Yourwellness February 2012

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Click here to download a pdf of this issue! ISSUE 7 | FEBRUARY 2012

environmental wellness

Is your Home making you Sick? family wellness

Could you Save your child's life? wellness nutrition

Can you Eat to Beat Menopause?

wellness focus

The Low-down on Sleep ASTRO LOVE-SCOPE :


/ emotional wellness / wellness investigates / wellness debate

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editor’s note President Michael Kitt Editor-in-chief Dr Sarah Brewer India Edition Editor Gayatri Pagdi Advertising Manager Anna McLachlan Art Director Nilesh Parab Marketing Co-ordinator Janesa Layne Graphic Designer Mahesh Wagle Peter Richardson Staff Writers Dr Sarah Brewer Christopher Pick ND. Francine White Dr Arjita Kumari Carole Powell NLP Jenny Catton Kieran Ball Tracy Morton Steve Miscandlon

Dr. Sarah Brewer February is apparently one of the saddest months of the year. Even with Valentine's Day to celebrate, the next holiday seems a long way away. So to cheer you up, this issue looks at how to brighten your workplace, deal with stress and focus on getting a good night's sleep. Lynne Robinson explains how Pilates can overcome back pain, and Ironman World Champion, Chrissie Wellington, shares her top tips for keeping fit. We also show you how to Eat to Beat menopausal symptoms, while grabbing your man's health by the balls (so to speak). YourWellness is unique in that we cover all aspects of wellbeing, from health and relationships, through fitness and family, to work and finances. What's more, we also explore all the options available, from Ancient to Modern and Scientific to Holistic, helping you decide which resonate best with your own beliefs and philosophy. If you enjoy reading this issue, please forward the link to everyone you know who would also love to sit down and browse our pages. It's free!


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physiological wellness.

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Disclaimer | is dedicated to providing useful, well researched information on every aspect of your wellness. We do not pioneer any particular therapy or school of thought instead we offer all the options to allow our readers to make an informed choice. All our contents are not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis of individual problems or circumstances, nor should it be implied that we are a substitute for professional medical advice. Readers are always advised to consult their healthcare professionals prior to starting any new remedy, therapy or treatment.



celebrity Ruby Wax Comedian Ruby Wax has turned her negative experience with depression to a positive by studying for a master's degree in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

YourWellness says: Depression affects one in four people. provides contact details for organisations providing emotional support world-wide.

Nicki Chapman Popular TV presenter Nicki Chapman recently experienced joint problems and turned to yourwellness for advice.

YourWellness says: Read how 5 yourwellness experts helped Nicki here

Jennifer Aniston

Nell McAndrew

Jennifer Aniston has just turned 43 – how does she look so young? With yoga, Pilates, 45 minutes on a treadmill or cross-trainer - and ice packs on her eyes to tackle bags.

TV presenter Nell McAndrew encourages you to raise money for Heart Research UK this Valentine's Day by wearing Damart's limited edition 'Love Your Heart' vest.

YourWellness says: Jen prefers working out late at night which is guaranteed to disrupt sleep – no wonder she needs those ice treatments (she might like to read this month's Focus!)

Wayne Rooney According to The Sun, footballer Wayne Rooney sleeps on the floor during long-haul flights. He even takes his own super fluffy pillow on the plane!

YourWellness says: A good pillow should be at the top of your list for healthy and restful sleep – after a teddy bear, of course. See this month's focus on sleep.

February 2012 |

YourWellness says: Just £12 – and all profits go to the charity. To order visit or call 0870 423 0000.

How much

caffeine is too much?

The Food Standards Agency warns that coffee can cause miscarriage or low birth weight, but how do you know if you're drinking too much? The answer is you don't! One study found that levels of caffeine in coffee taken at home, in a cafĂŠ or in a coffee shop can differ by as much as 600%. Ideally, according to the FSA, you should consume no more than 200mg of caffeine daily but, while an average espresso contains 50mg, some coffee houses serve a single espresso with as much as 300mg of caffeine. The only real way of knowing how much caffeine is in your coffee is by guestimation - how strong do you think it tastes? If you're concerned about your caffeine intake, it's best to limit the number of cups of coffee you have each day to a maximum of two. Or request caffeine-free.

news You're never too old to run Although older runners may prove slower when it comes to speed and recovery time than in their youth, their muscles are just as efficient at using oxygen. This ability, known as 'running economy' appears to be similar in all age groups, although older runners have to breath harder to achieve this. For those over the age of 60, general slowing results from reduced muscle strength, especially in the upper body, which is needed to propel you uphill, and reduced muscle power which also makes running uphill, and changing direction, more difficult. So the take-home message seems to be: don't stop running as you get older - just stick to the straight and narrow.

Monkey see, monkey do Like other primates, human babies love to learn by imitating the sounds, expressions and activities they see. But they're also clever enough to tell when you're tricking them. Research from the journal, Infant Behavior and Development, shows infants keep track of each individual and how accurate they are. If they perceive you as unreliable, because you've tricked them before, they may choose not to learn from you. But as the research involved adults switching on a light with their forehead rather than their hands, even a monkey might have thought this rather stupid behaviour!

When concrete is good for you A new form of psychological treatment can reduce depression in just two months. Known as 'concreteness training' or CNT, it aims to stop you dwelling on negative thoughts such as counting a single mistake as proof you're useless at everything. CNT helps you to focus on specifics to keep things in perspective. Every day, you think about the specific details of a recent event you found upsetting, and work out how you could have changed the outcome. This new therapy is more effective at relieving anxiety and depression than relaxation training. | February 2012



Fish more protective against asthma than antibiotics Wheeziness is a common problem in young children, with one in five having at least one episode of wheeze, and one in 20 having three or more episodes a year. Researchers recently found that eating fish before the age of nine months almost halves the chance of being affected. Fish contains omega-3 oils that reduce inflammation and allergic tendencies, including rhinitis, asthma and eczema. Although oily fish such as salmon provide the greatest concentrations of these oils, the Swedish study found clear evidence that white and flat fish were protective, too. In contrast, a baby receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics during their first week of life was twice as likely to develop recurrent wheeziness before starting school than those not needing antibiotics. Although this suggests that early exposure to antibiotics might affect immune development, and predispose to asthma, it could of course mean that babies with an inborn tendency to respiratory problems are more likely to receive antibiotics during early life. The researchers also found a link between pre-school wheeze and mothers who took paracetamol during pregnancy.

Any excuse for Love th

February 14 celebrates affection with tokens of flowers, chocolates and cards. But outside of this special occasion we still think about love and sex every day of the year. According to researchers from Ohio State University, men think about sex, on average, 19 times every day– admittedly a lot, but much less than the often quoted 'once every seven seconds'! Women, on the other hand, only manage around 10 sexual thoughts per day. Perhaps the biggest surprise was that men think about food just as much as they do about sex. That must be why Valentine's day has endured – it's the ideal excuse for both a candle-lit dinner and a night of romance to follow.

February 2012 |

How competitive are you? According to researchers this largely depends on your age. Those under 50 have not yet reached their competitive peak, while those who've passed their half-century are less willing to engage in risk. This was true for both women and men. Previous studies suggested that competitiveness declined after the age of 25, and that women were less likely to compete. Perhaps having to fight for resources, jobs and money in the current economic climate has boosted our willingness to remain pushy as our retirement age keeps getting extended!

You meet a tall, dark stranger – is he trustworthy or not? According to psychologists, you'll know within 20 seconds. That's how long it takes to form your first impression. It appears we are genetically programmed to detect whether a stranger is likely to be kind, compassionate and likely to help us out in times of need. And we can do this without even interacting with them, but from watching their facial expressions and body language. Interestingly, those who display the most trustworthy signals (head nodding, eye contact, smiling and an open body posture) have a particular gene pattern associated with the 'cuddle' or 'love' hormone, oxytocin.




e f i l of Worshipped by some, demonised by others, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction when it comes to discussing the health effects of spicy food - particularly the ubiquitous chilli pepper.

