Your HealtH HuB Your local guide to health & wellbeing
Periods and the super power of cyclical living Let’s talk menopause
Womb curious? Facts about womb health
In focus...
Self care is not selfish
women’s health
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women’s health
welcome Your Health Hub – YOUR local health and wellbeing magazine and directory
As a woman of a ‘certain age’ my interests are currently firmly on menopause, but it occurred to me through all ages I had interests in various women’s issues! Hormones in my teens, fertility in my 20s and 30s, postnatal depression and getting myself back after the arrival of my son in my 40s, and now menopause and beyond. It was not always easy. It has certainly been a roller coaster! Of course nowadays, it’s much easier to find information about some of the changes we face, and generally women
are far more open to discussing “womens health” than earlier generations did. A big thank you to Kat Shaw Artist for the fabulous front cover artwork. Doing an edition to dedicated to ‘Women’s Health’ has been a real pleasure, and I hope you find it helpful.
Zandra x
Zandra Editor, Your Health Hub Directory
Disclaimer: The Your Health Hub directories and website advocate an integrated, collaborative, diligent and holistic approach to treating illness
and creating wellness and recommends that you always consult with appropriately qualified professionals when seeking to change the circumstances of your health. We believe in, promote and encourage diversity and self-responsibility, meaning that any decisions and choices you make following exposure to any of the information Your Health Hub makes available must be owned one hundred percent by you. Whilst every reasonable effort has been made to vet and qualify contributions, the inclusion of content from its contributors in any of the Your Health Hub’s publications is in no way an endorsement or guarantee of efficacy. The accuracy of written editorial content, provided images and advertisements is the sole responsibility of the submitter and has been accepted in good faith by Your Health Hub.
Contents 6
The empowered woman How you can move from powerless to empowerment
Womb curious Our wombs offer a wealth of information yet how much attention do we actually pay to them?
Periods and the super power of cyclical living What if there was a different narrative about the menstrual cycle? One, that gave us access to a super power!
10 26
An intoruction to the change of life journey As women´s health becomes more important to them they are taking their health into their own hands.
talk about menopause 30 Let’s At look at pelvic health and diet.
Women’s health and fertility Trouble conceiving? A look at some of the mechansims at play.
Femtech The Danish entrepreneur who created an app for tracking menstrual cycles.
is Celia? 34 Where Are you loosing your identity?
The beauty in veganism
20 Experience the joy of good health with
a diet compassionate towards animals and the environment.
Self care is not selfish Why it is essential for everyone to meet the demands of everyday life.
Have you suffered enough? How yoga can help alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Health not high
oil is a natural, organic support for 35 CBD a wide range of concerns. – a personal perspective 36 Coaching Finding the right type of coaching. Breath work
38 How optimising breathing is vital for our health and wellbeing.
by inspirational women 40 Books A wonderful selection of books written by inspiring women.
Health Hub 42 Your Catch up on all of the past editions. 44 Directory listings
women’s health
the Empowered Woman by Michelle Harris
I didn’t always feel empowered. As a young girl and woman trying to make sense of this world, for most of my life I felt a huge gaping hole and wound inside of me. A feeling of disconnection from myself and from others, a deep sense of isolation, of being alone, and being misunderstood. It was like I was living on the outside in a world that felt alien to me. With low self-esteem, I grew up with immense 6
From Powerless to Empowerment (how you can too)
self-hate and such little self-value. I couldn’t see anything at all about ‘me’ that was worthy. I lacked self-love. I was a ‘people-pleaser’ that easily gave her power away to others in order to be loved and to be liked. I did everything I could to find a sense of self, a sense of identity, through getting validation from others. When I didn’t get it, I would feel there was something inherently wrong with me. Such was the feeling of shame. As a deeply sensitive person, I would easily pick-up on what others were feeling, including their judgements and fears, to the point where I would internalise them and make them my own. I would often use their judgements against myself. In other words, I would reject myself further, adding to the internal rejection I was already levelling at myself. I didn’t understand at the time that it was my perception based on the limiting beliefs about myself that were being reflected back to me. Or, that their behaviour was often a projection of their own self judgements. I experienced a long line of trauma, stress and challenges through my childhood and early adult life. This also included several years of ill-health (and later death) of both my parents. I felt powerless and I wanted to feel safe. I wanted to feel a sense of security and stability
when all around me felt so shaky and uncertain. I didn’t want anyone to know how I was truly feeling, so I kept hidden those parts that might be vulnerable or judged, that might be hurt or pained further. I put in place all kinds of protection mechanisms to hide the true me. I tried to control the pain and feelings through alcohol and a food disorder. It was when I hit rock bottom with depression, poor health and had given up on life, that the only thing left was to unravel ‘me’, and to heal. To move from isolating, shielding and hiding... to facing myself and being seen. To feel the discomfort. To be ‘present’ to myself. There was a deep soul urge to find my own way, my own truth, because I wanted to feel free. I needed to connect to ‘me’. And so began my Empowerment journey.
What did I do? • I empowered myself by facing myself and the shame I was feeling. I began to see that I would only truly heal through accepting all of ‘me’. It was a process of self-discovery, to find out who I was.
• I had to allow myself to fully feel and not run away. To deal with the pain, the inner challenges and inner struggles. To confront the self-punishing behaviours and limited ways of thinking. So, I dug deeper to heal the wounds, the trauma, and the issues from childhood. I challenged the limiting thoughts and beliefs of not feeling good enough, feeling powerless, unsafe, and that love was painful...
• I started to connect with the ‘untouched’ parts of self - those parts of me that I had buried, judged, denied. It meant I had to go deeper into the shadow of myself, to reveal and shine my light and love.
• I let go the family and genetic patterns that were no longer serving me.
• I confronted the collective trauma that was deeply held in my memory and cellsespecially the conflict with the masculine, and the suppression of the feminine and our female power. • I cut energy cords to the past - so I could feel free in the present.
• I connected to my true core self; and came to forgiveness, acceptance and deeper levels of peace.
• With a growing trust in myself, my core power and my intuition, and the connection to my expression of Source, I found my voice. I started to feel ‘enough.’ I started to know I was worthy and deserving. I began to drop the shame and to speak up, to be heard, to be understood. I opened. I started to feel love for ‘me’. • I am following my heart and a path that deeply fulfils me. It lights me up. Sharing what I have learned inspires me to help more people.
women’s health Here are my Tips to Empowerment that can help:
Choose to be the Master of your life: You always have a choice - no matter what your situation or circumstance. Even if you can’t change it, you can choose how you respond to it, and, you can choose to accept how you feel. In changing your reaction, you move out of powerlessness. You can then ask ‘What can I do about this situation?’ and allow the answers to come to you, to be able to take the necessary action steps. In accepting how you feel, you shift any resistance and develop mastery over your emotions.
Let go of the past: Our past has given us a great richness of learning and opportunity – even those very painful and challenging experiences. When we feel grateful for the learning it’s given, and with understanding, we can let it go. In holding onto the past, your thoughts (and energy) constantly re-attach to the experience and can be a drain on your energy. You can feel powerless or a victim to that situation. So be that Master of your life. Decide to resolve what you can, and then let go anything that is no longer appropriate. Cut energy cords as need be. This will free you in the present moment time, where you are ‘free’ to create what you want in your life from that point forward.
Know yourself: Be open to getting to know the ‘true’ you. Understand your emotions and feeling nature, reveal and embrace your shadow aspects, appreciate your strengths and also your weaknesses. Choose to not be limited by your own mind, your unhealthy belief systems and debilitating patterns. Allow yourself to go deeper, to heal. Develop self-awareness to see how you become imbalanced, where you deflate yourself, or what triggers you to go into feelings like a lack of self-love, lack of selfconfidence, or self-doubt. Become aware of other people’s patterns, and if they may be projecting their own issues onto you. Be mindful, so you can recognise what’s yours and what isn’t, and yet still feel empowered and good about yourself in the process.
Meditate to Connect to Self: Create time to connect to your inner core self and inner power. This bolsters your feeling of self-confidence as you understand your true self and your uniqueness. This Self-Empowerment helps you understand your life path, including the painful and difficult parts, and understand them as opportunities of learning and growth. As you develop your light, you strengthen your energy field (and also develop boundaries). Create that self-reflection time to drop into stillness, deeper levels of inner peace and fulfilment, and allow your inner truth to be revealed.
Learn to say ‘no’ and create healthy boundaries: You can’t please everyone. Helping others is wonderful, but if you overextend your energy and your time, or you allow others to take advantage of you, it often is at cost to yourself (ie. you suffer as a result). Learning to say ‘no’ is an act of self-respect, self- compassion and self-care. Creating healthy boundaries ultimately boosts your levels of self-worth and self-value. People start to treat you with more kindness and respect. Learn to say ‘no’ when something is not right for you listen to your inner self, and trust yourself and the process. As you empower your connection to Self, your self-love, light and inner power increases, and healthy boundaries become a natural extension to that.
Listen to your intuition and claim your decision-making power: Your inner core higher self/ soul truly knows you and what is best for you. Your intuition is one of your greatest tools, for it is the means by which your soul and higher guidance can communicate through you. By attuning and listening to your intuition you learn to trust yourself and your decisions and choices. You learn to know that you can rely on yourself. This helps you build and strengthen the Empowered You. Listen and act upon your higher inner core self / soul guidance and intuitive nudges.
Follow your heart, dreams & visions to manifest them: When you follow your heart, your dreams, your intuition and what you know is right for you, you are allowing that deeper ‘Empowered You’ to come forward and to be expressed in the world. You allow your true purpose to be birthed, which further strengthens your empowerment. In meditation, connect to your inner core self/soul/higher self to get clear about the direction you wish to take in your soul-fulfilled life. Write down your dreams and visions, and look at them daily. Set your intentions and watch them unfold. Through understanding your true power, you can also utilise the Laws of the Universe and higher forces of energy for manifestation.
Contribution and adding value to the lives of others: When you feel empowered, with an open heart and mind, you naturally want to extend out and share with others. You know that as you follow your heart, your own path and create your own life, you can be an example to help others do the same. As you follow your heart, you are following your Love.
Empowerment with Love always considers the good of all. So - what do you want to create?
