Your Child in Whittlesea August 2020

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Win Win a $ Gift Vo 50 uc For You her r Dad.

Volume 8

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This Month Great Reading Kids in the Kitchen Kids Corner - 2 pages Hanging with Hannah

Your Local Family Magazine

August 2020

Billy’s Junction will keep serving all your favourite meal with contact less delivery or takeaway.

Restaurant & CafĂŠ Shop 1 & 2, 1435 Plenty Road, Mernda Junction Shopping Centre Phone - 03 9715 2393 2

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Edi t orsLetter EditorsLetter Welcome to the August Online Magazine, Wow ... how is everyone going with the challenge of remote learning and working from home? I must say, I’m finding juggling work, family time and remote learning a tricky balancing act. Helping my kids with their school journey and watching them learn and grow has been really interesting and enjoyable, trying to stop them playing video games ... well that’s another thing altogether. (And don’t get me started about those really important questions when your busy on a work call!) However, we are finding time for more family cooking, art and science at home. As well as family walks, movie nights and Lego challenges. In this months online magazine you will find 2 pages of Kids Corner; a find the objects puzzle and 1 experiment to Celebrate National Science Week. We are revisiting some yummy snacks in Kids in the Kitchen, Siena is cooking some Rice Krispy Treats and Aneek is making Banana Biscuits. Hanging with Hannah is looking back over 2 of our favourite park visits. This month in conjunction with the #whatweneedtodo campaign we are running a Fathers Day Competition - Design a Fun Mask for your Dad. Check out page 10 for more details. Don’t forget if you can manage a nice quiet cuppa during the month, between work and remote learning, we have some fantastic reading for you - Yoga made easy to use with Children on page 16, and on page 24, Something for the kids ... May come in useful while your children are home. An important read is Limit Screen Time During Lockdown, page 32.

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The Whi lesea Agricultural Society Inc. has, with much considera on, decided to cancel the 2020 Annual Whi lesea Show. The con nuing restric ons associated with COVID-19, especially the management of social-distancing and the possible risk to public health during large events were the major factors for this decision. The uncertainty of knowing when these restric ons would be li ed has made it very diďŹƒcult to forward plan for our annual show. We take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the show including our many supporters, volunteers, exhibitors, sponsors, local community groups, stall holders, entertainers etc. We know that for some of these groups the Whi lesea Show provides a major contribu on to their fundraising and annual income and we are saddened that we are unable to assist by providing an event this year. We look forward to providing our 161st Whi lesea Show on the 6th & 7th of November in 2021.

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#whatweneedtodo The Campaign Michael Burrows a singer/songwriter initiated this campaign it is all about working together. It's a community driven message and he has been lucky to be supported by Neil Mitchell ( 3AW), all the major TV and Radio networks and big brands such as Chemist Warehouse , McDonalds, Woolworths and more, including Your Child Magazines. As numbers grow, now is the time we all need to get on with the job and do #whatweneedtodo The W Hand Gesture The idea is that W represents the 'We' element of doing this as a whole. The W is about coming together as a unit not just as individuals The W is a signal of strength as two hands are entwined The W is something you can gesture to exclaim that you are doing this for the greater WE The Jingle

Visit this link to view the YouTube video:

We don't stand so close in supermarket aisles we gotta keep our masks on just for a little while and if it's safe to stay at home, then just stay at home we gotta all grow up and do whatever helps us move along its not about me its not about you it's about all of us together it's about what we need to do we don't need to hug or kiss someone hello You can share the love and get it on.. much later on And if you think this craziness will all be over soon We got a long long way to go so‌it's what we need to do its not about me its not about you it's about all of us together it's about what we need to do Michael Burrows is an Australian singer/songwriter. His music has been described as a fusion of folk, and rock Americana with hints of artists such as The Beatles, Wilco, Eagles and Ron Sexsmith. From intimate solo shows to full band performances, his songs are deceptively simple about complex things: love, family, home, and trust. Michael's new single Please Don't Cry ( ft. Neil Finn) was recorded in NZ at Roundhead Studios a few years prior as part of an experience offered by Medicine Mondiale. Michael knew that opportunity had to be his and grabbed onto it with everything he had. He won and got to spend two days recording with Neil Finn. Neil chose two songs from a batch of demos and the final versions of these songs, especially Please Don't Cry have a warm and personal feel that Michael is so excited to share.


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h a n n a H h t i w Hanging Lorne Park David Street, Lalor It was a very windy day when Hannah ventured out this month to Lorne Park and Playground in Lalor. Hannah really enjoyed the amount of play equipment that was available at this park. (I didn’t think she would ever leave ...!) The playground offers a basket swing, swing set, a large spinner, 6 different slides, a see-saw, 2 rockers and mul ple climbing frames for different age groups. There is play equipment suitable for all ages. The park also has a half basket ball court for older children, The facili es include - 2 undercover areas with tables and chairs, a couple of park benches, 2 drinking fountains and bins. However, again this park does not offer toilets and there is no BBQ. *Tip from Hannah - when it is windy, remember to always e long hair up and don’t wear a hat!