Chillies were historically used as folk medicines in South America, while the Aztecs believed they had aphrodisiac powers. Yet conventional modern wisdom blames the chilli for causing

stomach ulcers, and has even used them as a weapon in the form of pepper spray. Fans of chilli and other spicy foods will be pleased to know they don't cause ulcers (although very spicy or acidic foods can irritate an existing condition). In fact, some studies show evidence that chilli can help inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori, the stomach bacteria now known to trigger the development of peptic ulcers. Other research shows that regularly eating spicy food may even offer protection from cancer. In laboratory experiments, capsaicin (the active component of chilli peppers that accounts for their heat) has been shown to attack and kill cancer cells. As with all things, however, moderation is the key. A recent 'world's hottest chilli' eating competition in Edinburgh resulted in two contestants being rushed to hospital by ambulance!

Food for


We would all like to improve our brain power in one way or another, whether that's a better memory, improved concentration, or just sharper wits. Some foods are well known for boosting brain power - oily fish, for example, is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that can aid brain function generally, and in specific conditions such as depression, dyslexia or schizophrenia. Some studies even suggest that eating oily fish during pregnancy can improve your child's IQ and social skills. Other brain foods are less well known. Beetroot contains natural nitrates that help to improve blood flow to the brain, thereby improving mental performance. Other research

February 2012 |

shows that green leafy vegetables such as romaine lettuce, spinach and vegetables belonging to the cabbage family - including cauliflower and broccoli - can help to slow agerelated mental decline. And let's not forget the humble egg. Eggs are a rich source of choline, a precursor for acetylcholine which is an important neurotransmitter. This can boost communication between brain cells when it comes to learning facts and remembering things. Eggs are also a rich source of protein, which is linked with improved, overall brain performance.

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Bringing the

outside in Whether you're a keen outdoor gardener or not, you can experience surprising benefits to health and wellbeing by bringing the outdoor world into your home. Houseplants can brighten a room by adding colour and energy. The most obvious and direct benefits come from a straightforward botanical and biological fact - one we all learn in school. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and this can improve your concentration and overall sense of wellbeing, especially if you work from home. In addition to helping oxygenate a room, plants also improve air quality by removing toxins from the air, such as tobacco smoke and residues from paint or varnish. Some of the plants that are most effective for purifying the atmosphere in a room are also straightforward to look after, such as ferns, ivy, spider plants and even chrysanthemums. Keeping indoor plants also increases humidity levels, and studies have shown that this can reduce instances of sore throats, coughs and similar cold-related ailments. Throw in the psychological benefits — plants are well known for helping you feel calmer and more optimistic — and it's easy to see why so many of us love to keep that bit of greenery in our homes.

Grow your own wellnessenhancing herbs

When planning your spring borders, think about including some annual kitchen herbs. They're easy to maintain, attractive and invaluable for cooking as well as offering a variety of wellness benefits. Here are three of the most popular:

Basil Originally used by the ancient Egyptians as a part of the embalming and burial rituals, Basil is now the most widely used herb in the world. It has potent antiviral, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and can be used for treating disorders of the nervous system.

Parsley Parsley is a multi purpose herb full of vitamins and minerals when eaten fresh. It also has diuretic properties and contains Apigenin which is believed to inhibit cancerous growths.

Coriander Much used in Eastern and Mexican foods, Coriander is known as a potent detoxifier, especially when used fresh. The plant produces a prolific amount of seeds which can be used to make rejuvenating herbal teas.

February 2012 |


focus Tigers need 16 hours sleep, monkeys snooze for 10 hour, African elephants require four hours while giraffes make do with two. And what about you? The average human adult spends six to eight hours out of every 24 in the land of nod, but many people wake up feeling less than refreshed.

February 2012 |

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focus Benefits of a Good Nights Sleep

Sleep is a natural form of unconsciousness in which some parts of your brain switch off, while others become more active. It's a time of profound relaxation that is so essential for physical and emotional well-being that you spend around 26 years, or one third of your life, in whatever passes as your bed.

During sleep, your brain processes information and experiences to lay down new memories. Muscles and joints recover from constant use during the day, and you produce increased amounts of growth hormone. Protein in all parts of your body is replenished faster than when you are awake, and cell renewal increases. Achieving just the right amount of sleep is therefore important for long-term good health. Researchers have consistently found that sleeping for 7 to 8 hours duration is associated with the lowest risk of long-term disease and the lowest risk of death at any age. Out of 21,000 sets of twins followed for over 22 years, for example, those who slept for between 7 and 8 hours per night lived longer than those who habitually slept for shorter or longer period.

Accidents: When you are tired and irritable from too little sleep, you tend to make poor decisions, perform badly during the day and make mistakes. As a result, you are twice as likely to have a fatal accident - on the roads, at work or in the home.

Heart disease: Those who sleep for less than 5 hours are five times more likely to develop high blood pressure than those sleeping more than 6 hours. If you sleep for 5 to 6 hours, your risk of hypertension is three and a half times greater than those who sleep more than 6 hours. This effect is seen at any age, even in teenagers.

Depression: Lack of sleep affects brain function so that people with insomnia tend to report higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression than those who regularly enjoy a good night's kip. If disruption to sleep is severe, it can act as a trigger for suicidal behaviour.

Immunity: People exposed to a common cold virus are three times more likely to develop symptoms if they get less than seven hours sleep a night, than if they achieve eight hours or more.

Do you have difficulty sleeping? Four out of ten people claim they do not get a Early morning waking is one of the regular good night's rest, with one in three adults biological signs of a depressive illness. This is having difficulty falling asleep or staying awake. linked with an imbalance of chemicals in the brain This becomes more common with age, so that two and usually needs treatment with anti-depressants. in three people over the age of 75 experience If you feel low in yourself, have difficulty fragmented sleep. getting to sleep, wake early - classically between 02.00am - 04.00am and find Insomnia is the subjective feeling of excessive it difficult to get back to sleep, it is wakefulness, whether from difficulty falling asleep, important to tell your doctor. maintaining sleep or waking unrefreshed. Most people experience insomnia at some stage of their life - usually when they are worried or stressed. Insomnia can last just a few days (eg jetlag), from one to three weeks (eg stress) or last longer term (eg anxiety, depression, illness or alcohol abuse). Analy sis of Hypersomnia or excessive sleepiness sleep h patte a s leads to constant feelings of tiredness and identi rns fied o 8 lack of energy. Hypersomnia may be a sign 0 diff v e r erent types of depression of s


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February 2012 |



focus According to the Mental Health Foundation, there is an important link between sleep and emotional wellness. Compared with people who sleep well, people with insomnia are: • Four times as likely to have relationship problems • Three times as likely to experience low mood • Three times as likely to lack concentration during the day • Three times as likely to struggle to 'get things done' at work or elsewhere in their lives • Over twice as likely to suffer from energy deficiency.

Sleep Matters As a result, the Foundation has set-up a new website,, where you can access advice and information about sleep. Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, of the Capio Nightingale independent mental health hospital in central London says, 'Prolonged insomnia can have an extremely detrimental effect on your health on every level - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. We treat patients who have a lifelong history of insomnia as well as those whose problems have been caused more recently by stress, anxiety, depression, eating disorders and addictions. We consider it of vital importance to help our patients sleep well; it is absolutely key to their recovery.' The Capio Nightingale Sleep and Energy programme includes group and 1:1 sessions on how to optimise sleep quality and energy levels. It is designed to help patients understand why they are suffering from insomnia and how to adopt the appropriate sleep optimisation techniques. The Sleep Toolkit includes good sleep hygiene methods, nutrition management and how to manage the mental overload caused by

overexposure to technology. 'Power Tools' include relaxation and breathing techniques, anxiety management, optimal sleep behaviours and psychological strategies for overcoming insomnia. Patients also attend Mindfulness, yoga and relaxation groups which greatly enhance the effectiveness of these techniques. Dr Nerina Ramlakhan is the author of 'Tired but Wired', Souvenir Press. More information about Capio Nightingale can be found at

Download a Sleep Well pocket guide here: uk/publications/sleep-pocketguide/ Download a free Wellbeing Podcast to relieve muscle tension built up throughout the day and prepare your body and mind for a sound night's sleep here: uk/help-information/podcasts/ progressive-relaxation sleep/?view=Standard

- Tupac Shakur

The only time I have problems is when I sleep. February 2012 |


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Do you stop

breathing in your sleep?

