Daily Little Secrets to Success
ame” for “Your n
“Salutation” “Personal message - 1st line” “Personal message - 2nd line” “Personal message - 3rd line” “Personal message - complimentary close”
Note: For your eyes only! Reading this means that you belong to my most respected inner circle. I trust you. You make me happy and you inspire me. You make me, me! Thank you “Your name�!
o you never get any closer to starting your dream project, “Your name”? Is your energy low and does everything seem too much effort? Is life just passing you by? Sometimes we find ourselves running in circles, struggling to get ahead. Simply because we forget to address some of the basic principles of success that govern our potential to make progress. In this book you find one little secret to success a day. Seven success secrets a week. To keep you focused, on track and to give you the aha-moments you need. Please make this book YOUR book. So draw, sketch, write, doodle, glue, cut and fold as much as you like! Live this book! Do this book! To get the maximum out of it, we recommend you to concentrate on one daily little secret to success every day. Let that success principle be your guide for the day. At the end of the day write down: * one insight that you had during the day, * one action that you are going to take on that, and * one wonderful thing that happened that day. In the back of the book is extra room for your notes! You came to the right place because... It is never too late to be great “Your name”!
‘Reading is everything. Reading makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. Reading makes me smarter. Reading gives me something to talk about later on. Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficit disorder medicates itself. Reading is escape, and the opposite of escape; it’s a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it’s a way of making contact with someone else’s imagination after a day that’s all too real. Reading is grist. Reading is bliss.’
bout reading.. When I read that quote by Nora Ephron I thought that she was talking about me. That is exactly how I feel about reading. I love reading! How about you “Your name”? Have you ever caught yourself reading the small print on the ‘HowTo-Subscribe-To-This-Magazine’-coupon in your favorite magazine? Or the back of a cereal box at breakfast? I have. Not even realizing doing it. Just reading, literally eating the letters. I digest books on a daily basis. Ever since I went to third grade and learned to read my first words I was caught by reading. Nowadays the internet and television have become most people’s main form of entertainment. It seems like reading a real book is becoming a thing of the past. Where there used to be books you see smart phones, tablets and laptops now. Civilization is moving fast. Tons of un-asked-for information is thrown at us daily and ever too often we don’t take the time anymore to slow down, sit down and absorb yet some more [valuable!] information through reading. Too bad, isn’t it? Did you know that 15 minutes of reading each day, exposes you to a million words in a year? With an average of 50,000 words in a 200 pages non-fictional book that makes 20 books a year. Enough books to make you an expert in any field! But reading about something often isn’t enough. Especially when it comes to those non-fictional books. These books provide you with so much great information that can only become even more valuable when you use it and implement it.
Reading about the habits of highly effective people is fun, but in order to become highly effective yourself you have to implement those habits into your own lifestyle, right? And therein lies my problem. I read, read and read some more... only to eat the letters. Oh sure, all the reading does make me somewhat smarter and gives me a lot of great topics to talk about on a party, making me look kinda smart. But it would look [and feel] so much cooler if I really became what I read about: highly effective with just seven awesome and no bad habits whatsoever. Or a financially independent woman, or a ‘manifesting machine’ just asking and it is given to me. Maybe an NLP expert unleashing the unlimited powers within me... Many women like me are juggling the balls of family, work, social life and me-time every day. Finding some spare time to read in the midst of all that, but then lacking the time to implement what we just learned. Lacking the tools to take action and to really grow to the extent that is possible [which is immense, by the way!]. That’s a shame because if women really could grow to the highest extend possible, unleashing their full potential, imagine what the world would look like then! I am a strong advocate of women taking responsibility in their own hands, becoming independent and strong leaders. Not only to their families, but throughout society. I believe now is the time for women to take center stage. After 200 years of Western feminism, now is the time for women to stop advocating, and start doing. 21st century feminism welcomes and nurtures female leaders in all walks of life. In our families, across our communities, our nations, in our professional fields, and in politics. In the words of Nike, we need to ‘Just do it.’ Without the contributions on our part as women, the future looks bleak... It is time for women to take control over our future, to create a more values-based, heart-centered culture where people feel deeply engaged with purpose, meaningful work, and feel like they are making a difference every day.
And who am I you ask... Now that is a profound question. Most people are seeking the answer to that one their entire life and so am I… Let me tell you what I know about me so far: I was a happy kid. A leader. Maybe when you are seven they call it stubborn and pushy, but at least I thought of myself as a leader. Life was great and possibilities where endless! I knew for sure I was going to conquer the world! But then reality kicked in when my parents divorced. I was 12 and I’ve never seen my father since. That is a while ago now and in a space of time that it was not so common for parents to divorce. At least not in the tiny little village we were living in. The next 25 years or so I spent my life in denial at first. I was so ashamed. My loss was so painful that I thought that not talking about it at all would make it go away. But this caught up with me and then came anger and protest. And puberty. Not a good combination… I didn’t fall completely of the grid though, and after high school I got a job that paid me well. A job that I didn’t particularly like, but hey, it paid good money. I got stuck in the rat race and was living life without any great ambitions and mostly in a negative attitude. In 2008 I lost my job and got self-employed, working together with the love of my life Marcel in his business, and I loved that! Absolutely definitely struggling, but loved it [still do]. It was in that time that I read somewhere ‘If you realize how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought again’. I got so fascinated by that philosophy that I turned my life around and started focusing on the positive. I started a journey of personal and business development, resulting in the launch of seven2success.com, early 2013. I use seven2success to live a positive life. Now I want to conquer the world again like when I was seven!
