ONE Magazine - spring/summer 2016

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for the better


Residents return AFTER FLOODS


HELLO AND WELCOME Welcome to the third edition of ONE magazine, here to inform you of the latest news from your areas and across the Group.


With new digital ways of working on the horizons,


the next editions of ONE will be online only, so please feel free to share the link with your family and neighbours, so they too can catch up on the latest news in their area. 2016 is an exciting time for us at Your Housing Group and with you in mind we are looking forward to taking our first steps in putting our Customer Journey plans into action, which we shared with you in the last edition of ONE. As part of this, we have been looking carefully at the services we provide and put together a plan to make sure we are performing as cost-effectively as possible whilst delivering a fast and efficient service that you will be confident in. There is more about our Customer Journey on page 4. We want to keep you up to date with what’s happening as much as possible; look out for updates on the website shortly. Since the last edition, we are proud to announce that some of our projects, staff and customers have been recognised by some highly prestigious Awards, including 6 nominations at the North and Central


region TPAS Awards. We wish any remaining finalists the best of luck. You can read all about the awards on page 6. Our work in developing sustainable communities has had fantastic results this year and between 2015-16 we successfully generated a social value of £25million, take a minute to check out our Community Sustainability Regeneration Review overview on page 9 or read it online here. We hope you enjoy reading this Spring/Summer edition ONE. There’s lots happening, so remember to keep checking our social accounts for the latest updates from the Group and our communities. Regards, Brian Cronin, Chief Executive















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We want to provide you with an efficient and effective service that we can be proud of, that’s why we’ve launched our Customer Journey programme. You may remember we introduced this programme in the last edition of ONE and since then we have been working hard behind the scenes to evaluate our service – your experience, how reliable it is and how easy it is for you to access the services available to you. After spending a number of months evaluating our service by involving our Customer Inspectors and Customer Assurance Panel, we have identified a number of service opportunities to take this journey forward. The first area of the business to be updated will be our contact centre technologies. By improving the technology in the call centre we will be able to 4

reduce the number of service interruptions, helping us to respond to your calls more effectively. You can read more about how we evaluated this service on the next page. Over the coming months, we will be introducing new digital ways for you to contact us including a new online chat system, so you can report issues directly to Your Response via our website and chat instantly with an operator without needing to pick up the phone.

Keep your eye on the Your Housing Group website and social media accounts for the latest updates.

r the better


The Customer Assurance Panel, after being briefed by senior management for Your Response about the operations of the business area, commissioned a number of Customer Inspectors to observe the contact centre, discuss processes and complete a short survey of customer call experiences. In addition to this, the group made mystery shopper calls to the contact centre. The information gathered was then collated and considered by the Customer Assurance Panel as they reported on their first scrutiny review. Key recommendations agreed in the report were as follows:

• To set a ‘standard of service’ for response times across all incoming enquiries.

• A new work flow process to make sure that all calls are responded to.

• Encourage the use of ‘Real Time’ data to identify outstanding repairs.

• To provide back up IT support and improve systems.

CUSTOMER ASSURANCE PANEL PRESENTS FIRST SCRUTINY REPORT Last month we asked our Customer Assurance Panel to produce their first report to management, which resulted in 20 agreed recommendations to be carried out at Your Response over the next year. The panel was brought in to scrutinise the customer contact centre, to help us determine whether it meets customer expectations and to recommend any aspects that we could improve.

• To provide more training to staff on specialist subjects.

An 18 month work-plan has been agreed through Service Committee and a second review on ‘Communal Cleaning Services’ is currently under way. it is envisaged that this second scrutiny review will be completed by the end of July 2017.

If you’re interested in helping us to shape our business for the better, why not join one of our Customer Involvement Panels find out how to get involved by visiting our website:





We are making some real strides in Anfield and have moved into the next phase of housing refurbishment, meaning more of our properties will be converted into modern family and starter homes. Anfield Village Phase three is part of the wider

The previous phase was competed in June 2015

conversion programme and focusses on Balfour

with 25 properties converted into 16 family and

Street, Blessington Road, Gorst Street, Pulford

one and two bed houses, following a pilot project

Street, Randolph Street and Saker Street.

which resulted in a further four conversions.

This work will see twenty nine properties

Carole Dowd, Anfield project manager at Your

converted into 21 homes, eight of which will be

Housing Group said:

2-into-1 three and four bed houses and 13 one and two bed houses with single or two storey extensions. The work is being carried out by family run company Penny Lane builders which is

also taking on two apprentices as a part of the 12 month project. Steve Ross, project manager for Penny Lane Builders said:

“These properties have been unoccupied for some time. To be able to bring them into use again and give them a high specification make over and conversion will mean more of the gaps will be filled and help to rebuild this local community.