If you snore, then the answer could be 'yes'. Snoring occurs when your airway partially collapses to block the inflow of oxygen and the outflow of the waste gas, carbon dioxide. If your airway becomes completely obstructed, you can stop breathing for 10 to 30 seconds at a time. Known as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the most common cause is overrelaxation of throat muscles, so your upper airway sags or your tongue falls back. Failure to breath causes a build up of carbon dioxide in your circulation. This activates a survival mechanism in your brain so you start breathing again. As your airway jerks open, you gasp and may briefly wake up. In extreme cases, this can happen as often as 100 - 1000 times per night. OSA disrupts sleep and one study found that people those who experience 15 or more episodes per hour are six times more likely to die over a 14 year follow-up period than those without OSA.

Who's at risk? Sleep apnoea affects one in 20 adults. Many sufferers are middle aged males with a collar size greater than 17. It also occurs in women and slim men, if their airways are floppy, nose or sinuses are blocked, or regional glands enlarged (tonsils, adenoids or thyroid). Smoking cigarettes increases the risk. People with sleep apnoea are often unaware of the problem especially if they sleep alone - but tell-tale symptoms include: • morning headache • waking up feeling drunk - even though you've had no alcohol • waking with a frightening sensation of choking or fighting for air • excessive daytime sleepiness and yawning • falling asleep during the day • poor memory • lack of concentration with thoughts petering out mid-sentence • deteriorating driving skills. | February 2012


focus The following tips can help to improve obstructive sleep apnoea: • Lose any excess weight • Avoid alcohol, sleeping tablets and smoking cigarettes • Take regular exercise • Use anti-snoring devices and sprays • Raise the head of your bed 10 cm to help stop your tongue flopping back.


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• Dental appliances worn at night can prevent the tongue falling back or lift the soft palate to keep the airway open. • Continuous positive airway pressure delivered at night via a mask can also keep the airway open. • In some countries the stimulant drug, modafinil, is licensed to treat excessive sleepiness in people with OSA.

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Richard thought he was dying

Richard, 49, started snoring more loudly and frequently. He was always tired, increasingly irritable and his memory so poor his wife started to suspect he had Alzheimer's. Then one night, she realised he was stopping breathing for scary lengths of time. Richard also woke with a horrible sensation of not being able to breath. After doing some research, he arranged an at-home Sleep Apnoea test. The equipment was sent out and Richard used it overnight in the comfort of his own bed. A thimble connected to a wristwatch-style recording device (Finger Pulse Oximeter) monitored his oxygen levels, heart rate and snoring while he slept. He then returned the equipment for analysis. A sleep technician analysed the data and confirmed that OSA was present. During that one night, Richard

experienced a total of 147 events (an average of 21 per hour) lasting around 25 seconds at a time. One obstruction lasted as long as 41 seconds and the level of oxygen in his blood fell as low as 84%. 'I'm so glad the diagnosis was made,' said Richard. 'My GP said my nasal passages are blocked and prescribed a strong corticosteroid decongestant spray. I've also been referred for an ENT opinion. I want to avoid surgery and am now using a home nasal irrigation system, SinuPulse, as a drug-free way of reducing nasal congestion with fantastic results.

The Sleep Apnoea test used by Richard cost £100 from Sinupulse is available from

- Dalai Lama

Sleep is the best meditation. February 2012 |

Test your alertness at, which offers an online sleep training programme to help improve night time sleep and personal energy during the day. Designed by leading scientists, the on-line training combines audio, text and graphical elements for an engaging experience from just £14.99.



What do the

Experts suggest?

To help make tossing and turning a thing of the past, here are some top tips from experts who all sleep soundly at night. Dr Neil Stanley from

Sebastian Pole, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Co-Founder of Pukka Herbs, says: “If we don't get says: In order to get to sleep you need a quiet mind and a relaxed body. About half an hour before bed put the cares and worries of the day to one side and focus on winding down and preparing for sleep. Try having a luxuriating warm bath, listen to a meditative CD or relax with a hot milky drink or calming herbal infusion.

enough sleep we feel rubbish, it's that simple.' His top tips for a good night's rest include: Remove all caffeine, synthetic and processed foods and drinks from your diet. Try not to drink alcohol at night and exercise for at least 30 minutes per day.

Deep Relax bath & Shower oil combines soothing aromatic oils of vetivert, camomile and sandalwood in coconut oil to ease an anxious mind and promote peaceful sleep. £37 form

Henrietta Norton, a nutritional therapist, says: 'Enjoy a light bedtime snack that includes complex carbohydrates (such as whole-grains) and low fat dairy products (such as semi-skimmed milk or live yoghurt). These provide calming substances such as magnesium, calcium and tryptophan, needed for the production of sleepinducing neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin. Other foods that contain tryptophan include turkey, bananas, oats, and honey. There are also some very effective food supplements proven to help you achieve a rested state.

5-HTP promotes the synthesis of serotonin to help you enter the deeper sleep stages when most rejuvenation and repair occurs in the body. Happy Days 5-HTP Supplement £12.95 for 60 tablets from

February 2012 |

Naturally caffeine free, Pukka Night Time Tea Contains organic oat flower, lavender, limeflower & valerian tea for a peaceful night's sleep. £2.09 for 20 sachets from


Jayney Lee Grace says: Recent studies have conclusively proved that people have improved quality of sleep when taking cherry juice. It MUST however be the right cherries, Montmorency cherries to be precise. The best way to take this is as a cordial or in capsule form. You can also buy it in a sachet, a one shot for when you're on the move. For more of Jayney's natural product recommendations visit

Montmorency cherries increase levels of melatonin – the hormone that regulates sleep. Each 30ml serving of CherryActive Concentrate provides the equivalent of 100 tart cherries. £14.49 for 473ml from

Jennie Harding, Tisserand's Aromatherapist, says: Take a bath to de-stress. It's a treatment really allow at least 20 minutes to soak. This allows you to break off from the stress of the day and let your mind unwind. You can also use Lavender essential oil – the classic flower to soothe stress and calm the skin. Tisserand's Sleep Kit includes soothing lavender, bergamot and ylang ylang essential oils to create calm before bedtime. £12.50 from

Nick Littlehales from says: Ensure your room is dark (blackout) with no ambient light (street lights, electrical devices). When using blackout tools remember you need light to wake you up refreshed, so introduce a light therapy wake up device to promote a more natural wake. Ensure you select the right bedding products to work in harmony with you and any partners, your natural body temperature, your bedroom environment and your mattress. The correct pillow, duvet and linen can make all the difference between good and poor quality sleep. Perfect Balance™ uses advanced down-like fibre blends that absorb and disperse excess humidity, so you don't get too hot or too cold during the night. Duvets from £60 at

Colin Campbell, Specsaver's hearing aid audiologist suggests you control ambient noise. SleepSoft instantfit hearing protectors are small and discreet and will protect your ears from sounds that can keep you awake, such as noisy traffic or snoring. However they still allow you to hear important high frequency noises like an alarm clock or a baby crying. SleepSoft are designed with open canal filters so they cause no unpleasant pressure on your ear, allowing you a comfortable and silent night's sleep. Specsaver's SleepSoft hearing protectors have a special filter system that blocks annoying sounds like snoring or traffic, but allows through certain high-sound frequency sounds, like an alarm clock, doorbell or baby crying. £14.99 from Specsaver's hearing centres.

- Leonardo da Vinci

A well spent day brings happy sleep. | February 2012




Sleep Remedies

Slip on the Mindfold Mask - an eye covering that allows you to meditate, sleep or relax without being disturbed by light. Mindfold users have reported less headaches and migraine, too. Particularly good for travelling and reducing jetlag.

£12.20 from

Herbal Medicine: Soothing herbal teas are often all that is needed to help you have a good night's sleep. Chose ones containing herbs such as limeflower, lemon balm, fennel, rosehips, passionflower, nutmeg, cinnamon or camomile.

