Ww 2017 12 01 combined

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YOUR local




Be an owner of a media company by pennie scott

ONCE upon a time, and not so long ago, Wagga had a high proportion of locally owned businesses run by, and employing generations of families. Back in the 1970’s you could count on a few fingers the number of out-of-townbased brands. In 2017, the proportion of national brands compared to locally owned and independent companies in Wagga has reversed. Some call this progress as, allegedly, customers have greater choice of products. The promises of new export markets as the outcome of Free Trade Agreements have a flip-side too. The reciprocal is Australia has mega-tonnes of imports flooding into the shoppersphere. With the cost of labour significantly lower than Australia in many countries, the outcome is the closure of many traditional manufacturing enterprises. A healthy landscape ecology is made up of a huge and diverse range of species; plants, fungi, animals and all the variations of each. Individuals, populations and communities of each are identified, counted and analysed by their inter- and intra-relationships. A healthy business ecology is exactly the same; a wide diversity of types, sizes, tastes, owners, locations, connections, sovereignty, provenance and terroir. Some of these words used to be familiar when describing food, hand-made goods, types of services, districts and communities. But, with the homogenisation through mass-production of ‘stuff’ from far away, not even labelling provides a clue to its origin, the materials from which it is made, or who actually had a hand, or machine, in the making of it. Very clever social engineering has created members of a society which generally are ignorant about the effects of globalisation on their own lives and the long-term effects on their families. Knight’s Meats is a family-owned business employing 52 people and increasing that number to 55 during the busy Christmas rush. “In our delicatessen section alone, we carry produce from 120 individual artisan

producers with 50 per cent of them from within the Riverina”, explained owner, Deaane McNaughton. “A high proportion of our costs is due to the necessity of staff unpacking, recording and showcasing these goods. The great news is that these artisans have a retail outlet in a dedicated foodie location and that is how our local economy works,” she said. “For a small food retailer in a town with 12 supermarkets, Knight’s Meats annual turnover appears impressive. We have a higher wages-to-sales ratio than the (supermarket) industry benchmark, but we do that so each customer has the undivided attention of our staff. When customers come in, they experience all the characteristics of the food and shared knowledge and passion from people who know the origins and

actually eat it, too. “Employing so many local people is part of our philosophy and we are the opposite to supermarkets continually trying to lower their operating costs with the insertion of customer-operated check-outs now. That means fewer staff, not more,” Ms McNaughton added. Media quality and democracy also thrives when the ownership is diversified. Industrial media have been the major carriers of information; namely newspapers, television and radio. In the 1970’s in even the smallest towns, the newspaper was locally owned and independent. The understanding was that if you spent money in your town, those dollars would flow on and around at least seven times. In Wagga, The Leader was established

Geoff Pettitt, Wes Fang and Greg Conkey cut the ribbon to open Your Local Wagga Weekly.

by Greg Conkey as a small start-up media company eventually employing 13 staff covering every aspect of creation and production. The Leader was focused purely on the many communities making up the characters, flavours and personalities of Wagga with people living here finding, collecting and sharing the diversity of stories through the seasons of each year. In 2017, Wagga has numerous television and radio outlets with most owned by national corporations in capital cities. Waggawagga.tv and Triple A community radio capture the nuances and idiosyncrasies of the people who work, live and love being here. Wagga Weekly is the latest independent media company to complete the media trifecta of television, radio and print to provide an unfettered and independent voice, and to highlight the gratitude of living in a safe, clean and beautiful place on the planet. The opportunity to own a piece of your own newspaper and media company is usually confined to just a few. Wagga Weekly is different and celebrates its shareholders from this town and offers the chance for more people to become share-holders. “When you buy from a small business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third investment property. You are helping a daughter have dance lessons, a son to go on the football team’s away games, a mum to put food on the table, a father to pay a mortgage or a student pay their university fees.” Anon To maintain a healthy business ecology in Wagga, you are invited to become a shareholder in this independent media company. Shape your future or someone else will. Be part of this old-new world of local futures. Keep the money in our town and assist in the creation of meaningful careers for everyone irrespective of age, creed or gender. Prosperity is a wonderful word and as it increases, the benefits keep flowing around. For more information, contact Janet Ashcroft at janet@waggaweekly.com.au.

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Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

The Mobile Midwife – Jade Jones

by pennie scott IN societies with modern medicine, the traditional methods of midwifery-continuative-led childbirth have been pushed aside as obstetrician-led care dominates. Childbirth is a highly emotional topic with expectations of safe delivery and perfectly healthy babies causing this natural process to become a medical procedure. Jade Jones is employed as a mid-wife at both Calvary Private Hospital and the Wagga Rural Referral Hospital and also has visiting rights to accompany her private clients to both facilities as their mid-wife of choice. Jade is the first private, Medicare eligible mid-wife in NSW. “I was inspired to become a mid-wife as the result of the wonderful care I was given by my mid-wife when having my two sons,” Jade explained. “I commenced my training in 2007 through Charles Sturt University with placements in Port Macquarie, Bega and Liverpool and the diversity of these placements provided extensive experience for me. “The process of becoming a privately registered mid-wife with hospital visiting rights has taken years so I am a trail-blazer in this regard,” she said. “I want women in more locations to have access to home-based ante-and post-natal care where they are most comfortable, and their family can be an integral part of the whole process of pregnancy and childbirth.” Ms Jones said both hospitals where she has visiting rights have very comfortable birthing suites as opposed to the clinical settings which were the norm in hospitals only a few years ago. “Naturally my client and I discuss how they hope and plan their labour to be and I take candles, music of their choice and soft lighting to enable the labour to be as relaxed as possible. “Labour is a normal process yet, for some people, there is fear attached to the unknown and women are unsure how they will react to a very new physical and emotional experience. With the addition of home comforts, the anxiety lessens and labour can proceed more calmly,” Jade said. Statistically, midwifery-led care leads to better outcomes for mothers and babies according to research from the Journal of the Australian College of Midwives which says women are more likely to commence labour spontaneously, have vaginal births, less analgesia and a higher satisfaction rate from the whole experience. “As a private mid-wife, I see my clients in their own homes but I can only manage people within an hour of Wagga although there is demand all over NSW,” Jade said. “With the closure of many smaller hospital’s midwifery services, women have no option but to have their babies in the larger

towns; often these departments are run by the obstetric-led care where choices for the style of labour and birth are limited.” “I established My Mobile Midwife so women have another option when they

are in one of the most exciting and potentially tense times of their life. Facilitating this miraculous process of birth is such a privilege which really is the right of every woman,” Jade concluded.

Jade Jones and baby Jax.

The lighter side...

The team at Wagga Weekly were hoping for a positive response to the first edition last week but were unprepared to learn about the lengths one person undertook to get his hands on a copy. This chap resides in Ladysmith so a copy wasn’t delivered to his home so creative means were employed to locate a copy early on Friday morning. While driving into Wagga, he passed a block of flats where it appeared

no-one was yet up and about. He quietly got out of the car and furtively looked near the mailboxes. Locating one, he dived back into the car and quit the scene as quickly as possible. The first edition was shown to many customers in his shop that day and we are honoured he risked his reputation as a law-abiding citizen simply to get his hands on the first Wagga Weekly.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

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Women in Business Christmas Party

Planning for future society, business and environmental needs

Kerry Penton TAFE. by pennie scott

Naomi Miller, Danielle Wait and Tina Bingham.

Kim Martinshaw, Annabel Williams, Marney Johnstone and Tim McMulliin. by pennie scott CELEBRATING the achievements of members in Women in Business Wagga is a feature of the social gatherings and just one of the ways in which this group of women from all sectors of business, including local government, the defence forces, private enterprise and public service pays recognition. Women in Business is open to women of all ages, careers and interests with a creative committee led by president, Naomi Miller, from Borambola Wines. A feature of the WiB calendar is the annual guest speaker in the beginning of each year. In 2016, multiple world-champion

surfer Layne Beachley attracted 400 guests. This year, founder of Carman’s muesli bars, Carolyn Cresswell, described how she used a $1,000 investment to buy the little company she used to work for and grew it to be worth close to $85 million. On 1 March 2018, the guest speaker will be Michelle Bridges, known for her health and fitness profile and one of the personal trainers on the TV show ‘The Biggest Loser’. Women wanting to join Women in Business Wagga can do so on the following website: https://www.womeninbusinesswagga. org.au

The saga continues

DESPITE the High Court decision, the question of who is truly Australian or a citizen of another country as well continues to simmer along in the community, embroiling even more politicians. As pointed out last week, the relevant section 44 of the Australian constitution states that “Any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power”. It would appear on the surface that everyone born in Australia prior to 26 January 1949 would be “entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power”. And Britain certainly rates as a “foreign power”. Closer to home, recent changes to New Zealand law mean that Australian citizens don’t need a visa to live, study or work in New Zealand. The New Zealand Government website states that “If you are a citizen or permanent resident of Australia you don’t need a visa to live and work in New Zealand”. That means Australians living, working or studying in New Zealand are a subject of that country and consequently, “entitled to the rights and privileges of” New Zealand. New Zealand has maintained its status as a “foreign power” since rejecting the invitation to join the Australian Federation declaration in 1901. So where does that leave all Australians, including politicians? It may be that, in future, baby boomers and their parents may have to join the Barmy Army during Ashes series rather than the contingent chanting “Aussie-Aussie-Aussie-OI-OI-OI.

THREE of Wagga’s most influential entities have renewed their commitment to analyse and plan for the next 100 years in the Riverina. Charles Sturt University, TAFE NSW and the Wagga Wagga City Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 24 November at a ceremony in the Lower Level of the Wagga Art Gallery. Vice Chancellor of Charles Sturt University, Professor Andy Vann, Mayor Greg Conkey, and General Manager of TAFE NSW, Kerry Penton, officiated and represented the numerous members from each organisation who have been designing the memorandum for months. “Wagga’s story needs to be told and our three organisations are well placed to build a narrative for the region which is compelling and attractive, and pave

the way for many future projects,” Ms Penton said. ‘These organisations working together in this revised and contemporised arrangement will be a powerful boost to the economy of the region.” “It is an idea whose time has come as higher education and training go hand in hand with strategic planning for this city. “This contribution will address a range of issues, including environmental and socio-cultural through to infrastructure and investment strategies for the city and region,” Ms Penton said. “Charles Sturt University has a strong focus on partnering with the towns and regional centres where our campuses are located,” Professor Andrew Vann said. “Collaboration between these entities will enhance the city’s position as a regional location for business, balanced living and a leader in education, training and research for regional Australia,” he concluded.

Kerry Penton, Greg Conkey and Andy Vann.

session times FRIDay 1ST DECEMBER TO WEDnESDay 6TH DECEMBER 2017

Wonder NEW THIS WEEK – NO FREE TICKETS Fri: 2:30pm, 6:00pm, 8:45pm Sat: 10:30am, 2:30pm, 6:00pm, 8:45pm Sun: 10:30am, 3:00pm Mon: 10:30am, 1:15pm, 2:30pm, 5:45pm, 8:15pm Tue, Wed: 1:15pm, 2:30pm, 5:45pm, 8:15pm

123 min

The Man Who Invented Christmas NEW THIS WEEK – NO FREE TICKETS Fri: 12:15pm, 4:45pm, 7:15pm Sat: 12:15pm, 4:45pm, 6:30pm Sun: 12:15pm, 3:00pm, 5:45pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 12:15pm, 4:15pm, 6:00pm

119 min

Only the Brave NEW THIS WEEK – NO FREE TICKETS Fri: 12:30pm, 3:15pm, 9:00pm Sat: 9:45am, 3:15pm, 9:00pm Sun: 12:00pm, 5:15pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 12:30pm, 3:15pm, 7:45pm

149 min

The Star NEW THIS WEEK – NO FREE TICKETS Fri: 11:45am, 5:00pm Sat: 11:45am, 3:45pm Sun: 10:00am, 1:15pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 9:45am

101 min

Coco 147 min ADVANCE FAMILY DAY SCREENING - NO FREE TICKETS Sun: 2:30pm Funny Face (1957) 118 min SILVER SCREEN - ALL TICKETS $12.50; INCLUDES AFTERNOON TEA (Sunday) & LUNCH (Wednesday) Sun: 3:30pm Wed: 10:30am Justice League Fri: 9:45am, 1:15pm, 6:15pm, 9:15pm Sat: 10:15am, 1:15pm, 6:15pm, 9:15pm Sun: 10:15am, 5:30pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:15am, 8:00pm

135 min


Daddy’s Home 2 108 min Fri: 9:45am, 2:00pm, 4:15pm, 6:30pm Sat: 9:45am, 2:00pm, 4:15pm, 7:15pm Sun: 10:15am, 12:30pm, 3:45pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:15am, 2:00pm, 3:45pm, 6:30pm Thor: Ragnarok Fri, Sat: 10:30am, 1:30pm, 8:30pm Sun: 10:30am, 5:00pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 10:30am, 1:00pm, 7:30pm

145 min

Murder on the Orient Express Fri: 12:30pm, 4:15pm, 6:45pm Sat: 12:45pm, 4:15pm, 6:45pm Sun: 12:45pm, 2:45pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 12:45pm, 3:45pm, 6:15pm

128 min

Bad Moms 2 Fri: 3:45pm, 9:15pm Sat: 5:00pm, 9:15pm Sun: 5:30pm Mon: 11:45am, 5:00pm, 8:30pm Tue: 5:00pm, 8:30pm Wed: 11:45am, 5:00pm, 8:30pm

119 min

Goodbye Christopher Robin Fri, Sat: 10:00am, 2:45pm, 7:00pm Sun: 10:00am, 1:00pm, 5:45pm Mon: 10:00am, 3:15pm, 5:30pm Tue: 11:45am, 3:15pm, 5:30pm Wed: 10:00am, 3:15pm, 5:30pm

122 min

Better Watch Out MUST END SOON Fri, Sat: 9:30pm Mon, Tue, Wed: 8:30pm

104 min

My Little Pony: The Movie ADULTS AT KIDS PRICES MUST END SOON Sat: 12:30pm

114 min

MUMS & BUBS - sessions are back every Thursday! Check out our website for more details. NFT - Any complimentary/ free tickets issued by the cinema cannot be used for these sessions

FORUM 6 CINEMAS WAGGA WAGGA be entertained...

77 Trail Street Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 (02) 6921 6863

page 4

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017


Toy run hits the road again

A bevy of bikers take a break for morning tea during last year’s toy run. RESIDENTS around Wagga and Forest Hill are likely to hear a continuous rumble moving through their suburb on Saturday, but don’t worry, it isn’t an earthquake; it’s the annual Combined Riders of Wagga Christmas Toy Run. Marking more than 25 years, the run has been organised by the local branch of the Ulysses Club in conjunction with the local chapter of the Harley Owners Group, better known as HOGS, to collect toys and dona-

tions to buy toys for needy families. One of the organisers, Ulyssesian Pat Combs, said that although toys are welcome, riders and the public are encouraged to make monetary donations which are used to buy toys from local businesses. “In this way we have control over the age groups we provide for and can make sure they’re all catered for,” Pat said. Covering a total of 90 kilometres, the toy run will set off from Jubilee Oval Car

Park at 9.00 am and proceed to Forest Hill before taking a gratuitous route to Apex Park at Lake Albert. The entourage will then wend its way through various suburbs to finish at the Civic Centre around midday. “We expect between 200 and 250 bikes to take part in the run,” Pat said. “At the conclusion of the run, all the toys will be handed over to the St Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army Charities for distribution to children up to 15 years old

from underprivileged families at Christmas. “We’ll also auction some furniture and other items provided by the Junee Jail and conduct some raffle draws,” he said adding that none of the money raised goes to administration. “Because of the large number of bikes expected to be involved, traffic police and staff from Wagga Wagga City Council will monitor the run to ensure the event runs smoothly and safely,” Pat said.

Men’s Shed share pencils at Ashmont PS

FOR students at Ashmont Primary School a visit from the Wagga Men’s Shed provided a true experience from the time of their great grandparents and beyond. At the time of the student’s ancestors a good result or exemplary behaviour was rewarded with the offer of: “Go to the top of the class and give the pencils out”. Last week Rick Priest from the Wagga Men’s Shed was at the Ashmont Public School assembly distributing pencils as part of a campaign to encourage students to use equipment other than the computer. Mr Priest said it was important for students to extend their motor skills through writing and drawing with what, for all intents and purposes, has become a rarely used instrument. “With the ever increasing use of technologies such as computers and mobile ‘phones, even ball point pens, the use of pencils by young people is rare. “As part of the Men’s Shed efforts to introduce students at Ashmont Public to practical skills through visits to our workshop we endeavour to keep the ethos going through visits to the school such as the pencil distribution,” Mr Priest said.

Principal Di McGregor and Rick Priest.

L-R: Natasha Bryant, Rick Priest, Gianna Labio and Gilbert Labio.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

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Once we know, we can’t un-know by pennie scott ATTENDING the Wellness Seminar in Wagga last Sunday with more than one hundred people was a(nother) pivotal point in my life. Having studied Naturopathic medicine way back in the 1980’s when a relatively new mama, I realised that what goes into our mouths creates interesting realities. The speakers (see details in Pre-Polluted babies) have years of individual and collective knowledge, some very personal and intimate which were the reasons they started their research journeys, Supposedly, we live in an environment with the prevailing common belief is that if something wasn’t safe to eat, put on your skin or breathe, it wouldn’t be legal. Right? With the ever-increasing numbers of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s) obviously there is something very wrong. Predictions include a percentage of children under the age of 16 will pre-decease their parents through illness. The number of children acquiring autism, not being born with it, is increasing. Why? Incidences of congenital malformations in boys is increasing. Why? All the speakers agreed there was a memorable moment when human illnesses became more common than rude, good health and that was when modern agriculture included the widespread use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. For the past six decades, agricultural

technology has been slick and quick at creating silver bullets, getting them into the landscapes and doing very little testing. When the ingredients are tested this is done individually, not in combination when the most toxic effects are realised. The family of organochlorines including DDT was touted “good for me-e-e-e” when first introduced after WWll where it was used to combat malaria, typhus and other insect-borne diseases among the military. It was marketed as the modern cure for pesky insects and sprayed with gay abandon through households. It wasn’t until Rachel Carson’s seminal book ‘Silent Spring’ was published in 1962 chronicling the decline of the iconic Bald Eagle due to the thinning of its shells voiding the viability of the young birds. The trail led to and through the food chain where it was discovered DDT was toxic to crabs and fish - food for Bald Eagles. Fast-forward to glyphosate and the multiplicity of links between it and many illnesses including some types of cancer. In 2015, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka banned any further imports of glyphosate plus no further use of existing stocks. Prior to becoming Prime Minister, Maithripala Sirasena was a farmer, and his first ministerial position was health. From his own experience, he saw the links between leaching of glyphosate into wells and the chronic kidney diseases befalling farmers. The European Union is close to banning glyphosate. It is so pervasive that its

residues were recently found in 45% of Europe’s topsoil and in the urine of three quarters of Germans tested and at five times the legal limit for drinking water. Since 1974, almost enough of the enzyme-blocking herbicide has been sprayed to cover every cultivable acre of the planet. Its residues have been found in biscuits, crackers, crisps, breakfast cereals and in 60% of breads sold in the UK. So, knowing the extent of chemical pol-

lution affecting every species on the planet, what are we as individuals and a collective going to do about it? Sit back and say it’s not my business? Make changes in your own lifestyle? Request answers from the authorities which deem this chemical safe – www. fsanz.gov.au and www.apvma.gov.au and cost Australian taxpayers more than $165b in the illness budget? Over to you.

High Court determination of citizenship issue by Tim Abbott from Walsh & Blair Lawyers THE High Court delivered its judgment on 27 October 2017 and in so doing determined its interpretation of Section 44 of the Australian Constitution finding that Senators Nash, Ludlam, Waters and Roberts and the Honourable Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce were incapable of being eligible of being chosen or sitting as Senators, or as a member of the House of Representatives in the case of the Honourable Barnaby Joyce MP. The decision of the High Court was delivered by Chief Justice Kiefel AC, and Justices Bell, Gageler, Keane, Nettle, Gordon and Edelman J J, by a majority of seven to nil. The relevant Section 44 of the Constitution provides that: “Any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power”. Senators Nash, Ludlam, Waters and Roberts and Barnaby Joyce had no knowledge at the time any of them nominated for

office that they were, in addition to being a citizen of Australia, a citizen of a foreign power. While there were slightly different approaches to the arguments put forward on their behalf, it was common that the High Court was being asked to interpret Section 44 on a wide, or liberal basis, effectively importing into that section the necessity of some degree of knowledge by a nominating candidate of the possibility of dual citizenship. The Attorney General, on behalf of Senators Canavan, Roberts and Xenophon, argued that Section 44 requires that the foreign citizenship be voluntarily obtained or voluntarily retained. The implied element of voluntariness was said to import a requirement that the person know or be wilfully blind about his or her foreign citizenship. The argument put forward on behalf of Mr Joyce and Senator Nash required that the relevant part of Section 44 be read that foreign citizenship be chosen or maintained. It was submitted that a person cannot make a choice to retain or renounce any foreign citizenship if he or she has no knowledge of that citizenship. The further approach argued on behalf

of Senators Ludlam and Waters was that Section 44(i) required that a person be “put on notice” such that a person would be disqualified if he or she had knowledge of facts that, in the mind of a reasonable person taking a properly diligent approach to compliance with the Constitution, ought to call into question the belief that he or she is not a subject or citizen of a foreign power and prompt proper inquiries. Knowledge would include, at least, the knowledge of primary facts that would prompt inquiry and, at most, all of the knowledge of the person. The High Court rejected all three approaches, in particular finding that Section 44 does not say that it operates only if the candidate knows of the disqualifying circumstances. “It is a substantial departure from the ordinary and natural meaning of the text of the second limb to understand it as commencing: “Any person who knows that he or she is the subject or a citizen….” Further, finding to introduce an issue as to the extent of the knowledge obtained by a candidate and the extent of the candidate’s efforts in that regard is to open up conceptual and practical uncertainties in

the application of the provision. These uncertainties are apt to undermine stable representative government”. Further, the High Court found that Section 44 was not concerned with whether a candidate was negligent in failing to comply with its requirements nor was it relevant whether a candidate had made reasonable enquiries or efforts to comply with its requirements. In summary, the High Court found that the relevant part of Section 44 operates to render incapable of being chosen or sitting persons who have a status of subject or citizen of a foreign power. It appears from their Honours judgment that the only wriggle room in relation to Section 44 applied to candidates who could demonstrate that they had taken all reasonable steps as required by a foreign power to renounce his or her citizenship prior to nomination. However, the High Court has adopted a literal interpretation of Section 44 in finding that the knowledge of the candidate or any reasonable actions of the candidate in ascertaining whether or not they may be ineligible is simply irrelevant.

Settlers now have 19 new apartments care and independence...

Stephen McCrea Manager, Settlers Apartments

Settlers Apartments in the leafy suburb of Estella, close to Wagga’s town centre, is about to enter a new phase in its recent development and expansion. There are 19 new apartments available for sale now, adding to 67 existing apartments. Settlers Apartments have been in operation for nine years, developed as a continuation of Settlers Village, and this latest release gives prospective residents, aged over 55, the opportunity to be part of a safe, secure and independent community. Manager Stephen McCrea said the many benefits of assisted living at Settlers Apartments was providing more options in seniors living.

“The Settlers Group identified the need in the local community for “Assisted Living” and Settlers Apartments was opened in 2008 in response to that need,” Mr McCrea said. “Assisted living gives people the choice, to be as independent as they like, knowing there is always help, care and assistance on hand if and when they need it. “Our facility has now expanded to accommodate the needs of the local community and we’re pleased to offer 19 new apartments as an option for prospective residents.” Mr McCrea said Settlers took the hard tasks out of life, such as laundry washing, cleaning and cooking. There is also 24/7 care available, with all staff fully qualified.

1 Franklin Dr, Estella, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650 T (02) 6923 6400 F (02) 6923 6499 E manager@settlersvillage.com.au W www.settlersvillage.com.au

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Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

Landcare hands make light work

Members of the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group participating in a hands on workshop learning about Low Cost Erosion Control to slow water flow and prevent gully erosion.

LANDCARE in the Riverina region has a great history with some of the longest serving groups in the NSW network. Among them are the Kyeamba Valley Landcare which formed in 1989, Tarcutta Valley Landcare which formed in 1991 and Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare Group which became incorporated in 1995 after the formation of the Wagga Urban Salinity Working Group. Tree planting is intrinsically linked to Landcare activities, but there are many others, including pest animal control, recycling, promoting regional produce, pasture cropping, making artificial nest boxes, creek bank stabilisation, cultural burning, improving efficiencies in crop management, stock health, film nights and lots of BBQ’s! Landcare is all about people helping to make a difference in our community and anybody can get involved and enjoy meeting like-minded people. Local Landcare coordinators are a great starting point to identify how you can connect with an existing group or start a new one. Coordinators for the Riverina Highlands Landcare Network are based in Wagga, Young, Temora, Griffith, Holbrook, Deniliquin, Burrumbuttock and Hay. Regional Landcare Facilitators based in Wagga, Coleambally and Holbrook network between Landcare and producer groups, and link them to industry and other organisations which support sustainable farming and better environmental outcomes. Every Thursday at 6.40am on ABC Riverina radio you can hear a weekly update on all things related to Landcare in the Riverina Highlands Landcare Network. You can follow local Landcare events and other activities also on Murrumbidgee Landcare and the Murrumbidgee Landcare Facebook and Twitter websites. One of the easiest ways to support Landcare is support the Riverina Highlands Landcare Nursery. You can volunteer to help maintain the nursery or buy native plants for your garden or farm. For more information about Landcare locally email office@mli. org.au or go to the website at www.mli.org.au.

Landing fees lighten up thanks to Council A DECISION by the Wagga City Council this week has ended a long running debate about aircraft landing fees at Wagga Airport. Council agreed to reinstate the annual landing permit fee for local freight aircraft, resident private aircraft, resident commercial and training aircraft and landing charges for fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing aircraft. It also endorsed for fees and charges for a variety of fixed and rotary winged aircraft.

Both decisions will be placed on public exhibition from 2 December until 3 January 2018. The President of the Wagga City Aero Club, Geoff Breust, the decision to re-instate the previous fee regime and not charge locally based private and commercial aircraft for every landing was welcome. “This arrangement had been in place for some years and worked well,” Geoff said. “Moving to a per landing charge would

have involved greater administrative costs to Council and acted as a disincentive for locals flying to maintain currency and experience. “We objected when Council tried to impose the charges without proper consultation and I am pleased we have reverted to the previous fees. The club also objected to the Council’s plans to introduce parking fees for visiting aircraft. “This would have been a disincentive to

Lear Jet landing at Wagga Airport.

tourism and undermine the club’s continuing effects to bring more recreational activity to Wagga,” Geoff said. “Visitors buy fuel, have maintenance done, visit the airport kiosk, hold functions at our club house and purchase accommodation, food and other services in the city. “The Council decision to vote against parking fees at the airport would result in a significant boost for the region’s economy and tourism,” Geoff said.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

page 7

Pick your own strawberries

WAGGA resident are to be spoilt with activity choices once again following a decision by the Wagga City Council to approve a development application for a pick-your-own strawberry farm. The man behind the application, Michael Cashen, said the pick-your-own development would allow Wagga residents and visitors to have fresh produce the year round. “It’s a grazing property with some strategically planted trees at the moment, but by this time next year there will be three hectares of hydroponically grown strawberries,” Michael said. “We will produce around 42 tonnes a year using town water and employ about 20 people, with particularly emphasis on people with a disability. “Because the hydroponic troughs will be at waist height the crop will be easily accessible for people with a disability and will overcome the necessity for others to bend which is the tradition for conventionally grown strawberries,” he said. The development is expected to cost around $1 million and will include a café, processing plant and commercial kitchen which will produce value added products such as ice-cream. “The encouragement from the Council and the potential its decision has created for Wagga tourism is very rewarding for myself and everyone in the Wagga region,” Michael said.

19 Blake Street, Wagga Wagga

Duffy Bros

Opposite Mobility Scooters

Ph: 6921 4742 Fax: 6925 9090

Email: order@duffybrosfresh.com.au OPENING HOURS Monday-Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 3pm • Sunday 9am - 2pm



OES T A TOM 9/kg 9 $








RY h E L E C unc b / 99


NES I R A T NEC 9/kg 9 $


MS O O HR MUS 99/kg $




page 8

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

Rosehill gaRdens saturday 1

12.35 Book Summer Hospitality Plate


Apprentices can claim 2yo SW+P $100,000 1.







3 RheingAu (4) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . . G Schofield 3 nuke h (5) G A Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Parr Flying PieRRo h (2) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Angland Silent AgendA (6) Edward O’Rourke . . . . . . . . . . T Clark toulouSe h (7) David Payne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn 3 PeRFect Pitch (3) G Portelli . . . . . . . . . Ms R King (a1 .5) colombinA (1) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla miSS invincible (8) Bjorn Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Collett miSS invincible, Rheingau, Flying Pierro, toulouse



56 6 .00 56 15 .00 56 5 .00 56 6 .00 56 9 .00 54 13 .00 54 4 .20 54 3.30

2018 ATC Membership


Apprentices can claim 3yo benchmark 75 $100,000 1.


521s3 9s211 8s111 41261 1411s s9s31 5s1 3s113

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8








cuRdled w (1) Peter Robl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Parr 61 5 .50 Junglized (3) Brad Widdup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith 59 .5 6 .00 PRetty FASt cdw (6) P & P Snowden . . . . . . . . T Angland 58 3.60 equAl bAlAnce t (2) Kurt Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 .00 WhyPeeo (4) A J Edmonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn 57 .5 5 .50 ePidemic dw (5) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla 54 .5 4 .60 AmeRicAnA mAgic d (7) Grant Allard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 .5 15 .00 liSdoonvARnA d (8) Ms A Turner & M Poletti . . . P Wells 53 15 .00 WhyPeeo, equal balance, Americana magic, Pretty Fast


tab.com.au Handicap


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

22261 65811 4s9s2 s0685 s8953 s0436 69766 77008 0s565









vASSAl tcdwh (5) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Angland 62 4 .80 doukhAn cdw (9) K A Lees . . . . . . . .J Van Overmeire (a) 60 3.70 imPeRiAl AviAtoR (1) G Waterhouse & A Bott . . . J Parr 59 .5 4 .20 Pygmy (3) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla 59 11 .00 gReAt glen h (8) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Schofield 56 .5 4 .80 lASt WiSh cdn (7) John Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn 56 10 .00 ShAlmAneSeR w (2) Richard Litt . . . . . . . .A Hyeronimus 55 .5 13 .00 doRnieR w (4) J F Moloney . . . . . . . . . . . A Adkins (a1 .5) 53 21 .00 coRdeRo h (6) M, W & J Hawkes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 10 .00 doukhAn, great glen, vassal, Pygmy


TAB Highway Handicap


Apprentices can claim 3yo & up class 2 $60,000 1.






















1 6339s 2 116s7 3 6s117 4 3511s 5 11248 6 2417s 7 6s131 8 1276s 9 s3622 10 3s891 11 100s1 12 232s2 13 1s334 14 41 15 88352 16 1s44 17 7s1 18 66113

Race 1

SAxton Rock (6) M J Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . volPe w (15) D A Williams . . . . . . . .J Van Overmeire (a3) doctoR zed dwb (7) Morgan Butler . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith Fui SAn (20) T J Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn SniP the mo (5) N J Osborne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRee ticket b (4) M D Griffith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tAkookAcod w (9) S Spackman . . . . . . B Mc Dougall (a) let it Roll b (8) N J Olive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms K O’Hara SimPly StRiking d (10) N J Osborne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelley beAch RoAd d (19) J A Sprague . . A Adkins (a) zARco w (2) Paul Matts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms R Payne (a) StAR ASPiRAtion (13) K Dryden & S Collings . . . G Schofield bel diAblo (21) David J Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Collett miSteR SmARtee dw (11) S G Morton . Ms R King (a1 .5) mAgic beneteAu w (17) T S Howlett . . . . .Ms M Weir (a) RugenbRAu (16) Luke Pepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla metRAllA dw (3) N F Gardner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Ford WheRe’S PiPPA w (22) R T Waters . . . . . . Ms D Panya (a)



1. RheingAu (James Cummings) 2c By Animal Kingdom (US) - Rheinfels (1:00-1): Cd 58kg(1) 1/2 len 2-3/4 len 3rd Dynamited(58kg), Secret Lady 1100m 1:04 .25 R’hill 2yo Hcp Good(3) trk Nov 11 . 2. nuke (G A Ryan) 2c By Smart Missile Hoist (1:0-0-1): (Slowly away .) Cd 56kg(4) 3/4 len 1-1/2 len 3rd Fake(58kg), Let Me Sleep On It 1000m 58 .74 Gosford 2yo Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 25 . 3. Flying PieRRo (C J Waller) 2c By Pierro - We Betcha (0:0-0-0): First Start . sht nk nk 3rd Britzel, Reagan 901m R’hill Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 24 . 4. Silent AgendA (Edward O’Rourke) 2c By Redoute’s Choice - Beauty Belle (0:00-0): First Start . 1/2 hd win Restrained, Darkhawk 730m R’wick Barrier Trial Good(3) trk Nov 16 . 5. toulouSe (David Payne) 2c By Lope De Vega (IR) - Skibo Castle (0:0-0-0): First Start . 3/4 len 4th Britzel 901m R’hill Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 24 . 6. PeRFect Pitch (G Portelli) 2f By Pierro - Absolutely Flying (1:0-0-1): (Slowly away . Overraced near 600m . Inquiry into performance .) Cd 54 .5kg(4) 5-1/2 len hd 3rd Gongs(56kg), Granny Red Shoes 1100m 1:04 .60 C’bury 2yo F Mdn Good(3) trk Nov 22 . 7. colombinA (James Cummings) 2f By Lonhro - Mascareri (0:0-0-0): First Start . nk nk 3rd Membrillo, Alison Of Tuffy 807m W Farm Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 21 . 8. miSS invincible (Bjorn Baker) 2f By I Am Invincible - Abound (0:0-0-0): First Start . 2 len win Lu’s In Charge, Sliema 901m R’hill Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 24 .

Race 2



1. cuRdled (Peter Robl) 3g By All Too Hard - Custard (7:1-3-2): Cd 57kg(8) nose win Marseille En Fleur, Guissola 1350m 1:20 .64 D’ben Winning Edge Soft(5) trk June 24 . Cd 58kg(4) 1-3/4 len hd 3rd Bon Amis(56kg), Blowing Kisses 1100m 1:03 .70 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm75) Good(3) trk Nov 11 . 2. Junglized (Brad Widdup) 3g By Snitzel - Maid For Me (9:4-2-1): Cd 58 .5kg(6) 1/2 hd win Kennedy, Reigning Meteor 1100m 1:02 .27 Hawkesbury (Bm65) Good(4) trk Nov 9 . Cd 58 .5kg(7) 1-1/4 len win Star Galaxy, Power Command 1100m 1:04 .29 C’bury 3yo (Bm72) Good(3) trk Nov 22 .


Boxing Day At Randwick

59 58 .5 57 .5 57 .5 57 56 .5 56 55 .5 55 .5 55 55 54 .5 54 .5 54 .5 54 .5 54 53 53

26 .00 21 .00 15 .00 26 .00 31 .00 17 .00 11 .00 21 .00 26 .00 13 .00 26 .00 9 .50 4 .80 9 .50 21 .00 26 .00 17 .00 26 .00



1. vASSAl (C J Waller) 6g By Dansili (GB) - Vituisa (GB) (30:6-6-4): (Rider - didn’t handle going .) Cd 56 .5kg(7) 10-1/4 len 6th Anton En Avant(52 .5kg) 2200m 2:24 .17 D’ben Open Hcp Heavy(10) trk Oct 21 . (Checked on straightening .) Cd 60kg(3) 1/2 hd win Lycurgus, Great Glen 2400m 2:30 .25 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm85) Good(3) trk Nov 11 .

daily doUble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9 QUadRella . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7, 8, 9 eaRly QUadRella . . . . . 2, 3, 4, 5 big 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 FiRsT FoUR . . . . . . . . . .All RAces WeaTheR / TRaCK / Rail


Track good (4) . Rail is out 3m for the entire circuit . Weather fine .

Apprentices can claim 3yo & up benchmark 85 $100,000 1.












1 51834 2 s2911 3 11s75 4 55611 5 54s13 6 450s1 7 0176s 8 00779 9 8s848 10 s2137


king dARci wh (5) T R Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Redouble tw (9) Bjorn Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn PeloRuS JAck (10) L J Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Clark cellARmAn whn (1) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla coSmic engine dwh (7) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . T Angland SedAnzeR t (6) G Waterhouse & A Bott . . . . Ms R King (a) hunteR JAck cwhn (3) T R Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . he’S A given w (4) C E Conners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SiRen’S FuRy w (2) J C Coyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms K O’Hara chAlk (8) Ms W Roche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . king dARci, Redouble, Pelorus Jack, chalk



58 .5 6 .00 58 .5 3.80 56 .5 9 .00 56 8 .00 56 6 .00 55 .5 5 .00 54 .5 17 .00 53 .5 26 .00 53 15 .00 53 7 .00


Apprentices cannot claim 3yo & up listed $125,000 1.






1 19s95 2 38135 3 s218s 4 11421 5 90s56 6 7100s 7 s1212 8 323s7 9 25346 10 11721






FAbRizio wn (2) G Waterhouse & A Bott . . . . . . . . . J Parr 60 7 .00 bRoAdSide cdw (3) G Waterhouse & A Bott . . . . . T Clark 56 .5 5 .50 gReen SWeet dw (1) Jean Dubois . . . . . . . . . A Adkins (a) 55 .5 6 .00 SAvAPinSki dw (7) G Waterhouse & A Bott . . . . B Avdulla 55 3.00 Singing dw (5) K A Lees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Gibbons 54 15 .00 SloW PAce dw (6) K A Lees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 .5 26 .00 blAck on gold thn (4) C J Waller . . . . . . . . Ms K O’Hara 53 4 .80 montAuk d (10) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Schofield 53 21 .00 gAmbleStoWn t (9) Joseph Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Ford 53 15 .00 loRd kingSley c (8) Lauri Wray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 10 .00 SAvAPinSki, black on gold, Fabrizio, green Sweet


Festival Stakes


Apprentices cannot claim 3yo & up group 3 $150,000 1.






1 27805 2 0s786 3 5s690 4 11s11 5 72274 6 030s7 7 3s001 8 73s53 9 3128s 10 41s06 11 s2137

Starlight Stakes


Apprentices cannot claim 3yo & up quality listed $125,000







3. PRetty FASt (P & P Snowden) 3f By Not A Single Doubt - Miss Sharapova (NZ) (6:3-01): Cd 57 .5kg(7) 3-1/4 len win Italian Son, Zroya 1200m 1:11 .64 Newcastle (Bm60) Soft(5) trk Nov 4 . Cd 56kg(4) 1/2 len win Easy Eddie, Heliosphere 1200m 1:09 .50 R’hill 3yo (Bm74) Good(3) trk Nov 18 . 4. equAl bAlAnce (Kurt Goldman) 3g By Hinchinbrook - Equivalence (5:2-1-0): (Wide throughout . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 52 .5kg(7) 3-1/4 len 6th O’Lordy(53kg) 1200m 1:11 .07 R’hill 3yo+ (C3) Good(4) trk Nov 4 . Cd 57kg(3) 1-1/4 len win Star Aspiration, She Knows 1100m 1:04 .02 R’hill 3yo+ Hcp (C2) Good(3) trk Nov 18 . 5. WhyPeeo (A J Edmonds) 3g By I Am Invincible - Sunset Boulevard (4:3-0-0): Cd 58kg(4) 3 len win Red Hot Miss, Perfect Rain 1110m 1:04 .73 D’ben 3yo Hcp Good(3) trk Sept 9 . 3/4 len 2nd Heart Of A Warrior 1000m Deagon Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 21 . 6. ePidemic (James Cummings) 3f By Lonhro - Mnemosyne (4:1-0-1): (Wide throughout . Inquiry into performance .) Cd 57kg(4) 1/2 len 3/4 len 3rd Madonnica(54kg), Swaffham Bulbeck 1100m 1:05 .56 C’bury 3yo Mdn Good(3) trk Oct 18 . Cd 53 .5kg(4) 2 len win Seaway, Oleksandra 1200m 1:10 .06 R’wick 3yo Mdn Soft(7) trk Nov 7 . 7. AmeRicAnA mAgic (Grant Allard) 3c By All American - Jaes Jeune (2:1-0-0): (Jumped awkwardly .) Cd 57kg(2) 4-1/4 len 5th Star Galaxy(55kg) 1100m 1:06 .97 C’bury 2yo Mdn Heavy(9) trk June 14 . Cd 57 .5kg(4) 3/4 len win African Academy, Elementae 1200m 1:10 .51 Gosford Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 14 . 8. liSdoonvARnA (Ms A Turner & M Poletti) 3f By Super Easy (NZ) - Axislass (NZ) (4:2-0-2): Cd 54 .5kg(1) 2-1/2 len win One For Bede, American Salute 1200m 1:09 .15 Nowra Hcp (C1) Good(4) trk Oct 22 . Cd 54 .5kg(6) 3/4 len len 3rd Marble(57 .5kg), The Hipster 1100m 1:02 .12 Hawkesbury (Bm66) Good(3) trk Nov 15 .

