22 minute read
Directory Your local guide to hair, beauty and health & wellbeing
from Your Health Hub
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
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Acupuncture – Carmel Twomey Within each of us, there are ‘energy pathways’ or ‘meridians’ where ‘chi’ (energy) flows. These meridians, named after the organ they originate in (eg. kidney channel, liver channel etc), run all over the body. Where they reach the surface, the Acupuncture needle(s) are inserted to affect a change, not only in the meridian but also the associated organ. As the therapist, I am purely a ‘messenger’, facilitating the bodies natural ability to heal. There is a misconception that the treatment is painful, a competent practitioner will insert and carry out the treatment painlessly for the most part. Treatments are surprisingly relaxing.
Acorn Wellbeing Centre We combine and integrate the principles of conventional and complementary medicine and clinical therapeutic practice. We provide Counselling, Psychotherapy and Complementary Therapy for the Hemel Hempstead, Bovingdon, Berkhamsted, Chesham, Rickmansworth, Tring, Watford, Kings Langley, Abbots Langley, Redbourn, Harpenden and St Albans communities primarily out of our centre in Bovingdon.
Ali at The Cutting Garden I have been working from the “Cutting Garden” in Bovingdon High Street for just over three years now but, working in the village for over 25. The salon is a relaxed and welcoming space and I pride myself with impeccable customer service. With over 30 years of hairdressing experience you are in very capable hands. Wedding and event hair styling is one of my many specialties, but I am equally happy with a crew cut and clipper work. I offer a free consultation so pop in for a chat soon.
W | carmelacupuncture.co.uk T | 07882 889989 E | carmel@carmeltwomey.co.uk W | acornwellbeing.co.uk E | contactus@acornwellbeing.co.uk T | 07961 344004 26 High Street, Bovingdon, Herts, HP3 0HG
List your company here and on our website for 12 months
Price £35 per issue or £99 for the year Monthly payment plan available
Get in touch for more info Zandra: T | 07866 587117 or 01442 834398 E | zandra@yourhealthhub.uk Facebook.com/Hub directory – Hertfordshire www.yourhealthhub.uk
Bain Ellisdon and Catty O’Donnell Local designers, based in Home and Colonial in Berkhamsted, making unique items that are gentle on the environment. Bain produces one-off pieces using vintage saris, Japanese silks and upholstery fabrics to make fabulous cushions, bags and has created a range of wonderful decoupage lanterns. Catty as The Green Dresser believes that plants enhance our homes and our environment. She sources vintage china, silver plate and pottery and plants with houseplants and seasonal bulbs. We will be running Workshops and Pop-up shops locally. Full details on their Instagram: @bainellisdondesign @thegreendresser6367
Natural and Organic skincare, ethically sourced, not tested on animals and Vegan, just the goodness of nature. Products that work hard for your skin but are not harsh in any way. Rejuvenating, balancing and slows down the ageing process, whilst not only maintaining your complexion but improving it.

