Your Child in Monash October 2019

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Monash Your Local Family Magazine



Volume 5

October 2019

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Hi, We are selling this magazine. But we will keep it running at a high quality as it has been of, until we find a confident person to take over. More information of selling please refer to page 5. Both of us have been working respectively besides running this magazine since June 2015. Four years have come and gone. Over these years not only did we manage to make Your Child in Monash blossomed but also we got to meet many successful and determined business owners in the areas of Monash, Dandenong, Knox and beyond. Meanwhile since then my workload in a school has increased steadily every year and finally these two years being a full-time teacher besides running the magazines is taking its toll on me. Therefore we have decided to hand it over to another person, who is ready to make changes in life, with ambitions to increase family income, and to improve our local communities. Look forward to talking to you.

ABOUT US ● Your Child in Monash is published monthly for the mums, dads and grandparents of the Monash and surrounding areas. ● 5000 copies monthly are distributed in the Monash and surrounding areas. ● Estimated readership of 15,000. ● If you would like to contribute an article or products for competitions feel free to contact us. ● For advertising enquiries please email or give us a call.

Kirill and Rachel Thank you for taking Your Child into your home and please support local business Editor Rachel Blake Call 0425 30 1986 Design & Layout Kirill Blake Email Ad Sales Rachel Blake and visit our Facebook page Your Child Areas Available for Advertising in VIC: Banyule & Nillumbik l Boroondara l Casey & Cardinia l Manningham l Monash l Whitehorse l Whittlesea 4

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Why Us? ● Home Based Business ● Protable $$$ ● Enjoyable and Fun ● Rewarding and Creative ● Affordable ● Flat Fees ● Work in your Local Area

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What’s on in Monash

October 2019

5, 12, 19 and 26th 8am to 9:30am

3, 4, 10 , 11, 17, 18, 24, 25 and 31st

Counselling Service to Greek individuals, couples or family combinations Jells parkrun Call 0408 006 722

Call 03 9388 9998 for more information

Jells Road, Wheelers Hill 3150

21 and 28th 10am to 12:30pm

26th 1:20pm to 3:30pm

Bringing Up Great Kids

Friends Work Party in Valley Reserve

Call 0427 208 367 for more information


Call 0419 373 725

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7 9


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Maria Montessori Preschool Member of the Montessori Australia

751 - 755 Ferntree Gully Road, Wheelers Hill, 3150

Give your child the best foundation for future learning and living. Maria Montessori Preschool provides firstclass care and education for children from 3 to 6 years of age in a stimulating environment. With over 30 years experience the qualified Montessori teachers will give your child the opportunity to experience enjoyment in learning and achieve a strong educational background. “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. The more fully the needs of one period are met the greater will be the success of the next”. Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952)

“I can do it myself”

To secure a place for your child call us on

9545 0764 or send an email to: I love Montessori!!!

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MadFun prices include food, drink and entertainment plus free Face Painting for every child Various Sessions for children 4 yrs to 12 yrs

GROUP OR PRIVATE PARTIES Knox 5 mins from Knox City

Moorabbin Call: 0402 766 025

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5 mins from DFO

7 15

Junior Gymnastics at Waverley is a structured program that is oriented towards gymnastics learning in our fully set up 5-star gymnastics facility in Mount Waverley. Children are taught gymnastics skills leading to improved learning outcomes, coordination, strength, flexibility & confidence. Lessons incorporate a wide range of gymnastics equipment & teaching aids, including the beams, bars, floor, trampolines & foam pit. Each session runs for fifty minutes & is coached by our dynamic, friendly & qualified staff in a safe gymnastics environment, designed to maximise the learning opportunities for every child.


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Kids Corner

October 2019

Color using markers

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Monash Your Local Family Magazine

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Useful Information Emergency Numbers

Ambulance Fire Police


DIAL 000

Hospitals Monash Hospital................................................. Austin Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

9594 6666 9496 5000 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline Compassionate Friends Helpline GriefLine

13 11 26 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/1300 072 637 1800 686 268 1800 641 091 9935 7400 / 1300 845 745

Your Local Police Station 9566 1555 Glen Waverley ........................................................ If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number 9888 3757 Mount Waverley .................................................... included on this page please call 0425 301 986 9567 8900 Oakleigh.................................................................. 9543 3888 Clayton.................................................................... Other Monash City Council...................................................


