How to get the best from... Storage Heaters

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How t ogett hebest f r om. . .St or ageHeat er s

Tr yt hesehel pf ult i psi nyourhomet or educet heamount ofener gyyouuseandsaveonyourbi l l s.

Yourhomei sf i t t edwi t hel ec t r i cs t or ageheat er swhi c hr unont he Ec onomy7t ar i f f . Thi smeanst hatt heyus el owerc os tel ec t r i c i t yt o bui l dupheatov er ni ght ,whi c hi st henr el eas edgr adual l ydur i ng t heday . TheEc onomy7t ar i f fhasdayandni ghtper i odswhi c hv ar yby r egi onandt i meofy ear .I ti sus ual l y1 1. 30pm t o6. 30am i nwi nt er , and12. 30am t o7. 30am i nSummer .Youc anc hec kt i meswi t h y ours uppl i er .Youc anal s oc ont ac tt hem t oc hec kt haty ouar eon t heEc onomy7t ar i f fors i mi l ar . Youc anc ont r ols t or ageheat er si ndi v i dual l y ,s odi f f er entr ooms c anhav edi f f er ent heat s et t i ngs . Thi smeansheat er si nr oomst hat ar enot bei ngus edc anbet ur nedt omuc hl owers et t i ngsands av e y oumoney . The t wo s et t i ngsar es hown as‘ i nput ’and ‘ out put ’ .The i nput det er mi nest hel ev elofc har get ot heheat er sdur i ngt hec heaper 7hourper i od. Theout putc ont r ol st heamountofheatr el eas edby t heheat erands houl dbeadj us t edt os ui ty ourheat i ngneeds . Theheat erwi l lr ec ogni s ewhent heamountofheati sl ow,and aut omat i c al l ys t ar tt or educ ehowmuc hi sr el eas edf orex ampl ei f y ouhav el ef tt heout putt ur neduphi ghuni nt ent i onal l y .Howev er , i fy ouar eoutofy ourhomei ti sbet t ert ot ur nt heout putdown,and t ur ni tupagai nwheny our et ur ni fneeded.

www. y hn. or g. uk 01912788600 y hn@y hn. or g. uk

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