British-born Michelle Harris moved to Hong Kong in 1996, and has been empowering women to empower themselves for over 20 years. Michelle offers emotional healing, energy tools, soul mentoring and life solutions to those seeking peace, growth and transformation. Her international clients include people of all ages from all walks of life, as well as organisations, schools and businesses. Her work is regularly featured in various media and publications. Michelle shares what she learns based on her experience, and teaches individual and group sessions that inspire you to live your magnificence – personally, spiritually and professionally. If you would like to develop a Self-care or Empowerment Plan in 2021, or are struggling with any other aspect of your life and would like support and guidance from an experienced mentor, do reach out to Michelle. W | FB | MichelleHarrisInternational Insta | 9
women’s health
facts about womb health
Our wombs offer us such a wealth of information. Often as a reflection of our general health, physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually. Yet how much attention do we actually pay to our womb? By Leora Leboff. To begin exploring, what word comes to mind when you think of your womb? This enquiry can be deeply emotive. Birth trauma, fertility challenges, approaching menopause, living with a challenging menstrual cycle, having children, not having children, your mother or grandmother’s birth experiences, are examples of imprints that we hold in our womb. To spark some womb curiosity for this precious pear-shaped and sized part of us, here are some womb facts:
Fact 1: Grandma, Mum and child
A personal favourite fun-fact; the future egg that would create us, was already in our mother’s womb when she was a foetus in our grandmother’s womb. The three-way link between our natural birth mother and grandmother is inherently strong, whatever our lived relationship is with them. Epigenetics tells us that our grandmother’s experience from conception to birth, with our mother, and our mother’s experience from conception to birth with us, will leave a genetic imprint. Always so much to ponder when the connection is made, and once explored, a powerful route to healing.
Fact 2: Very little circulation
Our wombs only receive about 3% of our overall circulation, and that’s when pelvic health is optimum. Tight ligaments and muscles around the womb, poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, birth trauma, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids and other pelvic conditions, may reduce the 3% even further. Our wombs, and womb spaces if you’ve had a hysterectomy, truly need as much love as possible. My number one go to for offering womb nurturing is Womb Massage. With an acknowledgement that self-massage and receiving massage over our womb and abdomen, is often challenging, depending on our physical and emotional history. Our abdomen is a deeply sacred area of our bodies. When I was training as a massage therapist, abdominal massage was taught almost as an add on; to only work on the area if digestive issues come up in a consultation. It’s as if there’s an unspoken fear of offering touch to the area. Perhaps this is because this is where our solar plexus resides; energetically our centre of worth. It’s the place where our psoas muscle is accessed. The psoas is the first muscle that is formed in utero, deep in our body, and is known as the muscle of fear. Psoas hates to be poked and prodded by massage hands, and recoils easily. There’s also the navel, our direct connection to our mother,
Image by silviarita from Pixabay
womb curious
which may lead to a response of open-hearted love, or challenge us, if our relationship with our mother has been difficult. That’s before even touching the area over our womb space. However, the benefits of receiving Womb Massage, can be literally life-changing, which means finding a practitioner who you feel at ease with is paramount. You can gently explore the idea of self-touch, by laying your hands on your belly or over your womb area, and see how it feels to touch. If any, what emotions arise? Be gentle with selfexploration and do reach out for support from a practitioner.
Fact 3: The colour of blood
Did you know the colour of our menstrual blood is an indicator of our womb position and our hormonal health? Bright red or cranberry-coloured blood is considered healthy. However, many women experience brown blood at the beginning and or end of a cycle. This may indicate a misaligned womb, lying either forwards (anteverted) or back (retroverted) or even hunched forward (anteflexed) or hunched back (retroflexed). An anteflexed or retroflexed womb will not be able to release blood fully or easily, and may cause a more painful period. The brown blood you’re seeing at the beginning of a period, will be retained from the previous cycle, and brown blood at the end will be much older, even from many months passed. If the idea of looking at your blood during your period is new to you, approach what you see with curiosity and openheartedness.
How we can maintain and nurture womb health There are a number of practices you can explore to nurture your womb health: • Receiving Womb Massage from a practitioner • Practicing self-womb massage • Castor oil packs • Yoni/vaginal steams • Practicing Menstrual Cycle Awareness (see article on page 12) Our wombs truly deserve attention, acknowledgement, and most of all, our curiosity. Enjoy a free guided womb massage: Guided Womb Massage Connect for more information on nurturing womb health contact For a list of Womb Massage practitioners: therapistlocator/ Leora Leboff, owner of Aura Mama, has been working in complementary medicine for 25 years. Leora offers Womb Massage, Menstrual and Menopause Mentoring, EFT and Aromatherapy. W | or connect through Woman Kind - 11
women’s health
periods and the
super power
By Leora Leboff
of cyclical living
When you think about periods, what feelings arise? The most common message we receive about periods, is that they are nothing more than an inconvenience, something to put up with, and to push through. What if there was a different narrative about the menstrual cycle? A pretty cool one, that once we connect to the information we receive in ALL the phases of our cycle, we gain immediate access to a super power! This might mean breaking down centuries of negative messaging, but hear me out. First, having relatable and simple language to refer to is helpful. This is where the language of the Menstrual Seasons can be explored. To view our cycles as reflective of the seasons in nature, we can slip into a gentle but hugely empowering understanding of how and why we respond to people, situations and our environment, in each of our menstrual phases. Most importantly though, we access insight into what we might need to nurture ourselves in each of the menstrual seasons. Even if the idea of nurturing yourself brings you out in a cold sweat (or hot flush if you’re in perimenopause!), once the clarity of how we can flourish in each season becomes clear, the pressure to perform in a certain way, eases off. Quite simply, those with a menstrual cycle are not linear beings. Our energy and emotions shift, rightfully so, as hormones and neurotransmitters change over the course of our cycle. Here’s a brief low down on the menstrual seasons: 12
MENSTRUAL WINTER – a little before menstruation and during your period Look at the outside world in winter. Nature is resting. No leaves on the trees, barely any growth on the ground. The cold brings cosy thoughts of sitting by the fire, curled up under a blanket, maybe watching a favourite film, reading a book, or simply snoozing. What if we could create the equivalent of winter when we have our period? We’re bleeding, shedding the lining of our womb; just reading those words, makes me want to take a nap! A useful question to ask yourself is, how would I spend the days when I have my period if I didn’t have work, family or friends to have to think about? For many, the answer to this question, is to rest. If rest while you have your period seems like an impossibility, work backwards. In what ways, even small ways, can you create pockets of rest while you’re bleeding? My teacher in Menstrual Cycle Awareness is Alexandra Pope, and one reason I was drawn to her work, was hearing that she had experienced 30 years of menstrual pain. She noticed though, that when she rested in her menstrual winter, her pain eased. Out of her lived experience, a whole body of transformative work was created.
The Menstrual Cycle Each season represents part of your menstrual month
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te nd er ,p ro te ct se lf
yo ur ac hi ev em en ts
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ovu l a t ion Key possibilities and gifts
Create Super-woman Ease
y Sa
Celebrate YOUR Sexuality Yessss!
New ideas Experiments Fresh eyes
G o
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Be tender Allow faliure Be vulnerable
Too much Too vulnerable
Mania Overwhelm
g | pr rin sp
to Lost boundaries Exhaustion
Rage Strong critic
Questionning Boundaries Discern
Time alone Quiet Space
Space Truth telling Face the critic
Say NO
enstrua tio n
Spiritual Dreamy Inner-self
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| pre-menstru at io n
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shadow side Aspects that may trip you up
superpowers Special powers you can access
Seasons aren’t tied to specific days in your cycle, some women have longer in one season than others - every woman is unique.
© Woman Kind 13
women’s health MENSTRUAL SPRING – the days after menstruation and before ovulation In nature the beginnings of spring are tender. Buds begin to form, and then quite often, there’s a cold blast and perhaps a dumping of snow. What then? The buds hold themselves until they’re sure the winter has passed, and they can confidently blossom. Our menstrual spring can take a similar pattern. Our period is over, we’re ready to bounce back into the world, tackle the to do list with gusto, and then bam, we’re hit by a cold blast of maybe fatigue, or anger, perhaps feeling incredibly vulnerable. We want to set ourselves up for experiencing the gifts of menstrual spring; being playful, looking at things with fresh eyes, and a sense of excitement. If the vulnerability of early menstrual spring resonates, a question to ask here is, what do I need to make the possibly wobbly transition from bleeding easier on myself? Perhaps not going full steam ahead straight after a period, keeping steps slow, and allowing the growing sense of play to arrive. MENSTRUAL AUTUMN – the premenstrual phase In nature, the leaves begin to fall from the trees, the nights gradually become shorter and chillier, and the blanket might come out again. In our menstrual autumn, the shedding can take the form of seeing things around us with discernment; we become truth speakers. This doesn’t always go down too well, although my dream is to live in a world, where the word of the premenstrual woman is heard and respected. A question to ask yourself might be, if I’ve overextended myself earlier in my cycle, what boundaries can I set up now, to ease myself into my menstrual winter? 14
MENSTRUAL SUMMER – the time of ovulation Outer summer may be all about floaty dresses, long light evenings, and being more sociable. Flowers are in full bloom and trees are full and abundant with leaves and fruit. Your ovulation phase might be very obvious to you. You may notice the clear egg white mucus when wiping after going to the loo; or your libido may rise; or you may have an app that tells you. What’s happening emotionally though? Are you feeling very open-hearted, a bit loved-up with the world? Do you find yourself filling your diary, because, actually you ARE Wonder Woman and CAN take on the WORLD! A question to ask at this time is, how can I enjoy the abundance of summer without becoming overwhelmed? The truth is, we live in a world that asks us to perform in a linear way. As you can see from the changing menstrual seasons though, when we look at our needs in each phase, we can work to our strengths. Perhaps then, our push to push through, may subside. If pushing through is inherent, what steps, even tiny steps, can we take to listen to what our body, mind, emotions and soul are asking of us? One HUGE caveat is that your cycle is your own. All the information here, may not follow the pattern of how you feel during each menstrual season. The beauty of cycle awareness is, once you are clear about your own needs in each phase, you can create a more vibrant and healthful cycle all the way through. If you’d love a menstrual cycle chart to keep a track of how you feel on each day, and watch for the patterns building over the months, you can download one here: The simplicity of accessing our super power of cyclical living, is awareness. Give it a go, it’s free, it’s within you, and you only have a more empowered life to gain! Leora Leboff – Aura Mama W |
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women’s health
Women’s health By Katy Bradbury
and fertility
According to the NHS, Infertility is defined as being when a couple cannot get pregnant within a year of having regular unprotected sex. In the UK, around 1 in 7 couples may have difficulty conceiving, so for an issue that is not openly discussed, spoken about or understood, it’s not exactly an obscure problem. But what are some of the mechanisms at play here? We know that fertility for women over 40 can sharply decline and more women are wanting to have children later in life. We also know that reproductive conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and fibroids are on the rise. And for males, research has shown us that over 50 years (1940-1990) sperm counts have decreased by 50%. Sperm concentration is also declining. Most experts stipulate this is down to lifestyle and environment. Pregnancy loss is also a significant factor, with one in four pregnancies resulting in miscarriage. If you fall into any of the brackets above, please know that you are not alone. The nuances of infertility are often complicated and multi-faceted, and in my practice I often see couples who have had a small bunch of investigations done and either been told there’s nothing wrong, or been labelled with a condition and sent off for IVF or such like. Rarely in the medical world do we see any diet or lifestyle advice other than being told to 16
lose some weight. Despite this lack of focus on diet and lifestyle, the scientific literature points time and time again to the important role these factors play in not just getting pregnant, but having a healthy pregnancy. But what is the best diet when it comes to fertility? Today there are so many forums and online influencers, with each person having something different to say. Should you be going low carb? Low fat? Eating meat? Vegan? Gluten free? It can all get a bit mind boggling, but it really doesn’t have to be. The best researched diet for fertility is the Mediterranean diet. In a nutshell, this is a diet that is rich in plant phytonutrients, antioxidants and naturally high in fibre. It is nutrient dense and well balanced. It involves liberal amounts of vegetables with every meal, It can include fruits daily, complex carbohydrates including starchy vegetables and whole grains, and plenty of healthy fats, particularly from nuts, seeds and olive oil. It also contains good quality protein, from eggs, beans, pulses and legumes as well as oily fish two to three
Katy lives in London, UK with her husband, two daughters, dog and cat.