While doing that I share what I learn, read and everything that inspires me on the world wide web. And though I run seven2success.com, the site is not all mine. It’s not about me. It’s about us. It’s about women. Other women’s experiences and wisdom, your experiences and wisdom, are just as meaningful and useful as mine. About sharing... Women know, women help, women share, women read. In the tribe women traditionally always stuck together. When the men were out hunting, the women stayed behind to protect and take care of the children, to clean up the hut, to gather and prepare food and to help each other. They did things together, with each other. They shared information and knowledge was available for everyone. And nowadays? Who do you call first if you have a problem or want to know something? Exactly, your mother or your best friend! Throughout history women shared their knowledge by giving and helping because two know more than one! If all knowledge is shared and the whole tribe knows… life is good! We stick together, right? In this time and space, in the 21st century, information is shared over the internet, in bits and bites. We can’t imagine a life without our smartphone, tablet or laptop anymore. seven2success.com makes it possible for women to share their knowledge and information on this digital highway. A platform where information and inspiration becomes available for all women on the internet! And why is it called seven to success? You will have to visit the website to find out about that one “Your name”! About doing... Like I said earlier, now is the time for women to stop advocating and start doing.
On my journey of personal and business development I read a lot, attend webinars and live seminars. I soak myself in all the valuable information I can get, absorbing it like a sponge. And then comes the struggle, lacking the time to implement what I just read, heard, saw and experienced. Lacking the tools to take action and to really grow to the extent that is possible. Recognize any of that “Your name”? So for starters I took a piece of that big stage called ‘the World Wide Web’ with seven2success.com. To share some of all that knowledge and information. In the light of ‘learn by teaching’. But I kept thinking ‘What else is possible? What would make it easier to really implement some of that good stuff?’ And then this book was born. The first of a quadruplet. Each day this little book of success provides you with one success principle to live by. One. Not more. One we can handle. One is doable. Ninety-one daily little secrets to success in total. Good to get you going for the first three months. Make that daily little secret to success your mantra of the day. Put this book in your handbag to carry around with you at all times. Use it, misuse it, work with it and make it totally yours! I invite you to live this book and to do this book! So no more talking and no more reading! Let’s begin...
To unleashing your success
me” “Your na
‘Action is the foundational key to all success’ [Pablo Picasso]
road I took my first step on the on: to happiness and success
#1 Take 100% responsibility for your life This is the first success principle to embrace if you plan for happiness and success.
Affirm: im any longer. ‘I refuse to play the vict for my life! y bilit I take full responsi
I STOP all my excuses!’
What you say isn’t interesting, what you DO is!
Don’t talk. Act!
ead of talking. Spend your life doing inst louder than words. h muc so k spea ions Act
Cool things WILL happen!
#3 Get over yourself Stop trying to be perfect! STOP IT!
! Hang yourself out there.
ceed! Chances are you will suc
y. fail graciousl : il fa u yo se In ca
! s e k a t s i m Make
When you rise from bed, make your first thought: ‘Something wonderful is going to happen today.’
Start each day with expectation
e”? r nam u o Y “ t a ess wh t! And gu probably righ e You ar
en: prov has daily e f nc w Scie days o a ro of 30 e in level d u r tit gra ses you with ea ess incr appin h
#5 End each day with gratitude Just before you go to bed, write down at least three wonderful things that happened today.
Today I am grateful for: * * *
here: Write your back-up plan
Now, make the ‘NOT!’ red.
Back-up plans create an easy out when times get tough.
Get rid of plan B
#7 Do the work! There are no shortcuts. There are no overnight successes.
days of daily little secrets to success have passed! You’re on your way now to make success a habit. Take a moment to celebrate what you have achieved up to this point! That’s right “Your name”, do something today to reward yourself! It can be something simple, something inexpensive, or something extravagant. CELEBRATE!!! Do something to congratulate yourself. Take pride in what you have accomplished. Remember, success is a journey. The reason that many people have a hard time getting motivated is that when they have achieved a goal, they don’t celebrate the achievement. Many times, they belittle the very success that they worked so hard to achieve. The problem with that is that you are telling yourself that achieving a goal is nothing to get really excited about. Change that NOW! Celebrate like you deserve it! Because… you truly do! To acknowledge what you achieved so far, and to motivate you to go on with your journey to success, I want to celebrate your success with the fearless dragon. This mythological symbol dates back to 3000 BC and stands for supernatural power, courage, strength and strong will. May the force be with you “Your name”!
[fearless dragon] The fearless dragon is a symbol of supernatural power, courage, strength and strong will.
My to-do-list for today: *
If you don’t embrace a workload others would consider crazy then your goal doesn’t mean that much to you. Or it’s not particularly difficult to achieve...
