Your Horse 347 MAY 2011
Improve your riding skills today with our
47-page expert section
B e a b e t t e r r i d e r , g e t t h e b e s t f r o m yo u r h o r s e
How to be a
WINNER this weekend
✓Warm up to win ✓Focus his mind ✓Feed for success ✓Think positive ✓Get him fit
The judge doesn’t like me!
It’s time to quit the excuses and learn from your mistakes Is it catching?
Don’t panic! How the UK is ready to fight exotic diseases May 2011
Spook proof your horse
u can What yoo m the learn fr evil dare-d ers stunt rid
to complete exclusive access to olympic video lessons with THE experts — all for free! trainer richard Davison
e rs u co g in in a tr r u o h it w e e r f r Learn fo learn-at-home 6 modules T RAI N I
• new training academy • competition advice • spook-proof your horse • exotic equine diseases • summer gloves on test
29-page Competition special
PLUS Buyers’ Guide to browbands • Summer gloves on test