The work is now well underway with the removal of hazardous materials and strip outs of houses. It is a great project for us to be involved in and we look forward to welcoming two young apprentices who can start their career on this major regeneration project. I’m very proud of everyone.

“A lot of people who previously lived here want to move back into the area now that there is better housing available. The regeneration work is really turning heads and it is fair to say that there is a waiting list now as a result of the great improvements across Anfield.”

Our regeneration work in Anfield continues with

Dean Rogers, Managing Director of Frank Rogers

a series of kitchen replacements at a row of


” FOLLOWING IN THE FAMILY FOOTSTEPS bungalows in Anfield, thanks to local contractor Frank Rogers. Founder of the contracting business, Frank Rogers, built the bungalows over 20 years earlier with his team, and now some two decades later the same firm will carry out replacement works at the properties. Frank’s son Dean now leads the company and discovered the chance finding during a visit to site. 6

“I knew that the road seemed really familiar

during a visit with some members of the Your Housing Group’s team and quickly

realised that my dad had built the homes

on Oakfield Road originally. The properties

were so well kept and maintained and there was a definite sense of pride in the road. “As a business and for me personally,

eld begins


ABOVE: Carole and the Penny Lane Builders outside the latest development in Anfield.

regeneration of Anfield and to know

that we will play a role in the continued

improvement of these properties and the wider area, continuing my dad’s strong legacy.”

As part of the contract, works include kitchen and bathroom replacements alongside general improvement works, all of which will be completed over a two year period.

Dave Litherland, Head of Anfield for Your Housing Group added:

This is a fantastic story and something

really important to Your Housing Group. Our regeneration work in Anfield is all about preserving the area for future

generations and the people who live in our homes and the surrounding areas

are really key to this. To be able to work

with a company who has that heritage with the area is vitally important.

Photography - Len Grant

it’s wonderful to be involved in the



Residents return

AFTER FLOOD REPAIRS ARE COMPLETED Your Derwent & Solway residents have been moving back into their homes in Keswick and Cockermouth, nearly five months after the Cumbrian floods left their homes uninhabitable. A total of 32 Your Derwent & Solway properties had to be vacated after flood waters hit the Cumbrian towns in December 2015, directly affecting residents over 70 residents from very young babies to elderly customers. Most of the properties affected were two

many of the houses and bungalows, and the team

storey flats, with 23 ground floor flats

is now working towards moving all residents back

damaged; Victoria Court, and St Kentigerns

to St Kentigerns in Keswick by the end of May.

Close, In addition houses and bungalows at The Headlands and Heads Road in Keswick and High Sand Lane, Main Street and Waterloo Street in Cockermouth, The flood damage to these properties was fairly severe with most having to be fully rewired, re-plastered, with new kitchens and bathrooms installed, as well as new external and internal doors and full decoration throughout. Thankfully, this restoration work is now in its final stages and all the Victoria Court residents have moved back to their homes, along with 8


Amanda Star, Head of Your Derwent & Solway said:

We were so happy to be able to start moving our residents back in to their

homes, and we would like to thank them all for their patience while we completed the restoration work. The impact of the flood waters in Cumbria was devastating, and I would also like to thank all of our staff and partners who have worked so hard

to support our residents since December, it was a real team effort from everyone




Did you know Mrs Atkinson [ABOVE] returns to her home in Cumbria


On returning to her home, Mrs Atkinson, from St Kentigerns

This month, we launched our Community Sustainability

Close, Keswick, said: “Derwent & Solway have been

and Regeneration Review, which provides key statistics

fantastic. The work has been carried out really well,

and evaluates the impact we made on our communities

they have been very helpful and it is everything we

between April 2015 and March 2016.

to our home and I am very very happy.”

The Review describes how we’ve delivered a total of 154

While this work was completed many residents chose to

how our projects have met key strategies including:

move in with family and friends, and 19 residents were

engaging with older and younger people, encouraging

relocated into Your Derwent & Solway’s Greta Gardens

healthy communities, supporting customers to sustain

development in Keswick temporarily.

their tenancies, helping our customers source benefits,

could have hoped for. It was so lovely to move back

As the properties at Greta Gardens were unfurnished, YHG partner contractor PPM Ltd, local suppliers Jeff Taylors, and Workington Food Bank supported residents with donated items such as furniture, televisions, fridges, carpets and

projects across our regions in the past year and details

and supporting customers into positive employment or training.

To read the Review,


microwaves to help them settle in to their temporary homes. 9



This spring we’re proud to have been recognised at various award ceremonies across the country. With accolades won in the TPAS Central and North Awards, as well as two of our staff going onto the finals for the Direct Works Forum Awards, we are feeling particularly proud of both staff and customers.


