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the lockdown & beyond edition
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in focus
welcome Your Health Hub – YOUR local health and wellbeing magazine and directory
Now, more than ever there is a huge interest in ways to support our health and wellbeing. I, like many others have been researching how to build my immunity and proactively protect my family and myself from all that the world is throwing our way. Welcome to this special “LOCK DOWN & BEYOND” edition of Your Health Hub – YOUR local health & wellbeing magazine and directory. This edition’s editorial focus is on Body, Health & Fitness. Amazing giveaways See pages 44 and 58 or Join Your Health Hub community via the website to be automatically entered into all of the Give Aways and get the magazine delivered to your inbox 4 times a year.
We have editorial on • Keeping your Immunity in top condition • Posture & Lung health • Keeping your Children entertained during Lock-down • Staying safe from Narcissist’s online during lockdown • Allergy & Sensitivity Testing And a general look at • Fitness Trends • Nutrition • Health & wellbeing Stay Safe and well,
Zandra x
Zandra Editor, Your Health Hub Directory
Disclaimer: The Your Health Hub directories and website advocate an integrated, collaborative, diligent and holistic approach to treating illness
and creating wellness and recommends that you always consult with appropriately qualified professionals when seeking to change the circumstances of your health. We believe in, promote and encourage diversity and self-responsibility, meaning that any decisions and choices you make following exposure to any of the information Your Health Hub makes available must be owned one hundred percent by you. Whilst every reasonable effort has been made to vet and qualify contributions, the inclusion of content from its contributors in any of the Your Health Hub’s publications is in no way an endorsement or guarantee of efficacy. The accuracy of written editorial content, provided images and advertisements is the sole responsibility of the submitter and has been accepted in good faith by Your Health Hub.
Lock down
Simple steps to a stronger 6 immune system to keep you motivated during 9 Apps lockdown & beyond Posture & Breathing – how posture 10 can affect lung capacity nutrition & supplements supplements – do we really Having fun with the kids at home 12 32 Food need them? How to spot an online Narcissist Vitamin Therapy – a popular trend 14 34 IVamongst when you first meet them celebrities, but what is it? Environmental Revolution – a guide to Salts – back to biochemical 18 36 Tissue help during this period of change basics! are you more capable of? fitness & fitness trends 38 What – a look at biohacking Seated Pilates – brand new 20 chair based pilates 42 An introduction to fermentation Tai Chi – a mind, body activity to help WIN Real” sauces – 22 you relax 44 “Just win a bottle of sauce Yotism – specialised yoga for the testing – a brief guide 24 SEN community 46 Allergy to what’s available is good posture – and ways 28 What we can improve bad posture health & wellbeing in focus to win – what does the word therapy – tapping into 30 How 50 Craniosacral win mean to you? the body’s healing ability reflexology 54 Hand – advertisement feature Sarah – a health & wellbeing 56 Meet business coach – advertisement
58 Amazing giveaways 60 Directory listings
lockdown & beyond edition
Simple steps to a
immune system
The question on everyones minds during the current crisis, is ‘What can I do to improve my immunity and guard myself against infection’? It has put health at the very top of people’s personal agendas and rightly so. There never has been a time where it is so important for everyone to take personal responsibility for their wellbeing than now. There never has been a time where our bodies have been faced with the challenges which we are now being faced with. When we think about supporting our immunity we think of things like Vitamin C and Zinc along with other natural herbal products like garlic and echinacea. These are all good. We see the power that high dosage Vitamin C can bring. However, there is a lot more we can do to support our health on a continuous daily basis to help support our immune systems.
Important advances in cellular hydration
Firstly we should make sure we are properly hydrated with good water. This might appear to be a very simplistic approach, however there is very good scientific reasons why. There are many people that are very dehydrated, not because they are not drinking water but rather because the water they are drinking is not being absorbed. Thanks to the results of research coming out of Dr Gerald Pollack’s laboratory at the University of Washington – we now have a deeper understanding of the key role that water plays in the health of the body. The following excerpt from the web site of the hydration foundation 6
( gives you a flavour of this research and the potential for human health. You are 99% water by molecules and drinking water is the most obvious of the 3 principles of hydration. To get the maximum absorption from what you drink and to make it available all the way down to the cellular levels, you need to drink water, but not just any kind of water. There is a better type of water than tap or bottled water that optimally hydrates you and reduces the need for high volume intake. This new kind of water is the water we find in nature – it is the water found in springs and streams, in fruits and vegetables, and in our cells. It was recently “identified” as structured water with the molecular structure of H302. Emerging science has come out of the culmination of over 30 years experiments and research from the laboratory of Dr. Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington in Seattle. Documented by Dr Pollack H302, the next phase of water, has vitally important differences from tap or bottled water. H3O2 is denser and has more oxygen than regular H2O. Perhaps the most surprising difference is that while H2O has no charge, structured water has an electrical charge. This is how water forms a battery and begins producing and storing energy inside us. This is the very energy needed to move, think, heal and repair. H3O2 is our fuel for healing. We need it for our hydration, energy and vitality. H3O2 is nature’s water.
In my view the most important then we can do to enhance our wellbeing is to ensure that we are drinking water that is going to help protect our cells. If our cells are surrounded with healthy structured water then that will be enormously important to promote health at a very foundational level. There are now an increasing number of technologies that can help to restructure water. The simplest way is using special minerals which can improve water structure. These minerals are used in special filters such as pioneered by leading bioceramics company Biocera. Other technologies using vortexs are also becoming popular to help put ‘life’ back into water.
Build healthy blood
Secondly we should make sure we are consuming a diet that is chlorophyll rich. One of the major benefits of green vegetables is their high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll has a similar chemical structure to blood, the only difference being that blood has iron and chlorophyll has magnesium in it. It is for that reason that chlorophyll is referred to as plant blood. It is important for the overall wellbeing of our bodies to make
lockdown & beyond edition sure that we keep our blood clean and free flowing. Unfortunately excess acidity in our diets and from our environment has a negative effect. Consuming a diet with a high chlorophyll content can help enormously to help blood pH and keep the blood clean and healthy. These are some of the reasons why green superfood products have become popular in recent years. They not only supply the body with very dense nutrition but give our diets much needed chlorophyll. They also help to reduce the toxin load on our bodies. Green Superfood blends are often a combination of grasses, green vegetables and other synergistic nutrients such as chlorella and spirulina. One of the original products in this field is Green Vibrance Powder formulated by leading US clinical nutritionist Mark Timon. It is over 25 years since the first formulation and has been continuously refined over that period. It is good all rounder for our health, but particularly helpful for immune health, digestive health and for our cardio vascular systems.
Gut health - vital for immunity, vital for good health
The third thing we need to do is optimise our gut health. Our digestive system houses a significant part of our immune system. Good health does begin in the gut and if it is not functioning well we need to make that a priority. Unfortunately modern living, and in particular excessive antibiotic use and chemicals in our food and in the environment has impaired gut function. Improving the health of our gut will not only help support our immune system but will have a beneficial impact of the rest of our body and also our mental health. There has been significant advances in the understanding of the key role of the bacteria in our gut, which has given relief to a lot of people. However, taking a probiotic capsule will seldom give the full benefits that are possible. The bacteria in our gut are very sensitive to the environment they are in. For them to feel 8
at home and flourish there often needs to be a focus to improve the gut environment in terms of mineral content, pH balance, vitamin D levels and blood flow. This will make the gut a much more hospitable environment for the good bacteria to feel at home in and provide us with the immense benefits that they can bring. Another important point to consider is that the good bacteria you supplement with should be bacteria that intuitively know that they belong in the human body, and should be taken in a high enough dosing to be able to compete. This will of course cost more in the short term but will give better results by creating better balance in the digestive tract, improving immunity and the absorption of nutrients. Australian company Progurt have spent over 2 years adopting a very different approach to probiotic supplementation than most other companies. Their approach has brought significant benefit to many that had significant long term health challenges. Progurt consider it very important to improve the digestive system environment and to then introduce high strength infusions of human derived microbes. In summary continue to support your immunity with the Vitamin C and Zinc and botanical products. Focus on optimised cellular hydration, build healthy blood and get your digestive tract working optimally. These few suggestions will I hope help you to enjoy good health in these challenging times. They will help to improve your immune system, they will help you to detoxify and then will help you to better absorb your nutrients.
This article was written by Roddy MacDonald of Water for Health Ltd, who has a passion in helping people maintain or regain their health using the powerful tools that nature provides. W |
Now more than ever, we are relying on technology to keep us healthy and motivated. Here we showcase just a brief snippet of some of the health related apps and podcasts available. There are many more to explore!
Apps & podcasts to keep you healthy & motivated Calm We all need some calm. Through a number of programmes, including guided meditations and Daily Calm sessions, this app helps users to learn the art of relaxation.It also offers a range of sleep stories to help you get that all important restful sleep. Headspace This meditation app has been used by numerous stars, including Emma Watson and Gwyneth Paltrow. It teaches users how to meditate and achieve mindfulness through a series of guided meditations. Maybe a good solution for relieving any lockdown stress.
NOOM Noom is a mobile-based wellness program that encourages long-term healthy eating habits. Through the app, you can get personalized, one-on-one coaching from a health expert, virtual coaching, daily lessons, tracking tools, support groups, it log meals and snacks, records your exercise sessions and helps track your weight loss progress.
living in uncertain times Listen to highly regarded expert in the field of the human condition, Richard Moat, advise on one course of action to help us navigate and negotiate these uncertain times we are living in You can find out more about Richard at I personally use Podbean to source podcasts (but I am sure there are other platforms to explore). I tend to find myself in the Alternative Health section as so many wonderful guided meditations, and daily motivation! We all need a bit of this right now. Happy listening, Zandra x
MyFitnessPal This is an easy-to-use diary-style app to log your food and exercise. It has a huge database of over 300 million food products with details about each one’s nutritional content. It even allows you to put in your own recipes and ingredients, the app works out the rest! The basic membership is completely free, and it will link up with a whole host of other apps too, like Fitbit Tracker or MapMyRun. Ideal for your daily exercise. 9
lockdown & beyond edition
posture and
When we thought of the title for this article a couple of months ago we didn’t realise how pertinent it would be.
With the current outbreak of COVID-19 and the symptoms of shortness of breath that can be displayed, it is important to look at how our posture can affect our lung capacity. Lung capacity and posture
A full lung capacity in a healthy person is dependent on the ability of the breathing muscle, the diaphragm, to expand fully. The diaphragm sits at the base of the chest separating the abdomen from the chest. When we inhale the rib cage expands, the diaphragm contracts and moves downwards allowing air to flow into the lungs. When we exhale the diaphragm relaxes the lungs and ribs lower and the air is pushed out of the lungs. The angle of the ribs is very important as far as the position of the diaphragm is concerned. If we have an upright posture, whether this is
in a sitting or standing position, then the ribs can move easily along with the diaphragm. For maximum lung capacity, the ideal upright posture is known as the Physiological Efficient Posture.
Efficient Posture (PEP)
Physiological Efficient Posture (PEP) In this Physiological Efficient Posture (PEP) the ear is over the middle of the shoulder, middle of the hip and the middle of the knee. This allows the upper ribs, particularly the first rib which is 10 situated under the collar bone, to move without any hindrance. With a loss of the PEP, which normally results in a slouching or sagging, the head drops forward and down, this is known as a forward head posture.
Why is this important?
The main function of the lungs is the exchange of gases between the air and the blood. The main gases are oxygen and carbon dioxide. On the in-breath oxygen passes from the air into the lungs and on the out-breath carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the air. To have the maximum amount of oxygen in the blood we need the maximum lung capacity. The maximum lung capacity is dependant on having the best possible posture.
Things you can do to improve your posture
Typical forward head posture
A forward head posture compresses the diaphragm and inhibits the movement of the ribs, resulting in reduced lung capacity. According to Dr Rene Cailliett M.D., author of the book, Rejuvenation Strategy, a slight slumping of the shoulders can reduce the lung capacity by as much as 30%.
