4 minute read
Having fun with the kids at home
with your children at home
It’s very hard and challenging for children to understand what is happening in our world at present and now is a time us that we ensure they have fun during these time and we all continue to create wonderful memories in a safe home environment.
My company FitKid helps children’s mental and physical wellbeing normally in a face to face environment but is now launching activities suitable to do at home to help with the boredom, frustration and uncertainty now the children are isolated at home.
We, as a family have been playing various games to entertain us all and I have included some games below for you to play.
Shoe Target Find a piece of paper and ask an adult to cut into 3 for you.
On one piece of paper write – 1 Point, then next piece – 2 Points and final Piece – 3 Points In the room find 6 shoes and layout as follows – 2 Shoes closest to you (put the piece of paper with 1 Point next to these shoes (if not on carpet place the paper in the shoe so you don’t slip on it) Next 2 shoes place a bit further away and then the next two shoes even further away. Put two socks together to create a ball and do this for 10 pairs in total. Stand away from the first line of shoes and you now have 10 goes at hitting a shoe, if you hit a shoe in the first row you get 1 point, 2nd row 2 points and 3rd row 3 points. Have a pen and paper to write down your score then see if you can add it up. NOW have another go to try to beat your last score.
Sock Pass Roll a pair of socks into a ball, use a teddy or a soft foam ball.
Move around the room passing the ball of socks from one hand to the other. See how many catches you can do without dropping it and then try again to beat your last score. Skip, Hop, Jump, Walk and Jog if safe to do so. Now try throwing at a blank wall. Add in a clap, touch floor, turn around and what other moves can you do and still catch the socks? Change socks for a soft foam ball or teddy bear (Don’t throw poor teddy against the wall though!)
Quick Quick You will need a pillowcase and lots of socks but remember to count before you start how many socks you have used. Roll a single sock into a ball. Arrange lots of sock balls around the house only on the floor (only on one level so you don’t need to use the stairs and don’t play on a non-carpeted floor due to slipping). It’s up to you how many socks you have but we suggest 30 – 40 socks. One person holds the pillowcase and on the command of go, they must collect all the socks as fast as possible to the stopwatch. Once they have collected all socks, they return to the person timing you who counts the socks in the bag. If any socks are missing 2 seconds are added to the time for each sock missing. Focus as you go around so you don’t miss socks and get a penalty of time. Now it’s time to swap and see if your timer can now beat your time.
Wow, we are certainly getting active at home and loving the extra family time we have together. We are using the amazing doTERRA therapeutic essential oils to support us. Yesterday my daughter felt that before playing a game she needed to use the Air blend to help her breathe better and ensure her lungs performed at an optimal level. Our son Josh was on the go playing games for a long time and in the evening we used the soothing blend on his legs to soothe the muscles and relax the body before he went to sleep. In addition, Lavender was placed in the diffuser overnight to help us all sleep better at these worrying times.
We are so grateful to have both the fun activities we can do from home and also the oils to use to support us.

Note - Please ensure you play the games in a safe area and not on a floor surface where they will slip. Make sure the space is clear of an obstacle’s as the children will be getting active and having fun. If they can go outside that’s a bonus but follow government guideline. Make sure your children are wearing loose and comfortable clothing and it’s your choice if they are barefoot or wearing trainers, but everyone must do the same as it’s not nice to have a trainer step on a barefoot. Do not allow them to participate in just socks as this is a slip hazard. Take care with all the activities and ensure you are happy for them to do it. Lots of socks are involved in the activities so be prepared to find them around the house but this is so much better than a piece of lego being left on the floor.