You Health and Fitness Matters Sept-Oct

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FREE • September / October 2018


O t t a w a ’s A c t i v e L i f e s t y l e & W e l l n e s s M a g a z i n e

Pictorial Fall Splendor Page 18 +19

Living Well Show November


Fresh Air Matters




Prepare Your Home this Fall

Is your Home Ready for Winter? Page 16

OMG... I ate too much!

Heating Matters

How Healthy is your Furnace? Page 2 + 3

Golden Rules of Portion Control

Credit: © baranq

Page 6

Fall Back Into Fitness

Staying Fit with the Seasons Page 8

Schedule Your Furnace Maintenance


Flip the page for more info

HeaTING Matters


Reasons to have your


Credit: © golyak


Your Health + Fitness Matters

September/October 2018


s the days become shorter and the weather cooler, you may be ready to turn on the heat in your home. After the summer the furnace has been sitting for months, and we forget just what the temperature can dip to in Ottawa mid January. The fall is the perfect time to have your gas furnace or heater inspected so that it functions reliably in the cooler (–40) months. Here's five reasons why having your gas furnace checked and maintained is such a critical step! Our trained technicians at AirZone are the experts to make sure your family is prepared for the upcoming winter season.

SAFETY CONCERNS AND PROPER VENTILATION Because gas-powered furnaces generate warmth by burning fuel, they have safety issues that require regular inspections for their proper operation and your peace of mind. One of the most important things we check when your AirZone service technician visits your home is whether your furnace has proper ventilation. This ensures that carbon monoxide (CO) and byproducts of combustion cannot build up in the home. Carbon monoxide, an odorless gas produced when fuel is burned, can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if it accumulates in large amounts in your home. It can be fatal. Newer furnaces have a vent safety feature that can confirm that flue gasses are removed from the home and not accidently blown back in when the wind changes. How old is your furnace ? Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Your safety is AirZone's priority… we're a phone call away.

RISK OF YOUR FURNACE OVERHEATING A furnace that is not operating properly or that has clogged air intake can overheat. Over time, a furnace that is working harder to heat will run longer, causing the furnace to run hotter than it should. If this is not addressed it can become dangerous and cause your heating system to malfunction, stop or cause a fire. All furnaces have an upper limit safety which shuts down a furnace in the event that it gets too hot; we tend to find those safety features to be less reliable in old equipment (20 years+). A great way to prevent this is making sure air filters are changed regularly. Sometimes your furnace may have a filter to replace in addition to the air filters located in your return air

vents in your home. If you are not sure give us a call and one of our trained technicians will be happy to inspect and make sure your furnace is NOT a safety hazard. We also advise our customers to have a working smoke detector that is checked regularly as an additional safeguard.

IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER, INEFFICIENT FURNACES If your home's furnace is 15 years or older, you might have what is called a natural draft or gravity furnace instead of a forced-air furnace that is common today. This type of gas furnace was installed in the early 1990’s and earlier. These units were phased out due to their inefficiency (60-70%), requiring the furnace to burn much more fuel to heat a room. Compare that with forced-air furnaces that can range from 80% to 98.5% efficiency and you can see right away that a newer furnace will start saving money immediately. AirZone works along with some of the top manufacturers in the industry, our volume means we pass the savings on to you… a new furnace may actually save you money!

CATCHING PROBLEMS WHILE THEY ARE EASY FIX Scheduling a appointment for regular inspection and maintenance of your gas-fired furnace is an investment in the longevity of your HVAC system. Well-maintained heaters can last 20 years or more, especially if you take care of them year after year. Our maintenance check encompasses a full checklist to make sure that we monitor normal wear and tear and identify any potential issues before they become a major repair. The last thing we need is a furnace breakdown in the middle of winter.

SOLUTIONS TO KEEP YOU WARM THIS WINTER At AirZone we believe an ounce of prevention can save you money and ensure you are Breathing Easy… We care about our customers and we know that regular maintenance cannot only reduce the chances of unexpected breakdowns, and also save time, money and your health and safety. Call the experts AirZone HVAC Services for your PEACE OF MIND.  613-592-5770

Your Health + Fitness Matters

S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18


are Why ere? you h


Business Matters


Household Matters

Purpose: Why Are You Here?


Is Your Home Ready for Winter?


Table of Matters


Credit: © krisrobin


16 2

Credit: © karandaev

Heating Matters

5 Reasons to have your furnace checked



Nutrition Matters

OMG... I ate too much!


Fitness Matters Power Food Recipe


Financial Matters


Hearing Matters

11 Food Matters


Mental Health Matters

Need Hearing Aids?

Celiac Disease


Spiritual Matters

The Law of Cause + Effect

The Prescription Dilema

Credit: © Syda_Productions

scription Dile e r ma eP h T

Pictorial Fall Splendor 18+19



Subscriptions: Your Health + Fitness Matters publishes six times a year. To subscribe to Your Health + Fitness Matters and receive delivery bi-monthly, email us at for details.

Matters O t t a w a ’s A c t i v e L i f e s t y l e & W e l l n e s s M a g a z i n e

Publisher Malcolm Sinclair-Park Published By Sinclair Media Communications Sales Malcolm Sinclair-Park 613.897.9452 Graphic Design Billie MacDonald

Fresh Air Matters

Overcoming the Money Patterns Holding You Back

Pumpkin Soup



Suggestions for Fall

Fall back into Fitness


Cover Image: © baranq


Disclaimer: The contents of Your Health + Fitness Matters such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained in the magazine (content) are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this magazine, website or other media form. This magazine does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned. Reliance on any information provided in Your Health + Fitness Matters is solely at your own risk. The Content are provided on an “as is” basis.


The views expressed in Your Health + Fitness Matters do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher, or that of Sinclair Media Communications, or staff of Your Health + Fitness Matters Publication.