Whether in the standing or sitting position take your chin backwards, it will feel like you are giving yourself a double chin. Repeat and perform the mantra ‘head over shoulders and shoulders over hips’. Don’t go mad and don’t be too stiff. This will need regular reminders throughout the day so that it starts to become second nature. For those of you who spend a lot of time at your computers, make sure you are facing the screen and the arms are at waist height, with the forearms level to the desk and keyboard and again keep checking on the position of the chin. These two things will start to improve your posture and allow your body to increase your lung volume.
The Authors: Sue Weller and Allyn Edwards, run a course for existing therapists on postural assessment and correction, called Core Postural Alignment W | 11
lockdown & beyond edition
with your children at home It’s very hard and challenging for children to understand what is happening in our world at present and now is a time us that we ensure they have fun during these time and we all continue to create wonderful memories in a safe home environment. My company FitKid helps children’s mental and physical wellbeing normally in a face to face environment but is now launching activities suitable to do at home to help with the boredom, frustration and uncertainty now the children are isolated at home. We, as a family have been playing various games to entertain us all and I have included some games below for you to play.
Shoe Target
Find a piece of paper and ask an adult to cut into 3 for you. On one piece of paper write – 1 Point, then next piece – 2 Points and final Piece – 3 Points In the room find 6 shoes and layout as follows – 2 Shoes closest to you (put the piece of paper with 1 Point next to these shoes (if not on carpet place the paper in the shoe so you don’t slip on it) Next 2 shoes place a bit further away and then the next two shoes even further away. Put two socks together to create a ball and do this for 10 pairs in total. Stand away from the first line of shoes and you now have 10 goes at hitting a shoe, if you hit a shoe in the first row you get 1 point, 2nd row 2 points and 3rd row 3 points. Have a pen and paper to write down your score then see if you can add it up. NOW have another go to try to beat your last score.
Sock Pass
Roll a pair of socks into a ball, use a teddy or a soft foam ball. Move around the room passing the ball of socks from one hand to the other. See how many catches you can do without dropping it and then try again to beat your last score. Skip, Hop, Jump, Walk and Jog if safe to do so. Now try throwing at a blank wall. Add in a clap, touch floor, turn around and what other moves can you do and still catch the socks? Change socks for a soft foam ball or teddy bear (Don’t throw poor teddy against the wall though!)
Quick Quick
You will need a pillowcase and lots of socks but remember to count before you start how many socks you have used. Roll a single sock into a ball. Arrange lots of sock balls around the house only on the floor (only on one level so you don’t need to use the stairs and don’t play on a non-carpeted floor due to slipping). It’s up to you how many socks you have but we suggest 30 – 40 socks. One person holds the pillowcase and on the command of go, they must collect all the socks as fast as possible to the stopwatch. Once they have collected all socks, they return to the person timing you who counts the socks in the bag. If any socks are missing 2 seconds are added to the time for each sock missing. Focus as you go around so you don’t miss socks and get a penalty of time. Now it’s time to swap and see if your timer can now beat your time. Note - Please ensure you play the games in a safe area and not on a floor surface where they will slip. Make sure the space is clear of an obstacle’s as the children will be getting active and having fun. If they can go outside that’s a bonus but follow government guideline. Make sure your children are wearing loose and comfortable clothing and it’s your choice if they are barefoot or wearing trainers, but everyone must do the same as it’s not nice to have a trainer step on a barefoot. Do not allow them to participate in just socks as this is a slip hazard. Take care with all the activities and ensure you are happy for them to do it. Lots of socks are involved in the activities so be prepared to find them around the house but this is so much better than a piece of lego being left on the floor.
Wow, we are certainly getting active at home and loving the extra family time we have together. We are using the amazing doTERRA therapeutic essential oils to support us. Yesterday my daughter felt that before playing a game she needed to use the Air blend to help her breathe better and ensure her lungs performed at an optimal level. Our son Josh was on the go playing games for a long time and in the evening we used the soothing blend on his legs to soothe the muscles and relax the body before he went to sleep. In addition, Lavender was placed in the diffuser overnight to help us all sleep better at these worrying times. We are so grateful to have both the fun activities we can do from home and also the oils to use to support us.
FitKid is here to support you and if you would like to find out more please follow our Facebook page at or contact Nicky at or 07970 859993. Let’s all be kind and supportive to each other especially at these challenging times. 13
lockdown & beyond edition
how to spot an online
when you first meet them So, we’re all in lockdown, times are tough, we’re isolated, restricted, separated, lonely, our very way of life feels threatened. But however tough things are, narcissists are having it tougher. Everything a narcissist does and says is designed to extract a favourable response from the people around them - admiration, recognition, appreciation. This is narcissistic supply and a steady stream of it distracts the narcissist from the true self that they loathe. It feeds the false self that they have carefully cultivated down the years, to cover up the empty void at the core of their being. In lockdown, narcissists will have lost some if not all of their supply and that makes them very dangerous. Unable to go out to find new sources, the narc will turn to the only medium left to them – the internet. And it’s here that they can be doubly destructive, particularly to those who are struggling emotionally and mentally during these tough times. The survivors of narcissistic abuse fill online 14
forums and therapy couches all over the world. People report losing trust in others, themselves and the world. They lose sense of their own views, boundaries and personalities. The trauma of narcissistic abuse can run deep, as a narcissist, given time, will inveigle their way right into the core of another, and over time, use every scrap of knowledge about that person’s hopes, dreams, vulnerabilities and existing traumas to obtain supply. Extracting yourself from a narcissist’s web can be difficult, particularly if you’re trauma bonded to the narc, and as with any other addiction, it rarely comes without a cost. You may feel grief, loss, abandonment, or whatever it is you are prone to feel in traumatic times. The earlier you can get away, the better, and best of all would be not to attract them in the first place. But narcs can be notoriously difficult to spot, particularly in the early stages. In popular culture, narcs are usually seen as preening, vain, self-promotional types who use their charm, looks and manipulative tactics to get what they want and don’t care who they use or walk over. Not all narcissists behave like this. Some hide their grandiosity and use covert tactics. Others present themselves as caring, loving, giving to the point of selflessness and wait for it, empathic, in order to gain the admiration that they crave. When you first meet a narcissist, he or she can appear to be anything from an alluring bundle of charm and energy to the most capable and reliable person you ever met. It’s all a front of course, designed to get past our defences and weedle their way into our lives. The narcissist’s famed toxic behaviour comes later: gas lighting, crazy making, projection, circular conversations, word
salad, misrepresentation and so much else. In essence, these tactics are essentially designed to maintain control and happens when we start questioning them, or attempt to make them accountable for their words and deeds. Most experts agree that the only way to deal with a narcissist is to get away from them, but the longer they’re in your life the harder this is. It’s not impossible to spot a narcissist in the early stages of your encounter, though. If you know what you’re looking for, their essential nature will show up, albeit usually in more subtle ways.
in focus
What to look for • Lots of selfies and self-promotional posts about them doing good deeds. Whereas a person who is actually interested in the good cause might just post about the cause itself. • How they become very familiar very quickly – ask lots of questions, want to know all about you. This is information gathering and it enables the narc to get under your defences, gain your trust and work out how best to use what makes you tick, to their advantage. • They’ll bombard you with compliments and flattery to make you think that they like you, have noticed you, rate you and have marked you out for special treatment. The real aim is to get you to rely on this admiration for your sense of worth, so in time, they become indispensable to you, and you addicted to them. • They’ll present an unerring ability to seemingly be, precisely whatever you need at that moment –they’ll seem to like what you like, think the same way as you, believe the same things. Narcs have a chameleon-like quality that enables them to bend into whatever shape they need in order to gain supply and control.
Not all people who present these behaviours when you first meet them will be narcissists. Although if someone does show most or all of these signs, early on, it’s very likely that they are. If you’re not sure, there are ways to put that person to the test. The narcissist’s dark side remains hidden, but it will appear under certain circumstances. • Ask the narcissist to do something for you that you know will have no resulting benefit for them in extracting supply. Something 16
• They’ll tell you that you’re exactly what they need, too. It’s almost as if you’ve met your soul mate, rescuer or knight in shining armour, or your guru. If it sounds too good to be true, though, then it probably is. • They’ll come with a story – often they’ll say that they have been a victim of narcissistic abuse, themselves. Presenting themselves as vulnerable is an attempt to make you feel sorry for them. But it is also an early warning sign of more obviously toxic narcissist qualities such as projection, blaming, judgement and lack of accountability. • You’ll soon find yourself complimenting them a lot, almost like a compulsion, sharing intimate details, trusting them (they’ll use the trust word a lot). • They’ll narrate their own story “I am a very trustworthy person, I’m an expert in… I’m very good at……” “I was treated very badly by”….. “Look at what I’m doing today”. • They’ll be surrounded by people who seem overly keen to sing their praises and maybe one or two who tell you a very different, an darker, story about them.
mundane and functional that no one else will know about. • Disagree with the narcissist over something where the narcissist has presented themselves as an expert. • Try to take the lead in a mutual project or discussion. • Suggest that another person should be involved, or even just talk favourably about another person. Narcissists think competitively and anything you or another person suggests, they see as a slight on them. • Establish a boundary and stick to it, even by saying something as simple as “I am only available to speak online between these times.” A narcissist will expect you to be available at their whim. • Ask the narcissist to provide evidence of a claim that they’ve made. If they say they used to work at the United Nations, that they are an NLP Master, live in a big house in Mayfair or know Rod Stewart, get them to show you proof. • Ask the narcissist to follow through on a promise they’ve made. If they say they can get you a job at the local University, know of a way to cure your ailment, or claim that they can turn water into wine…. then challenge them to follow through with it. You’ll get a lot of excuses and righteous indignation that you don’t trust them. But remember that in the first place, the narc made this promise for effect – to gain your admiration, for supply. They had no intention of following through with it and certainly didn’t expect you to call them out on their
promise. With a narc words and actions will not match. Do all of this, and the narcissist will become frustrated as they are having to work too hard for their supply. They will also be afraid that more scrutiny will show up cracks in the (fake) false self and reveal the (loathsome) true self. They will soon show their true colours, and start displaying all those abusive and avoidant behaviours that narcs are known for when things aren’t going their way. Or better still, they’ll just move on and leave you alone. Cris Andrews is a freelance writer based near Tring. He also runs the Mind Body Spirit Portal, an online service to help people, during the Lockdown, to connect with card readers, psychics and mediums, healers and other Mind Body Spirit practitioners and retailers.
in focus
Life is evolving and transforming in a uniquely transformative and sometimes uncomfortable way. Have you noticed the increase in popularity of vegan options, and your personal choices and experiences changing in quite unexpected ways? Things feel different and time seems to be speeding up. Sarah Williams is a therapist and a medical intuitive who believes that we will continue to see change on every level, from the global to the personal. Here’s her take on how to harness these changes which can be the bright new start you have been waiting for. Cosmically, this is a time of restructuring on every level. Everything is evolving so quickly now. You’ll notice differences in your friends, family, technology, passwords, friends and contacts. Your clothes, body, work, health, lifestyle, information and technology will all feel and look different this year. Nothing will be the same as it was, in fact everything is being upgraded, like it or not. You can choose to surf the waves of change with grace, or you can struggle and resist. The choice is always yours as to how you react to every occurrence in your life. We’re all being forced out of our comfort zones and into 18
facing all of our greatest fears. This can be an extremely positive time of new beginnings both personally and globally. Governments , socio and economic structure is shifting fast along with the planet itself with huge weather and frequency changes. As the old collapses, the new upgraded (the Earths magnetic polarity is shifting and the Schumann resonance of the planet is changing radically and measurably) the upgraded version will be taking its place growing from the ashes Phoenixlike! Fear nothing: there is nothing to fear except fear itself. Change can rock us but it can also open many new doors and pathways to bliss and joy. This is the time to transform; the time to shine your light, simply because you can. It’s time to re-programme your life: your life is a reflection of what lies inside you, as you change, so does the outward manifestation of your being. word should with could and don’t own any illness. Never refer to my bad eye/knee/shoulder/arthritic joints. Instead, see illness as a messenger, something that flows through you rather than being part of your story. Regard the body as merely a reflection of your thoughts.