times per week and white meat two to three times per week. Red meat can also be included 2-3 times per week. Sugar and trans fats should be limited. I also like to call this the ‘JERF’ diet or ‘just eat real foods’ diet. Because it really is simple. Moving away from refined Katy Bradbury is a registered nurse and and processed foods whilst not being nutritional therapist whose mission is restrictive. Lots of beautiful colours and to improve women’s chances of having flavours. healthy babies and raising happy children. With this approach comes the notion Having had her own issues with fertility, she that each meal presents an opportunity dedicates much of her practice to helping Contact: for nourishing ourselves and allowing the couples get and stay pregnant. She sees body to have what it needs to manage clients 1:1 via Zoom, supporting them to find Katy Bradbury Health Ltd our often busy and stressful lives. Of answers regarding their infertility and making Email: course food is only one part of the manageable changes to their diet and lifestyle equation, andWeb: other equally important using a combination of clinical assessment FB: considerations include sleep, stress, and lab testing with a functional medicine IG: movement, supplements and of course, approach. You can find out more and book a sex. Each of these topics is covered in free discovery call here: https://katybradbury. bitesized snippets in my podcast Fertility com/packages-prices and the First 1,000 Days - available on Katy also has a signature 12 Week iTunes. Fundamentals for Fertility Course and Group If you are struggling with fertility or Coaching Programme which she runs 3 times worried about your reproductive health, per year. You can find out more and join the I’ve designed a simple checklist to help waitlist here: you understand which areas in your view/4211575 life might be requiring some attention. Katy lives in London, UK with her husband, You can download it for free here, and two daughters, dog and cat. in addition I am currently offering free Katy Bradbury Health Ltd personalised feedback for anyone who E | sends their completed checklist back to W | me within a week of receiving it. https:// FB | | healthchecklist 17
women’s health
Femtech Femtech: The name was coined by a Danish entrepreneur who created an app for tracking menstrual cycles. Like most inventions it was based on Ida Tim’s own need. She took a simple idea of taking and logging her temperature on spread sheet using an app. A simple idea perhaps but a powerful time saver for the women she serves. We are currently seeing a substantial increase in technological software, diagnostics products and services aimed at women’s needs. Until now, much of technology has largely looking at male oriented technology, even though approximately half of the population of the world are women. Female interests were not being brought up into the board rooms so women’s needs have been historically underserved. Women did not have the educational opportunities in both science and technology and women traditionally lost their careers once they became parents. Adding to this list is that women did not make good test subjects. There were a number of reasons why they were often excluded from product testing because their uniquely female hormones could interfere with data. Many women of childbearing age could be adversely affected if they became pregnant during drug trials. And science and technology was mostly a male affair. It was not until the millennials came along that things started to change. So what health services are we talking about? Most of us will think right away of fertility and pregnancy health. Women may need to track their hormones for a number of different reasons including thyroid and gut problems as well. Menopause, breast cancer uterine cancer, depression (you might 18
think that depression is a general term but significantly more women suffer from this then men). In other words women have unique organs, hormones and health needs. So how is Femtech helping women now? Most of the focus is on women’s fertility and period apps and most of the products cater to the more educated and prosperous women. The millenniums themselves. The market is changing more and more as research becomes focused on women’s health in general. There are a number of products aimed at helping poorer and Third World countries. Most great ideas come about with someone trying to solve a specific need. That takes mastery over what the problem is. The best way for women to get the kind of products and services that they need may make more sense if it is defined and designed from a woman’s point of view A woman has innate understanding and perspective of her needs. The increasing participation and access to education by women is bringing more female oriented products into this market. Education and the advancement of women in financial and marketing sectors has also brought about an understanding of what the potential revenue streams are as well. It has become clear that catering products to women is good business. Most of the new tech companies that focus on
women are run by women (approx 92%). Because of the market potential, however, larger pharmaceutical and tech companies are jumping into the market as they begin to understand the opportunity to make money and solve more serious issues like breast cancer… The largest killer of women today. There are approximately 200 Femtech Companies around the world. This is a market growing very rapidly. So what are some of these companies that are available to women? There’s plenty of apps including Clue created by Ida Tim who created the term Femtech. Her app is available on smart phones. You can track your period and ovulation with it. While not on the market yet, and is not yet a cure for breast cancer, Lattice Medical has a product using 3-D printing that helps breast tissue regenerate. When the implant has done it’s job unnecessary tissue gets absorbed by the body. Other technology and pharmaceutical companies are focusing on other women’s conditions such as autoimmune conditions, stroke, thyroid issues chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression and more companies are starting to focus in on menopause along with the issues that can go along with it like osteoporosis.
Thinx and other companies like it, have created absorbent, odorless underwear that can absorb as much blood as four tampons. They can provide a solution for helping poor and middle class women stay in school and stay at work during their menstruation. The underwear is far superior environmentally as they are washable and reusable where as most pads and tampons end up in the dump sites. Grace Health targets women in low resource countries to help them track their periods, which will give these women more control over their reproductive health. Mothers can free up their time by having a wearable breast pump. Coroflo, an Irish company has a way of measuring breastfeeding both pre-and post to see that your baby is getting enough nutrition. You can track this on the phone. Mobile Dash ODT use smart phones and artificial intelligence to screen cervical cancer. A probe with the camera can be placed inside. The images are captured and sent online. The data analysed in as little as 60 seconds. Cancer screening in general is getting better and better. Kherion is working on better technology for screening of breast cancer. They have what’s called precision radiology which is using machine learning (AI). Women entrepreneurs tend to concentrate on the greater good making cleaner, healthier products that are more humane and environmentally friendly. They try to use more hormone free alternatives and organic ingredients where they can. They tend to give back to their family and community more... it’s a good revolution! MaxineWalmsley T | (408) 348 3428 E | 19
women’s health
Veganism is certainly on the rise - for very good reason! Natalie Stewart has been Vegan for a number of years, and now runs her business Wholehearted Vegan, where she helps women transition over to the lifestyle so they can experience the joy of good health in the knowledge that their diet is compassionate towards animals and the environment.