Your Health + Fitness Matters Magazine | Ottawa | 613-897-9452 |


Your Health + Fitness Matters

September/October 2018

Credit: © Alekcey


Meet the experts

Publisher’s Message Another summer has come and gone, the days are quickly getting shorter and the mornings have a cool crispness in the air. It is the cycle of the seasons. This takes place every year and although not a new experience it is a change that reminds us that we are closing one Meadow, a loyal friend door and opening another. Routines are begrudgingly welcomed again after a season of summer holidays and activities. What routines will you incorporate as the fall arrives? Possibly biking and hiking in the Gatineau hills, or making time for those last kayak and paddle board excursions! If you’re not sure what to do take a look at page 18 + 19 of this issue. Our talented graphic designer Billie MacDonald has put together a pictorial montage of suggestions around the area to make this the best fall ever. We are truly blessed in this region with so many historical and picturesque sights to absorb. You’ll want to get out and enjoy this amazing season as we see colours change, leaves drop and nature prepares for the colder weather ahead. OMG... I ate too much! Healthy portions for the size of our stomach is something not often considered. Remember the saying “your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” Nutritionist Trish Massart has some great facts about our stomach size and some suggestions for a realistic portions. In our Fitness Matters section Chris Reabel has some great tips on transitioning for shorter days and staying fit with the seasons. As the weather cools we will be adjusting our thermostats inside our homes, please read the 5 reasons to check your furnace for important health and safety tips. We want to welcome all our exhibitors to our first annual Living Well Show happening November 10 + 11, 2018 at the EY Centre on Uplands Drive. We have over 100 exhibitors helping you Create Your Best Life. Go to for more information. Make the most of this season in all it’s colourful splendour, take time to be grateful for all the blessings we have everyday. Namaste, Malcolm Sinclair-Park “Remember without your health nothing else matters”

/ yourhealthmattersmagazine

Trish Massart, RHN, CPT, is a graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and a Certified Personal Trainer. In 2012, she was diagnosed with stage-4 colon cancer and underwent several lifesaving surgeries. Today, Trish draws from her experience and education to empower others to survive and thrive. She is the principle consultant for In The Bag Nutrition, which is dedicated to helping patients with ostomies, or resected GI tracts, to eat healthfully, exercise safely and to embrace life fully. Check out her story at Dr. Joël is a naturopathic doctor with over 25 years of experience who is passionate about empowering natural health. She is a North American expert in Ienergy with a focus in AntiAging Medicine, Metabolism, Hormones and Nutrition. She has recently been awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award” for her contribution to health and wellness. Dr. Joël is the founder, clinical director and CEO of The Revivelife™ Clinic, which is one of the region’s largest providers of integrated health services.

Chris Reabel is a Certified Coach Practitioner, Fitness Professional and Speaker. He provides Life Coaching, Group Coaching and Executive Coaching Services in Ottawa. Chris is 2013, 2014 canfitpro PRO TRAINER of the Year and was named GoodLife Fitness’ Group Fitness Instructor of Excellence in 2016, 2017. Chris specializes in empowering, motivating and enriching people to live their best life to the fullest through working hard, training hard and playing hard. Anny Tenbult has more than 25 years’ experience in coaching, training, teaching, management and sales. Her expertise is business and personal development. With extensive training and experience in both Power Coaching with Coaching and Leadership International (CLI) and DiSC assessments, Anny offers her clients proven, successful, and concrete tools and skills to help them dramatically enhance the overall quality of their personal and business lives by helping them align their mission, vision, goals and values. Karine Bossé is a Registered Audiologist who uses a patient-centered approach with state of the art equipment to help treat her patients who suffer from hearing difficulties. With a strong focus on hearing health, Karine aims to educate her patients and her community on the challenges of hearing loss and why treating it is so important. Karine’s relaxed approach and strong counselling skills have always been great assets for her patients, along with her ability to relay information.

Your Health + Fitness Matters

Trish Massart

Dr. Joël

Chris Reabel

Annie Tenbult

Karine Bossé

S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18


Nutrition Matters

by Trish Massart

OMG... I ate to much!


e’ve all uttered these words. The scenario is typically repeated throughout North America every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and a few other important days in between. You know, that moment when you finally push back from the table, undo the top button of your pants and think to yourself (or aloud) “what the hell have I done?!” My brother calls this feeling Serengeti Belly, because we all lie around like a pride of well-fed lions afterwards. Well, this was me just this past week. Typically, I am careful about how I eat. Six days out of seven I eat at home so that I can be watchful of my food intake. But, every Thursday I meet a pal after work and we do something fun like a movie or shopping or as was the case this week, discover a new restaurant. And, when it comes to eating out, nothing makes me get my oink on like an Indian Buffet. But, in my enthusiasm to taste test all the delightful dishes, I over indulged. And let me tell you, with only 9” of colon, this is not a wise choice. I know what gorging does to me, but do you know what it does to you?


Your Health + Fitness Matters

First off, let’s consider how much food your body is capable of handling in any one sitting. Various reports state anywhere from 32 ounces to 40 ounces of food and liquid is what the human stomach is designed to hold at any one time. I find this amusing given American portion sizes. As an example, Seven Eleven’s famous Big Gulp is a full 64 ounces! At rest, the average (normal!) human stomach is the size of a fist. When stretched to its maximum, it can hold 135.25 ounces of food and liquid. That is over four times the recommended meal size. Now, here is what happens when you ignore what you should do and you fill it to capacity: fat lion. 1. I’m going to go out on a limb here. In all likelihood you didn’t chew your food 25 times like I told you to do. So, food is getting dumped into your stomach far too soon and not nearly broken down enough for proper digestion. First, you are missing your body’s first chance at absorbing important carbohydrates. Many B vitamins and important minerals like zinc are being missed.

September/October 2018

Credit: © AndreyPopov

Trish Massart, RHN, CPT A Licensed Holistic Nutritionist and a Certified Personal Trainer, Trish has made the study of health, nutrition and the altered GI her life’s passion. After a dire cancer diagnosis in 2012, Trish now draws from her experience and education to empower other Ostomates to survive and thrive. She is principle consultant for In The Bag Nutrition (, writes for several health publications and her own blog at Trish2.0, and advocates for Ostomates everywhere.