And if all else fails, try the following. Count Sheep Concentrating on something that occupies your brain blocks out random thoughts. Counting sheep is a popular way of doing this, but don't count hyperactive, bouncy sheep jumping over a fence – count fluffy sheep in a flock, contentedly munching or snoozing quietly on the grass.

would help induce sleep.' Listening to John's Alphamusic - 'The Orange Grove Siesta' for women and 'Amber' for men' slows your brainwaves down from the Beta to Alpha to Theta and finally Delta state. Sweet Dreams! £14.99 from

Enter the Alpha zone

by Dr Lai, a family doctor in the US who wanted her insomniac patients to fall asleep naturally, without sleeping pills. Like pyjamas for your ears, their soft fleece band incorporates slim speakers. Simply pull the band into place over your ears, plug the lead into your MP3 player, iPod or music system and then drift off to the sound of your favourite music, meditative sounds, audio books, £37

According to composer John Levine, as we drift off to sleep, our brainwaves initially slow from wakeful Beta waves down to the Alpha state of 8-14 cycles per second. This is the best state to think, study, learn and remember. We then enter the dreamy Theta, melatonin state before going down into deep Delta sleep. 'The challenge for me was to compose two pieces of music, one for women, the other for men that

Use Sleep Phones, developed


Homeopathy: If your mind is overactive, try Coffea. For sleeplessness leaving you irritable and unrefreshed, try Nux vomica. If you are overtired and can't get comfortable, try Arnica. Take half an hour before going to bed and repeat every half hour if necessary.

Acupuncture: According to Rachel Peckham, a registered member of the British Acupuncture Council, 'Traditional Acupuncture is known to be enormously beneficial for helping correct sleep problems. Most people find treatment wonderfully relaxing, as acupuncture is known to calm the nervous system and also affect hormonal outputs by increasing endorphin production. A course of treatment is usually recommended, as the Acupuncturist will want to discover why the sleeping problem is happening since treatment is geared to treat the cause and not just the symptom. Points on the body will vary from person to person as each person is treated individually. Often auricular (ear) points may be used as an adjunct to body points.' To find a

practitioner in your area visit February 2012 |



February 2012 |




is ‘Back 4 Good’ Four out of five people develop back pain at some point during their lives. Almost any day to day activity can bring it on, including housework, gardening, and over-vigorous exercise. You are particularly at risk if your work involves heavy lifting or carrying, if you spend long periods of time sitting in one position or bending awkwardly, and if you are unfit with poor muscle tone. Back pain most commonly affects the lower, lumbar region of the spine. Most cases are due to excessive strain on muscles, ligaments and small joints. As well as discomfort from the damaged tissues, the surrounding muscles may go into spasm so pain and tenderness spread over a larger area. More severe symptoms occur if you develop a 'slipped disc' in which the soft, jelly-like centre of an intervertebral disc ruptures through the outer fibrous coating under pressure. The prolapsed centre of the disc may press on the root of a spinal nerve to cause muscle weakness, pins and needles, spasm and pain in the back. If the sciatic nerve is irritated, pain will shoot down one leg.

Non-specific back pain is usually treated with simple painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. If necessary, muscle relaxant drugs can reduce painful spasm, while hot or cold compresses can also help. Bed rest is no longer recommended routinely as keeping active has been shown to get you back to normal daily life more quickly. Early mobilisation is essential to stop your back seizing up. Manipulation from a chiropractor or osteopath is often the most effective treatment and weeks of the original injury. Lynne Robinson, founder of Body Control Pilates, has developed a new program, Back4Good, to help overcome low back pain. 'We worked closely with leading medical experts to create a unique set of exercises designed to target many of the complex underlying causes,' she says. 'One example would be back pain that is direction-specific – this means that movement one way will trigger pain, but movement in the other direction may cause no problems and even ease the pain. Back4Good Practitioners are trained to identify which exercises are best suited to address a client's particular problem.' Healthy Back Classes are based on the world-renowned Body Control Pilates programme, and the weekly classes, suitable for all age-groups, are designed to prevent the onset of back pain. These sessions offer a gentle, balanced workout that focuses on strengthening the core abdominal muscles, key to supporting the back, improving movement and keeping the spine strong and flexible. Back4Good Sessions are designed for people already suffering from chronic low back pain who have been referred by a medical professional. They are taught as 'one-to-one' sessions or small groups. The Back4Good Practitioner will carefully assess each case to plan the safest and most effective programme, liaising with the client's GP as necessary. Average price of a one-hour class is £10 - £15 (depending on teacher and location) Visit for details of your nearest Practitioner. | February 2012




Night Cramps

Despite major advances in every field of medical science, there are still many simple problems that remain a mystery. One of these is the phenomenon of night cramps which occur when a leg muscle goes into spasm. This can last for up to 10 minutes, and the muscle may remain tender for several hours after. If this occurs regularly and wakes you it is classed as a sleep disorder. February 2012 |

Leg cramps are thought to occur when a muscle that is already shortened from curling up in bed is stimulated to contract, leading to further shortening and spasm. Other suggested causes include: • Dehydration • Electrolyte (salt) imbalances • Magnesium deficiency • Potassium deficiency • Insufficient or excessive exercise • Underactive thyroid gland • Side effects of some prescribed drugs Stretching and massaging the affected muscle usually encourages it to un-cramp. Stretching your calf muscles several times a day, and before bedtime. can help. For example, stand 2 to 3 feet away from a wall and, keeping your feet flat on the floor, bend forwards to lean on the wall. This may take several weeks for this to help. Some people swear by taking magnesium supplements. Others find the drug, quinine, helpful but check with a pharmacist that it is likely to suit you. Do not exceed recommended doses and keep out of the reach of children. Many people find it helpful to wear a magnetic patch over the affected muscle, or to use a magnetic underblanket.

Latest studies show a direct link between cavities and heart attacks. Brush your teeth after every meal to prevent cavities.


body Millions of people all over the world have coeliac disease - an autoimmune condition caused by a dietary protein known as gluten. When you eat gluten, the body reacts by producing antibodies that also attack part of the intestinal wall. This causes a variety of symptoms ranging from nausea and stomach pain to diarrhoea, tiredness and mouth ulcers. Gluten is a protein found in certain cereal grains such as wheat, rye and barley When you are diagnosed as having coeliac disease, your wellness depends on carefully checking the ingredients of everything you eat to ensure you avoid gluten. Recently, a number of people with coeliac disease have become ill after contact with make up and other cosmetic products which contained gluten. Although gluten cannot be absorbed through the skin, it can be ingested when present in a lipstick or foundation and it may only take a tiny amount to provoke a reaction. Although Coeliac UK believe is unlikely that you would swallow enough lip balm or lipstick to cause a problem, they suggest you should contact manufacturers for direction about specific problems if you are concerned. For the sake of your wellness, you may wish to purchase cosmetics from a company which guarantees gluten-free products. For more information,

Is gluten

in cosmetics a problem?


Forget Aspirin-try swearing instead! February 2012 |

A study has shown that making the air blue gives short-term relief from pain. Researchers at Keele University found students could keep their hand in ice cold water longer if they repeated swear words during the act. A control group using non-swear words showed a lower pain threshold. However, those who swore most in everyday life experienced little or no benefit. The researchers drew the conclusion that occasional swearing acts as a form of emotional selfmanagement. Who'd have thought it?



Make February

Neil Shah


February 2012 |


Research suggests that February is the saddest month of the year. The good news, however, is that a little practical knowledge can go a long way to managing the most common causes of stress and ensure you have a happier month.


Balance work and home


Keep in condition

Long hours go with the job. But everyone should set firm boundaries which define where work ends and home life begins. For example, have a cut-off point each evening beyond which you usually won't work. Or decide never to open work email at home. Also make sure you book relaxation and leisure time into your diary each week, for example a cinema trip or a walk with friends, so you know you have something pleasant to look forward to.

By the end of the working day most of us are knackered and devoid of energy. You need to be alert physically and mentally to operate at your best. Sleep will help you do both. Obviously it rests the brain, but did you know your body will repair and build muscle during deep REM sleep? Therefore getting a good night's sleep will give you a double boost at work the next day.



Manage your time

Recognise that your day to day problems and responsibilities are the things that cause stress in your life. Tackle them with a system that works for you. Don't overdo it - take things one at a time, and create time buffers to deal with unexpected emergencies. A useful strategy when you are overwhelmed by all the things that need attention is prioritising and diarising: Make a list of all the things that you need to do, listing them in order of genuine importance. Note what you need to do personally and delegate what you can to others. Then note what needs to be done immediately, or in the next week or month etc.


Instant mood lifters Breathe. When you're stressed, you automatically start shallow breathing, so reset your stress levels with deep breathing. Try not to breathe by raising your shoulders. Instead expand and contract your stomach/chest cavity. Look out of a window. Sometimes to get rid of stress you need to change your perspective and changing the view is as good a way as any. Watch the clouds go by, look for birds, see the trees sway. Just 60 seconds of this will make you forget what's stressing you out. Bounce it away. Other people driving you nuts? Pretend you have a rubber aura and all the negativity they are throwing at you just bounces off.