the beauty in
Natalie explains the benefits of being Vegan are quite incredible! By eating a wholefood plantbased diet you will naturally flood your body with the vitamins and minerals necessary for great health. These highly nutritious foods will boost your immune system and help you feel fantastic. The vegan diet has been scientifically proven to improve and even prevent common health conditions such as autoimmune conditions, acne, asthma, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney stones, certain cancers and heart disease. Consuming meat, dairy, fish and eggs often causes inflammation within the body and inflammation is a common theme and precursor to so many illnesses and health concerns. The Vegan diet is anti-inflammatory and the plant chemicals literally fight off disease and help to keep you well. Veganism can help women with hormonal and fertility issues too, one of the reasons this is believed to happen is because of the anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggest 20
Vegan women may therefore be at lower risk of many illnesses including hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer. Dairy is readily available and encouraged wherever you turn, yet it has been linked with many human health issues. Today’s dairy cow has been genetically modified to make her produce milk even while pregnant, meaning her milk contains high levels of bovine growth hormones, which are absolutely not intended for human consumption. Cows breast milk is, of course, intended to rapidly turn a small calf into a 700lb cow - and so when humans ingest milk, cream, cheese, yogurt and ice cream they are ingesting a hormone-packed product which will encourage the unnatural growth of our cells. Dairy is likely to be the reason why many young girls enter into early puberty, and studies suggest a link between dairy consumption and the prevalence of breast cancer; the breast is a hormone-responsive organ. Studies have also linked the proteins in cows breastmilk to other common conditions such as asthma, acne, fibroids, and even type-1 diabetes in children. We have been led to believe that the calcium dairy provides will protect us against osteoporosis, yet we know that the nations which consume the most dairy often have the highest cases of osteoporosis! It is now understood that osteoporosis is a disease caused by a number of factors including poor diet, being too sedentary, and having low levels of vitamin D. An active life is vital for keeping bones strong. Calcium is better sourced from plants such as green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds. Ditching dairy is certainly the way to go, and there are so many fantastic alternatives available it is easier than ever! Natalie believes that the host of health benefits, as wonderful as they are, are not the core reason to become Vegan. She explains, we have become disconnected with nature and the living world; the animals and the environment. What veganism offers is a feeling of peace knowing that animals are not suffering in any way to sustain us. Unequivocally, women tell me that they do not want animals to suffer, living in alignment with this belief is a beautiful benefit found only with becoming Vegan. Although we have quite some way to go, the shift towards plant based living would unquestionably benefit our living world for future generations, which I am sure we all agree is a critical priority today. The scale of animal agriculture and the resources it requires is unimaginable, and the destruction and pollution caused is negatively affecting all ecosystems from a local to global scale. By replacing animal products with plant foods it enables us to free up critical resources such as land and water because growing plants is far less intensive, and certainly less damaging. This shift could return some balance to nature with re-wilding initiatives that promote biodiversity and could reestablish
our countryside to support wild animals and insects, many of which are now facing huge threats to their survival. Going vegan was simply the best decision I have ever made, and like many vegans before me, I agree with the sentiment - I just wish I’d done it sooner! Natalie helps women to flourish on a vegan diet, with coaching on how veganism is a lifestyle of abundance and not restriction. She offers personalised, intimate coaching and mentorship within her program “The Healthy, Happy Vegan Program”. I work with women exclusively purely because I focus on women’s health issues, and I provide a place for these topics to be discussed openly. Veganism, is of course for anyone ~ and has been declared safe for people of all ages, and stage of life. Want to hear more? You can listen to the Health Hub podcast with Natalie here: Considering-Veganism-for-Women---withthe-Wholehearted-Vegan-e13vsko
For more information, and to speak to her directly visit her website or email her at 21
Self-care by Michelle Harris
is not selfish
Self-care is not a glorified act for the odd few. As our global current needs show, self-care is increasingly essential for everyone to meet the demands of everyday life. Over the past year in particular, self-care has been paramount. With the threats of COVID and widespread fears for health, it has prompted everyone to take extra care of themselves, and do what they can to boost immunity, combat disease, enhance positivity, and improve well-being. But what exactly is self-care, and how can it help women? Self-care is more than having a day off to chill. It includes all the things you can do or be, to take care of your well-being in four key areas: your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. 22
In my many years in the healing arts and guiding women to greater self-empowerment, I have seen time and time again how women have tended to put themselves last, or even feel that self-care is selfish. More often than not, hectic busy lifestyles and juggling too many things (motherhood, career, and more), leave little time to consider or focus on one’s own well-being. A lot of women have underpinning feelings of undeserving, guilt or shame; or certain beliefs about what they believe they ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’, be or do. There is also the influence of collective and past conditioning, where women have been submissive, sacrificing themselves or suppressing their feminine self and female power - out of fear, confusion or uncertainty. Your personal, inherited family patterns will have an impact too. In your relationships and family dynamics, you may automatically take
Image by silviarita from Pixabay
women’s health on specific roles and ways of being that have been learned through your upbringing, that become your habits and patterns. These affect how you think, feel and act. Whilst patterns can be helpful, some can become limiting and we have out-grown them - yet we may still hold on because they are familiar and ‘safe’. However, things are changing: Women are stepping out, speaking up and rising into their power. Our ability to self-care is also related to our self-worth, self-value, self-respect, and selflove – the cornerstones for being and feeling empowered as a woman. As we come into this new decade and new era, loving yourself - and putting your deeper needs and inner connection as a priority – is the new Self Care for Women in 2021.
Schedule time in your day to focus on you. Ditch the ‘no-time-busy schedule’ excuse or other distractions, and make a point of allocating at least 5-10 mins of your day for yourself. Schedule this in your calendar, as a regular ‘no compromise’, so it doesn’t get overlooked. The time allocated will build an energy momentum, so the Universe creates the space to help you make it happen.
Self-Care Sunday: Allocate Sundays, or another day a week, for a deeper self-care practice. This may include pampering like an essential oil face mask, massage/foot massage, as well as an expressive art activity, uplifting podcast, meditation, healing, journaling, reflecting on your hearts desires, focusing on your dreams, etc.
Pause breaks: Stretch your arms and body throughout the day to relieve tension.
Breathe to release: Regularly ‘let go’ any stress, worry or anxiety. Make a cup of tea, put down the phone and all your devices. Take some deep breaths. and intend and feel the stress and burden lift from your shoulders and body. Say in your head: ‘I let it all go’ – then do so.
Image by tremaestro from Pixabay
Self-Care Tips for 2021
It will still cover whatever steps you need to take good care of your body and health (and meet daily responsibilities), but it will also: • Empower yourself to your true confidence, self-esteem and self-acceptance. • Heal the blockages and mindsets that keep you feeling small, unworthy, underserving and insignificant. • Connect to your innermost self and open to your truth, intuition, creativity, and purpose for being in the world. • Develop true self-love (through inner connection), so you can rise and shine.
Go for a walk in nature with no specific goal. Be ‘present’ to the moment. Open yourself to feel the elements around you.
Have a relaxing bath or foot bath with essential oils like Lavender, Geranium, Frankincense, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang. Focus on the sensations and re-balancing effects.
In the shower release all worry, stress, burden, as the water comes down and cleanses it all away. In the bath, add Epsom or Himalayan salt to detox and recharge. 23
women’s health
Massage, self-massage or foot massage
Get enough rest, sleep and exercise. These are essential.
Eat healthy, nutritious and regular meals. Make sure you are getting the right nourishment, vitamins and minerals.
Yoga, movement or dance, to relax.
Meditate or try the Self Care Meditation below.
Create a vision board or mind map of how you want to live your life. View it often to keep your energy focused and uplift you.
Fun Energy
Health Rest
Self-Care meditation
Do any time of day • Take some deep breaths in and out, relax and let go (say in your head “I let go’). Feel the stress, anxiety, burden and worry lift from you. • Imagine a ball of golden or white light above your head and the light comes down and in a shower of light, cleansing and clearing your body and space around you (aura). The light then creates a bubble of light. You are safe and protected. • Open to feel self-love and light from inside you. Focus on the centre of your chest, your heart chakra. It is like a flower and visualize it’s petals open and blossom, and a loving, pink, nurturing light emerges and expands to fill the 24
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Draw, paint or do something creative to express yourself.
Try energy healing and crystals to relax, de-stress and re-balance, as well as raise your vibration.
Heal suppressed emotions and energy blocks through energy healing, or a preferred therapy session or technique, or self-awareness tools.
Detox and declutter: your home or physical environment, your personal/energetic space, your mind (old beliefs) and emotions. Let go thoughts, habits and choices that no longer serve you, as well as toxic friendships or draining situations that affect your well-being and do not support your self-care.
Create healthy boundaries: learn to say no when you need to. Don’t neglect your own well-being over others.
Journal, express or talk through your feelings and thoughts - let it out.
whole of the chest, then fills the whole of the body. Put your hand on the chest and give yourself permission to feel this loving, gentle energy. You deserve it. • As you bring your focus inwards, you may like to ask your inner self-soul to step forward and guide you. Reflect on areas of your life, ask your inner self questions and find the answers you seek. This is your unique truth. • And /or come back to the inner self space, that inner silence and stillness. Feel nurtured, nourished and held, in this loving and gentle space. Be present to the feelings. Be present to the True ‘You’ and your inner authentic power.
20 21
Reflect on your day and how you felt. Be honest with yourself.
Feel gratitude for all that you are and have in your life. Keep a daily journal where you write down what you are grateful for, and feel your life shift.
Connect to your Soul: Create time and space to go within to connect to your inner core self and reveal your inner truth. Reflect on: What do you want from life? What do you need to let go of? What is meaningful to you? What are your hearts-desires? How can you feel more love?
Develop a healthy mindset, and focus on emotions like love, joy, peace, bliss.
Repeat daily positive power statements eg. ‘I am balanced, peaceful and calm’; ‘I am safe, here and now’; ‘I do the best I can’; ‘I trust I am healthy and well’; ‘My mind is calm, my body relaxed’; ‘I treat myself with respect and kindness’; ‘I deserve it’; ‘I open to self-love’. British-born Michelle Harris moved to Hong Kong in 1996, and has been empowering women to empower themselves for over 20 years. Michelle offers emotional healing, energy tools, soul mentoring and life solutions to those seeking peace, growth and transformation. Her international clients include people of all ages from all walks of life, as well as organisations, schools and businesses. Her work is regularly featured in various media and publications.
Focus on your strengths, talents and gifts. Learn to appreciate yourself, and to cultivate self-love, selfcompassion, self -respect
Connect to loved ones more often and share your love.
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Build new friendships.
Contribute: do something that adds meaning or value to your life.
Try something new. For example a new hobby or learning, a new approach or way of being.
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Take one more action step towards your dreams. Do what brings you joy, fulfills you or lights up your heart and soul. Make yourself and your self-care a priority. Accept and be YOU!
Self- care is not selfish. Choose to make 2021 your year to love, empower and take care of you. You are worthy and totally deserve it! Michelle shares what she learns based on her experience, and teaches individual and group sessions that inspire you to live your magnificence – personally, spiritually and professionally. If you would like to develop a Self-care or Empowerment Plan in 2021, or are struggling with any other aspect of your life and would like support and guidance from an experienced mentor, do reach out to Michelle. W | FB | MichelleHarrisInternational Insta | 25
women’s health
an introduction to the
change of life journey
Nowadays women´s health has become more and more important to them and, for this reason they are researching, studying informally and learning about different ailments, illnesses and diseases they are suffering from; they are in fact, taking their health into their own hands. Is this a good thing? Approaching a specialist or our medical doctor in the first instance is always a wise choice, however, women are encountering a very common situation when it comes to perimenopause and menopause symptoms. They know their symptoms are individual, they chat with older sisters, colleagues and friends, only to find out that some of the symptoms are similar, but not all apply to them. So, are women receiving the help and guidance directed at their symptoms or to women in general?
