7 minute read
Allergy testing – a brief guide to what’s available
by Zandra, Editor sensitivity Allergy testing and
I spent much of my 20s suffering with IBS, at the time I blamed alcohol and staying up too late. Fast forward a few years (ok many years) and I now know that my issue is an intolerance to Wheat and Gluten. I have not eaten Gluten for over 14 years now and have never had a recurrence of the IBS.
But there are many food groups, hormonal fluctuations and other external triggers that can cause issues – and there are many types of tests for these. A summary of some of those available follow.
BIOLAB - IgE allergies to foods and inhalants. Biolab is the leading nutritional and environmental pathology laboratory in the UK and has been offering a wide range of laboratory tests for assessing nutritional status and the effects of the environment on health since 1984. Physically we are what we eat, and what we are exposed to, nothing more, nothing less. Most nutrients are beneficial, but many Twenty First century foods have no nutritional benefit, and yet increasingly individuals are becoming sensitive or allergic to beneficial foods, thus limiting our food choices.
At Biolab, as well as measuring micronutrient status, we also offer a range of tests for IgE allergies to foods and inhalants (pollen, house dust mites etc.), and we can screen for food intolerances (IgG mediated reactions which are less severe and often delayed), and for lactose and fructose intolerances using novel
non-invasive testing methods.
Mycotoxins are toxins ingested and inhaled from food contaminated moulds (lots of fresh fruit and vegetables contain traces of moulds due to long term storage in warm damp environments) and also from mould in the home (bathrooms etc.) and the workplace. We have recently introduced a urine Mycotoxins Profile which screens for a wide range of mycotoxins associated with adverse health symptoms.
Biolab is here to help identify what in your environment is adversely affecting your health.
Further details of all available tests can be found on our website (IgE allergy screens are currently not available during the coronavirus pandemic). W | www.biolab.co.uk
Pure Wholeness –Iridology Iridology is a non-invasive diagnostic tool, through analysis of the iris (coloured part of the eye), a person’s level of systemic health and areas of nutritional deficiency can be seen. In the first instance a detailed client health and lifestyle history will be taken. Thereafter a magnifying glass with a light will be used to look into your eyes; this will enable a map to be drawn up of what is seen on a chart. This then enables the therapist to give appropriate nutritional advice and suggest remedies.
Pure Wholeness - Allergy Testing and Nutrition. Allergy testing is carried out through a muscle related test (kinesiology based), which will identify key allergies or intolerances a client may have. A detailed client health and lifestyle history will be taken in the first consultation, where we will discuss what needs to be tested. Each treatment is tailored to the individual as everyone is unique. Testing is available for infants to adults. Advice on nutrition is offered and various supplements and alternative health products are available.
By Catherine, a registered Holistic Therapist
T | 07816189906 E | purewholeness@gmail.com Facebook | pure-wholeness
Allergies, intolerances and testing Wheat, gluten and diary are ingredients widely known to be implicated in health problems. Other sources are foods, hormones, additives, pollution, toxicity, stress, emotional disturbances and more.
What’s at the ‘root’ of this complexity?
I advise Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), which addresses it all.
This easy, non-invasive home test has helped hundreds of my clients with allergies and intolerances. Over 40 years, it’s been key in healing my clients (and myself) from chronic migraines and digestive, emotional and spirituallybased health conditions, to a higher level of self-knowledge and understanding. Still in my 70s its helping me to slow down, meditatively chew 30 times – not just “What Am I Eating” but “Who is Eating” - I am healthier and happier as a result.
Hair is ideal for testing. It slowly locks in substances from your blood and tissues as it grows - a fascinating story there to be understood.
A small sample of hair is posted to the laboratory. 10 days later you get a report of findings, detailing your metabolic type, stress profile, minerals and heavy metals, with suggested health practices, foods and daily supplements. Profound realisations have emerged for people as we work together in Consultation on the findings of the test.
I look forward to helping you have more insight and better understanding of your wellbeing using Hair Mineral Analysis. You can find out more on the website.