Here’s my eight point guide to making the most of this period of profound change:
Heal from within. Clean up your nutrition, restore your gut to optimum health. Review and replace unhelpful foods and home products with better alternatives. Move towards plant based nutrition and away from animal products. It is getting easier as demand increases for vegan products.
3 4 5
Get into nature. Even a few minutes a day will enhance wellbeing and ground you Meditate daily. Breathe in light and peace, breathe out stress and anxiety. Give out what you would like to receive. Watch your words: Monitor your language both spoken and your internal monologue. Replace the
Ho’oponponou. Change your experience of life. Repeat the ancient Hawaiian mantra to yourself each day. “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” Try writing it down, sticking it on your bathroom mirror and repeating to your reflection.
Clear your bubble daily. The simple 10 minute process is available to follow on the homepage of my website.
Step away from judgement of self and others. If you judge another you will be judged. Everyone is doing their best. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
As we move from a 3rd dimensional fear- based world into the 5d of unconditional love, bliss and joy we can celebrate our brand new beginnings, transformation and upgrades are available to all who choose them. Open your heart and step into love. Create magic and manifest joy. It’s fun!
Sarah Williams is a mother, a therapist, healer, multidimensional light-weaver, teacher, and wellness advocate. For the last 20 years her Raise your Vibration courses and aromatherapy Soul Harmony healing and support creams have helped thousands of people heal globally. A family business now Organic Aromatherapy also shares the brand new sacred Talismans uniquely created for Organic Aromatherapy and blessed in Bali which have been created by her daughter Bexie Williams. In addition Sarah shares the transformative Rites of the Munay Ki enabling you to transform your lightbody and dream your world into being, to enable you to live, age and heal in an entirely new way. Visit her website 19
fitness & fitness trends
Brand new chair-based pilates class!
from your chair
Would you like to do Pilates but:
1 2 3 4
You find it difficult to get up and down off the floor? Can’t put weight on your wrists, knees, hips, shoulders? Have balance problems? Have mobility problems?
Then this is the class for you! Fran has designed this class after requests from people would love to do Pilates but for one reason or another find it difficult to get up and down off the floor, they may be unable to put weight on knees, wrists, weight through shoulders, unable to flex the feet, have mobility issues, have balance issues and so on… So this is a specialist class designed with these people in mind. It is also suitable for: • during and post pregnancy • post-operative rehabilitation • post-injury rehabilitation • complete beginners It is open to both men and women. Wednesdays 11 am – 12 noon. Contact: W | T | 07900 858985 E |
A Retreat like no other!
No 6am starts, no detox, no strict regime on this Retreat! Enjoy historical and cultural excursions, local food and wine, Pilates classes, relaxed ‘holiday Spanish’ lessons, walking, cycling, swimming, exploring the area, relaxing on the beach, swimming in the sea or in the pool. The list of optional activities is endless.
Ideal for solo travelers, couples, friends as it’s all organised for you!
Retreats are in Puerto de Mazarron, on The Costa Calida, an unspoilt resort on the south-easterly warm coast of Murcia.
Stay in luxury apartments near the coast or in a tranquil villa 5 mins drive from the coast.
fitness & fitness trends
tai chi
Just Relax. How many times have you been told to ‘just relax’. Much easier said than done. For example your body may feel tense but your mind is relaxed. On the other hand your mind maybe tense but your body is relaxed. Tai Chi is a mind-body activity, it trains both your mind and your body to relax at the same time.
Relaxing your mind is achieved by putting focused attention on your body. Relaxing your body is achieved when your focused attention instructs your body to relax, soften and ‘let go’. This is the basic state in which you practice Tai Chi. Then, with certain indicators to keep your posture naturally upright - you begin moving. Movement that is smooth and continuous. Never stop start. This type of movement relaxes a tense body and quietens a busy mind. With hundreds of years of development and success, surely there must be something in Tai Chi for all of us? 22
Also, Tai Chi now has a significant body of scientific literature supporting its beneficial health claims. Harvard Medical School being one of the leaders in the field. In addition, its use is on the increase within the NHS. The British Journal of sports medicine concluded that Tai Chi is a moderate intensity exercise that is beneficial to cardio respiratory function, immune capacity, mental control, flexibility, and balance control; it improves muscle strength and reduces the risk of falls in the elderly. Tai Chi looks at the body as an interconnected system, not as a collection of individual parts. As a result, when practicing Tai Chi, you won’t do one exercise for your biceps and another for your glutes. Instead, Tai Chi integrates the upper body with the lower body, the right side with the left side, and the extremities with the core. Not only does this integration improve your ability to move without pain, but it also affects your mental health. A growing body of carefully conducted research is building a compelling case for Tai Chi as an adjunct to standard medical treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of many conditions commonly associated with age. The results of practicing Tai Chi can be profound. Clinical and medical tests carried out confirm it’s effectiveness in many different areas. With time, powerful effects are noted with increased mental concentration, the ability to focus attention and clarity of mind. Regular practice helps reduce high blood pressure and aids proper digestion. Tests have shown that Tai Chi increases T-cells in the body’s immune system by 40% (this helps prevent sickness and ill-health). Other noted effects are strengthening the nervous system, generating a balanced attitude and producing calmness and peace of mind. There are a number of reputable Tai Chi schools and Associations throughout England. Though few governing bodies. The BCCMA The British Council for Chinese Martial Arts being an exception. The widely recognised Tai Chi Union for Great Britain is the unifying Body for the different styles of Tai Chi in the UK. I have been learning and practicing Tai Chi for over 30 years and teaching for nearly 25 years. I have had the privilege of being taught by some of the top Tai Chi masters in the world, which include Master John Ding, Master Dong Zen Chen and his son Alex Dong, Doctor Shen Hongxun and Master James Holland. I’ve been told that I’m able to explain difficult Tai Chi concepts in an easy to understand way. W |
W | 23
fitness & fitness trends
Yoga introduces a deep sense of body awareness, mindfulness, motor-neuron organisation and gently resets the nervous system to create a shift from ‘survival’ mode to a feeling of internal safety and coping, ie from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive.’ Yotism is the founder of a yoga teacher training school and a specialised SEN Yoga for Autism method. We are passionate about providing Yoga, Mindfulness and Mental Health support for children, adults and their families within the Autism and SEN community. Yoga is a powerful healing tool that is now scientifically proven to have many known positive and beneficial effects on the brain, emotions, and nervous system. It is a key to awareness and awareness is a key to learning and creating new connections, hence helping individuals to ‘live to their full potential.’ It helps the physical system to stretch, organise and release tension, whilst also helping the internal sensory systems to regulate, enabling an individual to connect to themselves with more space and organisation to process their inner and outer environment, leading to a calmer ‘sense of self. ‘ Yotism adapted Yoga for children/adults on the spectrum is a new method based on Ancient 24
theory, science and years of working practice. With science now proving the power of yoga, there is no doubt that it will have profound effects on anyone with neurodiverse, developmental or physical challenges. There are no two people the same, therefore the basis of Yotism yoga is to meet an individual where they are at, inviting them to then experience the magic that lives within them physically, mentally and emotionally. We have trained professionals from many diverse settings who have taken the method into schools, clinics and other therapeutic or psychological environments. In today’s world there is a lot that impacts our nervous system and mental health. With autism or other ways of being like ADHD, the nervous and sensory processing system can become bombarded more easily and survival responses may kick in frequently. Someone who experiences a Fight-Flight-Fright-Freeze response more regularly may have heightened feelings or reactions, which can then have a longer lasting effect on functional aspects like sleeping, eating, communication or relationships. Movement is essential for healthy brain and body connections no matter what stage of life, yet when we are young it is especially important for us to fully thrive. Yoga is a wonderful movement technique that not only supports the body with strength, coordination, balance and release. It is a heartfelt practice that fully supports the mind and emotions to become more fluid, attentive and connected. A strong element of yoga is mindfulness, which has now become a widely spread known practice that enhances our mental health and positive mindset, this can help free us from patterns that may impact more negatively, like anxiety or aggression for instance. The Yotism family, Nicole Zimbler, Veronika Pena de La Jara and Sarah Hopwood, share their skills from long careers in yoga teaching,
“My child has benefited enormously from this yoga in helping him calm, have better understanding and management of his body and emotions and in just allowing him that space in the busyness of his world to stop, organise, breathe and relax in a safe and loving way� PARENT
fitness & fitness trends
Autism Developmental Integrative Therapy, Neurodevelopmental Therapy, education and teaching for the hearing impaired, and family yoga. Yotism takes into consideration each detail of neurological development and how to access it therapeutically from the core. Thus we focus on incorporating the reflex system into the yoga. The primitive reflex system is a core part of our development and tends to be underdeveloped in individuals with Autism. Our reflex system can thrive, integrate and reset when introduced to a soothing set of rhythmic movements and specifically coordinated and timed positions. Reflex Yoga is a corrective practice and soothing balm to the physical holding patterns or automatic emotional survival responses that we may have subtly carried throughout our whole life without knowing. It allows us to experience a complete feeling of relaxation and integration of the body, mind and being. Yotism realise that the reflex system can also become disrupted at times of trauma, stress or illness. We have therefore developed ‘Reflex Yoga’ as a practice for anyone and run training workshops for yoga teachers interested in using Yotism’s Reflex Yoga therapeutic method in other settings and populations. Or a full Yoga Teacher Training program for anyone that would like to go on the wonderful journey of becoming a Yoga Teacher. 26
We are passionate, honoured and blessed to do this work and love to share it with whoever is interested. So if you would like to find out more you can contact us on or on all social media platforms. W | Facebook | /yotism Twitter | yo_tism Instagram | @yo_tism
Kate Atkinson
British Wheel of Yoga teacher Specialist Children’s Yoga Teacher (British Wheel Yoga) Yin Yoga teacher (Yoga Alliance)
Monday 9.30-10.45am Hatha Yoga drop in class, suitable for all abilities: beginners welcome, Tring Tuesday 11.30-12.30pm Yin Yoga, Berkhamstead Thursday 4-4.45pm Kids Yoga - Yoga classes suitable for ages 6-11yrs, Tring
Thursday 6.45-7.45pm Yoga 4 Teens, Tring Thursday 8-9.15pm Hatha Yoga for all abilities, Tring
Friday 9.30-10.30am Hatha Yoga suitable for all, Berkhamsted
Contact: Kate Atkinson T: 07481 404084 E:
fitness & fitness trends
When you were younger, did your mother tell you to sit up straight or stop slouching? She probably had good reason to comment on your posture! However, the back is designed to be naturally curved and with more of us using electronic devices, it’s difficult not to slouch. So what is good posture, what causes bad posture and how can we improve it?
good posture?
what is
Good posture is when the body is in neutral alignment, whether in motion or at rest. This makes it more efficient and prevents wear and tear causing us pain. The body feels energised, it moves with fluidity and enables us to do the activities we enjoy the most; whether it’s running after our children, attempting a new physical challenge or simply moving with more elegance.
So what’s stopping us? Let’s first take a look at some of the root causes of bad posture. • lifestyle – the pressure of today’s expectations means we often take our health for granted • bad habits – we constantly cut corners because it seems easier or takes less time • stress – can also affect us physically, by tightening areas and pulling our bodies out of shape • anatomy – something impinges the joint, due to injury or ongoing conditions • overworking – pushing our bodies into movements beyond their capabilities. Taking this all into account, how can we achieve better posture? Initially, it is good to get an objective analysis of your posture from a professional. They may suggest some small adjustments that can be achieved quickly or a program that might take more effort, but addressing postural issues will undoubtedly be beneficial in the long run.
Posture analysis
If your back doesn’t curve naturally you’ll need to improve its flexibility and strength to prevent damage to discs or vertebrae; Pilates is excellent for this. If you are tight through stress then maybe find a masseur and seek a meditative activity such as yoga to help release tension. Other postural issues such as joint misalignments and muscle imbalances will need tailored one-to-one treatment. The most effective way to achieve this new habit is to fit permanent changes into your current lifestyle and add regular checks to ensure you’re doing them. Being more mindful of what your body is doing and associating everyday tasks, such as washing your hands, with remembering to adjust your posture will improve your success.