W | beautanix.com T | 07989 879164 E | margaret@beautanix.com Facebook | facebook.com/beautanix/
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For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Book your Pilates Taster Class with us TODAY chillipilates.co.uk 0800 756 5538 Follow us Be-Ecco We offer a variety of 100% natural products, semi-finished products, accessories and formulas which will help even a very difficult skin release its natural beauty. Our mission is to propagate a healthy style of nutrition and life in accordance with nature. Our products are pro-ecological and 100% safe for our environment. They are toxin-free, paraben-free, paraffinum liquidum-free, and do not include substances of petrochemical, industry synthetics or plant extracts modified genetically. They have Ecocert Organic Cosmetic Certificate and not tested on animals. Contact Ania Eco: W | be-ecco.co.uk T | 07714 426262 E | aniaszelag84@gmail.com Facebook | Ania Eco Doug Buckingham I have many years of experience and thousands of clients behind me, and humbly consider myself an expert in helping people break free from their limitations. I offer transformational solutions using Hypnosis, Regression and Sound Healing for individuals and companies. Fully accredited training in hypnosis and regression runs several times annually, plus regular holistic workshops and monthly sound baths. Elephant Branded Hand crafted from recycled cement bags by villagers in Cambodia. For every one of these bags you buy, Elephant Branded hand deliver a school kit to a child in Cambodia. Perfect for travelling, beaches, books, weekends and gyms. Elephant Branded was set up to develop a local social business rather than charity to sustainably tackle the issue of education and basic lack of school equipment in Africa and Asia. Beverley Price - Weight Loss Helping you regain your health and body confidence through our clinically proven nutritional program. overweight and can’t shift it? Continually tired? Stressed? Not sleeping well? Digestive issues? I can help. Contact Beverley for a FREE 15 minute consultation. T | 07541 121122 E | beverleysprice@gmail.com

W | dougbuckingham.com T | 07979 750291 E | doug@dougbuckingham.com Facebook | dougbuckinghampastlives Instagram | doug_buckingham Twitter | DougBuckingham

W | ElephantBranded.com Facebook | ElephantBranded/ Instagram | elephantbranded/
Chilli Pilates “Being confident in your body, isn’t about how you look, it’s about how you feel! At Chilli Pilates our Pilates classes are designed to not only strengthen and tone your muscles, but also to improve your posture, reduce your aches and pains and help prevent injuries. So, if your goal for 2020 is to recapture your body confidence, then come and try Pilates with us! *suitable for all fitness and experience levels.
T | 0800 7565538 E | chillipilates.co.uk
ELTR – Laser Tattoo Removal ELTR are a brand new laser tattoo removal studio based in the heart of St Albans. We can treat all colours of tattoo with our market leading Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser, we also utilise a Cryo 6 cool air machine to maximise patient comfort levels. Whether it’s total removal you require or fading for a cover up, we can help wave goodbye to your unwanted tattoos.
W | elliottlasertattoorrmoval.com T | 07966 066957 E | info@elliottlasertattooremoval.com Instagram | @elliottlasertattooremoval Facebook | @elliottlasertattooremoval
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
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Epionce New skincare range in stock – Epionce formulas are botanically based and optimised to improve skin function by reducing inflammatory factors while improving barrier strength. The products are paraben free, gluten free, fragrance free and are vegan friendly. Epionce do not use or endorse animal testing for any of their skincare products. It really does sound too good to be true!
W | tocolo.co.uk T | 07824 553735 E | enquiries@tocolo.co.uk
Green People With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Green People offers a complete range of certified organic products for all of the family. Green People products are packed with up to 99% active natural and organic ingredients to protect, nourish, balance and, most importantly, respect your body. Green People promise to never use aggressive ingredients or synthetic chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, alcohol (ethanol) or synthetic fragrances or colourants, and to never test on animals.
Georganics Most of us accept that good oral hygiene involves cleaning our teeth daily, but we don’t always consider the effect ingesting synthetic chemicals often found in commercial products has on our health. Georganics, only use pure, natural and organic ingredients in all products. Sustainable - All of our products are hand-crafted in small batches. They are made from natural ingredients that are sourced as locally as possible. Our packaging is specifically designed to produce no waste to avoid clogging up landfill sites. Conscientious - Where possible, all of our ingredients are ethically sourced and organic or food grade.
W | greenpeople.co.uk T | 01403 740350 W | georganics.com E | support@georganics.com
Hertfordshire Health Walks Hertfordshire Health Walks is a programme of free, volunteer-led walks helping everyone get outdoors. The walks are sociable and graded between 30 and 90 minutes to suit all abilities. It’s easy to get involved all you have to do is turn up! Find your local walk and register online at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/healthwalks

Holistic Therapist Do you suffer from allergies or intolerances? How is your daily nutrition affecting your overall health and well-being? Would you value mentoring to assist you in restored confidence? Catherine is a Holistic Therapist, with over 10 years experience treating infants and adults. Allergy Testing and Iridology are non-invasive methods. I consult in Berkhamsted, Old Town Hemel and peripatetically. Restore your health and vitality!