2. Regardless, at this point, your body’s digestion mechanics are already well underway. In fact, the moment you smelled dinner cooking, your digestion process began. Or in my case, the second I heard “new Indian restaurant up the road” my mouth was watering. 3. Because you are dumping the food in so quickly, the messaging signals between the stretch receptors in your stomach and ghrelin, the hormone that actually messages your brain to say “we’re good down here!” are not being received effectively. It takes twenty minutes round trip for these messages to hit your brain. So, you keep eating. And sometimes, you still keep eating even when the message has been received. We’ve talked about this too. 4. In an effort to keep up, the stomach is trying to start the digestion process, but you keep dumping food into it. The net result is that there is more food than stomach acid down there. Further, the cardiac sphincter, which is the doorway to your stomach, continues to open because you keep eating. When the stomach doesn’t have enough chemicals to break down the food, it has to rely on mechanical means to do its job. The stomach has muscles that wrap in three different directions (length wise, width and diagonally), making it one of the most powerful contractions you’ll ever experience. Too much food, not enough stomach acid and super powerful contractions spell only one thing—acid reflux! 5. Still, your poor little stomach tries its best. With low acid, too many large food particles, the stomach cannot possibly break it all down. So food moves along to the small intestine only partially broken down for absorption. Plus, as you were gobbling your food, you were also taking down a ton of air. You know where that’s headed, right? 6. OK, so now your gallbladder is pumping out bile as fast as it can and your pancreas has gone into Dev Con 5 in an effort to secrete enough insulin to handle that major load of carbohydrates you just dumped into your small intestine. Remember, CARBS=SUGAR. Hello insulin spike! 7. The small intestine is where the lion’s share of nutrient absorption takes place. That 9 or so meters of flexible, slippery, accordion folded intestine, when laid out smooth and flat, measures well over 30 square meters. It’s because the small intestine is made up of millions of villi and micro villi within each and every twisty-turny fold that it is able to offer up so much surface area for absorption of nutrients. The expectation is these nutrient molecules will be in their tiniest state. But, because of your binge, and all the other missteps in the digestive process to this point, most molecules are just too darn large to pass through.

So, you’ve dumped all this food into your gullet, only to have most of it go unabsorbed. But, it gets even worse. 8. Now, these mostly unabsorbed, barely digested food particles have now made their way into your colon, where they move along at a snail’s pace. And these particles ferment along the way, simply because your colon doesn’t know what to do with food particles this big. These aren’t supposed to be down there. Sure, your colon has seen the odd piece of corn from time to time, but nothing like this. So everything slows down and your food sits. And fermentation has one unmistakable by-product—GAS. Methane gas to be precise. Have you ever seen what happens when you shake a bottle of pop? That is what is happening inside your colon. And the gas will keep expanding until it finds a means of escape. And sometimes it takes hours for this mess of undigested food and gas to make its way out. And here’s the kicker. What the body cannot immediately absorb, it simply stores as fat. So even if you choose wisely—lean meats, oodles of vegetables, only a bit of potato, skip the gravy—the fact that you over-ate pretty much negates those choices. And just wait ‘til you see what insulin has in store for you! This over eating sets your body chemistry into a high alert state and can lead to ongoing eating problems. The large amounts of insulin required to digest all that sugar and to remove it from the blood stream do not stop coming until the brain has signaled the pancreas that all has stabilized. Well, by then the pendulum has swung far the other way and your body is crying out for, wait for it, more sugar. You know how this goes. Ever find yourself staring at the left overs of Thanksgiving dinner in the fridge at 3 a.m.? It’s not because you are hungry. It’s because you ate too much at dinner time. The good news is that with a much shorter GI, the misery of Thursday’s discomfort passed quickly for me. But in addition, it also meant that almost none of the nutritive value of that delicious meal was absorbed. Strangely I think we all need to repeat this lesson from time to time to remind ourselves of the golden rules of portion control: • Meat and Alternatives portion portion – palm of your hand • Carb portion (when talking rice or potatoes) – size of your fist • Fat portion – tip of your thumb • Vegetables – no limit And it’s always better to graze throughout the day, rather than one or two mega meals. Thanksgiving and Christmas are nearly upon us. Remember this when you are reaching for a second helping of ham.  Credit: © starush

Your Health + Fitness Matters

S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18



Fall Back by Chris Reabel



Preparing for Shorter Days Staying Fit with the Seasons Credit: © mihtiander


change in season is the perfect opportunity to tune up your Health and Fitness game for a smooth transition in your routine. Fall brings many changes. We put aside our outdoor summer clothing and gear and often want to spend more time indoors. Barbeques, ice cream and cold drinks on outdoor terraces have likely generated a few extra pounds around our waist line. It’s time to “Fall Back into Fitness.” Prepare yourself for a successful transition by answering the following questions:

What is it that you want? What behaviours do you want to change? Make a list of what you want. Whether you want to eat healthier, exercise more frequently and consistently or sleep well, etc. You first need to know what you want. Be bold and be specific!

Set up your environment What will you have in your fridge and on your plate? Do you have comfortable


Your Health + Fitness Matters

workout clothes? Do you need to sign up at a gym, register for a class or enjoy the beautiful fall weather outdoors? Visualize where your new behaviours will take place. Decide what and whom you want to be around. Setting up your environment will establish the foundation for your new routine.

Accountability Who will you surround yourself with? Do you have friends to exercise with? Surround yourself with positive people who will uplift you, support you and help you achieve your goals. Trainers, coaches, fitness instructors and other like-minded people will serve as accountability and ensure that you stay on track.

Shift Your mental limitations by altering your mindset What are your beliefs? Do you believe that if you lose weight you will gain it back? Do you believe that exercise is hard and that you will have to push through the pain? Is gaining weight during the summer

September/October 2018

Chris Reabel is a Founder of Club Reabel Fitness & Lifestyle, a Certified Coach Practitioner, Fitness Professional and Speaker. He provides Life Coaching, Group Coaching and Executive Coaching Services in Ottawa. He has over 19 years experience in the Health, Fitness and Wellness industry. Chris is 2013, 2014 canfitpro PRO TRAINER of the Year and was named GoodLife Fitness’ Group Fitness Instructor of Excellence in 2016, 2017. Learn more about Chris at

normal for you? Could you believe you that you can get fitter this fall? Identify what belief doesn’t serve you and elicit what you want to believe instead. Create lifestyle change instead of a temporary fix. Believe eating healthfully tastes much better and that exercise is fun and part of your life.