...and work a lot more
#9 Avoid the crowds Conventional wisdom only gives conventional results. Joining the crowd is a recipe for mediocrity.
“Your name” the crowd
These are my goals:
* Signed by “Your name�:
Aim for the ultimate! Decide where you want to end up.
That is your goal
#10 kwards and lay out Then you can work bac . way every step along the
Necessary steps to take: * * * * *
#11 ... and don’t stop at the end Achieving one goal just creates a launching pad for achieving another goal!
busin your t u abo ssion ople w pe your pa e n e , e s l r ere h a go l t rds h your y tel s ca s e Toda deas, or n i bus i their your Glue
Selling is the foundation of business and personal success.
self then in your idea and in your And when you truly believe te! ica mun com to need just you don’t need to ‘sell’. You
#13 Stop wasting your life online You will have more time than you ever dreamed of to actually get things done.
name” This is your future “Your ’re in a dip you e Look at it every tim
If you’re after an easy way out, a quick fix, an overnight success… You won’t find it.
Stop looking for a winning lottery ticket
d r a o b Mood
that oard e ood b k? Wher m , e a loo r k a u c a o m do y ds, pets, you w e o g a re. H tner, ki his p futu r On t our r pa . y u o s Y etc show u live? our at y do yo
wh ike! lize a u s ks l i o V o l re futu hite gle w
sin y. read ot a at n you are h t e re! e sur le after futu Mak visib your o T ss! ucce ur s o y o e�! T
ur it “Yo r o f Go
days of daily little secrets to success have passed! Another week went by. Time flies when you’re having fun! Are you having fun “Your name”? Maybe working with these secrets to success is a whole new learning experience for you. And learning new things should be fun, right? The good news is that you are on a roll now. You’re starting to get momentum now. Living by these success secrets slowly, but surely, becomes a habit. To acknowledge what you achieved so far, and to motivate you to go on with your journey to success I give you the Chinese horse. In Feng Shui the Chinese Horse symbolizes success, loyalty, courage, forward momentum and endurance. The horse, walking or running, re-focuses your energy onto the path of success. Paintings and figurines of horses, either solitary or in groups of nine are common in offices and homes of wealthy Chinese tycoons. So enjoy your successes so far “Your name”! Keep calm and carry on...
[the Chinese Horse] The Chinese Horse focuses your energy onto the path of success
‘Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th’ [Julie Andrews]
#15 Never be too proud ...to ...to ...to ...to ...to ...to ...to
admit that you made a mistake. say you are sorry. have big dreams. admit you owe your success to others. ask for help. fail, and try again!
The truth often comes out whether you want it to or not. Develop the habit of telling the truth.
Always tell the truth!
Pamela Meyer How to spot a liar?
#17 Strive for excellence In a world of mediocrity, excellence makes you stand out in the crowd. Excellence should be the standard you strive for in all you do.
really, really good at! These are the things I am *
ly do. We are what we repeated an act, Excellence therefore is not . it is a habit
‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ is a guideline you should follow always!
Live the ‘Golden Rule’
#19 Practice good hygiene First impressions are powerful. Start today to ensure you do what it takes to leave a lasting good impression.
! s s e c c for su
n bee d’ s y l lwa e wor a h e t hav es of n e el n n ‘Wom rong o o Cha c st ~Co the
It takes perseverance to enjoy any kind of success. The good news is: perseverance is a habit. One that can be developed just like any other.
Never give up!
ps Asking for Help: Seven Ste
#21 Ask for what you want This is truly a behavior you want to come naturally. It builds confidence and self-esteem.
hy is 21 the magic number? If you do a W quick search on habit forming, you’ll find that ‘experts’ agree that it takes exactly three weeks to form a habit. And now you have come this far “Your name”! The origin of the 21 day rule leads back to the 1960s book ‘Psycho-Cybernetics’ by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, a plastic surgeon. He noticed it took around 21 days for people to become accustomed to their new features after plastic surgery, or for ‘phantom limb’ sensations to disappear after the loss of a limb. More recent [and more accurate] studies of the University College London show that the process of forming a habit actually takes a lot longer than 21 days... They show that the magic number is 66 days. On average because it’s different for everyone and depends on how difficult the habit to create is. Nevertheless, for now you cracked that magical 21days time frame! Strong neuro-pathways are forming in your brain to help you make success a habit, you know? Let us celebrate this with a Daruma doll, or Dharma doll. This traditional, round, Japanese doll is a symbol of perseverance and good luck! Congratulations “Your name”!
[Daruma doll] This Japanese traditional doll is modeled after Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism
! e m i t n o Be 80% of success is showing up. Arriving on time is important to your success.
Be punctual
ight stra r 12 o f l l nth of a r mo ent er k pe perc d o i o s 5 b 2 n e Co one e top re on just in th ou a that ead e y r b , t l u ! il yo rld bjec on ou w * If e su e wo ities hs, y thor in th ks on on u s mont l a a ng boo for lectu eadi five day, intel ost l ery m ead e v r e r o u f — yo rld’s day * If ! e wo ooks tes a b u n i of th 0 2 m e 5 ! t 1 le ct st subje comp ad ju can u re o u y o y — * If year one
wi follo the
#23 Be a regular reader Reading has numerous benefits. Make reading of NON-FICTION books a daily routine!
