Allergy and sensitivity by Zandra, Editor
I spent much of my 20s suffering with IBS, at the time I blamed alcohol and staying up too late. Fast forward a few years (ok many years) and I now know that my issue is an intolerance to Wheat and Gluten. I have not eaten Gluten for over 14 years now and
have never had a recurrence of the IBS. But there are many food groups, hormonal fluctuations and other external triggers that can cause issues – and there are many types of tests for these. A summary of some of those available follow.
BIOLAB - IgE allergies to foods and inhalants.
Biolab is the leading nutritional and environmental pathology laboratory in the UK and has been offering a wide range of laboratory tests for assessing nutritional status and the effects of the environment on health since 1984. Physically we are what we eat, and what we are exposed to, nothing more, nothing less. Most nutrients are beneficial, but many Twenty First century foods have no nutritional benefit, and yet increasingly individuals are becoming sensitive or allergic to beneficial foods, thus limiting our food choices. At Biolab, as well as measuring micronutrient status, we also offer a range of tests for IgE allergies to foods and inhalants (pollen, house dust mites etc.), and we can screen for food intolerances (IgG mediated reactions which are less severe and often delayed), and for lactose and fructose intolerances using novel 46
non-invasive testing methods. Mycotoxins are toxins ingested and inhaled from food contaminated moulds (lots of fresh fruit and vegetables contain traces of moulds due to long term storage in warm damp environments) and also from mould in the home (bathrooms etc.) and the workplace. We have recently introduced a urine Mycotoxins Profile which screens for a wide range of mycotoxins associated with adverse health symptoms. Biolab is here to help identify what in your environment is adversely affecting your health. Further details of all available tests can be found on our website (IgE allergy screens are currently not available during the coronavirus pandemic). W |