5 minute read

Power with the help of Goddess

Goddess stepping into your power with the help of

Women - How many of you hide away? Cover up? Dim your shine? Forget to love yourself?


How many of you lack self-belief and confidence? Shrink behind the views of others? How many of you have lost yourself? Forgotten your purpose? Live your life confined within perceptions that society puts on you? How many of you do yourselves injustices every day by belittling yourself? Hating your body?

Not honouring your radiance? And… how many of you actually remember how truly magnificent you are?

We sadly live in a world where airbrushing is considered standard in order to achieve beauty, and filters are the norm. But behind closed doors, we live with “reality”. We see glossy magazines with “the perfect woman” who has it all and looks a million dollars, whilst we stand in front of the mirror and see the truth – often leaving us swimming in feelings of inadequacy. And in amongst the alienation, we lose ourselves. Lose our love for our bodies and walk in skin that we detest due to its lack of apparent perfection.

48 But, the time has come for you to break free. To start realising your beauty again. And Following the power of The Divine Feminine, and Goddess energy will help you to do that! Multiple prehistoric Goddess carvings have beendiscovered all over the world – the most famous being Venus of Willendorf, discovered in Austria in 1908. These ancient carvings represent the epitome of feminine beauty, flaunting the abundance of the fully figured Goddess – naked, unhidden and proud. They have been discovered everywhere that humanity has settled and thrived, clearly showing that there was a time when the power of womanhood was sacred and revered in all of her glory, regardless of her body shape.

Today our patriarchal society determines conformity in women - a demand so high that thecontinuous strive to achieve and maintain a body that is unrealistic often results in never

feeling good enough. But these carvings of voluptuous Goddesses with rounded stomachs and breasts that do not defy gravity are re-emerging to teach us to embrace and worship our bodies just the way they are. Sadly, throughout the ages, our thoughts about our bodies and how they should look have become blurred and it is our duty to change that now - not only for ourselves, but also for our daughters and granddaughters.

It is time for you to be worshipped again. And this begins with the way that you feel about yourself.

Body image insecurities can affect our selfesteem, self-worth and self-confidence, and by trying to obtain the unrealistic perfection portrayed by the media and constantly comparing ourselves to others, we feel as if we are walking the path of worthlessness.

But what if there was a different road? The path of the Goddess? The way of the Divine Feminine?

Divine Feminine energy is the female force that is within us all. The strength and the power of being a woman. It is the nourishing energy of love, compassion, healing and transformation, which can open the gates to limitless self-love, adoration and self-worship, enabling us to have a positive and healthy relationship with our body, and loving and honouring ourselves exactly as we are.

By increasing our Goddess Consciousness, we can empower ourselves to step into our true potential as women, and as soon as we realise that we hold Goddess energy within, there will absolutely be no stopping us!

And this is how my paintings inspire women. They are not whimsical, unreachable, perfect Goddess archetypes. They are real women – with their beautiful bodies, perfect in their imperfections – radiant in their life contours.

It is time to stand in the glory of the real ladies in these paintings – all Goddesses - all real women.

It is time for you to stand in the glory and wonder of the REAL WOMAN that you see in front of you when you look in the mirror. And to know that there is no difference, no separation between us and Goddess.

We are all one. We are all Goddesses. We are She.

The I AM SHE project and the Imperfectly Fabulous Empowering Affirmation Cards for 21stCentury Goddesses were painted and created to smash our current beliefs of “not being enough”, in a bid to bring into consciousness the imperfect perfection of the female form - whatever shape it takes. To awaken the Goddess warrior and Divine Feminine within and reconnect with self-love. Real women. Real shapes... no shame. Stop comparing. Stop checking and practise self-acceptance.

Love your body - have gratitude for your abundant flesh. Kiss your voluptuous rolls

and sprinkle adoration onto your wonderous breasts.

Rejoice as your thighs dance to the story of your life.

Reconnect with abundant self-love. The time is now. Women –Stand together. Honour each other – we are not alone. We are one. One divine feminine. One Goddess. I, we, She. No filters, no shame - Just perfection, liberation, beauty and freedom.

Because there is no difference between us and Goddess. We are Her. And She is us. We carry the soul of the Goddess, and every time you are feeling as if you are “passed it”, “unworthy”, “fat”, “not good enough”, “too old”, “too saggy”… just stop, breathe and raise the Divine Feminine within – and remind yourself who you are.

Connect with Goddess energy in general or any particular Goddesses that resonate personally with you and walk their walk. Channel their energy and feel their warrior strength – adored and strong. It doesn’t matter who you ask – as long as you’re empowering yourself as a woman and invoking matriarchal energies and attitudes.

As long as you remember that YOU are already the Goddess.

We are already all Goddesses. Walking in our own power.

Rising our vibrations. Walking our truth. And just think, if we all aimed to lift up the women around us, imagine how much we would all thrive.

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