Employee and Tenant, Kelvin Hurst, was also a winner on the night for Tenant of the Year Award, nominated for his complete devotion to helping others in his community, both in his day job

Leek Town Ability Counts FC were the first to

and as a volunteer. Andrew Edwards, Regional

walk away with an award at the TPAS Central

Community Project Manager for Your Housing

Awards and won the Excellence in Equality

Group said:

and Diversity Award. We proudly sponsor the team and have seen them grow from nothing to over 20 players. The club gives disabled players the chance to play competitively in an FA affiliated league, whilst offering a network of friends and social opportunities for both boys and girls. 10

We’re so proud of Kelvin and Leek

Town Ability Counts FC, it is fantastic

to get recognition for what we do in the community and how we contribute to

creating positive opportunities for our customers.

from our community


LUCY AND CHRIS NOMINATED FOR DIRECT FORUM AWARDS Two members of the Your Moorlands Property Services team were shortlisted in the prestigious Direct Works Forum Awards announced on 7th June at The Ansty Hall in Coventry. The Direct Works Forum is the national representative body for Housing Associations and Local Authorities who employing their own repairs and maintenance staff. The annual awards recognise best practice in the sector, and the exceptional skill and commitment from staff. Chris Meredith, Property Services Supervisor and Lucy Aggas, Property Administration Assistant, were nominated for their excellent work with Your Moorlands over several years. Chris has worked for the team for over 25 years and has come to be relied upon for his common sense approach to problem solving and genuine concern for both Joining Kelvin and Leek Town Ability Counts

colleagues and customers.

FC at the TPAS finals in July will be Offerton Community Kitchen, who won the Excellence in

Lucy joined the team 8 years ago and as well as

Community Action Award at the North region

providing an excellent service as a repairs scheduler,

TPAS Awards.

Lucy is a key member of Your Housing Group’s Give and Gain group, which has raised over £7,000 for charities

Offerton Community Kitchen provides long

and good causes in the last year.

term financial sustainability for the community centre, whilst offering customers volunteering

Ted Malkin, Moorlands DLO Manager, nominated the

opportunities and accredited training courses. In

pair for the awards and is delighted that they were

the last financial year for 2015-16 the kitchen has generated over £300,000 worth of social value for the area. All of our TPAS Award winners will go on to the finals held at Chesford Grange in Warwickshire on 14th July 2016 – we wish them all the best of luck!

shortlisted for the final:

We’re proud of the work our team do. Chris

and Lucy’s commitment and willingness to

support colleagues are exemplary and they can

be relied on to go the extra mile and ensure we

deliver a consistently good, value for money service.



RIBBLE BROOK HOUSE wins Landlord of the Year Award


Your Housing Group owned student accommodation, Ribble Book House has won Landlord of the Year at the annual Love Hate Rate Awards, run by the Students’ Union at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN). Ribble Brook House was recognised for the development of a communal area for students

for multi-use games area in Birchwood People in Birchwood are set to get a new multi-use games area, thanks to a £50,000 grant from funding body WREN.

as well as supporting a student society to host activities, events and excursions, which they

The money, awarded by WREN’s FCC Community

provided funding for.

Action Fund, will be used to revamp the unloved piece of land into an exciting new outdoor games

Andria Hanson from Your Housing Group, who

zone at Brock Road in Birchwood, Warrington.

manages Ribble Brook House, said: Andrew Edwards, Regional Community Projects

The fact that these awards are

nominated by and voted for by student themselves makes this award all the

more special. It is excellent recognition

Manager of Your Housing Group believes the facility will make a huge difference to the lives of people living in the area.

for the hard work and dedication the

He says: “This project will provide a real

last 12 months. They have worked really

fantastic that WREN has awarded us this

team has put in to the scheme over the

boost to the people of Birchwood. It’s

hard to create an inclusive atmosphere and ensure tenants are well informed. In addition to the Landlord of the Year title, the chair of the new student tenant’s association, Amy Pemberton, was named Student Tenant of the Year. Amy has been

instrumental in instigating a number of social events, gathering feedback from tenants for


FREE TOOL HIRE FOR BIRCHWOOD CUSTOMERS A new tool hire scheme has been set up in Birchwood to offer customers free tool hire to help them with the upkeep of their gardens and homes.

Your Housing Group, and forming a resident’s

The Cheshire Estates Team managed to secure

society which has reached out to be inclusive

community project funding to set up the scheme

of all tenants.

which will initially operate in Birchwood.


[ABOVE] site after clearing

[ABOVE] site before

money and we’re really looking forward to

grant applications for projects that

the next couple of months”.

and we’re really looking forward to

our multi-use games area taking shape over

WREN is a not-for-profit business that awards grants

make a difference to local communities seeing this one take shape soon.

for community, biodiversity and heritage projects

Andrew Edwards hopes the land will be ready

from funds donated by FCC Environment through the

to use by October 2016.

Landfill Communities Fund.