BOOK SUGGESTIONS: * Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill * 7 Habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey * Financial independence for women - Vered Neta * *
gonna This I’m ext! n d a e r
Change? Seven quotes!
If you want to succeed, then you must be able to adapt.
Develop adaptability
#24 . e g n a h c e c Embra ! e g n a h c e B
e’ is ‘Sunshin ame! n le d id my m
Stay positive and optimistic Your thoughts are the seeds from which everything else in your life grows.
Make long-term thinking a habit and you will come out well ahead. You just can’t rush life.
Think long term
Why Set Goals? Seven Reasons!
#27 Get along with others Connectors, communicators and collaborators produce tremendous results. Life is not a solo sport!
o e wh
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2 1
u o y e v I lo
If you want the very best life possible, then love people. Love people in general. With your whole heart.
d r a o b Mood
that ard your o b mood rtner, a e a mak e. Your p , etc. u o y v o e e l g n a u rt r le yo iness pa his p On t the peop s u s ur b show kids, yo es!
loved your
is spot hite w e singl eady. r t a t no ou are a h t e! er y ure t s f e a u lov le es yo Mak n visib o e o th ss! T ucce s r u To yo
or it Go f
nam “Your
days. Four weeks. A full female cycle. What about this cycle? Did you know that we women can stop reading horoscopes for guidance and start watching our bodies instead? According to Alisa Vitti, founder of FLO Living Center in New York City, we can predict the best days to have difficult conversations with our partners. Or when to read that 72 page report. All that by closely observing the phases of our menstrual cycles. Here is the breakdown: Menstruation [Day 1-5] Self-evaluation and gut feelings are clear. Follicular Phase [Day 3-13] Most creative time of the month. Ovulation Phase [Day 12-16] Your communication skills are at their best. Luteal Phase [Day 15-28] Detail-oriented tasks are easy. Let us celebrate your full cycle, your 28 days milestone with a tiny buddha. This little buddha’s mudra is palms held together at chest level. The veneration mudra. A symbolic gesture of reverence that also symbolizes the unity of body and mind. Just like your success habits are getting fully ingrained in your body and mind now! Listen to your beautiful body “Your name”...
[tiny buddha] The veneration mudra of this tiny buddha is a gesture that symbolizes the unity of body and mind
‘Success is important only to the extent that it puts one in a position to do more things one likes to do’ [Sarah Caldwell]
#29 Get some rest You simply cannot perform at your best if you don’t get adequate rest.
five If it takes you less than night, at ep asle l fal to utes min to you are sleep deprived. Ten time span. fifteen minutes is a good
t s u d e m o s Kick in a while ! once
Shake things up a little. Get yourself out of the rut and make a positive choice to pursue your dreams!
Get your mind out of ‘neutral’
#31 Enthusiasm is contageous Use enthusiasm to lift the energy of everyone around you to a whole new level. Enthusiasm is
“Your name�
Commit yourself to a particular goal and pursue it with persistence and perseverance. A determined mind is hard to stop.
#33 Keep on learning and growing Life never stands still. Neither should you! Continually challenge yourself to grow and learn.
“Your name�,
This rds and actions. ing from your wo rn d lea an e ds ar en e fri opl r Pe you your co-workers, others of ns includes your kids, tio ac e th You influence even your spouse. e, it is in your you sow! Therefor at wh p rea you del! and mo e rol tic a fantas best interest to be
You are a leader, like it or not. So act as if what you do makes a difference. It does!
Be a role model
hy Ha bits Healt Seven
#35 Live healthy Eating right and exercising is a good investment in yourself and your success.
Thirty-five. The natural number following 34 and preceding 36. In case you didn’t know: 35 is the sum of the first five triangular numbers, making it a tetrahedral number. It is also the number of ways that three things can be selected from a set of seven unique things, also known as the ‘combination of seven things taken three at a time’. 35 is the atomic number of bromine and it is the licence plate code of Izmir, Turkey. In Bible numerology, the number 35 means hope and trust in something. That feeling that what is wanted can be had. That confident expectation of something and the deep feeling that events will turn out for the best. Traditionally the symbol of hope is an anchor. A symbol of hope and steadfastness. When a ship raises its anchor it tells everyone that it is leaving and is on its way to a new voyage, a new adventure. Just like the adventure you started 35 days ago, “Your name”! When a ship drops anchor it stabilizes itself from the waves, tides, currents and movements which the sea throws at it. Just like the moment you say to yourself, ‘Here is where I stand and these are the rules I will govern myself by.’ The rules of success!
[the anchor] A symbol of hope and steadfastness
A career is not a destination, it is a journey. So make it a journey you enjoy.
Enjoy what you do
#36 ove: u L o Y t ns aso Wha Do ven Re Se
#37 Be visible The advice Sir Richard Branson got when he was building Virgin Airlines: ‘Make sure you appear on the front page and not on the back page. You have to get out there and sell yourself. Make a fool of yourself, do whatever it takes. Otherwise, you won’t survive.’ And that is what he did. He got out there, made a fool of himself, his crazy actions appeared on the front page [often] and we sure can say he survived…
Success rarely comes from playing it safe. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all!