Posture analysis
Here are some handy tips to bring good posture into your everyday: • when standing to wait for the kettle to boil think if your weight is more on your left or right foot – try sharing it equally • if you use a laptop consider a separate keyboard so you can lift the screen to eye level to relieve those computer shoulders • pause when passing your hall mirror – check you can draw an imaginary straight line through your ear, shoulder, hip and ankle
Jenny Gebka founded Adaptive Pilates to support the physical rehabilitation of her clients using APPI modified and progressive Pilates exercise. She offers postural analysis and works one-to-one with her clients to help them back to normal movement. Contact her to arrange an initial no-obligation chat: E | W | 29
fitness & fitness trends
how to
What does the word “win” mean to you? Is it negative or do you think it’s a positive word?
Win at all costs! There are no winners in this situation! 30
Think about those phrases. Phrases like this are used frequently and people involved in those types of situation often end up with a very negative experience, even if they are “the winner” (can seem like a very hollow victory). In the context of sport or business, we often view winning as getting a better score than the other player, closing a deal or in some way doing performing better than someone else. Which means there must be losers, right? The problem with win / lose situations is that “losing” too many times can have long-term negative
effects, such as developing anxiety, depression, addictions, quitting sport / business, and many other psychological problems. Thomas Erikson, in his book “Surrounded by Idiots”, talks about four personality types (my summary): Red – dominant, task focussed. Blue – analytical, task focussed. Yellow - inspirational, people focussed. Green – calm, people focussed. People have different priorities in life and their unique experiences can also add layers
of complexity to those dominant behaviour types. However, in general terms, RED types are MUCH more likely to show “win at all costs” behaviour, whereas GREEN types are more likely to despise that attitude and concentrate on other people instead of the result. So how the heck can we do anything about this in a dog-eat-dog capitalist society, I almost hear you say? Schools and sports clubs give medals and prizes to everyone taking part, but most children don’t value those trinkets – they either want to win or don’t need a trophy. Depending on your personality type, people in business want to make a sale, come up with a great concept, help a customer or fix a problem, teachers and medics want to get a result for their clients, so how does merely “taking part” help anyone? Instead of the 2 results of win or lose, consider everything you do as being WIN or LEARN. You also need to define what you consider to be a win. If you’re a BLUE personality type, your win might be to solve a complex problem and exhaustively test your result, rather than finish first (and maybe have some mistakes). If you’re GREEN, your win might be to make sure that you’ve been respectful to everyone and your teammates are all very happy with their contribution. You get the idea. In each interaction with people, if you don’t get the “win” that you personally need, what can you learn? Keep learning and applying the lessons from each episode of your life. With that philosophy – WIN or LEARN, would you be more willing to try new things, particularly if you defined winning to be highly relevant to you?
You can find more ways to take control of YOUR life on Fearless Living Facebook page. 31
Food supplements Do We Really Need them? Food supplements - as increasing numbers of people look to natural approaches and products to improve and maintain their health, one of the consistently asked questions when people consider a nutritional regime is “Where do I begin?” Typical advice from ‘authorities’ is that if we eat a balanced diet there is no requirement to additionally supplement our diets. That would be true if we all consumed nutrient rich balanced diets. Sadly that is far from the case and the results of that are being reflected in accelerating rates of inflammatory and degenerative diseases. One of the standard responses to the question “where do I begin” is people think that taking a multi-vitamin is all that is necessary. Personally I believe that this is often a poor choice. We need to ensure we are taking the right nutrients, and ensure that they are being properly absorbed. No supplement will give us optimum benefit if it is not being properly absorbed by our bodies. The downside of modern living Modern living - typical diets, high levels of stress and environmental pollution - is having an adverse impact on many people’s biochemistry and in particular our body’s pH balance. If our body pH is deviating slightly towards acidity it can adversely impact nutrient absorption. This sadly sets the scene, if not corrected, for many health challenges. As a result it is important that we consume adequate amounts of mineral rich food 32
to help to maintain proper body pH balance. Over the last two decades there has been huge growth in the consumption of green superfood blends, most of which have an alkalising effect on the body and provide the body with a wealth of nutrients. These green superfood powder blends are combinations of vegetables, grasses, algae and other plant based ingredients. The body will utilise the nutrients in this form far better than a synthetic vitamin pill, since the body intuitively knows they are food. These concentrated blends have a lot to offer as a support to diet and contribute towards meeting the deficit in not consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables. Enjoy the power of greens It is over 25 years since US-based clinical nutritionist Mark Timon launched the first edition of Green Vibrance Powder with 37 different ingredients in it. It still leads the field and has received more awards than any other green food blend. Mark considers it a dynamic product, continually adding new nutrients which research shows to offer therapeutic benefit. Green Vibrance Powder is now on version 18 and has in excess of 70 ingredients in it. Mineral deficient soils result in mineral deficient food Mineral deficiency is becoming the normal in many diets. We are reaping the results of decades of intensive farming that has robbed the soil of minerals. If these minerals are not in the soil they are not going to be in our food. Food processing has unfortunately compounded this problem. Over the last few decades there has also been the consistent warning to reduce salt intake. Of course it is important to avoid processed table salt; however it is important to consume a good unprocessed sea salt or rock salt. The body needs electrolytes and trace minerals that are found in good salt. Alkaline minerals are very necessary for the body to help to neutralise excess acidity. Taking plenty of minerals is good for so many aspects of our health including our digestive health. It is also one of the most important things we can do to help maintain the health of our bones. A product such as Revitacell Alkamax is particularly helpful, particularly at times of high stress or when our diets are not ideal. Water - not just to fill the empty spaces Although most people would not consider water to be a nutrient, in my view it should be the Number 1 nutrient for the body. Water has so many important roles in our body, it is not just there to fill up the spaces between the cells. Research is increasingly showing the vital role good clean water has on wellbeing. We believe that water to support health should have plenty of alkaline minerals in it, have an alkaline pH, have antioxidant properties and be properly structured. This type of water can do a huge lot as the foundation to any nutritional programme. The use of bioceramics, which are natural minerals formed into ceramic balls, as filter media has created many very cost effective solutions to give clean health promoting water filter products. However, it is important to ensure absence of toxicity in the filter media. Biocera, who have been leaders in the field are one of the few companies in this field that have the internationally respected NSF certification. Evaluation for certification
requires extensive toxicity testing. One of the most popular products in Europe using Biocera filter media is Biocera’s Alkaline Jug Filter which is a great introduction to this type of health giving water. Good gut health - make it a priority Good health does begin in the gut. Consequently we need to ensure that our digestive system is functioning optimally. This can have a far reaching impact on physical and mental health. The good bacteria in our gut are often seriously depleted due to excessive antibiotic use and the impact of chemicals in our foods, water supply and wider environment. We need to rebalance the gut microflora to improve our immunity and give us better nutrient absorption. Progurt the Australian based gut health specialists have a unique approach to gut health that can often bring improvements in wellbeing. They understand that the gut environment is key to good microbial colonisation. There are a number of issues that need to be addressed to restore balance. They understand that probiotics only work if they intuitively belong in the human digestive system, which most don’t. In conclusion, think carefully about your nutritional support programme. Focus on improving the conditions in your body to ensure better nutrient absorption. Make sure the body is properly hydrated with good water and plenty of minerals, Drink your nutrient laden vegetable superfood powders and just remember your gut is called the second brain. Nourish your body because it is a hugely valuable investment in your quality of life. Without health we are very restricted in what we can can achieve or enjoy. Written by Roddy MacDonald, Founder of Water for Health Ltd, a UK based importer and supplier of quality hydration and nutrition products. Water for Health believe that many of our current alarming levels of disease could be avoided by changes in nutrition and lifestyle. W | 33
Intravenous vitamin therapy for nonmedicinal reasons such as rehydration, immuneboosting, re-energising and de-stressing were introduced into the UK in 2014/2015. It is also believed to help with symptoms of jet-lag and sleep problems.
vitamin therapy
It has become a very popular trend, especially among celebrities. It is a method of administering vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream. Vitamins and minerals are naturally found in food and are generally consumed alongside other nutrients in a food matrix. Vitamins that are taken by mouth get broken down in the stomach and digestive tract and is limited to how much can be absorbed (50%). If however, the vitamin is given directly into the vein, it is absorbed in a much higher percentage (90%). There are a number of factors that affect the body’s ability to absorb nutrients in the stomach. These include age, metabolism, health status, genetics, interactions with other products we consume, and the physical and chemical makeup of the nutritional supplement or food. Higher levels of the vitamins in your bloodstream lead to a greater uptake into the cells, which theoretically will use the nutrients to 34
maintain health and fight illness. Injecting anything into the bloodstream also comes with risks such as ‘air bubbles’ in the syringe that can transfer to the bloodstream, allergic reactions and infection. These are more likely to occur if the person administering the injection is not properly qualified. It is important to point out that no published evidence supports the use of this therapy and very few studies are available that have tested the effectiveness. There is however lots of anecdotal evidence from patients that have had treatments at Tocolo. Contact Wendy at Tocolo: T | 07824 553735 E | W | Facebook | Tocolo Practitioner
Do you drink coee or tea? Then make it a healthy one!
We would love to discuss getting some samples to you Carmel Twomey LicAc, MAcS TCM. or help you order a box of Acupuncture & Moativationalour Medicine amazing products. Practitioner. Berkhamsted Chiropratcic Clinic, Paul Russell 69 High st., Berkhamsted, HP4 2DE. Organic Healthy Coffee Phone; 07882889989 Email; [t] 07504 052 828 [e] Website;
Tissue salts: back to biochemical basics Imagine how easy life could be with a range of 12 supplements for whenever your wellbeing needs a bit of support. The 12 tissue salts have been around for over 160 years and were formulated after a German homeopath (Dr Schuessler) found that, alongside the biological cell components, the body relies on just 12 minerals to carry out its metabolic functions. He called these 12 minerals ‘cell salts’, or ‘tissue salts’, and he
1 calc fluor
7 kali sulph
2 calc phos
8 mag phos
3 calc sulph 4 ferrum phos
9 nat mur
Tissue elasticity: teeth remineralisation (with Calc phos and silica) Nutrition: new bone growth after a fracture Blood purifier: pussy boils / acne
Oxygen carrier: low iron levels even with an iron-rich diet
5 kali mur
Sluggish conditions: colds or coughs (white mucus or catarrh)
6 kali phos
Nerves: pick-me-up when energy reserves are low
and colleagues worked out what each one did. They discovered that parts of the body with different functions need different minerals, for example bone cells and nerve cells have very different functions and therefore have different mineral needs. Today you can buy these 12 tissue salts over the counter in selected pharmacies and health shops. You don’t need to know the detail of what each one does in order to find these useful; I’ve listed each one’s principal function and what I find it most useful for.
Oxygen carrier: colds with yellow slimy mucus Anti-spasmodic: period cramps or muscle spasms Water distributor: dry skin or swollen ankles
10 naT phos
Acid neutraliser: intestinal worm infestation
11 nat sulph
Excess water eliminator: asthma worse in humid or damp conditions
12 silica
Eliminator and cleanser: deep painful spots; brittle hair and nails.
Each tissue salt is known as much by its number as by its name. I often make combinations of three or four salts to address a range of symptoms – look at the headline in bold and think what else you could use them for – the possibilities are enormous. What about digestive health? You could combine Calc phos, Mag phos and Nat phos to get a mix which could support nutrient absorption, reduce stomach pain and address acidity. The tissue salts have an advantage over many other supplements in that they are ‘meltin-the-mouth’, ensuring more reliable absorption than supplements which are absorbed from the stomach. And, because these salts work at such a fundamental level, it’s safe to use these alongside other supplements or medication. Is there a down-side to these wonderful biochemic salts? If you are lactose intolerant be careful of the brand you buy; some are made from lactose.