There has always been a lot of concern over peri-menopause and menopause symptoms. Many women have not discussed “The Change of Life” with their mothers, usually they remember certain aspects of it as a young girl, but it is not very common for mothers to talk to their daughters about this, so, how then do women learn about peri-menopause and menopause. Do they know what to expect? 26
Firstly, it must be established that Perimenopause and Menopause are not an illness. However, life can become very confusing and uncomfortable, not only that, it can affect women´s lives tremendously if not approached in a holistic manner.
How to establish the best way forward
Ideally, adopting a holistic approach to perimenopause and menopause will be more practical and you will be more in control of your symptoms and feelings. Holistic refers to a complete way of looking at something, and this is what we need to do today. I am a firm believer in using a journal or diary. Writing down your feelings and symptoms will give you the opportunity to compare your notes from week to week and month to month. Your journal should include a list of symptoms you have, then another list of how you plan to combat them. You can make notes as and when changes occur and hopefully they will for the better, so here are some tips to help you: Diet: Wholefoods, Fresh Organic (when possible) vegetables and fruit. Fresh Fish and Chicken or Turkey, grilled with vegetables. Keep carbohydrates to small portions and cut down on sugar and white flour. Try to keep to wholemeal bread and whole wheat pasta and brown rice.
Photograph and artwork: Adéle Basheer
Drinks: Herbal teas, but always lemon and ginger in hot water on rising. Coffee now and then, but not too strong. Alcohol, try to keep it at weekends and long drinks rather than heavy sprits. Drink lots of water with a slice of orange, lemon or lime. Don´t over do it, keep hydrated, especially in the summer. Exercise: Qigong or Tai Chi is ideal for women, slow gentle movements and also Yoga. Don´t over do it, the idea is to move and stretch and feel good. Walking is wonderful, notice all the goodness around you and the different people you see. Meditation: This may be something you have never tried, but guess what !!!! you need to relax and keep stress free; hormone balance is very sensitive, you can do this and it will help you so much.
Sit somewhere quiet and relax, close your eyes and imagine a box in front of you, take the bad things that happened today and put them in the box. Imagine your box, the colour, does it have a bow or lace or pictures on it? Use your hands and physically put the mental things in your box, put the lid on it and then relax.
women’s health If you feel down or stressed out, go and read or for a walk, get away from the surroundings and give yourself time to think. Don´t argue or answer back to anyone, walk away and be proud you did that.
Friends, Relatives and Co-workers
Gentle music is wonderful for meditation and for drifting off into a deep sleep. Start looking for a collection of music you can relax to.
Time for you – are you find it?
Taking care of a family, a home and a fulltime job is very taxing. When we reach the menopause age, we must change our thoughts and actions. Now is the time to think about yourself in a different light. Delegate !!! if there are more hands at home, spread the work around. Then take up a sport, pastime, women’s group, hobby, but let it be for you, and you alone. Meet a group of women for coffee, take a day trip somewhere, or go and see a film. Find what it is you like to do and look in your journal, you may find inspiration in there.
Be conscious of your acquaintances and friends. This is a hard one. Try to associate with like minded friends, those who are always troubled and calling you to sort out their issues, is no longer your concern. Try to not be so available and, mix with positive, happy people, that means men and women. Thinking positive is a great help during the Change of Life, and acquaintances can ruin what you are trying to build. It may be time to release some friendships, but at this stage in your life, you owe it to yourself. For further details on how you can adopt a holistic approach to peri-menopause, menopause and information on other hormonal imbalance symptoms, please feel free to contact me. Aly Farmer W | E |
If you don´t tell your husband how you feel, he will never know. Sit down and have a quiet drink or go for a walk somewhere quite and explain that you are going through some physical and mental changes, but that it will be alright. You are on it! You are learning and with his understand and help, you will make the journey much easier. It is not necessary to explain every symptom you have in depth, hormone imbalance can change from day to day, rather, just outline the changes you are going through. He will feel better and more likely to support you, if you talk to him. Communicate this is the key. 28
Photograph: Samuel Ho Photography
Intimate health Top 6 reasons to have vaginal rejuvenation
treating the symptoms of menopause with PRP PRP is derived from a patients own blood by separating it from the red blood cells in a centrifuge. It contains multiple growth factors and when injected into an area, will stimulate the production of collagen and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels in that area. Who is Intimate PRP useful for? Females with vaginal dryness, to enhance lubrication and sensation with improvements to the quality of the vaginal wall. It can also help with symptoms of mild urinary stress incontinence or also for those who suffer
with pain during sexual intercourse. It will also help enhance sensitivity in the clitoral complex which will ultimately improve orgasms. Conditions treated include: • Treatment of atrophic changes in the vagina. • Treatment of discomfort in the case of intimacy. • Treatment for relaxed vagina syndrome. • Stimulation of G-spot. • Intimate rejuvenation of vagina and vulva. 29
women’s health
Let’s talk about
How diet affects menopause By Dawn Waterhouse Menopause generally occurs around age 50, with perimenopause (menopause transition) occurring in preceding years. Premature menopause can be induced by hysterectomy or other gynaecological procedures. Lasting months to years, menopause can give rise to troublesome symptoms whilst the body works towards liberation from periods and enhanced energy. Oestrogen and progesterone control the menstrual cycle, and are produced in lower quantities until periods stop altogether. Other hormones including follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone are produced in higher quantities giving rise to unwanted symptoms, such as hot-flushes and night sweats. Other symptoms may include mood swings, depression, irritability, fatigue, panic attacks, palpitations, dryness, muscle and bone pain and sometimes weight gain. Whilst HRT is an option, you may wish to help your body rebalance itself more naturally. Homeopathy embraces the whole body and your whole story, piecing together the pieces of your life history with your physical symptoms and idiosyncracies to find a remedy treatment plan for you. Homeopathy uses the healing energy of natural substances to help your energy realign with itself, rebalancing and repairing 30
in its own way. There are thousands of remedies to work with. Along side Homeopathy I also use nutrition and other support tools so the body has what it needs. If you would like to learn more about Homeopathy, download my free Homeopathy Guide from www. and find out more about Homeopathy, how to use it and some home first aid remedy suggestions. If you would like to know how Homeopathy can help you with your symptoms, please get in touch for a FREE 15 minute introductory call. Dawn has been practicing Homeopathy and Naturopathic techniques for over 25 years and lives on the border of Colchester, Essex, and is passionate about empowering clients to discover their health and true inner-self. In addition to offering in person and on-line appointments, Dawn also runs natural health workshops and offers a free on-line support group. W |
Pelvic health at menopause By Catriona Monkhouse
My journey into Women’s Health Physiotherapy started as a new mum, I was stunned by how unprepared I was for the huge changes my body had undergone and how to rehabilitate and recover from the process of pregnancy and childbirth. So, my move from Sports Physiotherapy into pelvic health was born from my own experience and my desire to help other women. I now help women of all ages who are suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction meaning you may experience some of the following symptoms; leakage of urine, leakage of faeces or wind, urinary urgency or frequency, constipation, pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse or painful sex. The menopause is a transitional period in a women’s life and it is a period where once again pelvic health is central as women often experience symptoms for the first time. Many people are unaware that Women’s Health Physiotherapists can help with all of these problems, so if you are suffering reach out to your local Physiotherapist, NHS service or feel free to contact me online. Why does Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Happen at Menopause? At menopause oestrogen levels decrease, the bladder lining has lots of oestrogen receptors so is sensitive to these changes and the decrease in oestrogen can also cause atrophy of the urogenital tract further linked to urinary symptoms. If you are having urinary symptoms some simple things you can try are reducing your intake of bladder irritants such as caffeine, fizzy drinks, alcohol and fruit juices. Do not limit your water intake as this can make bladder problems worse and try not to go to the toilet, just in case. Vaginal atrophy is thinning of the vaginal wall often associated with dryness and inflammation this can also occur due to the drop in oestrogen levels. This can cause burning or itching and
can also be linked to urinary symptoms. Pain on intercourse can be linked to vaginal atrophy and for a lot of women simple changes such as using a good lubrication can really help, ensure any lubrication you do use does not contain irritants, brands such as yes and sylk are good options. You could also try a vaginal moisturiser or make an appointment with your GP to check if topical oestrogen may be a good option for you. Strength training is a great option for women at menopause and will help boost testosterone which can improve sexual function. It is also recommended in the prevention of osteoporosis. Strength training includes body weight resistance and small equipment such as resistance bands, so you don’t need to lift heavy in the gym, although that is also a great option if you enjoy it. I personally love Pilates as a way to get moving and introduce strength training to those who may not have done it before. Of course, your pelvic floor exercises are important too, for information on how to do them I love Gusset Grippers website by Elaine Millar www.gussetgrippers. and the pelvic floor exercises section. Just remember to work on relaxing between each contraction and if you have pain when doing the contractions, they are not working or you are not sure what to do seek an individualised assessment. Ideally if you are experiencing symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction it is always best to have an individualised assessment by a Women’s Health Physiotherapist. Catriona Monkhouse is a Women’s Health Physiotherapist, her website is Catriona Monkhouse Physiotherapy & Pilates Glasgow (cmphysiotherapy. and she runs a free women’s health group on Facebook. 31
women’s health
Have you
suffered enough?
Are you menopausal? Have you suffered enough? Common menopausal symptoms include diffculty sleeping, night sweats, hot flushes, weight gain and body shape change, low energy levels, mood issues (isolation, lack of purpose, depression), irritability, brain fog, forgetfulness, issues with identity and self -acceptance and fears of cognitive decline. The feeling of suffering and being out of control takes over, this becomes how we see and talk about yourselves. We construct the story of ourselves around our symptoms – I’m menopausal, therefore I’ve put on weight, can’t sleep, I’m too hot, I’m tired, I’m grumpy etc etc. I remember how much I talked about my symptoms and sufferings; I was angry, confused, scared and disbelieving that this was happening to me, after all I’ve practiced yoga every day since I was twenty-one. Yoga has always been my saviour and balm but, initially, it wasn’t working. It wasn’t until I got involved with Ben Wolff and Ligia Canon of The Breathing Institute that I found the solace, balm and techniques I desperately needed in order to ride the menopause wave with joy and zest.
