How to get the best from... Appliances

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How t ogett hebest f r om. . .Appl i ances

Tr yt hesehel pf ult i psi nyourhomet or educet heamount ofener gyyouuseandsaveonyourbi l l s.

Wheny oubuynew appl i anc esc hoos epr oduc t st hathav eagood ener gyr at i ng.Forex ampl eanA++r at edf r i dgef r eez erc oul dc os t £30l es say eart or unc ompar edt oaC r at edone,or£70l es s c ompar edt oaG r at edone! • Onef ul l l oadofwas hi ngus esl es sener gyt hant wohal fl oads . • Sety ourmac hi net o30˚ Cor40˚ Ci ns t eadof60˚ Candc oul d us eupt oa t hi r dl es sel ec t r i c i t y . • Hous ehol dsaddar ound£40t ot hei rannual bi l l byl eav i ng appl i anc esons t andby . • Asas i mpl er ul e,i fac har geri sget t i nghoti ti swas t i ngener gy , s os wi t c hi tof f ! • Ev eni t emss uc hasmobi l ephonec har gi ngandbr oadband r out er sc ont i nuet ous eel ec t r i c i t ywhennoti nus e,butar e pl uggedi n. • Regul ar l ydef r os ty ourf r i dgeandf r eez ert ok eept hem r unni ng ef f i c i ent l y . • Us ear ef r i ger at ort her momet ert omak es ur ey ourf r i dgei satt he r i ghtt emper at ur eandnotus i ngt oomuc hener gy . • Al i ght emi t t i ngdi odeus es90% l es sener gyt hanat r adi t i onal l i ght bul b,mak i ngt hem t hemos tener gy ef f i c i entt y peofl i ght i ng. • AnLEDannual r unni ngc os ti sasl i t t l ea£1. 71,wi t hal i f et i me s av i ngof£180c ompar edt oat r adi t i onal l i ght bul b. • Swi t c hl i ght sof fasy oul eav eanempt yr oom andy ouc oul ds av e upt o£20ay ear .

www. y hn. or g. uk 01912788600 y hn@y hn. or g. uk

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