Who is it for and why are you doing it? Outside of your own goals, who else are you helping? Are you a healthy role model for your kids? Identify with the person that you want to become. Hear yourself say “I am living a healthy lifestyle. When you think beyond yourself and unfold the reason behind your goals, you may find the extra motivation to stick to your plan.

What obstacles may be in the way? Prepare your potential obstacles you may encounter and rehearse what you will do about it. Remove temptation by moving towards something you identify as “good” instead of moving away from the “bad.”

Break it down into manageable chunks Start simple. Break it down into smaller chunks. Replace one behaviour at a time; a great goal is one behaviour modification every week, step-by-step creating the life that you want. 

Credit: © Syda_Productions

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Remember... without your health nothing else matters.


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Your Health + Fitness Matters


S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18


Power Food Recipe

Recipes from Dr. Joël, ND

Powerfoods 101 Paprika Pumpkin Soup with roasted Beet Drizzle Feature Power Food: Smoked Paprika Servings: 4 | Serving Size: 2 cups Free From: Gluten, Dairy, Soy


• 1 beet, cubed • 4 ¼ cup vegetable stock (low sodium & gluten free), divided • 1 onion, minced • 3 garlic cloves, minced • 1 Tbsp. paprika (sweet, hot or smoked) • 1 tsp. each: ground cumin, ground coriander • 4 cups pumpkin, chopped or 1-28 oz. can pumpkin puree, unsweetened (not pie filling) • Sea salt & pepper to taste • ¼ cup coconut yogurt, unsweetened (gluten & dairy free), to garnish • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds (soaked overnight), to garnish • ¼ cup cilantro, minced for garnish

For more great recipes pick up your copy of Dr. Joël’s Upcoming Appearances! With each purchase you are supporting cancer care for families in need.




1. Preheat oven to 375 ºF. Place beet on a parchment lined baking sheet, drizzle with ¼ cup stock, and roast beets for 10 minutes or until soft. 2. Add ¼ cup more of the stock to a large stockpot on medium heat. Add onion, garlic, paprika, cumin, and coriander and healthy sauté for 2-3 minutes or until onions are soft. Next, add pumpkin, salt, and pepper to taste. Let simmer for 15 minutes. Use a hand immersion blender or transfer batches of soup to a blender and blend until smooth. 3. Put roasted beets in a blender and puree until smooth. Set aside.

4. Ladle soup into bowls. Drizzle with coconut yogurt and roasted beet puree. Top with pumpkin seeds and cilantro to garnish. Nutritional Facts: Calories 154 | Total Fat 0.3 g | Saturated Fat 0.1 g | Monounsaturated Fat 0 g Polyunsaturated Fat 0.1 g | Cholesterol 0 mg | Sodium 390 mg | Potassium 544 mg Total Carbohydrate 29.4 g | Natural Sugar 8.8 g | Dietary Fiber 7 g | Protein 4.5 g *Vitamin A 499.9% | *Vitamin C 43.1% | *Manganese 21.3% *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Dr. Joël, ND is a naturopathic doctor with over 25 years of experience who is passionate about empowering natural health. She is a North American expert in Ienergy with a focus in Anti-Aging Medicine, Metabolism, Hormones and Nutrition. She has recently been awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award” for her contribution to health and wellness. Dr. Joël, ND is the founder, clinical director and CEO of The Revivelife™ Clinic, which is one of the region’s largest providers of integrated health services. Dr. Joël, ND is the author of With every book purchase you can help a family in need with programming at the the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

Your Health + Fitness Matters


September/October 2018

Food Matters

Celiac disease

What are the Signs? by Susan Phipps


eliac disease. It’s that annoying person in the room that people have to make exceptions for. But why? I personally happen to have celiac disease. That means my body attacks itself, makes me extremely sick and shuts down. It’s in my DNA; my heritage. Over time as my nutrients are not absorbed into my body, essentially I become malnourished, regardless of the healthy food going into it. All that is harmful gluten to a celiac is contained in wheat, contaminated oats, barley and rye. For someone just avoiding wheat, chances are they have found themselves to “feel” better in every aspect when avoiding gluten. A personal choice yes; but none the less worthy in my opinion. As a culture we associate food with family, reward, comfort and decadence. As children or adults the addition of whipped cream to an ice-cream cone or even just toast and jam conjures feelings of intimacy from family, good times and community. Birthday’s we celebrate with cake. Christmas with special cookies and Aunties pudding. Roast beef and yorkshire if you are English like I am. I question at times what food means to us all. A celiac questions food everyday. At every meal. Every snack. Every outing. With every grocery shop. Every event. Every invite. At every turn. It feels and

Credit: © PixelsAway

seems like an obsession of sorts to those around us and indeed ourselves as well. We constantly seek out food that will hopefully feel and taste and look normal. Our normal. Our life. Our mainstay. Our story. Food that is safe. It is a bizarre concept to understand if you are not celiac, that your food literally could not be safe to eat. You may not die, but sometimes the symptoms are so bad you may feel like you want to. Depression and anxiety and fear of food are real to us. Bloating, a host of bowel and digestive issues, and other diseases that attach themselves to those of us who have this wildly publicized autoimmune disease. No cure, but a calming of the disease symptoms with a gluten free diet. I question sometimes how we got to use wheat as our mainstay across the globe. Locally for many cultures it is still not able to be grown. So it is imported. Going back a century or more I researched what we cooked and baked with before the industrialization of wheat. Before wheat become the global standard. We must go back many decades to a time of war and industrialization. Wheat stores well over time and is a stable product in baking. As with GMO’s, large corporations gave us the promise of convenience, lifestyle ease and availability. It’s part of a bigger conversation.

Your Health + Fitness Matters

amataranth buckwheat sorghum coconut quinoa millet

Susan Phipps is a total foodie; a happy Mom of two beautiful daughters. She took matters into her own hands as a serial entrepreneur when she found out her lifetime of ill health was a direct result of having celiac disease. She has created hundreds of recipes and bakes all day long for her two gluten-free stores and her love.