“No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of this matters if you’re not breathing properly.” James Nestor Breath. The New Science of a Lost Art. 32
As is so often the case in yoga the practice is simple, the challenge is to do the practice consistently. The non-negotiable anchor of this technique is controlled breathing. 6:6 breathing, coherent breathing, Universal Breath, slow breathing – it has many titles but, basically, the practice is to nasal breathe in and out for a six second count, effectively breathing five times a minute. Any doctor will tell you that at medical school they learnt that normal breathing was 12-20 times a minute. A century earlier this was more like 8-12. Maybe we can acknowledge that nowadays we all eat too much, breathe too much and, I’ll add consume too much but that’s for another time! Beatrice Golomb suggests in her “starving cell theory” that our habit of breathing too fast creates an oxygen deficit. For thousands of years Yoga has encouraged us to slow our breathing down. Research is showing that many and most menopausal symptoms can be alleviated by 6:6 breathing. Why…? When we breath through the nose we enhance oxygen intake, we calm the insular in the brain and establish a rhythm through all the systems in the body: the endocrine, respiratory, digestive, excretory, muscular, lymphatic, nervous, cardiovascular and integumentary. This is an extraordinary simple and effective way to harmonise and optimise energy output in the whole body. It really is that simple! Combine 6:6 breathing with sleep tape and you can reduce the symptoms of your menopause by 80%. YES!! 80%!!! Imagine sleeping well every night, having energy throughout the day, feeling peaceful and
“When the breath wanders the mind is also unsteady. But when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath.”
Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay
calm, no more hot flushes, feeling yourself. Taping the mouth at night – I know it’s weird, but it works and that makes it wonderful. Sleep tape makes us breath through the nose at night, this enhances oxygen levels by 20% per breath and we are 40% more hydrated in the morning. Imagine a night cream that offers 40% more hydration – it would be a best seller! 6:6 breathing and sleep tape are complete game changers. This is then combined with a form of hypnotism based on ancient yogic practices and protocols, imagining, visualizations and dreaming the joy back into this time of our lives. These practices are simple, they work for most women most of the time and most women experience profound and life changing results so, if you’ve suffered enough contact Kate Atkinson for a Menopause Well-Being consultation.
Kate Atkinson – British Wheel of Yoga Teacher since 2005, 100hr Yoga Alliance Yin Yoga Teacher, 30hr Menopause Yoga Teacher. I run regular Menopause Well-Being Workshops and well as offering 1-2-1 consultations. I teach weekly classes in Tring on Monday mornings and Thursday evenings and Zoom Yin classes on Wednesday morning and evening. Teen yoga on Thursday evening. Please contact me for more information.
Love Kate x E | T | 07481 404084 33
women’s health
Where is celia? emotional aspects of looking Much is talked about the physical, mental and helps all three and is often ignored, after yourself, but there is one thing which and that is time. the out through my nose, and looking up at What do I mean by this? I remember look you n whe up, sky (Things always look ision many years ago, half watching a telev my up). Just 20 minutes, twice a day, and , Celia d calle an programme where this wom the all had still I n. dow calm to ed start world My suddenly screamed “Where is Celia”. . them with problems but I could now cope is immediate reaction was – what on earth usly obvio en, wom So I would say to all n, the matter with her, what a drama quee after yourself with good nutrition, look e sam the in but I have often since been and positive affirmations , but with cise exer frame of mind. a little thought, find time just for you, and a I am a wife, I have four children, I am with consistency you will benefit, just like therapist, as well as all the other little jobs I did. nt, I have allocated to myself, ie accounta I am 75 now, with grandchildren as well ys alwa have I so etc. cleaner, gardener, etc., children, and I only have one dog now, a fit had a busy life, but always managed to tes but my routine is still the same, 20 minu everything in. ME. twice day for So, what was my breaking moment? Hope you found this helpful my g losin was I that When did I realise Blessings n identity within all these jobs. It came whe top the recession hit our business, so on Take care s of of all my allocated jobs, I had the stres e. hom our ibly poss and losing our income ,I I was being pulled in so many directions BE. to time have ’t didn When I recognised myself as Celia, I ’t decided things had to change. I still didn hing anyt do to ey mon or time h have muc for myself, so it had to be cheap and effective . Among my allocated jobs were two , dogs and I always took them for a walk to time my was this that ed decid I but concentrate on me. I learnt to meditate walking along, breathing the four in, four
Image by lufthansi from Pixabay
Healthy not high Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a natural, organic support if not remedy for a wide range of concerns. CBD oil is a Hemp based plant oil working with your endocannabinoid system to create balance and homeostasis reducing inflammation. Your CB1 & CB2 receptors are already within your body from birth – so the CBD ignites the power! As high amounts of CB1 receptors are in the uterus- this suggests that CBD may be one of the most effective natural treatments for pelvic or reproductive organ pain – especially endometriosis. CBD tincture is best absorbed by taking drops under the tongue with at an absorption rate of 80% - much faster than eating a CBD product Whether you are young in your teens or mature – pre- or post-menopausal or just in that crazy mum rage place in the middle - this Hemp based plant oil could be the solution for you.
CBD has calming effects in your mind and your body on a cellular level and is highly effective helping with sleep, mood and anxiety, eases hot flushes, migraines and improves bone density by balancing hormonal changes of menopause. If Intimacy through changes is affected – CBD oil effectively reduces inflammation and increases the ability to be in those moments. For an all-round support for any woman going through change in all areas of life CBD is something to consider. Please seek medical advice if needed to avoid interactions with existing medications especially blood thinners For further support / information contact Annette O’Donnell T | 07890 575828 W | 35
women’s health
Coaching: a personal perspective
You may, like me, have wondered when I hear the word coaching, what it means and why are there so many different kinds of coaching. If you were to look online we can find coaches for sports, dieting and eating help, life and grief coaches to name just a few. They can help you clear out the clutter from your closet or help you plan out one of your biggest life’s goals or improve your business skills. A major difference of coaching from mentoring or counseling is that the client is the expert. They may not have their answers they seeking, but the expertise always lies with the client. Mentors and councilors offer their expertise. Their’s is a guided tour. The coach is available to deeply listen, and pay attention to the client. The coach will ask open ended questions (that require more than yes or no answers) to help provoke the client to see why they see and think they do and what decisions they might need to make to take their journey forward. The coach pays attention to the clients words, the delivery of those words, tone and kind of words chosen by the client and their expression of those words. Their physical, emotional expressions, gestures and carriage of their body. We need to pay attention to our own body language, are we neutral and quiet so that we can get out of the way, to let the client think and find what they are looking for. It is never ours to influence their journey. It’s always from the clients perspective because we were never 36
a witness to all that went before. The job of the coach is to help the client find their own solutions, what they long for, in a way that make sense for the clients life and ability. This allows the client the satisfaction of learning a journey using tools to maximize their own personal and professional success. It gives the client an opportunity to create and learn a road map created by them doing the process to perhaps new ways of finding solutions relevant to their lives. They can draw on their approach to their solutions again and again because they created their solution. I do life and grief coaching and am working on somatic coaching. I am not sure one can separate them as I often see loss as powerful initiators for a desire and/or initiators for change. Grief can also be why the client feels stuck to move forward in their lives with whatever task (great or small) they want to solve. Grief coaching is very specific to the loss... It can be the devastating loss of a valued and much loved family member, including friends and pets. It may be a journey of trying to figure out how to live the
rest of one’s life without their loved one. To come to some sense of terms with it all. Life style changes, diminishing health and vitality also can draw grief to the fore front. We will all grieve deeply in our lives and while we all share this emotion no two people can possibly feel or understand someone else’s loss. It’s why coaching makes sense as it is clear we come to grief from all that has gone before in our lives and how we eventually use our experience is uniquely ours. Life and somatic coaching is also treated as uniquely the clients journey for exactly the same reasons. One of the things I love about our journey’s on earth and coaching clients is that all our paths are ours and we handle them uniquely. There is no right or wrong answers, your not broken, there is nothing wrong with you and you hold the answers that relate to your situations. They are ours as long as we don’t harm ourselves or others on our journeys. We can see all of our journeys as we would like to see it. They can be seen as journeys that can cause us nothing but exhaustion and defeat or we can turn them into our meaningful experiences and use it to fuel the rest of our lives. It is always our choice. I have always spent my life in my body. My first memories was being a sickly child. Later in life I sought physical strength to over come my sense of weakness. I learned to respect and know the value off sport as a way to find work, home solutions through a long run, or some quiet yoga and pilates getting some internal rest. I
came to understand that the body gave me far more than just physical strength. It showed me my emotions and behavioral patterns as well. I learned more through Vipassana meditation training and sitting in my body everyday, in all forms of meditation as well. I have done so many types of manual therapy because as I looked into myself more and more, I became more curious about my own inner workings and how I relate to my spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual being. I have stayed very present to the good and bad choices I have made. Its not always easy but how else can I experience my life but through understanding my humanity. The Greeks defined the soma in terms of it being a living organism in its entirety. We cannot separate ourselves from our selves when we look at the world. It is our world, our sense of our experiences of our world that we look to the earth and sky. It is from our home. The Greeks believed we house everything in our somas. When we see all humans in their unique way it makes perfect sense that they are the holders to their own unique journey. My job is to hold up a lantern to their unique pathway that makes sense to them. I will never know the impact, but I can bare witness to another human beings vulnerabilities, perspectives and desires and be truly enriched. MaxineWalmsley T | (408) 348 3428 E | 37
women’s health
Breathing properly is vital for health and wellbeing, yet very few of us know how to optimise our breathing and may even undervalue its importance. It is actually an ancient medicine with origins in yoga and known to increase our ability to fight illness by boosting the immune system. 38
There is an explosion of interest in breathwork classes around the globe as just a few adjustments can have a significant positive benefit to our emotional and physical state. This is making James Nestor’s book ‘Breath The New Science of a Lost Art’ an international best seller and a huge influence on holistic practitioners and followers worldwide. Developing lung capacity and having a healthy respiratory system is just as important as good nutrition or fitness levels for a person’s wellness. This is why it’s a vital part of yoga, qigong and tai chi but even if you regularly take part in these practices you will still benefit from stand-alone breathwork sessions. The simple beauty of breathwork classes is that anyone who is reasonably healthy and does not suffer from heart or lung issues can take part. They are recommended by conventional medical doctors and pain clinics but perhaps the best way to approach breathwork classes is for preventative rather than prescriptive purposes. There is a particular benefit to women’s health through regulation of hormone production. “Breathwork is one of the most efficient ways to reduce stress, anxiety and address symptoms linked to depression”, says Breathwork teacher Tara Crist. “Working with your breathing helps improve poor sleeping, lowers blood pressure and better regulates your hormones.” Modern life and constant reliance upon digital devices over stimulates our sympathetic nervous system also known as ‘fight or flight’ response. Being in this state for too long is harmful as it shuts down hormones. Without bringing the mind and body back to a normal calm state leads to living on adrenaline, which can feel exciting but is actually damaging health as hormone balance disappears. This leads to the digestive,
immune and other vital systems shutting down and never being able to work efficiently. The first step to bringing the body back into balance is to actively lower heart rate and start transferring back into the parasympathetic nervous system. Learning to control breath is an essential tool which is relatively easy to master. “Mindful breathing is the first step. All you need to do is take your attention to the breath and slow it down by counting inside your mind. Gradually, you will be able to lengthen both inhale and exhale by taking longer, deeper breaths.”, says Tara. “Doing this for a short time every day can really help start to reduce the amount of adrenaline in the system. Around 10 minutes is good but even as little as three calming breaths will help.” Alongside this article is a complementary breathwork lesson by Tara, giving instructions on three basic breathing techniques: mindful breathing, breathing for meditation and alternate nostril breathing. Breathwork teachers advise starting out with doing breathing exercises ‘little and often’ each day and schedule time to be present with your breath. Once you have mastered the basics and regularly practice breathing, the door can open to a deeper more spiritual aspect to breathwork where it is used for trauma release. Look for classes such as Conscious Connected Breathwork which uses intense breathing techniques to dissolve emotional charge. Want to try some breathwork? Listen to the podcast here and give it a go: zandra-christie/episodes/Breathwork-lessone13e0lc/a-a601cj0 39
women’s health
Here’s a wonderful selection of books written by inspiring women to share with you.