Additional funding for this project has been

Richard Smith, WREN’s grant manager for Warrington

supplied by Your Housing Group, Birchwood

and Halton, says:

Town Council, New Balance, Friends of

We’re delighted to be supporting the

Brock Road Multi use Games Area project

and pleased our funding will provide such

a fantastic facility for young people across

Birchwood. WREN is always happy to consider

Equipment available for hire on the pilot scheme includes: Lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, jet washer, spades, forks and strimmers. The service is free to Your Housing Group customers and will operate on a one day a week collection service – collecting the previous week’s loan equipment in the morning and delivering equipment to new customers in the afternoon.

the Local Oakwood Park, LiveWire, Active Cheshire and Birchwood High School.

Updates of the project will be featured

on the Your Warrington Facebook Page.

One customer said: ‘I’m in the middle of working on my front and back garden so the scheme is a great idea. I highly recommended it and something I will use again’.

If you would like further information

on the scheme or would like to hire

a tool, please call the team on 01925 593641.




opens its doors to first

We’ve been welcoming our first customers to Willow Barns this month, following completion in early May.

but since my wife and my

The development is the first of three

forward to being able to

best friend passed away,

and with my mobility issues, I’ve become a little isolated so I’m very much looking

retirement living developments in Stoke-on-

socialise a little more.”

Trent to be completed and has been built by Sapphire, a consortium appointed by Stoke-

The multi-million pound project,

on-Trent City Council and consisting of Your

administered by Stoke-on-Trent

Housing Group, Eric Wright Group and Kajima

City Council and sponsored by

Partnership Ltd.

the Homes and Communities Agency, will meet a clear housing

Willow Barns in Blurton is the first site to be

need for people aged over 55.

completed in a project to deliver 390 extra care apartments across three sites in Stoke-

Stoke-on-Trent City Council

on-Trent for local people aged 55 and over.

cabinet member for health and

All 75 apartments at Willow Barns will be fully occupied as residents move in over the coming weeks. New resident, James Stockton, explains why he chose to move to Willow Barns. James said: “My current flat is very small and isn’t at all built to accommodate my wheelchair; the doors are too narrow and weighted so I can’t open them myself, which makes me feel like a

Mr Stockton is the perfect

example of why we are

building the retirement living villages in Stoke-on-Trent. The aim is to provide independent living in a supportive environment so that people maintain, or

regain, their independence. The perception of retirement living complexes is clearly

prisoner in my own flat.

changing, with people starting to recognise

“Someone suggested that I looked at

asset to the community, creating a hub for

Willow Barns and I was really impressed by the size of the flat and how nice


social care Ann James said:

it as a positive choice, as well as a valuable everyone.

it was. The doors at Willow Barns are

Sarah Houghton-Grimshaw, Retirement Living

able to move about myself and go

first residents moving in, and to hear their

some of my independence so that will

retirement living schemes are referred to as

been a social person and like company,

not even in the same stratosphere as the

wider too which means that I will be

Manager added: “It is really exciting to see the

outside, which will allow me to regain

thoughts about Willow Barns. Sometimes

make a big difference to me. I’ve always

‘care homes’ but these developments are




traditional ‘care

home’. They are

modern apartment buildings that are

designed to cater for a more mature generation and provide extra support if, or when, it is needed.”

Willow Barns located close to the city centre, the

living space, making it easy for residents

new development offers on-site amenities including

to keep their existing furniture if they are

hairdressers and beauty salon, which will also be open


to the public. Each of the 75 apartments has been finished to a high standard by local contractor Wallace Contracts. The apartments include a modern kitchen complete with oven, hob and extractor, stylish wet room and spacious

Willow Barns is just one of our 19

retirement living developments, if

you’re interested in finding out more,

visit the retirement living pages on our website.






£13,000 for Alzheimer’s To order your Tea and Talk fundraising pack, simply email Aimee., confirming when your event is expected to take place, who the organiser will be and a full postal address for the pack to be sent to.

If you share your event on

Facebook or Twitter please use #YHGAlzheimers.

Since the official launch of our Charity of the Year partnership in October 2015, there has been a huge amount of support from staff across the business to get involved and raise as much money as possible. This has ranged from Memory Walks and Tough Mudder, to Quiz Nights and Pool Tournaments. Your generosity will ensure the Alzheimer’s Society can continue to lead the fight against all types of dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most common.

£13K (MAY


So far we have raised over £13,000! This could pay for the running of a Dementia Café for an entire year, giving up to 45 people the opportunity to share their personal experiences and feel less isolated. We are currently promoting Tea and Talk across the group and are encourage staff and customers to get involved and throw a tea party with family, friends and colleagues, where you can make all kinds of cakes, cupcakes, biscuits or even preserves to entice people along. 17

Repairs - who does what and when?


s w h at e o d o h W ? and when






Warrington WA3 6ZN


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