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h a n n a H h t i w Hanging Orchard Road Park

Between Orchard Road & Recoil Drive, Doreen This months, Hanging with Hannah finds us visi ng Orchard Road Park and Playground in Doreen. The park has lots of interes ng play equipment to offer all ages; including swings, slides, climbing frames, flying fox, a cargo net, spinners, li le trampolines (in the ground), a musical pipe xylophone and a small climbing wall. And if that’s not enough Hannah found some old logs to prac se her balancing on. The park has a shelter (not very waterproof), BBQ, tables and chairs. 5 park benches (to sit on while watching your li le ones play), a water fountain and bins. However, again this park does not offer toilets. Hannah said, this is her ‘new favourite park’ and did not want to leave. She is planning to visit again in the next couple of days.


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Innovation Scholarship The Kilmore Interna onal School recently launched its exci ng new Innova on Scholarship to enable students to demonstrate their crea ve thinking skills. The Innova on Scholarship is open to students in Year 5 to Year 10 in 2021. To assist applicants in the development of their thinking, school Principal Mr Peter Cooper deďŹ nes innova on as the "melding of two, or more, previously unrelated items to create a unique and useful item. For example, the melding of a telephone, a camera, and a computer has led to today's mobile phones". He added "Applicants are invited to draw on their interest, their passion, for two or more dis nct areas in order to create a new item that could serve a genuine purpose, rather than pure fantasy." Applicants are not expected to physically produce such an item, but are expected to present their thought processes and line of thinking in developing this new item. "This presenta on could take the form of an essay, a movie, a poster, audiovisual presenta on, a song, pain ng' he said. 'The submission format is not crucial as the interview panel is more interested in the 16

applicant being able to explain their thinking, their successes and failures, as well as the reasons they have followed a par cular path." Applica ons for the Innova on Scholarship close on Wednesday 26 August. All applicants for the scholarship will be required to sit The Kilmore Interna onal School entrance assessment on Saturday 29 August 2020, followed by a presenta on of their Innova on Scholarship idea. Further details regarding the scholarship and enrolments generally for Years 3-12 can be located on the school website at

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We can’t wait to see you back on court soon!


We can’t wait to see you all back on court soon!

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n e h c t i K e h t n Kids i With Siena

s t a e r T y p s i r K Rice

Ingredients 3 Tablespoons bu er 40 Marshmallows 6 cup Rice Bubbles Op onal - Mini Smar es to decorate Method Step 1 - Grease Tray. Step 2 - In a large saucepan melt bu er over low heat. Add marshmallows and s r un l completely melted. Remove from heat. (Parents help recommend) Step 3 - Place rice bubbles into a heat proof bowl and add melted mixture. S r un l well coated. Step 4 - Scoop mixture into tray using a spatula or wooden spoon. Step 5 - Decorate with Mini Smar es. Step 6 - Place in the refrigerator to set. When set, cut into small squares.

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n e h c t i K e h t n i Kids With Aneek

s t i u c s i B a n a n a B Ingredients: 3 Large Bananas (mashed) 125g Butter 1 cup Raw Sugar 1 ½ cups Self-raising Flour ½ cup Coconut ½ cup Rolled Oats

Method: Step 1 - Preheat oven to 230C and line a backing tray with backing paper. Step 2 - Cream bu er and sugar using an electric mixer. Step 3 - S r in the mashed bananas un l combined. Step 4 - Add in the flour, oats and coconut and s r un l combined. Step 5 - Using a teaspoon place mixture on to backing tray, leaving room for the biscuits to spread. Step 6 - Place biscuits into the oven and turn temperature to 200C, and back for 10 minutes.


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BABY FIRST AID ESSENTIALS PACKAGE Online Baby First Aid Training While we can't run our usual face to face sessions, it does not mean we are not here for you. Our bite-sized digital educa on package will prepare you with vital first aid informa on and up-to-date health recommenda ons for common baby and childhood illnesses. Feel confident caring for your unwell baby at home and learn when, where and how to seek the best medical a en on. ALL of this for just a once off payment of $49.95 for your en re household! Support your local educator Kiraly- click on her image on this page Contact your local Parentmedic Ambassador 0458 892 546 32 Follow us on yourchildinwhittlesea


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Kids Corner k e e W e c n t e i s c u S g u g n A i t d a r r 3 b Cele 15th -2

Hey Kids you can be a ‘Your Child STAR’ share your jokes, recipes, puzzles, fun facts or photos with other Kids in Whittlesea Contact us: Kids Corner PO Box 280 Doreen 3754 email: ph: 0439 732 977 0455 312and 166mention Your Child In Whittlesea27 26To advertise in Your Child in Whittlesea Call Shop Local