Race 3


emeRgencieS tRue WoRth (12) Rob Potter . . . . . . Ms C Frater-Hill (a) 53 15 .00 ShAke heR bon bon (18) B J Ratcliff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 31 .00 JAckkniFe d (1) John Bannister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 41 .00 equAl bAlAnce t (14) Kurt Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 .5 3.60 bel diAblo, mister Smartee, Star Aspiration, let it Roll


Apprentices can claim 3yo & up benchmark 85 $100,000 1.

The MUlTiPles

RAce timeS coRRect At time oF PublicAtion 19 7421s 20 56s01 21 748s3 22 41261



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Red excitement twh (11) G A Ryan . . . . . . . . B Avdulla JAPoniSme twh (1) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Schofield good PRoJect tbh (6) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Shinn cAbezA de vAcA tcwn (7) G Waterhouse & A Bott . . . Ms R King (a) mighty lucky cw (2) F T Cowell . . . . . . . . . . . C O’Brien teStAShAdoW tw (5) G Portelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . moheR cw (10) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Parr FedeRAl tw (3) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . . T Angland miSteR SeA WolF wh (4) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . T Clark SAlSonic (8) J C Coyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . chAlk (9) Ms W Roche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Adkins (a) moheR, Japonisme, Red excitement, cabeza de vaca

59 .5 58 .5 57 .5 57 57 57 56 55 .5 54 .5 53 53

13 .00 8 .50 7 .50 3.70 10 .00 15 .00 4 .80 7 .50 6 .50 26 .00 13 .00

© 2017: this racing service contains nSW racing information, including fields and form which is subject to copyright and which is owned by Racing nSW and other parties working with it.

















1 2326s 2 23443 3 000s3 4 10s07 5 5278s 6 630s3 7 s7720 8 0s571 9 46114 10 564s0 11 0s677 12 247s1 13 31148 14 35259 15 12s32 16 3s07s 17 12354 18 12122



dothRAki cdw (7) P & P Snowden . . . . . . . . . . . T Angland 60 9 .00 the monStAR dw (10) B F Cavanough . . . . . . . R Bensley 59 11 .00 big money dw (1) R P Northam . . . . . . . . . . . R Thompson 57 11 .00 quAtRonic tdw (5) M J Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 21 .00 egyPtiAn Symbol dw (9) Bjorn Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 11 .00 PAlAzzo Pubblico cdw (18) Matthew Smith . . . . . . Ms R King (a) 53 .5 9 .00 zeStFul dn (8) K A Lees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith 53 .5 13 .00 SAmAnthA dwhn (6) G A Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Ford 53 8 .00 SiR PluSh tcdwb (16) Bjorn Baker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 13 .00 kudeRo dw (17) C E Conners . . . . . . . . . . . Ms D Panya (a) 53 51 .00 StRAtuRbo d (11) G Portelli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 51 .00 glenAll cdwh (3) M, W & J Hawkes . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla 53 5.00 iSoRich tdw (12) Wayne Seelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 15 .00 highly geARed cdw (15) G G Kirkup . . . . . ScRAtched emeRgencieS tActicAl AdvAntAge cdwn (14) Joseph Pride . . G Schofield 53 8 .50 PRinceFAmouS cd (13) P & P Snowden . . . . A Adkins (a) 53 26 .00 tAngo RAin cdwh (2) G A Ryan . . . . . . . . . J Innes Jnr (a) 53 13 .00 to exceSS dwb (4) T J Bartley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7 .00 big money, glenall, Palazzo Pubblico, dothraki



ATC Owners Benefit Card


Apprentices can claim 3yo & up benchmark 85 $100,000 1.
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

57s79 030s8 980s0 2254s 2348s s2131 459s3 26s61 4959s s363s 8s413 164s4 3231s 528s1

15 16 17 18

502s3 3354s 228s2 3s064


coolRing tw (12) Bjorn Baker . . . . . .J Van Overmeire (a) PeRFect dARe (4) M J Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAvouReux tw (18) K A Lees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . betteR not blue dw (3) Michelle Ritchie . . . Ms J Taylor toWeR oF Song n (17) Matthew Dale . . . . . . . . . B Shinn beSt gueSS twh (9) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Angland PoWeRline w (2) K A Lees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mAchinegun JubS tdwn (5) Angela Davies . . B Mc Dougall (a) PioneeRing twh (8) C J Waller . . . . . . . . . . . . G Schofield mAn oF choice w (11) R & L Price . . . . . . . . Ms K O’Hara milWAukee wn (1) M D Moroney . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Reith heAvenly AnnA w (14) K J Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Ford level eight (10) P & P Snowden . . . . . . A Adkins (a1 .5) uPtoWn lAd d (7) Ms K Waugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Avdulla emeRgencieS PiPeline twh (15) G A Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . J Innes Jnr (a) FRAnceSco wn (16) Mark Newnham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . queen miSty (13) L J Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Clark leAmi AStRAy (6) R & L Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


64 63 61 60 .5 59 .5 59 59 58 58 58 57 .5 56 .5 56 55

34 .00 26 .00 34 .00 11 .00 15 .00 3.00 7 .00 9 .00 11 .00 26 .00 4 .60 21 .00 21 .00 26 .00

55 54 .5 53 53

11 .00 26 .00 26 .00 31 .00

PoWeRline, tower of Song, milwaukee, machinegun Jubs

this publication takes all care in compiling the tAb details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. Readers are urged to check tAb information with the official lists before placing their bets.

legend: t – Won at track . c – Won at this distance on this course . d – Won at this distance on another course . W – Won in slow or heavy going . b – Beaten favourite at last start . h – Trained on track . n - Won at night . S – Spell of three months . F – Fell . P – Pulled up . l – Lost rider . 2. doukhAn (K A Lees) 9g By Dansili (GB) - Luna Wells (IR) (20:6-1-4): (Slowly away .) Cd 58kg(8) len win Wine Bush, Ashkannd 2400m 2:31 .78 R’wick 3yo+ (Bm75) Soft(6) trk Nov 7 . (Slowly away .) Cd 60kg(2) nk win Goodwood Zodiac, Wine Bush 2700m 2:49 .18 C’bury 3yo+ (Bm75) Good(3) trk Nov 22 . 3. imPeRiAl AviAtoR (G Waterhouse & A Bott) 5g By Paco Boy (IR) - Telescopic (GB) (11:2-3-2): (Slowly away . Inquiry into performance . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 61kg(10) 18-3/4 len 9th Wildflower(53kg) 2000m 2:12R’wick 3yo+ (Bm80) Heavy(10) trk June 10 . Cd 58 .5kg(9) nk 2nd Lord Kingsley(53kg) 2000m 2:02 .36 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm85) Good(3) trk Nov 18 . 4. Pygmy (James Cummings) 4m By New Approach (IR) - Rinky Dink (14:3-2-2): Cd 54kg(12) 5-3/4 len 5th Tahanee(54kg) 1700m 1:42 .69 F’ton 4yo+ M Hcp Good(3) trk Nov 7 . 3-1/4 len 4th Japonisme 1200m W Farm Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 21 . 5. gReAt glen (C J Waller) 6g By High Chaparral (IR) - Grand Opening (IR) (17:2-2-1): (Slowly away . Inquiry into performance . Blocked for run on straightening .) Cd 56kg(8) 6-1/2 len 5th Karavali(56 .5kg) 2000m 2:03 .80 R’wick 3yo+ (Bm80) Soft(6) trk Oct 28 . (Laid out in straight .) Cd 56kg(4) 1/2 hd nk 3rd Vassal(60kg), Lycurgus 2400m 2:30 .25 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm85) Good(3) trk Nov 11 . 6. lASt WiSh (John Thompson) 7g By Guillotine (NZ) - Star Blinka (NZ) (35:52-3): Cd 56kg(4) 1-3/4 len 4-1/2 len 3rd Karavali(56 .5kg), Lead Choreographer 2000m 2:03 .80 R’wick 3yo+ (Bm80) Soft(6) trk Oct 28 . Cd 53 .5kg(6) 3-3/4 len 6th Vassal(60kg) 2400m 2:30 .25 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm85) Good(3) trk Nov 11 . 7. ShAlmAneSeR (Richard Litt) 7g By Teofilo (IR) - Lady Nikolay (41:5-5-4): (Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 54 .5kg(6) 2-1/4 len Last Intueri(55kg) 1800m 1:50 .70 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm83) Good(3) trk Nov 11 . Cd 56kg(7) 2-3/4 len 6th Lord Kingsley(53kg) 2000m 2:02 .36 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm85) Good(3) trk Nov 18 . 8. doRnieR (J F Moloney) 4g By Artie Schiller (US) - Deloraine (16:2-0-1): Cd 60kg(2) 10-3/4 len 10th Sherlock Holmes(60 .5kg) 2500m 2:38 .23 M Valley (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 3 . Cd 56kg(5) 4-1/4 len 8th Brilliant Jet(58 .5kg) 2040m 2:07 .44 M Valley (Bm70) Good(4) trk Nov 17 .

9. coRdeRo (M, W & J Hawkes) 4g By Gio Ponti (US) - Belle Giselle (8:2-0-1): (Slowly away . Hampered early stages . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 51 .5kg(1) 3-1/4 len 6th Just Dreaming(57 .5kg) 1500m 1:28 .68 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm83) Good(3) trk Nov 11 . (Slowly away . Hampered early stages . Laid out in straight .) Cd 53kg(6) 2-1/2 len 5th Lord Kingsley(53kg) 2000m 2:02 .36 R’hill 3yo+ (Bm85) Good(3) trk Nov 18 .

Race 4



1. SAxTOn ROCk (6) 59 M J Dunn (Murwillumbah) 3 b c Snitzel – Rockin Babe. black, pink lips, seams, sleeves and pom pom Career record 9:1-1-2 Wins 1050 (1) Prizemoney $56,775 9TH, 29Jul17 8L Doomben 2 and 3yo Open 1200m 56 (Ron Stewart 6) 11, Set weights, 1:09.28 ((class record) Last 600m 33.99), Good(3), Prioritise 59 1, Oink 59 2, Mishani Sleuth 59 3, Btg $13.00, $26.00 8th settling, 7th turn. Hampered at start. Raced erratically.

2. VOlPe (15) 58.5 D A Williams (Goulburn) 4 ch g Foxwedge – Rash Promise. green, grey waistcoat, green logo, sleeves and quartered cap Career record 10:2-1-2 Wins 1400 (1) 1600 (1) Prizemoney $48,590 7TH, 18Nov17 3.9L Rosehill Cls 2 1100m 58.5 (B Shinn 8) 9, Lim 53, 1:04.02 ((class record) Last 600m 34.45), Good(3), Equal Balance 57 1, Star Aspiration 54 2, She Knows 58 3, Btg $13.00, $15.00, $13.00 Last to turn. Jumped awkwardly. Checked early stages.

3. DOCTOR ZeD (7) 57.5 Morgan Butler (Grafton) 5 b g Medaglia D’Oro (US) – Leone Chiara. red, black and white checked sash, striped sleeves and checked cap Career record 6:2-1-0 Wins 1010 (1) 1206 (1) Prizemoney $31,270 lAST, 13Nov17 11.4L Ballina Cls 2 1255m 59 (R Spokes 2) 7, Lim 54, 1:20.10 (Last 600m 37.80), Heavy(10), Speranza 54.5 1, Haylee Prince 55 2, Leica Celebre 55 3, Btg $2.25, $2.35, $2.25 (fav). 2nd to 800m, 3rd turn. Inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities.

4. Fui SAn (20) 57.5

8. leT iT ROll (8) 55.5

T J Robinson (Shoalhaven Heads) 4 br g Authorized (IR) – Sol Mere. white, maroon diamonds band, striped sleeves and cap Career record 7:2-2-1 Wins 1650 (1) 1750 (1) Prizemoney $49,410 WOn, 14Jul17 2.8L, hd Canberra Acton Cls 1 1750m 57.5 (B P Ward 3) 12, Set weights, 1:46.71 (Last 600m 35.67), Synthetic, The Arod 59 2, Pastiche 57 3, Coral Downs 55.5 4, Btg $3.50, $3.00, $3.50 (fav). 4th to 800m, 3rd turn.

n J Olive (Canberra) 3 b c Not A Single Doubt – Princess Layla. royal blue, red spot and armbands Career record 7:1-3-0 Wins 1280 (1) Prizemoney $29,000 6TH, 28Jul17 3.3L Canberra Acton Cls 1 1750m 54 (R Bensley 5) 12, Set weights, 1:47.17 (Last 600m 36.11), Synthetic, Chilcotin 57.5 1, Secret Mistress 54 2, Her Name Is Rio 55.5 3, Btg $2.90, $2.80, $3.00 (fav). 4th to 1200m, 5th 800m, 7th turn. Inquiry into performance. Blocked for run near turn.

5. SniP THe MO (5) 57 n J Osborne (Canberra) 4 b g Uncle Mo (US) – Snippety Day. green, green and black hooped sleeves, black cap Career record 7:2-2-0 Wins 1080 (2) Prizemoney $30,740 8TH, 24Nov17 7.1L Orange Bm55 1000m 60 (R Dolan 7) 11, Lim 54, 57.44s (class record), Good(4), Missy Rhythmos 59 1, Dynamite Dan 54 2, Attilius 56.5 3, Btg $4.00, $7.50 4th to 800m, 5th turn. Inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities.

6. FRee TiCkeT (4) 56.5 M D Griffith (Mudgee) 5 br g Tickets – Honor’s Emma. yellow, lilac sash and cap Career record 8:2-1-0 Wins 1300 (1) 1440 (1) Prizemoney $29,175 7TH, 14Aug17 3.2L Quirindi Cls 3 1450m 57.5 (G M Ryan 1) 11, Lim 54, 1:29.23 (Last 600m 35.17), Good(3), Dapperized 51 1, Raised To Duel 54 2, Mahboob 58 3, Btg $4.00, $4.60 (eq fav). 5th settling, 6th 800m, 4th turn. Inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities.

7. TAkOOkACOD (9) 56 S Spackman (Wagga Wagga) 3 b f Moshe – Takook. maroon, cod logo, maroon and white checked sleeves and cap Career record 5:2-0-1 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (1) Prizemoney $33,280 WOn, 17Nov17 1L, 3.5L Gundagai Cls 1 1100m 56 (Ms R Prest 9) 11, Lim 54, 1:02.99 (Last 600m 34.50), Soft(5), Woomera 56.5 2, Seduction 55.5 3, Rugenbrau 57 4, Btg $5.50, $6.00, $5.50 8th to 800m, 4th turn. Hung out near turn.

9. SiMPly STRikinG (10) 55.5 n J Osborne (Canberra) 5 gr g Alert (AR) – Strike Time. green, black hooped sleeves and white cap Career record 21:1-6-3 Wins 1200 (1) Prizemoney $54,830 2nD, 24Nov17 0.5L, hd Orange Bm65 1300m 55 (Carly Frater-Hill 7) 11, Lim 54, 1:16.33 (class record), Good(4), Prima Stella 60 1, Oakwood Lady 54 3, Reason To Believe 52.5 4, Btg $6.00, $7.50 6th to turn.

10. SHelley BeACH ROAD (19) 55 J A Sprague (Port Macquarie) 4 b m Shellscrape – Backwhereibelong. royal blue, black and white band and armbands, black collar and seams, quartered cap Career record 7:2-2-1 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $43,250 WOn, 08Nov17 nck, sht nck Grafton Bm58 1200m 54.5 (Cejay Graham 3) 12, Lim 54, 1:08.89 ((class record) Last 600m 34.21), Good(4), Magic Beneteau 57.5 2, Ilia 53.5 3, Ministry Of Fear 60 4, Btg $4.60, $4.00, $4.60 (fav). led throughout.

11. ZARCO (2) 55 Paul Matts (Coffs Harbour) 7 b g Za-Im (GB) – Frisco’s Lass. purple, yellow vees, seams sleeves, quartered cap Career record 10:2-0-0 Wins 1000 (1) 1300 (1) Prizemoney $24,985 WOn, 06Nov17 0.5L, 1.5L Ballina Cls 1 1000m 55 (Cejay Graham 7) 8, Lim 54, 1:00.10 (Last 600m 36.10), Heavy(9), Falsified 52.5 2, Young Amazon 54.5 3, Brandy Balloon 54 4, Btg $13.00, $26.00 7th to 800m, 6th turn.

continued on next page

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

page 9

rosehill gardens FORM CONTINUED

sR 12. STaR aSpIRaTION (13) 54.5 K Dryden & S Collings (Goulburn) 4 ch m star Witness – high aspirations. fluorescent yellow, gold seams Career record 8:1-3-1 Wins 1080 (1) prizemoney $47,735 2ND, 18nov17 1.3l, lng hd rosehill Cls 2 1100m 54 (g schofield 7) 9, lim 53, 1:04.02 ((class record) last 600m 34.45), good(3), equal Balance 57 1, she Knows 58 3, Bel diablo 54.5 4, Btg $13.00, $21.00 2nd throughout.

13. BEl DIaBlO (21) 54.5 David J Smith (Mudgee) 3 br g Bel esprit – devils arcade. green, yellow horseshoe, green and white checked sleeves and cap Career record 5:1-1-2 Wins 1100 (1) prizemoney $30,255 4TH, 18nov17 1.6l rosehill Cls 2 1100m 54.5 (J Pracey-holmes 1) 9, lim 53, 1:04.02 ((class record) last 600m 34.45), good(3), equal Balance 57 1, star aspiration 54 2, she Knows 58 3, Btg $5.50, $6.50, $5.50 6th to turn. Jumped awkwardly.

14. MISTER SMaRTEE (11) 54.5 S G Morton (port Macquarie) 3 br g smart Missile – easy Tee (Us). pale blue, orange maltese cross, sleeves and cap Career record 2:1-0-0 Wins 1200 (1) prizemoney $34,105 WON, 16nov17 1l, nse Port Macquarie Mdn 1200m 57.5 (B looker 3) 13, set weights, 1:13.43 (last 600m 36.52), soft(5), Collision 59 2, anchois 57.5 3, Bubbles de Beer 57 4, Btg $3.20, $3.50, $3.00 (fav). 2nd to 800m, 4th turn. slowly away. eased early stages. Blocked for run near turn.

15. MaGIC BENETEaU (17) 54.5 T S Howlett (Muswellbrook) 4 br/gr g Beneteau – Michelle Magic. royal blue, white lightning bolt Career record 12:2-2-2 Wins 900 (1) 1106 (1) prizemoney $47,355 2ND, 08nov17 nck, sht nck grafton Bm58 1200m 57.5 (Ms T harrison 4) 12, lim 54, 1:08.89 ((class record) last 600m 34.21), good(4), shelley Beach road 54.5 1, ilia 53.5 3, Ministry of Fear 60 4, Btg $7.00, $6.00 6th settling, 5th turn. Checked near 1000m.

16. RUGENBRaU (16) 54 luke pepper (Canberra) 3 b g rothesay – saunterina (nZ). green, white sash, yellow hooped sleeves, yellow cap Career record 3:1-0-0 Wins 1080 (1) prizemoney $13,430 4TH, 17nov17 4.7l gundagai Cls 1 1100m 57 (M a Cahill 7) 11, lim 54, 1:02.99 (last 600m 34.50), soft(5), Takookacod 56 1, Woomera 56.5 2, seduction 55.5 3, Btg $4.00, $3.50, $5.00 9th to turn. laid in concluding stages.

17. METRalla (3) 53 N F Gardner (Canberra) 3 b f shrapnel – la Ventana. orange, black diamond and sleeves, orange and white quartered cap Career record 2:1-0-0 Wins 1200 (1) prizemoney $16,700 WON, 07nov17 nck, 1l Canberra Mdn 1200m 55 (M a Cahill 4) 9, lim 55, 1:11.73 (last 600m 35.80), soft(6), ethanicity 56 2, explosive Missile 55 3, alpine King 54.5 4, Btg $7.00, $11.00, $10.00 last to 800m, 6th turn. Jumped awkwardly.

18. WHERE’S pIppa (22) 53 R T Waters (Wantabadgery) 4 ch m Master harry – not so Coy. gold, royal blue cap Career record 9:2-0-2 Wins 1000 (2) prizemoney $20,465 3RD, 09nov17 lng nck, 3.3l albury Cls 2 1175m 57 (M heagney 1) 9, set weights, 1:10.32 (last 600m 34.73), good(4), Tycoon 53.5 1, Pacific Tycoon 59 2, Comrade ned 57 4, Btg $4.60, $6.50, $5.50 5th to 800m, 4th turn. slowly away.

19. TRUE WORTH (12) 53 Rob potter (Capricorn park) 4 ch m Makfi (gB) – apollo’s Pride. green, yellow stars, blue sleeves, white armbands, blue and yellow quartered cap Career record 6:1-1-1 Wins 1660 (1) prizemoney $19,965 WON, 20aug17 sht hd, 1l Moruya Mdn 1660m 55.5 (Carly Frater-hill 7) 14, set weights, 1:42.17 ((class record) last 600m 37.57), good(4), ons Vier 57 2, Bella scenica 57 3, le sacre Blur 59 4, Btg $6.00, $4.20, $4.80 3rd to 1200m, 5th 800m, 3rd turn. hampered near 1000m.

20. SHaKE HER BON BON (18) 53 B J Ratcliff (Kempsey) 4 br m Bon hoffa – she’s no Miss. pale blue, white maltese cross, lilac sleeves, white cap Career record 14:1-0-4 Wins 1100 (1) prizemoney $22,710 WON, 21nov17 lng nck, 0.5l grafton Mdn 1100m 55 (s lisnyy 7) 13, lim 55, 1:03.30 (last 600m 34.74), good(3), The exhibitionist 56.5 2, Mount heidi 57 3, sister Bertrille 52 4, Btg $13.00, $17.00, $16.00 10th to 800m, 9th turn.

21. JaCKKNIFE (1) 53 John Bannister (Cessnock) 5 b/br g California dane – silent dawn. cerise, black maltese cross, white and black hooped sleeves, black cap, white pom pom Career record 27:2-3-4 Wins 1200 (1) 1300 (1) prizemoney $39,465 3RD, 20nov17 2l, 0.8l Muswellbrook Bm50 900m 56 (lexi Mc Pherson 11) 12, lim 54, 51.94s ((class record) last 600m 33.50), good(4), Barr hill 58 1, Miss gigi 57 2, sister Joy 62 4, Btg $21.00, $26.00 last to turn. slowly away.

22. EqUal BalaNCE (14) 61.5 Kurt Goldman (Goulburn) 3 b g hinchinbrook – equivalence. maroon, white armbands and cap Career record 5:2-1-0 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (1) prizemoney $74,375 WON, 18nov17 1.3l, lng hd rosehill Cls 2 1100m 57 (J innes Jnr 3) 9, lim 53, 1:04.02 ((class record) last 600m 34.45), good(3), star aspiration 54 2, she Knows 58 3, Bel diablo 54.5 4, Btg $4.80, $5.00, $4.60 4th to turn.

Race 5



1. KING DaRCI (5) 58.5 T R Martin (Rosehill) 5 b g darci Brahma (nZ) – la serenade. white, black ir, black and red hooped sleeves, black cap Career record 19:4-4-3 Wins 1300 (1) 1400 (3) prizemoney $213,720 3RD, 21oct17 nse, nck randwick Bm85 1400m 58 (a hyeronimus 1) 7, lim 53, 1:24.15 (last 600m 35.47), soft(7), improvement 54.5 1, Collateral 61 2, dagny 55.5 4, Btg $4.80 2nd settling, 3rd turn. 4TH, 11nov17 2.4l rosehill Bm80 1300m 58 (Ms C r Van der Werf 1) 9, lim 53, 1:16.91 (last 600m 34.17), good(3), redouble 56.5 1, dreamforce 55 2, Barthelona 57 3, Btg $4.60, $5.00 led settling, 3rd turn. hung in in straight.

2. REDOUBlE (9) 58.5 Bjorn Baker (Warwick Farm) 4 b g redoute’s Choice – special Mission (nZ). royal blue, gold braces, pale blue armbands, royal blue and gold quartered cap Career record 12:3-2-1 Wins 1200 (1) 1300 (1) 1400 (1) prizemoney $198,075 WON, 11nov17 0.8l, 1.5l rosehill Bm80 1300m 56.5 (r hutchings 5) 9, lim 53, 1:16.91 (last 600m 34.17), good(3), dreamforce 55 2, Barthelona 57 3, King darci 58 4, Btg $3.50, $4.00, $3.20 (fav). 3rd settling, 4th turn. WON, 18nov17 sht hd, 2.5l rosehill , C,h&g’s Bm80 1400m 58.5 (r hutchings 8) 10, lim 53, 1:23.53 ((class record) last 600m 34.28), good(3), Flow 58 2, Cosmic engine 58.5 3, so spirited 56 4, Btg $3.20, $4.60 7th settling, 5th turn. Wide throughout.

3. pElORUS JaCK (10) 56.5 l J Bridge (Randwick) 4 ch g rothesay – singin ‘n’ dancin. red, green sleeves Career record 8:3-2-0 Wins 1300 (1) 1600 (2) prizemoney $90,975 7TH, 28oct17 2.4l randwick Bm83 1400m 54.5 (B Mc dougall 5) 8, lim 53, 1:24 (last 600m 35.20), soft(6), Passage of Time 56.5 1, stonebrook 58.5 2, high Mist 57 3, Btg $8.50, $13.00 6th settling, 3rd turn. ran wide early, middle stages. overraced early, middle stages. 5TH, 18nov17 3.5l rosehill Bm80 1200m 59 (T Clark 2) 8, lim 53, 1:10.35 (last 600m 33.81), good(3), Best guess 58.5 1, star reflection 55.5 2, Pipeline 57 3, Btg $9.00, $11.00, $10.00 6th to turn. Checked near 400m.

4. CEllaRMaN (1) 56 C J Waller (Rosehill) 4 b g Mossman – Vintage Blend. purple, white stars and cap Career record 16:3-2-0 Wins 1400 (1) 1550 (2) prizemoney $140,500 WON, 01nov17 0.5l, 1.3l Canterbury 4yo and UP Bm70 1550m 58.5 (B shinn 1) 8, lim 53, 1:33.51 ((class record) last 600m 35.51), good(3), intueri 57.5 2, Mate story 57 3, solo heart 57 4, Btg $3.20, $2.90, $3.00 (fav). 6th to 1200m, 5th to turn. slowly away. hampered early stages. WON, 17nov17 0.8l, 1.3l Canterbury-n Bm76 1550m 58 (B shinn 5) 9, lim 54, 1:33.05 ((class record) last 600m 36.13), good(3), Valentino rossa 56.5 2, Carluca 57.5 3, nacho libre 51.5 4, Btg $3.50, $4.60, $4.20 (fav). 6th to turn.

5. COSMIC ENGINE (7) 56 C J Waller (Rosehill) 4 b g More Than ready (Us) – astrodame. green, white vee Career record 12:4-1-1 Wins 1200 (1) 1250 (1) 1400 (1) 1500 (1) prizemoney $135,225 WON, 01nov17 lng hd, nse Canterbury Bm76 1250m 58.5 (B shinn 2) 5, lim 53, 1:14.80 ((class record) last 600m 34.80), good(3), radical impact 51.5 2, dissolute 58.5 3, drachenfels 59 4, Btg $3.20, $2.50, $2.60 (fav). 4th to turn. 3RD, 18nov17 sht hd, 2.5l rosehill , C,h&g’s Bm80 1400m 58.5 (B shinn 6) 10, lim 53, 1:23.53 ((class record) last 600m 34.28), good(3), redouble 58.5 1, Flow 58 2, so spirited 56 4, Btg $5.50, $6.50, $5.00 4th to 800m, 3rd turn. Jumped awkwardly.

6. SEDaNzER (6) 55.5 G Waterhouse & a Bott (Randwick) 4 b m sebring – Voltdanze. red, blueblood logo, red and white star cap Career record 10:4-0-0 Wins 1400 (3) 1600 (1) prizemoney $146,550 13TH, 13May17 33.9l Morphettville (g 1) Ubet south australian derby 2500m 54.5 (s Baster 1) 14, set weights, 2:37.09 (last 600m 36.01), good(4), Volatile Mix 56.5 1, ruthven 56.5 2, odeon 56.5 3, Btg $21.00 led settling, 2nd 1200m, led 800m, 2nd turn. lame after race. WON, 18nov17 hd, 2.5l rosehill , F&M’s Bm82 1400m 54.5 (Ms r King 3) 11, lim 53, 1:22.61 ((class record) last 600m 33.81), good(3), slow Burn 58 2, rosa Carolina 57 3, leami astray 53 4, Btg $2.90, $6.00, $5.50 6th settling, 7th turn. slowly away.

7. HUNTER JaCK (3) 54.5 T R Martin (Rosehill) 8 b/br g stratum – Takeiteasyedye (Us). yellow, green chevrons, striped cap Career record 39:5-5-4 Wins 1250 (1) 1400 (1) 1440 (1) 1500 (1) 1900 (1) prizemoney $361,685 7TH, 26aug17 2.1l rosehill Bm82 2000m 53.5 (Ms C r Van der Werf 11) 11, lim 53.5, 2:02.86 ((class record) last 600m 35.09), good(3), alward 56.5 1, Chatelard 56.5 2, nat King Cu 56.5 3, Btg $41.00, $51.00, $31.00 2nd to 800m, 3rd turn. overraced early stages. laid in in straight. Proved difficult to ride out. 6TH, 09sep17 3.9l rosehill Bm81 1800m 54 (Ms C r Van der Werf 2) 11, lim 53, 1:48.18 ((class record) last 600m 34.84), good(3), Quick defence 55.5 1, imanui 56.5 2, Mapmaker 54.5 3, Btg $17.00 5th to turn. hampered at start.

8. HE’S a GIvEN (4) 53.5

5. SINGING (5) 54

C E Conners (Warwick Farm) 6 b g any given saturday (Us) – she’s red hot. white, tri coloured triangle, black sleeves Career record 43:7-4-4 Wins 1200 (1) 1300 (2) 1350 (1) 1400 (3) prizemoney $193,445 7TH, 11nov17 3l rosehill Bm80 1300m 56.5 (J Parr 8) 9, lim 53, 1:16.91 (last 600m 34.17), good(3), redouble 56.5 1, dreamforce 55 2, Barthelona 57 3, Btg $15.00, $31.00 4th settling, 2nd turn. ran wide early stages. 9TH, 26nov17 4l goulburn open 1600m 54 (M a Cahill 7) 14, lim 54, 1:34.01 (last 600m 35.78), good(4), dark eyes 56.5 1, god’s in him 55.5 2, Valentino rossa 54 3, Btg $41.00, $51.00 13th to 1200m, 12th 800m, 13th turn. Wide throughout. overraced early stages.

K a lees (Newcastle) 8 b h singspiel (ir) – ring Beaune (Us). royal blue, white horseshoe, black and white checked sleeves and cap Career record 23:4-4-2 Wins 2000 (2) 2200 (1) 2400 (1) prizemoney $262,385 5TH, 01sep17 2.7l Wyong (lr) Carlton Mid Wyong gold Cup 2100m 55 (a gibbons 1) 8, lim 54, 2:08.44 (last 600m 34.94), good(3), destiny’s Kiss 59 1, The getaway 54 2, sayed 54 3, Btg $12.00, $26.00 led to turn. 6TH, 28oct17 5.8l randwick Bm95 1800m 61 (Josh adams 8) 9, lim 53, 1:50.63 ((class record) last 600m 36.84), soft(6), interlocuter 56.5 1, Black on gold 55 2, dark eyes 61 3, Btg $21.00, $31.00 4th to turn. slowly away.

9. SIREN’S FURy (2) 53 J C Coyle (Warwick Farm) 4 b/br m Myboycharlie (ir) – de Chorus. navy blue, grey maltese cross, black sleeves, white cap Career record 12:2-1-2 Wins 1350 (1) 1400 (1) prizemoney $129,450 4TH, 04nov17 1.1l rosehill Bm83 1400m 53 (Ms J Taylor 6) 11, lim 53, 1:23.57 ((class record) last 600m 35.10), good(4), Wayanka 57.5 1, gambler’s Blues 53 2, gamblestown 60 3, Btg $4.20, $4.60 (eq fav). 9th to turn. inquiry into performance. Blocked for run in straight. 8TH, 18nov17 3.9l rosehill , F&M’s Bm82 1400m 55.5 (Ms K o’hara 9) 11, lim 53, 1:22.61 ((class record) last 600m 33.81), good(3), sedanzer 54.5 1, slow Burn 58 2, rosa Carolina 57 3, Btg $7.00, $7.50, $6.00 10th settling, 9th turn. Vetted - no abnormalities.

10. CHalK (8) 53 Ms W Roche (Warwick Farm) 4 gr g Canford Cliffs (ir) – Tempest Tost. royal blue, orange diamond, sleeves and cap Career record 8:2-1-1 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (1) prizemoney $90,395 3RD, 28oct17 sht hd, 0.8l randwick Bm82 1200m 51 (B ryan 8) 9, lim 53, 1:11.25 ((class record) last 600m 36.39), soft(6), Firsthand 56 1, To excess 57.5 2, Zumbelina 57 4, Btg $5.50, $6.00, $5.00 led to turn. Blundered at start. 7TH, 09nov17 3l Flemington Bm90 1400m 54 (Ms r King 8) 13, lim 54, 1:22.44 (last 600m 34.97), good(3), Tribal Wisdom 54 1, harbour grey 54 2, Powerline 57.5 3, Btg $10.00, $9.00, $10.00 5th to 800m, 7th turn. Jumped awkwardly.

Race 6



1. FaBRIzIO (2) 60 G Waterhouse & a Bott (Randwick) 6 br g high Chaparral (ir) – desina. orange, brown spots, white sleeves and cap Career record 17:8-0-1 Wins 1200 (1) 1400 (2) 1550 (1) 1600 (3) 1800 (1) prizemoney $442,000 9TH, 09nov17 7l hawkesbury (lr) lander Toyota ladies day Cup 1400m 59.5 (J Parr 10) 10, lim 54, 1:21.90 ((race record) last 600m 34.33), good(4), duca Valentinois 56.5 1, Passage of Time 54 2, Unequivocal 54 3, Btg $5.50, $6.00, $5.50 3rd to 800m, 4th turn. inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities. 5TH, 26nov17 1.8l goulburn open 1600m 62 (Ms r King 9) 14, lim 54, 1:34.01 (last 600m 35.78), good(4), dark eyes 56.5 1, god’s in him 55.5 2, Valentino rossa 54 3, Btg $4.80, $6.50 led to turn.

2. BROaDSIDE (3) 56.5 G Waterhouse & a Bott (Randwick) 6 b g raise The Flag (gB) – anam Cara (nZ). royal blue, pale blue diamonds, diamonds cap Career record 15:6-1-3 Wins 1400 (1) 1600 (2) 2000 (2) 2300 (1) prizemoney $327,326 3RD, 23sep17 sht hd, 1/2 nck rosehill (g 3) Colin stephen Qlty 2400m 58 (T Clark 3) 5, lim 55, 2:30.35 (last 600m 36.90), good(4), auvray 57 1, admiral Jello 55 2, dee i Cee 57.5 4, Btg $2.35, $2.80 (fav). led to turn. 5TH, 30sep17 3l randwick (g 1) The Metropolitan 2400m 52 (T Clark 9) 10, lim 50, 2:27.73 (last 600m 34.94), good(3), Foundry 50.5 1, Big duke 55 2, Chocante 54.5 3, Btg $6.00, $8.00, $6.50 led to turn.

3. GREEN SWEET (1) 55.5 Jean Dubois (Goulburn) 6 ch g smart strike (Ca) – only green (ir). navy blue, light blue hooped sleeves and cap Career record 13:3-1-3 Wins 1600 (2) 2000 (1) prizemoney $237,921 WON, 24Mar17 0.5l, 4.3l albury (lr) Commercial Clb albury gold Cup 2000m 54 (J Victoire 5) 15, lim 54, 2:03.04 (last 600m 38.66), heavy(8), Cool Chap 54 2, overdue 54 3, survived 54 4, Btg $6.00, $7.00, $5.50 9th to 800m, 6th turn. hampered near 200m. 8TH, 15apr17 11.6l randwick (g 3) Japan racing assoc Plate 2000m 53 (J Victoire 7) 10, lim 53, 2:09.92 (last 600m 36.67), heavy(8), Top of My list 53 1, sons of John 54 2, rudy 54 3, Btg $6.00, $6.50, $4.80 8th throughout. Jumped awkwardly. Vetted - no abnormalities.

4. SavapINSKI (7) 55 G Waterhouse & a Bott (Randwick) 4 b m savabeel – swarovski (nZ). white, dynamic syndications logo, red cap Career record 7:4-1-0 Wins 1200 (1) 1600 (2) 2000 (1) prizemoney $267,880 2ND, 28oct17 1.3l, nse Moonee Valley (g 3) Tesio stakes 1600m 54 (B avdulla 2) 9, lim 54, 1:34.42 ((track record) last 600m 35.10), good(3), lubiton 54.5 1, invincibella 54 3, rocket Commander 54.5 4, Btg $9.00, $7.50 2nd throughout. WON, 11nov17 2.8l, 1l Flemington (g 2) 7news Matriarch stakes 2000m 55 (B avdulla 11) 11, set wts with pen, 2:01.59 (last 600m 35.94), good(3), Payroll 56 2, Token of love 55 3, Prompt response 58.5 4, Btg $5.50, $4.80 led throughout. Jumped awkwardly.

6. SlOW paCE (6) 53.5 K a lees (Newcastle) 10 b g distorted humor (Us) – slow down (Us). royal blue, white horseshoe, black and white checked sleeves and white cap Career record 48:6-3-5 Wins 1600 (1) 1800 (1) 2000 (2) 2100 (1) 2400 (1) prizemoney $568,118 laST, 06May17 14.2l rosehill (lr) lord Mayor’s Cup 2000m 53.5 (Ms r King 8) 12, lim 53, 2:02.15 ((race record) last 600m 35.63), good(3), Top of My list 57.5 1, allergic 58 2, Jessy Belle 54 3, Btg $13.00, $26.00 4th to 800m, 5th turn. slowly away. Wide throughout. lame after race. laST, 27May17 34.1l randwick (lr) Fujitsu air Con. McKell Cup 2400m 53.5 (r Thompson 4) 11, lim 53, 2:33.96 (last 600m 38.72), soft(6), allergic 59 1, Broadside 53 2, soviet Courage 53 3, Btg $21.00, $26.00 7th to turn. inquiry into performance. Poor post-race recovery.

7. BlaCK ON GOlD (4) 53 C J Waller (Rosehill) 4 bl/br g sebring – Fools gold. lime green, silver hoops, sleeves and cap Career record 19:6-4-0 Wins 1400 (1) 1600 (1) 1800 (3) 1900 (1) prizemoney $310,565 WON, 04nov17 lng hd, 0.8l rosehill open 1800m 53 (Ms K o’hara 2) 6, lim 53, 1:50.39 (last 600m 35.28), good(4), new Tipperary 57 2, Prince Cheri 57 3, embley 60 4, Btg $2.25, $2.50 (fav). 5th to turn. slowly away. 2ND, 18nov17 1.3l, 1/2 nck rosehill open 1900m 55 (Ms K o’hara 2) 5, lim 53.5, 1:56.29 (last 600m 35.39), good(3), interlocuter 56 1, embley 59 3, Prince Cheri 56.5 4, Btg $5.00, $5.50 last to 1200m, 2nd to turn. slowly away. hampered early stages.

8. MONTaUK (10) 53 C J Waller (Warwick Farm) 5 b g More Than ready (Us) – diamond Cove. emerald green, red and white checked epaulettes, gold star and armbands, checked stripes on cap Career record 34:5-5-4 Wins 1400 (1) 1600 (1) 1900 (1) 2000 (2) prizemoney $401,865 3RD, 13Jul17 sht nck, 1.3l grafton (lr) McKimms real est. grafton Cup 2350m 54 (C W Brown 10) 13, lim 54, 2:23.33 (last 600m 35.56), good(4), supply and demand 58.5 1, get on The grange 54 2, Feltre 54 4, Btg $4.60, $4.00, $3.80 2nd to 1200m, 3rd to turn. 7TH, 04nov17 5.8l doomben open 1640m 58.5 (g Colless 1) 8, lim 54, 1:37.23 (last 600m 34.09), Firm(2), Zahspeed 54 1, emphasis 57.5 2, Torgersen 59 3, Btg $13.00, $15.00, $10.00 2nd settling, 5th 800m, 4th turn.