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Spiritual Matters


lawof cause +effect by Robert Meagher

A Course in Miracles

Credit: © hddigital


he ACIM law of cause and effect is simple. However, it is typically completely opposite to the way most people think of themselves, the world, and how they see themselves in the world. Most people, including myself (until I started studying ACIM), think they are affected by what is going on outside of them. When we see something happening outside of us, we react or respond to it. For example, if I witness a thunder and lightning storm, I may be afraid at the possibility of being harmed by the storm. Or I may be excited at watching the power of nature, albeit from a safe distance. So, in summary, I am affected by what is going on outside of me. Or said another way, what is going on outside of me is the cause and I am the effect. Like with many ACIM teachings, we are invited to a new awareness that can be completely opposite to the way we have been seeing things up until now. And such is the case with the law of cause and effect. Where most people see the world outside as the cause and themselves as the effect, ACIM suggests we are the cause and the world is the effect. In short, what we see outside of us is the direct, and only, result


Your Health + Fitness Matters

of our thoughts. We are the cause and the world is the effect—my effect. In very practical terms, whatever I see going on outside of me is a direct result of my thoughts. Everything and anything I see with my physical eyes is a projection of my thoughts. First comes the thought, then comes a manifestation of the thought. So what does this ACIM teaching of cause and effect offer me? All ACIM students are invited to be aware of what they are seeing and then use that physical vision to guide selfinquiry. Through self-inquiry we can obtain spiritual vision. The repeated and specific application of this teaching eventually allows us to apply it generally to every circumstance in our lives. The general application of this teaching allows us to remain at peace, even in the eye of the storm, as we realize that all that is going on outside of us is merely a projection of our thoughts. We realize the world is not happening to us, but by us. We can stop our judgements and blaming, and begin our journey of forgiveness for all that is seen to be outside of us and direct our forgiveness to the only true target— ourselves. 

September/October 2018

Robert Meagher has been ordained as an Interfaith Minister and Certified as a Psycho-Spiritual Psychotherapist. Since 2009 he has led a spiritual ministry in Ottawa called Spiritual Guidance. Robert has been studying ACIM since 2009 and has facilitated several ACIM study and discussion groups each week since 2010. For counselling or therapy appointments, or more information about ACIM, contact Robert at 613-204-0299, rmeagher@servingyourjourney. com, or through his website at

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S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18


Business Matters


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Purpose Why are you here? by Anny Tenbult

u ask an yo c m o Wh with?

Credit: © karandaev


nowing your why makes everything easier. We all have good days and bad days. Knowing your purpose helps you survive the bad days, whether personal or professional. What I have noticed in my almost 20 years of working full-time in this industry is that when we know our why, everything makes more sense. I’ve been told by other business coaches that a business coach does not work on people’s purpose. Why not? I was curious to know mine and have found many others want to know their purpose as well. By learning this our whole life becomes clearer and easier to deal with. Every single human being is unique and the more we understand our own uniqueness the more we begin to accept ourselves and others. We are here to help others but first we must help ourselves. Today as I was working with a wonderful entrepreneur he saw that he has great hope now and for his future. Not only did he see that he is unique, he sees that everyone else is as well. Accepting yourself and others as they are is a wonderful way to live. Judging others


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is learned behaviour and it’s behaviour we probably need to unlearn. Look at how innocent children are and the way they respond to people – and the way most people respond to them. Their curiousity and lack of judgment inspires a similar response in adults, and this is behaviour we need to relearn and emulate. When you learn what you lack, and the areas you need or want to improve, you’ve taken the first step to discovering a much better way of life. People will gravitate to you because you’ll be a happier person. By working on yourself you’ll be less likely to judge others because you’ll realize everyone has something they need to work on. And by focusing on yourself you’ll also have less time to spend wondering about and judging others. Deal with your own issues first. You can start now by writing down: 1. Three things you want to improve about yourself. 2. One thing you can do about each one now. 3. What do you need help with? Whom can you ask for help? Now do it! Enjoy your journey. 

September/October 2018

Anny Tenbult has more than 25 years’ experience in coaching, training, teaching, management and sales. Her expertise is business and personal development. With extensive training and experience in both Power Coaching with Coaching and Leadership International (CLI) and DiSC assessments, Anny offers her clients proven, successful, and concrete tools and skills to help them dramatically enhance the overall quality of their personal and business lives by helping them align their mission, vision, goals and values. She has proven that productivity is increased through her Mind-Kinetics coaching.

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Household Matters

Is your home ready for winter? Completing a few basic tasks before winter can save you money and heartache. by Greg MacDonald Credit: Š tab62


ven though winter is fast approaching and the cold weather is on it's way, there is still time to prepare your house for winter. Following these few basic steps will help make your home more comfortable this winter, prevent damage to your home and save you money on future repairs and energy costs. Most of these tasks do not take a professional and can be done by a homeowner. 1. Cut any branches or shrubs that overhang or touch your house. Trees and bushes can damage siding and roofing. 2. Clean gutters, especially after a storm. Clogged gutters lead to water build up at the foundation and possible entry into the house 3. Turn off exterior hose bibs from inside the house. Disconnect hoses. Open hose bib and drain water.


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4. Check caulking on exterior of house. Repair as needed. Ineffective caulking allows cold air, rain and vermin to enter house. 5. Check roof. Look for loose or missing shingles, damaged flashing and worn or missing caulking and exposed fasteners. 6. Divert water away from house. Make sure your yard has a positive slope going away from the house. Add soil where needed. 7. Reverse ceiling fans. Fans pulling air up will cause the warm air near the ceiling to circulate down to the floor area. 8. Check your furnace and furnace filter. A yearly furnace tune-up by a professional is a good idea. 9. Cover your air conditioner. This can be as simple as putting a piece of plywood and a rock on top.

September/October 2018

GREG MACDONALD is a professional home inspector servicing the Ottawa and surrounding area. Greg is a graduate of the Algonquin College Home Inspection program, and member of The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors. Greg also has experience as a general contractor and has worked on many renovation projects in the Ottawa area. Greg can be reached at 613-410-1290.

