lockdown & beyond edition
with your children at home It’s very hard and challenging for children to understand what is happening in our world at present and now is a time us that we ensure they have fun during these time and we all continue to create wonderful memories in a safe home environment. My company FitKid helps children’s mental and physical wellbeing normally in a face to face environment but is now launching activities suitable to do at home to help with the boredom, frustration and uncertainty now the children are isolated at home. We, as a family have been playing various games to entertain us all and I have included some games below for you to play.
Shoe Target
Find a piece of paper and ask an adult to cut into 3 for you. On one piece of paper write – 1 Point, then next piece – 2 Points and final Piece – 3 Points In the room find 6 shoes and layout as follows – 2 Shoes closest to you (put the piece of paper with 1 Point next to these shoes (if not on carpet place the paper in the shoe so you don’t slip on it) Next 2 shoes place a bit further away and then the next two shoes even further away. Put two socks together to create a ball and do this for 10 pairs in total. Stand away from the first line of shoes and you now have 10 goes at hitting a shoe, if you hit a shoe in the first row you get 1 point, 2nd row 2 points and 3rd row 3 points. Have a pen and paper to write down your score then see if you can add it up. NOW have another go to try to beat your last score.