W | hertfordshire.gov.uk/healthwalks T | 01992 588433 E | Healthwalks.cms@hertfordshire. gov.uk
Contact Catherine W | pure-wholeness.com T | 07816 189906 E | pure-wholeness@gmail.com Facebook | Pure-Wholeness Instagram | purewholenesscm
Hydrolysed Collagen with Elastin This 100% hydrolysed collagen and Elastin facial preparation is kept refrigerated and can be used topically on a daily basis as part of your beauty and anti-aging regime. Collagen when used as an active ingredient in beauty products acts as a natural skin moisturiser helps protect against pre-mature ageing. With the addition of Elastin, which exists in a human body together with collagen, this product also helps increase skin elasticity. Preparations are designed mostly for the following skin types: mature, tired and dry, as a result of excessive effects of weather and water. Just £9.99 per 10ml.
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For the Dacorum/St Albans area
IV Clinic There are numerous skin supplements and hair care products that can improve the appearance of your skin and hair. IV Vitamins is the new kid on the block. These drips deliver high levels of vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream. IV therapy involves injections of vitamin and mineral solutions into a vein in the arm; this critically bypasses the gut and can achieve higher concentrations, quicker. Our intravenous protocols are developed by a team of leading medical doctors and pharmacists and are administered safely under the supervision of medically trained doctors.
W | ivnutrition.co.uk T | 01727 223074 Instagram | @iv_nutrition E | ivnutrition.stalbans@gmail.com
Jack & Jill Kids Jack N’ Jill is a natural toothpaste for babies, toddlers and children that is safe to swallow. It was first made in Melbourne, Australia in 1949 and is now available in more than 30 countries. Alaways natural - Never any nasties. No fluoride, SLS, parabens, GMO ingredients, colours, sugar or artificial preservatives. Always safe - With natural ingredients our toothpaste is safe if swallowed and our products are always free from noxious chemicals and BPA. Always good - Jack N’ Jill are a cruelty free company. We use recycled and natural materials such as corn starch and bamboo instead of plastics.
W | uk.jackandjillkids.com E | customerserviceuk@ jackandjillkids.com
Jo Bradley - International Clairvoyant Medium, trance & physical medium, tutor and author. Services available: One to one or group readings, psychic shows, corporate training days, self and psychic development retreats, one day workshops, weekly development circles.
Karma Rub
100% Natural Magnesium DeodorantAntiperspirant - with 0% Aluminium It will not only stop any unpleasant odour, but also provide the necessary portion of magnesium through our skin without any involvement of our tired stomach. One roll-on around the armpits will bring us up to 90% true magnesium, will stop the smell for many hours, and the wonderful aroma from the natural Aussie shrub “Lemon Myrtle” which leaves a pleasant and delicate citrus scent. 100% chemical-free, Gentle on skin and the magnesium can help with other ailments.
Jennifer-Ann Microblading Wake up with natural looking make up and feel confident every day with beautifully microbladed brows and lifted lashes. Book in for a free, no obligation consultation where we will discuss and draw the shape that you would like to achieve. With over 20 years experience in the beauty industry, and a Masters training in Microblading I am passionate about making you look and feel your best.

W | jenniferann.co.uk T | 07958 432223 E | jenniferannmicroblading@ gmail.com Facebook & Instagram | @jenniferannmicroblading
KICA Candles – Upcycled and Handmade Homewares KICA Candles are beautifully scented, soy wax candles with an earth-friendly twist. Every one of these unique, handmade candles comes in a lovingly upcycled food tin or used coffee jar. Not only do they smell fantastic and last for ages, but there isn’t a single bit of plastic packaging in sight. The colourful, shabby chic style candles are handmade in Leighton Buzzard using natural wax and recyclable materials. The perfect eco gift for any candle lover!
T | 01494 773275 T | 07565 898747 E | jo.bradleycircle@talktalk.net W | Uk.karmarub.com T | 07940 780932 E | enquiries@uk.karmarub.com W | kicacandles.com Facebook & Instagram | @kicacandles
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
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Lucy Blunden BSc(Hons) - Medical Herbalist EFT Practitioner It brings me great joy to unearth the emotional triggers behind the physical symptoms. I use herbs, EFT-Tapping and food to bring about the healthy changes you want in your life and body.
W | lucyblundenherbal.com T | 07492 511366 @HertsHerbalist Facebook | hertsherbalist
Mind For Wellbeing One-to-one programmes and group wellbeing workshops for people experiencing stress and anxiety. In-house programmes for businesses also available. Mind For Wellbeing is a specialist service for people with stress and/ or anxiety, offering coaching and mindfulness-based programmes to help you reduce stress and worry and start to enjoy life again. Mind For Wellbeing is based in the lovely countryside of Swanbourne in Buckinghamshire, just a short drive from Tring, Berkhamsted and Aldbury.
W | mindforwellbeing.co.uk/ T | 01296 841046
PRP For Menopause PRP is derived from a patients own blood by separating it from the red blood cells in a centrifuge. It contains multiple growth factors and when injected into an area, will stimulate the production of collagen and stimulate the formation of new blood vessels in that area. Who is Intimate PRP useful for? Females with vaginal dryness, to enhance lubrication and sensation with improvements to the quality of the vaginal wall. It can also help with symptoms of mild urinary stress incontinence or also for those who suffer with pain during sexual intercourse. It will also help enhance sensitivity in the clitoral complex which will ultimately improve orgasms. W | tocolo.co.uk T | 07824 553735 E | enquiries@tocolo.co.uk
Reflexology by Rachel Enjoy a reflexology treatment in your own home, allowing you to totally relax. I am a fully qualified Reflexologist and registered member of The Complementary Medical Association. Reflexology is a non-intrusive complementary therapy, based on points on the feet corresponding with different areas of the body. A very individual treatment, tailored to you as a whole person, taking into account physical and non-physical factors that might affect your wellbeing.
W | reflexologybyrach.com T | 07929 244980 E | reflexologybyrach@gmail.com
NFCo The Natural Family Co. was developed for those looking for a looking for a natural toothpaste that they could use daily, without the novelty ingredients. They searched for a botanical that tasted clean and fresh, and happened upon some wild mint, which was quietly thriving on the banks of a creek - a stone’s throw away from their own backyard. This became the inspiration for Australian Native River Mint in all NFco toothpaste varieties. With its fresh, minty taste and effective cleaning and plaque removal, it’s suitable for the whole family! NFco Original Toothpaste variety is even safe from 6 months old.
W | nfco.co/nfco E | customerservice@nfco.co
Regency House Dental Clinic
The regency house dental Clinic is a modern private dental clinic in the heart of St Albans. It boasts a team of highly qualified dentists and hygienists and the most advanced dental technology including 3D X-ray and infra-oral scanners. They cater to everyone and open late evenings and Saturdays. Fees are competitive and slightly lower than average and finance is available to ensure everyone’s budget is catered for.
28 St Peters Street, St Albans AL1 3NA T | 01727 848080 W | regencyhousedental.com
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For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Sarah Cook Holistics Beauty Services Reflexology / Facial Reflexology Reflexology is a complementary therapy involving pressure applied to the feet. This facilitates healing and relaxation, combats stress and promotes a sense of wellbeing as well as helping to balance all body systems. It is particularly helpful for symptoms of menopause, migrane, IBS Facial Reflexology (Bergman method) known as the mini face lift has all the benefits of foot reflexology and so has a balancing effect on all body systems but with the added bonus of lifting, relaxing and rejuvenating the skin.
W | sarahcookholistics.co.uk Facebook | sarahcookholisticspureorganictherapy
SBM Water UK Ltd Your water your life. We specialises in providing high quality water filter machines in residential and commercial premises. Our aim is to provide pure, healthy, delicious and convenient drinking water in every household worldwide.

Amandeep Sofat W | sbmwater.co.uk W | safewater.co.uk T | 07930 982488 E | enquiries@sbmwater.com Facebook | sbmwateruk/
Tocolo is
tocolo rediscovering youthful skin
a Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated aesthetic clinic based in Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire. As well as offering popular aesthetic treatments such as dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, treatments such as medical grade chemical peels, acne treatment, weight loss management, hay fever injections, vitamin injections, ear syringing, thread vein treatment, vampire facials, hair loss treatment and treatment for excessive sweating are also available. Minor surgery is performed for removal of benign skin lesions and dermal cysts. (A full histological report is carried out for any lesion surgically removed). W | tocolo.co.uk T | 07824 553735 E | enquiries@tocolo.co.uk
Twee Life – Bird Feeders Twee have created handmade rustic fat ball feeders. Everyone is different and has its own natural character. They are created by up-cycling logs from my brothers tree surgery business. They feeders are really easy to refill, just push in new fat balls. They will attract a wide range of birds to your garden. A great gift or as a treat for yourself. Only £10 each. At Twee we sell a range of homemade, homegrown produce. Based in Great Gaddesden, Hemel Hempstead. Give our products a try. Everyone needs a little Twee in their life! See our website for a list of local events, stockists and how to buy online.
Soléo Organics All Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 Most mineral sunblocks, have a chalky consistency, but not Soléo Organics. It is free of potentially toxic ingredients, the formula is biodegradable, plus it includes organically-grown botanicals and was developed using naturopathic principles that help the skin to heal itself. No synthetic preservatives. Water resistant, unscented and contains organic ingredients.
T | 07940 780932 E | enquiries@uk.karmarub.com
Water for Health Ltd Water for Health is a family run company. We hate to see people suffering from pain and debility in one form or another due to problems that good hydration and quality nutrition could solve. That’s why at Water for Health we’re committed to promoting better living through education. We offer a comprehensive range of hydration and nutritional products. We focus on sourcing quality products that we ourselves are happy with and believe in, from suppliers who share our desire to enhance wellbeing naturally.
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
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Hair & Beauty Acorn Wellbeing Centre W | acornwellbeing.co.uk E | contactus@acornwellbeing.co.uk
Ali at The Cutting Garden 26 High Street, Bovingdon, Herts, HP3 0HG T | 07961 344004
Aluna Massage Therapies – Copperleaf Clinic W | alunamassage.co.uk E | info@alunamassage.co.uk
Alyson Carter - Nutrition W | nut4life.com T | 07816 981858 E | Alyson@nut4life.com
Beautanix W | beautanix.com T | 07989 879164 E | margaret@beautanix.com Facebook | facebook.com/beautnix/
Beverley Price – Weight Loss T | 07541 121122 E | beverleysprice@gmail.com
BLOOM EVENTS W | bloomshow.co.uk
Body Shop Consultant – Tess Fernandez Facebook | Tess’s Body Shop Party T | 07713662263 E | tess0701@googlemail.com
Carmel Twomey – Acupuncture & Alternate Therapies W | carmeltwomey.co.uk T | 07882 889989 E | Carmel@carmeltwomey.co.uk ELTR – Laser Tattoo Removal W | elliottlasertattoorrmoval.com T | 07966 066957 E | info@elliottlasertattooremoval.com Open Hairdressing Hemel Hempstead W | openhairdressing.co.uk T | 01442 262673
Gemma Bond Hair Facebook | Gemma Bond Hair Design T | 07730 656674
ebsphysiotherapy W | ebsphysiotherapy.co.uk T | 07421 234250 E | info@ebsphysiotherapy.co.uk
Be-Ecco W | be-ecco.co.uk T | 07714 426262 E | aniaszelag84@gmail.com
Jennifer-Ann Microblading W | jenniferann.co.uk T | 07958 432223 E | jenniferannmicroblading@gmail. com
Karen Garvie – Women only Swedish Massage T | 07970 415765 E | karengarvie77@gmail.com
KOHA – Berkhamsted W | kohaclinics.com T | 01142 866117
Lucy Blunden BSc(Hons) - Medical Herbalist / EFT W | lucyblundenherbal.com T | 07492 511 366
Make-up by Stephanie Frances Instagram | Makeupbystephaniefrances Facebook | facebook.com/mrsandr
Olivia’s Beauty - Nanoblading T | 07912 185702 E | oliviasbeauty18@gmail.com Riviere Retreat - Carolyn Leech T | 07795 511126 E | theriviereretreat@outlook.com Facebook | @theriviereretreat
Regency Dental W | regencyhousedental.com T | 01727 848080
Sarah Cook Holistics –Zone Face Lift W | zonefacelift.com W | sarahcookholistics.co.uk Facebook | sarahcookholisticspureorganictherapy
Sarah Cook - Holistics W | sarahcookholistics.co.uk Facebook | sarahcookholisticspureorganictherapy
Sarah Cook – Beauty Services W | sarahcookhoistics.co.uk Facebook | sarahcookholisticspureorganictherapy
STYLPRO Facebook | StylProBrushCleaner T | +44 (0)203 22 55 558 E | teamtom@stylideas.com
TOCOLO W | tocolo.co.uk T | 07824 553735 E | enquiries@tocolo.co.uk
Toni Manning – Facial Reflexology/ Massage W | tonimanning.co.uk T | 01923 269 281 E | tonimanning@live.co.uk
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For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Body Health & Fitness Acupuncture - Carmel Twomey W | carmelacupuncture.co.uk T | 07882 889989 E | Carmel@carmeltwomey.co.uk
Acupuncture - Rachal Buller W | www.facebook.com/ rachalbulleracupuncture T | 07535 947474 T | 01494 771324
Amatsu Therapy - Susan Brazier W | amatsu-symmetry.co.uk T | 01923 266900 T | 07711 826643 Foot Massage - Zandra W | sageroom.co.uk T | 07866 587117 E | Zandra@sageroom.co.uk
Hypnotherapy – Carolyn W | threehazels.co.uk T | 07930 130103
Holistic Therapist - Catherine W | Pure-Wholeness.com T | 07816 189906 E | purewholeness@gmail.com
Krav Maga Herts W | kmdt.co.uk T | 07824 883853
Auricular Acupuncture W | Zenki.co.uk W | facebook.com/ZenkiShiatsu T | 07886 655705 E | Jan@Zenki.co.uk
Body Stress Release - Sophie Mellis MBSRA. W | bodystressrelease.org.uk T | 07905 762013 E | sophie@bodystressrelease.org.uk
Bowen Therapy - Liz Barroeta T | 07887 776104 E | liz@bowenhertsandbucks.co.uk
Bowen Therapy W | bowenassociation.co.uk W | bowen-technique.co.uk T | 01205 319100 E | office@bowen-technique.co.uk
Chiropractic Association W | chiropractic-uk.co.uk
Foot Health Practitioner – Lorna Pullman W | foothealthfirst.co.uk T | 07860 927958 E | lorna@foothealthfirst.co.uk NIA Dance - Michele Kaye W | michelekaye.com T | 07786 172407
Nutrition - Nutrition 4 Life - Alyson Carter W | nut4life.com T | 07816 981858 E | Alyson@nut4life.com
Personal fitness Trainer – Bryn, Functional fitness T | 07824 555893 E | info@functionalfitnessltd.co.uk
Pilates - Fran Brown W | fransfitnesspilates.co.uk T | 07900 858985 E | info@fransfitnesspilates.co.uk
Pilates - Lisa Giles T | 07900 858985 E | dopilatesnow@gmail.com
Jazzercise – Keri W | facebook.com/ jazzerciseBucksBedsHerts/ T | 07900 987230 E | jazzercise1@hotmail.co.uk Mind Body Connection – Carmel Twomey
W | carmeltwomey.co.uk T | 07882 889989 E | carmel@carmeltwomey.co.uk
Osteopathy – Mulberry Osteopathy, Chloe Henaghan W | mulberrywellbeing.life T | 07929 160959 E | chloe@mulberryosteopathy.com
Reflexology – Amanda Matthews BSc W | amandamatthews.net T | 07985 343468 E | reflexology@amandamatthews.net