Prepare to take some risks
#38 Somethimes you have to swim with the sharks...
#39 Drop your perfectionism Perfectionists have ambitious goals, but the fear of not performing perfectly stops them. Drop perfectionism. Go for excellence.
Are you a perfectionist, “Your name”? A [very] little quiz: I’m satisfied with doing a great job or ‘almost perfect’ is a failure I take pride in my accomplishments or I always see the tiny mistakes and imperfections constructive criticism is valuable information or I take constructive criticism defensively What is your best out of three? First answers: you are a high achiever. You go girl! Second answers: you are a perfectionist. Drop it! NOW!
Seven Ways to Learn from Mistakes
Make mistakes, bounce back, don’t fall down...
Be willing to make mistakes
#41 Add value No matter what you do and where you go, you can’t go wrong with adding value. Simply put value to anything you do.
Those who achieve greatness follow their passion. If you know what your passion is, follow it consistently!
Follow your passion
. . . s t o d e h t g n i
t c e n n o C
Look back at the past six weeks and see how far you have come “Your name�! * I started my journey to success on * So far I am most grateful for
* The biggest insight I got is
* The actions I took on this is
* This is really becoming a success habit to me:
* The most wonderful thing that happened to me is
Please share your success! Take a photograph of this page and mail it to info@seven2success.com
When Douglas Adams wrote ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’, he added a central joke: ‘The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42.’ This joke has become more famous over the years than the novel itself. Geeks have wasted years trying to ascribe some deep, symbolic significance to the number 42. Some trivia about the number 42: * On page 42 of ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’, Harry discovers he’s a wizard. * The Doctor Who episode entitled ‘42’ lasts for 42 minutes. * Titanic was travelling at a speed equivalent to 42km/hour when it collided with an iceberg. * Elvis Presley died at the age of 42. * Toy Story character Buzz Lightyear’s spaceship is named 42. * In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a potion that allows for her to be in a death-like coma for ‘two and forty hours’. And now you are travelling 42 days on your road to success “Your name”. That road may have been smooth or bumpy. Maybe you had to overcome some obstacles. To acknowledge how far you have come, I give you Marvin, the Paranoid Android. May he be your guide through your life, this galaxy, the Universe and beyond!
[Marvin, the Paranoid Android] Marvin is a fictional character in ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’
‘To follow, without halt, one aim: that’s the secret of success’ [Anna Pavlova]
#43 Inventory your life successes Curiously we remember our failures more than our successes. So start your list! Recall your successes and note everything down!
past. My successes! Things I achieved in the *
If you do the same thing as everyone else, it’s hard to be successful. Find the edge and then push past it.
Be extraordinary
#45 Start now! The stars rarely align perfectly and you will never be completely ready. So just start now and adjust along the way.
Mentors have gone down the road that you want to travel. They can guide you to get to your destination faster.
Hunt for good mentors
! ” e m a n r u o GO “Y
#47 Build a support group A support group helps you with the actual execution of your plan. You keep each other accountable for your goals.
n have a p ’t n s e do dee ream ake a T . Your d e t a ion d n! expirat nd try agai a breath
Things rarely work out the way you planned. The road to success is paved with a thousand failures, and each failure brings you closer to where you want to be!
Be resilient
#49 Identify your desires List down all your desires and wants, no matter how impossible they seem to be achieved in the moment.
All my desires and wants! *
Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama or simply the Buddha, was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. Buddha means ‘awakened one’ or ‘the enlightened one’. If you are are familiar with Buddha and his life, you know that he meditated for 49 days under the Bhodi Tree. After these 49 days of meditation he attained Enlightenment. Forty-nine is seven times seven. When you square a number, it reaches its ultimate expression. It is the thing times itself. Nothing can be a greater revelation of essence than that. So 49 is the furthest reach of seven-ness in this world. In tarot the Nine of Cups relates to the number 49. This card represents stability and advancement. The Nine of Cups signals delight and pleasure, contentment with what you have accomplished so far and forms a steady foundation for the future. Your worries are all in the past and you can look forward to a bright future. The Nine of Cups tells of great happiness surrounding you, and implies that your goals will be attained. So let us celebrate your efforts so far with the Nine of Cups, “Your name”!
[IX of Cups] ...tells of great happiness surrounding you, and implies that your goal will be attained.
Simon Sinek How great leaders inspire
Motivation comes from a deep reason why we want to achieve or have something. The bigger the why, the easier the how.
Determine your WHY
#51 Outline an action plan Do some research and planning of what needs to be done. Be specific on each step you need to take.
Keep your thoughts focused on taking action towards your goals. Avoid negative thoughts and feelings.
Keep a positive mental attitude
#53 Develop discipline and habit Upholding discipline and develop habits can help you stay on your course, even despite difficulties.
en Seven Habits of Happy Wom
To have success you have to learn from your past and value the lessons learned.
Don’t look back
#54 ll e w d t o Do n ! t s a p r on you
#55 Dare to dream! What do you really want out of life? Allow yourself to think and dream big “Your name�!
Dream big and then turn your dreams into reality. You can make it happen!
Turn your dreams into reality
Dare to dream! Before J.K. Rowling had any ‘Harry Potter’ success, she was a divorced singled mother on welfare, struggling to get by while also attending school. She faced 12 rejections from publishers and eventually sold ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’ for the equivalent of $4,000 [€ 2.900]. The ‘Harry Potter’-books and films went on to break numerous sales records. J.K. Rowling is now worth an estimated $1 billion. Though Arianna Huffington is one of the most powerful businesswomen out there, she is the first to admit that she is no stranger to failure. While the first book she wrote was well received, her second book was rejected by 36 publishers. But failure, Arianna Huffington has said, is often the key to success. She is now the author of 13 books as well as the president and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post Media Group. Before landing ‘I Love Lucy’, Lucille Ball was widely regarded as a failed actress and a B-movie star. She was even dubbed ‘Queen of the B’s’ in the 1940s. Lucille Ball is now remembered as the first woman to run a major television studio [Desilu Productions]. Before Oprah hosted a talk show that dominated daytime TV for 25 years, and before she became the queen of her own media empire, she was demoted at one of her early jobs. At the age of 22 she was fired from her job as a television reporter because she was ‘unfit for tv’. She was terminated from her post as co-anchor of the 6 o’clock news on Baltimore’s WJZ-TV after the show received low ratings. Oprah called it the ‘first and worst failure of her TV career’.
What do these women have in common? They never ever gave up!
kbits/sec. That was the maximum speed of analog data transmission in the 20th century. Child actress Shirley Temple wore 56 curls in her hair. The curls were set by her mother who thus made sure of the exact number. At the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge there is a ring of 56 chalk pits, the Aubrey Holes, named after the 17th century antiquarian John Aubrey, who first identified them. The Aubrey Holes date to the earliest phases of Stonehenge, ca. 3100 BC. The true meaning of Stonehenge has been lost in the mists of time. Was Stonehenge a temple for sun worship, a healing centre, a burial site or perhaps a huge calendar? How was Stonehenge build? How did the people manage to carry the mighty stones from so far away [a journey of nearly 385 km] and then, using only the most primitive of tools, build this amazing structure? Fact is that it wasn’t built overnight [the building of the monument began around the year 3100 BC and ended around the year 1600 BC] and that it must have cost a lot of determination and perseverance. The same determination and perseverance you are showing on your way to success “Your name”! In terms of Stonehenge: YOU ROCK!
[Stonehenge] What was Stonehenge? A temple for sun worship, a healing centre, a burial site or perhaps a huge calendar?
‘Nothing will work unless you do’ [Maya Angelou]
#57 Never ever give up To reach success you have to persevere. Perseverance is trying, again and again.
What people think it looks like
What it really looks like
You need to have determination! Uphold your unstoppable attitude. Be determined to succeed!
Have an unstoppable attitude
piness? What is your symbol of hap faces allowed] ley smi [no e pag Draw it on this send it to us. and e pag Make a picture of this . web We will put it up on the info@seven2success.com
#59 Be happy A positive mind and happy attitude will help you succeed. A happy woman gets much further in everything she does.
The fastest way to gain clarity is through taking action. See what is on the other side by travelling there!
Clarity comes with action
#61 No shortcuts When you want to succeed, your motto should be: ‘Anything worth doing is worth doing well’. Strive for the best.
Create your day and start each day with an intention. Starting the day with an intention you’re creating the day you wish to have.
Start your day with an intention
#63 Make a promise to yourself Have you promised yourself that you will not give up until you achieve success? Do you have faith that you can achieve success?
never ever give up until I promise myself that I will gaining for. I believe in I have achieved what I’m
ms. I believe in achieving myself. I believe in my drea t! my success. No matter wha Signed by “Your name”: Date:
Angels are the beings of light who respond to our calls for guidance, assistance and protection. Your angels guide you through your thoughts, feelings, words and visions. According to renowned author and therapist, Doreen Virtue, in her book ‘Healing with the Angels’ the angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. They show you ‘signs’. Things that you see repeatedly with your physical eyes. One of the signs is repetitive number sequences. So what does the Angel number 63 mean? Your angels are here now to help you with the daily aspects of your life. Call out to them for help and trust that they do hear you and are willing to help you. Angel number 63 is also a message that the life choices and decisions you have made have brought about positive opportunities. These ensure that your material and monetary needs will be met in your life. You’re well on your way to success now, “Your name”! Living these daily little secrets to success for 63 days in a row now and really creating some success habits. Let us celebrate that! May your angels guide you, assist you and protect you...
[angel] Beings of light who respond to our calls for guidance, assistance and protection.
Life is too short to waste doing anything other than you love. Passion and care are essentials.
Care about what you do
#65 Refuse to settle for less Why should you settle for something less than what you really want? From this moment on, refuse to settle for less than what you want!
t Go for i
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, nobody can stop you!
Learn something new
#67 Feel fear, do it anyway Everyone is afraid of something. The shortest way beyond fear is right through it. Act in spite of the fear.
e moon. Aim for th u may yo s, is m u If yo r. a st a hit
Everything you wish for can be accomplished. There is no limit to you or your dreams.
The sky is not the limit
#69 Expect miracles Take a deep breath and trust that everything is okay as it is. For every crisis there is a miracle waiting. Expect it!
? e s o o h c do you
Every situation in life prompts us to choose between abundance and lack of abundance.
Choose abundance
At this point... 70 daily little secrets to success have past 3 more weeks to go 21 days of little secrets to success are left Order your copy of Part II of ‘Daily Little Secrets to Success’ now on www.seven2success.com Unleash your success “Your name”!
The seas represent 70% of the surface of the Earth. The mummification lasted 70 days for the Egyptians. And of course the 1970s. A new social movement took center stage in the 1970s. ‘I am woman, hear me roar!’ were the lyrics of a popular Helen Reddy song from 1972. Most women in the 1970s were striving for a f ootprint in society and wanted to achieve more than just the standard household position. Some things that women couldn’t do before the 1970’s: • Keep her job if she was pregnant • Get a credit card • Refuse to have sex with her husband • Compete as a boxer in the Olympics [in case you might want that...] In numerology the 70 vibration represents rest, contemplation, spirituality, sensitivity, sympathy and mastery. Number 70 people are adaptable and adjust easily to change. This tends to be because they are generally happy within themselves. You have every right to be happy and at peace with yourself now, “Your name”! Seventy days have past since you took 100% responsibility for your life and started this journey. Acknowledge yourself and celebrate! Peace!
[international peace sign] A symbol for the 1970s. Originally designed in 1958 for the British nuclear disarmament movement
‘If you want to achieve things in life, you’ve just got to do them, and if you’re talented and smart, you will succeed’ [Juliana Hatfield]
#71 Drop the word ‘problem’ As of now, be willing to grow by leaving problems out of your life. Embrace challenges!
If you keep doing the same old things, you will keep getting the same old results! It is YOU that has to change.
Detect what’s holding you back
of Insanity: The definition d over thing over an me sa e th ng ults. doi g different res again expectin ein ~Albert Einst
e tim by... t e ’t l you Don pass just
#73 Dedicate your time! What are you going to do in the next hour? What have you got planned for this one? Dedicate each hour to pleasure or to work.
If you are committed to your cause no obstacle is too big. Always keep the end goal in mind. Embrace the power to be the best you can be.
Be committed
#74 d s! tte tain i n mm co mou e ar move u yo an If c you
#75 Make a choice Choosing is your freedom to change your life. If you’re unsure what to do in a given situation, keep it simple: toss a coin.
s ' t a h T o t y e k the ess succ Develop success habits. You will be able to achieve anything you want in life!
Develop success habits
#77 Break out of your comfort zone Your comfort zone is the space that keeps you small. Enjoyment and fulfillment come in those moments you step out of your comfort zone.
v Never e
ai g a e t a r hesit
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In 1977 the first Apple Computer goes on sale. Quebec adopts French as the official language. Jimmy Carter is elected as the 39th President of the United States and Elvis Presley dies of a heart attack. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Amnesty International. In July 2013 Andy Murray wins the Gentlemen’s Singles final at Wimbledon. On the front page of the Times the headline says ‘Murray ends 77-year wait for British win’. The Daily Mail screams ‘Andy Murray ends 77 years of waiting for a British champion.’ In 1936 Fred Perry was the last British man to win the Wimbledon finals. But what about the women? Since Fred Perry’s win in 1936 four British women have won the Wimbledon Ladies’ finals. Dorothy Round Little [1937], Angela Mortimer [1961], Ann Haydon-Jones [1969] and Virginia Wade was the last one. In 1977. All were airbrushed out of history. British journalists have forgotten they exist... You will never be forgotten, “Your name”! Still standing strong after 77 days of daily little secrets to success. You are creating a life where you make a difference and leave your mark. To celebrate that fact you may hold the Wimbledon Ladies’ Singles Trophy for one week. You are a winner!
[Wimbledon Ladies’ Singles trophy] A sterling silver salver commonly known as the ‘Venus Rosewater Dish’
r How to know you nutes. mi e fiv in ose rp life pu ig ips Le by Adam
Just realizing that you were born in this time and space for a reason makes life more rewarding and fulfilling. Living on purpose makes you happy to be alive.
Live on purpose
#79 Find the positive in the negative Unsuccessful people pout and sulk when something bad happens. Successful people try to find the positive and move on.
Try to always keep busy. ‘Hop’ from task to task. The more you hop, the more you do, the more energy you will have.
#81 Form a mastermind group Find like-minded people on your path to success. To keep each other on track and help tweak each other’s visions.
nt’. Something you must Stands for ‘very importa es if you don’t do it. enc sequ con do. Serious negative ething you should do. Stands for ‘important’. Som ks. Minor negative tas A your as nt Not as importa ed. consequences if not complet
‘nice to do’. Absolutely Stands for things that are No consequences for B’s. or not as important as A’s not completing them. can assign these tasks Stands for ‘delegate’. You do the job instead of you. to someone else who can never possible. You should Stands for ‘eliminate’, whe free y ivit you possibly can, to eliminate every single act up your time.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed by too many things to do and too little time, sit down, take a deep breath, and list all those tasks you need to accomplish.
Use the ABCDE method
#83 Believe in a successful outcome What you can believe you can achieve. Before you can win, you sincerely have to believe that being successful is the only outcome. Visualize it.
3 = 1 + 1
As you start going out of your comfort zone you will certainly enter unfamiliar areas. When this causes you anguish, deep breathing will bring you relief.
d r a o b Mood
that oard ood b rst thing m fi e a ’ mak t is the ndance? you a u h e b ge g W r ‘a a . a e p l r c ea A his an stic On t s abund en you h ionship? anta show hink wh ng relat ily? A f t lovi fam you ey? A ends and er? Mon e fri car e of circl to
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nam “Your
Twelve weeks times 7 days. Eighty-four days of little secrets to success. You are about to complete part I, the first quarter of your year to success! Eighty-four days after conception [in week 12] a baby is about 5.4 cm long [the size of a lemon] and weighs slightly less than 14g. The baby develops more complicated reflexes such as sucking. If the mother pokes her belly the baby will squirm, although she probably can’t feel the little one moving around yet. Fetal nerve cells are multiplying rapidly and the neurological connections in the baby’s brain [synapses] are forming. 84% of people reading this will not find the the mistake in this A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z * The little town of Viganella is located amidst the Italian side of the Alps. During the winter time, the shift in the sun’s pattern makes it so that it never clears the mountain that’s close to the town. This means that for 84 days, Viganella doesn’t get any sunlight. To solve this, they installed a massive mirror on the side of the mountain. It is computer controlled to follow the trajectory of the sun. In 2006, the town was able to celebrate the first winter sun in 600 years! Now you go celebrate too “Your name”! Let the light shine on you! * Answer: the word ‘the’ is repeated
[the Sun] The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of hot plasma.
‘Successful people understand that you don’t need to make things complicated’ [Anne McKevitt]
#85 Commit to investing yourself What if you gave active, genuine attention and care to every person that you come into contact with? Commit to investing yourself! Give your 100%!
! y a l p o ork int
w e k a M
An important key to success is doing what you love. Your work needs to spark your creativity, make you smile, and inspire you.
Work is play
#87 Give! Give, and you shall receive. If you want to succeed you first have to give. A lot! When you give you receive much more back in return.
Stren ts of Secre
You are the only one who has the power to map out your life and you get to use that power or give it away. Either way, you choose. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.
Reclaim your power
#89 Reflect daily Bring closure to your day through 10 minutes of reflection. With the habit of daily reflection, you’re able to continuously improve.
e y, it’s th Basicall l. e a ’v rn u u yo . If nce jo one-sente ling habit the a journa Start a past, try rt a e st th to in y ce g a n n li w te a n sy se rn ea ed at jou h day, write one il fa t d a n tried a habit th al. Eac nce journ you. It’s a back on a ened to one-sente p p ok a lo h t u yo ha about w ially when love, espec worth of entries. you will s year’
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‘Choice, not circumstances, determines your success’ ~Unknown
You have a choice: accept your situation or change it. If your circumstances lower your chances to success, change them!
Change your circumstances
#91 Fulfill your potentional Believe in yourself. What is it that is special about you? Be persistent and fulfill your potential.
cents is the amount of money you have when you have one each of the coins worth less than a dollar [penny, nickel, dime, quarter and half dollar]. The Mars Opportunity rover was launched from Earth on July 7th, 2003. It landed on Mars on January 25th, 2004. NASA scientists planned for Opportunity to be active for about 91 sol or Mars days. However, Opportunity is still active in 2014 and has exceeded it’s expected lifetime by 38 times at this moment. A real Wall-E! In 1991 the average cost of a new house was $120,000.00 [€ 89.350,00]. The average income per year was $29,430.00 [€ 22.000,00] and the average monthly rent was $495.00 [€ 395,00]. For a dozen eggs you paid 85 cents [€ 0,63]. At this moment the number 91 means completion to you, “Your name”! I hereby declare that you have completed the first three months, the first 91 days, the first stage of your route to success! You’ve created some serious success habits now and there is no way back! CONGRATULATIONS! ...and see you tomorrow for daily success secret #92
[champagne] Champagne is the wine of celebration. Celebrate in style!
daily little secrets to success are done! You have finished part I of IV. I say: congratulations to you “Your name”! I truly hope you enjoyed this first of the quadruplet ‘Daily Little Secrets to Success’. And that you will walk with me again in parts II - IV. If you haven’t ordered your copy of part II, do that now on seven2success. com and get your free goodie! I personally don’t want to close this chapter before thanking some people that made these books come true. First and foremost, the love of my life Marcel. Without his support and his belief in me these books never would have seen the light of day. Our children Jop, Liv and Mare for their patience when mom spend yet another hour with her head in her computer... Vered & Nisandeh Neta of Open Circles Academy. Without them I probably never would have chosen the path I am walking now. The people in the mastermind groups that supported me along the way. You know who you are! And, last but not least, I thank you “Your name”, for your time, all your efforts and your commitment to making a difference every day!
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