10. Check weather stripping around exterior doors, including garage door. 11. If you have experienced ice damming in the past, this may be the time to address the problem. Ice damning is mostly caused by inadequate insulation or ventilation or both in the attic. 12. Make sure external vents will not be blocked by snow. Vents that are close to the ground may get covered by snow. This is often seen with dryer vents and basement bathroom vents. 13. Activate your humidifier. Dry air is bad for health and bad for your house. Maintaining 45 percent humidity in the home is recommended. If you start to get condensation on your windows, you can lower the humidity to 40 percent. 14. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. This could save lives. If they are over ten years old, replace them. If the plastic case looks yellowed, this is an indication they are old and should be replaced. It is recommended to have one on every floor and one in every bedroom. Now you can get out there and enjoy winter, with the peace of mind that your home is ready and able to better withstand winter. 

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Fresh Air Matters Meech Lake, Gatineau Park

Gatineau Park Credit: Karine HallĂŠ @supyogawithkarine


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a d e, i k e, p b

Ta k e a


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d d l e d, k b r o a

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Luskville Falls, Gatineau Park

O l u f yog i t u a this fall in bea

S e p t e m b e r / O c tOttawa ober 2018

Rideau River


Carbide Ruins Gatineau Park

Princess Louise Falls, Orleans

Southkeys, Ottawa

Photos by Billie MacDonald (unless otherwise stated)

o u n r r d u i s n g are d n a u a a e . n .. i t a G , a ttaw

Mer Bleue Conservation Area

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Gatineau Park S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18

Credit: Š monkeybusiness


Financial Matters by Doris Belland



Money Patterns Holding You Back Credit: www.depositphotos © Dutko


omen often reach out to me in search of strategies to help them with their financial situations: too much debt, too little income, difficulty saving money, concerns about investing, and so on. As a former indebted widow, I understand the problems. I used to respond to these requests with a list of steps to address the challenges presented, but not anymore. Today, I have a different approach. In my previous business, I helped families overcome financial challenges. That experience taught me an important lesson: The best tips and plans won’t help you unless you address the issues underlying your money challenges. You may make great strides and enjoy initial success, but without dealing with root causes, you may well revert to what I call your Financial Set Point. It’s like trying to increase a room’s temperature by using a space heater. Take away the heater and the temperature drops back to the thermostat’s setting. Hold that thought about the thermostat for a moment and let’s consider my recent research project in which I interviewed seventy-eight women, from coast to coast, to determine where they feel confident financially and where they need help. An interesting finding emerged: The interviewees exhibited the same financial


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behaviours as their parents except where they had made efforts to identify their money patterns and change their habits. In other words, financial patterns tend to carry forward unless there is a conscious effort to change them. If some areas of your finances are challenging, it’s worth asking yourself a few questions before heading into action: • How did your parents talk about money? What words did they use? • Was money a source of stress for them? • What did you experience? • What are your beliefs about money? • How do you talk about money? • Can you spot any recurring patterns in the way that you make, manage, and grow money? • If your beliefs about money were represented by a thermostat, where would yours be set? Once you identify your own money patterns, you can drill down to the behaviours and habits that don’t serve you. Change the behaviours one at a time. Small steps for better results. The good news? You control the thermostat, which means that you have the power to alter your Financial Set Point. If you want better outcomes, it may be time to heat things up. 

September/October 2018

Doris Belland is a credit repair specialist, founder of Your Financial Launchpad, and author of Protect Your Purse. In her early thirties, she became a widow and was left with $400,000 of debt, which she repaid within two years. She has since developed a real estate portfolio and built two businesses. Doris helps women grow their financial confidence and develop better options for their families through her monthly education group and hands-on workshops. You can reach her at doris@

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Hearing Matters

Need Hearing Aids? Here’s What You Need to Consider Before Your Purchase by Karine Bossé Credit: © robertprzybysz


aving worked in a variety of clinical settings and having fitted hundreds of patients with hearing aids throughout the years, I can say that the success that people have with their hearing aids has a lot to do with: • the clinical skill level of their Audiologist, • the counselling, education and information they receive at their appointments, and • the ongoing services they receive from their chosen hearing clinic Before even talking about hearing aids, the first step is to get a hearing evaluation done. A hearing test helps us to determine if there is an issue with the hearing system (outer ear, middle ear and inner ear), if the hearing loss is permanent or not, if a medical referral is recommended for a possible treatment and what rehabilitative solutions may be available. If we determine that hearing aids are the right solution, we then have another discussion about the various options, so we can select appropriate devices.


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The Importance of Counselling in Selecting and Programming a Hearing Aid When we select hearing aids, we need to consider the degree of the hearing loss, the style of hearing aid that best suits the loss acoustically, the physical shape of the ear, the sound quality of the hearing aid (technology level) and the accessories (ie: remote controls) our patient may benefit from. I personally also like to keep in mind my patients’ personal preferences (ie: if you prefer an aid that is discrete) and select something that suits their lifestyle and budget. Keep in mind, there are over 200 choices of hearing aids on the market from mainstream manufacturers. There are even more options if you consider less mainstream manufacturers. My role as an Audiologist is to narrow that down to select the most appropriate option for my patient, to help ensure their success in their hearing rehabilitation journey.

September/October 2018

Karine Bossé, B.A., Psy. & Lin., M.Sc.S., Aud (C) Karine is a Registered Audiologist who uses a patient-centered approach with state of the art equipment to help treat her patients who suffer from hearing difficulties. With a strong focus on hearing health, Karine aims to educate her patients and her community on the challenges of hearing loss and why treating it is so important. Karine’s relaxed approach and strong counselling skills have always been great assets for her patients, along with her ability to relay information, her quick smile and her easy-going personality.

Once we select the hearing aids, we need to program them for the hearing loss. This process typically includes programming the hearing aids based on the results from the hearing test, measuring in real-time the sound coming out of the hearing aid and entering the ear, adjusting the sound to match what is prescribed for the loss to ensure we are starting off with the most optimal hearing possible, discussing how the patient perceives these new sounds they are now hearing again, and adjusting the hearing aids if needed to help our patients feel more comfortable with them. Once we establish a good volume and setting that works for our patient, we then go over everything they need to know about the hearing aids and how to maintain them properly.

The Importance of Ongoing Services after your Purchase There are a few things to keep in mind throughout the years after having purchased hearing aids.

There are some variables that may affect a patient’s success such as a change in their hearing, changes in how the brain processes sound, as well as how the hearing aid is performing, which can be impacted by moisture build-up, wax build-up, broken electronics, etc. For these reasons, we recommend to our patients coming back to the clinic on a regular basis for hearing tests and for hearing aid cleaning and verificaCredit: © By Pixel-Shot tion appointments, so we are able to provide them with our ongoing help and ensure that they are provided with the most optimal hearing possible.

The Bottom Line At Echo Audiology, we are always here to help our patients as much as we can to help them rediscover their hearing and counsel them along the way. We offer a stressfree environment for our patients and are always excited to be able to help someone hear better! We hope to pass that excitement onto our patients, so they can benefit from a healthier hearing and a healthier lifestyle! 

Rediscover your hearing! Redécouvrez votre audition!  Hearing Tests for Adults  Hearing Tests for Children (6 months+)  Hearing Aids (and all its related services)  2 Payment Plan Options to Suit Budget (Financing or Hearing Aid Rental)  Tinnitus Consultations and Counselling  Services for ADP, RCMP, VAC, WSIB, ODSP, CNSST & Work Tests  Hearing Protection (noise, music, sleep, swim)  Assistive Listening Devices (amplified phones, TV systems, etc)  French and English Services

Karine Bossé Jessica Fallak Audiologist

Clinic Manager

373 Vantage Drive, Unit 1 Orléans, Ontario, K4A 3W2 Call 613.841.3033 or email

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Mental Health Matters

by Wendy Robinson



Dilema Credit: © AntonioGuillemF


am no health professional or “expert”. But neither do you need to be to question what is going on in our society with all the talk about mental health these days. Are we all mentally ill? Is childhood a mental illness to be treated with mind altering psychotropic drugs? A disturbing large number of families and millions of kids today have had their lives interrupted after a psychiatrist or psychologist diagnosed that child to be suffering from a disorder affecting his/ her ability to learn or behave in school. Common sense would have a thinking person question how did we get so far down this rabbit hole? Do all these kids and adults need to be on dangerous drugs with serious side effects? I do not give out medical or legal advice, but information needs to be available to educate, inform and help loving parents hear both sides of this issue and prevail in the face of the enormous “drug children now” pressures so entrenched in our society. One parent explained to


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me that the first day her son went to high school his teacher called her up and said her son needed to be put on a drug. “What for?” the parent replied in surprise. “He is disoriented and confused” the teacher said. “But my son is 14 years old and this is his first day of high school. He needs an orientation and a week to adjust to the much bigger school he is attending now than the smaller school he came from. He will not be put on drugs” the parent replied. Disorders commonly called a learning disability/disorder LD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD) or more commonly, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are labels often presented to parents about their children. Parents are told their young children have chemical imbalances in their brain, they have Bi-Polar Disease, Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Pervasive Development Disorder on and on and on. When a parent is facing an administrator, a teacher a psychologist so called

September/October 2018

Read more on page 26

Wendy Robinson is a passionate humanitarian. Although always interested in helping others she has over the last two years focused on humanitarian campaigns. That focus has been supporting causes that bring awareness to the work of The Citizens Commission for Human Rights, which has for over Forty years been a watchdog on psychiatric human rights abuses. This organization also serves as a clearing house for research and information for the public on the psychiatric industry.

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› Mental Health Matters from page 24 “experts” it feels like you have been told your child has developed a real disease after all these professionals have big credentials and years of experience don’t they? One man told me his child was labeled with 7 mental illnesses. I was shocked when the father told me his son was 2 years old at the time of this diagnosis. I personally met this child and he is as normal, healthy and sweet as any child I know. It is obvious he is not mentally ill but a child full of life, curiosity and very mannerly. I met one 19 year old teenager, a young beautiful girl who told me she has already had a stroke and her doctor still has her on the same drug. I felt great concern for her life. You ask yourself….” Who am I to ignore these experts?” Trusting their advisors and wanting only the best for their child some parents have concluded that such drugs were the “best” available solution and consented to having their child put on such drugs as Ritalin, Prozac, Risperdal etc. Sadly, more and more of these parents profoundly regret their decision, having discovered not only that the original diagnosis was completely fabricated and thereby fraudulent, but also that the treatment was debilitating and even life-threatening. If you love your psychiatrist and believe in your treatment with psychotrophic drugs is in your best interest, read no further. This is still a free country and you get to decide your health treatment. If you are a concerned person who would like more information there are options. Follow the money and see who is profiting from this huge industry of harmful drugs? Why do these professionals not inform patients of the terrible side effects of these drugs? Why is that psychiatrists talk a lot about mental illness but they don’t heal anyone-none, no cures. Instead, patients are kept on these drugs for years and years. A well known writer and famous person in Canada recently told me he has been on psychotropic drugs for 28 years and he cannot come off them. His words not mine. If you are on these drugs you should not come off them suddenly either. You need to have a doctor help you to get off these drugs safely. Many patients are introduced to pain relieving drugs which leads to a real drug addiction. This happens to children also. A child is given addictive drugs as children because they are “nervous” and that can very easily lead to a much bigger drug problem. My dear friend who was a head nurse in a children’s ward ended up a drug addict from drugs prescribed to her by her doctor. She needed


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to go to rehab classes at the hospital for mental illness in Ottawa. To this day she is very forgetful and confused. This can happen to anyone. It can happen to you. Know your human rights, be prepared and be informed when questioned about your or your child’s mental health. 1. No medical tests. Mental disorders are diagnosed by lists of symptoms. No medical tests exist that can detect a mental health disorder-no brain scan, no blood test, no chemical imbalance test. 2. Follow the money. Psychiatric disorders are listed in the Psychiatric Diagnositc and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. DSM-5 the fifth edition, more to come. This is the billing bible doctors use because the codes are used to bill your insurance company for their services. The disorders are voted on by work groups comprised of psychiatrists. Many of these voters have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Have you been given a prescription for these drugs after talking with a doctor for 15 minutes with no testing or checks? 3. Dangerous side effects. Per the drug watchdog organizations like FDA. Health Canada, some of the side effects of psychiatric drugs include mania, psychosis, depression, suicidal thoughts, homicidal thoughts and death. Did your doctor tell you that? Doesn’t that sound like what you are being treated for? 4. You Do Have a Choice. Non-psychiatric medical professionals can and do perform medical tests to detect any potential underlying physical cause of unwanted mental health symptoms. 5. Right to Informed Consent. Each individual has a right to be fully informed about the proposed medical treatment or procedure used on them. This includes the right to know the risks and alternatives. Any consent given may be revoked orally or in writing before or during the treatment period by the patient or by a person who is legally authorized to make health care decision on behalf of the patient. There is so much to say on this subject it fills volumes of books. Next article I will write about the real agenda for the Mental Health Profession. Please write to me if you have a story to tell about the negative effects of mind altering drugs on your childhood followed by a drug-consumed adulthood. I would be glad to take down your story for you. All of the information in this article is based on the writings and videos of Citizens Commission on Human Rights, (CCHR). 

September/October 2018

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September/October 2018

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Jolene Hung, B.Sc., MBA Consultant Karine Bossé, Audiologist 373 Vantage Drive, Unit 1 Orléans, Ontario, K4A 3W2 613.841.3033

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Janet Seto

Ottawa Chapter Director

613-407-0505 2003 Blvd., St-Joseph Blvd., 2003 St-Joseph Orléans Ontario K1C 1E5 2003 St-Joseph Blvd., Orléans Ontario K1C 1E5

Orléans Ontario K1C 1E5

Naturopathic Services

Empowering people to extraordinary health • Acupuncture • Allergies & Food Sensitivities • Emotional Release • Holistic Nutrition

Call Head Office at 613.714.9495

• Reflexology • Kinesiology • Iridology • Shiatsu • Weight Loss

Ramila Padiachy DNM Dr. Chanele Padiachy MSc. ND

Nepean: 289 Greenbank Rd.

1437 Woodroffe Ave., Ottawa 613.829.0427 |

Ottawa West: 1400 Carling Ave.

Your Health + Fitness Matters

(near West Hunt Club Road)

(inside Embassy West Senior Living)

S e p t e m b e r / O c to b e r 2 0 18


Real Estate

Socks and Insoles

Registered Holistic Nutrition

“Make all the best moves with Pat!” Pat Durant – Sales Representative RE/MAX Hallmark Realty Group 613.899.5651 (cell) 613.596.5353 (office) 2255 Carling Ave, Ottawa

You Dream it… We’ll Create It...

Hire your personal Nutritionist today Darpan Ahluwalia

Total Landscaping

Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) Certified Blood Analyst

Ryan Hunkin, Landscaper

Certified Techo-pro Contractor 1304 Birchmount Drive, Ottawa

Call 613-692-1484






Spa Services

Wellness Coach

Nuture your Mind Body and Soul ...with our NEW Wellness Services Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment

Festival Japan Restaurant Hollywood's Award-Winning


Reservation: 613-234-1224 149 Kent Street, Ottawa



Chiropractic Care Holistic Nutrition Naturopathic Medicine Preventative Health

Part of the Ottawa Natural Medicine community for over 15 years

Mobile Reflexology Services | | 819.210.1749

Wellness & Rejuvenation Clinic

Book online: | 613-513-7871

819.210.1749 Ottawa | Gatineau

Reiki Bytown Reiki Services • Wellness • Recovery • Palliative

Achieve your personal goals Health • Finances Career • Relationships EnErgy HEAling rEiki Bytown Reiki Services (located in Kanata) 613-286-2190 by appointment 34

900 Watters Road, Orleans 613.841.8400





Hollywood's Award-Winning Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment

181 Patricia Avenue, free on-street parking.

CORE MORINGA® SUPPLEMENTS Moringa oleifera contains 90+ vitamins, minerals, vital proteins, antioxidants, omega oils, and other benefits. INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR

Eric Peters 86 Pinetrail Cr., Ottawa ON

Call 613-897-9452 613-791-9642 (YOGA)


Zen Outdoor

Sacred Spaces Studio

DLT Construction Ltd.

Universal Wellness Specialist

“You’re not just another renovation to us”

Authorized, Local Distributor

Janet Wilkinson

tel: 613-741-8929 text: 613-302-5764

Healing Yoga ottawa

Dr. Karen Stillman

Your Health + Fitness Matters

Mindfulness Coach & Teacher • Energy Healer • Best-Selling Author • | | 819.210.1749

Lumina Wellness & Rejuvenation

Healing on the move... we bring healing to your doorstep or in-clinic services in Wellington West / Westboro Village

Moira Hutchison

September/October 2018

Gifting You Freedom from Within

DreamBuilder® Life Coach Sacred Childbirth with Reiki™ Reiki, Meditation, Yoga 613.314.9802 Ottawa, Ontario


Plumbing Mechanical Construction Daniel Tessier DLT Construction Ltd. 84 Springcreek Cresc., Kanata 613.720.9072 DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME



Seniors Chair Yoga and Drum Circle (Ottawa West) For seniors with and without developmental disabilities. All levels welcome.


Join us for our bi-weekly Chair Yoga • Professional drum and yoga facilitators • FREE coffee and tea before each class


Join us for our bi-monthly Drum Circle. • Express yourself • Feel the vibration • Feel the joy!

Have Fun • Make New Friends • Stay Fit CALL TODAY TO BOOK FOR CHAIR YOGA OR DRUMMING L’ARCHE OTTAWA 11 Rossland Ave., Nepean, Ontario K2G 2K2 613-228-7136 ext. 28 MA D E P O S S I B L E T H R O U G H F U N D I N G F R O Your M THealth H E N+EFitness W HO R I ZO›NS eFpO AM Matters t eR m bSeE rN / O IcO t oRbSe rP2R0 O 1 8G R 35


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Ensuring Ottawa can Breathe Easy for over 10 years

Your Health + Fitness Matters

September/October 2018

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