9. GaMBlESTOWN (9) 53 Joseph pride (Warwick Farm) 7 b/br g darci Brahma (nZ) – inniskillen (nZ). black, lime green disc and armbands, quartered cap Career record 32:5-4-3 Wins 1200 (2) 1350 (1) 1400 (2) prizemoney $238,330 4TH, 18nov17 2.5l rosehill open 1400m 53 (J Ford 2) 8, lim 53, 1:22.75 (last 600m 33.99), good(3), Cabeza de Vaca 54 1, Firsthand 53 2, Federal 57.5 3, Btg $13.00, $21.00 6th to turn. laid in in straight. Proved difficult to ride out. 6TH, 26nov17 1.9l goulburn open 1600m 54 (Jean Van overmeire 13) 14, lim 54, 1:34.01 (last 600m 35.78), good(4), dark eyes 56.5 1, god’s in him 55.5 2, Valentino rossa 54 3, Btg $7.00, $10.00, $7.50 last to 800m, 11th turn.

5TH, 18nov17 2.9l rosehill open 1400m 62 (B shinn 5) 8, lim 53, 1:22.75 (last 600m 33.99), good(3), Cabeza de Vaca 54 1, Firsthand 53 2, Federal 57.5 3, Btg $11.00, $16.00 7th to turn. Protest lodged, dismissed. Checked on straightening. hampered in straight.

2. JapONISME (1) 58.5 C J Waller (Rosehill) 5 ch g Choisir – haiku. cerise Career record 28:6-1-6 Wins 1100 (3) 1200 (3) prizemoney $1,334,865 8TH, 14oct17 3.6l randwick (lr) sydney stakes 1200m 58.5 (B shinn 7) 14, Weight for age, 1:08.26 ((race record) last 600m 34.22), good(3), in her Time 56.5 1, impending 58.5 2, Ball of Muscle 58.5 3, Btg $31.00, $61.00, $51.00 7th settling, 8th turn. hampered early stages. 6TH, 09nov17 3.6l hawkesbury (lr) lander Toyota ladies day Cup 1400m 59 (T angland 3) 10, lim 54, 1:21.90 ((race record) last 600m 34.33), good(4), duca Valentinois 56.5 1, Passage of Time 54 2, Unequivocal 54 3, Btg $7.50, $9.00 5th settling, 4th 800m, 5th turn.

3. GOOD pROJECT (6) 57.5 C J Waller (Rosehill) 6 b h not a single doubt – euchre. red, yellow side panels, yellow sleeves and cap Career record 32:5-9-4 Wins 1200 (1) 1300 (1) 1600 (3) prizemoney $1,328,210 laST, 23sep17 6l rosehill (g 2) shannon stakes 1500m 59 (J Bowman 8) 9, lim 53, 1:28.80 (last 600m 35.32), good(4), Washington heights 55 1, Mighty lucky 57 2, imposing lass 53 3, Btg $10.00, $9.00 5th settling, 3rd 800m, 2nd turn. 10TH, 07oct17 5l Flemington (lr) Paris lane hcp 1400m 59 (J Bowman 4) 11, lim 54, 1:24.72 (last 600m 34.44), good(3), Pure Pride 54 1, Wyndspelle 54 2, saint Valorem 54 3, Btg $6.50, $7.00, $4.80 (eq fav). 3rd settling, 4th 800m, 5th turn. overraced early, middle stages. Vetted - no abnormalities.

4. CaBEza DE vaCa (7) 57 G Waterhouse & a Bott (Randwick) 6 b g northern Meteor – dirty. aquamarine Career record 14:7-3-3 Wins 1350 (1) 1400 (2) 1500 (1) 1600 (2) 1900 (1) prizemoney $290,975 WON, 28oct17 0.5l, 0.5l randwick open 1400m 51.5 (Ms r King 5) 13, lim 53, 1:23.05 (last 600m 36.14), soft(6), supply and demand 60.5 2, duca Valentinois 57.5 3, sir Plush 54.5 4, Btg $10.00, $15.00 led throughout. WON, 18nov17 0.8l, 1.5l rosehill open 1400m 54 (Ms r King 8) 8, lim 53, 1:22.75 (last 600m 33.99), good(3), Firsthand 53 2, Federal 57.5 3, gamblestown 53 4, Btg $2.50, $2.35, $3.00 (fav). led throughout.

5. MIGHTy lUCKy (2) 57 F T Cowell (Gosford) 8 b/br g Casino Prince – Buxom Babe. black and grey diamonds, yellow sleeves and cap Career record 55:9-11-5 Wins 1300 (2) 1400 (3) 1500 (2) 1615 (1) 2000 (1) prizemoney $801,670 7TH, 28oct17 4.3l randwick open 1400m 57.5 (J innes Jnr 4) 13, lim 53, 1:23.05 (last 600m 36.14), soft(6), Cabeza de Vaca 51.5 1, supply and demand 60.5 2, duca Valentinois 57.5 3, Btg $7.00, $8.50, $7.50 6th to turn. 4TH, 09nov17 3l hawkesbury (lr) lander Toyota ladies day Cup 1400m 57.5 (C g o’Brien 2) 10, lim 54, 1:21.90 ((race record) last 600m 34.33), good(4), duca Valentinois 56.5 1, Passage of Time 54 2, Unequivocal 54 3, Btg $11.00, $12.00, $10.00 7th to turn. hampered near 400m.

6. TESTaSHaDOW (5) 57

10. lORD KINGSlEy (8) 53

G portelli (Warwick Farm) 6 b g Testa rossa – Moonlight shadow. white elite thoroughbreds logo, pale blue striped sleeves and cap Career record 36:7-6-5 Wins 1400 (5) 1600 (2) prizemoney $1,245,585 12TH, 12May17 7.8l scone (Metro) (lr) darley scone Cup 1600m 57 (Ms d Panya 13) 15, lim 53, 1:35.79 (last 600m 35.77), good(4), duca Valentinois 53 1, god’s in him 53 2, Pajaro 55.5 3, Btg $9.00, $13.00 3rd to 800m, 5th turn. 7TH, 18nov17 7.2l rosehill open 1400m 57 (Ms d Panya 4) 8, lim 53, 1:22.75 (last 600m 33.99), good(3), Cabeza de Vaca 54 1, Firsthand 53 2, Federal 57.5 3, Btg $7.50, $11.00 2nd to turn. galloped on.

lauri Wray (Warwick Farm) 4 b g i am invincible – Flying Mahal. blue, pink dreamcatcher and diamonds sleeves, blue cap, pink pom pom Career record 21:4-3-4 Wins 1200 (1) 1400 (1) 1600 (1) 2000 (1) prizemoney $192,390 2ND, 04nov17 nse, 1.8l rosehill Bm80 1800m 54 (Ms J Taylor 5) 10, lim 53, 1:50.21 (last 600m 36.12), good(4), Carzoff 58.5 1, Mornington 57 3, impavido 59 4, Btg $26.00, $51.00, $41.00 3rd settling, 6th to 800m, 7th turn. overraced early stages. inquiry into performance. WON, 18nov17 nck, 1.3l rosehill Bm85 2000m 53 (T Clark 4) 10, lim 53, 2:02.36 (last 600m 36.50), good(3), imperial aviator 58.5 2, Carzoff 58.5 3, impavido 56.5 4, Btg $9.00, $10.00, $9.00 7th to 800m, 8th turn. rider lost whip.

James Cummings (Flemington) 5 b g lonhro – an Chlais. royal blue Career record 27:7-4-5 Wins 1400 (2) 1500 (3) 1600 (2) prizemoney $470,035 12TH, 28oct17 9.7l randwick open 1400m 56 (Josh adams 11) 13, lim 53, 1:23.05 (last 600m 36.14), soft(6), Cabeza de Vaca 51.5 1, supply and demand 60.5 2, duca Valentinois 57.5 3, Btg $21.00, $15.00, $21.00 9th settling, 8th turn. Wide throughout. WON, 11nov17 nse, nck Flemington 4yo and UP open 1400m 56 (d lane 6) 12, lim 54, 1:22.79 (last 600m 34.96), good(3), duke of Brunswick 55.5 2, ruettiger 54 3, god’s in him 55 4, Btg $11.00, $8.50, $10.00 5th to turn.

Race 7



1. RED ExCITEMENT (11) 59.5 G a Ryan (Rosehill) 8 b g excites – red obsession. white, tartan crossed sashes and cap Career record 49:13-5-6 Wins 1000 (1) 1080 (1) 1400 (6) 1550 (1) 1600 (2) 2000 (1) 2100 (1) prizemoney $988,070 laST, 09nov17 8.1l hawkesbury (lr) lander Toyota ladies day Cup 1400m 61 (r hutchings 5) 10, lim 54, 1:21.90 ((race record) last 600m 34.33), good(4), duca Valentinois 56.5 1, Passage of Time 54 2, Unequivocal 54 3, Btg $12.00, $9.00, $11.00 2nd settling, led turn. inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities.

7. MOHER (10) 56

8. FEDERal (3) 55.5 James Cummings (agnes Banks) 6 b g Medaglia d’oro (Us) – Virago. royal blue, white cap Career record 25:4-5-7 Wins 1200 (1) 1350 (1) 1400 (2) prizemoney $428,150 5TH, 28oct17 2.9l randwick open 1400m 57 (g schofield 13) 13, lim 53, 1:23.05 (last 600m 36.14), soft(6), Cabeza de Vaca 51.5 1, supply and demand 60.5 2, duca Valentinois 57.5 3, Btg $13.00, $16.00 12th to turn. 3RD, 18nov17 0.8l, 1.5l rosehill open 1400m 57.5 (T angland 1) 8, lim 53, 1:22.75 (last 600m 33.99), good(3), Cabeza de Vaca 54 1, Firsthand 53 2, gamblestown 53 4, Btg $6.50, $4.80 5th to turn. slowly away. Protested against, dismissed.

9. MISTER SEa WOlF (4) 54.5 C J Waller (Rosehill) 6 br g amadeus Wolf (gB) – rose de France (ir). lime, dark green shamrock, black and white checked sleeves and cap Career record 23:6-2-3 Wins 1006 (1) 1408 (3) 1609 (2) prizemoney $212,287 2ND, 01Jul17 0.5l ire - Curragh (lr) Celebration stakes 1609m 61 (Colin Keane 4) 9, set weights, 1:38.21 , good, True Valour 57 1, alexios Komnenos 57 3, Flight risk 63.5 4, Btg $3.00 (fav). . 8TH, 17aug17 4.5l ire - leopardstown (g 3) desmond stakes 1609m 60.5 (Colin Keane 7) 9, Weight for age, 1:43.98 , good, alexios Komnenos 57.5 1, Music Box 56 2, Custom Cut 61.5 3, Btg $7.50 .

10. SalSONIC (8) 53 J C Coyle (Warwick Farm) 4 b g hinchinbrook – salsify. navy blue, grey maltese cross, black sleeves, white cap Career record 17:2-2-3 Wins 1300 (1) 1600 (1) prizemoney $338,925 10TH, 28oct17 6.7l randwick open 1400m 53.5 (Ms J Taylor 3) 13, lim 53, 1:23.05 (last 600m 36.14), soft(6), Cabeza de Vaca 51.5 1, supply and demand 60.5 2, duca Valentinois 57.5 3, Btg $15.00, $21.00 last to turn. slowly away. 6TH, 18nov17 5.3l rosehill open 1400m 54 (J r Collett 7) 8, lim 53, 1:22.75 (last 600m 33.99), good(3), Cabeza de Vaca 54 1, Firsthand 53 2, Federal 57.5 3, Btg $17.00, $21.00, $13.00 last to turn. slowly away.

11. CHalK (9) 53 Ms W Roche (Warwick Farm) 4 gr g Canford Cliffs (ir) – Tempest Tost. royal blue, orange diamond, sleeves and cap Career record 8:2-1-1 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (1) prizemoney $90,395 3RD, 28oct17 sht hd, 0.8l randwick Bm82 1200m 51 (B ryan 8) 9, lim 53, 1:11.25 ((class record) last 600m 36.39), soft(6), Firsthand 56 1, To excess 57.5 2, Zumbelina 57 4, Btg $5.50, $6.00, $5.00 led to turn. Blundered at start. 7TH, 09nov17 3l Flemington Bm90 1400m 54 (Ms r King 8) 13, lim 54, 1:22.44 (last 600m 34.97), good(3), Tribal Wisdom 54 1, harbour grey 54 2, Powerline 57.5 3, Btg $10.00, $9.00, $10.00 5th to 800m, 7th turn. Jumped awkwardly.

Race 8



1. DOTHRaKI (7) 60 p & p Snowden (Randwick) 7 ch g Mossman – Volantis. red, white triple crown syndications logo Career record 38:6-7-9 Wins 1100 (2) 1200 (3) 1400 (1) prizemoney $1,146,810 2ND, 03Jun17 lng nck, 1.5l doomben (g 2) ascot green Moreton Cup 1200m 59 (J Bowman 6) 13, lim 53, 1:09.19 (last 600m 33.45), good(4), deploy 53 1, Perfect dare 53 3, The Virginian 54.5 4, Btg $5.00, $5.50, $5.00 3rd to turn. 6TH, 24Jun17 3.8l doomben (g 3) Ubet W.J. healy stakes 1200m 60.5 (d J Browne 13) 13, lim 54, 1:09.60 (last 600m 34.64), good(4), Burning Passion 54.5 1, irish Constabulary 54 2, Too good To refuse 55 3, Btg $6.50, $7.00, $6.50 3rd to turn. shifted in near 800m. rider told to use more care. Wide throughout.

2. THE MONSTaR (10) 59 B F Cavanough (Scone) 7 b g California dane – sirocco Mist. black, pink horseshoes, quartered cap Career record 43:11-7-6 Wins 900 (2) 975 (1) 1000 (4) 1100 (1) 1175 (1) 1200 (2) prizemoney $620,940 4TH, 14oct17 2.1l randwick (lr) sydney stakes 1200m 58.5 (g Buckley 6) 14, Weight for age, 1:08.26 ((race record) last 600m 34.22), good(3), in her Time 56.5 1, impending 58.5 2, Ball of Muscle 58.5 3, Btg $31.00, $101.00 4th throughout. 3RD, 04nov17 1l, 1l Flemington (g 2) TaB Multiplier stakes 1200m 57.5 (J Mott 2) 14, lim 53, 1:08.90 (last 600m 34.18), good(3), rich Charm 54 1, Missrock 55 2, ravi 54.5 4, Btg $26.00, $31.00 3rd to 800m, 4th 400m.

3. BIG MONEy (1) 57 R p Northam (Scone) 8 ch g Choisir – lyn’s Money. yellow, black diamonds Career record 35:10-6-3 Wins 900 (1) 1000 (3) 1100 (1) 1200 (4) 1350 (1) prizemoney $809,610 10TH, 27May17 7.3l randwick open 1100m 61.5 (r Thompson 6) 12, lim 53, 1:05.72 (last 600m 36.46), soft(6), Kudero 54.5 1, Badajoz 53 2, The Monstar 60 3, Btg $21.00, $31.00 10th throughout. hampered at start. 3RD, 07nov17 sht hd, lng hd randwick open 1100m 55.5 (B Mc dougall 1) 6, lim 53, 1:03.50 (last 600m 34.58), soft(5), samantha 51.5 1, To excess 53 2, oxford Poet 57 4, Btg $6.00, $7.00, $6.50 4th to turn. rider lost whip.

4. qUaTRONIC (5) 55 M J Dunn (Murwillumbah) 5 ch g nicconi – suzy grey. brown, purple diamond, sleeves and cap Career record 14:7-0-1 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (2) 1110 (1) 1200 (2) 1206 (1) prizemoney $277,875 laST, 14oct17 12.9l randwick (lr) sydney stakes 1200m 58.5 (T angland 12) 14, Weight for age, 1:08.26 ((race record) last 600m 34.22), good(3), in her Time 56.5 1, impending 58.5 2, Ball of Muscle 58.5 3, Btg $31.00, $71.00 3rd to turn. Wide throughout. 7TH, 07nov17 4.5l Flemington (lr) Mss security sprint 1200m 54.5 (Ms K o’hara 14) 16, lim 54, 1:09.33 (last 600m 34.47), good(3), ocean embers 54 1, Faatinah 57 2, i Thought so 54 3, Btg $26.00, $51.00, $41.00 3rd to 800m, 8th 400m.

5. EGypTIaN SyMBOl (9) 54 Bjorn Baker (Warwick Farm) 5 b m stratum – our egyptian raine (nZ). silver and black diamonds, yellow sleeves and cap Career record 19:5-4-4 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (1) 1200 (3) prizemoney $587,255

Continued on next page

page 10

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

Rosehill gaRdens FORM CONTINUED

7TH, 10Jun17 3.1l doomben (g 1) stradbroke hcp 1350m 53.5 (g schofield 7) 16, lim 52, 1:17.93 ((race record) last 600m 34.32), good(4), impending 52.5 1, in her Time 53.5 2, Clearly innocent 57 3, Btg $12.00, $13.00 10th settling, 14th turn. overraced early, middle stages. 8TH, 24Jun17 5.7l doomben (g 1) sky Racing Tattersall’s Tiara 1350m 57 (T Clark 15) 16, Weight for age, 1:19.37 (last 600m 34.72), good(4), Tycoon Tara 57 1, Prompt Response 55.5 2, in her Time 57 3, Btg $12.00, $16.00, $15.00 10th settling, 9th turn. Wide throughout. laid in in straight.

6. PalazzO PUbblICO (18) 53.5 Matthew Smith (Warwick Farm) 6 b m Conatus – Piazza del Campo. royal blue, white crossed sashes Career record 27:7-2-4 Wins 1100 (4) 1200 (3) Prizemoney $399,840 11TH, 24Jun17 3.1l Flemington open 1100m 58 (d oliver 4) 15, lim 54, 1:03.61 (last 600m 33.54), good(4), ability 54 1, husson eagle 57.5 2, Rough Justice 54.5 3, Btg $16.00, $12.00, $13.00 9th settling, 11th 800m, 9th 400m. 3RD, 09nov17 1.8l, 1/2 hd Flemington (lR) absolut stakes 1000m 55 (B shinn 4) 10, set wts with pen, 56.81s (last 600m 32.72), good(3), Ball of Muscle 56 1, Crystal dreamer 56 2, dance With Fontein 54 4, Btg $15.00, $17.00 8th to 400m.

7. zESTFUl (8) 53.5 K a lees (Newcastle) 6 b m Redoute’s Choice – Zest. yellow, black maltese cross and cap Career record 18:5-2-2 Wins 1100 (2) 1150 (1) 1200 (2) Prizemoney $328,825 2ND, 21oct17 1.3l, 1/2 nck Randwick (g 3) The nivison 1200m 56 (T angland 8) 12, set wts with pen, 1:10.08 (last 600m 34.62), soft(7), White Moss 54 1, Kinshachi 55 3, dixie Blossoms 57 4, Btg $26.00, $31.00 5th settling, 3rd turn. Wide throughout. 10TH, 04nov17 4.8l Flemington (g 3) skip sprint 1100m 56.5 (K Mc evoy 2) 11, set wts with pen, 1:03.29 (last 600m 33.86), good(3), lyuba 55 1, savanna amour 59 2, Concealer 55 3, Btg $8.50, $12.00 3rd settling, 4th 800m, 6th 400m.

8. SaMaNTHa (6) 53 G a Ryan (Rosehill) 4 ch m snitzel – icedginger. orange, brown spots, white sleeves and cap Career record 10:4-1-0 Wins 1100 (4) Prizemoney $260,305 7TH, 21oct17 3.2l Randwick (g 3) The nivison 1200m 55 (Josh adams 9) 12, set wts with pen, 1:10.08 (last 600m 34.62), soft(7), White Moss 54 1, Zestful 56 2, Kinshachi 55 3, Btg $21.00 9th settling, 8th turn. overraced early, middle stages. WON, 07nov17 sht hd, lng hd Randwick open 1100m 51.5 (a adkins 5) 6, lim 53, 1:03.50 (last 600m 34.58), soft(5), To excess 53 2, Big Money 55.5 3, oxford Poet 57 4, Btg $3.50, $5.00 2nd to turn.

9. SIR PlUSH (16) 53 bjorn baker (Warwick Farm) 5 b g Pins – luxurious lady (Us). gold, brown horseshoe Career record 23:7-5-2 Wins 1100 (3) 1150 (1) 1287 (1) 1400 (2) Prizemoney $336,760 WON, 07oct17 0.8l, lng nck Randwick open 1400m 53.5 (J R Collett 2) 10, lim 53, 1:21.90 (last 600m 34.59), good(3), Mighty lucky 59 2, all our Roads 55.5 3, souchez 51.5 4, Btg $3.00, $2.25 (fav). led throughout. 4TH, 28oct17 2.8l Randwick open 1400m 54.5 (J R Collett 8) 13, lim 53, 1:23.05 (last 600m 36.14), soft(6), Cabeza de Vaca 51.5 1, supply and demand 60.5 2, duca Valentinois 57.5 3, Btg $5.00, $4.00, $4.20 (fav). 3rd to turn. Wide throughout.

10. KUDERO (17) 53 C E Conners (Warwick Farm) 7 ch g Choisir – Bomba. yellow, black star, orange sleeves Career record 61:12-5-3 Wins 900 (1) 1000 (2) 1050 (1) 1100 (4) 1200 (4) Prizemoney $522,740 4TH, 22Jul17 1l Randwick open 1100m 55 (J R Collett 7) 7, lim 53, 1:05.17 (last 600m 35.22), good(4), Boss lane 58 1, Petrossian 53 2, Felines 60.5 3, Btg $4.20, $3.80, $4.60 4th settling, 3rd turn. Wide throughout. laid in on straightening.

10TH, 18nov17 4.2l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 56 (Ms d Panya 9) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), glenall 54 1, Tactical advantage 55.5 2, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Btg $31.00, $51.00 7th settling, 5th turn. Wide throughout.

11. STRaTURbO (11) 53 G Portelli (Warwick Farm) 8 b g stratum – Weekend gossip. white, elite thoroughbreds logo, pale blue striped sleeves and cap Career record 52:8-11-1 Wins 1000 (2) 1050 (2) 1100 (4) Prizemoney $508,625 laST, 02oct17 4.2l Warwick Farm open 1000m 57 (T angland 6) 7, lim 53, 56.58s (last 600m 32.99), good(3), Kaepernick 61 1, highly geared 53 2, Realise Potential 53 3, Btg $9.00, $13.00 5th to turn. hampered at start. Ran wide middle stages. Vetted - no abnormalities. 7TH (D.H.), 18nov17 2.8l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 57 (Ms R King 7) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), glenall 54 1, Tactical advantage 55.5 2, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Btg $101.00, $61.00 9th to turn. Checked near 800m.

12. GlENall (3) 53 M, W & J Hawkes (Rosehill) 4 b h Redoute’s Choice – our Quivira (nZ). green, white braces, yellow hooped sleeves and cap Career record 6:2-2-0 Wins 1100 (2) Prizemoney $153,650 7TH, 08apr17 4.1l Randwick (g 2) arrowfield 3yo sprint 1200m 56.5 (T Clark 6) 12, set weights, 1:12.67 (last 600m 36.78), soft(7), derryn 56.5 1, global glamour 54.5 2, impending 56.5 3, Btg $6.00, $7.50, $6.50 led settling, 4th turn. hung in in straight. Proved difficult to ride out. Vetted - no abnormalities. WON, 18nov17 lng hd, 1l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 54 (B avdulla 5) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), Tactical advantage 55.5 2, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Tango Rain 54 4, Btg $4.80, $6.00, $5.00 4th to turn.

13. ISORICH (12) 53 Wayne Seelin (Wyong) 7 b g Choisir – a little naughty. lilac, black and white checked band, checked armbands and checked cap Career record 71:10-11-15 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (4) 1200 (5) Prizemoney $513,385 4TH, 04nov17 1.9l Rosehill Bm92 1200m 56 (l Magorrian 4) 10, lim 53, 1:09.91 ((class record) last 600m 34.69), good(4), Zumbelina 53.5 1, Magic alibi 51.5 2, My Country 51.5 3, Btg $5.50, $8.00 3rd to turn. 8TH, 09nov17 5.1l hawkesbury (lR) lander Toyota ladies day Cup 1400m 54 (l Magorrian 8) 10, lim 54, 1:21.90 ((race record) last 600m 34.33), good(4), duca Valentinois 56.5 1, Passage of Time 54 2, Unequivocal 54 3, Btg $10.00, $11.00, $9.00 led settling, 2nd turn. inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities.

14. HIGHly GEaRED (15) 53 G G Kirkup (Canberra) SCRaTCHED

15. TaCTICal aDvaNTaGE (14) 53

laST, 01Jul17 6l Rosehill Bm93 1100m 59 (J Bowman 2) 11, lim 53, 1:04.59 (last 600m 34.57), soft(6), Calanda 53 1, sir Plush 54.5 2, highly geared 55 3, Btg $5.50, $7.50 3rd to turn. Jumped awkwardly. galloped on. 7TH, 15Jul17 3.7l Rosehill Bm93 1200m 55 (n heywood 7) 11, lim 53, 1:09.60 ((class record) last 600m 34.29), good(4), Washington heights 56 1, sir Plush 54 2, inz’n’out 57.5 3, Btg $12.00, $17.00 led to turn.

17. TaNGO RaIN (2) 53 G a Ryan (Rosehill) 4 b h Manhattan Rain – Tango Fire. yellow, red square, lime green and orange hooped sleeves, red and yellow quartered cap Career record 10:3-2-2 Wins 1100 (2) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $200,400 5TH, 04nov17 5.1l Rosehill Bm85 1100m 61.5 (d J Browne 6) 8, lim 53, 1:03.79 (last 600m 34.32), good(4), Pomelo 58 1, ozark 56.5 2, Best guess 53.5 3, Btg $2.90, $4.00 2nd settling, led turn. inquiry into performance. Poor post-race recovery. Respiratory issues. 4TH, 18nov17 1.4l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 54 (J innes Jnr 11) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), glenall 54 1, Tactical advantage 55.5 2, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Btg $8.00, $6.50 3rd settling, 2nd turn. overraced early stages.

18. TO ExCESS (4) 53 T J bartley (Wyong) 4 b g duporth – Montclair. black, purple checks, white stars sleeves, checked cap Career record 12:5-4-0 Wins 1000 (2) 1100 (3) Prizemoney $150,020 2ND, 28oct17 sht hd, 0.8l Randwick Bm82 1200m 57.5 (T angland 6) 9, lim 53, 1:11.25 ((class record) last 600m 36.39), soft(6), Firsthand 56 1, Chalk 51 3, Zumbelina 57 4, Btg $6.00, $4.60 7th to turn. 2ND, 07nov17 sht hd, lng hd Randwick open 1100m 53 (Jean Van overmeire 3) 6, lim 53, 1:03.50 (last 600m 34.58), soft(5), samantha 51.5 1, Big Money 55.5 3, oxford Poet 57 4, Btg $2.25, $2.10 (fav). 3rd to turn.

Race 9



1. COOlRING (12) 64 bjorn baker (Warwick Farm) 7 gr g sebring – Coolroom Candidate. green, blue checks, white sleeves, green and blue checked cap Career record 40:7-8-2 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (2) 1250 (2) 1400 (1) 1500 (1) Prizemoney $519,990 7TH, 04nov17 3.9l Rosehill Bm92 1200m 61 (Josh adams 8) 10, lim 53, 1:09.91 ((class record) last 600m 34.69), good(4), Zumbelina 53.5 1, Magic alibi 51.5 2, My Country 51.5 3, Btg $17.00, $31.00 2nd to turn. 9TH, 18nov17 3.2l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 59 (Josh adams 10) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), glenall 54 1, Tactical advantage 55.5 2, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Btg $41.00, $31.00, $71.00 2nd settling, led turn.

2. PERFECT DaRE (4) 63

Joseph Pride (Warwick Farm) 4 br g Bel esprit – above Perfection. red, black stripes Career record 12:5-3-2 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (2) 1200 (2) Prizemoney $281,150 3RD, 28oct17 sht 1/2 hd, 3.3l Randwick Bm86 1000m 60.5 (g schofield 6) 8, lim 53, 57.63s ((class record) last 600m 34.14), soft(6), Fickle Folly 55.5 1, i Thought so 59 2, ozark 56.5 4, Btg $2.90, $4.20 7th settling, last turn. inquiry into performance. hampered near 600m. Vetted - no abnormalities. 2ND, 18nov17 lng hd, 1l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 55.5 (g schofield 2) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), glenall 54 1, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Tango Rain 54 4, Btg $3.80, $3.50, $4.60 6th to turn.

M J Dunn (Murwillumbah) 5 b g Fastnet Rock – Perfect Truth (iR). gold, purple diamond sleeves Career record 22:4-4-2 Wins 1025 (1) 1050 (1) 1200 (1) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $451,500 15TH, 17Jun17 10.5l ipswich (Metro) (lR) City of ipswich eye liner stks 1350m 54 (J Byrne 4) 16, lim 54, 1:21.50 (last 600m 36.81), soft(7), Monsieur gustave 54 1, in his stride 54 2, Federal 58 3, Btg $9.00, $12.00 7th settling, 5th turn. laST, 04nov17 7.6l doomben open 1050m 59 (R Fradd 6) 8, lim 54, 59.65s (last 600m 33.54), Firm(2), Tarzan 54 1, sweet Repeat 51 2, love and lies 54 3, Btg $3.20, $4.80, $4.60 7th to turn. Wide throughout. eased near 200m. Rider didn’t handle going.

16. PRINCEFaMOUS (13) 53

3. SavOUREUx (18) 61

P & P Snowden (Randwick) 6 b g Fast ‘n’ Famous – Vesuvia (nZ). pale blue, pink shamrock Career record 18:5-0-3 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (3) 1300 (1) Prizemoney $210,055

K a lees (Newcastle) 6 b m nadeem – Ripe Plum. royal blue, white star, red cap Career record 30:6-2-3 Wins 1100 (1) 1150 (1) 1200 (3) 1250 (1) Prizemoney $378,585

10TH, 29Jul17 7.2l doomben open 1350m 55 (J lloyd 3) 11, lim 54, 1:19 (last 600m 34.69), good(3), oxford Poet 58.5 1, inz’n’out 55.5 2, outraged 52.5 3, Btg $7.00, $6.00 9th to turn. slowly away. 11TH, 18nov17 4.8l Rosehill Bm96 1100m 56 (T Clark 12) 12, lim 53, 1:03.26 ((class record) last 600m 33.96), good(3), glenall 54 1, Tactical advantage 55.5 2, Ziggy Willie 54 3, Btg $41.00, $81.00 10th to turn.

4. bETTER NOT blUE (3) 60.5 Michelle Ritchie (Kembla Grange) 6 b g Churchill downs – Mehter (nZ). hot pink and lime green stars, lime green and hot pink stars sleeves, lime green pom pom Career record 24:4-6-4 Wins 1250 (2) 1300 (2) Prizemoney $333,475 5TH, 29apr17 1.5l hawkesbury (Metro) Bm85 1300m 58 (Jean Van overmeire 2) 14, lim 53, 1:15.71 (last 600m 33.91), good(3), lanciato 56 1, liapari 58.5 2, il Mio destino 51.5 3, Btg $5.50, $8.50 12th settling, 13th 800m, 8th turn. inquiry into performance. Blocked for run in straight. 4TH, 06May17 2.6l Rosehill Bm92 1350m 57.5 (B loy 6) 10, lim 53, 1:20.30 ((class record) last 600m 34.49), good(3), Cannyescent 54 1, Careless 53.5 2, Kingsguard 53 3, Btg $4.60, $6.00, $4.80 7th to turn. slowly away.

5. TOWER OF SONG (17) 59.5 Matthew Dale (Moruya) 6 b g Fastnet Rock – sun song. lilac and white halves, black cap Career record 18:4-4-2 Wins 1500 (1) 1550 (1) 1600 (2) Prizemoney $185,145 4TH, 18Feb17 1.5l Rosehill open 1500m 51 (a adkins 6) 8, lim 53, 1:30.12 (last 600m 34.65), soft(5), antonio giuseppe 59 1, gold symphony 53 2, alegria 53.5 3, Btg $9.00, $8.00 3rd settling, 2nd turn. hampered near 200m. 8TH, 05Mar17 4.8l Canberra (lR) Casino national sprint 1400m 54 (T Clark 9) 13, lim 54, 1:22.66 ((race record) last 600m 35.24), good(4), gold symphony 54 1, happy Clapper 60.5 2, handfast 54 3, Btg $10.00, $11.00 5th to turn.

6. bEST GUESS (9) 59 C J Waller (Rosehill) 4 b g snippetson – Miss Judge. pale pink, light blue sleeves, lilac cap Career record 9:4-1-2 Wins 1100 (2) 1200 (1) 1250 (1) Prizemoney $154,065 3RD, 04nov17 1l, 1/2 nck Rosehill Bm85 1100m 53.5 (l Magorrian 1) 8, lim 53, 1:03.79 (last 600m 34.32), good(4), Pomelo 58 1, ozark 56.5 2, Pick Me Up 55.5 4, Btg $4.00, $4.20, $3.20 (fav). 4th to turn. WON, 18nov17 2.3l, 1/2 hd Rosehill Bm80 1200m 58.5 (B shinn 1) 8, lim 53, 1:10.35 (last 600m 33.81), good(3), star Reflection 55.5 2, Pipeline 57 3, heavenly anna 59 4, Btg $2.10, $2.25 (fav). led throughout.

7. POWERlINE (2) 59 K a lees (Newcastle) 6 gr g i am invincible – graphite lass. emerald green, gold shamrock, lilac sleeves, gold armbands Career record 24:4-5-5 Wins 1200 (4) Prizemoney $343,755 9TH, 03nov16 5.4l Flemington Bm90 1400m 56 (J B Mc donald 9) 13, lim 54, 1:22.45 (last 600m 34.25), good(3), Pepperano 55 1, onerous 57.5 2, gladstone 57 3, Btg $11.00, $12.00, $10.00 10th to turn. Jumped awkwardly. inconvenienced near 400m. lame after race. 3RD, 09nov17 1/2 hd, lng nck Flemington Bm90 1400m 57.5 (J Bowman 10) 13, lim 54, 1:22.44 (last 600m 34.97), good(3), Tribal Wisdom 54 1, harbour grey 54 2, silvera 56.5 4, Btg $16.00, $17.00, $12.00 3rd throughout.

8. MaCHINEGUN JUbS (5) 58 angela Davies (Gosford) 5 br m Time Thief – dodged a Bullet. pale blue, lilac v and armbands, quartered cap Career record 15:6-3-1 Wins 900 (1) 1000 (1) 1200 (2) 1250 (1) 1280 (1) Prizemoney $192,565 6TH, 28oct17 5l Randwick Bm86 1000m 55.5 (Josh adams 7) 8, lim 53, 57.63s ((class record) last 600m 34.14), soft(6), Fickle Folly 55.5 1, i Thought so 59 2, Tactical advantage 60.5 3, Btg $10.00, $12.00, $9.00 6th settling, 7th turn. Wide throughout.

WON, 11nov17 sht hd, 1/2 nck Rosehill , F&M’s Bm86 1200m 54.5 (B Mc dougall 2) 9, lim 53, 1:09.63 ((class record) last 600m 33.94), good(3), Zonk 51 2, in Times of War 57.5 3, Vienna Romance 53.5 4, Btg $10.00, $12.00, $10.00 4th settling, 3rd turn.

9. PIONEERING (8) 58 C J Waller (Rosehill) 5 ch m sebring – soothe (Us). purple, white stars and cap Career record 23:5-3-4 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (1) 1200 (1) 1250 (1) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $347,815 5TH, 08Jul17 2.2l Warwick Farm , F&M’s Bm83 1400m 61 (J Bowman 3) 9, lim 53, 1:23.88 (last 600m 35.40), soft(5), love’s a Fantasy 53.5 1, Reiby Rampart 55.5 2, no interest 53 3, Btg $5.00, $7.50 led settling, 7th turn. laid out throughout. laST, 15Jul17 4.2l Rosehill , F&M’s Bm84 1350m 60.5 (J Bowman 6) 9, lim 53, 1:21.34 ((class record) last 600m 34.20), good(4), insensata 56.5 1, girl sunday 58.5 2, labdien 53.5 3, Btg $4.60, $6.00 4th to turn. Jumped awkwardly. stewards queried run.

10. MaN OF CHOICE (11) 58 R & l Price (Nowra) 5 b g Manhattan Rain – Moonsong. green, white crossed sashes Career record 17:2-2-5 Wins 1200 (1) 1600 (1) Prizemoney $191,355 6TH, 08oct16 4.2l Randwick open 1400m 54 (Ms K o’hara 5) 8, lim 54, 1:20.77 ((class record) last 600m 34.04), good(3), Thunder Fantasy 63 1, his Majesty 54 2, Religify 58.5 3, Btg $10.00, $12.00, $10.00 6th throughout. Vetted - no abnormalities. 3RD, 22oct16 nse, 0.5l Randwick 4yo and UP , h & g’s Bm78 1400m 61.5 (J Parr 9) 11, lim 54, 1:24.64 ((class record) last 600m 34.91), soft(6), Muraqaba 59.5 1, Choice We had 56 2, Mon Pere 55 4, Btg $5.50, $4.80, $5.00 6th to turn.

11. MIlWaUKEE (1) 57.5 M D Moroney (Flemington) 4 b g Fastnet Rock – hummingbird. navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Career record 12:4-1-1 Wins 1200 (2) 1400 (2) Prizemoney $165,515 WON, 29oct17 1.3l, 1.3l sale Bm78 1200m 57.5 (P Moloney 2) 8, lim 54, 1:10.87 (last 600m 35.08), soft(6), divine Quality 55.5 2, star Fortune 57 3, Taddei Tondo 58 4, Btg $7.50, $8.50, $8.00 2nd to 800m, led turn. 3RD, 07nov17 1.5l, 1.3l Flemington 4 and 5yo Bm90 1400m 54 (P Moloney 8) 13, lim 54, 1:22.15 (last 600m 34.90), good(3), dollar For dollar 54.5 1, land of Plenty 55 2, atlantic City 54 4, Btg $6.00, $7.50 led to turn.

12. HEavENly aNNa (14) 56.5 K J Parker (Kembla Grange) 5 b m duporth – Caviar emptor (Us). white, pink sleeves and cap, white pom pom Career record 17:5-2-0 Wins 1000 (1) 1200 (1) 1400 (3) Prizemoney $213,525 4TH, 08Jul17 2.9l Warwick Farm Bm93 1600m 53 (J Ford 4) 7, lim 53, 1:37.94 (last 600m 35.30), good(4), liapari 57.5 1, so Willie 57 2, gold ambition 55.5 3, Btg $4.60, $6.00, $5.00 3rd settling, 4th turn. 4TH, 18nov17 3.4l Rosehill Bm80 1200m 59 (J Ford 5) 8, lim 53, 1:10.35 (last 600m 33.81), good(3), Best guess 58.5 1, star Reflection 55.5 2, Pipeline 57 3, Btg $17.00, $26.00, $21.00 4th throughout.

13. lEvEl EIGHT (10) 56 P & P Snowden (Randwick) 5 b g high Chaparral (iR) – sky Queen (nZ). black, yellow vees, yellow and black stars sleeves, striped cap Career record 17:3-6-5 Wins 1350 (1) 1400 (2) Prizemoney $116,585 3RD, 24Jun17 1.3l, hd Randwick Bm78 1400m 52.5 (a adkins 8) 12, lim 53, 1:27.37 (last 600m 37.80), heavy(8), Pelethronius 56.5 1, Conarchie 52.5 2, imperator augustus 53 4, Btg $4.60, $5.50 9th to turn. Jumped awkwardly. WON, 08Jul17 0.5l, 1/2 hd Kembla grange Bm70 1400m 61.5 (K Jennings 3) 10, lim 54, 1:25.92 (last 600m 34.88), good(3), disperse 54 2, Mydream 58.5 3, Carluca 57 4, Btg $2.60, $2.35 (fav). 6th to 800m, 5th turn. Wide throughout.