by inspirational women aspire “International best seller author” is a dream title for most but a wonderful reality for Annette O’Donnell. When her Art Academy business got shut down at start of the Covid lockdowns, Annette used the gift of time to focus her mindset and create new in her life Through expanding awareness and investing in self development - Annette manifested the opportunity to co-author a book called Aspire. This book brings inspiration, hope and healing to readers looking for their life purpose through challenge or adversity. W | sid the snail has lost his tRail Chloe Helene Harding is mum to daughter Stevie, 4, and an Early Years Teacher with over 15 years experience and a passion for Growth Mindset especially installing it in the Early Years. Chloe has just had her debut children’s book Sid The Snail Has Lost His Trail published. It’s a children’s rhyming book with an important Growth Mindset message running throughout it to “Never give up”! W | products/sidthesnailhaslosthistrail IG | 40
the chakra monsters The Chakra Monster series, by Rachel Brown, Chakra Kids’ founder, comprises seven books (book 1 and 2 now available) each discussing a particular chakra, its linked emotions plus activities children can do, like the monster, based on the chakra’s unique properties. This helps them express their feelings, whatever they face and correct energy imbalances, so they can start believing in themselves, their unique superpowers and their special place in this world. W | FB | groups/chakrakids frazzled to fabulous in 5 minutes a day Regain your calm, enjoy your kids and get more done. The essential book for frazzled mums that are fed up with feeling stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted. Discover the brilliantly simply way to stay calm, enjoy your kids more and get more done in just five minutes a day for 30 days. The tools in this book are tried and tested by hundreds of mums who lack time and the results include: a great relationship with your children; being productive with your time; abundant energy and creating ‘time out’ for yourself – without feeling guilty or undeserving. W | FB | IG | life matters Kathryn White’s début book, Life Matters, describes how she rebuilt her life after being widowed. Kathryn wanted to share what she’d learned to support others facing loss or difficulties. Ian’s death opened her mind to spirituality, and she recently trained in human and equine Reiki. The driving force behind all that she does is the desire to live her best life to honour Ian and the dreams he never got to fulfil. Life Matters is available from Amazon and all major bookstores as well as local shops: Wilstone Community Village Shop and Wigginton Village Shop & Café. Available as paperback (small and large print) and e-book. W |
eat, dance and shine Michele Kaye is a mum, grandmother, author of Eat, Dance, Shine and a lover of nature and wildlife. Her passion is to inspire and empower women to slow down the ageing process, feel better through good nutrition and joyous movement. As we age, it is vitally important to maintain flexibility and mobility as well as strength. Eat, Dance, Shine is an accessible book whether you read it cover to cover or open a page at random for ideas tips and inspiration to come alive, gain energy and push back the years. W | IG | FB | 41
women’s health
Your HealtH HuB Don’t forget you can still read all of the past editions on our website – here is a reminder of some of the articles in them
Your HealtH HuB
Hair & Beauty edition Health-Hub-Hair-and-Beauty-Dacorum.pdf
About PRP You can read the full article on page 6 – but Wendy has given some more information here on how PRP can help menopausal symptomsPRP is derived from a patients own blood by separating it from the red blood cells in a centrifuge. It contains multiple growth factors and when injected into an area, will stimulate the production of collagen and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels in that area. Who is Intimate PRP useful for? Females with vaginal dryness, to enhance lubrication and sensation with improvements to the quality of the vaginal wall. It can also
help with symptoms of mild urinary stress incontinence or also for those who suffer with pain during sexual intercourse. It will also help enhance sensitivity in the clitoral complex which will ultimately improve orgasms Conditions treated include: • Treatment of atrophic changes in the vagina. • Treatment of discomfort in the case of intimacy. • Treatment for relaxed vagina syndrome. • Stimulation of G-spot. • Intimate rejuvenation of vagina and vulva.
ALOPECIA – Excerpt: Before Alopecia, I was blissfully unaware of the degree to which ‘stress’, or to put it another way, the ‘psycho-emotional’ component played out in the physical body. While individual stress in itself did not cause hair loss, its accumulation over time most certainly did. The same applies to the vast majority of illnesses and diseases for which there is ever-increasing evidence and is most certainly not exclusive to hair loss. Dr John
Sarno, a physician in Connecticut, studied the mind-body relationship for years in his practice and published many books on the subject. He categorically states that “Tension Myositis Syndrome” (TMS), prevalent in our society, is emotionally induced. TMS affects the muscular system creating chronic tension, resulting in painful symptoms such as migraines, shoulder, back and neck pain, amongst a plethora of other illnesses.
Your Local Guide to Hair & Beauty services. Includes a directory of local health & wellbeing Professionals in the
dacorum area Your HealtH HuB Your local guide to health & wellbeing
Fitness & fitness trends
the lockdown & beyond edition
Nutrition & supplements Craniosacral Therapy in focus
In focus...
Body, Health and Fitness , shops and Your directory of professionals, practitioners St Albans area online services available in the Dacorum and
Body, Health & Fitness edition Seated pilates! Would you like to do Pilates but: 1 You find it difficult to get up and down off the floor? 2 Can’t put weight on your wrists, knees, hips, shoulders? 3 Have balance problems? 4 Have mobility – you can read the rest on page 11.
Healthy Mind edition
Your HealtH HuB Health-Hub-Healthy-Mind-dacorum.pdf night worrying about all the things you did or said that you shouldn’t have / THE HEALTHY MIND all the things you should have done and haven’t / Brexit / your family / your pets / your work… You woke up late and exhausted and all you could think about was getting your caffeine fix when your child/ pet/ partner knocked the milk over spilling it everywhere. You lost the plot and shouted at your child/ partner/ pet! You rushed to get out of the house, feeling guilty and were now running even later. The traffic was worse than usual, and you had a near miss while looking at google maps to see if there was a short cut. You arrived at work late feeling exhausted, guilty and irritated, feeling like you had already done a days work!
The Mental Health Misnomer Excerpt: Our emotional and mental health are inseparable, and no conversation on the subject of the latter could be considered truly comprehensive unless it included a sizeable narrative on the former; it would be like inviting Ant but not Dec, Morecombe but not Wise, or Laurel but not Hardy to share their views on what makes a successful comedy duo. Read the full article on page 6 and listen to Richard’s podcasts here: https://audioboom. com/channels/5023526
Exploring ways to keep your mind healthy Includes a directory of local health & wellbeing professionals in the
dacorum area
Five Minutes to get your Sanity back….! Written by Tamara Donn who is featured in our books by inspiring women the article can be read on page 10 – Excerpt: Can you relate? You overslept because you only dropped off in the early hours having spent the rest of the Your HealtH HuB
Your HealtH HuB
Your HealtH HuB Your local guide to health & wellbeing
Epigenetics Hemp Plant CBD Systematic Kinesiology Plus much more...
In focus...
Podcast Magic
demystifying holistics
Includes your directory of professionals, practitioners, shops and online services available in the Dacorum and St Albans area
There is plenty to read in the previous issues so hop onto and have a look 43
hub directory listings For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Acupuncture by Carmel Twomey Within each of us, there are ‘energy pathways’ or ‘meridians’ where ‘chi’ (energy) flows. These meridians, named after the organ they originate in (eg. kidney channel, liver channel etc), run all over the body. Where they reach the surface, the Acupuncture needle(s) are inserted to affect a change, not only in the meridian but also the associated organ. As the therapist, I am purely a ‘messenger’, facilitating the bodies natural ability to heal. There is a misconception that the treatment is painful, a competent practitioner will insert and carry out the treatment painlessly for the most part. Treatments are surprisingly relaxing.
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Crystal Healing
Natural and Organic skincare, ethically sourced, not tested on animals and Vegan, just the goodness of nature. Products that work hard for your skin but are not harsh in any way. Rejuvenating, balancing and slows down the ageing process, whilst not only maintaining your complexion but improving it. See the website for more details.