Further reading Formur Inc (1994) The Biochemic Handbook, Formur Publishers
N. Lennon & L Rolfe (2004) Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies: healing with Nature’s 12 mineral compounds, Square One Publishers
Dorothy Watt is a homeopath and educator who practices in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire and elsewhere by Skype. She enjoys working with people of all ages and offers consultations for both individuals and families. Alongside her practice her mission is to introduce homeopathy to as many people as possible! She can be contacted at 37
What are you more
capable of? If you haven’t heard the term biohacking, you’re not alone. It is the future, and its development has been rapid and recent. It will impact your life sooner or later — maybe it already has. If you’ve taken steps to better understand your body, your DNA, and your potential, that’s biohacking. If you’ve pursued ways to improve your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or cellular health, that’s biohacking.
drift. Hacking is a creative problem solving to help improve one’s life, and biohacking turns the focus on our bodies and biology.
Biohacking: In a nutshell
Biohacking: Taking control
Biohacking is using science and technology to become the absolute best version of yourself. Essentially, it’s using all of the tools we now have at our disposal to improve our lives. Modern science is addressing every potential concern, inconvenience, or physical limit facing human bodies today. We are learning everything we can about our own biology, as well as finding ways to “hack” that biology. “Hacking” has long had a negative connotation. But as you probably know, we now use “hack” to define any type of creative optimising. For example, when you find a creative solution to an everyday problem you may call it a “life hack.” A tweak to how the furniture is assembled from the manufacturer’s instructions is an “IKEA hack”—you get the 38
Biohacking: Why?
Biohacking has actually been used for centuries. Human beings have always looked to maximise their performance, from the days of hunter-gatherers to modern Olympians. It’s not just about being bigger and faster, either. It’s about whatever is important to you and your body’s functioning. Science and technology are focusing intensely on biohacking to change lives. Nutrition has been a foundation of health and medicine from the Dark Ages. And now we know so much more than the Dark Ages. Of course, we all know not to overeat or to forget fruits and veggies, but nutritional biohacking is so much more important than that. Biohacking nutrition means identifying desirable goals we wish to achieve, then creating a nutritional portfolio designed to achieve that biological outcome. Controlling what goes in and on your body is the simplest and most immediately applicable form of biohacking — to great effect. This is why nutrigenomics is a fundamental part of biohacking a healthier life. Based on the study of the effects of nutrients and natural compounds on our genes, scientifically-backed products that support healthy ageing on a cellular level are now available to add to your biohacking toolbox. Nutrigenomic products support the body’s natural cellular function by targeting the main biochemical effects of ageing, issues like oxidative stress, natural mitochondrial deterioration and more. By reactivating your body’s ability to do what it used to do – such as triggering your genes’ ability to produce their own antioxidants and your cells‘ ability to produce mitochondria - we can now feel as fab as possible for as long as possible to get the most out of life.
Biohacking: Antioxidant activation
So why are antioxidants so important if you’re looking to keep feeling like you for as long as possible? When you cut open an apple and it goes brown, it has basically oxidised which has caused a rapid increase in its ageing process. As we age, we oxidise just like the apple because over time - from our 20s onwards our bodies produce fewer of the antioxidants needed to neutralise the cellular damage caused by free radicals, which are all around us. This means we have a high oxidative stress level so our cells don’t function quite as well as
they did and typically our energy levels drop, our sleep patterns change and our inflammation levels rise as just three results of this process. So what are our options to get more antioxidants into our bodies? How it works is that one antioxidant basically hands over an electron making one free-radical happy so that it can continue on its merry way without causing damage. The problem is that you can’t eat enough antioxidant-rich fruit and veg or take enough antioxidant supplements or drinks to deal with the 300 sextillion or so (that’s 300 plus 21 zeros!) free radicals your body has to deal with every day. Up to recently, these were our only strategies to counter free radical damage but in reality, they’re like throwing a glass of water on a bonfire and hoping it will put it out... By naturally reactivating your own antioxidant production through biohacking you’ll support your cellular health from the inside out. The good news is that you can now trigger your body to produce its own antioxidants again with a natural product which is patented and clinically proven to lower your oxidative stress level by an average of 40% in just 30 days for the price of half a cup of coffee a day: Protandim Nrf2.
Biohacking: Tips
Here are some more tips to help you get started on biohacking:
Always make the healthier choice Don’t let an overabundance of food choices overwhelm you. Instead, try to break your choices down into two options — and then make the healthier choice. Choose chicken over fattier cuts of meat, a dark leafy green salad over iceberg lettuce, or a piece of whole fruit over a chocolate bar. This makes food decisions infinitely simpler.
Eat in seasonal technicolour Many of the healthiest nutrients in fruits and vegetables (these are often referred to as phytonutrients) come in bright, vibrant colours. Your goal at mealtimes should be to make your plate as colourful and as seasonal as possible.
Stay hydrated Drink plenty of clean, pure water. The amount we should drink varies from person to person, but we’re all equipped with a built-in hydrometer. Pay attention to the colour of your urine. Clear or slightly yellow is good – and we should be visiting the loo every one to two hours.
Skip sweet drinks Say no to fizzy drinks and fruit juices. Fizzy drinks are basically empty calories.
And yes, even though fruit is good for you, fruit juice has been stripped of fibre, until it becomes a high sugar, high glycaemic drink. In fact, studies are showing the same negative health consequences between fruit juices and other high sugar beverages. And I know what you’re thinking: diet drinks are also bad for you. These drinks are usually associated with obesity because they trigger overreacting and snacking. Sorry.
Move your body Yes, I’m referring to that dreaded eightletter word, e-x-e-r-c-i-s-e. But exercise doesn’t have to be a chore if you choose activities you enjoy. Remember how much fun it was to play as a kid? Just think about exercise as play rather than a workout. You don’t have to look like a bodybuilder or spend hours in the gym to significantly improve your health. Something as simple as walking 30-60 minutes during the majority of the week will yield measurable improvements in your health.
If you’d like to find out more about how you can help yourself to feel as fab as possible for as long as possible, please get in touch. Philippa Taylor E | T | 07866 480700 W | 40
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nutrition You may have noticedSmi thethrecent boom of all things fermented on supermarket Instagram : @zsnutrition shelves and maybe you wondered what these new mysterious products are, and how to pronounce some of their names!
Kefir, Kimchi or Kombucha are not a new trend. The process of fermenting foods – to preserve them and to make them more digestible and nutritious – is as old as humanity and widespread across all corners of our planet. What happens during fermentation? When microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts) are exposed to carbohydrates in food and are kept under certain conditions, they will feed on the sugars, digesting them into carbon dioxide (aka bubbles), alcohol and different organic acids. These metabolic by-products, alongside the organisms that are being cultivated, preserve a selective environment that stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria which would otherwise spoil the food. Some may not realise it, but fermentation gives us many of our most basic staples such as bread, yoghurt, cheese, coffee, tea, chocolate, wine, soy sauce and beer to name a few. Fermentation is everywhere. Always. Microscopic organisms are essential to life’s processes, they are in every breath we take and every bite we eat and try - as many do - to eradicate them with antibacterial soaps, antifungals or antibiotics, there is no escaping them. All forms of life on Earth spring from bacterial origins – microorganisms are our ancestors and we have evolved to live in a 42
symbiotic relationship - in harmony within an ecosystem for the benefit of each other. Unfortunately, most of the Western population doesn’t play their part in this symbiotic relationship yet expects our microbes to perform their impressive array of tasks, for example: • Breakdown + absorption of complex nutrients • Immune regulation – protection against pathogens, training our immune cells • Production of vitamins & enzymes • Hormone + nervous system regulation • Digestive processes and many more. When you realise that the gut microbiome affects virtually all aspects of human health, it is easy to understand why it’s critically important to support its diversity and balance.
Try this...
se of ndiment urger, ht from
Korean kimchi - it is a powerhouse of nutrients and can be eaten as a condiment with almost anything - try with a burger, salad, rice, eggs, cheese..or straight from the jar!
Enter stinky cabbage and bubbly creations .. Fermented foods and drinks are alive with international Gochugaru) – invitamins, es ( callledmicroorganisms, enzymes and organic acids. The seemingly endless variety of fermented produce gives us flavours and smells that are strong and pronounced – consuming these wonderful concoctions (and no, beer doesn’t count! ) is kle a rather enjoyable, with the 2cm strips, place in a bowl and sprin simple and empowering way to modulate your htly microbiome and thus build a foundation for or overnight 2 hrs ces, approx. strong health! processor and Whether newood to fermentation or blender/f ts in ayou’re other ingredien mak age to of the fromyour cabb to sed deepen knowledge thee relea waterlike he excesswould y finel grate subject – why not get in touch? I run regular just ve a blender, fermentation workshops inmas Tring and love it into sage wilted cabbage. Add the paste and sharing my passion for all things fermented!
erged under the s the cabbage down so it's subm and rising ling bubb start will age cabb p as the Contact: Zuzana Smith, down daily nutritional therapist , pressing ature for 14 days W | th keep for months, just wipe the mou o a fridge. It will T | 07726 184264 ake some out.
E | Facebook | Zuzana Smith nutrition Instagram | @zsnutrition
Due to Covid-19 regular workshops will resume as soon as it’s possible. Contact us or follow us on social media for info on online workshops.
Ingredients ( for a 2-litre jar) • 2 heads Chinese cabbage • 3 tbsp sea/ rock salt • 1 medium daikon radish/mooli • 14 cloves garlic, peeled • 4 tbsp grated ginger • 2tsp unrefined sugar • 6 tbsp Korean pepper flakes ( called Gochugaru) – in international supermarkets or online • 1 red chilli pepper • 1 bunch spring onions Method: 1. Cut the Chinese cabbage into 2cm strips, place in a bowl and sprinkle with the salt, massage in and squeeze lightly 2. Let the cabbage release its juices, approx. 2 hrs or overnight 3. In the meantime, combine all other ingredients in a blender/food processor and blend into a smooth paste. Use the excess water released from the cabbage to make it easier to blend. If you don’t have a blender, just grate finely 4. Drain excess water from the wilted cabbage. Add the paste and massage it into the cabbage (use gloves) 5. Transfer into a clean jar, press the cabbage down so it’s submerged under the liquid. Leave a 1-2in gap at the top as the cabbage will start bubbling and rising 6. Let it ferment at room temperature for 14 days, pressing down daily 7. Close tightly and transfer into a fridge. It will keep for months, just wipe the mouth of the jar clean each time you take some out. 43
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A deliciously nutritious fresh take on Sauce...
Hi I’’m Tanya
time and stressful corporate world to invest my A working Mum who broke out of the ly. fami my tivity and a healthy lifestyle for energy into my passions: Cooking, crea past battles… Inspired by my little people and my d working mum sure • The stress I faced as a time-pres rder fuelled by ultra-processed foods diso g eatin an , • Mental illness as a child rmarket chillers: I saw something was missing in supe stress and waste. s, Cooking from scratch without the mes
lack r for us, but we’re time-pressured & often We know cooking from scratch is bette a bottle into fruit & s, herb veg, ared prep ly & fresh inspiration. So, I poured my heart, soul dish. any with wish you as y enjo to you for … into a bottle so all you need to do is pour JUST REAL fresh ingredients, crammed dairy and se vegan, free from gluten, wheat, lacto Our cold pressed sauces are naturally teners or preservatives. with no added salt, refined sugar, swee
44 They can be used: • Cold to dip, spread, dress or drizzle • Hot to coat & cook or pan fry to sizzl e All unique in their own right, a flavo ur for each member of the family… It was never about making another sauc e… It’s about offering a Just Real Solution. Time spent with our family is worth ever y second, but in today’s hectic world time it’s a limited resource. Together we can juggle, keep busy and keep sane!! We are not just what we eat, but why, when and who we eat with, we want to make it healthy, easy & fun for you
now win a sauce!
Email zandra@yourhealthhu entered with the word Sauce to be tered en into the draw, OR to be unity into all draws join our comm uk b. hu via www.yourhealth Good luck! 45
Allergy and sensitivity by Zandra, Editor
I spent much of my 20s suffering with IBS, at the time I blamed alcohol and staying up too late. Fast forward a few years (ok many years) and I now know that my issue is an intolerance to Wheat and Gluten. I have not eaten Gluten for over 14 years now and
have never had a recurrence of the IBS. But there are many food groups, hormonal fluctuations and other external triggers that can cause issues – and there are many types of tests for these. A summary of some of those available follow.
BIOLAB - IgE allergies to foods and inhalants.
Biolab is the leading nutritional and environmental pathology laboratory in the UK and has been offering a wide range of laboratory tests for assessing nutritional status and the effects of the environment on health since 1984. Physically we are what we eat, and what we are exposed to, nothing more, nothing less. Most nutrients are beneficial, but many Twenty First century foods have no nutritional benefit, and yet increasingly individuals are becoming sensitive or allergic to beneficial foods, thus limiting our food choices. At Biolab, as well as measuring micronutrient status, we also offer a range of tests for IgE allergies to foods and inhalants (pollen, house dust mites etc.), and we can screen for food intolerances (IgG mediated reactions which are less severe and often delayed), and for lactose and fructose intolerances using novel 46
non-invasive testing methods. Mycotoxins are toxins ingested and inhaled from food contaminated moulds (lots of fresh fruit and vegetables contain traces of moulds due to long term storage in warm damp environments) and also from mould in the home (bathrooms etc.) and the workplace. We have recently introduced a urine Mycotoxins Profile which screens for a wide range of mycotoxins associated with adverse health symptoms. Biolab is here to help identify what in your environment is adversely affecting your health. Further details of all available tests can be found on our website (IgE allergy screens are currently not available during the coronavirus pandemic). W |
Pure Wholeness – Iridology
Iridology is a non-invasive diagnostic tool, through analysis of the iris (coloured part of the eye), a person’s level of systemic health and areas of nutritional deficiency can be seen. In the first instance a detailed client health and lifestyle history will be taken. Thereafter a magnifying glass with a light will be used to look into your eyes; this will enable a map to be drawn up of what is seen on a chart. This then enables the therapist to give appropriate nutritional advice and suggest remedies.
Pure Wholeness - Allergy Testing and Nutrition.
Allergy testing is carried out through a muscle related test (kinesiology based), which will identify key allergies or intolerances a client may have. A detailed client health and lifestyle history will be taken in the first consultation, where we will discuss what needs to be tested. Each treatment is tailored to the individual as everyone is unique. Testing is available for infants to adults. Advice on nutrition is offered and various supplements and alternative health products are available.
Allergies, intolerances and testing
Wheat, gluten and diary are ingredients widely known to be implicated in health problems. Other sources are foods, hormones, additives, pollution, toxicity, stress, emotional disturbances and more. What’s at the ‘root’ of this complexity? I advise Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), which addresses it all. This easy, non-invasive home test has helped hundreds of my clients with allergies and intolerances. Over 40 years, it’s been key in healing my clients (and myself) from chronic migraines and digestive, emotional and spirituallybased health conditions, to a higher level of self-knowledge and understanding. Still in my 70s its helping me to slow down, meditatively chew 30 times – not just “What Am I Eating” but “Who is Eating” - I am healthier and happier as a result. Hair is ideal for testing. It slowly locks in substances from your blood and tissues as it grows - a fascinating story there to be understood. A small sample of hair is posted to the laboratory. 10 days later you get a report of findings, detailing your metabolic type, stress profile, minerals and heavy metals, with suggested health practices, foods and daily supplements. Profound realisations have emerged for people as we work together in Consultation on the findings of the test. I look forward to helping you have more insight and better understanding of your wellbeing using Hair Mineral Analysis. You can find out more on the website. Gabrielle Paras Richards ND, Bliss Naturopathy, Kings Langley E | W | T | 07788 981977
By Catherine, a registered Holistic Therapist T | 07816189906 E | Facebook | pure-wholeness 47
Nutrition for Life - IgG antibodies
Is something you are eating adversely affecting your health ? Food intolerance can result from your body reacting adversely to certain foods and research has shown that it can be linked to IgG antibodies produced when these ‘problem foods’ are eaten. Normally these antibodies do not have any ill-effects, but if the immune system or digestive systems are not working efficiently their presence may cause a wide range of symptoms such as bloating, lack of energy, headaches, constipation, weight problems aching joints and anxiety. The ‘Food Detective Test’ helps to identify these ‘problem’ foods by detecting IgG anti-bodies in the blood using a finger-prick blood sample taken in clinic. 59 commonly
eaten foods are tested including, gluten, wheat, cow’s milk, egg, yeast and oats. Using these results as a guide, the diet can then be adjusted and a new diet planned. Most people experience an improvement in health after eliminating the identified foods and replacing them with healthy alternatives. After 3 months, in many cases, the ‘offending foods’ can then be slowly introduced back into the diet without any ill effects. By Alyson Carter, BA Hons, Dip Nut. Registered Nutritional Therapist at the Naturality Wellness Centre W | T | 0781 6981858
Allergy Testing UK – Beat the Bloat
Is the food you are eating affecting your Digestion? Do you constantly feel bloated? Windy? Tired? Acidic? Have irregular bowels? Having a Digestive Health Analysis could be the answer to your digestive problems. The most common food intolerances are Gluten, Diary products, sugar and Yeast Gluten is a sticky glue like substance and can cause inflammation in the colon and is found in wheat, rye, oat and barley products, including cereals, breads, pizzas, biscuits and cakes, and can cause a number of digestive problems including bloating, wind and fatigue. Dairy products ( Lactose/Lactates/Lacitol/ Casein) can be a problem on their own and can cause loose stools , wind ,bloating and skin inflammation, and are found in yoghurts, cow, goat and sheep milk as well as in cheese. Yeast is also a common denominator in causing bloating, wind, candida, fatigue and skin problems and can be found in all Alcohol, bread, fermented foods and sugary products. Yeast has a 48
fermenting effect on the colons own bacteria ,and too much creates ‘Over fermentation’ resulting in more wind, bloating etc. Other considerations- Its not the food but how you digest it! Many people say they have given up Gluten, wheat, dairy and still have problems, the answer is on many occasions a combination of Food Intolerance and Digestive Inability. What does that mean ? Simply put, you may not have enough digestive juices( enzymes) to digest your fibre, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins. When you cant digest your food properly the resulting affect is bloating, over fermentation, wind, acid reflux ,tiredness and much more. Having a Digestive Health Analysis Test ,finds out if you have any food intolerances as well as testing you for any digestive enzyme dysfunction W |
Footnote by Lucy Blunden, Herbalist Allergy, intolerance and sensitivity are different things. True allergy is potentially life threatening and the others bring about unpleasant reactions. Herbs to help you Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), Plantain (Plantago lanceolata or P. major… not the banana!), are top of the list and readily found by everyone. There are others but these are the most suitable for home use. Each of the above can be drunk as copious strong tea to reduce the effects of allergy responses.
Strong tea recipe: • 2-3 dessert spoons of chopped fresh plant or 3 teabags in a cup, • fill with boiled water, • brew for 20+ mins Drink frequently (c. 6 times) or until symptoms resolve. The side effects are that these marvellous herbs also work on other aspects of your body than just immune system effects. • Chamomile for your gut (caution with reflux) • Nettle for joints and skin (caution in histamine sensitivity) • Plantain for lungs and sinuses and seasonal allergies Stop immediately if any negative side effects arise
Lucy Blunden is a Medical Herbalist practising in Hemel Hempstead. She loves working with conditions with an emotional underpinning. Her treatment toolbox contains herbal remedies, Bach Flower Remedies and EFT/Tapping alongside food and lifestyle changes. Lucy is also a Lecturer in Herbal Medicine at the University of Westminster. E |
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Craniosacral Tapping into the body’s healing ability
Craniosacral therapy or CST is an offshoot of Osteopathy, sometimes called cranial osteopathy, that’s growing in popularity. Dr William Garner Sutherland (1873-1954) an American Osteopathic physician, first identified and started to develop cranial osteopathy as a way to assess and improve well-being and the health of the whole body. Dr. Sutherland became fascinated with anatomy of the skull, spending many hours dissecting and examining the human head. Noticing the unusual way in which the skull bones connected with one another, he was struck by the phrase ‘Bevelled like the gills of a fish, indicating …mobility for a respiratory mechanism’. He considered if the edges of the bones were jagged and bevelled, there must be a reason for it. Dr. Sutherland’s Eureka moment came one 50
day in the early 1900’s, when he realised that he’d only ever examined the skulls of cadavers - what if the connective tissue between the bones remained elastic throughout life and the bones were moveable until death? To test this theory, he wore adjustable leather straps to prevent movement of his skull bones and discovered that the resulting pressure on his head created physical symptoms and personality changes. This led him to understand that if a human skull was rigid, then the various pressures of the helmet shouldn’t have affected him. The term Craniosacral therapy was coined by John E Upledger who took on and developed Dr Sutherlands ideas and techniques to create a powerful yet simplified system of treatment, capable of being learned by those outside of the medical and osteopathic professions.
What exactly is Craniosacral therapy?
Craniosacral therapy involves very gentle touch or holding of the body, largely focusing on the head and spine, including the sacrum. Thus the name, ‘cranio’ – head; ‘sacral’ – sacrum/ triangular bone at the base of your spine. Although hands can be placed anywhere or alternatively hardly moved around at all.
What happens during a treatment?
The client remains fully clothed except for shoes and generally lies on their back on a treatment bed. Covered in a blanket, they engage as much or little as they like with the practitioner. The body often responds very well when the client is relaxing or napping, although talking about sensations in the body and emotions as they arise can have an extremely therapeutic effect. There is something powerful in acknowledging the pain or emotions that have been held in the body, which often encourages releases and further shifts in wellbeing.
Everyone’s experience is different – bodily sensations like tingling, fizziness, cold, warmth, and sometimes a sense of discomfort can occur. Thoughts, memories and emotions can also arise. Alternatively, it might feel like nothing’s happening at all - it’s a very individual experience.
How and why does it work?
Dr. Sutherland talked of five characteristics of the body which give us some idea as to how and why Craniosacral therapy works:
‘The mobility of the cranial bones’ Medical professionals will tell you that most of the bones in the head are fused from around the age of around two. However there are
“My belief is in the blood and flesh as being wiser than the intellect. The bodyunconscious is where life bubbles up in us. It is how we know we are alive.” S.H Lawrence 51
health & wellbeing two key bones in the head that are joined by cartilage. The Spheno-basilar synchondrosis – joint between the big bone at the back of the head (Occiput) and the butterfly shaped bone in the centre of your skull (Sphenoid), which your pituitary gland sits on. The fact that this joint is made of cartilage indicates to some that it’s actually been designed to move. The edges of many other bones in the head are bevelled in a way that permits tiny movements.
‘The reciprocal tension of the membranes’ Membranes or Fascia covers everything in the body and runs from the top of your head to your toes, covering organs and bones – everything is therefore connected. This is why if you bump your right hip this can have repercussions in other parts in your body, for example pain in your left shoulder or discomfort in your left knee and so on. This is one of the reasons working on one part of a body can have an impact elsewhere.
‘The motility of the Central Nervous System’ There are 12 cranial nerves that originate in the brain and travel out though various holes in the bones of your skull, down the neck and spine, and travelling out to the organs and muscles in your body. These nerves are continually feeding messages back and forth between brain and all of the bodily systems - controlling the organs
“Treat everyone, and every part of everyone, as equal. Every cell in the body has consciousness.” hugh milne 52
(including lungs (respiratory system); stomach, intestines & gall bladder (digestive system); kidneys, liver & bladder (excretory system), immune system and hormones (reproductive system & endocrine system)), limbs and emotions. Working with the nervous system, via gentle touch at the head and spine, can thus improve all manner of problems; from anxiety, insomnia and depression, to teeth grinding, IBS and the functioning of the urinary system.
‘The fluctuation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)’ This fluid is made in the brain and surrounds both the brain and spinal cord, as well as the entire surface of the central nervous system. Craniosacral therapists understand that this fluid moves up and down the spine supported by a movement of the sacrum and causing minute movements of the bones in the face and head, as long as these bones are not wedged or trapped in some way as a result of tensions in the muscles or fascia.
‘The involuntary motion of the sacrum’ Minute movements of the sacrum generate a wavelike motion of the CSF which bathes the nerves in the spine and brain. This motion is sometimes described by Craniosacral therapists as the ‘breath of life’ or ‘primary respiration’ as Dr Sutherland called it. If spinal bones are misalignment or there are other blockages, the motion can be inhibited and have negative effects on wellbeing. Craniosacral therapy also helps to release tensions in the muscles and body generally, which can support a well-aligned posture and flow of cerebrospinal fluid. Craniosacral therapists work with the whole body via the bones, nervous system, fascia and the Cerebrospinal fluid. By ‘listening’ to the body through gentle touch, restrictions or blockages are identified and released. These releases of tension can maintain health, wellbeing and immunity, as well as ward off depression, musculo-skeletal dysfunction, pain and stress. It’s also great for babies, as well as many postnatal
issues - from colic to crying - are often a result of shock and trauma associated with birth and these are commonly released and remedied by Craniosacral therapy. Supporting the free flow of this ‘breath of life’ through craniosacral therapy often means the body is able to successfully find its own way back to health. Lindsey practices in Canterbury, Kent. She graduated in 2016 from the College of Craniosacral therapy in London, is a member of the Healing Hands Network and has volunteered at the Helen Bamber Foundation in London who support victims of human cruelty. Lindsey also works with Bach flower essences and aromatherapy, and teaches meditation. E |
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Coccyx Lumber vertebrae Bladder
Hi, I am Diane a fully-qualified Reflexologist VTCT L3 MFHT, and I am so pleased to tell you about myself and all that I can offer... I have been a Holistic Therapist for nearly 11 years and am based in Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire. I have a few therapies up my sleeve: • Reflexology
• Indian head massage
• Many energy therapies including Reiki • I am a mental health first aider, a Suicide Awareness and Intervention n Coach and a coach @ YES Transitio Coaching all of • I hold talks and seminars about the above. These are all face to face, online workshops and treatments apart from the Indian head massage which is on hold at the moment in the current situation.
Pituitery gland Lung Eye Eustacion tube
Let us look at what reflexology is and its history: Modern reflexology is based on an ancient form of therapy. There is evidence of some form of foot and hand therapy being practised in China as long ago as 2330BC, and at the same time in Egypt, as depicted in the tomb of Ankmahor. The reflexes on our feet and hands act as mirror images of the body, like a map, and when simulated can feel like a full body massage. With a reflexology treatment, we focus more on the individual pressure points to clear blockages within the energy lines – the Meridians – as blockages can lead to illness or disease. About the self-care hand reflexology workshop I would love to focus on telling you more about my self care reflexology workshops, which were held face to face until recently but are now online. This can be in the form of a group workshop on Zoom or Facetime or 1:1. Hip Sciatic nerve Colon
Lumber vertebrae Bladder
Small intestine
Ureter Kidney
Gall bladder
Adrenal gland
Shoulder Heart Ear
Pituitary Parathyroid Pancreas Stomach Eye
Eustacion tube
Let me tell you more about this awesome new lifeskill you will learn
When you should not use reflexology and consult your GP first for further advice
The self-care hand reflexology workshop gives you the skills to treat yourself when the condition presents itself, or you could also use it as a general wellbeing tool to keep yourself in the flow and your energy aligned.
This workshop is not provided for therapists to be able to gain a qualification and practice as a new therapy but more for self-development of personal wellbeing tchniques that you can use every day but you will be given a certificate of attendance to put on your fridge as recognition of your achievement.
In the workshop we take look at: • • • • • •
the skin the muscles the bones the reflex points on the hands the massage techniques learning how to give yourself hand reflexology • the conditions that you can easily alleviate with hand reflexology.
Diane can be contacted on 07778 971279 or Facebook | Mellowland Therapies LinkedIn | Diane Sears W | 55
health & wellbeing
Health and wellness has always been in my veins plus with parents who ran their own business, I’ve been surrounded by my two passions since a little girl being interested in both health as well as business, I knew I always wanted to combine the two.
After studying Business Management and Marketing at university, and continuing my love for sports including playing at International level, I started my working career in marketing and brand strategy for some of the world’s largest healthcare brands across various therapeutic areas including pain management, nutrition & weight management, oral healthcare and allergy relief.
But I wanted life on my terms
As an International athlete and being passionate about health and wellness, the corporate world of long hours and politics went against my desire to live a balanced life on my terms. As much as I loved my job, working all the hours and constant travel meant I was heading for burnout. 56
Something had to change
With an international move to the other side of the world for work, and living in South-East Asia when I was on maternity leave with my first child, I decided that something needed to change. At 4am after another night feed for my baby, I made the decision to follow my passion into the holistic world. I knew I needed to look after myself in order to look after my child in the ways that I wanted to. So for some headspace away from baby brain and to learn something I’d also been interested in and seen the benefits from during my sporting career, I re-trained as a holistic health & massage therapist.
From zero to fully booked
In a matter of months, I went from having no clients to being fully booked. With my 15+ years of experience working in marketing, I knew what I had to do in order to attract the right clients and grow my business into a profitable and sustainable one.
passion and purpose. My focus now is on helping other entrepreneurs in the health & wellness space turn their hobby into a profitable business. Moving them from trading time for money and struggling to grow, I help them build the business foundations that will help create the success they desire, before they fall out of love with the business that was their true passion, but may now be their biggest headache. As a hands on holistic health practitioner I have lived the challenges my clients are living, but my marketing qualifications and business acumen have seen me thrive. I now want this for others in an industry where too often I see businesses fall short of their potential, and I’m particularly passionate about supporting other women in business to create lifestyles that work for them. I support practitioners on a one-to-one basis, through group programmes and also have a fabulous free facebook community
The ripple effect
Following the birth of my second child, I learnt a lot about having to juggle family life with business whilst still wanting the flexibility and income from my business. I was constantly asked how I managed to grow my business and other practitioners were asking for support to build a successful business on their terms. My mission is to help people feel healthier and happier but I can’t do this alone – I realised that I could help so many more people by supporting other health & wellness practitioners to be successful and the ripple effect and impact to the world that I could create in doing this. Being a serial entrepreneur, and now living back in the UK (in the same town in Hertfordshire that I grew up in!), I’m proud of having grown several businesses driven by
Find me here: healthybusinesstowealthybusiness/ 57
in focus
now WIN ALL this!
Giveaway Evolve are excited about the launch of their first supercharged, probiotic product, the 360 Eye and Lip Contour which takes a 360 view of ageing and tackles not only fine lines and wrinkles but also age spots, smokers lines, texture, and luminosity. We have included probiotics as they are fragments of live cultures, which help to balance the skin and reduce inflammation. We’ve also added caffeine, which helps to reduce puffiness and dark circles, as well as natural peptides and green tea and pomegranate to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the delicate eye and lip area.
Now win all of this – details at the end of each article or simply join “Your Health Hub co mmunity” via the website www.your to be automatically en tered into all of the Give Aways and get the magazine delivered to your inbox 4 times a year.
Thank you to the team at Evolve for this great prize
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the pinned giveaway post on our facebook page or join Your Health Hub community via the website High Medical Grade Manuka MGO 1250+. This product contains 100% raw Australian Manuka Honey - nothing added and not heated. The honey is not mixed or cut with gels waxes or creams to cut costs - it comes straight from the bees to you! This Australian Manuka Honey is the real deal with very high MGO activity. Every home First+Aid kit should have at least one of these. Manuka Honey can be used for a variety of skin complaints, insect bites, leg and mouth ulcers, pet care wounds, pimples, ezcema, cuts and abrasions, minor burns and skin issues. 58
Be prepared, grab one for your First+Aid kit or purse today. Prize courtesy of Your Health Hub. Thank you to Paul Russell at Organic. Now win one of these by emailing
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Washing your hands is one of the easiest and effective way to prevent sickness. Don’t forget to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds for optimum hand hygiene. ORGANO™️ G3 Premium Beauty Soap has a special formula that not only cleanses and moisturizes the skin, but also boasts the power of antioxidant-boosting ingredients. Thank you to Paul Russell at Organic Healthy Coffee for this great prize
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Herbalist Lucy Blunden has donated this blend of high quality medicinal herbs with tea ‘egg’ a reusable tea bag for loose leaf teas. It contains 4 herbs to nourish and nurture your nervous system including the icing on the cake, rose petals for a ‘Hug in a Mug’. “...I am floating in the warm embrace of your delicious tea”, Tamsin, W. Yorks Lucy’s Lockdown Love Bundles retail at £12 including postage. Choose the Loving Calm tea blend, Lockdown Bach Flower Remedy or both for extra self-care loving. Contact Lucy for further detail: or 07492 511 366.
Thank you to Lucy Blunden Herbalist for this great prize –
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Little Book of Lykke - Join the happiness revolution! It’s easy to see why Denmark is often called the World’s happiest country. Not only do they have work and life in perfect balance, free higher education and trains that run on time, but they burn more candles per household than anywhere else! This captivating book takes us on a treasure hunt to unlock the doors of the good life. Evidence, stories and tips from the very happiest corners of the planet. The ultimate guide to how we can all find a little more lykke in our lives. Prize courtesy of Your Health Hub.
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in focus Georganics Dental Supplements – Vitamins & Minerals – Our dental supplement has been specially formulated to promote strong, healthy teeth and gums. By boosting specific vitamins & minerals levels, they support our body natural remineralisation process and sustenance of healthy tissue. These tablets ensure your teeth are getting all they need to stay strong and remineralised from within, promoting long term oral health and preventing those nutritiondeficiency related conditions, like tooth decay, lining inflammation and enamel hypoplasia. Thank you to the team at WIN Georganics for this great prize – 6 Georganics – Dental Floss - This natural floss is made from Ahimsa (Peace) silk, coated Now win one of these by emailing or posting with Candelilla wax and flavoured with organic GIVE AWAY 6 to zandra@yourhealthhub. Spearmint oil. It comes in a reusable glass flint uk / to the pinned giveaway post on our and a metal cap dispenser, to be used again and facebook page again with our 2x30 metres refills. Packed in a Hubdirectory/ or join Your Health Hub fully compostable, plastic-free kraft box. community via the website Thank you to the team at Georganics for this great prize –
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Natural and certified organic, this delicately fragranced hand spray kills 99.9% of bacteria for hygienic hands on the go. With a purifying blend of organic niaouli, lemongrass and witch hazel, the all-natural formulation will leave hands smelling fresh and feeling clean, with no sticky residue. Perfect to keep on your desk, in your bag and to add to your travel essentials list.
Thank you to Julie Bertelli Independent Consultant for this great prize – Now win one of these
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Acorn Wellbeing Centre Located in Bovingdon, we combine and integrate the principles of conventional and complementary medicine and clinical therapeutic practice. We provide Counselling, Psychotherapy and Complementary Therapy for the Hemel Hempstead, Bovingdon, Berkhamsted, Chesham, Rickmansworth, Tring, Watford, Kings Langley, Abbots Langley, Redbourn, Harpenden and St Albans communities.
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List your company here and on our website for 12 months Price £35 per issue or £99 for the year
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Acupuncture – Carmel Twomey Within each of us, there are ‘energy pathways’ or ‘meridians’ where ‘chi’ (energy) flows. These meridians, named after the organ they originate in (eg. kidney channel, liver channel etc), run all over the body. Where they reach the surface, the Acupuncture needle(s) are inserted to affect a change, not only in the meridian but also the associated organ. As the therapist, I am purely a ‘messenger’, facilitating the bodies natural ability to heal. There is a misconception that the treatment is painful, a competent practitioner will insert and carry out the treatment painlessly for the most part. Treatments are surprisingly relaxing. W | T | 07882 889989 E |
Beautanix Natural and Organic skincare, ethically sourced, not tested on animals and Vegan, just the goodness of nature. Products that work hard for your skin but are not harsh in any way. Rejuvenating, balancing and slows down the ageing process, whilst not only maintaining your complexion but improving it. See the website for more details.
W | T | 07989 879164 E | FB |
Beverley Price - Weight Loss Crossroads Homeopathy Helping you regain your health and body confidence through our clinically proven nutritional program. overweight and can’t shift it? Continually tired? Stressed? Not sleeping well? Digestive issues? I can help. Contact Beverley for a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Monthly payment plan available
Get in touch for more info
As a homeopath I have nearly 10 years of experience working with people of all ages: adults, young people, children and babies. If you’re in discomfort your body’s trying to attract your attention; I can help work out your body’s message and support you towards greater balance and wellbeing. Individual and family consultations in my Hertfordshire clinic room; Skype consultations also available.
Zandra: T | 07866 587117 E | directory – Hertfordshire
T | 07541 121122 E |
Contact Dorothy Watt W | T | 07530 286942 E | FB | Crossroads Homeopathy 61
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Doug Buckingham I have many years of experience and thousands of clients behind me, and humbly consider myself an expert in helping people break free from their limitations. I offer transformational solutions using Hypnosis, Regression and Sound Healing for individuals and companies. Fully accredited training in hypnosis and regression runs several times annually, plus regular holistic workshops and monthly sound baths.
EFT/Tapping Practitioner – Lucy Blunden Feeling stuck? Want to feel better? Emotions have a ‘best before date’. Tapping can release emotional intensity and free you to live your life. £45 per session. In person or online. Call me to find out whether it’s right for you.
Elephant Branded Hand crafted from recycled cement bags by villagers in Cambodia. For every one of these bags you buy, Elephant Branded hand deliver a school kit to a child in Cambodia. Perfect for travelling, beaches, books, weekends and gyms. Elephant Branded was set to develop a local social business rather than charity to sustainable tackle the issue of education and basic lack of School equipment in Africa and Asia.
W | T | 07979 750291 E | Facebook | dougbuckinghampastlives Instagram | doug_buckingham Twitter | DougBuckingham
W | T | 07492 511 366 Follow me @HertsHerbalist on Twitter and Facebook
W | Facebook | ElephantBranded/ Instagram | elephantbranded/
Green People
New skincare range in stock - Epionce formulas are botanically based and optimised to improve skin function by reducing inflammatory factors while improving barrier strength. The products are paraben free, gluten free, fragrance free and are vegan friendly. Epionce do not use or endorse animal testing for any of their skincare products. It really does sound too good to be true!
With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Green People offers a complete range of certified organic products for all of the family. Green People products are packed with up to 99% active natural and organic ingredients to protect, nourish, balance and, most importantly, respect your body. Green People promise to never use aggressive ingredients or synthetic chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, alcohol (ethanol) or synthetic fragrances or colourants, and to never test on animals.
Most of us accept that good oral hygiene involves cleaning our teeth daily, but we don’t always consider the effect ingesting synthetic chemicals often found in commercial products has on our health. Georganics, only use pure, natural and organic ingredients. Sustainable – All of our products are hand-crafted in small batches. They are made from natural ingredients that are sourced as locally as possible. Our packaging is specifically designed to produce no waste to avoid clogging up landfill sites. Conscientious – Where possible, all of our ingredients are ethically sourced and organic or food grade.
W | T | 01403 740350
W | E |
W | T | 07824 553735 E | 62
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For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Holistic Therapist
Hydrolysed Collagen with Elastin
Do you suffer from allergies or intolerances? How is your daily nutrition affecting your overall health and well-being? Would you value mentoring to assist you in restored confidence? Catherine is a Holistic Therapist, with over 10 years experience treating infants to adults. Allergy testing, Iridology, nutrition, weight management and life skills/ mentoring. I consult in Berkhamsted, Old Town Hemel and peripatetically and also offer Skype consultations.
This 100% hydrolysed collagen and Elastin facial preparation is kept refrigerated and can be used topically on a daily basis as part of your beauty and anti-aging regime. Collagen when used as an active ingredient in beauty products acts as a natural skin moisturiser helps protect against premature ageing. With the addition of Elastin, which exists in a human body together with collagen, this product also helps increase skin elasticity. Preparations are designed mostly for the following skin types: mature, tired and dry, as a result of excessive effects of weather and water. Just £9.99 per 10ml.
Contact Catherine W | T | 07816 189906 E | Facebook | Pure-Wholeness Instagram | purewholenesscm
T | 07866 587117 E |
Jack & Jill Kids
Jack N’ Jill is a natural toothpaste for babies, toddlers and children that is safe to swallow. It was first made in Melbourne, Australia in 1949 and is now available in more than 30 countries. Always natural - Never any nasties. No fluoride, SLS, parabens, GMO ingredients, colours, sugar or artificial preservatives. Always safe - With natural ingredients our toothpaste is safe if swallowed and our products are always free from noxious chemicals and BPA. Always good - Jack N’ Jill are a cruelty free company. We use recycled and natural materials such as corn starch and bamboo instead of plastics.
Jazzercise - a workout program that combines jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, and kickboxing movement. Benefits include increased cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility, as well as an overall “feel good” factor. Get in touch with Keri.
W | E | customerserviceuk@
Facebook | jazzerciseBucksBedsHerts T | 07900 987230 E |
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Jennifer-Ann Microblading Wake up with natural looking make up and feel confident every day with beautifully microbladed brows and lifted lashes. Book in for a free, no obligation consultation where we will discuss and draw the shape that you would like to achieve. With over 20 years experience in the beauty industry, and a Masters training in Microblading I am passionate about making you look and feel your best. W | T | 07958 432223 E | jenniferannmicroblading@ Facebook & Instagram | @jenniferannmicroblading 63
hub directory listings For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Jo Bradley – International Clairvoyant Medium, trance and physical medium, tutor and author. Services available: One to one or group readings, psychic shows, corporate training days, self and psychic development retreats, one day workshops, weekly development circles. I work both in the UK and abroad.
T | 01494 773275 or 07565 898747 E |
List your company here and on our website for 12 months Price £35 per issue or £99 for the year
Monthly payment plan available
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Karma Rub 100% Natural Magnesium DeodorantAntiperspirant - with 0% Aluminium It will not only stop any unpleasant odour, but also provide the necessary portion of magnesium through our skin without any involvement of our tired stomach. One roll-on around the armpits will bring us up to 90% true magnesium, will stop the smell for many hours, and the wonderful aroma from the natural Aussie shrub “Lemon Myrtle” which leaves a pleasant and delicate citrus scent. 100% chemical-free, gentle on skin and the magnesium can help with other ailments W | T | 07940 780932 E |
Lucy Blunden BSc(Hons) Medical Herbalist EFT Practitioner It brings me great joy to unearth the emotional triggers behind the physical symptoms. I use herbs, EFT-Tapping and food to bring about the healthy changes you want in your life and body.
Get in touch for more info Zandra: T | 07866 587117 E | directory – Hertfordshire
W | T | 07492 511366 @HertsHerbalist Facebook | hertsherbalist
Louise Page Healing Metatronic Healing® Louise Page Metatronic Healing® is the method that has evolved since Archangel Metatron first communicated with Pippa Merivale, its founder, in 2007 Metatron’s promise was that this modality would “lift” energetically, the stories of limitation and separation and all that disempowers us from the unconscious and the body’s cellular memory and activate the heart centre. For more information about 1-2-1’s and Group Healing Meditations. W | web.metatronichealing T | 07742 185 819 E | Facebook | metatronichealingbuckinghamshire
Manuka Honey This product contains 100% raw Australian Manuka Honey - nothing added and not heated. The honey is not mixed or cut with gels waxes or creams to cut costs. Straight from the bees to you! This Australian Manuka Honey is the real deal with very high MGO activity. Every home First+Aid kit should have at least one of these. Manuka Honey can be used for a variety of skin complaints, insect bites, leg and mouth ulcers, pet care wounds, pimples, ezcema, cuts and abrasions, minor burns and skin issues. Be prepared, grab one for your First+Aid kit or purse today. Available in tube 80g – £19.00 or Jar 250g – £45.00. T | 07866 587117 E |
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For the Dacorum/St Albans area
The Natural Family Co. was developed for those looking for a looking for a natural toothpaste that they could use daily, without the novelty ingredients. They searched for a botanical that tasted clean and fresh, and happened upon some wild mint, which was quietly thriving on the banks of a creek - a stone’s throw away from their own backyard. This became the inspiration for Australian Native River Mint in all NFco toothpaste varieties. With its fresh, minty taste and effective cleaning and plaque removal, it’s suitable for the whole family! NFco Original Toothpaste variety is even safe from 6 months old.
Based on dance, martial arts and mindful movement including yoga, Nia is a cardio-dance workout, a movement practice, and a lifestyle based on the intelligent design of the body. Michele Kaye, author of “Eat Dance Shine”, Nia Black Belt Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach M.Sc (Nutrition).
W | E |
W | T | 07786 172407
Regency House Dental Clinic
Ridgeway Nordic Walking
The Regency House Dental Clinic is a modern private dental clinic in the heart of St Albans. It boasts a team of highly qualified dentists and hygienists and the most advanced dental technology including 3D X-ray and infra-oral scanners. They cater to everyone and open late evenings and Saturdays. Fees are competitive and slightly lower than average and finance is available to ensure everyone’s budget is catered for. Regency House Dental Clinic, 28 St Peters Street, St Albans AL1 3NA W | T | 01727 848080
Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking – it makes something we learn to do as babies…. twice as effective. Nordic walking uses poles in order to add major benefits to walking. The use of poles mean the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs. The poles help propel the walker along, meaning you work harder, although the use of the poles gives support and makes it feel easier. We run taster sessions and fast track courses. Get in touch to learn more.
W | Facebook | ridgewaynordicwalking
Pilates and Seated Pilates by Fran Brown Fran Brown Pilates Method How can I help you? Total mind and body wellbeing in one class. • Core and body strengthening • Posture realignment • De-stress and relax • Alleviate back, neck, shoulder, knee and hip pain Take time out for yourself! Classes, courses, 1-2-1 and small groups. Call Fran to discuss T | 07900 858985 E | W |
Riviere Retreat Carolyn Leech Make time for yourself with the Riviere Retreat. Step away from your busy week with a deeply relaxing and therapeutic Reiki treatment. Reiki and Relaxation with Carolyn, leaving you feeling calm, balanced and energised for the week ahead.
T | 07795 511126 E | Facebook | @theriviereretreat Instagram | theriviereretreat 65
hub directory listings For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Sarah Cook Holistics Beauty Services A full range of my beauty treatments using natural/organic products where possible can be viewed on my website or Facebook page including waxing, spray tanning, eye treatments, massage and facials. I also offer holistic treatments and the Zone Face Lift – a unique treatment focusing on naturally lifting the facial muscles and structures by means of Japanese facial massage techniques, Bergman method facial reflexology, quartz crystals and Jade GuaSha. Your Health Hub readers can have this facial for £65 when you mention the magazine. Usually £75. W | Facebook | sarahcookholisticspureorganictherapy
Vivo Shape Health Life Fitness VIVO: In Italian, Vivo means “to live” and that’s what we help you to do – live a full, long and healthy life. At Vivo we can provide fitness and weight loss solutions that suit YOU. Nothing makes you look better than feeling fantastic.
W | Facebook | Karen.lem.92 66
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Soleo Organics All Natural Sunscreen SPF30 Most mineral sunblocks, have a chalky consistency, but not Soléo Organics. It is free of potentially toxic ingredients, the formula is biodegradable, plus it includes organically-grown botanicals and was developed using naturopathic principles that help the skin to heal itself. No synthetic preservatives. Water resistant, unscented and contains organic ingredients.
T | 07866 587117 E |
Water for Health Ltd Water for Health is a family run company. We hate to see people suffering from pain and debility in one form or another due to problems that good hydration and quality nutrition could solve. That’s why at Water for Health we’re committed to promoting better living through education. We offer a comprehensive range of hydration and nutritional products. We focus on sourcing quality products that we ourselves are happy with and believe in, from suppliers who share our desire to enhance wellbeing naturally.
rediscovering youthful skin
Tocolo is a Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated aesthetic clinic based in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire. As well as offering popular aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, treatments such as medical grade chemical peels, acne treatment, weight loss management, hay fever injections, vitamin injections, ear syringing, thread vein treatment, vampire facials, hair loss treatment and treatment for excessive sweating are also available. Minor surgery is performed for removal of benign skin lesions and dermal cysts. (A full histological report is carried out for any lesion surgically removed). W | T | 07824 553735 E |
List your company here and on our website for 12 months Price £35 per issue or £99 for the year
Monthly payment plan available
Get in touch for more info Zandra: T | 07866 587117 E | directory – Hertfordshire W |
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