14. UPTOWN laD (7) 55 Ms K Waugh (Wyong) 4 b g Manhattan Rain – Chordata. pink, lilac stars and sleeves Career record 10:3-3-0 Wins 1000 (1) 1300 (1) 1350 (1) Prizemoney $98,335 laST, 17Jun17 7.1l Rosehill 3yo Bm73 1400m 57.5 (J Ford 1) 8, lim 53, 1:24.74 (last 600m 36.38), heavy(8), Just dreaming 58 1, insensata 56 2, high Mist 59.5 3, Btg $13.00, $21.00, $16.00 7th to 800m, last turn. inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities. WON, 19nov17 2l, 0.5l newcastle Cls 2 1300m 58 (Jean Van overmeire 6) 13, lim 54, 1:16.81 ((class record) last 600m 33.85), good(4), i Can hear Music 53 2, our sebring 56 3, assertin Mischief 57.5 4, Btg $6.50, $7.00, $4.80 (fav). 7th to 800m, 5th turn.

15. PIPElINE (15) 55 G a Ryan (Rosehill) 4 b h Redoute’s Choice – dances on Waves. red, yellow stripes, white sleeves, red cap Career record 8:2-1-3 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $147,035 2ND, 28Jan17 0.5l, nck Rosehill Bm90 1500m 51 (J innes Jnr 1) 7, lim 53, 1:30.26 (last 600m 34.23), good(3), dylan’s Rojo 55 1, Francesco 53 3, invinzabeel 57.5 4, Btg $3.80, $4.80 4th to turn. Blundered at start. 3RD, 18nov17 2.3l, 1/2 hd Rosehill Bm80 1200m 57 (J Parr 4) 8, lim 53, 1:10.35 (last 600m 33.81), good(3), Best guess 58.5 1, star Reflection 55.5 2, heavenly anna 59 4, Btg $7.00, $6.00, $6.50 5th to turn. slowly away.

16. FRaNCESCO (16) 54.5 Mark Newnham (Warwick Farm) 6 br g Wanted – With love. royal blue, red lightning bolt and hooped sleeves, red cap, royal blue lightning bolt Career record 23:3-1-6 Wins 1200 (1) 1550 (1) 1580 (1) Prizemoney $164,410 5TH, 19aug17 2.6l Randwick Bm90 1400m 53 (T Berry 5) 9, lim 53, 1:21.57 ((class record) last 600m 33.08), good(3), Comin’ Through 60.5 1, life less ordinary 58 2, Mogador 57.5 3, Btg $10.00, $11.00, $9.00 8th settling, 4th turn. 4TH, 26aug17 3.3l Rosehill , C,h&g’s Bm80 1500m 57.5 (B avdulla 4) 10, lim 53, 1:29.01 ((class record) last 600m 34.23), good(3), special Missile 59 1, Mapmaker 54 2, The Pharoah 59 3, Btg $7.50, $7.00, $11.00 4th to 800m, 5th turn.

17. QUEEN MISTy (13) 53 l J bridge (Randwick) 6 br m War Pass (Us) – aleta (nZ). red, green sleeves, red cap Career record 17:2-5-4 Wins 1000 (2) Prizemoney $116,835 8TH, 29Jul17 2.5l Rosehill , F&M’s Bm80 1500m 56.5 (T Clark 12) 14, lim 53, 1:29.30 (last 600m 35.66), good(3), Philosophy 57.5 1, awoke 56.5 2, elouera 51.5 3, Btg $11.00, $12.00, $9.00 9th settling, 8th turn. hampered near 200m. Checked concluding stages. 2ND, 17nov17 3l, lng hd Canterbury-n Bm76 1250m 56 (T Clark 8) 10, lim 53, 1:13.41 ((class record) last 600m 35.29), good(3), satirical Magic 57 1, Radical impact 50.5 3, elemenohpee 58 4 dead heat, Btg $4.60, $4.20 9th to turn. inquiry into performance. Blocked for run in straight.

18. lEaMI aSTRay (6) 53 R & l Price (Nowra) 5 b m darci Brahma (nZ) – leamington (Us). white, tartan maltese cross and armbands Career record 15:3-3-3 Wins 920 (1) 1000 (1) 1020 (1) Prizemoney $86,885 6TH, 04nov17 3.8l Rosehill , F&M’s Bm82 1100m 55 (Ms K o’hara 2) 8, lim 53, 1:04.21 ((class record) last 600m 34.02), good(4), slow Burn 54 1, anatola 57 2, gwenneth 53 3, Btg $13.00, $12.00, $15.00 4th settling, 5th turn. Checked near 600m. 4TH, 18nov17 3.2l Rosehill , F&M’s Bm82 1400m 53 (a adkins 2) 11, lim 53, 1:22.61 ((class record) last 600m 33.81), good(3), sedanzer 54.5 1, slow Burn 58 2, Rosa Carolina 57 3, Btg $21.00, $26.00, $17.00 2nd settling, led turn.

WAGGA GreyS Friday 3

the MuLtipLeS DAiLy DouBLe . . . . . . . . 6, 8 FirSt Four . . . ALL RACES eArLy quAD. . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 quADreLLA . . . . . . 5, 6, 7, 8


$710 Maiden Bx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ladbrokes Appreciation Stakes



P5 78437 3

Dog Trainer PB JuSt JorJi Arron Gould NBT 12.00 Won JAck Maxwell McGovern FSH 8.00 We GottA MiLLion Rodney Oakman FSH 7.50 12 XtreMe Jet Matthew Morris 19.14Q 6.00 86 chArLie SquiGGLe Christopher Glascott NBT 9.00 hoW’S it ScAry Matthew Miller FSH *4.00 34623 BLitzinG MiLLy Colin Bradley NBT 5.50 2653 cooLup Brian Smith NBT *4.00 reserves 9 5687 SWAnky GooSe Donna Widdows NBT 16.00 10 41478 SunLit GrAce Julie French 18.98Q 20.00 How’s iT scary 1, coolup 2, Blitzing Milly 3


rsm Audit tax consulting Stakes

$710 Maiden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

$775 Grade 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Dossers quality Bakery Stakes



copper pepper Paul Rollins 18.46 pArryDiSe Skye Scott Parry 18.78 AL’S DeSire Terry O’Keefe 18.49 coMe on Lou Cherryl Bradley NBT VAcAnt BoX 52431 pinGin’ Bee Brian Smith FSTD 55663 Sno Bo Arthur Fahey NBT Christopher Glascott 18.84 51325 Lucy’S SquiGGLe al’s Desire 1, Pingin’ Bee 2, copper Pepper 3 37372 55583 16811 52578


$775 Grade 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



DAnA WhAre Adam Oliver 18.92 6.50 tiGGerLonG rinG Michael Finn 18.91 6.00 nArnA cAke David Cox NBT 6.50 rockStAr zAc Cherryl Bradley 18.70 4.00 VAcAnt BoX Christopher Glascott 18.79 *3.50 52212 tAnA’S AnGeL 85256 pArryDiSe roSe Scott Parry 18.57 10.00 5654F reGAn keepinG Peter Ward NBT 7.00 Tana’s angel 1, rockstar Zac 2, Dana whare 3


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

tasty tucker Stakes

38428 88425 16245 44317

$775 Grade 5



GottA chArcoAL Garry Anesbury FSH 5.50 FAntAStic DAiSy Corinna Luff FSH 5.50 SheynA Peter Sims NBT 8.00 JAGGereD iLeS Ricky McKinnon NBT *2.80 VAcAnt BoX 8.50 66755 torAGeouS Paul Rollins NBT 8.50 346 ShAke AnD BLAke John Hartley FSTD 6.00 17 XtreMe purpoSe Matthew Morris 23.45Q 6.00 JaggereD iles 1, Fantastic Daisy 2, gotta charcoal 3 46 67333 38 22


Warrens Flyer Stakes

8.00 7.50 *3.50 7.50 *3.50 9.00 7.00



18625 hiGh FiVe Melissa Griffin FSH 9.50 22231 WeStSiDe nippA Ricky McKinnon 23.44 5.00 57262 uno reD Rodney Oakman 23.45 6.50 52185 MinDeroo Joanne Smith FSTD 7.50 Christopher Glascott NBT 9.00 18724 LukA’S choice 32121 toM’S DeSire Terry O’Keefe FSTD *3.50 Christopher Bootsma NBT 7.00 75621 tiLLy rockin’ 21526 SiSter tee Brian Honey 23.75 7.00 ToM’s Desire 1, westside nippa 2, Tilly rockin’ 3


$940 Grade 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

13281 3F234 76214 25173 73637 43722 41667 52161


Ladbrokes odds Boost Stakes

SAShAy Peter Sims 30.61Q *3.60 LAce MonSter Brian Honey 30.98 7.50 WiLD JoSh Peter Scott 31.30 6.00 GoLDen oLLie Adam Oliver 30.80 7.00 our Moo Moo Bruce Williams NBT 10.00 DynA eLiAS Dirk Bosman NBT 7.00 SprinG SLAter Garry Anesbury NBT 9.50 FAntAStic GhoSt Corinna Luff FSH 5.00 sasHay 1, Fantastic ghost 2, wild Josh 3

rSM Audit tax consulting Stakes

$790 Mixed 4/5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


MyALLA GriFFo Paul Rollins 18.70 reD JAcket Garry Anesbury 18.08 it’S My tiMe Brian Smith 18.24 Christopher Whiteman NBT riVerSiDe MonS VAcAnt BoX 67881 Fizzy BALe Dirk Bosman 18.45 13114 FAWn to run Alan Clare 18.49 11111 SpeciALALity Rodney Oakman 18.38 sPecialaliTy 1, it’s My Time 2, Fawn To run 3

41753 15214 32441 56142

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9.00 7.00 *3.50 8.00 6.50 5.00 *3.50

cASh A roo queen oLLie courtney pie MAreeBA VAcAnt BoX GLoriouS LeADer unLeASh BoLLy Joe’S DeSire

1243F 85545 21664 2721 63733 22367 131

9.43 320m

Maxwell McGovern Arron Gould Michael Rich Brian Smith

NBT 6.50 NBT 8.50 SCR — 18.86 5.00

Brian Honey Edward Winters Terry O’Keefe

NBT 6.00 NBT 8.00 18.54 *2.00

Joe’s Desire 1, Mareeba 2, cash a roo 3


Graeme hull Smash repairs Stakes 9.22

Xmas Meeting 22nd Dec. Stakes

$775 Grade 5


1 86785 SeLF FunDeD Kerrie Tuovi NBT 9.00 2 77673 our JAck John Hartley 23.12 8.00 3 34227 tiGGerLonG BeAr Michael Finn 23.34 5.50 4 31371 FAncy GeorGie Rodney Oakman 23.35 5.50 5 VAcAnt BoX 6 27723 hezA SAint David Cox NBT 7.00 7 13132 tiGGerLonG zorro Helen Finn 23.02 *3.50 8 38882 tiGGerLonG eVe Helen Finn 23.13 5.00 Tiggerlong Zorro 1, Fancy georgie 2, Tiggerlong Bear 3

$890 Free For All





GrnSW pathways Stakes

$775 Grade 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

zippinG FrAyA tiGGerLonG DAiSy cALM DreAM DoMino MiA VAcAnt BoX 77584 BonAciA 46654 MAnDy MAGic 76DD4 GottA cheer up

57878 74458 26886 65768

10.05 320m

NBT 8.00 18.46 *3.20 18.71 7.00 NBT 9.00 4.50 Bruce Williams 18.90 4.50 Donna Widdows NBT 8.00 Garry Anesbury NBT 6.00

Mitchell Williams Peter Ward William Schwencke Matthew Hampson

Tiggerlong Daisy 1, Bonacia 2, gotta cheer Up 3 DoGS LeGenD FSH – First start. NBT – No best time. 30.01 – Fastest winning time this track and distance. This publication takes all care in compiling the TaB details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. readers are urged to check TaB information with the official lists before placing their bets.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

page 11

/ Kids cornerKIDS CORNER YOUR local


/ wordFind


The remaining letters will spell out a secret message.

/ word FiLL



Fill the grid using the list of words below.


Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. One possible answer shown below.

START _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CHOKE / 4x4 ACROBAT








3 letters








6 letters

8 letters











4 letters
















5 letters

7 letters



2 Which country has a red maple leaf on its flag?



3 What is a baby echidna called?



4 What shape are the black patches on a soccer ball?





/ KidS qUiZ


1 True or false: avocados grow underground?

5 What is the name of tennis player Serena Williams’ (pictured) sister, who is also a tennis player?

/ SUdoKU

6 Which river flows through Melbourne? 7 What is the name of the headmaster of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter universe? 8 Mozzarella, brie and swiss are types of what food? 9 Which movie does the song Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious feature in? 10 How many days are in July?




1 Elementary 1 Church particle recess 5 Tree variety 2 Row 6 Observes


1 5 2 7 5 9 8 3 2 7 6 9 2 5 3 6 8 4 9 4 6 9 3 8 3 8 7 4 5 2 3

7 Stuffs up

3 $1 bill (colloq) 4 Chaotic scene

/ croSSword


Solve all the clues and spell an 8-letter word 1

Long, thin, silvery wind instrument 2 Device with AM or FM stations 3 Vegetable that makes you cry 4 Golf or tennis is an example of this 5 Another word for rabbit 6 Gum leaf-eating Australian animal 7 The opposite of tight 8 To pretend to be a statue, you stand very _____


1. False 2. Canada 3. Puggle 4. Hexagon 5. Venus Williams 6. Yarra River 7. Albus Dumbledore 8. Cheese 9. Mary Poppins 10. 31

1 2 9 4 3 7 5 8 6

9 7 8 3 2 4 1 6 5

4 5 2 1 6 8 3 7 9

3 1 6 9 7 5 2 4 8

2 9 4 7 8 1 6 5 3

5 3 1 2 4 6 8 9 7

6 8 7 5 9 3 4 2 1



8 4 3 6 5 9 7 1 2



word StEP



ACROSS: 1. Atom, 5. Pine, 6. Sees, 7. Errs, DOWN: 1. Apse, 2. Tier, 3. Oner, 4. Mess,

KidS qUiZ


7 6 5 8 1 2 9 3 4



Friday, december 1 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1

page 12 • WEEKLY TV ABC (2)

PRIME7 (6)

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Antiques Roadshow. 11.00 Grand Designs. 12.00 News. 1.00 One Plus One. 1.30 Screen Time. 2.00 Death Or Liberty. 3.00 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand. 3.30 Doctor Who. 4.15 Pointless. 5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. 5.30 The Drum. 6.10 Grand Designs. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 DCI Banks. 8.20 Endeavour. 9.50 Planet America. 10.20 Lateline. 10.55 Basketball. NBL. Round 8. Adelaide 36ers v Brisbane Bullets. 12.35 Rage.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 Golf. Australian PGA Championship. Second round. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens. (2015) Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley. 11.15 The Grand Tour. 12.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. 1.00 MOVIE: The Out-Of-Towners. (1999) Steve Martin, Goldie Hawn, John Cleese. 3.00 News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Embassy. 8.30 MOVIE: Shooter. (2007) Mark Wahlberg, Michael Peña, Kate Mara. 11.00 MOVIE: Enter The Dragon. (1973) 1.05 Pompidou. 1.30 TV Shop. 2.00 Rizzoli & Isles. 3.00 Avengers. 4.00 Global Shop. 4.30 GMA.

6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 Family Feud. 7.00 WIN News. 8.00 Bold. 8.30 Studio 10. 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 The Living Room. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. 3.00 Judge Judy. 3.30 Alive And Cooking. 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. 9.00 The Graham Norton Show. 10.00 Have You Been Paying Attention? 11.00 The Project. 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Stephen Colbert. 2.00 Shopping.

ABC2 (22)

7TWO (62)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 2.40 Dinosaur Train. 3.05 Sally And Possum. 3.30 Play School. 4.10 Thomas. 4.40 Teacup Travels. 5.00 Get Grubby TV. 5.25 Go Jetters. 5.55 Hey Duggee. 6.10 The Gruffalo. 6.35 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 River Monsters. 8.30 Joyride. 9.25 The Sexbots Are Coming. 10.10 Episodes. 11.45 Dynamo: Magician Impossible. 12.30 Catastrophe. 3.20 Close. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 House Of Wellness. 1.00 Better Homes. 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Medical Emergency. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Border Security. 8.00 Border Security: Int. 8.30 Selling Houses Aust. 10.30 To Build Or Not To Build. 11.30 Late Programs.

Saturday, december 2 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2

9GEM (52) 6.00 Morning Programs. 12.10 MOVIE: My Brother Jonathan. (1948) 2.25 The Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British. 3.25 Flog It! 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Four In A Bed. 6.00 Come Dine With Me Couples. 7.00 Are You Being Served? 7.30 Clash Of The Collectables. 8.30 MOVIE: Smokey And The Bandit. (1977) Burt Reynolds, Sally Field. 10.30 Westside. 11.30 Late Programs.

SBS (3) 6.00 WorldWatch. 10.30 German News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 1.55 This Is Brazil! 2.55 Floyd’s Fjord Fiesta. 3.30 Mexican Fiesta. 4.30 Destination Flavour: Japan. 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Railway Journeys UK. 6.30 News. 7.30 Tony Robinson’s Hidden Britain By Drone. 8.30 24 Hours In Emergency. 9.30 MOVIE: Children Of Men. (2006) Clive Owen, Michael Caine, Julianne Moore. 11.30 SBS News. 12.00 Spiral. 2.00 FIFA World Cup 2018: Final Draw. 3.00 Spiral. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

ONE (81)


6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Get Smart. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 Jake And The Fatman. 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.00 Happy Days. 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Nash Bridges. 2.00 Matlock. 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 Happy Days. 7.30 MacGyver. 8.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. 10.30 MOVIE: Drive Hard. (2014) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: Heartbreaker. (2010) 1.55 Big Night Out. 2.20 Motherboard. 2.50 States Of Undress. 3.40 Earthworks. 4.30 Legally Brown. 5.00 VICE News Tonight. 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.30 Monty Python’s Best Bits (Mostly) 7.30 Batman. 8.30 Struggle Street. 11.25 12 Monkeys. 1.05 News. 1.30 Desus And Mero. 2.00 PopAsia. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23)

7MATE (63)

9GO! (53)


NEWS (24)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 11.05 Writers On Writing. 11.35 Kids’ Programs. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.30 Spawn Point. 5.05 Roy. 5.35 Ladybug And Cat Noir. 6.05 Kung Fu Panda. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Officially Amazing. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 8.05 Doctor Who. 8.45 Trip For Biscuits. 9.00 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.20 Annoying Orange. Final. 9.35 Kamisama Kiss. Final. 9.55 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. 1.00 Swamp People. 2.00 Motor Racing. 400 Thunder Drag Racing Series. 3.00 Motor Racing. 400 Thunder Drag Racing Series. 4.00 Swamp People. 5.50 American Pickers. 6.50 MOVIE: Space Jam. (1996) 8.30 MOVIE: Police Academy. (1984) Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith. 10.30 MOVIE: Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment. (1985) 12.15 Late Programs.

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 11.00 Friends. 12.00 Mad About You. 1.00 Best Ink. 2.00 Kids’ Programs. 5.30 MOVIE: Ella Enchanted. (2004) 7.30 MOVIE: Suddenly 30. (2004) 9.30 MOVIE: The Ugly Truth. (2009) 11.30 WWE Smackdown. 12.30 Total Divas. 1.30 Steven Universe. 2.00 Regular Show. 2.30 Pokémon. 3.00 Ben 10. 3.30 Beyblade Burst. 4.00 Rabbids Invasion. 4.30 Teen Titans Go! 4.50 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 Dr Quinn. 11.00 JAG. 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Rules Of Engagement. 2.30 Becker. 3.30 King Of Queens. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Will & Grace. 8.30 MOVIE: Confessions Of A Shopaholic. (2009) Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy, Krysten Ritter. 10.35 Will & Grace. 11.35 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. 7.00 ABC News National. 8.00 ABC News. 8.30 The Business. 8.45 ABC News. 9.00 Planet America. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.15 The Business. 11.30 The Mix. 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. 1.00 BBC Impact. 1.30 Lateline. 2.00 Al Jazeera. 3.00 BBC World. 3.30 Drum. 4.00 BBC World. 4.30 Lateline. 5.00 Al Jazeera.

ABC (2)

Sunday, december 3 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

6.00 Rage. 11.00 Classic Countdown. 12.00 ABC News. 12.30 DCI Banks. 1.20 Endeavour. 3.00 Wild Life At The Zoo. 3.30 Still Open All Hours. 4.00 Midsomer Murders. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 A Taste Of Landline. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Victoria. 8.20 Father Brown. 9.05 Miniseries: Jamaica Inn. 10.05 Miniseries: Friday On My Mind. 11.40 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 12.20 Rage.

ABC2 (22) 6.00 Kids’ Programs. 3.05 Sally And Possum. 3.30 Play School. 4.10 Thomas. 4.40 Teacup Travels. 5.10 Dinotrux. 5.55 Hey Duggee. 6.10 The Gruffalo’s Child. 6.35 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Dynamo: Magician Impossible. 8.15 Would I Lie To You? 8.40 Live At The Apollo. 9.30 The IT Crowd. 9.55 Plebs. 10.45 Episodes. 3.20 Close. 5.00 Tinga Tinga Tales. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

PRIME7 (6)

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

SBS (3)

6.00 Home Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. 12.00 Golf. Australian PGA Championship. Third round. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Rugby League World Cup Pre-Game Show. 8.00 Rugby League. World Cup. Grand Final. Australia v England. 10.30 Rugby League. Women’s World Cup. Grand Final. Australia v New Zealand. Replay. 12.00 The Franchise Show. 12.30 Home Shopping.

6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora The Explorer. 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. 12.00 Cybershack. 12.30 Bangkok Airport. 1.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 1. Afternoon session. 6.50 Nine News. 7.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 1. Night session. 10.00 MOVIE: RoboCop. (2014) Joel Kinnaman. 12.20 Person Of Interest. 1.20 Pompidou. 2.00 TV Shop. 2.30 Cybershack. 3.00 Extra. 3.30 The Baron. 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop. 5.30 Wesley Impact.

6.00 Fishing Edge. 6.30 Everyday Gourmet. 7.00 Weekend Feast. 8.00 Family Feud. 8.30 GCBC. 9.00 Alive And Cooking. 9.30 St10. 12.00 The Living Room. 1.30 Sammy And Bella’s Kitchen Rescue. 2.00 Australia By Design: Innovation. 2.30 My Market Kitchen. 3.00 iFish. 4.00 Places We Go With Jennifer Adams. 4.30 Fishing Australia. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Jamie’s Super Food. 7.00 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities. 7.30 All-Star Family Feud. 8.30 Shaka Zulu. Final. 10.30 Bull. 11.30 48 Hours. 1.30 Shopping.

6.00 WorldWatch. 6.30 FIFA World Cup 2018: Final Draw. 7.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Small Business Secrets. 2.30 Figure Skating. ISU Grand Prix. Internationaux de France. Ladies and Pairs’ competitions. 4.00 Cycling. Cape To Cape MTB. Highlights. 5.00 Destination Flavour Down Under. 5.30 The Supervet. 6.30 News. 7.30 Nazi Megastructures. 8.25 Antarctica: Ice Station Rescue. 9.25 Chance. 11.00 Soccer. EPL. Chelsea v Newcastle. 1.50 Gadget Man. 2.20 SBS Flashback. 2.30 MOVIE: The Door. (2009) 4.25 Food Lover’s Guide. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

7TWO (62)

9GEM (52)

ONE (81)


6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 The Great Outdoors. 1.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. 1.30 The Great Day Out. 2.00 Out Of The Blue. 2.30 Vasili’s Garden. 3.00 Creek To Coast. 4.00 Sydney Weekender. 4.30 SA Weekender. 5.00 To Build Or Not To Build. 6.00 For The Love Of Dogs. 6.30 Mighty Ships. 7.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Escape To The Continent. 11.45 Late Programs.

6.00 Rainbow Country. 6.30 Skippy. 7.00 TV Shop. 8.00 Danoz. 8.30 TV Shop. 10.00 The Baron. 11.00 Heartbeat. 12.05 MOVIE: Scott Of The Antarctic. (1948) 2.20 MOVIE: The Call Of The Wild. (1972) 4.30 MOVIE: Never So Few. (1959) 7.00 MOVIE: Music And Lyrics. (2007) Hugh Grant. 9.10 MOVIE: The Rewrite. (2014) Hugh Grant, Marisa Tomei, Allison Janney. 11.25 Cold Case. 12.25 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Monster Jam. 1.00 Escape Fishing. 1.30 Motor Racing. Dunlop Championship. H’lights. 2.30 Motor Racing. V8 Utes Series. H’lights. 3.30 Rides Down Under. 4.00 Operation Repo. 5.00 Driven Not Hidden. 5.30 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.00 Car Crash Global: Caught On Camera. 7.00 Football: Just For Kicks. 7.45 Soccer. Newcastle Jets v Melbourne City. 10.00 Homicide. 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Insight. 1.05 Balls Deep. 1.55 Dead Set On Life. 2.25 Mario Batali’s Moltissimo. 2.55 10,000 BC. 3.45 Cloning The Woolly Mammoth. 4.35 VICE World Of Sports. 5.00 Arena eSports. 5.30 Basketball. NBL. Round 8. Cairns Taipans v Sydney Kings. 7.30 Huang’s World. 8.20 MOVIE: The Adventures Of Tintin. (2011) 10.25 MOVIE: Apocalypto. (2006) 12.50 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23)

7MATE (63)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 1.50 Danger Mouse. 2.15 Ladybug And Cat Noir. 2.40 Slugterra. 3.00 Spawn Point. Final. 3.30 Ice Stars. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.25 Operation Ouch! 4.50 Break The Future. 5.05 Roy. 5.30 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 8.05 The Adventures Of Merlin. 9.00 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.20 Move It Mob Style. 9.45 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.15 Rugby League. World Cup. Second semi-final. Tonga v England. Replay. 2.15 Rugby League. World Cup. First Semi-final. Australia v Fiji. Replay. 4.15 Rugby League. Women’s World Cup. Grand Final. Australia v New Zealand. 7.00 MOVIE: Wild Hogs. (2007) 9.00 MOVIE: Rush Hour. (1998) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. 11.00 Outback Truckers. 12.00 Late Programs.

9GO! (53) 6.00 Kids’ Programs. 12.30 MOVIE: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. (2013) 2.00 Kids’ Programs. 5.00 MOVIE: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. (2004) 7.00 MOVIE: Zathura: A Space Adventure. (2005) 9.00 MOVIE: The 6th Day. (2000) 11.30 Balls Of Steel Australia. 12.00 Adult Swim. 12.30 The Venture Bros. 1.00 MOVIE: Yo-Kai Watch: The Movie. (2014) 3.00 Kids’ Programs.


NEWS (24)

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Littlest Petshop. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.00 The Barefoot Bandits. 7.30 Kuu Kuu Harajuku. 8.00 Totally Wild. 8.30 Scope. 9.05 The Loop. 10.35 The Loop: 90s Power Hour. 11.35 Charmed. 1.30 Becker. 2.30 King Of Queens. 3.30 Frasier. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 Will & Grace. 8.30 Miniseries: Sherlock Holmes And The Leading Lady. 10.30 The Loop. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 News. 12.30 A Taste Of Landline. 1.00 News. 1.30 Planet America. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Dream Factory. 3.00 News. 3.30 The Breakfast Couch. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 The Mix. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Back Roads. 8.10 Foreign Corre. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 World This Week. 10.00 News. 10.30 Late Programs.

ABC (2)

PRIME7 (6)

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

SBS (3)

6.00 Rage. 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 Compass. 11.30 Praise. 12.00 News. 12.30 A Taste Of Landline. 1.00 Back Roads. 1.30 Boomtown. 2.00 Father Brown. 2.45 Antiques Roadshow. 3.45 The Mix. 4.15 To Be Advised. 4.35 Victoria. 5.30 Hard Quiz. Final. 6.00 Classic Countdown. 7.00 ABC News. 7.40 War On Waste: Turning The Tide. 8.40 Miniseries: Friday On My Mind. 10.10 Blood + Thunder: The Sound Of Alberts. 11.10 The Code. 12.10 Fortitude. 1.00 Rage. 2.25 Doctor Who. 3.10 Antiques Roadshow. 4.10 The Bill. 5.00 Insiders.

6.00 Home Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. 12.00 Golf. Australian PGA Championship. Final round. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Sunday Night. 8.30 MOVIE: Robin Hood. (2010) Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett. 11.20 Heists That Shook The World. 12.30 Home Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora. 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 My Surf TV. 10.30 Surfing. World League Championship Tour. Round 9. Quiksilver Pro France. Highlights. 11.30 To Be Advised. 12.00 Motor Racing. SXS Australian Championship. Highlights. 12.30 Wildlife Man: Shark Rider. 1.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 2. Afternoon session. 6.50 Nine News. 7.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 2. Night session. 10.00 60 Minutes. 11.00 House. 12.00 The Mysteries Of Laura. 1.00 Bad Robots. 1.30 Avengers. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 The Baron. 4.00 GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Mass. 6.30 Hillsong. 7.00 Fishing Aust. 7.30 Tomorrow’s World. 8.00 GCBC. 8.30 Sammy And Bella’s Kitchen Rescue. 9.00 Places We Go. 9.30 St10. 12.00 The Offroad Adventure Show. 1.00 All 4 Adventure. 2.00 4x4 Adventures. 3.00 Alive And Cooking. 3.30 The 48 Hour Destination. 4.00 The Home Team. 4.30 Seafood Escape. 5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud: Sunday. 6.30 To Be Advised. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 Wisdom Of The Crowd. 9.30 NCIS: New Orleans. 11.30 48 Hours. 1.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.

6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Small Business Secrets. 7.30 WorldWatch. 9.30 Soccer. EPL. Chelsea v Newcastle. Replay. 12.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Basketball. NBL. Round 8. Brisbane Bullets v New Zealand Breakers. 5.00 Small Business Secrets. 5.35 Inside Hitler’s GI Death Camp. 6.30 News. 7.30 China’s Forgotten Emperor. 8.30 MOVIE: Becoming Bond. (2017) George Lazenby, James Walsh. 10.15 Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead: The Story Of National Lampoon. 12.00 Building Star Trek. 1.40 MOVIE: Life, Above All. (2010) 3.35 Exodus: Our Journey To Europe. 4.45 SBS Flashback. 5.00 Late Programs.

ABC2 (22)

7TWO (62)

9GEM (52)

ONE (81)


6.00 Kids’ Programs. 4.10 Thomas. 4.40 Teacup Travels. 5.10 Dinotrux. 5.35 We’re Going On A Bear Hunt. 5.55 Hey Duggee. 6.10 Andy’s Prehistoric Adventures. 6.35 Ben And Holly. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 River Monsters. 8.30 Cocaine Cowboys. 10.25 The Sexbots Are Coming. 11.15 Joyride. 12.10 Louis Theroux: Transgender Kids. 1.10 Cocaine Cowboys. 3.15 Close. 5.20 Timmy Time. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Room For Improvement. 10.00 House Of Wellness. 11.00 NBC Today. 12.00 Home And Away Catch-Up. 3.00 Sean’s Kitchen. 3.30 Malaysia Kitchen. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 For The Love Of Dogs. 7.00 Border Security: Int. 8.00 Border Security. 9.00 Motorway Patrol. 9.30 Air Crash Investigation. 10.30 Border Security: Int. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Key Of David. 8.30 The Incredible Journey Presents. 10.00 The Baron. 11.00 Clash Of The Collectables. 12.00 MOVIE: Assassin For Hire. (1951) 1.25 Getaway. 1.55 MOVIE: The Teahouse Of The August Moon. (1956) 4.15 MOVIE: The Stalking Moon. (1968) 6.30 Weather Gone Viral. 7.30 Planet Earth II. 8.40 Sherlock. 10.40 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. 11.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Cruise Mode. 1.00 World Sport. 1.30 Bondi Lifeguard Hawaiian Adventure. 3.30 Australia By Design: Innovation. 4.00 David Attenborough’s Africa. 5.00 Places We Go. 5.30 iFish Summer. 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 Scorpion. 7.30 David Att’s Planet Earth. 8.30 MOVIE: Collateral. (2004) Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx. 11.00 Freddie Flintoff: The Gloves Are Off. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 PopAsia. 10.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Insight. 1.00 The Business Of Life. 1.25 The Pizza Show. 1.50 States Of Undress. 2.40 Huang’s World. 3.35 Rivals. 4.00 Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man. 4.50 Cyberwar. 5.20 Front Up. 5.50 Aussie Jokers. 6.20 Vs Arashi. 7.20 If You Are The One. 8.30 Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party. 9.30 MOVIE: Skinford. (2017) 11.10 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23) 6.00 Kids’ Programs. 2.40 Slugterra. 3.00 Keeping Up With ME. 3.15 Stand And Deliver. 3.30 Ice Stars. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.30 Operation Ouch! 5.00 Junior Eurovision Song Contest. 7.00 Officially Amazing. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 8.05 The Adventures Of Merlin. 8.45 Trip For Biscuits. 9.00 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.20 Move It Mob Style. 9.45 Rage. 2.15 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

7MATE (63) 6.00 Morning Programs. 12.30 Motor Racing. Outlaw Nitro Funny Cars. 1.30 Swamp Men. 2.30 Timbersports. Australian Championship 2016. Highlights. 3.00 Motorcycle Racing. AUS-X Open. Replay. 5.00 Rugby League. World Cup. Grand Final. Australia v England. Replay. 7.00 MOVIE: Shanghai Noon. (2000) 9.15 MOVIE: Hulk. (2003) Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly. 12.00 Late Programs.

9GO! (53)


NEWS (24)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 3.00 Dawn Of The Dragon Racers. 3.30 Kids’ Programs. 5.30 MOVIE: Raise Your Voice. (2004) 7.40 MOVIE: Take The Lead. (2006) Antonio Banderas. 10.05 MOVIE: Magic Mike. (2012) 12.20 Adult Swim. 12.50 The Venture Bros. 1.20 Step Dave. 2.20 Top Gear. 4.00 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. 4.30 Little Charmers. 4.50 Rabbids Invasion. 5.10 Tom And Jerry Tales. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!

6.00 Morning Programs. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Pokémon. 7.35 Get Ace. 8.05 Jar Dwellers SOS. 8.30 Sanjay And Craig. 9.00 TMNT. 10.00 Sherazade: The Untold Stories. 10.30 Charmed. 12.30 The Great Indoors. 1.00 Neighbours. 3.30 Frasier. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 Raymond. 7.30 To Be Advised. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. 9.30 Sex And The City. 10.30 Will & Grace. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 ABC News. 12.30 Aust Story. 1.00 News. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 News. 2.30 The Breakfast Couch. 3.00 News. 3.30 A Taste Of Landline. 4.00 News. 4.30 One Plus One. 5.00 News. 5.30 Compass. 6.00 ABC News. 6.30 Planet America. 7.00 ABC News. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 ABC News. 9.30 One Plus One. 10.00 News. 10.30 The Drum Weekly. 11.00 News. 11.30 Late Programs.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

Monday, december 4 MONDAY, DECEMBER 4

ABC (2) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Antiques Roadshow. 11.00 Deception By Design. 12.00 News. 1.00 War On Waste: Turning The Tide. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Gardening Aust. 3.30 Doctor Who. 4.15 Pointless. 5.00 News. 5.30 Drum. 6.00 The Mix Stories. 6.10 Grand Designs. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Back Roads. 8.30 Foreign Correspondent. 9.15 Media Watch. 9.30 Q&A. 10.35 Lateline. 11.05 The Business. 11.25 Hitting Home With Sarah Ferguson. 12.25 Golf. PGA Tour. Hero World Challenge. Highlights. 1.20 No Offence. 2.15 Top Of The Lake. 3.20 Doctor Who. 4.05 Antiques Roadshow. 5.05 The Bill.

Tuesday, december 5 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

SBS (3)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 3. Afternoon session. 6.50 Nine News. 7.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 3. Night session. 10.00 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 2. (1989) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci. 12.30 Law & Order. 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. 3.30 Good Morning America. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 Family Feud. 7.00 WIN News. 8.00 Bold. 8.30 Studio 10. 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 Bondi Vet. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. 3.00 Judge Judy. 3.30 Alive And Cooking. 4.00 Cook’s Pantry. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 All-Star Family Feud. 8.30 Just For Laughs Montreal Comedy Festival. 10.00 Man With A Plan. 11.00 The Project. 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Stephen Colbert. 2.00 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 André Rieu Happy Birthday. 3.00 My Brain Made Me Do It. 4.00 David Attenborough’s Wild Singapore. 4.55 Poh & Co. Best Bites. 5.25 Letters And Numbers. 5.55 Railway Journeys UK. 6.30 News. 7.30 River Cottage Australia. 8.30 Michael Mosley: Nine Months That Made You. 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency. 10.35 SBS News. 11.05 The World Game. 11.35 Kurt Wallander. 1.20 Midnight Sun. 3.25 Masters Of Sex. 4.25 Food Lover’s Guide. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.


7TWO (62)

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ONE (81)


6.00 Kids’ Programs. 6.35 Octonauts. 7.05 Ben And Holly. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Upper Middle Bogan. 9.00 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. New. 9.30 GameFace. New. 10.20 Buzzcocks. 10.50 The Office. 11.15 30 Rock. 11.35 Parks And Recreation. 12.00 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 12.30 Buzzcocks. 1.00 The Office. 1.25 30 Rock. 1.45 Parks And Recreation. 2.15 Close. 5.00 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 NBC Press. 11.30 Sean’s Kitchen. 12.00 Malaysia Kitchen. 1.00 Air Crash Investigation. 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Medical Emergency. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Cold Feet. 8.30 Lewis. 10.30 Citizen Khan. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Harry. 11.30 Are You Being Served? 12.10 MOVIE: The Lady With A Lamp. (1951) 2.25 The Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British. 3.25 Flog It! 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Four In A Bed. 6.00 Come Dine With Me Couples. 7.00 Are You Being Served? 7.30 Airport Security Colombia. 8.30 Airport 24/7: Miami. 9.30 Cops UK: Body Cam Squad. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Car Crash Global: Caught On Camera. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 Monster Jam. 10.30 Freddie Flintoff: The Gloves Are Off. 11.30 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Nash Bridges. 2.00 Matlock. 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 Happy Days. 7.30 Hawaii Five-0. 8.30 NCIS. 10.30 Elementary. 12.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: Trader Games. (2010) 1.30 My Stuff. 2.35 Black Market. 3.00 Vs Arashi. 4.00 RocketJump. 4.30 Balls Deep. 5.00 VICE News Tonight. 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.30 MythBusters. 7.30 Gadget Man. 8.00 Travel Man. 8.30 South Park. 9.00 MOVIE: Dope. (2015) 10.55 Search Party. 11.55 MOVIE: National Lampoon’s Animal House. (1978) 1.50 Motherboard. 2.15 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23) 6.00 Kids’ Programs. 1.40 Dani’s House. 2.10 Move It Mob Style. 3.05 Tashi. 3.30 Scream Street. 3.45 Paper Port. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.35 Operation Ouch! 5.05 Roy. 5.35 Ladybug And Cat Noir. 6.05 Kung Fu Panda. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Officially Amazing. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 7.55 Doctor Who. 8.50 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.15 Move It Mob Style. 9.40 Rage. 10.40 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

Wednesday, december 6 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6

PRIME7 (6) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: Merry Ex-Mas. (2014) Kristy Swanson, Dean Cain, Lochlyn Munro. 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 Criminal Minds. 9.30 Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders. 10.30 The Blacklist. 11.30 Mistresses. 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

WEEKLY TV • page 13

7MATE (63) 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 NFL. NFL. Week 13. New Orleans Saints v Carolina Panthers. 11.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 12.00 Cajun Pawn Stars. 12.30 NFL. NFL. Week 13. Seattle Seahawks v Philadelphia Eagles. 4.00 Cajun Pawn Stars. 4.30 Swamp Men. 5.30 Barter Kings. 6.30 Baggage Battles. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 8.30 World’s Toughest Cops. 9.30 World’s Angriest. 10.30 Ax Men. 11.30 Late Programs.

9GO! (53)


NEWS (24)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 11.00 Top Gear. 12.30 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. 1.00 Best Ink. 2.00 Kids’ Programs. 6.00 Friends. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Science Of Stupid. 8.30 MOVIE: The Perfect Storm. (2000) George Clooney. 11.00 Cold Water Cowboys. 12.00 Most Terrifying Places in America. 12.30 Friends. 1.30 Steven Universe. 2.00 Regular Show. 2.30 Pokémon. 3.00 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Stride Gate. 8.00 Totally Wild. 8.35 Bob The Builder. 9.00 Buzzy Bee And Friends. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Dr Quinn. 11.00 JAG. 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Rules Of Engagement. 2.30 Becker. 3.30 King Of Queens. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Will & Grace. 8.30 Medium. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 2.00 Parliament. 3.15 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. 7.00 ABC News National. 8.00 ABC News. 8.30 The Business. 8.45 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. 1.00 BBC Impact. 1.30 Lateline. 2.00 Al Jazeera. 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 7.30. 4.00 BBC Global. 5.00 Lateline. 5.30 Al Jazeera.