Neil Shah is director of the Stress Management Society. We have a special gift for you, email us on with 'ManStress' in the subject header and we'll send you a free guide to stress management. For further information please visit

Kick bad habits

Often the ways we 'cope' with stress are flawed. Tea, coffee and chocolate all contain caffeine which stimulates rather than soothing the stress response. Overeating leaves us unhealthy and overweight. Alcohol and medication/drugs also affect performance and do lasting damage to the body. Instead you should practice what your health magazines preach which means plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, plus exercise which is one of the best ways of burning off the ill effects of stress.

- Jill McLemore

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars. | February 2012


corporate Be positive Positivity is essential in any

Brightening up your

workplace The biggest asset in your company is the people that work there, for it is the unique mix of personalities that creates the atmosphere and culture of your workplace. That's why it's important for employers to recruit the right people – not just on the basis of their skills, but on the basis of their personality, ability to interact with others and their potential to contribute to a happy working environment. The number one reason that an employee stays with a company isn't because of prospects, pay rises and bonuses (although these are factors), it's simply because they're happy there. They like the company and the people they work with. For this to happen, everyone has to play his or her part. And that means you!

February 2012 |

workplace - because it's infectious. If upbeat in your daily work, you'll discover your colleagues are too. And when everyone is optimistic, everyone is happy.

Celebrate each other Make a big deal of special events in your co-workers lives. Is it someone's birthday? Did someone get engaged, married or have a baby? Has someone been promoted? Buy a cake, organise a gift or a drink after work. Make people feel special. Be good to yourself and your colleagues You don't need a special occasion to celebrate. Surprise everyone by bringing treats into the office. Sweets, biscuits, fruit and other healthy snacks - even a bottle of wine on Friday afternoon will brighten up everyone's day. This applies to bosses too!

Be a team player Got a hobby or pastime that others in the office might enjoy? Organise an office sports team or an activity group. Give people something in common to talk about. Be funny Humour is a vital part of life. When deadlines are tight and people are under pressure, laughter can defuse even the most tense of situations. But only make fun of yourself – never target others. All these things can boost team spirit, make people feel valued, improve productivity and, above all, make people happy at work.


emotional Writing things down can help when dealing with stressful events in life like death, divorce and separation. If someone has upset you it is better to write 'the letter you never send' rather than retaliate and make the problem worse. by Sue Johnson

I avoided taking antidepressants during a traumatic divorce by writing about everything that had ever upset me during the marriage. The process was cathartic. I felt so much better, colours were brighter and when I'd finished, I felt I could move on with my life. The first version of the story was not fit for publication, but I had a vision of the book I wanted to create – a modern fairytale that could help other women who were in a similar situation. I went back to college to find out more about the writing process and began writing short stories for women's magazines. Ideas for my novel grew inside my head – along with my dream to get it published and help others. This led to a new career teaching creative writing workshops to people with mental health problems. I learned that stories heal; they were the original counselling tools. Fairytales and myths are so much a part of our make up that their structure is firmly ingrained in our sub-conscious minds. I also discovered that a huge number of people were held back by negative messages from the past – that little voice in the head saying: 'You're no good at English,' 'you'll never finish a novel', 'why are you wasting your time – you'll never get published.' These voices were reported as sounding like a former teacher, a difficult boss or a critical parent. When I read in a writing magazine that for every 100 novels started, only one was finished as a result of this in-built censorship, that was when the idea for 'Creative Alchemy: 12 steps from inspiration to finished novel' was born. It is February 2012 |

described as a 'course in a book' and is designed to take the writer through all the stages of developing a story until they've completed that all-important first draft. I encourage writers to create a persona for their muse as well as one for their critic. Both aspects are needed in the creative process, but it is important that the idea is allowed some room to develop before the critic is let loose on it. If the muse and the critic can work in partnership, then the writer stands more chance of finishing the story – and gaining confidence as a result. I am happy to report that my novel found a publisher – and, as I'd hoped, it is helping and inspiring other women to change their lives. The next time you feel stressed about something, don't reach for the tablets, pick up your pen. You never know - it could be a best-seller.

'Creative Alchemy: 12 steps from inspiration to finished novel' is published by HotHive Books and is available from at a special price of £6.99

'Fable's Fortune' by Sue Johnson is published by Indigo Dreams Publishing ( and costs £7.99.

39 | February 2012



Bottoms up?

Are you one of those people who maintain an organised yet excessive relationship with alcohol? What is it that keeps your consumption levels up when inside you've already decided it would be better to drink less? Do you also employ a program of cognitive, or management strategies such as

- by David Allen

February 2012 |


- Bishop W.C. Magee

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.

not drinking midweek or not on certain days or not before a certain time yet still drink too much overall? Some of us are built to last seemingly regardless of lifestyle choices. We all probably know someone who drank to excess, smoked all their lives, never exercised yet made it all the way to 90 or whatever you feel is a complete innings. However, not all of us are that lucky and at some point in our lives we make conscious decisions about healthy living - playing the percentage game, if you like. When alcohol is an issue the problem is that it just won't go away. Our behaviour patterns are driven more by how we feel than by what we think. Alcohol dependency behaviour is underpinned by negative feelings and emotions, so just knowing it is damaging won't change anything. To alter a damaging relationship with drink permanently, one has to address the underlying emotions maintaining the abusive behaviour. Excess alcohol consumption is a symptom of the expression of subconscious negative feelings and isn't really the problem itself, so in that sense alcoholism has nothing to do with alcohol. Critical to the maintenance of these negative, subconscious feelings lie the real culprits which are individual core beliefs, the early recordings made at childhood that frame one's perception of oneself, the world and one's place in it. The good news is that they can be changed. Some can completely change these just with information, “if you drink again you will die�, is often used. It can be as a result of an experience, perhaps the death of a friend or relative from alcohol abuse. It may be a realisation that alcohol is responsible for an illness that is suddenly discovered, or it may be that some have the ability to reach inside and just change. All of these are possible but for most people some help and direction is necessary to completely remove the importance of alcohol from a life and how to do that is what my book is all about. David Allen is the author of 'The Sophisticated Alcoholic'. To reach David visit or

A Shed load of Good For Men

A study in the British Medical Journal suggests that men who have a place to 'escape', such as a shed or garage, could live longer. In a phenomenon that started in Australia and is now becoming popular in the UK, a network of communal 'sheds' are springing up where men can go to get away from it all. Whether they go there to do DIY jobs, pursue hobbies, or just drink tea, men are finding that time spent pottering in sheds is beneficial to their wellbeing. A professor from Leeds Metropolitan University says: 'Men find it therapeutic to potter round doing odd jobs. That's the way they deal with emotional and practical issues.' The new trend for communal sheds is ideal for men who may not have a shed of their own. Men with a garden or backyard might want to start thinking about getting their own shed if they want to keep their emotional health in good shape. | February 2012



Could you Save your

child's life? Tesco Baby & Toddler Club have teamed up with the British Red Cross to launch a range of videos to demonstrate practical emergency first aid techniques for parents. The range of 3 minute videos are published online and include important topics such as Prevention, Burns, Meningitis, Choking and Resuscitation.

Did you know? • Only 22% of parents are fully confident they could offer first aid to their child in the case of an emergency • 3 out of 5 parents are worried they might do something wrong and almost 50% fear they could do more damage when administering first aid • 38% of parents haven't been on a first aid course in the last two years, if at all • Over a third of parents would look online for first aid advice especially on parenting websites and forums

Kirsty and her husband, Lee, were excited at the prospect of their first child. During her pregnancy, Kirsty attended a first aid course which was later to save her baby's life. When Liam was just two months old, he suffered with gripe, and one morning, when Kirsty tried to give him a little gripe water, Liam started to shake, writhe and stopped breathing. He started to turn blue and she realised he was choking. Kirsty initially panicked and just stared before she felt an overwhelming fear take over her body – she felt a massive rush of love and protection for Liam and quickly put her recent training into practice. 'I turned Liam upside down, as I'd been shown at the course, and started to smack his back gently. I was petrified I might hurt him but I knew this was the correct method for clearing his airways.' Luckily Kirsty's quickthinking and recently attained first aid knowledge helped Liam to stop choking and breathe again. “Liam's choking seems like such a long time ago now,' says Kirsty. 'But I will never forget the fear I felt on that day. I urge all parents and carers to take any opportunity to learn first aid – you never know when you may need it.”