Crystal healing directs vibrational energy from crystals into your energetic system, clearing blockages and bringing you back into new state of balance. Crystals are placed in the body’s energy field on chakra point, which are then activated with crystal healing energy. People usually experience sensory sensations and some see colours. A deeply pleasurable and relaxing treatment, working on all aspects of health. It is particularly effective for relieving stress, anxiety and encouraging better sleeping. Simon will often combine crystal healing with elements of reiki healing to create a powerful healing experience tailored for you.
W | T | 07882 889989 E |
W | FB | T | 07989 879164 E |
CBD 4 Optimal Health
Doug Buckingham
Annette O’Donnell is a CBD educator based in Welwyn Hertfordshire with a business that educates, supports & advises others globally. As a speaker and Coach Annette loves empowering others and fellow survivors through good Health & Financial opportunities, bringing hope to hopeless situations is a mission she is passionate about. Alongside the CBD path she is also an Angel Artist and Harp Healer.
Doug Buckingham first used hypnosis to bring about big changes in his own life more than fifteen years ago, and since then has used hypnosis and regression with thousands of clients he has worked with, plus the hundreds of others that he has trained in hypnosis and regression in the past decade. You might also like to try his 99p app “Hypnosis for Transformation!” which has a few free hypnosis audios, as well as paid-for material.
New skincare range in stock - Epionce formulas are botanically based and optimised to improve skin function by reducing inflammatory factors while improving barrier strength. The products are paraben free, gluten free, fragrance free and are vegan friendly. Epionce do not use or endorse animal testing for any of their skincare products. It really does sound too good to be true!
FB | Annette O’Donnell T | 07890 575828 E |
W | T | 07979 750291 E |
W | T | 07824 553735 E |
Call Simon for more details: W | T | 07979 498559
hub directory listings Please mention Your Health Hub when contacting contributors
Your Health Hub is looking for health & wellbeing stories – if you have one please get in touch: New website coming soon
Hydrolysed Collagen with Elastin This 100% hydrolysed collagen and Elastin facial preparation is kept refrigerated and can be used topically on a daily basis as part of your beauty and anti-aging regime. Collagen when used as an active ingredient in beauty products acts as a natural skin moisturiser helps protect against premature ageing. With the addition of Elastin, which exists in a human body together with collagen, this product also helps increase skin elasticity. Preparations are designed mostly for the following skin types: mature, tired and dry, as a result of excessive effects of weather and water. Just £9.99 per 10ml posted. T | 07866 587117 E |
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Holistic Therapist
Holistic Therapy Training Herts
Do you suffer from allergies or intolerances? How is your daily nutrition affecting your overall health and well-being? Would you value mentoring to assist you in restored confidence? Catherine is a Holistic Therapist, with over 10 years experience treating infants to adults. Allergy testing, Iridology, nutrition, weight management and life skills/ mentoring. I consult in Berkhamsted, Old Town Hemel and peripatetically and also offer Skype consultations.
On HTTH courses, you will receive training to become a professional therapist, or add a range of new therapies to your treatment menu if you are already qualified. From complete beginner to advanced techniques, we provide hands-on experience. You will be taught in a small group or one-to-one to ensure you have individual attention in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Some online courses are also available. All of our courses are accredited and insurable with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, which means you will also be accredited and able to practice in most other countries
Contact Catherine W | Facebook | Pure-Wholeness Instagram | purewholenesscm T | 07816 189906 E |
Karma Rub 100% Natural Magnesium DeodorantAntiperspirant - with 0% Aluminium It will not only stop any unpleasant odour, but also provide the necessary portion of magnesium through our skin without any involvement of our tired stomach. One roll-on around the armpits will bring us up to 90% true magnesium, will stop the smell for many hours, and the wonderful aroma from the natural Aussie shrub “Lemon Myrtle” which leaves a pleasant and delicate citrus scent. 100% chemical-free, Gentle on skin and the magnesium can help with other ailments
W | T | 07940 780932 E |
W | T | 020 8207-0147 or 07864-353486 E | holistictherapytraining.herts@
Kinesiology Intuitive Healer and Kinesiologist, passionate about empowering others to find their way back to health and happiness. Combining Nutrition, Physical Adjustments, Chinese Acupoints, Deep Emotional Release Techniques and Intuitive Light Healing to remove root blockages. I believe in gently supporting the client to take charge of their own health and happiness. True confidence and growth comes from empowerment.
Caralyn Dunn Aquamarine Health Systematic Kinesiology W | T | 07714 587 593 45
hub directory listings For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Laura Fernandez Alonso Laura is an Elite Specialist Personal Trainer (REPs level 4 qualified) and Nutritionist. With extensive experience in personal training and healthy nutrition, she is also part of the NHS Exercise Referral Scheme. GPs refer patients suffering from one or more of the following conditions: low back pain, cardiovascular disease, cancer, hypertension, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint replacements, stress, anxiety, depression, obesity, diabetes, respiratory disease, musculoskeletal conditions and mental health. Laura is currently studying for a degree in Physiotherapy.
Louise Page Healing Metatronic Healing® Louise Page Metatronic Healing® is the method that has evolved since Archangel Metatron first communicated with Pippa Merivale, its founder, in 2007 Metatron’s promise was that this modality would “lift” energetically, the stories of limitation and separation and all that disempowers us from the unconscious and the body’s cellular memory and activate the heart centre. For more information about 1-2-1’s and Group Healing Meditations.
W | E |
W | Facebook | louisepagehealing T | 07742 185 819 E |
Manuka Honey
This product contains 100% raw Australian Manuka Honey - nothing added and not heated. The honey is not mixed or cut with gels waxes or creams to cut costs. Straight from the bees to you! This Australian Manuka Honey is the real deal with very high MGO activity. Every home First+Aid kit should have at least 1 of these. Manuka Honey can be used for a variety of skin complaints, insect bites, leg and mouth ulcers, pet care wounds, pimples, ezcema, cuts & abrasions, minor burns and skin issues. Be prepared, grab one for your First+Aid kit or purse today. Available in Tube 80 gr £ 19.00 Or Jar 250 g - £ 45.00 T| 07866 587117 E | 46
Please mention Your Health Hub when contacting contributors
Based on dance, martial arts and mindful movement including yoga, Nia is a cardio-dance workout, a movement practice, and a lifestyle based on the intelligent design of the body. Michele Kaye, author of “Eat Dance Shine”, Nia Black Belt Fitness Instructor and Weight Loss Coach M.Sc (Nutrition).
Neals Yard – Independent Consultant Julie Bertelli Neals Yard offers a wonderful selection of Natural and certified organic products for face and body. For example this delicately fragranced hand spray kills 99.9% of bacteria for hygienic hands on the go. With a purifying blend of organic niaouli, lemongrass and witch hazel, the all-natural formulation will leave hands smelling fresh and feeling clean, with no sticky residue. Perfect to keep on your desk, in your bag and to add to your travel essentials list. Julie Bertelli Neals Yard Independent Consultant W | T | 07854 427670
Past Life Regression Do you feel stuck in the same patterns of behaviour, similar types of relationships, strong emotions, unexplained physical pain, money issues, or just not feeling you can move forward in life? These issues and more can be helped or resolved with past life regression therapy. I provide a one-off or series of sessions via zoom, or in Pitstone. Wondering if this is right for you? Just curious to know more? Give me a quick call or email. W | W | T | 07717 471 584 E |
hub directory listings Please mention Your Health Hub when contacting contributors
Rachel Brown Rachel Brown is an holistic therapist and founder of Chakra Kids. She supports primary aged children build confidence, self belief, positivity and manage their emotions using fun, engaging and holistic methods. She also helps parents find freedom from stress and fatigue. Rachel is also a qualified Pharmacist with experience teaching and working in special needs schools. Having personally struggled with emotions as a result of a chronic illness, she found combining traditional methods with holistic ones enables all aspects of health to be addressed, resulting in greater balance, harmony and self worth. Now she’s on a mission to help as many children as possible shine brightly. W | E | T | 07952 241215
rediscovering youthful skin
Tocolo is a Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated aesthetic clinic based in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire. As well as offering popular aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, treatments such as medical grade chemical peels, acne treatment, weight loss management, hay fever injections, vitamin injections, ear syringing, thread vein treatment, vampire facials, hair loss treatment and treatment for excessive sweating are also available. Minor surgery is performed for removal of benign skin lesions and dermal cysts. (A full histological report is carried out for any lesion surgically removed). W | T | 07824 553735 E |
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Sarah Cook Holistics Beauty Services A full range of my beauty treatments using natural/organic products where possible can be viewed on my website or Facebook page including waxing, spray tanning, eye treatments, massage and facials. I also offer holistic treatments and the Zone Face Lift – a unique treatment focusing on naturally lifting the facial muscles and structures by means of Japanese facial massage techniques, Bergman method facial reflexology, quartz crystals and Jade GuaSha. Your Health Hub readers can have this facial for £65 when you mention the magazine. Usually £75. W | Facebook | sarahcookholisticspureorganictherapy
Soleo Organics All Natural Sunscreen SPF30 Most mineral sunblocks, have a chalky consistency, but not Soléo Organics. It is free of potentially toxic ingredients, the formula is biodegradable, plus it includes organically-grown botanicals and was developed using naturopathic principles that help the skin to heal itself. No synthetic preservatives. Water resistant, unscented and contains organic ingredients.
T | 07940 780932 E |
Water for Health Ltd Water for Health is a family run company. We hate to see people suffering from pain and debility in one form or another due to problems that good hydration and quality nutrition could solve. That’s why at Water for Health we’re committed to promoting better living through education. We offer a comprehensive range of hydration and nutritional products. We focus on sourcing quality products that we ourselves are happy with and believe in, from suppliers who share our desire to enhance wellbeing naturally.
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Kat is a prolific artist who connects to Goddesses from all over the world. She works tirelessly to breathe life into these Divine Goddesses, making each painting not only unique and vibrant, but also infusing them to carry and share the particular energy and personality of each Goddess.
Kat is committed to empowering and inspiring people of all ages to grow and reach their full potential. She is specifically dedicated to encouraging women, believing that it is time to rise together – supporting each other and celebrating ourselves as the magnificent Goddesses that we really are. | E: