in focus
Did you know
Individually, we don’t have the power to change the air outside of our homes, but we can do a lot to change what’s within it. (Keep putting pressure on your local MPs and more to change the air, though!)
that changing environmental factors in our lives can override a genetic predisposition towards developing a disease? This is a huge idea to get our heads around. It boils down to this: we have within our power the choice to help avoid conditions eg arthritis by addressing the way we live, eat, play, sleep and manage our stress!
a herbalists view on
environmental health Think about what you breathe, what you clean with, what you put on your skin/hair/ teeth. All of these things can bring additional chemical load to our bodies. When our bodies are exposed to chemicals in the outdoor environment, we assume that our bodies will get on and deal with it. And, most of the time they do. This is called detoxification and is an on-going natural process your body is undertaking right now involving your liver, kidneys, skin, immune and lymph systems.
Home air:
Do you have air fresheners? Many of these contain chemicals which have long-term negative impacts on aquatic environments. What might it be doing to your body – after all, our chemical make-up is largely water?
By Lucy Blunden