To view the Tesco Baby & Toddler Club BabySafe videos visit: February 2012 |

Understanding Family Relationships Family relationships are some of the hardest to keep on an even keel. No two people are alike, even within the same family unit, and different personalities can rub each other up the wrong way when you are living in close proximity. Families from different marriages can be even more complex as there are other influences to consider. As well as the other parent with whom a child no longer lives, there may be two sets of children to integrate into one family, and a stepmother or father to learn to accept. Disagreements occur in all families from time to time and it's good to have a strategy to deal with them before they get out of hand. Holding a 'family meeting' can work well, as long as you set some rules. Give every family member the chance to express their feelings and personal point of view, while everyone else listens before commenting themselves. Take a tip from native tribes who use a 'Talking Stick' which is passed around from one person to another in a gathering. Only the person holding the stick is allowed to speak, giving everyone the opportunity to have their say, especially those who are shy. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding can get blown out of proportion. Teaching your family from an early age to 'own the problem', admit when they are wrong and even to laugh at themselves is a valuable life skill. Encourage family members to do 'something nice' for the others once in a while. This doesn't have to involve buying gifts and, in fact, the gesture will have more meaning if it is purely thoughtful. Good examples include preparing a surprise meal, tidying up, helping with schoolwork or even just giving someone an unexpected hug. Nobody will fully understand the dynamics of any specific family, not even those who live in it, but good relationships are built on respect, affection, trust, concern and caring – especially in difficult times when things are not going smoothly. | February 2012





an active

family break

February 2012 |

Trying to balance busy lives with a healthy way of living can prove difficult, especially for working parents. Finding activities that suit all ages and are enjoyable for every member of the family can also prove a tough task. But help is at hand in the form of family wellness centres. Showing a recent upsurge in popularity, these centres offer the opportunity for families to enjoy a break, try a range of healthy activities, indulge in some well-earned relaxation and enjoy nutritionally balanced meals during their stay. Some centres offer fully planned holidays where different activities are scheduled throughout the stay. Others let their visitors decide for themselves how many (or few) they want to try. Most centres offer a mix of sporting and non-sporting activities, depending on personal preferences. Most offer all-inclusive packages which include all meals, snacks and drinks – all prepared healthily of course.

If your budget is tight, it's not essential to stay at a centre to have an active family holiday. With a little bit of planning and a bit more effort, there is nothing stopping any family from enjoying a healthy self-organised break which can include plenty of active pastimes and good home cooked food. Cheap fun activities can include swimming, cycling, visiting a local park with a selection of ball games or even a day trip to a purposebuilt adventure park. The idea is to continue with regular healthy activities and a healthy diet even when the holiday is over. For additional motivation, try setting goals to aim for. Even if you never make the London Marathon, every bit of activity you and your family do is good for you and you might even get to enjoy it. If you do want to travel abroad, here are some of our favourite family-friendly venues with a range of activities for all ages, good children's clubs and lots of fitness classes. For full details, visit Shanti Maurice, Mauritius is spread across 35 acres of tropical gardens and pristine white sands. Shanti Maurice's world-class Nira spa combines age-old regimes with contemporary international treatments for revitalised senses and spiritual awakening.

Abama, Tenerife is an idyllic retreat where you can enjoy the spa and fitness activities in beautiful oceanic surroundings.


Aphrodite Hills, Cyprus, is a traditional Mediterranean health and fitness resort that combines fine accommodation with a state of the art spa, gym, tennis academy and golf course.

Buccament Bay, St Vincent and The Grenadines is a five star resort surrounded by tropical rainforest. Numerous activities, including football and deep-sea fishing, are perfect for the whole family.

Martinhal Luxury Beach Resort, Portugal is located on a sandy beach within a protected national park. The resort is home to five swimming pools, a tennis and sports club, a gym and a wide variety of water sports. Outdoor activities include walking tours, trekking, rock climbing, golf, windsurfing, body-boarding, kayaking, diving, biking, climbing, para-sailing, sport fishing, boating, horse riding, football and ecokarting.

Casa De Campo – Dominican Republic offers classic elegance for those who love spa, tennis, golf, horse riding, water sports and beautiful food. The 7,000 acre is home to Pete Dyes´ legendary Teeth of the Dog golf course, and is the perfect holiday spot for families, golfers, couples or friends travelling together. | February 2012



Put an end to

itching and scratching

It's an unfortunate fact of life that dogs attract fleas and it is no good waiting until there are visible signs to take action. Having a regular timetable for both flea and worm control is essential, but for dogs that spend a lot of time in the countryside and live in centrally heated houses, this is not always enough to prevent infestations. Prevention is better than cure and there are a number of things you can do to help stop your dog – and your family - being plagued by flea bites.

Food One of the problems with cheap commercial dog food is the additives and chemicals it contains. These can be secreted as toxins through your dog's hair follicles and increase the chance of developing flea allergies and topical dermatitis. Feeding a well balanced diet of natural ingredients will not only improve your dog's wellness, he will be less affected by fleas. In addition to good food, there is no harm in adding flea repelling ingredients that are healthy in their own right. The most commonly used contain salmon, flaxseed oil or garlic, all three are available as ready-made supplements or you can prepare them yourself.

Hygiene Sometimes the simplest things get overlooked, like a regular grooming schedule. Frequent grooming with a flea comb will remove the dead and matted hair in which fleas love to hide; pay particular attention to areas under the legs and around the tail and head. Wiping over once a week with a diluted Povidone Iodine solution will calm any irritation as well as keeping the coat shiny.

Environment As well as the dog's hygiene, it is equally important to keep your house and garden under control. Thorough vacuuming of both floors and upholstery is one of the best preventatives, as is regular washing of soft fabrics. Outside, avoid leaving piles of garden debris lying around, keep hard areas well swept and treat other areas with nematode powder. If, despite all the precautions, your dog requires a visit to the vet, research the flea products available on prescription, their active ingredients and potential side effects before you go. You may find that some treatments are more suitable for your dog than others.

February 2012 |

Wasting paper. It kill more than just tree’s.


exercise for

Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington recently won her 4th Ironman World Title in Kona, Hawaii. The Ironman consists of a gruelling 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride followed by a marathon (26.2 mile) run. She offers some inspiring insights into how you can achieve athletic greatness, too.

How much effort does it take to stay at the peak of fitness? Triathlon is a 24/7 job. I devote my life to it. Exercise, resting, sleeping and eating are all part of the training. It's not just about when you are in the pool, on the bike or running. If you forget to focus on rest and recovery then you will never fulfil your true potential. And of course, getting the body in shape is only half the battle - all the physical strength in the world won't help you if your mind is not prepared. You need determination, drive, perseverance, focus, a passion for the sport... and masochistic tendencies!

What advice would you give anyone thinking of doing a triathlon? I would firstly congratulate them on taking up the challenge and beginning a wonderful, exciting and rewarding journey! We all have our own personal

February 2012 |


Meet Britain's new

Iron Lady barriers, be they mental or physical. We are all nervous about trying new things and giving ourselves bigger mountains to climb. We all worry about the 'what if's'. But you can do anything you want to – the only limits are those that exist in your mind. Four years ago I was asked whether I would ever do an Ironman. My response? 'No way, you must be completely mad to do something like that!' Imagine if I hadn't changed 'I can't' to 'I can', if hadn't dared to push myself harder, and had people to support, encourage, mentor and most of all make me believe in ME? So, my advice is simple – go for it!

Join a club and find friends to train with - it makes it a lot more fun. Women could also join GOTRIbal ( which links women around the world who love sport and triathlon, empowering them to do anything that may not have thought possible. Set short and long term goals talking to a coach or trusted athletes for advice if necessary. These goals can be for each training session, and then longer term goals are races that you want to do. Each day is a stepping stone. | February 2012


exercise for - Oprah Winfrey

Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.

Reward yourself when you achieve a goal – have a bar of chocolate or a nice glass of wine! Make sure you celebrate your victories and learn from your mistakes and 'bad days'. Above all it is supposed to be fun – so smile and enjoy it.

work meetings... This is the simple act of closing your eyes, relaxing your mind, and then going through each stage of the race one step at a time - mentally imagining yourself performing at your peak, but also successfully overcoming potential problems.

Really listen to your body.