Gabrielle Paras Richards ND, Bliss Naturopathy, Kings Langley
E | blissnaturopathy@icloud.com W | blissnaturopathy.com T | 07788 981977
Nutrition for Life - IgG antibodies Is something you are eating adversely affecting your health ?
Food intolerance can result from your body reacting adversely to certain foods and research has shown that it can be linked to IgG antibodies produced when these ‘problem foods’ are eaten.
Normally these antibodies do not have any ill-effects, but if the immune system or digestive systems are not working efficiently their presence may cause a wide range of symptoms such as bloating, lack of energy, headaches, constipation, weight problems aching joints and anxiety.
The ‘Food Detective Test’ helps to identify these ‘problem’ foods by detecting IgG anti-bodies in the blood using a finger-prick blood sample taken in clinic. 59 commonly eaten foods are tested including, gluten, wheat, cow’s milk, egg, yeast and oats. Using these results as a guide, the diet can then be adjusted and a new diet planned. Most people experience an improvement in health after eliminating the identified foods and replacing them with healthy alternatives. After 3 months, in many cases, the ‘offending foods’ can then be slowly introduced back into the diet without any ill effects.
By Alyson Carter, BA Hons, Dip Nut. Registered Nutritional Therapist at the Naturality Wellness Centre
W | nut4life.com T | 0781 6981858
Allergy Testing UK – Beat the Bloat Is the food you are eating affecting your Digestion? Do you constantly feel bloated? Windy? Tired? Acidic? Have irregular bowels?
Having a Digestive Health Analysis could be the answer to your digestive problems.
The most common food intolerances are Gluten, Diary products, sugar and Yeast
Gluten is a sticky glue like substance and can cause inflammation in the colon and is found in wheat, rye, oat and barley products, including cereals, breads, pizzas, biscuits and cakes, and can cause a number of digestive problems including bloating, wind and fatigue.
Dairy products ( Lactose/Lactates/Lacitol/ Casein) can be a problem on their own and can cause loose stools , wind ,bloating and skin inflammation, and are found in yoghurts, cow, goat and sheep milk as well as in cheese.
Yeast is also a common denominator in causing bloating, wind, candida, fatigue and skin problems and can be found in all Alcohol, bread, fermented foods and sugary products. Yeast has a
fermenting effect on the colons own bacteria ,and too much creates ‘Over fermentation’ resulting in more wind, bloating etc.
Other considerations- Its not the food but how you digest it!
Many people say they have given up Gluten, wheat, dairy and still have problems, the answer is on many occasions a combination of Food Intolerance and Digestive Inability.
What does that mean ? Simply put, you may not have enough digestive juices( enzymes) to digest your fibre, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins. When you cant digest your food properly the resulting affect is bloating, over fermentation, wind, acid reflux ,tiredness and much more.
Having a Digestive Health Analysis Test ,finds out if you have any food intolerances as well as testing you for any digestive enzyme dysfunction
W | allergy-testing-uk.com
Footnote by Lucy Blunden, Herbalist
Allergy, intolerance and sensitivity are different things. True allergy is potentially life threatening and the others bring about unpleasant reactions.
Herbs to help you
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Plantain (Plantago lanceolata or P. major… not the banana!), are top of the list and readily found by everyone. There are others but these are the most suitable for home use.
Each of the above can be drunk as copious strong tea to reduce the effects of allergy responses.
Strong tea recipe:
• 2-3 dessert spoons of chopped fresh plant or 3 teabags in a cup, • fill with boiled water, • brew for 20+ mins Drink frequently (c. 6 times) or until symptoms resolve.
The side effects are that these marvellous herbs also work on other aspects of your body than just immune system effects.
• Chamomile for your gut (caution with reflux) • Nettle for joints and skin (caution in histamine sensitivity) • Plantain for lungs and sinuses and seasonal allergies Stop immediately if any negative side effects arise
Lucy Blunden is a Medical Herbalist practising in Hemel Hempstead. She loves working with conditions with an emotional underpinning. Her treatment toolbox contains herbal remedies, Bach Flower Remedies and EFT/Tapping alongside food and lifestyle changes. Lucy is also a Lecturer in Herbal Medicine at the University of Westminster.
E | lucyblundenherbal.com
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