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A herbalists view on environmental health Change the air in our homes
from Your Health Hub
Individually, we don’t have the power to change the air outside of our homes, but we can do a lot to change what’s within it. (Keep putting pressure on your local MPs and more to change the air, though!)
Did you know that changing environmental factors in our lives can override a genetic predisposition towards developing a disease? This is a huge idea to get our heads around. It boils down to this: we have within our power the choice to help avoid conditions eg arthritis by addressing the way we live, eat, play, sleep and manage our stress!
By Lucy Blunden environmental a herbalists view on
health Think about what you breathe, what you clean with, what you put on your skin/hair/ teeth. All of these things can bring additional chemical load to our bodies. When our bodies are exposed to chemicals in the outdoor environment, we assume that our bodies will get on and deal with it. And, most of the time they do. This is called detoxification and is an on-going natural process your body is undertaking right now involving your liver, kidneys, skin, immune and lymph systems.
Home air: Do you have air fresheners? Many of these contain chemicals which have long-term negative impacts on aquatic environments. What might it be doing to your body – after all, our chemical make-up is largely water?
House and body cleaning products: Look under your kitchen sink and at the back of your toiletries. Look at all those hazard warnings which end up in our water system!
Try out some green cleaning methods (white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda +/- tea tree oil does wonders) or a good old-fashioned detergent-based cleaner! I effectively clean inside the glass oven door with bicarb and a bit of elbow grease, it just lifts off the grime! Bleach is another one. Kills *all* known germs… that includes ones we need to live a healthy life. Bacterial resistance is contributed to by the use of anti-bacterial agents. They are non-specific and kill off both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ bacteria. Antibacterial handwashes remove the commensal ‘good’ bacteria protecting your skin as well as the ‘bad’. Soap and hot water will remove the nasties better than eg a sanitiser and leave your skin protected.
Alternative brands I like are: Green Wyse (great handmade vegan products by herbalist Dawn Ireland; plastic-free for years), Avalon Organics, Faith in Nature, Neal’s Yard Remedies. They may be a little more expensive but when we spend a bit more, we buy less and actually use them up! Double bonus?
Making you feel the need to ‘detox’? Clear out your toxic cupboards and clean up your diet with loads of green and colourful vegetables to assist your natural cleaning systems. (I am not fond of the term ‘Detox’ because it’s often touted as a lifestyle holiday for 2 weeks after which normal service resumes once again. Our bodies are in a constant state of detoxification; a natural biological process. It doesn’t happen in a tea bag once per week!)
About Lucy: If you feel you need to assist your detoxification systems, herbalists are ace players in this field as our gentle, plant remedies nourish, repair and replenish. Contact me to find out more.

Lucy Blunden: I am a medical herbalist and it brings me great joy to unearth the emotions beneath physical symptoms. Almost every disease begins after an emotionally significant event. I use plant medicines, food and EFT to change people’s lives. De-fuse the power of those emotions, address the symptoms and begin your journey to better.
T | 07492 511 366 W | lucyblundenherbal.com Facebook | facebook.com/HertsHerbalist Twitter | @HertsHerbalist