Break the race up into smaller, more manageable segments. I always think of the

The more you rely on gadgets such as heart rate monitors the more difficult it is to develop a deep intuition about your body and its reactions. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that more is necessarily better (eg more miles and hours does not necessarily mean faster and stronger).

Never ever give up. You might not succeed at first but never stop trying – you CAN achieve your dreams. Just be patient and have faith in yourself.

Have a mantra or special song to repeat over and over again. I even write that mantra on my water bottle and on my race wrist band. Seeing it gives me a boost, and reminds me never to let my head or heart drop. I always carry with me a dog-eared copy of Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, 'If'. I believe the lines of this poem encapsulate the qualities necessary to become a successful athlete and a well rounded person.

Keep a bank of positive mental images. This can be of family and friends, of previous races, of beautiful scenery, of big plates of greasy chips. Anything that will make you smile, and lift your spirits – and hence your energy levels.

marathon as 4x10km with a little bit more. You might even think only about getting to the next aid station, or lamp post or porta potty and from there set another landmark goal. Stay in the moment and don't think too far ahead. I also try to breathe deeply and rhythmically.

Training is about learning to hurt. Pushing your physical limits and overcoming them, so that when you race you know you have successfully endured pain and discomfort, and can draw confidence from this.

Get people to support you. Some people thrive on the support from their family and friends, whilst others perceive it as added pressure. Work out what feels right for you, and if necessary invite friends, family, pets to come and cheer you on, make banners, wear team t-shirts and generally behave in a totally embarrassing manner.

Consider racing for a cause that is bigger than yourself. For me, it is to establish a platform to spread important messages and be a patron for charitable causes these force me to put the race in perspective and rise to greater heights.

Practice visualisation beforehand. In training, when travelling, whilst in bed, during

For more information, visit Twitter @chrissiesmiles February 2012 |


exercise for

Music is

simply the best Do you listen to music while working out? Research suggests this could increase your endurance and lead to longer and more productive exercise sessions. A study published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology in the United States, asked those running on treadmills to listen to a specific selection of 'motivational' pop or rock tracks - such as Madonna, Queen, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and to exercise in time to the beat. Listening to these tracks enhanced endurance by up to 15 per cent and participants also found it more pleasurable than exercising without music. According to researcher Dr Costas Karageorghis, from Brunel University, 'Music lowers your perception of effort. It can trick your mind into feeling less tired during a workout, and also encourage positive thoughts.' It's important to choose music with the right rhythm and, of course, it should be music you actually like - if you're gritting your teeth and hating every moment you're unlikely to feel the same benefits. Some music also has a positive, motivational impact due to the lyrics or their cultural associations. Don't believe it? Stick on Tina Turner's 'Simply the Best' next time you exercise, and let it do its work. Tracks like Survivor's 'Eye of the Tiger' (from Rocky), Joe Esposito's 'You're the Best' (from The Karate Kid), or Vangelis' Chariots of Fire conjure up inspirational and even heroic images of sporting success that can help drive you psychologically and physically to greater things. February 2012 |



‘virtually’ a workout

- Napoleon Bonaparte

Ability has nothing to do with opportunity.

Technological developments have brought a surprising array of exercise options into your living room. Games systems such as the Nintendo Wii and Sony PlayStation 3 offer everything from general workouts, tennis and golf to Pilates, Zumba, yoga and even martial arts training. It seems everybody's doing it - but is 'virtual' exercise as good for you as 'real' exercise? In many ways a computer game is an improvement on the good old exercise video as they offer a

greater level of interactivity. 'Wii Fit', for example, comes with a unique Balance Board that not only measures your weight, but also detects your centre of balance while you exercise. This title, and a number of others, also record and track your fitness to show your improvement over time. Exercising at home, rather than at a gym or in a class also offers advantages. Many people are acutely conscious of their body image, especially when they need to lose a few kilos. Going to the gym can then prove daunting, but exercising at home allows you to feel at ease with yourself and your surroundings. On the other hand, home exercise can reduce your motivation to get started and keep going as it can be a lonely experience. This is where interactive fitness games come into their own. In a sense, you're bringing your own virtual fitness coach and competitors into your living room, which recent US studies have shown helps to increase effort and motivation compared with exercising alone. | February 2012


environmental Coming home at the end of a long day is one of life's biggest pleasures. But what if the environment inside your house is making you unwell? If you often feel under the weather or regularly suffer from colds, sore throats, headaches or sleeping problems then the cause might not be germs from outside. It could be the dust mites inside your house that are to blame. Dust mites are hard to spot because they are so tiny, usually smaller than 0.3mm and yet they live in almost every home. Factors such as central heating and humidity can dramatically increase their numbers. Dust mites feed on the tiny particles of skin that we shed all the time. For many people, dust mites cause no problems but for others they can cause symptoms similar to those of a cold or allergy. Dust mites are also a recognised trigger for asthma. Dust mites are a particular problem in bedrooms where they thrive in duvets, mattresses and pillows. If you find your symptoms get worse when you are in bed, dust mites could be the culprit. To reduce the number of dust mites in your home, air rooms regularly to combat humidity and dampness. It's also a good idea to pull back your duvet during the day to let your bed air. When washing bedding, use high temperatures to kill the mites. You may also want to invest in special dust-proof bedding covers for new bedding. Try to discourage children from taking a soft toy into bed with them as these

February 2012|

Is your


making you


will harbour dust mites too. If they want a comforter, a small blanket that can be easily washed is a better idea. Replacing carpets with hardwood or laminate flooring can be beneficial too. You may also want to consider choosing a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter which will help trap the very fine particles that can cause allergy and asthma symptoms. It's not possible to rid your house of dust mites completely but if you can reduce their numbers, you may see your symptoms improve.

dust mites


Put a stop to

food waste According to the 'Love Food Hate Waste' campaign, UK households alone throw away a staggering 7.2 million tonnes of food every year. And if this food weren't wasted, the CO2 reduction would be the equivalent of taking one in five cars off the road. With a little planning, you can avoid food waste. Not only will you be helping the environment but you could also save on your shopping bills. Here are some ideas:

Plan Your Meals: Decide what to cook before doing the weekly shop. This way you can choose ingredients that can be used in several recipes.

Get Creative: It's easy to look in the fridge after a long day at work and get stuck for inspiration. But take a little time to think about how to combine random ingredients. For example, left over potatoes, an onion and a box of eggs can make a delicious Spanish omelette.

Take Left-overs to Work: Don't throw left-overs away. Have them for lunch next day. Just make sure you store the food correctly to avoid food poisoning.

Nothing's Too Small: You might think a tiny piece of leftover cheese, a few peas or one solitary tomato isn't worth keeping. But little odds and ends like these are perfect for adding to homemade curries, stews or pizzas. For more inspiration, visit:

Do you collect

rainwater? If your home has a sloping roof, fit a water butt or tank and harvest the runoff rain to water your garden, hanging baskets, window boxes and even to wash your car. Good for the environment and your pocket. | February 2012



How to Grab Your Man's Health By The Balls

This eye-catching title features the latest campaign to raise awareness of testicular cancer - the most common cancer among men aged 15-45. Worldwide, the number of men developing this disease has quadrupled over the last 50 years, and some evidence suggest this is due to industrial chemicals that affect hormone balance. These endocrine-disrupting chemicals have also been linked with undescended testicles – a developmental condition which, in turn, also increases the risk of future testicular cancer. That's the bad news. The good news is that, if caught early enough, testicular cancer has a cure rate of more than 95% and usually means a man's fertility can be preserved. Unfortunately, in more than a third of cases, the disease has spread before diagnosis which is why it is so important for men of all ages and their partners - to know what's normal in the ball department and what's not. Dr Tom Powles, a senior lecturer in medical oncology at the Barts

February 2012 |

Cancer Institute explains, 'There shouldn't be any lumps in the testis itself. The problem is that testicular cancer tends to be painless and grows slowly, so men don't tend to worry about it too much – they think it'll go away.' In fact, he's seen men with a cancer large enough to enlarge a testicle to the size of an orange - yet they still thought it would get better with time. Dr Powles stresses how important it is for women to support their partners in seeking advice from their GP as soon as they spot anything untoward. Paul was diagnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 33 after checking himself while in the shower. When he thought he'd found a lump he asked his wife Sarah what she thought and, after some examination (it wasn't obvious), she felt it too. 'It was a complete surprise to both of us,' she says. 'Heart disease runs in our

family but we didn't think about cancer as something which might happen to us. Campaigns tend to focus on women's health, so I just assumed men checked themselves and that was it. There certainly needs to be more awareness of male cancer – particularly as if you act quickly it can be dealt with successfully. We feel lots of optimism for the future and live for the moment a lot more. Instead of


- Joan Welsh saving more money or buying a nicer sofa, we save the minimum and spend the rest having a good time. ' Research on behalf of Orchid, the male cancer charity, shows that embarrassment would stop more than one in three men from seeing their GP for a testicle check-up, and one in two would feel more comfortable if their partner checked their testicles instead of their GP. Despite this statistic, three in five men admitted their partner never carries out this vital check. So take your man's health by the balls – and have some fun while doing so!