ABC (2)

PRIME7 (6)

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

SBS (3)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Antiques Roadshow. 11.00 Grand Designs. 12.00 News. 1.00 Foreign Corre. 1.40 Media Watch. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Short Cuts To Glory: Matt Okine Vs Food. 3.30 Doctor Who. 4.15 Pointless. 5.00 News. 5.30 Drum. 6.00 The Checkout: Snack Size. 6.10 Grand Designs. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Screen Time. 8.30 Keeping Australia Safe. 9.30 My Mother’s Lost Children. 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.15 Q&A. 12.20 Doctor Who. 2.25 Old School. 3.20 Doctor Who. 4.05 Antiques Roadshow. 5.05 The Bill.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: Christmas Mix. (2014) Haylie Duff, Tilky Jones. 2.00 Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. 7.30 Border Patrol. Return. 8.00 Air Rescue. Return. 8.30 The Good Doctor. Final. 9.30 Menin Gate Lions. 10.30 Chicago Fire. 11.30 Mistresses. 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 4. Afternoon session. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage). 6.50 Nine News. 7.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 4. Night session. 10.00 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 3. (1992) Mel Gibson. 12.30 20/20. 1.30 Garden Gurus. 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30 GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 Family Feud. 7.00 WIN News. 8.00 Bold. 8.30 Studio 10. 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 Bondi Vet. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. 3.00 Judge Judy. 3.30 Alive And Cooking. 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Jamie Oliver’s Christmas Cookbook. 8.30 NCIS. 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 WIN News. 12.30 The Project. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Off The Record. 2.25 Good Listening. 2.55 Kylie Kwong: Heart And Soul. 3.30 Aftershock: Hunt For Gravitational Waves. 4.30 Britain’s Secret Treasure Islands. 5.25 Letters And Numbers. 5.55 Railway Journeys UK. 6.30 News. 7.30 US Railroad Journeys. 8.35 Struggle Street. 9.35 Gypsy Kids: Our Secret World. 10.30 SBS News. 11.00 Before We Die. 1.25 MOVIE: Child’s Pose. (2013) 3.25 Skint. 4.20 Food Lover’s Guide. 4.55 Silvia Colloca: Made In Italy Bitesize. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.


7TWO (62)

9GEM (52)

ONE (81)


6.00 Kids’ Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Ronny Chieng: Int Student. 9.00 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 9.30 Kiki And Kitty. New. 10.00 Wasted. New. 10.25 Buzzcocks. 11.05 The Office. 11.25 30 Rock. 11.45 Parks And Recreation. 12.10 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 12.40 Buzzcocks. 1.10 The Office. 1.30 30 Rock. 1.55 Parks And Recreation. 2.20 Close. 5.00 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 7.30 Drop Dead Weird. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Mr Selfridge. 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Medical Emergency. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. 8.30 Inspector Morse. 10.30 Terror In The Skies. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. 9.00 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Harry. 11.30 Are You Being Served? 12.10 MOVIE: Champagne Charlie. (1944) 2.25 The Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British. 3.25 Flog It! 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Four In A Bed. 6.00 Come Dine With Me Couples. 7.00 Are You Being Served? 7.30 New Tricks. 8.40 Midsomer Murders. 10.50 Cold Case. 11.50 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 Jake And The Fatman. 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.00 Happy Days. 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Nash Bridges. 2.00 Matlock. 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 Happy Days. 7.30 48 Hours. 8.30 Homicide: Hours To Kill. 9.30 Vanity Fair Confidential. 10.30 Elementary. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: Vargas: A Dubious Place. (2010) 1.45 Hate Thy Neighbour. 2.35 Black Market: Dispatches. 3.05 Woman With Gloria Steinem. 3.30 Dateline. 4.00 RocketJump. 4.30 Balls Deep. 5.00 Rivals. 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.35 MythBusters. 7.35 News. 8.00 Funny How? 8.30 Kebab Kings. 9.25 Sex: Made In Germany. 10.20 VICE Guide To Film. 11.20 Boobs. 12.20 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23)

7MATE (63)

9GO! (53)


NEWS (24)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 3.05 Tashi. 3.30 Scream Street. 3.45 Paper Port. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.35 Operation Ouch! 5.05 Roy. 5.35 Ladybug And Cat Noir. 6.05 Kung Fu Panda. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Officially Amazing. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 7.55 Doctor Who. 8.40 Trip For Biscuits. 8.55 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.15 Move It Mob Style. 9.40 Rage. 10.45 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Starsky & Hutch. 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. 1.00 World’s Toughest Cops. 2.00 Pawn Stars. 3.30 Barter Kings. 4.30 World’s Angriest. 5.30 Barter Kings. 6.30 Baggage Battles. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Vegas Rat Rods. 8.30 Full Custom Garage. 9.30 Inside West Coast Customs. 10.30 Motorway Patrol. 11.00 World’s Most Amazing Videos. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 11.00 Friends. 12.00 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. 1.00 Best Ink. 2.00 Kids’ Programs. 6.00 Friends. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Top Gear. 9.00 MOVIE: Infini. (2015) Daniel MacPherson. 11.20 Jail: Big Texas. 11.50 Most Terrifying Places in America. 12.20 Friends. 1.30 Steven Universe. 2.00 Regular Show. 2.30 Pokémon. 3.00 Ben 10. 3.30 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 Dr Quinn. 11.00 JAG. 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Rules Of Engagement. 2.30 Becker. 3.30 King Of Queens. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Will & Grace. 8.30 Rules Of Engagement. 9.00 MOVIE: The Girl Next Door. (2004) Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert. 11.10 Will & Grace. 11.40 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 2.00 Parliament. 3.15 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. 7.00 ABC News National. 8.00 ABC News. 8.30 The Business. 8.45 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. 1.00 BBC Impact. 1.30 Lateline. 2.00 Al Jazeera. 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 7.30. 4.00 BBC Global. 4.30 Lateline. 5.00 Al Jazeera.

ABC (2)

PRIME7 (6)

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Antiques Roadshow. 11.00 Grand Designs. 12.00 News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 Back Roads. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 The Cook And The Chef. 3.30 Doctor Who. 4.15 Pointless. 5.00 News. 5.30 Drum. 6.00 Short Cuts To Glory: Recipes. 6.10 Grand Designs. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 QI. Return. 8.30 Rosehaven. 9.00 The Letdown. Final. 9.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 10.10 Walliams And Friend. 10.45 Lateline. 11.15 The Business. 11.30 Foreign Corre. 12.15 Media Watch. 12.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 1.10 Walliams And Friend. 1.40 Rage. 3.20 Doctor Who. 4.05 Antiques Roadshow. 5.05 The Bill.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: The National Tree. (2009) Evan Williams, Andrew McCarthy, Kari Matchett. 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. 8.30 7th AACTA Awards. 11.00 The Nation’s Favourite Elton John Song. 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 5. Afternoon session. (Please note: alternative schedule may be shown due to changes to cricket coverage). 6.50 Nine News. 7.30 Cricket. The Ashes. Second Test. Australia v England. Day 5. Night session. 10.00 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 4. (1998) Mel Gibson. 12.40 Movie Juice. 1.10 The Closer. 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30 GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 Family Feud. 7.00 WIN News. 8.00 Bold. 8.30 Studio 10. 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. 3.00 Judge Judy. 3.30 Alive And Cooking. 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Cram! 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. 9.30 Sisters. Final. 10.30 Madam Secretary. 11.30 WIN News. 12.30 The Project. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.


7TWO (62)

9GEM (52)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Stop Laughing… This Is Serious. 9.00 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 9.30 Catastrophe. Return. 10.25 Buzzcocks. 11.00 The Office. 11.20 30 Rock. 11.40 Parks And Recreation. 12.05 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 12.35 Buzzcocks. 1.05 The Office. 1.25 30 Rock. 1.45 Parks And Recreation. 2.15 Close. 5.00 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 The Great Outdoors. 1.00 Terror In The Skies. 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Medical Emergency. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys. 8.00 Keeping Up Appearances. 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. 10.30 Wallander. 12.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 7.30 TV Shop. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. 9.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Harry. 11.30 Are You Being Served? 12.10 MOVIE: The Long & The Short & The Tall. (1961) 2.25 The Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British. 3.25 Flog It! 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Four In A Bed. 6.00 Come Dine With Me Couples. 7.00 Are You Being Served? 7.30 Waking The Dead. 8.40 Poirot. 10.40 Silent Witness. 11.50 Late Programs.

ONE (81) 6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Nash Bridges. 2.00 Matlock. 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 Happy Days. 7.30 Making Of David Attenborough’s Africa. 8.30 Undercover Boss. 9.30 Freddie Flintoff: The Gloves Are Off. 10.30 Vanity Fair Confidential. 11.30 Late Programs.

SBS (3) 6.00 WorldWatch. 6.30 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. Matchday 6. 9.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 2.55 Nigella Bites. 3.20 The Mekong River. 4.20 Italy Unpacked. 5.25 Letters And Numbers. 5.55 Railway Journeys UK. 6.30 News. 7.30 Operation Gold Rush With Dan Snow. 8.35 Struggle Street. 9.35 Vikings. Return. 11.30 SBS News. 12.00 MOVIE: The Innocents. (2016) 2.10 MOVIE: Night And Fog. (2009) 4.25 Food Lover’s Guide. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

VICELAND (32) 6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: The Day I Saw Your Heart. (2011) 1.55 Who Needs Ibiza? 3.05 Tattoo Age. 3.35 Dateline. 4.05 Geeks Who Drink. 4.35 Balls Deep. 5.00 News. 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.35 MythBusters. 7.30 News. 8.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 8.30 MOVIE: Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure. (1989) 10.10 MOVIE: Eight Legged Freaks. (2002) 12.00 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23)

7MATE (63)

9GO! (53)


NEWS (24)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 3.05 Tashi. 3.30 Scream Street. 3.45 Paper Port. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.35 Operation Ouch! 5.05 Roy. 5.35 Ladybug And Cat Noir. 6.05 Kung Fu Panda. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Officially Amazing. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 7.55 Doctor Who. 8.40 Trip For Biscuits. 8.55 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.15 Move It Mob Style. 9.40 Rage. 10.45 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. 1.00 Baggage Battles. 1.30 Pawn Stars. 2.00 Vegas Rat Rods. 3.00 Full Custom Garage. 4.00 Inside West Coast Customs. 5.00 Motorway Patrol. 5.30 Barter Kings. 6.30 Baggage Battles. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Cops. 8.30 American Restoration. 9.30 American Pickers. 10.30 Pawn Stars Australia. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 11.00 Friends. 12.00 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. 1.00 Best Ink. 2.00 Kids’ Programs. 6.00 Friends. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Big Bang. 8.30 MOVIE: The 5th Wave. (2016) Chloë Grace Moretz. 10.50 Big Bang. 11.50 Most Terrifying Places in America. 12.20 Friends. 1.30 Steven Universe. 2.00 Regular Show. 2.30 Pokémon. 3.00 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.35 Bob The Builder. 9.00 Buzzy Bee And Friends. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Dr Quinn. 11.00 JAG. 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Rules Of Engagement. 2.30 Becker. 3.30 King Of Queens. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Will & Grace. 8.30 The Umbilical Brothers: Not Suitable For Children. 10.30 The Graham Norton Show. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 News. 2.00 Parliament. 3.15 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. 7.00 ABC News National. 8.00 ABC News. 8.30 The Business. 8.45 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. 1.00 BBC Impact. 1.30 Lateline. 2.00 Al Jazeera. 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 7.30. 4.00 BBC Global. 4.30 Lateline. 5.00 Al Jazeera.

The 10 - 20 - 30 Diary Deal

Purchase your diaries in one order and receive 10 diaries or more - save 10% 20 diaries or more - save 20% 30 diaries or more - save 30%

page 14 • WEEKLY TV

Thursday, december 7 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7

ABC (2) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Antiques Roadshow. 11.00 Grand Designs. 12.00 News. 1.00 Keeping Australia Safe. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 The Cook And The Chef. 3.25 Doctor Who. 4.15 Pointless. 5.00 News. 5.30 Drum. 6.00 Classic Countdown Extras. 6.05 Grand Designs. 6.55 Clarke And Dawe: From The Archives. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Call The Midwife. 9.30 Mary Berry’s Christmas Specials. 10.00 Upper Middle Bogan. 10.30 Lateline. 11.00 The Business. 11.20 Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation. 12.15 Would I Lie To You? 12.45 Mary Berry’s Absolute Favourites Christmas Specials. 1.15 Late Programs.

ABC COMEDY (22) 6.00 Kids’ Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 The Ex-PM. 9.00 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 9.30 The IT Crowd. 9.55 Murder In Successville. New. 10.25 Buzzcocks. 10.55 The Office. 11.15 30 Rock. 11.35 Parks And Recreation. 12.00 Tonightly With Tom Ballard. 12.30 Buzzcocks. 1.00 The Office. 1.25 30 Rock. 1.45 Parks And Recreation. 2.15 Close. 5.00 Kids’ Programs.

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017 PRIME7 (6) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: A Fairy Tale Christmas. (2013) Haylie Duff, Nicholas Gonzalez, Mark Famiglietti. 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. 8.30 World’s Deadliest Weather: Caught On Camera. 9.30 The Grand Tour. 11.00 The Jonathan Ross Show. 12.00 Scandal. 1.00 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

7TWO (62) 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Lovejoy. 2.00 Deal Or No Deal. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Medical Emergency. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Kingdom. 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. 9.30 Houdini & Doyle. New. 10.30 Catch Phrase. 11.15 Bargain Hunt. 12.30 Late Programs.

ABC ME (23)

7MATE (63)

6.00 Kids’ Programs. 3.05 Tashi. 3.30 Scream Street. 3.45 Paper Port. 4.00 Odd Squad. 4.35 Operation Ouch! 5.05 Roy. 5.35 Ladybug And Cat Noir. 6.05 Kung Fu Panda. 6.35 The Next Step. 7.00 Officially Amazing. 7.30 My Year 12 Life. 7.55 Doctor Who. 8.40 Trip For Biscuits. 8.55 Degrassi: The Next Generation. 9.15 Move It Mob Style. 9.40 Rage. 10.45 Close. 5.00 Arthur. 5.45 Kids’ Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Starsky & Hutch. 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. 1.00 What Went Down. 1.30 Baggage Battles. 2.00 Pawn Stars. 2.30 American Restoration. 3.30 Barter Kings. 4.30 American Pickers. 5.30 Barter Kings. 6.30 Baggage Battles. 7.00 World’s Craziest Fools. 7.30 ScreenPLAY. 8.00 Family Guy. 9.00 American Dad! 10.00 MOVIE: Underworld. (2003) 12.30 Late Programs.

NINE (5)

WIN (8)

SBS (3)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. 1.00 MOVIE: The Grace Card. (2010) Michael Joiner, Michael Higgenbottom. 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 RBT. 8.30 20 To One. 9.30 Wolf Creek. Final. 10.50 Wolf Creek 2: Making Of A Stan Series. 11.20 I Am Innocent. 12.20 A.D. Kingdom And Empire. 1.30 TV Shop. 2.00 Extra. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Skippy. 3.30 GMA. 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 Family Feud. 7.00 WIN News. 8.00 Bold. 8.30 Studio 10. 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. 3.00 Judge Judy. 3.30 Alive And Cooking. 4.00 The Cook’s Pantry With Matt Sinclair. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 WIN News. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Cram! 8.30 Law & Order: SVU. 10.30 Blue Bloods. 11.30 WIN News. 12.30 The Project. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 1.55 Poh’s Kitchen. 2.25 Nigella Express. 2.55 Living Black. Return. 3.20 The Lost Tribes Of Humanity. 4.20 Delphi: Why It Matters. 5.25 Letters And Numbers. 5.55 Railway Journeys UK. 6.30 News. 7.30 Railway Journeys UK. 8.05 Food Safari Earth. 8.35 Struggle Street. Final. 9.40 Struggle Street: The Conversation. 10.40 Chance. 11.30 SBS News. 12.00 MOVIE: The Keeper Of Lost Causes. (2013) 1.45 Undressed. 2.50 24 Hours In Emergency. 4.50 SBS Flashback. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

9GEM (52)

ONE (81)


6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. 9.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Harry. 11.30 Are You Being Served? 12.10 MOVIE: I’m All Right Jack. (1959) 2.25 The Hairy Bikers’ Best Of British. 3.25 Flog It! 4.25 Heartbeat. 5.30 Four In A Bed. 6.00 Come Dine With Me Couples. 7.00 Are You Being Served? 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 DCI Banks. 9.40 Lynda La Plante’s Trial & Retribution. 11.50 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Nash Bridges. 2.00 Matlock. 3.00 Jake And The Fatman. 4.00 Diagnosis Murder. 5.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 Happy Days. 7.30 Car Crash Global: Caught On Camera. 8.30 MOVIE: Red Scorpion. (1988) Dolph Lundgren, M. Emmet Walsh. 10.40 Diagnosis Murder. 11.40 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 MOVIE: Beautiful Lies. (2010) 1.50 Who Needs Ibiza? 3.00 Australiana: Rage In The Cage. 3.40 Dateline. 4.05 Geeks Who Drink. 4.35 Balls Deep. 5.00 News. 5.30 If You Are The One. 6.30 MythBusters. 7.30 News. 8.00 Full Frontal. 8.30 Fighting ISIS. 9.20 The Trixie & Katya Show. 9.50 Most Expensivest. New. 10.45 Hollywood’s Quicksand Fetish. 11.10 Late Programs.

9GO! (53) 6.00 Kids’ Programs. 11.00 Friends. 12.00 World’s Funniest Videos Top 10 Countdown. 1.00 Storage Hunters UK. 1.30 Movie Juice. 2.00 Kids’ Programs. 6.00 Friends. 7.00 The Middle. 7.30 Survivor: Heroes V Healers V Hustlers. 8.30 MOVIE: Bad Teacher. (2011) Cameron Diaz. 10.30 WWE Raw. 11.30 Total Divas. 12.30 Friends. 1.30 Steven Universe. 2.00 Regular Show. 2.30 Kids’ Programs.


NEWS (24)

6.00 Morning Programs. 7.05 Pokémon. 7.35 Dofus. 8.00 Scope. 8.35 Bob The Builder. 9.00 Transformers. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Dr Quinn. 11.00 JAG. 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Rules Of Engagement. 2.30 Becker. 3.30 King Of Queens. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Frasier. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Raymond. 7.30 Will & Grace. 8.30 Sex And The City. 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 2.00 Parliament. Final. 3.15 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Drum. 7.00 ABC News National. 8.00 ABC News. 8.30 The Business. 8.45 ABC News. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 News. 12.30 Drum. 1.00 BBC Impact. 1.30 Lateline. 2.00 Al Jazeera. 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 7.30. 4.00 BBC Global. 4.30 Lateline. 5.00 Al Jazeera.

YOUR local

To Wagga Beach

 CHRISTMAS COLOURING COMPETITION For your chance to win a $50 voucher from Riot Art, colour in Santa and his friends and bring into our office or post to: Your Local Wagga Weekly, 99 Peter Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650. Drawn on Wednesday December 20. Winners published on Friday 22. NAME:

FIRST PRIZE: $50 voucher from Riot Art


SECOND PRIZE: $20 voucher from Riot Art


THIRD PRIZE: $10 voucher from Riot Art

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

page 15

sandown hillside saturday 1


12.55 Cameron Thurley Bucks Day Plate 1000m



Apprentices cannot claim 2yo SW+P $100,000 1.









BritiSh MediuM (1) M G Price . . . . . . . . . . B Mertens (a) 0 Coronel b (4) A J Vasil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Dunn JuAnito uvez (2) J A McLean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Allen lA ChAMBie (5) Wez Hunter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Melham logAn river (8) Tony McEvoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J McNeil SAnCtiMoniouS (3) Tony McEvoy . . . . . . . . . . A Mallyon SeBerAte (6) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Bayliss Written By (9) G M Begg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Rawiller ClASSiC ChoiCe (7) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . .C Williams Coronel, Seberate, Classic Choice, Sanctimonious

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Chandler Macleod

57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 55

11 .00 6 .50 17 .00 15 .00 3.30 4 .40 5 .50 13 .00 5 .50


Apprentices can claim 3yo Benchmark 70 $120,000 1.











1 811 2 4s151 3 3s1s1 4 121s 5 13 6 1 7 8 4s212 9 32313 10 1s680 11 510s


eCho Jet (7) M, W & J Hawkes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Dunn 60 5 .50 Poet’S Corner (6) M G Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Noonan 59 .5 6 .50 MeMory BAnk n (10) Hayes & Dabernig . Fred W Kersley (a) 58 .5 4.40 BellegAno wn (1) R W Smerdon . . . . . . . . . . . .R Maloney 58 7 .50 holy Freeze w (2) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Allen 58 8 .50 kASi FArASi wn (4) M G Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Hill 58 15 .00 Big Moon (11) F Stockdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Williams 57 7 .50 FlASh CASh b (8) M M Laurie . . . . . . . B Thompson (a1 .5) 57 6 .50 royAle eFFort (3) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . . . R Bayliss 57 11 .00 WAnted divA wn (9) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . B Allen (a) 57 13 .00 reginA del nilo w (5) T & K O’Sullivan . . . .Ms L Meech 55 .5 34 .00 BellegAno, Poet’s Corner, Memory Bank, echo Jet


Clanbrooke Racing

United Petroleum






















izenAShArk dw (11) Ms Allison Sheehan . . Ms S Thornton (a3) 62 .5 good therAPy dwn (14) C W McDonald . . .C Caserta (a) 62 MAgneSPrit w (13) Wez Hunter . . . . . . . . . . E Brown (a) 61 .5 guAngzhou dn (20) Hayes & Dabernig . . Fred W Kersley (a) 61 ChArlton bn (3) R D Griffiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Allen 60 AtlAntiC exPreSS td (5) T J Hughes Jnr . .T Marshall (a) 59 .5 MuCCino dwn (9) Byron Cozamanis . . B Thompson (a1 .5) 59 .5 king kohei n (17) M & L Cerchi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Dunn 59 vlAdivoStok d (15) John McArdle . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Mott 59 roCk With you w (10) L & T Corstens . . .J Turner (a1 .5) 58 .5 tell the truth n (4) Andrew Noblet . . B Thornton (a3) 58 .5 river goddeSS wn (19) M Ellerton & S Zahra . C Symons 58 Silent generAl d (7) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Allen 57 .5 BlunAkkA dw (16) Dan O’Sullivan . . . . . . . . . . . J McNeil 56 .5 elite Joy d (2) K G McCartin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Allen (a) 56 .5 urBAn royAl w (12) Matthew Cumani . . . . . . . . J Childs 55 .5 eMergenCieS 17 9s306 the CheetAh (6) M, W & J Hawkes . . . . . . . . . . . . D Dunn 58 18 305s2 JvAlA w (18) M Beer & M Hinton . . . . . . . . . . . . .J Noonan 58 19 26822 JeStA dreAMA dw (8) Ms W Kelly . . . . . . . . . . .C Williams 57 .5 20 7230s khulekAni (1) Ms L Tolson & Ms L Proctor . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Silent generAl, urban royal, good therapy, tell the truth


Sheen Group

weaTheR / TRaCK / Rail 8 .50 10 .00 17 .00 10 .00 17 .00 15 .00 21 .00 17 .00 21 .00 31 .00 9 .00 13 .00 3.70 13 .00 13 .00 8 .50

1 34s12 2 4s710 3 54100 4 2169s 5 1612s 6 5305s 7 6s655 8 9s114 9 47413 10 18s79 11 140s2 12 2167s 13 421 14 s2581 15 21s61 16 6s1


daily doUble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9 FiRsT FoUR . . . . . . . . . .All RAces eaRly QUadRella . . . . . 2, 3, 4, 5 QUadRella . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 7, 8, 9

17 .00 31 .00 15 .00 51 .00


Apprentices can claim 3yo & up F&M Benchmark 84 $100,000 1.














1 2 3 4 5 6 7

s1212 3s078 319s7 s0205 2s042 s9011 19s54






MrS gArdeniA dn (2) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . E Brown (a) 60 1.80 MileS oF kriShAn (1) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . R Bayliss 56 10 .00 toFFee noSe wbn (4) D T O’Brien . . . . . . . . . . .C Williams 55 .5 7 .00 heAvenly deSCent dn (3) M G Price . . . . B Mertens (a) 54 .5 7 .00 lA Fleurette tw (6) Symon Wilde . . . . . B Thompson (a) 54 10 .00 Fudged cwn (7) Ms C Alderson . . . . . . Ms S Thornton (a) 54 5 .50 Angel eight dwn (5) Ms W Kelly . . . . . . . . . . B Allen (a) 54 13 .00 MrS gArdeniA, Fudged, Miles of krishan, toffee nose


Spicer Thoroughbreds

1 7s546 2 s5227 3 31000 4 431s2 5 41s25 6 3127s 7 s3618 8 1s11 9 0s313 10 s9736 11 16512 12 35123 13 s8326

1600m 7

Apprentices can claim 3yo Benchmark 70 $120,000 1.










dAnCe With Fontein cdwn (12) R D Griffiths . .E Brown (a) 59 .5 ChiAvAri dwn (2) N J Harnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R Mc Leod 57 Petite’S reWArd tcdwn (6) B J McCarthy . . Fred W Kersley (a) 57 MyStiFied dwbn (8) Ryan Balfour . . . . . . . . . . . . R Bayliss 56 .5 eSSenCe oF terror dn (4) M Ellerton & S Zahra . C Symons 56 MiSS WonderlAnd (7) D R Brideoake . . . . . .Ms L Meech 55 .5 CertAin ellie dwn (11) Paul Rocke . . . . B Thompson (a) 54 .5 SPrightly lASS dwn (3) M, W & J Hawkes . . . . . D Dunn 54 .5 gWenneth dn (1) M Beer & M Hinton . . . . . . . .C Williams 54 World oF hoPe dwn (9) D Binaisse . . . . . . . . . . J McNeil 54 For A Song dw (10) R J Blacker . . . . . . . . . . . Z Spain (a) 54 Shining StAr dw (13) Michael Huglin . . . . . . . B Higgins 54 ovAheAd dw (5) M A Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K Forrester 54 MiSS WonderlAnd, Sprightly lass, gwenneth, Mystified


Le Pine Funerals Handicap

13 .00 8 .00 31 .00 9 .00 10 .00 3 .40 31 .00 2.60 8 .00 31 .00 31 .00 31 .00 51 .00


Apprentices can claim open $100,000 1.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

68751 11313 8735s 22144 30732 125s0 275s1 1199s 00226









1 9s711 2 72143 3 70611 4 s1599 5 1 6 56s15 7 s4331 8 s5811 9 01890 10 0s222 11 02712

Race 1

StorM hArBour d (4) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . B Allen (a) ColuMBiA w (3) Aaron Purcell . . . . . . . . . . . . E Brown (a) roAr dn (9) R W Smerdon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Rule JuStiCe glory (7) Hayes & Dabernig . Fred W Kersley (a) Atone (11) R W Smerdon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R Maloney vinlAnd (6) Tony McEvoy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Mallyon Civil diSoBedienCe d (8) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . .J Allen elrAAzy d (1) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Bayliss grAnd CASino d (10) J D Sadler . . . . . . . . . .C Caserta (a) MAny reWArdS b (5) Ms C Alderson . . . . . . . . B Melham ProCedurAl (2) Craig Blackshaw . . . . . . B Thompson (a) vinlAnd, Atone, roar, Storm harbour



1. BritiSh MediuM (M G Price) 2c By Snitzel - Gemadaily (0:0-0-0): First Start . 1-1/4 len 2 len 3rd The Difference, Skidman 800m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 14 . 2. Coronel (A J Vasil) 2c By Host (CH) - Euterpe (1:0-0-0): (Eased near 400m . Stewards queried run . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 57kg(4) 8-1/4 len 10th Qafila(55kg) 1000m 58 .30 C’field Debutant Stks Good(3) trk Oct 14 . sht 1/2 hd 2nd Colonel Mordaunt 800m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 14 . 3. JuAnito uvez (J A McLean) 2c By Unencumbered - Rock Of Ages (0:0-0-0): First Start . 4. lA ChAMBie (Wez Hunter) 2c By Magnus - Prospect Street (0:0-0-0): First Start . len 7th Sanctimonious 800m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 27 . 5. logAn river (Tony McEvoy) 2c By Snitzel - Regrowth (0:0-0-0): First Start . 2 len win Starvirgo, Galway 800m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 27 . 6. SAnCtiMoniouS (Tony McEvoy) 2c By Foxwedge - Off The Canvas (0:0-0-0): First Start . 2-1/4 len win High Ratio, Facts Or Fiction 800m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 27 . 7. SeBerAte (Hayes & Dabernig) 2c By Sebring - Recooperate (0:0-0-0): First Start . 3/4 len 2nd Hill Of Grange 1000m Benalla Barrier Trial Good(3) trk Nov 13 . 8. Written By (G M Begg) 2c By Written Tycoon - Yau Chin (0:0-0-0): First Start . 9. ClASSiC ChoiCe (Hayes & Dabernig) 2f By I Am Invincible - She’s Choice (0:0-0-0): First Start . 1/2 len len Last Critical Reaction, Miss Supersonic 1000m Benalla Barrier Trial Good(3) trk Nov 13 .

Race 2



1. eCho Jet (M, W & J Hawkes) 3c By Hinchinbrook - Tai Tai Tess (3:2-0-0): Cd 57 .5kg(6) 2-1/4 len win Thrilled, Oxford Gem 1200m 1:11 .55 Newcastle E&G Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 4 . Cd 59kg(9) 3/4 len win Prevailing Winds, Holy Freeze 1200m 1:11 .34 Sandown-Lakeside 3yo C&G (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 22 . 2. Poet’S Corner (M G Price) 3g By Sebring - Aeronwy (IR) (4:2-0-0): (Laid in in straight . Eased near 100m .) Cd 59kg(1) 1-3/4 len 5th Tamasa(59 .5kg) 1400m 1:23 .04 Bendigo 3yo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 1 . (Warning - barrier manners .) Cd 59kg(2) 3/4 len win Procedural, Columbia 1400m 1:25 .45 Sale 3yo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 15 .

60 59 .5 59 .5 59 58 .5 58 57 .5 57 .5 57 56 .5 55 .5

9 .00 13 .00 7 .50 13 .00 5 .50 2.30 13 .00 17 .00 21 .00 10 .00 13 .00

3. MeMory BAnk (Hayes & Dabernig) 3f By Smart Missile - Thunder Belle (3:2-0-1): (Protested against, dismissed .) Cd 57kg(4) nk win Black And Tan, Benella 1100m 1:04 .32 Seymour 2yo F Mdn Good(4) trk April 20 . (Overraced middle stages . Lost a plate .) Cd 60kg(1) lg hd win Josephine Sea, Do It For Dottie 1200m 1:12 .44 Cranbourne 3yo F (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 10 . 4. BellegAno (R W Smerdon) 3f By Rogano - Betty’s Belle (3:2-1-0): Cd 57 .5kg(2) nk win Mulk, Cosmic Impact 1400m 1:25 .97 Sandown-Lakeside 2yo Hcp Soft(5) trk June 7 . len Last Tan Tat Tan Trum 990m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 27 . 5. holy Freeze (D K Weir) 3c By Street Cry (IR) - Prairie Star (NZ) (2:1-0-1): Cd 58kg(3) len win Vibrato, Bernie’s Regret 1100m 1:05 .91 Hamilton 3yo Mdn Heavy(8) trk Oct 6 . (Blocked for run near 400m . Stewards queried run .) Cd 59 .5kg(4) 3/4 len nk 3rd Echo Jet(59kg), Prevailing Winds 1200m 1:11 .34 Sandown-Lakeside 3yo C&G (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 22 . 6. kASi FArASi (M G Price) 3c By Reward For Effort - Disturbingthepeace (NZ) (1:10-0): Cd 58kg(2) 3/4 len win Another Flag, Lu Bu 1200m 1:14 .29 Racing .Com Park 3yo Mdn Soft(7) trk Nov 16 . 7. Big Moon (F Stockdale) 3c By Fastnet Rock - Invest (0:0-0-0): First Start . 1-1/2 len win Tagreeda, Kugelblitz 990m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 27 . 8. FlASh CASh (M M Laurie) 3g By Pluck (US) - Li’l Cashy (6:1-4-0): Cd 57kg(3) sht 1/2 hd win Boom Chicka Boom, Premio Momento 1100m 1:04 .66 Bendigo 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 1 . Cd 57kg(5) nk 2nd Jester Angel(57 .5kg) 1200m 1:10 .88 Mornington (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 13 . 9. royAle eFFort (Hayes & Dabernig) 3g By Reward For Effort - Avelon Royale (7:1-2-3): Cd 58kg(8) 3/4 len win Duan Zhixing, Monumental Lady 1200m 1:11 .37 Mornington 3yo Mdn Good(4) trk Oct 22 . Cd 58 .5kg(2) sht hd lg nk 3rd Tamasa(59 .5kg), So Far Sokool 1400m 1:23 .04 Bendigo 3yo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 1 . 10. WAnted divA (Hayes & Dabernig) 3f By Wanted - Rock Diva (6:2-0-0): Cd 55 .5kg(9) 8 len 8th Invincible Star(57kg) 1200m 1:09 .52 C’field T’bred Stakes Good(3) trk Oct 14 . Cd 55kg(2) 9-1/2 len Last Our Crown Mistress(55kg) 1400m 1:22 .97 F’ton Lexus Hybrid Good(3) trk Nov 7 . 11. reginA del nilo (T & K O’Sullivan) 3f By Skilled - Phyl’s Choice (3:1-0-0): (Slowly away . Checked near 1000m .) Cd 56kg(8) 2 len win Mecum, He’s The Bomb 1200m 1:17 .64 Swan Hill 3yo Mdn Heavy(10) trk Aug 7 . Cd 59kg(1) 9-1/4 len 10th Justice Glory(59 .5kg) 1300m 1:18 .94 SandownLakeside 3yo F (Bm64) Good(4) trk Aug 16 .



Ladbrokes Handicap


Apprentices can claim Benchmark 90 $100,000 1.








1 6s444 2 90s77 3 255s1 4 00938 5 s277s 6 3166s 7 12850 8 8s864 9 16412 10 0s350 11 s1519 12 s0241 13 46521 14 24213






ColdStone (4) M C Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Brown (a) uP CuPS wn (10) Ms R Mangan . . . . . . . . . . B Thornton (a) long tiMe Ago tw (5) G Waterhouse & A Bott . .B Mertens (a) tArquin w (6) James Cummings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Dunn Al hArAM w (7) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . . . . . . R Bayliss like A CArouSel twn (9) K M Keys . . . . . . . . . . J McNeil Portion Control (2) Hayes & Dabernig . . . .C Williams WAr legend tw (13) M D Moroney . . . . . . . . . .R Maloney night’S WAtCh twb (12) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . B Allen (a) ShArdS w (8) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Parish riB eye b (11) C W McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . guizot twn (1) Aaron Purcell . . . . . . . B Thompson (a1 .5) unreAliStiC dw (14) G Withers . . . . Ms G Cartwright (a) Jolie’S CAFe wbn (3) J D Sadler . . . . . . . . . .C Caserta (a) long tiMe Ago, Coldstone, night’s Watch, rib eye


Schweppes Handicap


60 59 .5 58 .5 58 .5 57 55 54 .5 54 .5 54 54 54 54 54 54

6 .50 34 .00 4 .00 13 .00 8 .50 51 .00 26 .00 21 .00 3.40 26 .00 5 .50 13 .00 26 .00 13 .00


Apprentices can claim Benchmark 78 $100,000



Track good (4) . Rail is out 8m for the entire circuit . Weather fine .


Apprentices can claim 3yo & up F&M Benchmark 84 $100,000 1.

The MUlTiPles

Apprentices can claim Benchmark 64 $60,000

Jungle edge tdw (1) M A Bell . . . . . Ms G Cartwright (a) 62 2.50 gun CASe cdwn (8) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Brown (a) 60 4 .20 therMAl Current dw (3) D K Weir . . . . . . . B Allen (a) 58 7 .50 roCk ‘n’ gold dwn (7) M Ellerton & S Zahra . . . . D Dunn 54 .5 6 .50 lAdy eSPrit cdw (2) Aaron Purcell . . . . . . . . . . . R Bayliss 54 5 .50 olivier cdw (4) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J McNeil 54 21 .00 invinCiBle Al dn (9) Patrick Payne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 13 .00 nASdex cdw (6) M Ellerton & S Zahra . . . . . . . .C Williams 54 17 .00 dAnuki d (5) C W McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M Walker 54 26 .00 gun CASe, Jungle edge, rock ‘n’ gold, lady esprit



















1 516s3 2 20673 3 11102 4 3s824 5 667s1 6 8s413 7 248s8 8 s6482 9 2388s 10 300s6 11 536s2 12 3117s 13 82212 14 16971 15 6516s 16 111


nikitAS wb (11) D K Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Allen (a) 60 .5 orient line (8) J F Moloney . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ms C Hall (a) 60 .5 WAll Street WolF d (17) Hayes & Dabernig . . .C Parish 60 .5 AtlAntiC City cd (12) M A Kavanagh . . . . .T Marshall (a) 60 hokkAido tw (9) Craig Blackshaw . . . . . . . . . . Z Spain (a) 60 MilWAukee wn (14) M D Moroney . . . . . . . . . . J Grob (a) 60 ACt oF vAlour dw (1) Archie Alexander . . . . B Thompson (a1 .5) 59 .5 lord BArrington w (19) M D Moroney . . . M Aitken (a) 59 .5 dAtA Point w (3) M C Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Brown (a) 58 .5 FlorAl Fever dw (7) Symon Wilde . . . . . . . . . . J McNeil 58 .5 AnCient hiStory (16) James Cummings . . . . . . D Dunn 58 MAking MAyheM wn (4) Nick Ryan . . . . . . . . . . T Sadler 58 Moonlover wn (2) M M Laurie . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Melham 58 SWord oF JuStiCe tdw (5) M Ellerton & S Zahra . A Mallyon 58 Widgee turF wb (18) Patrick Payne . . . . . . . . . . . W Egan 58 SAddle the Sun d (13) Hayes & Dabernig . . . . . R Bayliss 57 eMergenCieS 17 26112 eurekA Street wb (6) R W Smerdon . . . . . . . .R Maloney 56 .5 18 1113 Seven yeAr reWArd wb (15) G Eurell . . . . . .C Williams 56 .5 19 56s93 ForBidden kiSSeS (10) Saab Hasan . . . . . . . . . C Symons 54 MilWAukee, Saddle the Sun, Widgee turf, Wall Street Wolf

13 .00 17 .00 10 .00 10 .00 21 .00 4.40 13 .00 13 .00 17 .00 21 .00 21 .00 31 .00 13 .00 17 .00 8 .00 8 .00 17 .00 8 .00 34 .00

legend: t – Won at track . C – Won at this distance on this course . d – Won at this distance on another course . W – Won in slow or heavy going . B – Beaten favourite at last start . h – Trained on track . n - Won at night . S – Spell of three months . F – Fell . P – Pulled up . l – Lost rider .

this publication takes all care in compiling the tAB details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. readers are urged to check tAB information with the official lists before placing their bets.