What What You You Will Will Need Need

It’s as easy as: Arrange the Skittles around the edge of


the platethe in aSkittles colouredaround pattern Arrange the edge of Pour enough warm water into the centre the plate in a coloured pattern theenough plate so thatwater it reaches thecentre Ÿ of Pour warm into the Skittles of the plate so that it reaches the Ÿ Wait and watch as the rainbow appears Skittles and spreads toward the centre of ShareŸ a Wait photoand with us as onthe Facebook ofthe your watch rainbow appears plate and spreads toward the centre of the

ŸŸ 11 packet packet of of Skittles Skittles (it (it also also works

with Mwith & M’sMand Jelly works & M’s andBeans) Jelly Beans) Ÿ small jug of warm water Ÿ small jug of warm water Ÿ white plate Ÿ white plate It’s as easy as:


Flubbery Rubbery fun




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Business Management, Accounting & CRM Software Contact Shannon - 0419 557 314 Please Like Us On


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Useful Information Emergency Numbers Ambulance Fire Police Hospitals


DIAL 000

Northern Hospital................................................... Austin - Heidelberg................................................. Box Hill Hospital...................................................... Royal Children’s Hospital (Parkville).......................

8405 8000 9496 5000 9895 3333 9345 5522

Crisis Centres Poisons.................................................................... Parentline Victoria................................................... Kids Help Line.......................................................... Lifeline..................................................................... Suicide Helpline - (Victoria only)............................. Nurse-on-Call.......................................................... Child Protection - (After Hours Service).................. Domestic Violence Crisis Centre............................. Sexual Assault Service (After Hours)....................... Centres Against Sexual Assault................................ Victims of Crime Helpline....................................... LifeCircle - HOPELINE.............................................. SANDS* Vic...*Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Support Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline

13 11 26 13 22 89 1800 551 800 13 11 14 1300 651 251 1300 606 024 13 12 78 1800 015 188 or 9373 0123 9349 1766 1800 806 272 1800 819 817 1300 364 673 13 000 SANDS/13 000 2673 1800 686 268

Your Local Police Station . Epping Police.......................................................... Kinglake Police........................................................ Mernda Police......................................................... Mill Park Police....................................................... Whittlesea Police ...................................................

9409 8100 57861333 9216 1200 9407 3333 97162102

Other Whittlesea City Council....................................

9217 2170

If you provide a free service to our community and would like your phone number included on this page please call 0439 732 977

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Contents & Index of Advertisers Your quick guide to everyone and everything in Your Child...

Articles 8 #whatweneedtodo 11 A Father’s Day Memory 16 The Kilmore International School Editorial 18 Yoga made easy to use with Children. 24 Something for the kids ... 30 Managing Colds During Covid-19. 32 Limit Screen Time During Lockdown ... 34 She’ll be right Mate! 36 Blank Canvas or Coloured Background. 40 Puppy ... Cat ... Dog ...

Regulars 4 14 20 38 42

Editors Letter Hanging with Hannah Kids in the Kitchen Kids Corner Useful Information Book a full page ad from only $290 per month Call 0439 732 977

Advertisers A Gift of Hope Billy’s Junction Casa D’Abruzzo Club City of Whittlesea - Immunisation Dance Majic Thomastown Hume Anglican Grammar Jets Gymnastics Kool Kidz Lasting Lessons Little Ballet Stars Little Learners ELC Marymede Catholic College Myndful Yoga Ready, Steady, Go Kids Scope St Paul the Apostle TBS Software The Kilmore International School The Parentmedic Movement Whittlesea Show Yarra Plenty Regional Library YMCA - Whittlesea Disability Services Book a half page ad from only $215 per month Call 0439 732 977

Book a quarter page ad from only $145 per month Call 0439 732 977

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Your Child in Whittlesea takes no responsibility for any statements or claims made by advertisers or authors. All material in Your Child magazines is Copyright and may not be reproduced without written consent of the publisher.

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St Paul the Apostle Catholic Primary School “Engaging With Our Contemporary World” 2021 PREP ENROLMENTS OPEN “I think therefore I am.” (Rene Descartes - French Philosopher 1596 - 1650)

“Our class is like a persuasive piece of writing or a tug of war, sharing different perspectives, finding ways to agree, bouncing off each other, looking for answers, trying to persuade each other.” (Year Five Student) “I used to just look on the surface, here I am challenged to go beyond.” (Year Six Student)

Please explore our school website, take a virtual school tour (to experience our unique contemporary learning culture, based on the Cultures of Thinking through a Christian perspective) and access the Enrolment Information link on the Home Page. To secure a place for PREP 2021, please return the Enrolment form via email or post. Families will be contacted for an online interview via Zoom, Facetime etc.

80 Bassetts Road Doreen 3754 Phone: 9216 2000 or email: Website: Principal: Mr Phil Doherty

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