass care and education for children from 3 to 6 years of age in a stimulating environment. With over 30 years experience the qualified Montessori teachers will give your child the opportunity to experience enjoyment in learning and achieve a strong educational background. “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. The more fully the needs of one period are met the greater will be the success of the next”. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952)
“I can do it myself”
To secure a place for your child call us on
9545 0764 or send an email to: To advertise in Your Child in Monash call 0425 301 986
I love Montessori!!!
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Your Child in Monash
Is the only BILLINGUAL (Chinese & English) magazine in the area. With 15,000 readership on magazine and 3000 Chinese subscribers on Chinese Wechat, we will be promoting your business in a way that you always wish! Deadline for artwork: 18 March. Request a Media kit by emailing or phone 0425 301 986. THIS WHOLE HALF PAGE IS ONLY $210 including GST. (conditions apply)
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KIDS CORNER Can you join all nine dots with four straight lines, without taking your pencil o the paper? You cannot go over any line twice.
Try to solve below math problem.
+ +
= __
= __
= __
5 3
= __ = __
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Ambulance Fire Police
DIAL 000
Hospitals Monash Hospital................................................. Austin Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................
9594 6666 9496 5000 9345 5522
Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline GriefLine
13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/1300 072 637 1800 686 268 1800 641 091 9935 7400 / 1300 845 745
Your Local Police Station 9566 1555 Glen Waverley ........................................................ If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number 9888 3757 Mount Waverley .................................................... included on this page please call 0425 301 986 9567 8900 Oakleigh.................................................................. 9543 3888 Clayton.................................................................... Other 9518 3555
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Is my child ready for school? What can our children teach us?
8 10
Returning to exercise a er giving birth
Mindful Ma ers
Back to school costs
Book Review and Giveaway
儿童故事:仓颉造字 我们的龟壳
28 30
Cafes / Club / Restaurants B4 Food and Wine Bar Mulgrave Country Club Education / Early Learning / Schools 3Bees Early Learning Centre All play footy - Deakin University Ekidaz Karen Margaret’s Studio Maria Montessori Pre-School Motor Fun Shapeeze QS School Starfish ELC St Dominic Savio Early Learning Centre Studio D The Knox School Think Smart/Clever Caterpilar Victorian School of Languages Health & Care / Sport EnVie Fitness Monash Link Health & Community Waverley Gymnastic Centre Photography / Talent Photobook Australia Play / Care Centre / Museum Base Camp Kids Crocs Playcentre Clayton Lollipop’s Playland & Café Noble Park RushHQ UpUnlimited Services / Agencies Bendigo Bank Betttina Fletcher’s Work From Home
advertise with us.
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1/4 FULL PAGE PAGE from $285 per month
from $140 per month
HALF PAGE from $210 per month
Call 0425 30 1986 Your Child in Monash takes no responsibility for any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors. All material in Your Child magazines is Copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher.
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相传仓颉在黄帝手下当官。那时,当官的可并不会显得威 风,和平常人一样,只是分工不同。黄帝分派他专门管理圈里牲 口的数目、屯里食物的多少。仓颉这人挺聪明,做事又尽力尽 心,很快熟悉了所管的牲口和食物,心里都有了谱,难得出差 错。可慢慢的,牲口、食物的储藏在逐渐增加、变化,光凭脑袋 记不住了。当时又没有文字,更没有纸和笔。怎么办呢?仓颉犯 难了。 仓颉整日整夜地想办法,先是在绳子上打结,用各种不同颜 色的绳子,表示各种不同的牲口、食物,用绳子打的结代表每个 数目。但时间一长久,就不奏效了。这增加的数目在绳子上打个 结很便捷,而减少数目时,在绳子上解个结就麻烦了。仓颉又想 到了在绳子上打圈圈,在圈子里挂上各式各样的贝壳,来代替他 所管的东西。增加了就添一个贝壳,减少了就去掉一个贝壳。这 法子挺管用,一连用了好几年。 黄帝见仓颉这样能干,叫他管的事情愈来愈多,年年祭祀的 次数,回回狩猎的分配,部落人丁的增减,也统统叫仓颉管。仓 颉又犯愁了,凭着添绳子、挂贝壳已不抵事了。怎么才能不出差 错呢? 这天,他参加集体狩猎,走到一个三岔路口时,几个老人为 往哪条路走争辩起来。一个老人坚持要往东,说有羚羊;一个老 人要往北,说前面不远可以追到鹿群;一个老人偏要往西,说有 两只老虎,不及时打死,就会错过了机会。仓颉一问,原来他们 都是看着地上野兽的脚印才认定的。仓颉心中猛然一喜:既然一 个脚印代表一种野兽,我为什么不能用一种符号来表示我所管的 东西呢?他高兴地拔腿奔回家,开始创造各种符号来表示事物。 果然,把事情管理得头头是道。 黄帝知道后,大加赞赏,命令仓颉到各个部落去传授这种方 法。渐渐地,这些符号的用法,全推广开了。就这么,形成了文 字。
小朋友们,你们能猜一猜这些仓颉 造的字现在是什么意思吗?爸爸妈 妈可以给你一些提示哦。一些参考
入学预备项目 3至4岁儿童班 我们用好玩又吸引学生的方法来开 发学生发音方面的认知,懂得基础 字母知识,还有最基本的数学理 念,这些在玩的过程统统都能学到 阅读变得如此简单
现在就为2018报名吧 羊,法,虫,鼠,川,田,众,大,鱼,树
Glen Waverley和Cambewell都有中心
最好的 聚会和玩乐 场所!
1924 Princes Hwy, Clayton VIC 3168 Ph. 9544 5990
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国人在一起,谈论的无非就是孩子和房子。孩子在读什么学校, 有没有上什么补习班。房子有几套,自住的投资的各多少,贷款多 少,地理位置在哪里。然后我们根据这些信息来判定这个人是不是我 们同个阶层的人,能不能继续做朋友。 多少人高喊着澳洲房子永远不会降价,可是从2017年底到现在, 市场是实实在在地冷清了许多,数据也降了,虽然很少,可是也是实 实在在地降了。手里握着许多套投资房的人们开始担忧银行的利率会 突然翻倍,因为对于很多人而言,现在这个利率,这么多套投资房, 已经是自己的贷款底线了。 我们多少人听着银行给我们描绘的宏伟蓝图,每个月给他们打 工?我们想把贷款还完,银行就给你设置一个对冲账户,让你误以为 那些钱还是你的,于是你再从房子的升值里套出一些钱,继续买房 子。可是并不是每一个拥有多套投资房的人是真正有钱的,所以要省 吃俭用,衣服不敢买新的,电影不敢去电影院看,出去吃一顿饭还要 计算再计算。这就是我们很多华人在澳洲的生活。 只是华人吗?或许还不止。我有一位澳洲老友,名下五六套投资 房,当年我们要做一点小生意的时候,就被他劝阻,他说:“你每年 小生意赚个几万刀吧,还要累死累活;你看我,房子放在那里不动, 这一年就升了十几万。”他说这话是为了我们好。可是,我后来想, 你的那十几万什么时候才不是虚构在脑子里的呢?是真真正正可以拿 出来用呢?后来他退休了,我再见他,他说跟理财师商量了下,退休 金和政府的老年金基本够用了,房子一套不卖。我看着已经快七十岁 的他,这些年一直开着一辆小破车,离婚后没有再婚,一年就去印度 尼西亚玩一次,因为那里便宜,吃穿很简朴,他说他的工资都用在买 房子上了。我很想问他,那你什么时候才要把这些房子兑现?你一个 孩子都没有,在澳洲孤苦伶仃,再过几年怕是坐飞机都会觉得累,你 背着这些房子究竟是为了什么?但我没问,因为他跟我说他今天出来 的咖啡的钱都算好了,每天算盘打得准,这样才能过日子。我说不用 了,咖啡钱都我给就好。他很开心。我却只觉悲哀。是,我也是一个 背着龟壳的人,可是我没有那么多投资房,跟朋友出去吃饭,如果是 退休老人,我一定帮他们付钱,因为我知道政府给的不多。买多几件 衣服,出去旅游,甚至换一辆更好的车,我都没有负担。而我没有买 那么多投资房的原因是一度觉得自己智商不够,玩不了房子的游戏。 但我会想,那些以为智商够的,玩得不亦乐乎的,你们真的开心 吗? 30
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美丽的笑容胜过 一切华丽衣裳 我们的牙科专家,医生安杰利娜 吉尔(Dr.Angelina Zea)能够为您创造一个美丽的笑容。来我们诊所,让她帮 您看看任何跟牙齿有关的问题,比如牙齿弯曲,上下齿对 不齐。只需一个电话,美丽的笑容就是你的。 我们接受不同的付款方式,也接受HICAPS医疗保 每次预约我们 险报销。 都会提供一杯 不用家庭医生推荐。 直接给我们打电话,我们会提供更多 信息。或者直接打8822 8355预约吧!
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