Race 3



1. MrS gArdeniA (D K Weir) 4m By Rip Van Winkle (IR) - Double Babu (NZ) (11:44-0): Cd 60 .5kg(6) 1-1/2 len win Flo Fo, Hectopascal 1400m 1:23 .65 Geelong 3yo+ F&M (Bm70) Good(4) trk Nov 11 . Cd 55kg(1) nk 2nd Long Time Ago(55kg) 1500m 1:31 .61 Sandown-Hillside Summoned Stakes Good(4) trk Nov 18 . 2. MileS oF kriShAn (Hayes & Dabernig) 5m By Snitzel - Nishaani (NZ) (14:3-3-2): Cd 54kg(14) 4-1/4 len 7th Steel Frost(59kg) 1400m 1:23 .10 C’field (Bm84) Good(3) trk Oct 18 . (Stewards queried run . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 54kg(3) 7-1/2 len 8th Tahanee(54kg) 1700m 1:42 .69 F’ton 4yo+ M Hcp Good(3) trk Nov 7 . 3. toFFee noSe (D T O’Brien) 4m By Toorak Toff - Majestic Girl (11:2-1-2): (Lacerations .) Cd 56kg(10) 5-3/4 len 9th Egg Tart(56kg) 2010m 2:04 .32 M’ville Schweppes Oaks Good(4) trk May 6 . (Stewards queried run .) Cd 56 .5kg(1) 5-1/4 len 7th Sword Of Justice(56kg) 1300m 1:16 .25 Bendigo (Bm78) Good(3) trk Nov 14 . 4. heAvenly deSCent (M G Price) 4m By Snitzel - Stormy Miss (9:3-1-1): Cd 56 .5kg(5) 5-3/4 len 11th I Am A Star(56 .5kg) 1600m 1:37 .31 M Valley Zoustar Stocks Good(3) trk Sept 29 . Cd 56 .5kg(2) 3-1/2 len 5th Star Fortune(57 .5kg) 1400m 1:24 .05 Cranbourne (Bm78) Good(3) trk Nov 10 . 5. lA Fleurette (Symon Wilde) 5m By Sebring - Four Star Princess (22:5-3-0): Cd 57 .5kg(9) 1-1/2 len 4th Hunamosa(58 .5kg) 1450m 1:27 .80 Kyneton (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 8 . Cd 54kg(6) nk 2nd Another Coldie(54kg) 1620m 1:39 .28 Donald Donald Cup Good(4) trk Nov 19 . 6. Fudged (Ms C Alderson) 4m By Casino Prince - Fudge Delight (12:4-01): Cd 59kg(8) 1-1/2 len win Best Hoffa, Bedroucho 1400m 1:26 .02 Racing .Com Park (Bm58) Soft(5) trk Nov 9 . Cd 55kg(3) len win Pria Eclipse, Gold Blush 1500m 1:33 .81 Sandown-Lakeside 3yo+ F&M (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 22 . 7. Angel eight (Ms W Kelly) 5m By Bon Hoffa - Fantagonal (20:3-3-2): Cd 59kg(3) 4-1/4 len 5th Mrs Gardenia(60 .5kg) 1400m 1:23 .65 Geelong 3yo+ F&M (Bm70) Good(4) trk Nov 11 . Cd 57kg(7) 2-1/2 len 4th Fudged(55kg) 1500m 1:33 .81 Sandown-Lakeside 3yo+ F&M (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 22 .

Race 4



1. StorM hArBour (D K Weir) 3c By Harbour Watch (IR) - Jade Tempest (4:2-00): (Blocked for run near turn .) Cd 57kg(1) 3/4 len win Persian Empire, Visavis 1411m 1:26 .95 Seymour Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 2 . (Blocked for run near 400m .) Cd 57 .5kg(5) 1/2 len win Set The Bar High, Ransom Money 1620m 1:38 .98 Donald (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 19 . 2. ColuMBiA (Aaron Purcell) 3g By Denman - Mulu Miss (10:2-1-2): (Stewards queried run . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 54kg(5) 2-1/2 len 4th Carwelkin(57kg) 1400m 1:25 .88 Echuca (Bm64) Good(4) trk Oct 27 . Cd 60 .5kg(5) 3/4 len 1/2 len 3rd Poet’s Corner(59kg), Procedural 1400m 1:25 .45 Sale 3yo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 15 . 3. roAr (R W Smerdon) 3c By Animal Kingdom (US) - Line Honours (5:2-0-0): Cd 57kg(1) len win Pollinator, Bradbury 1600m 1:40 .39 Ballarat 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 6 . (Overraced during race .) Cd 57kg(5) 1-1/4 len win Matakanui, Pony Montana 1600m 1:38 .34 Cranbourne (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 24 . 4. JuStiCe glory (Hayes & Dabernig) 3f By Fastnet Rock - Tavarnelle (7:2-0-1): (Ran wide during race .) Cd 55kg(8) 5 len Last Our Crown Mistress(55kg) 1400m 1:22 .94 C’field 3yo F Swp Good(3) trk Oct 21 . (Slowly away .) Cd 55kg(3) 8-1/2 len 9th Yulong Xingsheng(55kg) 1400m 1:23 .72 Sandown-Hillside Twilight Glow Soft(5) trk Nov 18 . 5. Atone (R W Smerdon) 3c By Reset - Irish Love (1:1-0-0): (Slowly away .) Cd 57kg(3) 2-3/4 len win Marching On, Tata Da Goose 1500m 1:31 .01 Mornington 3yo+ Mdn Good(3) trk Nov 13 . len Last Pete’s Dragon 990m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Soft(5) trk Nov 27 . 6. vinlAnd (Tony McEvoy) 3c By Sebring - Viking Turf Belle (4:1-0-0): Cd 57kg(7) 2 len win Fulton Street, Civil Disobedience 1400m 1:22 .91 Bendigo 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 1 . Cd 57kg(3) 3-3/4 len 5th Villermont(57kg) 1600m 1:37 .53 Sandown-Hillside Sandown Guineas Good(4) trk Nov 18 . 7. Civil diSoBedienCe (D K Weir) 3c By Raise The Flag (GB) - Pernote (NZ) (5:1-03): (3 Wide . Hung in in straight . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 57kg(6) 2 len 2-1/2 len 3rd Vinland(57kg), Fulton Street 1400m 1:22 .91 Bendigo 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 1 . Cd 58kg(5) sht 1/2 hd win Found Out, Connery 1600m 1:36 .39 Bendigo 3yo Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 14 .

8. elrAAzy (Hayes & Dabernig) 3f By Manhattan Rain - Convene (5:2-0-0): Cd 54kg(9) sht 1/2 hd win Final Flame, Get Ya Kicks 1600m 1:38 .18 Tatura (Bm58) Good(3) trk Oct 16 . Cd 56kg(1) len win Joe’s Pride, Riverlea Honours 1618m 1:40 .14 Echuca (Bm58) Good(4) trk Nov 7 . 9. grAnd CASino (J D Sadler) 3c By Casino Prince - Kylie’s Way (US) (7:1-0-0): Cd 57kg(6) 16-3/4 len 9th Aloisia(55kg) 2040m 2:04 .24 M Valley M . Valley Vase Good(3) trk Oct 28 . (Overraced early, middle stages .) Cd 56kg(5) 5-3/4 len 10th All Too Huiying(56kg) 1800m 1:49 .67 F’ton Seppelt Wines Good(3) trk Nov 9 . 10. MAny reWArdS (Ms C Alderson) 3g By Reward For Effort - Many Facets (5:03-0): (Jumped awkwardly .) Cd 58kg(7) 2-1/4 len 2nd Gaudi(58kg) 1300m 1:19 .14 Cranbourne 3yo Mdn Good(3) trk Nov 10 . Cd 58kg(5) 1/2 hd 2nd John’s Revenge(58kg) 1500m 1:31 .74 Mornington 3yo Mdn Good(3) trk Nov 23 . 11. ProCedurAl (Craig Blackshaw) 3f By Statue Of Liberty (US) - Bambatu (6:1-2-0): Cd 55kg(2) sht nk win Trent, Stasio 1430m 1:27 .13 Traralgon 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 4 . (Blocked for run near 400m .) Cd 56 .5kg(3) 3/4 len 2nd Poet’s Corner(59kg) 1400m 1:25 .45 Sale 3yo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 15 .

Race 5



1. izenAShArk (Ms Allison Sheehan) 6g By Sharkbite - Lady Zena (NZ) (31:5-6-3): Cd 59kg(2) 1-3/4 len win Nina’s Ballerina, Mr Walker 1200m 1:11 .01 Seymour (Bm64) Good(4) trk Oct 22 . (Laid out in straight .) Cd 58kg(7) 1-3/4 len 2nd Moonlover(58kg) 1200m 1:10Mornington (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 5 . 2. good therAPy (C W McDonald) 4g By Starcraft (NZ) - Any Other Day (11:3-12): Cd 60 .5kg(11) 1/2 nk win Menegatti, Star Major 1400m 1:24 .03 Geelong (Bm64) Soft(5) trk Oct 25 . (Ran wide early stages . Stewards queried run . Vetted - no abnormalities .) Cd 59 .5kg(8) 10 len 10th Mr Gustavo(61 .5kg) 1523m 1:32 .31 M Valley (Bm70) Good(4) trk Nov 17 . 3. MAgneSPrit (Wez Hunter) 5g By Magnus - Bellatheball (12:3-1-0): Cd 59kg(1) 7-3/4 len 10th Moonlover(58kg) 1200m 1:10Mornington (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 5 . Cd 60 .5kg(4) 9-3/4 len Last Toosbuy(59 .5kg) 1200m 1:10 .36 Mornington (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 23 .

4. guAngzhou (Hayes & Dabernig) 4g By Fastnet Rock - Miss Helga (IR) (7:2-1-0): Cd 57 .5kg(6) 2-1/2 len 6th Royal Order(53kg) 2000m 2:04 .31 F’ton 3yo (Bm78) Good(4) trk June 10 . Cd 57 .5kg(8) 8-3/4 len 9th Kiwia(56 .5kg) 2000m 2:04 .81 C’field 3yo Hcp Good(4) trk July 1 . 5. ChArlton (R D Griffiths) 4h By Redoute’s Choice - Eau De Joie (10:2-4-0): (Ran wide middle stages .) Cd 60kg(10) len 2nd Archery Peak(60 .5kg) 2200m 2:21 .04 Racing .Com Park Syn (Bm64) Synthetic trk June 8 . len hd 3rd Montaser, Hollywood Vine 990m Cranbourne Training Barrier Trial Good(4) trk Nov 14 . 6. AtlAntiC exPreSS (T J Hughes Jnr) 4g By Choisir - Atlantic Gold (20:2-0-3): Cd 54kg(3) 11-3/4 len 13th Willi Willi(54 .5kg) 1600m 1:35 .40 F’ton Silver Bowl Good(3) trk July 8 . (Blocked for run near 400m .) Cd 53 .5kg(2) 1-1/2 len 5th Lovani(55 .5kg) 1600m 1:36 .77 F’ton 3yo Hcp Good(3) trk July 22 . 7. MuCCino (Byron Cozamanis) 5g By Stryker - Valentine Rose (NZ) (26:3-74): (Overraced middle stages . Blocked for run near 400m . Stewards queried run .) Cd 58 .5kg(6) 1-3/4 len 5th Good Therapy(60 .5kg) 1400m 1:24 .03 Geelong (Bm64) Soft(5) trk Oct 25 . Cd 56 .5kg(2) 3/4 len 5th Plus Effronte(55kg) 1350m 1:20 .18 Donald (Bm70) Good(4) trk Nov 19 . 8. king kohei (M & L Cerchi) 4g By Foxwedge - Irish Nova (NZ) (9:2-0-1): (Ran wide during race . Protested against, dismissed .) Cd 54 .5kg(6) lg hd win Ruth’s Boy, Nicodame 1200m 1:12 .31 Cranbourne Hcp (C1) Good(3) trk Nov 10 . Cd 56kg(7) 3-1/4 len 4th Toosbuy(59 .5kg) 1200m 1:10 .36 Mornington (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 23 . 9. vlAdivoStok (John McArdle) 4g By Master Of Design - Marinov (NZ) (15:2-04): Cd 60kg(9) 1-3/4 len win Hell On Earth, Trembling 1469m 1:28 .74 Kyneton (Bm58) Good(4) trk Oct 17 . (Overraced early, middle stages .) Cd 59kg(5) 3/4 len lg nk 3rd Moshway(58 .5kg), Little Bita Spunk 1300m 1:17 .68 Cranbourne (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 10 . 10. roCk With you (L & T Corstens) 4g By Fastnet Rock - Just Incredible (IR) (7:11-0): (Slowly away .) Cd 57 .5kg(1) 9-3/4 len 7th Masculino(57kg) 1400m 1:30 .14 Cranbourne Hcp (C1) Heavy(9) trk Aug 27 . Cd 58kg(1) 14-1/4 len Last Sully(57kg) 1600m 1:38 .60 Bendigo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Sept 14 .

Continued on next page

page 16

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

sandown hillside FORM CONTINUED

MR 11. Tell The TruTh (Andrew Noblet) 4g By Star Witness - Princess Isabella (8:1-2-0): (Vetted - no abnormalities.) Cd 53kg(10) 4-1/4 len 10th Royal Order(53kg) 2000m 2:04.31 F’ton 3yo (Bm78) Good(4) trk June 10. (Slowly away.) Cd 58.5kg(3) sht 1/2 hd 2nd Gauteng Gal(58kg) 1200m 1:10.17 Sale (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 15. 12. river Goddess (M Ellerton & S Zahra) 4m By Northern Meteor - Riptide (21:3-4-0): Cd 57kg(10) 2-3/4 len 6th Spanish Reef(56.5kg) 1600m 1:36.53 F’ton Rivette Final Good(4) trk July 8. (Slowly away.) Cd 57.5kg(12) 3-3/4 len 7th Another Bullseye(58.5kg) 1600m 1:42.11 Sandown-Hillside 3yo F (Bm64) Soft(5) trk July 19. 13. silenT General (D K Weir) 3g By Walking Or Dancing (NZ) - Silent Symphony (3:1-1-0): (Slowly away. Laid in in straight. Vetted - no abnormalities.) Cd 56kg(5) 1-1/4 len 2nd Top Prize(54.5kg) 1200m 1:10.47 Swan Hill 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Oct 30. (Ran wide middle stages.) Cd 57kg(2) 2-1/4 len win Mussoorie Magic, All Of Me 1400m 1:24.16 Echuca 3yo+ Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 20. 14. Blunakka (Dan O’Sullivan) 3g By Helmet - Hughes My Daddy (6:1-1-0): Cd 58kg(6) 10 len 8th Peaceful State(58kg) 1400m 1:25.07 Ballarat 3yo Mdn Good(4) trk Nov 6. Cd 57kg(7) sht hd win Wessels, Red Liberty 1421m 1:25.21 Geelong 3yo+ Mdn Soft(5) trk Nov 19. 15. eliTe Joy (K G McCartin) 7m By Bel Esprit - Encosta Rules (21:2-44): (Slowly away. Blocked for run near 400m.) Cd 54.5kg(7) 3 len 6th Written In Stone(58.5kg) 1100m 1:04.11 Bendigo (Bm64) Good(4) trk Nov 1. (Hampered at start. Shifted in in straight.) Cd 57.5kg(7) sht hd win Hi Suppose, Chalcidian 1300m 1:16.63 Bendigo 3yo+ F&M Hcp-C1 Good(4) trk Nov 14. 16. urBan royal (Matthew Cumani) 3f By Exceed And Excel - Flouze (2:1-0-0): (Jumped awkwardly.) Cd 56kg(9) 1-1/2 len 6th Zhang Liao(58kg) 1200m 1:14.18 Ballarat 2yo Mdn Soft(6) trk June 4. (Jumped awkwardly.) Cd 55kg(9) 1/2 hd win St Gallen, Bellwhist 1300m 1:16.09 Seymour 3yo+ Mdn Soft(6) trk Nov 16. 17. The CheeTah (M, W & J Hawkes) 4g By Wanted - Shirl Pegasus (6:1-0-2): (Inquiry into performance. Vetted - no abnormalities.) Cd 58.5kg(1) 9 len Last Star Of Africa(58kg) 1250m 1:13.85 C’bury 3yo+ (Bm68) Good(3) trk Oct 18. (Overraced early, middle stages. Lacerations.) Cd 57kg(7) 4-1/4 len 6th Serene Miss(58.5kg) 1200m 1:10.95 C’bury 3yo+ (Bm70) Good(3) trk Nov 17. 18. Jvala (M Beer & M Hinton) 4g By Artie Schiller (US) - Chitraka (10:1-1-2): Cd 58.5kg(8) 5-1/4 len 5th Street Spun(55kg) 2000m 2:09.84 Mornington (Bm64) Heavy(8) trk June 12. (Jumped awkwardly. Laid in in straight.) Cd 58kg(7) 3/4 len 2nd Tenappy Ladies(58kg) 1300m 1:18.27 Cranbourne (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 18. 19. JesTa dreama (Ms W Kelly) 4g By Bon Hoffa - Jest Dreamin’ (9:1-3-0): Cd 57.5kg(3) 1/2 len 2nd Canelo(58kg) 1206m 1:11.24 Benalla (Bm64) Good(4) trk Oct 31. Cd 57.5kg(1) 4-1/4 len 2nd Catechesis(53kg) 1400m 1:22.94 Bendigo (Bm64) Good(3) trk Nov 14. 20. khulekani (Ms L Tolson & Ms L Proctor) 4m By Helenus - Ngoma (4:0-1-1): (Jumped awkwardly.) Cd 56kg(10) 2-1/2 len sht hd 3rd Villarrica(56kg), Subutai 1500m 1:35.67 Geelong 3yo+ Mdn Soft(6) trk April 30. (Stewards queried run. Vetted no abnormalities.) Cd 58.5kg(5) 10 len 12th Reticent(60kg) 1715m 1:47.45 Geelong (Bm58) Soft(6) trk May 19.

Race 6



1. DaNCE WITh FONTEIN (12) 59.5 R D Griffiths (Cranbourne (1)) 5 b m Turffontein – nuclear dance. orange, black and white hooped sleeves, black cap Career record 27:7-3-3 Wins 955 (1) 1000 (4) 1100 (2) Prizemoney $206,950 4Th, 09nov17 3.4l Flemington (lR) absolut stakes 1000m 54 (J Mcneil 9) 10, set wts with pen, 56.81s (last 600m 32.72), Good(3), Ball of Muscle 56 1, Crystal dreamer 56 2, Palazzo Pubblico 55 3, Btg $61.00, $101.00 6th to 800m, 5th 400m. 6Th, 18nov17 4l sandown-hillside (lR) doveton stakes 1000m 54 (J Mcneil 11) 12, lim 54, 57.16s (last 600m 33.10), Good(4), Crystal dreamer 55 1, lady esprit 54 2, Gun Case 58 3, Btg $26.00, $17.00, $21.00 5th to 800m, 3rd turn.

2. ChIavaRI (2) 57 N J harnett (Pakenham) 6 br m Teofilo (iR) – nova Gen. purple, gold crossed sashes and cap Career record 32:4-8-6 Wins 1000 (2) 1200 (2) Prizemoney $257,560 2ND, 01oct17 1.8l, 0.5l Caulfield 4yo and UP , Mares Bm90 1100m 54 (l Currie 3) 14, lim 54, 1:03.41 (last 600m 34.04), Good(3), snitty Kitty 60 1, Quilista 54.5 3, sullivan Bay 57 4, Btg $21.00, $17.00, $26.00 6th to turn. Blocked for run near 400m. 7Th, 14oct17 3.8l Caulfield (G 3) Cape Grim Beef steaks 1200m 55 (B allen 1) 10, set wts with pen, 1:09.67 (last 600m 34.96), Good(3), Cool Passion 55 1, Pedrena 55 2, Princess of Queens 55 3, Btg $31.00, $41.00 4th settling, 3rd turn.

3. PETITE’s REWaRD (6) 57 B J McCarthy (Caulfield) 5 ch m Reward For effort – Petite Briefs. white, emerald green shamrock, emerald green and maroon striped sleeves, white cap Career record 27:6-3-2 Wins 900 (1) 955 (1) 1000 (4) Prizemoney $248,700 LasT, 27oct17 28.2l Moonee Valley-n Rst84 955m 57 (B Mertens 2) 10, lim 55, 55.12s (last 600m 34.16), Good(3), Mile high 55 1, essence of Terror 55 2, lady esprit 59 3, Btg $8.50, $11.00 last to turn. slowly away. 10Th, 17nov17 6.2l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 955m 56 (e Brown 10) 12, lim 55, 56.06s (last 600m 34.21), Good(4), invincible al 55 1, showpero 56 2, Plateau Gold 59 3, Btg $31.00, $51.00 11th to 800m, last turn. severely hampered at start.

4. MysTIFIED (8) 56.5 Ryan Balfour (Morphettville) 4 b m wanted – ice Mist (Us). gold, black seams, black and white checked cap, gold pom pom Career record 13:4-1-2 Wins 955 (1) 1000 (1) 1050 (1) 1100 (1) Prizemoney $195,350

WON, 12aug17 3l, 0.8l Morphettville Parks Bm75 1000m 55 (T Pannell 2) 10, lim 54, 59.86s (last 608m 35.28), soft(5), Casque 54 2, Penny For a Pound 57 3, Barood 57 4, Btg $1.70, $1.60, $1.55 (fav). 3rd to 800m, 2nd turn. 2ND, 11nov17 1.8l, 1l Morphettville Parks Bm75 1000m 59 (T Pannell 6) 8, lim 54, 58.06s (last 604m 33.92), Good(4), invisible Girl 54.5 1, irish Mint 53.5 3, war Thunder 58 4, Btg $2.50, $3.25, $2.88 (fav). 5th to turn.

5. EssENCE OF TERROR (4) 56 M Ellerton & s Zahra (Flemington) 5 b m Reward For effort – Raewyn. green, white intersecting lines and striped cap Career record 22:4-6-2 Wins 1000 (2) 1200 (2) Prizemoney $152,360 2ND, 27oct17 1.8l, sht hd Moonee Valley-n Rst84 955m 55 (C symons 10) 10, lim 55, 55.12s (last 600m 34.16), Good(3), Mile high 55 1, lady esprit 59 3, Plateau Gold 60 4, Btg $10.00, $9.00 7th to turn. Rider charged with careless riding. 5Th, 17nov17 3l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 955m 57 (C symons 8) 12, lim 55, 56.06s (last 600m 34.21), Good(4), invincible al 55 1, showpero 56 2, Plateau Gold 59 3, Btg $10.00, $9.00, $10.00 last to 800m, 8th turn. severely hampered at start. Blocked for run near 400m.

6. MIss WONDERLaND (7) 55.5 D R Brideoake (Mornington) 4 ch m snitzel – alice’s smart (Us). white, royal blue spots, royal blue and white spots sleeves and cap Career record 5:2-1-1 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $102,000 2ND, 31dec16 0.5l, sht nck Canterbury 3yo , Fillies Bm72 1250m 59.5 (B shinn 7) 9, lim 53, 1:13.31 ((class record) last 600m 36.31), Good(3), improvement 54.5 1, seventhchic 55 3, invincible Gem 55.5 4, Btg $4.60, $5.00 4th to turn. 7Th, 14Jan17 3.7l Gold Coast (Metro) 3yo open 1400m 54 (C williams 7) 16, set wts with pen, 1:21.23 (last 600m 35.41), Good(3), Flying Jess 55 1, Global Glamour 57 2, eckstein 54.5 3, Btg $15.00, $9.00 5th settling, 6th turn. wide throughout.

7. CERTaIN ELLIE (11) 54.5 Paul Rocke (Mornington) 5 b m not a single doubt – eldaana (GB). navy blue, sky blue epaulettes, white sleeves, navy blue cap, sky blue star Career record 30:6-0-2 Wins 955 (2) 1000 (4) Prizemoney $172,935 WON, 02sep17 0.8l, 1.8l Morphettville Parks Bm75 1000m 54.5 (d Tourneur 3) 9, lim 54, 59.30s (last 600m 34.66), soft(6), evil dreams 53 2, ashero 54 3, split lip 53 4, Btg $4.75, $5.50, $6.50 4th to turn. 8Th, 17nov17 4.5l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 955m 55 (B stockdale 12) 12, lim 55, 56.06s (last 600m 34.21), Good(4), invincible al 55 1, showpero 56 2, Plateau Gold 59 3, Btg $17.00, $26.00 6th to 800m, 7th turn. Ran wide during race.

8. sPRIGhTLy Lass (3) 54.5 M, W & J hawkes (Flemington) 4 ch m snitzel – Ultimate Fever. pale green, yellow spots Career record 3:3-0-0 Wins 1000 (3) Prizemoney $60,430 WON, 02nov17 sht nck, 1l Gosford Bm70 1000m 55.5 (B avdulla 4) 9, lim 54, 58.08 secs , Good(3), lightz 57.5 2, ellie’s encore 57 3, Run sally Run 56.5 4, Btg $2.10, $2.25, $1.90 (fav). 2nd to 800m, led turn. inquiry into performance. WON, 17nov17 3l, 0.8l Moonee Valley-n , F&M’s Bm70 1000m 59 (J winks 10) 11, lim 55, 58.80s (last 600m 34.59), Good(4), winspot 60.5 2, strykinglee 57.5 3, el Rada 58 4, Btg $3.00, $2.80, $3.00 (fav). led throughout. Passed fit at barrier.

9. GWENNETh (1) 54 M Beer & M hinton (Mornington) 4 ch m Reward For effort – Moorunda Miss. leopard print, black sleeves, black cap Career record 11:3-1-4 Wins 1000 (3) Prizemoney $88,375 WON, 06oct17 0.5l, lng hd Moonee Valley-n 4yo and UP , Mares Bm70 1000m 57.5 (J noonan 9) 10, lim 55, 59.27s (last 600m 35.94), Good(4), doc’s hero 60 2, winspot 60.5 3, sacambaya 56 4, Btg $7.50, $8.50 2nd to 800m, led turn. Ran wide during race. 3RD, 04nov17 2.3l, nck Rosehill , F&M’s Bm82 1100m 53 (Ms R King 7) 8, lim 53, 1:04.21 ((class record) last 600m 34.02), Good(4), slow Burn 54 1, anatola 57 2, in Times of war 57 4, Btg $8.00, $11.00, $10.00 led to turn.

10. WORLD OF hOPE (9) 54 D Binaisse (Mornington) 5 ch m spinning world (Us) – Tis hopeful. aqua, black stripe, striped sleeves, aqua cap Career record 18:3-4-2 Wins 1000 (1) 1108 (1) 1130 (1) Prizemoney $80,800 3RD, 29oct17 0.8l, 0.8l sale Bm70 1000m 57 (P Moloney 6) 8, lim 54, 1:00.02 (last 600m 34.56), soft(6), seven Year Reward 58.5 1, winspot 58.5 2, Mistoffelees 59.5 4, Btg $6.00, $7.00 7th to turn. slowly away. 6Th, 11nov17 2.9l Rosehill Bm75 1100m 55.5 (Ms K o’hara 6) 8, lim 53, 1:03.70 (last 600m 33.23), Good(3), Bon amis 56 1, Blowing Kisses 56.5 2, Magicaz 56.5 3 dead heat, Btg $17.00, $71.00 7th settling, last turn. hampered at start.

11. FOR a sONG (10) 54 R J Blacker (Mornington) 5 b m Gonski – she’s on song. sky blue, old gold sash and cuffs, red cap Career record 16:3-3-1 Wins 1000 (1) 1200 (1) 1213 (1) Prizemoney $89,981 WON, 09nov17 0.8l, 0.8l Racing.Com Park , F&M’s Bm58 1000m 59.5 (liam Riordan 6) 7, lim 55, 58.21s (last 600m 34.59), soft(5), J’star 58 2, Minnie Rocketta 58 3, dawn’s sunrise 58.5 4, Btg $4.60, $4.80, $4.60 led throughout. 2ND, 16nov17 0.8l, 1.3l seymour Bm64 1200m 55.5 (a Boyd 4) 6, lim 54, 1:10.21 (last 600m 34.80), soft(6), nina’s Ballerina 57 1, Bumgarner 59.5 3, The Big labrownski 59.5 4, Btg $6.50, $4.80, $5.50 led to turn.

12. shINING sTaR (13) 54 Michael huglin (Cranbourne) 5 ch m exceed and excel – off The Planet. mauve, teal checked quarters, black sleeves and cap Career record 19:2-3-4 Wins 1002 (1) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $51,735 2ND, 13oct17 2.3l, 1/2 nck donald Bm58 1000m 57 (Ms J eaton 5) 10, lim 54, 59.31s (last 600m 35.25), soft(6), el Corazon 60.5 1, northern Mist 55.5 3, Punjab Rocket 60 4, Btg $4.00, $3.50 (fav). 7th to 800m, 8th turn. Jumped awkwardly. 3RD, 01nov17 0.8l, nse Bendigo , F&M’s Bm70 1000m 51 (Michael Poy 4) 6, lim 54, 57.99s (last 600m 34.11), Good(4), Flying spark 55.5 1, Balancing act 61.5 2, all about nicci 58.5 4, Btg $16.00, $17.00 last to 800m, 5th turn. slowly away.

13. OvahEaD (5) 54 M a Bell (Cranbourne) 7 b m strategic – our sharapova. black, white braces, red bell, black sleeves with white stripe, black cap Career record 45:4-5-4 Wins 1000 (1) 1200 (2) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $101,797 2ND, 07nov17 1.3l, 1.3l Cranbourne Bm58 1000m 55 (K Forrester 3) 6, lim 55, 59.59 secs , Good(3), Filius 60 1, Bold eavey 60 3, Pikelets 56 4, Btg $7.00 . Jumped awkwardly. 6Th, 25nov17 4.3l woolamai open 1008m 63.5 inc 0.5 over (Toby lake 4) 8, lim 63, 1:00.30 , Good(3), Frankincense 70.5 1, Celestial Century 69.5 2, last one laughing 67.5 3, Btg $7.00 .

Race 7



1. JUNGLE EDGE (1) 62 M a Bell (Cranbourne) 7 b g dubawi (iR) – Jungle Girl (nZ). black, white braces, red bell, black sleeves with white stripe, black cap Career record 45:12-4-7 Wins 900 (2) 1000 (3) 1010 (1) 1200 (3) 1300 (1) 1350 (1) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $770,260 5Th, 29oct17 5.4l sale (lR) ladbrokes sale Cup 1600m 60 (K Forrester 1) 11, lim 54, 1:36.83 (last 600m 35.40), soft(5), Moss ‘n’ dale 54 1, Fastnet Tempest 54 2, Raw impulse 54 3, Btg $17.00, $21.00, $17.00 led to turn. overraced during race. WON, 18nov17 lng hd, nse sandownhillside (G 3) Kevin heffernan stakes 1300m 59 (K Forrester 3) 8, weight for age, 1:17.49 (last 600m 33.92), soft(5), Casino wizard 59 2, Thronum 59 3, ocean embers 57 4, Btg $9.00, $11.00, $9.00 led throughout.

2. GUN CasE (8) 60 D K Weir (Warrnambool) 7 b/br g war Pass (Us) – Brief embrace. white, royal blue stars, royal blue and white stars sleeves and cap Career record 29:12-1-5 Wins 955 (2) 975 (1) 1000 (5) 1050 (2) 1060 (1) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $365,350 WON, 28oct17 0.8l, nse Moonee Valley open 955m 60 (d Yendall 9) 9, lim 54, 55.62s (last 600m 34.40), Good(3), danuki 54 2, Badajoz 58 3, Rock ‘n’ Gold 56 4, Btg $10.00, $11.00, $9.00 5th to turn. 3RD, 18nov17 2.3l, hd sandown-hillside (lR) doveton stakes 1000m 58 (d Yendall 8) 12, lim 54, 57.16s (last 600m 33.10), Good(4), Crystal dreamer 55 1, lady esprit 54 2, Rock ‘n’ Gold 54 4, Btg $7.00, $6.50 4th to 800m, 5th turn.

3. ThERMaL CURRENT (3) 58 D K Weir (Warrnambool) 7 b g exceed and excel – soaressa. lime, purple and gold braces and armbands Career record 41:7-3-7 Wins 1000 (2) 1100 (2) 1200 (3) Prizemoney $666,150 3RD, 09Jun17 0.5l, 1/2 nck swan hill open 1200m 60 (d lane 10) 14, lim 54, 1:10.93 (last 600m 34.86), soft(5), Mio dio 54 1, smackdown 54 2, sovereign duke 54 4, Btg $10.00, $9.00 10th to 800m, 13th turn. 5Th, 24Jun17 1.5l Flemington open 1100m 58.5 (J Childs 14) 15, lim 54, 1:03.61 (last 600m 33.54), Good(4), ability 54 1, husson eagle 57.5 2, Rough Justice 54.5 3, Btg $15.00, $26.00 12th settling, 10th 800m, 8th 400m.

4. ROCK ‘N’ GOLD (7) 54.5 M Ellerton & s Zahra (Flemington) 7 b g Rock of Gibraltar (iR) – Goldberg. royal blue, yellow chevrons, red and yellow stars sleeves, red and yellow stars cap Career record 38:6-8-9 Wins 955 (1) 1000 (1) 1106 (1) 1200 (3) Prizemoney $328,700 4Th, 28oct17 1l Moonee Valley open 955m 56 (M Zahra 8) 9, lim 54, 55.62s (last 600m 34.40), Good(3), Gun Case 60 1, danuki 54 2, Badajoz 58 3, Btg $5.50, $7.50 6th to turn. Checked near 600m. 4Th, 18nov17 2.6l sandown-hillside (lR) doveton stakes 1000m 54 (K Mc evoy 2) 12, lim 54, 57.16s (last 600m 33.10), Good(4), Crystal dreamer 55 1, lady esprit 54 2, Gun Case 58 3, Btg $15.00, $21.00 7th to 800m, 6th turn. Blocked for run near 400m.

5. LaDy EsPRIT (2) 54 aaron Purcell (Caulfield) 5 br m Bel esprit – Fanciful Bella. purple, gold yoke, armbands and quartered cap Career record 24:5-5-3 Wins 1000 (5) Prizemoney $242,775 3RD, 27oct17 1.8l, sht hd Moonee Valley-n Rst84 955m 59 (M Zahra 3) 10, lim 55, 55.12s (last 600m 34.16), Good(3), Mile high 55 1, essence of Terror 55 2, Plateau Gold 60 4, Btg $4.60, $5.50 8th to turn. Blocked for run near 400m. 2ND, 18nov17 2.3l, hd sandown-hillside (lR) doveton stakes 1000m 54 (R Bayliss 9) 12, lim 54, 57.16s (last 600m 33.10), Good(4), Crystal dreamer 55 1, Gun Case 58 3, Rock ‘n’ Gold 54 4, Btg $13.00, $17.00 9th to 800m, 7th turn.

6. OLIvIER (4) 54 D K Weir (Warrnambool) 7 b g statue of liberty (Us) – our Cache. rose, white double k logo and armbands Career record 31:7-4-3 Wins 1000 (3) 1100 (2) 1200 (2) Prizemoney $244,365

5Th, 04Mar17 3.5l Morphettville open 1100m 58 (h Coffey 2) 6, lim 54, 1:04.03 (last 600m 33.81), Good(4), Karacatis 56 1, Boggoms 55.5 2, scratchy lass 56.5 3, Btg $4.60, $7.00, $5.00 4th to turn. 11Th, 18nov17 7.9l sandown-hillside (lR) doveton stakes 1000m 54 (B allen 10) 12, lim 54, 57.16s (last 600m 33.10), Good(4), Crystal dreamer 55 1, lady esprit 54 2, Gun Case 58 3, Btg $31.00, $51.00 11th to 800m, 10th turn.

7. INvINCIBLE aL (9) 54 Patrick Payne (Plumpton) 4 b g i am invincible – Miss alberta. royal blue, white star, red cap Career record 16:4-3-2 Wins 955 (1) 1000 (2) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $204,990 5Th, 22Jul17 2.2l Flemington 3yo open 1100m 56.5 (Ms Michelle Payne 7) 11, lim 54, 1:03.40 (last 600m 32.34), Good(3), hay Bale 52.5 1, Tahi 52.5 2, i’m Telling Ya 54 3, Btg $5.50, $4.80, $6.00 last settling, 10th 800m, last 400m. WON, 17nov17 nck, 1.5l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 955m 55 (Ms T hope 1) 12, lim 55, 56.06s (last 600m 34.21), Good(4), showpero 56 2, Plateau Gold 59 3, Punt Club 59 4, Btg $5.00, $4.20 (fav). 7th to 800m, 6th turn.

8. NasDEx (6) 54 M Ellerton & s Zahra (Flemington) 4 ch g not a single doubt – indexed. navy blue, gold and white crescent, gold cap Career record 12:5-0-2 Wins 1000 (3) 1050 (1) 1100 (1) Prizemoney $123,040 9Th, 06May17 5.6l Flemington open 1000m 54 (M J dee 8) 15, lim 54, 57.78s (last 600m 33.59), Good(4), Crystal dreamer 55 1, Malibu style 57 2, husson eagle 56.5 3, Btg $10.00, $6.50 5th to 800m, 6th 400m. Respiratory issues. 9Th, 10Jun17 3.2l Flemington 3yo open 1000m 60 (J Mott 10) 14, lim 54, 57.94s (last 600m 33.35), Good(4), invincible al 54.5 1, sacred sham 54 2, Mistoffelees 52.5 3, Btg $8.00, $12.00, $11.00 2nd to 800m, led 400m. hung in during race. Vetted - no abnormalities. warning - racing manners.

9. DaNUKI (5) 54 C W McDonald (Caulfield) 5 b g exceed and excel – Miduki. red and black hoops, white cap Career record 23:4-6-4 Wins 1000 (1) 1100 (2) 1121 (1) Prizemoney $234,135 2ND, 28oct17 0.8l, nse Moonee Valley open 955m 54 (M J walker 4) 9, lim 54, 55.62s (last 600m 34.40), Good(3), Gun Case 60 1, Badajoz 58 3, Rock ‘n’ Gold 56 4, Btg $11.00, $17.00 4th to turn. overraced early stages. Blocked for run near 200m. 6Th, 17nov17 3.2l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 955m 60 (M J walker 7) 12, lim 55, 56.06s (last 600m 34.21), Good(4), invincible al 55 1, showpero 56 2, Plateau Gold 59 3, Btg $7.50, $9.00 8th to 800m, 11th turn. Checked at start. Blocked for run near 400m.

Race 8



1. COLDsTONE (4) 60 M C Kent (Cranbourne) 6 ch g Gold away (iR) – Vraona (GB). gold, red and blue diamond band, red and gold striped cap Career record 30:5-3-4 Wins 1600 (3) 1700 (1) 1900 (1) Prizemoney $235,264 4Th, 29oct17 5.2l sale (lR) ladbrokes sale Cup 1600m 54 (B Mertens 4) 11, lim 54, 1:36.83 (last 600m 35.40), soft(5), Moss ‘n’ dale 54 1, Fastnet Tempest 54 2, Raw impulse 54 3, Btg $13.00, $15.00, $13.00 5th to turn. 4Th, 11nov17 1.9l Flemington 4yo and UP Bm96 1600m 57 (d dunn 4) 7, lim 54, 1:36.80 (last 600m 34.06), Good(3), Fastnet Tempest 59 1, Raw impulse 58.5 2, Jacquinot Bay 58 3, Btg $7.50, $6.00, $7.00 3rd to 800m, 4th turn.

2. UP CUPs (10) 59.5 Ms R Mangan (seven Mile Beach) 7 ch g helike (Us) – Rising art. orange and white checks with black horses, white sleeves, quartered cap with black horses Career record 47:8-10-2 Wins 1000 (1) 1400 (2) 1420 (1) 2100 (1) 2200 (1) 2400 (2) Prizemoney $374,575 LasT, 08oct17 8.7l hobart open 1100m 59 (Ms s Barr 5) 7, lim 54, 1:05.06 (last 600m 34.50), Good(4), Gee Gees Jet 58 1, Geegees doublejay 61 2, Gee Gee Red Prince 61 3, Btg $31.00 3rd to 800m, 5th turn. LasT, 18oct17 6.7l launceston-n Bm82 1400m 62.5 (Ms s Barr 1) 7, lim 55, 1:23.43 (last 800m 46.74), Good(4), Geegees Brightstar 55.5 1, Gee Gees Top notch 55 2, Magnasa 56 3, Btg $81.00 6th settling, last turn.

3. LONG TIME aGO (5) 58.5 G Waterhouse & a Bott (Flemington) 4 bl/br m Redoute’s Choice – once were wild. royal blue, white crossed sashes Career record 8:3-1-0 Wins 1200 (1) 1250 (1) 1500 (1) Prizemoney $158,200 5Th, 05aug17 2.5l Randwick , F&M’s Bm76 1800m 57.5 (J Parr 3) 8, lim 53, 1:52.84 ((class record) last 600m 36.18), soft(7), wahng wah 57.5 1, Miss dubois 59 2, diapason 58 3, Btg $4.00, $3.80 (fav). 3rd to turn. WON, 18nov17 nck, 2.5l sandownhillside (G 3) le Pine Funerals summoned stks 1500m 55 (K Mc evoy 8) 13, set wts with pen, 1:31.61 (last 600m 34.46), Good(4), Mrs Gardenia 55 2, oregon’s day 58 3, Quilate 58 4, Btg $13.00, $11.00, $12.00 11th settling, 10th 800m, 7th turn. slowly away.

4. TaRqUIN (6) 58.5 James Cummings (Flemington) 5 b g hard spun (Us) – daanet al dunya (Us). royal blue Career record 25:4-2-5 Wins 1200 (1) 1300 (1) 1500 (1) 2000 (1) Prizemoney $446,950 3RD, 19oct17 1.3l, 1/2 nck Moe open 2050m 54 (M J dee 11) 11, lim 54, 2:05.02 (last 600m 36.22), Good(4), Count da Vinci 54.5 1, Pacodali 57.5 2, Big Memory 57.5 4, Btg $8.50, $10.00 8th to 800m, 7th turn.