9518 3555

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Table of Contents


What’s on in Monash Gardening



Encourage your Man to build an empire with you

The Importance of Cleansing Space



Good eating Strategies

Fast at Everything


Cafes / Club / Restaurants Mulgrave Country Club Education / Early Learning / Schools Double Helix Communications Kindermusic Maria Montessori School Pat’s Music Waverley Gymnastic Centre Play / Care Centre / Museum Base Camp Kids Crocs Playcentre Clayton Services / Events Reptile Encounter Madfun Work From Home Kids with Cancer Foundation


Mums Juggling Motherhood and their Careers

29 30



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重 温 经 典 编 者 随 笔

孩子六岁,终于能跟她一起看动画片了! 我的青少年,是在日本动漫的热血中度过的。还记得一开 始是到漫画屋租漫画书看,每次骑着车,穿过小半个城市,拐过 几条小巷子,终于来到了电影院旁边的漫画屋,那时最喜欢看的 是侦探漫画,启蒙是《金田一少年事件簿》,接着《感应少 年》,还有一些记不起名字的漫画书,陪我度过了学习之外的日 日夜夜,当然也有一群志同道合的朋友,一起交流哪本好看。后 来从书转战到碟片里看《灌篮高手》,篮球场上一声“三井寿 “伴随好友的三分灌篮是青春最好的回忆。然后《火影忍者》一 夜间点燃了校园的青草地,学校的白墙上贴着鸣人,鼓励高三的 自己永不放弃,QQ名是砂之守鹤,至今一直没变,虽然基本不使 用QQ了。 我以为,这些都会封存在回忆里,不再会拿出来品味。 没想到孩子对动漫的喜爱一点都不比我少。她刚开始学小提 琴,我们一起看《金色琴弦》,她真的被日野香穗子感染,突然 很认真地练琴,琴技也进步很快。我们一起看《棋魂》,澳洲这 边很少有人下围棋,我还是尝试着给她和弟弟买了一副围棋,孩 子说,她要学棋,也要学吹中国笛子。两个孩子还真的每天开始 下起了围棋,虽然因此常常吵架,把这项厮杀于无声叩问于宇宙 的娱乐下成了孩童吵架,有时真让我们不胜其烦,但看到他们认 真拿着黑子白子学着攻城掠地,还是颇感欣慰。轮到孩子去班里 讲喜欢的一个东西,她坚持要讲围棋,还真的给同学们讲了很 多,而且都是用日语讲。其实我对围棋连皮毛都不能算懂,日语 也不会,但是她就能凭着一腔热情,在这么小的年纪无所顾忌地 爱其所爱,她的童年是多么多么幸福!

我也很幸福啊!如果不是陪她,我应该不会一天工作之后,还有精 力坐在沙发上看上一两集动画片。因为孩子看,我就陪着她看,也权当放 松。惊喜地发现,竟然一点都不会觉得腻,心境是不一样了,可是动画片 里带给人的热血,传递的永不放弃的信念,过了这么多年,还是没变啊! 所以我是不是出走这么多年,心中其实还有一个少年呢? 现在的我正一边打着字,一边陪他们看800多集的《火影忍者》, 其实大学时因为更新很慢渐渐我也没追火影了,后来读硕士再工作,忙碌 的生活更是让我想都不敢想。而现在《火影忍者》已经完结,鸣人都和日 向结婚了,他们两个孩子也出生了,我也有两个孩子了,我们却再次相 遇,因为孩子,再次相遇。孩子对《火影》的感情很深,买了玩具也要以 角色命名。

其实孩子已经跟着我们去过几次日本,无论是我们去湘南高校附近的 铁路口拍照,还是去一番拉面玩耍,她都是似懂非懂地看我和老公像两个 傻子一样自娱自乐。我想,下次我们还能再去,毕竟,日本那么小,而动 漫那么大。 动漫里鸣人在自来也的教导下,终于召唤出了妙木山的文太,我还是 起了一身的鸡皮疙瘩,孩子们大叫着,还要看一集。就在此刻,我觉得, 生命真美好啊!

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