Ridgeway Nordic Walking W | ridgewaynordicwalking.co.uk W | facebook.com/ ridgewaynordicwalking
Shiatsu W | Zenki.co.uk W | facebook.com/ZenkiShiatsu T | 07886 655705 E | Jan@Zenki.co.uk
Swimming – Nuffield Health Aylesbury T | 01296 487627 E | gaston.james@nuffieldhealth.com
Vivo Shape Health Life Fitness W | vivo-shapehealthlife.co.uk W | facebook.com/Karen.lem.92
Yoga - Tring Yoga Studio, Pauline Gibbons W | tringyogastudio.uk T | 01442 890770 T | 07484 089432 E | tringyogastudio@outlook.com
Yoga Hiit Fusion - Zest Yoga W | facebook.com/zestyoga.tring T | 07595 896661 E | zestyoga72@gmail.com
For the Dacorum/St Albans area
Please mention Your Health Hub when contacting contributors
The Healthy Mind Acorn Wellbeing Centre W | acornwellbeing.co.uk E | contactus@acornwellbeing.co.uk
Acupuncture – Carmel Twomey W | carmelacupuncture.co.uk T | 07882 889989 E | Carmel@carmeltwomey.co.uk
Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist – Emma Gosling W | feelgoodenough.co.uk E | emma@feelgoodenough.co.uk
Art Therapy – Karen Sawyer Art Therapy Services W | ksarttherapy.co.uk T | 07745 197077
Body Stress Release – Sophie Mellis W | bodystressrelease.org.uk T | 07905 762013 E | sophie@bodystressrelease.org.uk
BLOOM EVENTS W | bloomshow.co.uk
Cognitive Hypnotherapy – Adrian Matthews Therapy W | adrianmatthewstherapy.co.uk E | practice@adrianmatthewstherapy. co.uk
Christopher Taylor – Nature and Connection E | Christopher@natureconnect.co.uk
Dacorum Borough Council W | dacorum.gov.uk/home/communityliving/voluntary-organisations-socialenterprises/mental-health W | .dacorum.gov.uk
EFT Practitioner and EFT School – Tamara Donn W | Eft-courses.org.uk W | tamaradonn.com EFT/Tapping Practitioner/Herbalist – Lucy Blunden W | lucyblundenherbal.com T | 07492 511 366
Healing, Your Stories – Rachel Weber W | healingyourstories.com W | 07717 471 584
Hertfordshire Health Walks Herts County Council W | hertfordshire.gov.uk/healthwalks T | 01992 588433 E | Healthwalks.cms@hertfordshire. gov.uk
Integrative Psychotherapy – Adrian Matthews W | adrianmatthewstherapy.co.uk E | practice@adrianmatthewstherapy. co.uk
Kate Atkinsons Yoga W | katkinson108@gmail.com T | 07481 404084
Metatronic Healing® – Louise Page W | web.metatronichealing buckinghamshire.co.uk T | 07742 185819 E | holisticlouise@btinternet.com
Make Space Decluttering Service W | makespacedecluttering.co.uk E | info@makespacedecluttering. co.uk
Mindfulness Therapy – Mind for Wellbeing W | mindforwellbeing.co.uk T | 01525 591011 E | relax@mindforwellbeing.co.uk
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) – Adrian Matthews Therapy W | adrianmatthewstherapy.co.uk E | practice@adrianmatthewstherapy. co.uk
62 NIA – Michele Kaye W | michelekaye.com T | 07786 172407
NLP - Transforming young minds – Emma Hossack W | transformingyoungminds.co.uk T | 07852 427566 E | emma@transformingyoungminds. co.uk
Nordic walking W | ridgewaynordicwalking.co.uk W | mknordicwalking.co.uk T | 07766 366388 E | emma.ridgewaynordic@gmail.com
Organisational Development Company & Mindfulness – pressurepoint W | pressure-point.com E | adrian@pressure-point.com
Papalona W | papalona.com W | sdavieshypno.com E | saleema@papalona.com
Pilates – Fran Brown Pilates Method W | Fransfitnesspilates.co.uk T | 07900 858985 E | info@fransfitnesspilates.co.uk
Reflexology - Amanda Matthews BSc W | amandamatthews.net T | 07985 343468 E | reflexology@amandamatthews.net
Riviere Retreat - Carolyn Leech W | amandamatthews.net T | 07795 511126 E | theriviereretreat@outlook.com
Sleep Coach - Michelle Audette W | michelleaudette.com
chillipilates.co.uk 0800 756 5538 Follow us

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