8Th, 11nov17 5.2l Flemington Bm90 2000m 59.5 (M J dee 9) 10, lim 54, 2:03.11 (last 600m 38.16), Good(3), oncidium Ruler 56.5 1, Knowable 54 2, have Plenty 55 3, Btg $4.80, $5.00 led to turn. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities.

WON, 16nov17 1.5l, 0.5l Racing.Com Park-n Bm78 1600m 56.5 (J Childs 5) 7, lim 55, 1:42.30 (last 600m 36.09), soft(7), dubai King 55 2, Rezak 58.5 3, Backroads 52 4, Btg $2.90, $3.00, $2.90 (fav). last to 800m, 6th turn.

5. aL haRaM (7) 57

13. UNREaLIsTIC (14) 54

hayes & Dabernig (Flemington) 5 b/br g sea The stars (iR) – en Public (FR). grey, gold braiding, claret cap, gold tassel Career record 7:1-1-3 Wins 2100 (1) Prizemoney $77,675 7Th, 18oct16 4.8l Fr - deauville (lR) Prix Vulcain 2500m 57 (G Benoist 6) 12, set weights, 2:39.68 , Firm, Maniaco 57 1, Marmelo 57 2, san salvador 57 3, Btg $4.10 . 7Th, 19nov16 13.8l Fr - lyon (lR) Prix du Grand Camp 2400m 56 (G Benoist 8) 15, weight for age, 2:51.47 , heavy, do Re Mi Fa sol 54.5 1, Prince nomad 58.5 2, Cafe Royal 58.5 3, Btg $9.00 .

G Withers (Warrnambool) 5 br g lonhro – dreamy. lime green, purple sleeves Career record 27:4-4-4 Wins 1600 (2) 1800 (1) 1850 (1) Prizemoney $87,141 2ND, 04nov17 1/2 nck, 3l Mortlake Bm78 2000m 51 (T nugent 3) 8, lim 55, 2:03.52 (last 600m 36.58), Good(3), instrumentalist 58 1, anemoi 55 3, Choysa 56 4, Btg $4.80, $6.00, $5.50 6th to 800m, 4th turn. Jumped awkwardly. WON, 18nov17 sht 1/2 hd, 3l dunkeld open 1800m 54 (Ms G Cartwright 5) 8, lim 54, 1:51.46 (last 600m 38.69), soft(5), Brigadier 55 2, eschiele 54.5 3, Parthesia 54 4, Btg $8.50, $8.00, $11.00 7th to 1200m, 6th 800m, 3rd turn. Blocked for run near 200m.

6. LIKE a CaROUsEL (9) 55 K M Keys (Cranbourne) 8 ch g helike (Us) – Carnival Ride. pink, purple sash and cap Career record 50:3-7-4 Wins 2400 (1) 2500 (1) 3200 (1) Prizemoney $521,820 6Th, 15Jun17 37.2l Ballarat Rhdle 3200m 68.5 (R Cully 6) 7, lim 64, 3:47.42 (last 600m 42.08), soft(6), ancient King 70 1, oerter 65 2, Monte Carlo 64.5 3, Btg $3.20, $3.50, $3.20 last to 1200m, 4th 800m, 5th turn. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities. 6Th, 25Jun17 8.2l Racing.Com Park hrdl 3200m 64.5 (T Ryan 3) 9, lim 64, 3:42.07 (last 600m 40.64), soft(6), ancient King 68 1, Unique assassin 64 2, Felix Bay 64 3, Btg $6.00, $12.00 6th settling, last to 800m, 7th turn. Vetted - no abnormalities.

7. PORTION CONTROL (2) 54.5 hayes & Dabernig (Euroa) 5 ch g snitzel – divisible (Us). gold, red and blue diamond band, white cap Career record 23:4-6-0 Wins 1200 (1) 1400 (1) 1700 (1) 2000 (1) Prizemoney $315,960 5Th, 18oct17 6.1l Caulfield Bm84 1700m 58.5 (C J Parish 6) 13, lim 54, 1:43.72 (last 600m 35.28), Good(3), odeon 60 1, dodging Bullets 60 2, silvera 57.5 3, Btg $13.00, $11.00, $13.00 8th to 1200m, 7th 800m, 6th turn. Blocked for run near 100m. 10Th, 09nov17 4.7l Flemington 4 and 5yo Bm90 1800m 55 (C J Parish 5) 11, lim 54, 1:49.99 (last 600m 34.72), Good(3), Mr Garcia 58 1, Carraig aonair 55 2, hogmanay 56 3, Btg $17.00, $21.00 last settling, 6th 800m, 3rd turn. Checked near 100m.

8. WaR LEGEND (13) 54.5 M D Moroney (Flemington) 5 b g Rip Van winkle (iR) – sea of Faith (nZ). navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Career record 23:4-1-4 Wins 1100 (1) 1400 (1) 1600 (2) Prizemoney $190,560 6Th, 18oct17 6.4l Caulfield Bm84 1700m 58 (P Moloney 12) 13, lim 54, 1:43.72 (last 600m 35.28), Good(3), odeon 60 1, dodging Bullets 60 2, silvera 57.5 3, Btg $13.00, $21.00 10th to 1200m, 11th to turn. 4Th, 09nov17 2.9l Flemington 4 and 5yo Bm90 1800m 54.5 (P Moloney 9) 11, lim 54, 1:49.99 (last 600m 34.72), Good(3), Mr Garcia 58 1, Carraig aonair 55 2, hogmanay 56 3, Btg $21.00, $26.00 led settling, 2nd turn. stewards queried run.

9. NIGhT’s WaTCh (12) 54 D K Weir (Baringhup) 4 br g Redwood (GB) – Glory Run. navy blue and gold hoops, white sleeves and cap Career record 10:4-1-1 Wins 1200 (1) 1300 (1) 1400 (2) Prizemoney $110,153 WON, 01nov17 1.3l, 0.5l Bendigo Bm78 1400m 56 (J allen 2) 10, lim 54, 1:22.60 (last 600m 35.74), Good(3), savaju 54 2, another Coldie 57 3, Mr Churchill 56.5 4, Btg $2.80, $2.35 (fav). 7th settling, 8th turn. 2ND, 09nov17 1l, 2.8l Flemington Bm80 1600m 59.5 (J allen 13) 16, lim 54, 1:35.86 (last 600m 35.53), Good(3), another Coldie 58 1, i am The dark 59.5 3, emoji 59 4, Btg $2.80, $3.00 (fav). 14th settling, 15th 800m, 10th turn.

10. shaRDs (8) 54 hayes & Dabernig (Euroa) 5 b/br g Medaglia d’oro (Us) – shatters. emerald green, white checked sleeves, white cap Career record 21:2-3-3 Wins 1300 (1) 1350 (1) Prizemoney $286,235 5Th, 27oct17 5.4l Moonee Valley-n Bm84 1500m 57.5 (C J Parish 5) 7, lim 55, 1:32.14 (last 600m 33.91), Good(3), Black sheep 57.5 1, Fox hall 57 2, orient line 57.5 3, Btg $10.00, $12.00 5th to 800m, last turn. LasT, 09nov17 10.5l Flemington 4 and 5yo Bm90 1800m 54 (M J dee 6) 11, lim 54, 1:49.99 (last 600m 34.72), Good(3), Mr Garcia 58 1, Carraig aonair 55 2, hogmanay 56 3, Btg $12.00, $21.00 7th settling, 9th 800m, 8th turn. stewards queried run.

11. RIB EyE (11) 54 C W McDonald (Caulfield) 6 b g Choisir – Pixels. red, white gatecrasher Career record 16:4-3-0 Wins 1200 (2) 1600 (2) Prizemoney $88,600 WON, 19oct17 1l, lng hd Moe Bm78 1600m 56.5 (n Callow 7) 9, lim 54, 1:39.79 (last 600m 34.52), Good(4), Rezak 58 2, laughing heir 55.5 3, Four Carat 57 4, Btg $6.00, $5.00 led throughout. LasT, 27oct17 8.4l Moonee Valley-n open 1600m 55 (n Callow 4) 9, lim 55, 1:36.53 (last 600m 38.35), Good(3), Carraig aonair 55 1, Rock away 55 2, laughing heir 55 3, Btg $2.80, $3.00 (fav). 2nd to turn. slowly away. stewards queried run. Poor post-race recovery.

12. GUIZOT (1) 54 aaron Purcell (Warrnambool) 5 ch g Tertullian (Us) – Guantana (Ge). purple, gold yoke and armbands, quartered cap Career record 18:3-2-4 Wins 1400 (1) 1600 (2) Prizemoney $78,470 4Th, 03nov17 2.7l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 1600m 56.5 (J Childs 1) 6, lim 55, 1:37.74 (last 600m 38.73), Good(3), Jolie’s Cafe 52 1, ebediyin 57.5 2, Fontein lad 55.5 3, Btg $4.80, $5.00, $4.60 4th to 1200m, 3rd 800m, led turn. slowly away.

14. JOLIE’s CaFE (3) 54 J D sadler (Caulfield) 5 br h Medaglia d’oro (Us) – Jolie’s shinju (JP). purple, yellow checks and sleeves, purple cap, yellow star Career record 12:3-4-1 Wins 1200 (1) 1354 (1) 1600 (1) Prizemoney $61,855 WON, 03nov17 1.3l, 0.8l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 1600m 52 (Chris Caserta 2) 6, lim 55, 1:37.74 (last 600m 38.73), Good(3), ebediyin 57.5 2, Fontein lad 55.5 3, Guizot 56.5 4, Btg $3.50, $2.80 (eq fav). led settling, 2nd to 800m, 3rd turn. 3RD, 17nov17 2.5l, 3l Moonee Valley-n Bm70 1523m 57 (Chris Caserta 7) 12, lim 55, 1:32.31 (last 600m 37.45), Good(4), Mr Gustavo 61.5 1, Royal ace 58 2, Think alike 58 4, Btg $4.60, $4.80, $4.60 (fav). 4th to 800m, 7th turn.

Race 9



1. NIKITas (11) 60.5 D K Weir (Warrnambool) 4 b h snitzel – Mine Game. cerise, black striped sleeves Career record 20:3-3-3 Wins 1100 (1) 1200 (1) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $596,200 LasT, 05aug17 2.9l Flemington Bm90 1200m 54.5 (B Melham 2) 6, lim 54, 1:10.42 (last 600m 34.04), Good(4), Red alto 54.5 1, lord Von Costa 55 2, hay Bale 51 3, Btg $2.80, $3.00 5th settling, 4th 800m, 5th 400m. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities. 3RD, 08nov17 0.5l, 1.3l Kyneton Bm84 1200m 57.5 (J allen 5) 9, lim 54, 1:10.61 (last 600m 35.46), Good(3), Got The Goss 55.5 1, lord Barrington 56.5 2, Canelo 53 4, Btg $3.00, $4.20 (fav). 5th to turn. Ran wide during race.

2. ORIENT LINE (8) 60.5 J F Moloney (Caulfield) 6 b g show a heart – Zilzie (nZ). green, white cap Career record 41:5-6-4 Wins 1200 (1) 1206 (1) 1400 (3) Prizemoney $270,460 7Th, 14oct17 2.8l Caulfield (lR) Keno weekend hussler stakes 1400m 54 (C newitt 4) 13, lim 54, 1:23.94 (last 600m 35.02), Good(3), Fast ‘n’ Rocking 57 1, Religify 60.5 2, dibayani 57.5 3, Btg $41.00 12th to turn. 3RD, 27oct17 hd, 3.3l Moonee Valley-n Bm84 1500m 57.5 (B Mertens 1) 7, lim 55, 1:32.14 (last 600m 33.91), Good(3), Black sheep 57.5 1, Fox hall 57 2, Give Us a Go 55.5 4, Btg $7.00, $9.00 3rd to 800m, 4th turn.

3. WaLL sTREET WOLF (17) 60.5 hayes & Dabernig (Euroa) 5 b/br g written Tycoon – Regal Reward. fluorescent yellow Career record 13:5-1-2 Wins 1200 (2) 1206 (1) 1300 (2) Prizemoney $155,350 12Th, 18oct17 9.4l Caulfield Bm84 1400m 57.5 (C J Parish 4) 14, lim 54, 1:23.10 (last 600m 35.68), Good(3), steel Frost 59 1, ozi Choice 57 2, Jalan Jalan 54 3, Btg $5.00, $5.50, $5.00 3rd to 800m, 6th turn. overraced early stages. lame after race. 2ND, 14nov17 nck, 2.8l Bendigo Bm78 1300m 60.5 (C J Parish 9) 10, lim 54, 1:16.25 (last 600m 34.64), Good(3), sword of Justice 56 1, Bonus d’oro 54.5 3, Great Panache 54 4, Btg $3.00, $4.00 2nd throughout.

4. aTLaNTIC CITy (12) 60 M a Kavanagh (Flemington) 5 b g Fastnet Rock – Gambei. royal blue, black and white checked sash and cap Career record 23:4-4-1 Wins 1100 (1) 1300 (2) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $147,935 2ND, 25oct17 lng hd, nck Geelong Bm84 1200m 57 (s Baster 12) 12, lim 54, 1:11.55 (last 600m 34.92), soft(5), Urban Ruler 56.5 1, strike Force 58 3, Broadway and First 58 4, Btg $21.00, $31.00 last to turn. 4Th, 07nov17 3.8l Flemington 4 and 5yo Bm90 1400m 54 (s Baster 4) 13, lim 54, 1:22.15 (last 600m 34.90), Good(3), dollar For dollar 54.5 1, land of Plenty 55 2, Milwaukee 54 3, Btg $21.00, $17.00 6th to 800m, 5th turn. overraced middle stages.

5. hOKKaIDO (9) 60 Craig Blackshaw (Moe) 6 b r Purrealist – Teatime Tattle. royal blue, red vee, sleeves and cap Career record 33:7-4-3 Wins 1200 (1) 1400 (2) 1430 (1) 1500 (1) 1600 (2) Prizemoney $244,490 7Th, 13May17 4.2l Caulfield Bm78 1400m 55.5 (B stockdale 5) 12, lim 54, 1:22.69 (last 600m 34.69), Good(3), Thelburg 58 1, Trinity hill 54.5 2, atlantic City 57 3, Btg $26.00, $16.00, $21.00 5th to 800m, 4th turn. WON, 19oct17 0.5l, 0.5l Moe Bm78 1200m 58 (n Callow 9) 11, lim 54, 1:12.53 (last 600m 35.79), soft(6), another diamond 55.5 2, Barthelona 57 3, demolition 57.5 4, Btg $26.00, $31.00, $26.00 2nd to turn.

Continued on next page

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

page 17

sandown hillside FORM CONTINUED

6. MIlwaUkEE (14) 60 M D Moroney (Flemington) 4 b g Fastnet Rock – hummingbird. navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, gold cap Career record 12:4-1-1 wins 1200 (2) 1400 (2) Prizemoney $165,515 wON, 29oct17 1.3l, 1.3l sale Bm78 1200m 57.5 (P Moloney 2) 8, lim 54, 1:10.87 (last 600m 35.08), soft(6), divine Quality 55.5 2, star Fortune 57 3, Taddei Tondo 58 4, Btg $7.50, $8.50, $8.00 2nd to 800m, led turn. 3RD, 07nov17 1.5l, 1.3l Flemington 4 and 5yo Bm90 1400m 54 (P Moloney 8) 13, lim 54, 1:22.15 (last 600m 34.90), Good(3), dollar For dollar 54.5 1, land of Plenty 55 2, atlantic City 54 4, Btg $6.00, $7.50 led to turn.

7. aCT OF ValOUR (1) 59.5 archie alexander (Ballarat) 6 ch g excellent art (GB) – Twelve To Twilight. royal blue, white striped sleeves and striped cap Career record 21:5-3-3 wins 1114 (1) 1200 (1) 1300 (2) 1500 (1) Prizemoney $197,345 8TH, 23Jul17 6.9l Bendigo Bm78 1300m 60.5 (B allen 2) 11, lim 54, 1:17.66 (last 600m 36.52), soft(5), oscar’s My Mate Pa 54 1, Mr optimistic 54.5 2, Caprese 58 3 dead heat, Btg $3.80, $3.50 (fav). 5th to turn. overraced early, middle stages. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities. 8TH, 17nov17 4.2l Moonee Valley-n Bm78 1200m 58.5 (Ben Thompson 4) 12, lim 55, 1:11.45 (last 600m 35), Good(4), wind Force 56.5 1, Moonlover 55.5 2, seven Year Reward 56.5 3, Btg $11.00, $12.00, $11.00 2nd to turn.

8. lORD BaRRINgTON (19) 59.5 M D Moroney (Flemington) 6 b g darci Brahma (nZ) – della lobra (nZ). navy blue, gold lightning bolt, gold and white armbands, white cap Career record 35:5-4-11 wins 900 (1) 1100 (1) 1200 (3) Prizemoney $177,560

8TH, 25oct17 3.5l Geelong Bm84 1200m 57 (P Moloney 9) 12, lim 54, 1:11.55 (last 600m 34.92), soft(5), Urban Ruler 56.5 1, atlantic City 57 2, strike Force 58 3, Btg $8.50, $11.00 2nd to turn. 2ND, 08nov17 0.5l, 1.3l Kyneton Bm84 1200m 56.5 (P Moloney 8) 9, lim 54, 1:10.61 (last 600m 35.46), Good(3), Got The Goss 55.5 1, nikitas 57.5 3, Canelo 53 4, Btg $6.50, $7.00, $5.50 2nd throughout.

9. DaTa POINT (3) 58.5 M C kent (Cranbourne) 5 br g lonhro – Mermaid island (iR). navy blue, white sash, hooped cap Career record 14:2-6-1 wins 1400 (2) Prizemoney $125,950 8TH, 15Jul17 3.2l Caulfield Bm78 1400m 59.5 (B Mertens 3) 11, lim 54, 1:23.14 (last 600m 35.23), Good(4), orient line 58 1, Mr optimistic 54 2, dane Thunder 57 3, Btg $2.35, $3.00 (fav). 10th to 800m, 9th turn. Blocked for run near 600m. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities. 8TH, 26aug17 6.4l Moonee Valley Bm78 1600m 59 (l nolen 9) 15, lim 54, 1:38.54 (last 600m 36.04), Good(4), spunlago 56.5 1, sin To win 57 2, Cosmic lights 56 3, Btg $8.50, $13.00, $8.00 13th to 800m, 9th turn. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities.

10. FlORal FEVER (7) 58.5 Symon wilde (warrnambool) 5 b/br g Floral Pegasus – insomniac. black, white universal diamond, aqua sleeves, quartered cap Career record 22:6-2-2 wins 1100 (2) 1200 (1) 1300 (1) 1350 (1) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $112,995 laST, 23Jul17 17.9l Bendigo Bm78 1300m 59.5 (a Mallyon 6) 11, lim 54, 1:17.66 (last 600m 36.52), soft(5), oscar’s My Mate Pa 54 1, Mr optimistic 54.5 2, Caprese 58 3 dead heat, Btg $5.50, $11.00 6th to turn. eased near 200m. stewards queried run. Vetted - no abnormalities.

6TH, 12nov17 3.1l ararat open 1300m 54 (J Mcneil 5) 11, lim 54, 1:16.08 (last 600m 35.97), Good(3), aeratus 56 1, dan Zephyr 57.5 2, Broadway and First 54.5 3, Btg $10.00, $11.00, $7.50 6th to 800m, 7th turn.

11. aNCIENT HISTORy (16) 58 James Cummings (Flemington) 5 ch g shamardal (Us) – antiquities (GB). royal blue Career record 11:2-1-3 wins 1600 (1) 2000 (1) Prizemoney $76,805 6TH, 29apr17 2.7l hawkesbury (Metro) Bm78 1500m 57 (B shinn 5) 13, lim 53, 1:28.53 ((class record) last 600m 34.82), Good(3), so willie 58 1, louie sea Kay 57 2, Gambler’s Blues 56 3, Btg $5.00, $5.50, $5.00 (eq fav). 3rd settling, 6th 800m, 7th turn. Blocked for run in straight. 2ND, 10nov17 1.3l, sht 1/2 hd Cranbourne-n Bm78 1400m 58.5 (a Mallyon 1) 8, lim 55, 1:24.05 (last 600m 36), Good(3), star Fortune 57.5 1, dusty Jack 59 3, Bon Rocket 57 4, Btg $6.00, $7.50, $6.50 3rd to turn. slowly away. Blocked for run near 400m. shifted in concluding stages.

12. MakINg MayHEM (4) 58 Nick Ryan (Caulfield) 6 ch g Testa Rossa – Running Riot. orange, royal blue quarters and armbands Career record 22:5-1-4 wins 1200 (1) 1400 (2) 1426 (1) 1700 (1) Prizemoney $178,345 wON, 19oct16 0.8l, hd Geelong Bm70 1700m 59.5 (R Mc leod 4) 12, lim 54, 1:44.73 (last 600m 35.58), Good(4), indexes 54 2, i’ll Fly away 56.5 3, extra Choice 60 4, Btg $8.50, $7.50 2nd to turn. shifted in near 200m. laST, 28oct16 4.5l horsham open 1800m 54 (J hill 7) 7, lim 54, 1:48.78 (last 600m 35.36), Good(3), Magic Consol 54 1, Puccini 62.5 2, Patch adams 54 3, Btg $9.00, $10.00, $9.00 2nd to 800m, led turn. Ran wide early, middle stages.

13. MOONlOVER (2) 58 M M laurie (Mornington) 4 b m ilovethiscity – Moondreamer (iR). navy blue, turquoise armbands, striped cap Career record 19:5-5-0 wins 1000 (2) 1200 (3) Prizemoney $116,780 wON, 05nov17 1.8l, 1/2 hd Mornington Bm70 1200m 58 (e Brown 9) 11, lim 54, 1:10 (last 600m 35.68), Good(3), izenashark 58 2, wazzenme 56 3, sir Mask 54.5 4, Btg $4.60, $4.20 (fav). 6th to 800m, 7th turn. Ran wide during race. 2ND, 17nov17 sht hd, hd Moonee Valley-n Bm78 1200m 55.5 (e Brown 3) 12, lim 55, 1:11.45 (last 600m 35), Good(4), wind Force 56.5 1, seven Year Reward 56.5 3, This Kid Rocks 59 4, Btg $6.00, $5.50 4th to turn. Ran wide during race.

14. SwORD OF JUSTICE (5) 58 M Ellerton & S Zahra (Flemington) 5 b/br g Medaglia d’oro (Us) – Joyeuse. lime, purple and gold braces and armbands Career record 25:5-3-3 wins 1200 (2) 1210 (1) 1300 (1) 1400 (1) Prizemoney $143,360 7TH, 01nov17 3.6l Bendigo Bm70 1300m 60.5 (d lane 10) 10, lim 54, 1:17.07 (last 600m 34.69), Good(3), saddle The sun 58.5 1, Benny Goes Berzerk 56 2, whyouask 57 3, Btg $17.00, $21.00, $17.00 2nd to 800m, 3rd turn. 3 wide. wON, 14nov17 nck, 2.8l Bendigo Bm78 1300m 56 (a Mallyon 4) 10, lim 54, 1:16.25 (last 600m 34.64), Good(3), wall street wolf 60.5 2, Bonus d’oro 54.5 3, Great Panache 54 4, Btg $13.00, $17.00, $13.00 led throughout.

15. wIDgEE TURF (18) 58 Patrick Payne (Plumpton) 4 ch g Turffontein – Greyhound. navy blue, cream seams Career record 10:3-3-0 wins 1208 (1) 1400 (2) Prizemoney $247,800

wON, 27May17 2l, 1/2 hd sandownlakeside 3yo open 1400m 57 (B allen 3) 10, lim 54, 1:23.87 (last 600m 34.48), Good(3), Barbie’s Boy 54 2, Valliano 59.5 3, Good Therapy 57 4, Btg $2.80, $3.50 (fav). 6th to 800m, 5th turn. 6TH, 24Jun17 2l Flemington 3yo open 1600m 57 (B allen 3) 13, lim 54, 1:38.64 (last 600m 34.94), Good(4), Thaad 54 1, what a shock 56.5 2, atlantic express 52 3, Btg $6.00, $3.50 (fav). 2nd settling, 4th 800m, 6th turn. overraced early, middle stages. Bled first time - three month ban.

16. SaDDlE THE SUN (13) 57 Hayes & Dabernig (Euroa) 4 b g helmet – sleeque. light blue, black sash and cap Career record 3:3-0-0 wins 1200 (2) 1300 (1) Prizemoney $46,000 wON, 15oct17 1.3l, 1/2 hd Cranbourne Bm64 1200m 59.5 (R Bayliss 1) 6, lim 54, 1:10.98 (last 600m 35.84), Good(3), Rioli 57.5 2, Patient 57 3, Tirone Miss 55.5 4, Btg $2.25, $2.35, $2.25 (fav). 4th to turn. Rider charged with careless riding. wON, 01nov17 sht hd, 0.8l Bendigo Bm70 1300m 58.5 (R Bayliss 8) 10, lim 54, 1:17.07 (last 600m 34.69), Good(3), Benny Goes Berzerk 56 2, whyouask 57 3, Got The Moves 58 4, Btg $5.00, $5.50, $5.00 led throughout. Rider charged with careless riding.

17. EUREka STREET (6) 56.5 R w Smerdon (Caulfield) 4 br g street Cry (iR) – Rathsallagh (nZ). black, pink spots and hooped sleeves Career record 10:3-2-0 wins 1400 (1) 2000 (1) 2025 (1) Prizemoney $149,945 wON, 27aug17 4.5l, 0.5l Cranbourne Bm64 2025m 61 (R Maloney 6) 11, lim 54, 2:12.48 (last 600m 41.36), heavy(9), King way 60.5 2, Chez dumonet 56.5 3, Bajour 58.5 4, Btg $2.25, $2.50, $1.90 (fav). led throughout. Jumped awkwardly. Ran wide early stages.

2ND, 13sep17 1.3l, hd Mornington (Metro) Bm78 2000m 56.5 (l nolen 1) 7, lim 54, 2:08.07 (last 600m 36.96), heavy(8), The Thug 55.5 1, Kilmacurragh 55 3, like The Clappers 55.5 4, Btg $2.00, $2.80 (fav). 2nd throughout. overraced near 1600m.

18. SEVEN yEaR REwaRD (15) 56.5 g Eurell (Cranbourne) 4 b g Reward For effort – seven Year itch. yellow, royal blue stripes, yellow and royal blue stars cap Career record 4:3-0-1 wins 1000 (3) Prizemoney $46,850 wON, 29oct17 0.8l, 0.8l sale Bm70 1000m 58.5 (Ms n Beriman 8) 8, lim 54, 1:00.02 (last 600m 34.56), soft(6), winspot 58.5 2, world of hope 57 3, Mistoffelees 59.5 4, Btg $1.90, $2.10 (fav). 5th to turn. Jumped awkwardly. 3RD, 17nov17 sht hd, hd Moonee Valley-n Bm78 1200m 56.5 (Ms n Beriman 1) 12, lim 55, 1:11.45 (last 600m 35), Good(4), wind Force 56.5 1, Moonlover 55.5 2, This Kid Rocks 59 4, Btg $3.50, $2.90 (fav). 3rd throughout.

19. FORBIDDEN kISSES (10) 54 Saab Hasan (Flemington) 6 br m Bel esprit – My Broken drum (GB). pink, maroon stripes, white cap Career record 25:3-5-7 wins 1100 (1) 1110 (1) 1200 (1) Prizemoney $91,065 9TH, 25oct17 6.3l Geelong Bm70 1200m 57 (d dunn 12) 15, lim 54, 1:10.99 (last 600m 34.84), soft(5), Just hifalutin 57 1, sang Choi Bao 59 2, Private lounge 56.5 3, Btg $31.00, $71.00 13th settling, last turn. 3RD, 16nov17 1.5l, 1.3l Racing.Com Park-n Bm70 1200m 56.5 (P Moloney 6) 7, lim 55, 1:13.51 (last 600m 35.43), soft(7), sun Quan 56.5 1, sang Choi Bao 59 2, Rosti 57.5 4, Btg $17.00, $26.00 last to turn. Jumped awkwardly.

DoomBen saturday 3 Twilight 8/12 sizzling Plate

The mulTiPles DailY DouBle . . . . . . . . .7, 9 FiRsT FouR . . . ALL RACeS eaRlY quaD. . . . . 2, 3, 4, 5 quaDRella . . . . . 6, 7, 8, 9 RaCe TImes CoRReCT aT TIme oF PuBlICaTIon

1 hamilton hotel



$60,000. Benchmark 90. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6

6211 mY giuliano tcw (1) M Cahill 59 *2 00 4813 anTon en avanT cdw (4) Ms B Stower (a) 56 5 7 00 4s52 magnaTune dw (5) A Sewell (a2) 55 8 00 7512 The RumouR File c (2) J Byrne 54 2 60 3881 geomeTRisT w (3) C Brown 54 13 00 s031 hunDReD dw (6) 54 21 00 maGnaTune, The Rumour File, Geometrist, anton en avant.

2 stanley River T’bred handicap 1050m


$30,000. Rating 70. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


s312 i’ve goTTa nel dw (3) C Brown 59 *3 90 2133 ol’ BRown eYes w (5) 58 5 34 00 9632 sTellaRCRaFT cw (4) Ms T Brooker (a1 5) 57 5 13 00 4Ls2 viCeman wb (1) D Browne 57 4 60 1323 wuDang BlaDe w (13) 56 5 8 50 28s3 gRaCeville w (10) L Tarrant 56 17 00 0s73 oh BoY tdw (6) Ms Z White (a3) 56 17 00 0s13 sTaR JusTiCe (7) J Orman 55 5 6 50 9s39 sniTzel’s JoY cw (12) 55 10 00 5222 sanDRelli (2) M Murphy (a3) 54 5 8 50 3511 maRgoT (14) 54 11 00 8118 aquaJewel dw (8) Ms B Stower (a2) 54 21 00 421s Bimini RoaD (11) 54 13 00 840s BlaCK minK w (9) M Mc Gillivray 54 34 00 VICeman, stellarcraft, snitzel’s Joy, Bimini Road.

This publication takes all care in compiling the TaB details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. Readers are urged to check TaB information with the official lists before placing their bets.



$100,000. 2yo SW. Apprentices cannot claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

DeseRT KnighT (13) Ms T Harrison 57 FoRza (6) M Mc Gillivray 57 osBeCK (1) G Colless 57 PaRKo (10) R Wiggins 57 RePaTRiaTe (5) Ron Stewart 57 812 miRaCles aPlenTY w (11) L R Dittman 55 1 mishani KRishna wn (3) J Orman 55 5 DReam seRenaDe (2) C Brown 55 aRDoYne RoaD (12) N Tomizawa 55 DRagon inThe noRTh (7) J Byrne 55 KaTY’s DaughTeR (8) P Hammersley 55 veRanes (9) B Stewart 55 emergency Phoenix shaDow (4) 57 DeseRT KnIGHT, osbeck, miracles aplenty, mishani Krishna.

4 seq ice Cream


5 50 13 00 *4 80 11 00 15 00 5 50 10 00 21 00 15 00 13 00 13 00 7 50 9 00


$60,000. Benchmark 85. Apprentices can claim.

1 0s55 in his sTRiDe cdw (10) B Stewart 59 5 10 00 2 s250 BullPiT wn (4) Ms T Harrison 59 21 00 3 312s heaRTBReaK haRRY tdwb (5) 57 13 00 4 210s Boomwaa d (1) M Murphy (a3) 56 5 8 00 5 608s CounTeR meal tdwb (6) J Orman 56 17 00 6 5s13 CouRTza King cdw (8) J Byrne 56 *3 00 7 s254 Ringo’s a RoCKsTaR tcdw (9) Ms T Brooker (a) 55 6 50 8 1244 mishani el loBo tdw (2) Ron Stewart 54 5 5 00 9 5040 waR BaBY dw (3) L V Cassidy 54 31 00 10 2128 iCe FRosT t (7) C Brown 54 4 40 ICe FRosT, Counter meal, Courtza King, mishani el lobo.

5 Bobby Clarke mode Plate


$100,000. 3yo Fillies SW Listed. Apprentices cannot claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


12s2 DReam Kisses cw (6) B Stewart 56 5 7261 CooRoi Chase tw (3) Ms T Brooker (a) 56 5 s111 PReTTY FasT dw (4) D Browne 56 5 1221 winTeR BRiDe tw (9) J Byrne 56 5 9s75 CaBin FeveR tw (1) G Colless 56 5 092s Cool moveR (2) C Brown 56 5 813s iniTialize w (8) B Pengelly 56 5 s114 solo meloDY w (10) Ron Stewart 56 5 0s12 Teagz b (7) Ms T Harrison 56 5 421s Bimini RoaD d (5) M Mc Gillivray 56 5 TeaGz, Pretty Fast, solo melody, Winter Bride.

11 00 5 50 *2 50 4 80 41 00 15 00 4 80 26 00 21 00 13 00

8 sua george moore stakes

weaTheR / TRaCK / Rail Track soft (5). Rail is in the true position circuit. Weather overcast.

6 Become a BRC member hcp



$60,000. Class 6. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

80s0 heaRT oF a waRRioR c (7) Ms Z White (a) 59 51 00 8111 no annamossiTY tcw (10) Ms R Ride (a) 58 5 *3 50 285s RiChaRD oF YoRKe w (2) G Colless 58 5 26 00 8449 loRD CoConuTs dw (5) Ms T Brooker (a) 58 21 00 1110 The amaTeuR t (4) C Brown 58 15 00 7714 BRaCTeaTe tdwb (3) P Hammersley 57 5 13 00 05s1 PRivaTe heRo d (11) Ron Stewart 56 34 00 1681 hi haRRY cw (13) 54 5 11 00 9071 RevalDoR tw (15) J Byrne 54 5 9 00 1219 malmoosa (9) M Cahill 54 8 50 4s79 ameRiCan Diva tdw (14) 54 34 00 9s73 eighT Below wn (6) M Mc Gillivray 54 21 00 3421 mishani Phoenix (1) J Orman 54 4 20 3284 volTaiRe lumieRe w (12) Ms B Stower (a2) 54 11 00 3134 aqua viTe wb (8) M Murphy (a) 54 6 50 no annamossITY, The amateur, lord Coconuts, eight Below.

7 insulation winning Rupert Plate1200m


$100,000. 3yo C&Gs SW. Apprentices cannot claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


251s CaPiTal gain tdw (7) J Byrne 56 5 8 00 11s1 BRing iT home PoP tdw (4) M Mc Gillivray 56 5 *2 90 4332 mishani BulliTT cwb (11) D Browne 56 5 5 00 4s02 sainT PaTRiCKs DaY dw (6) Ron Stewart 56 5 5 00 s111 Dazzling ReD cw (9) B Stewart 56 5 4 40 137s PieRaTa dw (1) C Brown 56 5 9 00 1624 BolD xavvi (10) 56 5 34 00 415s TRiPle aRRow dw (3) G Colless 56 5 51 00 7s12 eisemann b (2) 56 5 13 00 818 looKs liKe elvis dw (8) M Cahill 56 5 34 00 10s CRuze d (5) B Pengelly 56 5 51 00 saInT PaTRICKs DaY, Bold xavvi, Bring It Home Pop, Dazzling Red.

1 060s BeauTY Flame w (11) L R Dittman 60 5 13 00 2 11s1 monsieuR gusTave tdw (14) Ms T Brooker (a) 58 *3 80 3 00s3 Big moneY tcdw (12) R Thompson 57 5 6 00 4 s006 mosT imPoRTanT tcdw (2) J Byrne 57 5 11 00 5 1s84 CalanDa dw (4) D Browne 55 5 6 00 6 120s siegFRieD tcdw (3) M Mc Gillivray 55 5 21 00 7 20s2 uPsTaRT PRiDe cdw (13) J Orman 55 5 13 00 8 278s egYPTian sYmBol dw (10) 54 6 00 9 30s3 Palazzo PuBBliCo cdw (6) M Cahill 54 9 00 10 s20s snooPY dw (9) Ron Stewart 54 13 00 11 549s Casual ChoiCe tcdw (7) L V Cassidy 54 26 00 12 2714 hi i’m BaCK cdwb (5) 54 17 00 13 30s8 PeRFeCT DaRe td (8) C Brown 54 41 00 14 s213 BRooKlYn sToRm cdw (1) S Galloway 54 13 00 mosT ImPoRTanT, Big money, Casual Choice, siegfried.

9 ascot green Plate


1 Twilight Races-15th Dec



1 2 3 4 5

2111 DexTeR You Devil cd (1) J Huxtable (a3) 59 *2 20 531 CRuising (4) J Holder 57 3 30 9212 Tan TaT Flame b (5) Ms J Kah 55 5 2 70 179s mY BaD w (2) P Gatt 54 11 00 5 BRamFielD (3) T Pannell 54 26 00 Tan TaT Flame, Dexter You Devil, Cruising, my Bad.

2 Pridal services Plate


$30,000. 3yo Maiden SW. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

s426 alwaYs The King (4) R Hurdle 57 5 hollYwooD vine (5) 57 5 23 maDe in Russia b (2) Ms J Kah 57 5 oh mo (6) B Paterson 57 5 0233 suPlex CiTY b (3) J Toeroek 57 5 755 To Be vain (8) 57 5 53 BeTTeRmenT (7) P Gatt 55 5 3s74 seCReT BaR (1) Ms E Finnegan (a1 5) 55 5 maDe In RussIa, Hollywood Vine, suplex City, always The King.

3 horsman’s Plumbing & gas $45,000. Benchmark 82. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


2.16 15 00 3 10 *2 30 15 00 3 90 17 00 26 00 13 00


29s5 sTRaTegiC DemanD w (2) Ms R Clark (a) 60 5 3 60 353s have anoTheR glass tw (9) Ms E Finnegan (a1 5) 57 5 6 50 0s13 ChaPel CiTY tcw (5) V Wong (a3) 54 5 4 20 28s1 suDDen wealTh tcw (7) T Pannell 54 *2 40 0896 JusTiFY ThaT tw (8) Ms C Lindop 54 31 00 0831 mR walKeR dw (4) 54 13 00 s191 meRiDian sTaR (1) Ms J Payne 54 15 00 6s64 RhYThmaTiC dw (6) D Tourneur 54 26 00 6s27 sPalDing Cove dw (3) Ms J Kah 54 26 00 HaVe anoTHeR Glass, strategic Demand, mr Walker, sudden Wealth.

4 holdfast insurance

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

CaRe To ThinK tdw (14) C Brown 59 *3 90 CoBRa quiCK dw (4) B Pengelly 59 13 00 DownloaDing tdw (9) Ron Stewart 59 15 00 i’m a RiPPa td (11) Ms Z White (a) 59 13 00 JusT oRm t (12) 59 8 00 valFieRno tdwb (8) D Browne 59 6 00 Beloso dw (16) G Colless 57 5 34 00 DominanT CRown w (19) sCRaTCheD 57 5 — DouBT DeFYing tdw (2) B Stewart 57 5 15 00 naTuRal BlaCK db (18) M Mc Gillivray 57 5 26 00 salmanazaR db (10) J Byrne 57 5 34 00 sailoR geRRi d (6) A Sewell (a2) 57 13 00 KuBis db (13) 56 7 00 l’elu wb (7) 55 5 13 00 maYBe even You tb (15) 55 5 26 00 ouR JamaiCa (17) Ms T Brooker (a1 5) 55 5 8 00 emergencies: (in order) 2s1P TaiKo Boom t (1) 57 5 34 00 0s73 oh BoY cdw (5) 59 34 00 5112 Boiling (3) 57 26 00 JusT oRm, Valfierno, salmanazar, Care To Think. 211s 124s 7s11 020s s163 1127 9s0s 6s21 734s 233s 647s 7182 224s 70s3 4332 33s2

aR 1400m


4252 9s43 14s4 1612 s236 3461 0528 9444

ozi ChoiCe tdw (4) J Huxtable (a3) woaKwine tcw (8) D Tourneur PReTTY PunK cw (7) Ms R Clark (a2) FeDeRal CouRT tcw (6) J Toeroek Roselli sTing tcdw (2) Ms A Jordsjo (a3) emmooKi’s Dash tdw (5) Ms J Kah sPY DeCoDeR dw (1) V Wong (a3) sCRaTChY lass tw (3) S Fawke (a2)

59 *1 70 58 5 11 00 58 8 00 57 5 5 00 57 15 00 56 5 15 00 55 5 11 00 54 13 00

ozI CHoICe, Woakwine, spy Decoder, Roselli sting.

5 The Black Doddy



$45,000. Benchmark 82. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

9223 1519 7073 0743 9575 0632 4433 5s45 s804 6644

6 uBeT handicap



$35,000. Benchmark 70. Apprentices can claim.

$45,000. Benchmark 90. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


$40,000. Class 3 SW. Apprentices can claim.

moRPheTTville PaRKs saturday $45,000. 3yo Benchmark 70. Apprentices can claim.


$200,000. Quality Group 3. Apprentices cannot claim.

have PlenTY tcw (8) S Fawke (a2) 59 4 20 RiB eYe b (3) Ms J Kah 56 5 *2 40 Flow meTeR tw (7) Ms R Clark (a2) 54 5 8 00 geT The PiCTuRe wn (2) D Tourneur 54 4 80 ouR BoY niCholas wn (5) T Pannell 54 31 00 Danouli tw (4) B Paterson 54 8 00 Beau Rivage t (6) J Toeroek 54 8 00 CosTa lanTe (10) J Huxtable (a3) 54 31 00 Casino CluB w (1) P Gatt 54 34 00 DeDuCT w (9) Ms C Lindop 54 51 00

ouR BoY nICHolas, Rib eye, Flow meter, Have Plenty.

leGenD: T – Won at track. C – Won at this distance on this course. D – Won at this distance on another course. W – Won in slow or heavy going. B – Beaten favourite at last start. H – Trained on track. n - Won at night. s – Spell of three months. F – Fell. P – Pulled up. l – Lost rider.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3303 FlYing Casino tdwb (8) J Holder 60 5 7 50 3134 veRReaux w (6) Ms R Clark (a2) 58 5 9 00 9716 exalTeD lighTning dw (11) Ms J Kah 57 11 00 9256 sTaR waRs w (9) V Wong (a3) 57 15 00 0402 wilDwooD CouRT (10) Ms E Finnegan (a1 5) 57 5 50 1081 The ulTimaTum t (2) D Tourneur 56 5 6 50 3024 RoBoCoP cw (1) S Fawke (a2) 56 8 50 5541 RoPeaDoPe d (3) J Toeroek 55 10 00 3921 suPeR swooP w (7) Ms C Lindop 54 *5 00 5314 CavalRY golD w (5) J Huxtable (a3) 54 7 00 4175 zoloToi t (4) T Pannell 54 15 00 VeRReaux, Robocop, super swoop, Flying Casino.

7 adelaide hills wine 9/12



$45,000. Benchmark 75. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

iTz invinCiBle cb (9) J Huxtable (a3) 64 invinCiBle al dn (4) 61 hiDDen value tc (6) S Fawke (a2) 60 5 DanuKi d (15) Ms J Kah 60 Big eFFoRT (7) S Price 59 5 mYsTiFieD cdwbn (11) T Pannell 58 oamaRu owl cd (5) J Holder 57 5 CeRTain ellie cdwn (8) D Tourneur 56 iRish minT cdw (14) V Wong (a3) 55 ClassY JaCK cw (13) B Paterson 54 viCKi’s BoY cdw (1) Ms A Jordsjo (a3) 54 iCelanDiC sTaR d (10) sCRaTCheD 54 shining sTaR dw (3) 54 sTReeT liFe db (2) P Gatt 54 emergency s155 ReaCT d (12) J Toeroek 54 BIG eFFoRT, Invincible al, Danuki, mystified.

213s 75s1 647s 0226 110s 31s2 2226 3618 36s3 2065 05s5 s130 5123 1632

4 60 7 00 17 00 13 00 3 80 *3 40 15 00 31 00 10 00 31 00 31 00 — 34 00 13 00 51 00

The mulTiPles DailY DouBle . . . . . . . . 6, 8 FiRsT FouR . . . ALL RACeS eaRlY quaD. . . . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 quaDRella . . . . . . 5, 6, 7, 8

weaTheR / TRaCK / Rail Track good (3). Rail is out 6m for the entire circuit. Weather fine.

8 The Junction



$35,000. Benchmark 70. Apprentices can claim.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

41s6 s710 7434 00s1 s773 1212 46s1 5s78 11s2 4171 6747 3s26 0s53 90s0

soaRing high (13) Ms R Clark (a2) gooD TheRaPY dwn (3) Ms J Kah so sKilleD t (14) V Wong (a3) loRD ToPPeR c (10) J Huxtable (a3) see me Rollin’ t (1) Ms E Boyd (a2) emBeCee lil twb (2) T Pannell luCKY FliPPeR tw (5) S Fawke (a2) someThing moRe tcdw (9) J Holder sTRaTegiC glass d (8) Ms E Finnegan (a1 5) CoBBeR c (6) wiTh a BiT oF Dash c (11) B Paterson zalmona w (12) R Hurdle enKi w (4) Ms A Jordsjo (a3) RowDY RiChaRD t (7) Ms C Lindop

61 58 58 57 5 57 5 57 57 57 57 56 5 56 5 56 54 54

13 00 8 00 4 60 17 00 34 00 *3 30 8 50 13 00 17 00 13 00 17 00 10 00 8 00 51 00

emBeCee lIl, so skilled, Good Therapy, enki. This publication takes all care in compiling the TaB details but cannot accept any responsibility for any errors. Readers are urged to check TaB information with the official lists before placing their bets.

page 18

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017


Untapped tourism potential in Snowy Valleys Region Genevieve Fleming, Chairperson of Destination Riverina Murray

EARLIER this year, I was privileged to attend a tour of the Snowy Valleys region organised by RDA Riverina and the Snowy Valleys Council. After an awe-inspiring, one hour drive from Wagga Wagga through the picturesque valleys and mountains of the region, we came together in Batlow on a crisp, sunny, winter’s morning at local café ‘Coffee and More’. There we were we were served great coffee and welcomed by a few locals including Batlow Ciderfest committee member, Ray Billing. Wearing a felt, pointy, irish- leprechaun style hat, Ray set the scene for a day full of delightful surprises and memorable experiences as we traversed the area in a private mini bus. First stop was the spectacular Braymont Gardens perched on a ridge on Allawah road. More than 4,000 plants have been lovingly planted in this scenic and picturesque property, which also features a café and purpose built tourism accommodation. Owners Chris and Jim Brayne spoke to us about their journey building the gardens, which attracted coach loads of visitors even before it was officially opened. Initially a bare six-acre stock paddock back in 2013, Braymont Gardens has been transformed into an botanist’s delight, overlooking Round Mountain, Blackjack Mountain and Mount Jagungal, with a large dam, island, bridges, eight ponds, a register seat, alter, hairy heaven cemetery, pergolas and dam walk. A highlight of this stunning attraction is a tree church which has been established for wedding ceremonies on the property. Incorporating antique iron work, the tree church in one of only several in the world and was born from Chris’s research into similar stunning locations in The Nether-

lands and the UK. Next door is the newly relocated Obsession Winery. Built along the same ridge, to capitalise on the spectacular valley and mountain views, the winery produces its own label, as well as providing production facilities and services for other grape growers in the region. The elevation of Tumbarumba makes it the coolest climate wine region in NSW and it is becoming particularly known for producing premium sparkling wines, as well as cool-climate Pinot Noir and Chardonnay table wines. Owner Adrian Brayne, spoke to us about his passion for the art of wine making (no one goes into boutique wine making to make money apparently). Having worked for larger scale wine producers earlier in his career, Adrian is now focussing on a more artisan approach to the craft. He’ll roll the barrels outside when the weather permits, to save on air conditioning and heating costs inside the production area (just like they used to do in more traditional times). He is also keen to help foster a strong community of fellow craft wine, cider, cheese and other artisan producers in the region. His hospitality was endearing and his vision for the region was totally inspiring. We toured the impressive winemaking facilities and saw the building works for what would, by now, be their completed observation/ tasting deck area. I could see myself spending a few enjoyable hours there soaking up the mesmerising views and enjoying a glass of wine on that inviting deck. Next stop was a delectable, local lunch at Nest Cinema Cafe, featuring the freshest and best quality local produce from the region. Owner Laura Fraumeni welcomed us and after a tour of the front seating area and deck, we were shown into the adjoining cinema for a presentation about more delightful offerings of the Snowy Valleys region. The cinema has an old world charm and often hosts foreign film festivals and themed movie nights for locals and visitors. We sat in our plush, Gold Class style cinema seating and enjoyed divine, organic sweet potato soup (superb) while we heard from local tourism and hotel operators. Boggy Creek Shows highlighted its fantastic horse and sheep dog shows, complete with damper and sheep shearing. We also learned about the picturesque caravan park on the idyllic creek and plans for a serious mountain bike trail development planned to attract thrill seekers.

A highlight of our trip was a tasting at the award winning Courabyra Winery. The sparkling wine from this establishment has won numerous awards and is served in top Sydney restaurants, including Tetsuya, Aria and Pilu at Freshwater. We sat on the deck overlooking maturing vineyards and heard about the plans for an amphitheatre and further developments at the site to accommodate the increasing demand for meals, functions and tastings. I made a mental note to return for a long and lazy lunch with friends and family for a special occasion one day. Next we had the pleasure of visiting beautiful and abundant orchards where you could pick your own buckets of apples straight from the tree. Wilgro Orchard offered apple pies and homemade icecream. If only I had brought an esky to take a large tub home with me . . . I pitied my family back in Wagga as I tucked into my tub of heaven. A quick tour of the Pioneer Women’s Hut pioneering women’s hut revealed historic relics of early settlement, including a unique and remarkable quilt collection from the early pioneering days. The museum is staffed by enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers and offers a sobering, sometimes humourous and most certainly illuminating, account of the hardships and challenges endured by women during the early years of settlement of the region. After a full and thoroughly enjoyable day, we returned to our cars for a stunning drive home through the mountains as the sun set, washing over the mountains and valleys in a mesmerising sheen of golden colour. If you haven’t already, make sure you

Visit Tumbarumba. Things to do in the Snowy Valleys: • Visit one of the various festivals and events, such as Batlow Ciderfest or Tum bafest • Hume and Hovell Track • Stay at Tumut River Caravan Park or Tumbarumba Creek Caravan Park • Visit Paddys River Falls picnic area and waterfalls • Camp at one of the various free camping reserves • Taste award-winning wine at one of the local cellar doors • Explore Sugar Pine Walk   Share your local tourism experiences with Wagga Weekly. Do you have a passion for experiencing all the fantastic experiences on offer in our fabulous region? Do you enjoy writing and sharing your views and opinions? The Wagga Weekly is keen to showcase all the unique and appealing tourism experiences on offer in our region through a weekly column published on this page. A different writer will be showcased every week to represent the diverse and varied experiences on offer in the region. Submissions of 300 words are invited (with high resolution photographs) for potential publication at the Editor’s discretion. Practice your travel blogging skills by writing about a great restaurant you visited, a beautiful picnic area you have found or a great local tour you experienced. You’ll be helping promote our fantastic region and supporting all the local businesses that benefit from the funds that tourists and other visitors inject into our local economy.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

page 19


Peasant food - king of the table

IN the modern age we are bombarded with advertisements and news articles about the latest food trends, super foods and lifestyle diets. We are told to reduce fat and salt, avoid carbs, red meat, eat Paleo, buy organic, only to have all the advice reversed in a month or a year later with an all new list of foods you either must have, or avoid at all cost. On top of that, we have Instagram, Facebook and an ever growing number of online platforms saturating our screens with beautifully presented food from across the planet, each picture edited to within an inch of its life, with perfect colours and lighting presenting a completely unrealistic image of what real food is and how real people eat. I find it’s best just to ignore all of it

really. Food isn’t that complicated; eating well doesn’t require expert knowledge, or vast sums of money. Neither do you need exotic ingredients from across the globe, colourful glossy cookbooks from celebrity chefs or advice from the media. People much wiser than me have been quoted saying: “the simple things in life are the best” and when it comes to food, truer words have never been spoken. With the knowledge of food I have acquired through the years as a chef, I can probably cook just about anything. I understand all the trends and techniques and can serve a room full of people an array of colourful dishes with dots where the sauce

should be, flowers and intricate beautiful garnishes of almost no nutritional value. In my experience, the dishes that bring the most joy are the simple ones. A toasted cheese sandwich with a slice of leg ham some relish and fresh black pepper; perhaps a hot bowl of chicken and vegetable soup with a touch of chilli and a slice of buttered bread on a winters evening; or maybe a plate of still warm scones with whipped cream and berries in the morning outside in the sun accompanied by a strong, hot coffee. Cooking isn’t about fancy restaurants and Instagram. Eating healthily and well doesn’t need to be stressful or unpleasant. It can be a therapeutic and emotionally satisfying experience that fills the house with wonderful aromas and sounds, family and friends pitching in peeling vegetables or picking herbs, children asking endless questions about the food before resolutely refusing to eat any of it, a glass of wine and conversation with friends as something delicious simmers quietly in the kitchen. The concept of ‘peasant food’ that is eating simple wholesome dishes which have withstood the test of time is growing in popularity for multiple reasons; simplicity, the inexpensive nature of the ingredients and the satisfying experience of sitting down to a wholesome meal. For me it’s the feeling of connectiveness which comes from preparing and enjoying a meal with my family that has been similarly prepared for hundreds of years and by millions of people throughout history. It’s a priceless link to simpler times. My favourite peasant food dish of all time is Irish stew, I’m sure there are a thousand variations, but this one is mine and it’s so good we’ve been known to crank the air-conditioning in summer just so we’re cool enough to enjoy it. Adam McLean, Elements Restaurant

Adam’s Irish stew

Ingredients 1 and a bit kilograms lamb forequarter chops. 3 brown onions roughly chopped. I kilogram carrots peeled chopped in large pieces. About a quarter of a medium pumpkin chopped smallish. 5 large potatoes (or more smaller ones). Half a bunch of fresh parsley (or a couple of tablespoons of dried) sliced thin. Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. About 30ish mls of Worcestershire sauce. Chicken stock if you have some (stock cube and water if you don’t) enough to cover. Method Put everything in a pot (reserving half a handful of parsley). Put pot on the stove on high heat until it boils. Turn down heat to a low simmer. Skim any foam and most of the fat from the top using a big spoon or ladle. Walk away for a couple of hours and relax. Stir gently to break up the pumpkin. Check that the meat is falling off the bones. Add half a handful of parsley. Check for seasoning (salt and pepper are your friends). Turn off heat and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Ladle into bowls and eat, preferably with more black pepper and a plate of buttered bread to share.

Summer Zucchini Noodles

by Claudine Mennegazzo SUMMER is almost here and zucchinis are abundant so why not switch your favourite greens or pasta for this delicious versatile vegetable. Zucchini is low-calorie and high fibre. It doesn’t contain any cholesterol or saturated fats and is loaded with vitamin C, A, B6 and potassium which support the digestive system, blood pressure and energy level. Most of the benefits are in the skin so make sure you don’t peel it off. Capers are a common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine and on a recent trip to southern Italy I saw them growing everywhere. I’ve always loved them and recently discovered their amazing health benefits. Capers have very high amounts of the flavonoid compounds rutin and quercetin making them great antioxidants and especially good for the circulatory system, another reason the Mediterranean diet is praised for being good for our health. This summer dish is tasty, vibrant, easy to throw together and more importantly, is great for your health. Claudine Menegazzo is a qualified nutritionist and health coach, wholefood enthusiast, meditation teacher, cancer thriver and autoimmune disease dodger who balances the science with the spiritual to help you recover, be well and live the life you want. Mobile 0427 522 261.

Makes 2 servings Preparation time: 7 min Cooking time: 5-7 min Ingredients: 2 medium zucchini 1 red onion, sliced 1 1/2 cup small tomatoes, cut in quarters ½ cup pitted green or Kalamata olives, drained and sliced 2 tablespoons capers 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1/4 tsp. dried or fresh oregano

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice Salt/ black pepper to taste Fresh basil leaves to garnish Method: 1. Prepare vegetables: peel and slice the onion into half rings, wash the zucchinis, cut off the ends, peel and crush garlic cloves. Quarter and deseed tomatoes, drain and slice the olives. 2. Use julienne peeler, mandolin slicer or spiralizer to make zucchini noodles. 3. Heat olive oil in a non-stick-

ing frying pan, add sliced onion and dried oregano, fry on the medium heat until onion is soft and transparent. 4. Add tomatoes, sliced olives, capers, crushed garlic and lemon juice and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Than add zucchini noodles, stir-fry over a high heat for 1 minute. 5. Turn off the heat, add salt, freshly ground black pepper and mix well. Divide between 2 plates, sprinkle with finely chopped basil leaves and serve with a lemon wedges.

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Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017


Are teens an alien lifeform?

LET me introduce myself, I am Steve Barker from I Am Enough Coaching. Based in Wagga, I am a facilitator, trainer and coach specialising in working with teenagers, predominately boys, and their parents, carers and mentors (I will refer to anyone in this role as a parent). My first role is to assist teenagers to discover, develop and grow their very own ‘Toolbox of Life skills’. My other role is to

Dandelions aren’t so bad

THIS week let’s look at dandelions. A much maligned plant which people use poisons {gasp} to eradicate from their yards. The whole plant can be eaten with the first green leaves of Spring being less bitter than further on in the season. They can be eaten fresh in salads and have liver cleansing properties. The roots are harvested in the Spring for the bitterness and in Autumn for a sweeter root. They hold more starch to fuel your body for the coming winter months and when roasted they provide an alternative to coffee. I make a great mix of coffee using roasted dandelion and chicory roots and sometime add cinnamon and cardamom to spice up the taste. To me it tastes just like coffee but without any bitterness. While they are still yellow the flowers can be made into salves, included in tea and eaten in salads. And who remembers the absolute joy of blowing the white mature seeds at the end of flowering and watching them float in the wind. The dandelion offers many benefits to those knowledgeable enough to use its treasures. Ellingwood (1919) recommended dandelion root as an alternative for blood disorders and chronic skin eruptions, chronic jaundice, rheumatism, chronic gastritis and mouth ulcers. With an inulin content up to 25% (Tillotson, 2001) an autumn harvested dandelion root is excellent nourishment for the body’s beneficial microorganisms in the gut. Known as a pre-biotic, inulin is comprised of sugar molecules that feed gut bacteria, helping to keep our digestive system at its best. Inulin also helps stabilise blood sugar levels while dandelion increases insulin secretion in the pancreas, making it an important ally for those with hypoglycemia and adult-onset diabetes (Edwards, 2000; McIntyre, 1996). Will you look at dandelions differently now? And just a heads up; you can purchase the delicious coffee and salves from me at the next River & Wren Boutique Markets. Jo Wilson: Essential Wisdom

assist parents with the ever evolving, and constantly challenging role of bringing up their teenager to become a respected and balanced individual who will contribute toward society. Why do I do what I do? Way back when I was a teenager, I joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 16½. I admit I was not very mature and made some extremely poor decisions regarding behaviour and was at serious risk of dishonourable discharge very quickly. Then my Sergeant, Jim Hayes, stepped in and mentored me. With his help and guidance I was able to develop and grow my own ‘Toolbox of Life Skills’, enabling me to live an amazing life of adventure and challenge. I lived all over the world and did some amazing things. I would not be where I am now, if I had not been given that opportunity. I now have those same skills and it would be wrong of me not to share them and to afford the same opportunities that were afforded me by Jim. How do I do this? I help both teens and parents understand teen age behaviours, environment,

beliefs, fears, pressures, development and growth because through understanding comes awareness. I also share strategies and approaches that can be tried; not all of them will work for you, but some will, and these are the ones that make the difference. When you combine understanding and awareness then add effective strategies you have a very powerful tool you can use and develop to achieve the desired outcome. In future columns I will be sharing with you the insights, hints, tips, tricks and strategies that either your teen or you as a parent can try, but, as I said, some will work…some won’t. I also will share

Just a Moment

knowledge, experiences, case studies and information which will help you understand and increase your awareness to assist in the great job you are already doing. A recent example is in just three sessions with a local family, I have been able to bring understanding, tolerance, love and sharing to a house that had only known turmoil for a long time. I did this by raising the awareness of everyone in the house that they each, personally had complete and utter control, they decided how they personally responded and decided if that response was resourcefully or un-resourcefully given.

MOMENTS of calm and mindful pauses throughout the day enable a richness in our awareness, authenticity in our interactions and meaning to our relationships. Taking time to smell the blossoms also permit us to exhale and let go of any attachment to any analysis of those blossoms. Bringing a visualisation into your child’s world can help them develop their emotional literacy, resilience and a strong self-esteem. Regular practise may also increase concentration and engagement. A mindful moment with your child. Check first for potential distractions. Ensure you both have had a toilet break and a drink of water. Screens are off at least an hour before bedtime. Now rest yours and your child’s body in a comfortable position which may be on your back with your feet gently flopped out to the sides, arms by your sides with the palms lightly facing up. Alternatively, you may prefer to curl up on one side. You may find your child is comfortable with legs up the wall. Read and pause, giving space between the lines. “Close your eyes, and be as still as you can. Become aware of any surrounding sounds. What can you hear outside the room? Without becoming attached to the sounds, instead feel safe knowing where you are. Breathe in ‘safe’, breathe out ‘safe’. Become aware of the sounds within the room. What can you hear? Without becoming attached to the sounds, instead feel calm knowing your body is calm. Breathe in ‘calm’, breathe out ‘calm’. Become aware, now, of the sounds from within your body. Your breath may seem silent. Enjoy the inhale and exhale and the awareness of this as it flows in, and out. Breathe in ‘peace’, breathe out ‘peace’. Spend a few moments focussed on your breath in and then your breath out.” Sara Stockman Positively Growing

Shamanism - The old ways are calling again

by Samantha Brunskill GOOGLE Shamanism and you will see words such as spirits, ceremonies and altered states of consciousness, but what does Shamanism and Shamanic Energy Medicine all mean and what role does it have to play in the world today? I’ll be exploring this and more in my weekly column with you. My introduction to Shamanism was synchronistic in nature. A friend who was working with a Shaman at the time, explained that in their last session they had mentioned I may need to talk to them at this time. Boy, were they right! That call saved my life. It also then went on to lead me to answer the call to Shamanism years after. Earlier this year, I trained at the world’s most renowned energy medicine school, The Four Winds, as a Shamanic Energy Medicine Health Coach. I trained with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., a Medical Anthropologist, Psychologist and Shaman, who

has studied the spiritual practices of the Amazon and the Andes for more than 30 years. What actually is Shamanism? It is the world’s oldest spiritual practice, an ancient healing modality and ultimately a way of life. Shamanism is documented through many different areas in the world including Asia, Tibet, Oceania, Hungary, Sweden and North and South America. The word “shamanism” derives from Manchu-Tungus (Northern Asia) word šaman, meaning ‘one who knows’. Shamans believe that all problems physical, emotional, or mental, have their root cause in a spiritual imbalance occurring. The Shaman works on the energetic level, to restore balance and create the conditions for health by upgrading the quality of the Luminous Energy Field (LEF) which surround us all. Now cutting-edge neuroscience is confirming what Shamans have known for millennia – we are energy beings. The story will continue next week.

Samantha Brunskill.

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

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David Green: Revisiting yesterday arriving tomorrow Saturday 16 September - Sunday 3 December, 2017 “BEING an artist is a bit like being a bricklayer, each experience and emotion is a new brick. Building upwards and outwards, row on row, towards a future merely glimpsed, the foundation is yesterday, the creation is today, the new reality is tomorrow.” David Green, 2017. There are, I believe, throughout David Green’s drawings are the littered shadows of all his early childhood sensory impressions that drove him to be such a visually receptive, iconoclastic textile designer, painter, and above all visual thinker. He draws not only to understand an object or motif, but to understand himself... poppies, white crosses, oating trees, a Hitler teddy bear, darting shadows, alignments of eyes... reappear like exuberant ghosts in his works from the 1960s to now. Albeit in a studied botanical drawing or of a trout from 1967, to these long abstract jostlings of images, it is a Surrealist palette floating up unbidden from his subconscious, and like Paul Klee as an artist, David Green inhabits this no man’s land or rather, a nexus between art and design – empowered by respective aesthetics. This room of artworks is a hellishly convincing visual argument for the immediacy and direct voice of Indian ink drawing. Dr Neill Overton September 2017 THIS weekend will be the final opportunity for Wagga residents and visitors to view the art exhibition Revisiting yesterday arriving tomorrow by local artist, David Green. The exhibition in the Wagga Art Gallery reveals the creative scope of David Green’s work and what has been described as his pivotal role in Australia’s visual and textile arts. It embraces images that reveal his career as a designer, painter, embroiderer, drawer and illustrative artist of sleeping surrealisms. Describing his work, David said that, “Being an artist is a bit like being a bricklayer, each experience and emotion is a new brick. Building upwards and outwards, row on row, towards a future merely glimpsed, the foundation is yesterday, the creation is today, the new reality is tomorrow.” Throughout his extensive career David has held more than a dozen solo exhibitions and participated in more than 50 group shows nationally and overseas. His work is held in numerous public and private collections including the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) in Sydney, the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery in Launceston and the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery. The exhibition ends this Sunday, 3rd December. A graduate from the Royal College of Art in Britain David moved to Wagga in 1985 to take up the position of head of the School of Visual and Performing Arts at what is now Charles Sturt University. He was ultimately appointed the inaugural Professor of Visual Arts and Head of the CSU Wagga Campus before being made Emeritus Professor in 2011.

Wagga Civic Theatre’s season 2018 announced Carissa Campbell, Manager, Civic Theatre The content of Season 2018 hinges on the current environment with a political, edgy focus and contemporary music, circus, opera and fun thrown into the mix. It is a year when young Australian talent is showcased starting with the Flying Fruit Fly Circus performance of Junk. Transforming trash into magical landscapes, Junk takes you on a journey back to a time when the neighbourhood street was a playground full of adventure and make-believe. At its heart, the company is still all about ordinary kids doing extraordinary things. In April, there will be a stunning concert from Kate Miller-Heidke and her band who have hit the road armed with an incredible set of brand new arrangements and backed by a string quartet. “One of the things I really like about theatre is how it reflects the times in which we live; in 2018, it’s all about politics” said Civic Theatre Manager, Carissa Campbell. “The award- winning darkly comedic political thriller A Prudent Man asks what it means to be right, in more ways than one. Several other shows also have a political theme; Bell Shakespeare bring the political thriller Julius Caesar to Wagga Wagga in October and The Wharf Revue 2018 will lampoon another year of political manoeuvring later

in the year. After a sold-out performance in 2017, James Morrison returns by popular demand with the James Morrison Academy Jazz Orchestra, featuring Australia’s best up and coming jazz musicians. Opera Australia’s wonderful singers are performing with a chamber orchestra, together with a children’s chorus drawn from the local community. The perennial Madame Butterfly is a love story which reaches across cultures, oceans and time and has been loved by generations. Other shows that form Season 2018 are The Orchid & The Crow, a comedy about an atheist surviving cancer by finding God in Lance Armstrong - with songs! An adaptation of Jules Verne’s classic tale Around the World in 80 Days will hit the stage in September, and Circa return to the city with the contemporary circus Humans. To organise a year of quality entertainment, Season 2018 is online at www. civictheatre.com.au Early in the new year the Civic Theatre building will be refurbished with new seating, new carpet and a fresh coat of paint. Beautiful contemporary furnishings and fittings and an architectural update to the balcony area will complete the makeover. When the fresh look is completed the community will be invited to experience the changes first hand.

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Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017


Farming Mayday to Payday Ian Robinson THERE is little need to recap recent rainfall events across various parts of the farming communities in Australia. For some it was just too late. For others, it was business as usual. But for many, their cropping and livestock enterprises were on the cliff face with pending failure in the absolute. Cyclical hints of a dry, hot Spring derived from a dry, cold, frosted winter was a simple deduction of historical anecdotal evidence. Then the ocean currents shifted, and rain fell. Congratulations to all those who were fortunate enough to be under the rainfall. What was interesting to note from the

Robinson Sewell Partners observational deck was the definitive decisions being made while the season was in transit. In summation, it was impressive to witness solid operational decision making being undertaken with full commitment and accountability to ensure pastures were preserved and failing crops were cut for hay to preserve productive value. On the flipside, perhaps what was a little underdone was the financial analysis of each decision. Impact on profitability, working capital requirements and business liquidity were perhaps, for many, unknown until after the fact. To have constructive dialogue with financiers, a demonstration of financial control and real-time reporting is necessary to attain a bank’s view on management credibility across all aspects of business. Banks need full visibility of their shareholders capital deployed

in the farming industry. Farmers putting systems in place to achieve this will add weight and value to their banking relationship. If on reflection it is recognised that there

company and they are about to launch in Australia. According to IBISWorld Amazon hold around a quarter of the $400 billion US online shopping market and about 4 per cent of the total US retail market. Nielsen Media Research recently reported 4.6 million Australians accessed the Amazon U.S. site during October 2017, ranking them second behind Woolworths, which was visited by 6.7 million Aussies. Amazon’s U.S. site converts almost half (49%) of these Australian visitors into sales. Clearly there is sufficient demand for Amazon to have a local presence here. Amazon are launching in Australia “really really soon” according to country head Rocco Braeuniger. “After our successful soft launch last week, we’re expecting it will go live today or tomorrow.” In addition to getting online access to a wide range of products from Amazon

and third -party sellers via the Amazon marketplace, consumers the increase competition brought by Amazon’s arrival to lift service and reduce prices in traditional “bricks-and-mortar” retailers across a wide range of sectors. Woolworths have already announced they will be monitoring Amazon’s prices to ensure they stay competitive and will open several “dark stores” used to pack and ship online orders to reduce time to fulfil orders. The outcomes for local retailers aren’t so clear, while the increase in competition no doubt can hurt sales and cost jobs, there is a clear opportunity for retailers with niche products or markets to use Amazon to reach wider audience. Selling on Amazon Australia marketplace will reportedly cost AU$49.95 per month, plus six to 15% of completed sales. According to Amazon “there are already thousands of Australian businesses selling

may be some shortcomings within critical business decision making and reporting processes, make it a 2018 imperative to insert these disciplines within the business model for next year.

Will Amazon eat the world?

Dan Winson - Agrinet IN case you haven’t heard Amazon is the world’s most successful eCommerce

their products on existing Amazon Marketplaces. Sandy Warden, owner of homewares store Feather & Willow in Fitzmaurice Street, Wagga, said small businesses are not trying to appeal to everyone. “We are creating and attracting a market that is in tune to our Mission, Vision and Values,” she said. “At Feather and Willow we are about sourcing products to customers who appreciate where an item is made, who made it and who it is benefiting.” “We support individual artisans and suppliers whilst offering a personalised service in our bricks & mortar store and online.” “Our products are timeless aligning with a less-is-more way of Living.” Let us know your thoughts; will you be shopping on Amazon Australia? Will you be signing up to sell on the Amazon Australia Marketplace?

Bamboo drip irrigation for your garden Permaculture News SAVING water in the soil is without a doubt the easiest and most effective way to manage the water flowing through your land. If you need extra irrigation, however, the water stored up in your soil isn´t easy to access. For irrigation needs, you´ll want to use water that you store in cisterns or tanks. This water can be harvested either from the sky in the form of rain or through capturing water from a spring, river or another source of fresh water. Unfortunately, irrigation is one of the most wasteful practices in modern day agriculture. From traditional sprinkler systems to large-scale irrigation by centre-pivots, millions of litres of water are lost each year by irrigating land where nothing is growing. For a plant to grow it obviously needs water. That water resource, especially when limited, should be focused on the root area. While sprinkler systems indiscriminately spray water over entire paddocks, drip irrigation systems focus water directly to the root zone of the plant. Drip irrigation systems have been reported to use 80% less water than other forms of irrigation; furthermore, since these systems direct water under the plant, fungal diseases caused by excess water accumulating on leaves can also be avoided. Bamboo is a plant that can be found on every continent except Antarctica. It grows fast (often becoming an invasive species) and has an excellent resistance to water. Bamboo can be grown and harvested as a building material and it can also be split to be used as gutters on your house. There is also a growing body of evidence that shows that bamboo is also one of the best plants for capturing carbon

dioxide from the atmosphere. Bamboo of any size or diameter can be used as a makeshift drip irrigation system as well. Simply take a piece of bamboo and split in in half with a machete. Lay the bamboo along your garden rows and mark where each tomato plant or lettuce plant will be planted. With a small drill bit (the smaller the better) drill holes along your marks. Place the bamboo on the slightest of declines along the garden row. Transplant your seedlings next to each hole that you drilled. If you have a garden row that is longer than the piece of bamboo, simply place another piece of bamboo next to the first one and seal any gaps with glue or silicone. Make sure to maintain the slight decline to ensure proper flow.

To feed water into your split bamboo “emitters” you can run a PVC pipe perpendicular to the piece of bamboo and drill a hole in the PVC where it meets the bamboo. If you want to be 100% natural, you can use a full bamboo pole (not split) that is about 2 inches in diameter. Since most bamboo has periodic separations you will need to open those connections to allow the water to flow. Connect a hose to the PVC pipe or bamboo pole and you´ll have an instant irrigation system. The strength of the water will depend upon how many garden rows you´re irrigating and how many individual holes you have drilled. If you have excess water accumulating at the end of your bamboo emitters, you´ll need to slow the water inflow. www.permaculturenews.org

Friday, December 1, 2017 - Your Local Wagga Weekly

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Diving glory for siblings DIVING IN this changing world its not unusual for school sporting groups to visit overseas or host an overseas team – but it’s a totally different experience to take on the world’s best. That’s just what’s happening in Adelaide during the coming week with staging of the 10th Pacific School Games. Teams from all Australian States and Territories and as many as 30 visiting nations have taken part in past Games and organisers are anticipating the number of participating nations and athletes to eclipse previous records. The athletes will compete in 11 events, one of which will be a real family affair for three athletes in the Wagga contingent

taking part in the games. They are Philomena Grigg from Holy Trinity Primary School and her siblings Angus and Edouard who both attend Mater Dei Catholic College. All have entered in the diving events. Philomena will compete in the 10 years girls one metre and three metre springboard diving, as well as the 10 to 12 years synchronised and team events. Angus Grigg will dive in the 15 years boys one metre and three metre springboard, 17 to 19 years synchronised and team events, while Edouard Grigg will dive in the 14 years boys one metre springboard, 13 to 14yrs synchronised and team events. The games will begin on 3 December and end on 9 December.

Selection disappointment CRICKET THE Riverina Under 14 Kookaburra Cup team selection proved a disappointment for three of the Wagga boys taking part in the trails at Barooga at the weekend. Only Jake Scott from South Wagga Cricket Club made the final cut from the 22 hopefuls to become the sole representative from the Northern Riverina Zone. Other selections included six from Albury/Wodonga, four from Murrumbidgee and two from Southern Riverina.

The team will play a trail match at Barooga this weekend against the North East Knights Under 14 team from Victoria. The match will be the final hit out for Riverina boys before travelling to Armidale to play seven other Country Zones in NSW at the Kookaburra Cup over four days in January. The boys will be coached jointly by David Nichols from Albury and Greg Morgan from Barooga and will be managed by Wayne Bradley from Deniliquin.

Angus and Edouard Grigg from Mater Dei Catholic College display their skill in synchronised diving.

Tennis officials sanctioned TENNIS THE Riverina and south west tennis has received a boost with the accreditation of seven new court supervisors during the Riverina Open Tennis tournament at the weekend. The four men and three women received instruction from Louise Murphy, who is an International Tennis Federation coach and referee for senior, junior and wheelchair events. Louise, who confesses to having more than 20 years training court supervisors, described the current group as her “Dream Team”. “They are all enthusiastic and quick to learn, which makes my job much easier,” Louise said. “It is important the sport attracts as many officials as possible; and becoming a court supervisor is just the

first step towards becoming a referee,” she said. Those taking part in the assessment were Avril Grintell and Marty Elliott from Wagga, Mike Rowing, Paul New and Deirdre New from Temora, Mercedes Goss from Albury and William Gain from Tumut. William, aged 15 and a year 10 student at Tumut High School, sees his accreditation as part of a long term plan. “By the time I start university in two years I hope to have enough money to help pay my fees and other expenses associated with university,” William said. “In the interim, the concentration and observation associated with court supervisor will help me with my studies and in the classroom,” he said. In another milestone at the Riverina Open, Wagga

senior, Brenda Foster, took out the women’s division one title for the 14th time. Brenda, who won the title first at the aged of 19, has been competing in age groups and in division one competitions for around 40 years in total. “I really enjoy the event but would prefer to compete in the seniors rather than against these younger, and for the most part, more agile opponents,” she said adding that she would probably make an appearance again sometime during the coming 20 years. In contrast to Brenda’s milestone, Danny Dossetor from Griffith took out the men’s division one for the first time and organisers expect he will return to defend the title next year when the tournament reverts to its traditional date on the October long weekend.

LEFT: International Tennis Federation coach, Louise Murphy, shows William Gain the way to ensure the correct net height as part of court supervisors training.

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page 24

Your Local Wagga Weekly - Friday, December 1, 2017

YOUR local


Local achievers recognised TRIATHLON STATE high and public school students from throughout the Riverina will be honoured on Friday for their achievements in sport through presentation of the Riverina Schools Sports Association annual Blues and Merit Awards. Two athletes will be named also to receive the Lorraine Wright Award, which honours a former student of Jerilderie Public School and Albury High School, and the Bernie O’Connor Award which is dedicated to a stalwart in school sport administration at local and State levels. The Blues Awards, and recognition through Merit awards, this year will be made to 35 students from 21 State schools across the Riverina, including athletes from three schools from Wagga. The recipients from Wagga include Connor Willis, Bailey Lloyd, Tessa McGlynn, Troy Piercy and Jackson Wykes from Kooringal High School, Zahli Meriton, Jordan Little and Lauren Nugent from Wagga High School, and Taneika Brown from Turvey Park Public School. Other recipients were from high schools and public schools in Albury, Lavington, Batlow, Cootamundra, Culcairn, Deniliquin, Finley, Ganmain, Griffith, Gundagai, Hay, Jindera, Leeton, Narrandera and Tumut. In a joint statement the presidents of

Riverina Primary, Jason Weaven, and Riverina Secondary, Tony Stringer, said that it’s important for students who receive Riverina Blues and Merit Awards are recognised, are proud of their achievements and use the recognition as a benchmark to set higher goals. “Riverina Blues and Merit Awards are not simply about the recognition of sporting excellence but also a recognition of the complete student; one who sees the value of an all-round education, a commitment to the true values of sport and the realisation that you don’t choose to be a role model - it is something that is thrust upon you,” they said. “This year’s recipients are not only role models within their schools and general communities, they are positive role models,” they said, adding that the recipients needed to be positive in their approach to all endeavours, continue to give their best and never be afraid to achieve or to be proud of their achievements. As an added incentive for the recipients, guest speaker at the awards will be Wagga Olympian, Brad Kahlefeldt. As well as his Olympic representation, Brad is a Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist, multi World Cup Winner, ITU World Championship Medallist, Australian Champion, ITU Oceania Champion and U23 ITU World Triathlon Champion.

Partners in the Total Ag Solutions Rugby Program Stephen Sergeant (coach), Craig Leseberg, Mark Calverley, Richard Skellern (coach).

Elite pathway for athletes RUGBY UNION

IF the adage is true that “Rugby Union is the Game they play in Heaven”, then aspiring athletes in the Riverina and southwest have been presented with an opportunity to develop their ruby skills right here on Earth. In a partnership involving the Southern Sports Academy based in Wagga and Brumbies Rugby an initiative has been agreed on to establish the Total Ag Solutions Rugby Program to identify talented athletes from U15 to U17 age groups. The Southern Sports Academy Chief Executive Officer, Mark Calverley, says the women’s program will concentre on the seven aside format of the game while the program for men will concentrate on both the sevens and the traditional 15 a side format. “This program provides the Southern Sports Academy with an opportunity to identify, educate and develop local players and coaches and provide them with an opportunity to progress to the next level,” Mark said. “We are especially excited to see the women’s program, which can provide an

Wagga tri-athlete, Brad Kahlefeldt, hard pressed by fellow Olympians.

Buy $5 worth of tickets and receive $5 FREE Tickets available at the Wagga RSL or Commercial Club from 4pm, Sat 2nd December. Draws kick off from 8pm. Stay for the bonus draw for your chance to win between $500 and $2,000 cash.

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opportunity for an athlete to follow in the heels of Olympian gold medallist and previous Academy athlete, Alicia Quirk,” he said. The general manager of community relations at Brumbies Rugby, Craig Leseberg, said the Total Ag Solutions Rugby Program will be instrumental in developing individuals as players with a focus on core skills and physical development. “The program will provide a pathway for athletes to the newly established Brumbies Academy where they will receive elite training to take them to the next level and potential international representation,” Craig said. He said the program would provide coaching, training and athletic development to prepare athletes for a seamless transition to the Brumbies and increase the level of success in rugby competitions. The Southern Sports Academy is calling for nominations from rugby clubs and other sporting organisations for an open trial on Sunday 17 December. For more information contact the Southern Sports Academy or email cbreese@ssa-nsw.org.au

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