What are the symptoms? Symptoms of testicular cancer can include: • A lump or swelling in a testicle • A dull ache or sharp pain in the testicles • A dull ache in the lower abdomen • A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum Although less then one in 25 testicular lumps are due to cancer, it's important to see your doctor straight away to get checked

Which men are most at risk?

A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time-pills or stairs.

ou check?

How do y

Get into the habit of checking your testicles, or your partners, regularly. This is best done during, or after, a bath or shower when the scrotum is warm and relaxed. • Ignore the fact that one ball hangs lower than the other – that's normal. • Cradle the scrotum in the palm of both hands, and gentle feel each testicle, passing it between your fingertips. Don't press too hard, and be careful not to twist it. • Each ball should feel soft and smooth – like a hard boiled egg without its shell. • What you are looking for is any lump, swelling, irregularity, thickening, hardness or change which is on one ball but not the other. • Become familiar with the feel of the epididymis – a sperm collecting tube that runs behind the testicle – this is sometimes mistaken for a lump. • If you notice anything new or unusual, tell your doctor straight away. • You should also report any blood in your urine or sperm.

Many men with testicular cancer have no obvious risk factors, but it seems to be more common in those who: • Were born with an undescended testicle – this risk rises dramatically if this is not corrected before puberty • Have a close family history of the disease (brother, father) • Have a previous personal history of testicular cancer • Smoke cigarettes – including marijuana

Fig. 1 The entire surface of both testes is felt carefully

Fig. 2 Be aware of the epididymis, the long, narrow tube, behind each testicle that matures and stores sperm

• Take very little exercise • Have experienced mumps orchitis (inflammation of a testicle due to the mumps virus)

Orchid is the UK’s only registered charity focused exclusively on male-specific cancers: testicular, penile and prostate. If you would like more information about Orchid and how you can help fight male cancer visit | February 2012



- Djuna Barnes

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

What is

McTimoney Chiropractic Treatment? Chiropractic treatment is a method of adjusting the bones of your body to help maintain the correct alignment of the skeleton. This helps to relieve pain and discomfort as well as increasing your mobility. The approach known as McTimoney chiropractic is a whole body technique that uses precise, fast and light adjustments. John McTimoney developed this method of low force adjustments over 50 years ago and the fast, yet tiny movements rarely produce the 'cracking' sound often associated with other forms of chiropractic treatment. The key to the success of these adjustments is the speed, dexterity, and accuracy with which they are performed. These subtle adjustments are gentle and comfortable to receive, making the technique suitable for people of all ages, including the very young, old and pregnant women. A unique feature of the McTimoney approach is that the whole body is assessed and adjusted, not just the area where pain is felt. This often means that people notice additional and unexpected benefits following treatments. February 2012 |



different, but usually between 2-6 sessions are sufficient. Appointments are often closer together at the start of your treatment plan and gradually become less frequent. The plan is to prevent reoccurrence, and you may find your body benefits from having preventative chiropractic care periodically.

Problems it can help include: • back, neck and shoulder pain • pain, discomfort or stiffness in joints • muscular aches and pains • tension headaches • arthritic and injury associated conditions. These problems often arise from movements that are too forceful (such as lifting), too fast (such as a fall) or when the muscles involved gradually become imbalanced from poor posture or repetitive, asymmetrical movements (for example with office work and sport injuries) which in turn lead to discomfort. When attending your first appointment, the chiropractor takes a history of your health and carries out an initial assessment which will involve a physical examination, to ensure that chiropractic treatment is suitable for you, and if appropriate treatment is then given. In order for the chiropractor to feel your joints and bones, you will need to wear light clothing or underwear the chiropractor will always provide a gown for you. After treatment, follow up advice and exercises will be February 2012 |

To find out more, contact The McTimoney Chiropractic Association. Visit or call 01491 829211.

discussed with you to help minimize the recurrence of the problem. People feel differently after a treatment - some feel tired or stiff the following day so it is important to take care of your body for a couple of days after the treatment. The amount of sessions you need depends on the nature of your problem, how long you have had it, your occupation, general health and lifestyle and how you respond to treatment. Recent problems can sometimes be quicker to respond than a longstanding issue. Everyone is

YOU’RE NOT SHAPED LIKE THIS WHY IS YOUR RAZOR? Parissa Warm Wax conforms perfectly to all your curvy bits, bumpy bits, hollow bits, and of course, naughty bits. So toss that razor and nix those nicks with Parissa Warm Wax. Visit us at

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One of the best kept Secrets… Over half of all people – women and men – have faked an orgasm at some point. Most people who fake it do so to please their partner or because they are tired and see orgasm as the signal to stop sex. Others use this as a device when experiencing discomfort. Faking does your relationship no favours as it sets up a pattern of having to fake it, being dishonest to your partner and missing out on the pleasure you could enjoy if you communicated better. Using a hypoallergenic lubricant that does not contain parabens or skin irritants, may help by improving sensations, arousal and comfort. Try Yes - a high performance lubrication which is certified organic and available in waterbased or oil-based formulations from

DID YOU KNOW? Oil-based lubes are not recommended for use with latex condoms as a chemical reaction quickly weakens the rubber.

Thank You

for Being


Relationship counsellors say that one of the simplest ways to improve the relationship with your significant other is simply to say 'Thank you'. With the busy lives we lead today, showing your partner that you value them is often left to special occasions, such as anniversaries and birthdays. But one of the easiest things in the world to keep a relationship healthy is to say 'thanks' more often – and mean it. Happy relationships require communication and trust and the simple act of thanking someone lets them know that you value, respect and appreciate them. In the mundanity of the daily routine, it's something that's too easy to forget. Next time your partner does something for you, make sure you show your gratitude. Your relationship will thank you for it.

February 2012 |


Do you suffer from

Approval Addiction? Relationships are formed of individuals who together make a team. Usually, a sense of balance is achieved within the relationship through the element of give and take. Sometimes things go wrong with that balance and one partner is made to feel unloved, unworthy or unappreciated. If this continues over a period of time, the 'under dog' develops tactics to cope, which usually involve overcompensating to gain approval. In extreme cases this may develop into what psychologists have labelled 'Approval Addiction'. This can become so severe that an individual stops being themselves and their whole life revolves around gaining the approval of their partner. Look at all the relationships in your life – with your spouse or partner, boss and friends - and ask yourself the following questions: • Are you obsessed with what they think about you? • Are you afraid to upset them? • Do you find yourself saying 'Yes' when you want to say 'No'? • Does your happiness depend on their approval? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's time to bring balance back into the relationship. Ask yourself what you really want to do (rather than what others want you to do). Develop a life plan that focuses on your priorities and the activities you enjoy, and start putting yourself first for a change.

- Mary Kay Ash

A good goal is like a strenuous exercise – it makes you stretch. | February 2012



by Crystal Balls

What do the planets say about your

love life? AQUARIUS: The Detached One BIRTH DATEs : Jan 21st - Feb 19th RULING PLANET : Saturn and Uranus ELEMENTAL SIGN : AIR February 2012 |

You are playful, talkative and intellectual, but emotionally detached. You prefer stimulating conversation rather than stimulating erogenous zones. There is something zany about you, and your nervous energy radiates an electrifying attractiveness. YOUR SEX DRIVE: Although you have a strong physical sex drive, you often ignore your feelings of lust and don't act on them. You like the idea of sex, but are easily distracted by more intellectual and humanitarian considerations. Sex is therefore more likely to occur in your imagination than in real life. Mostly, you are too busy with the thoughts in your head, and your job, to pursue a relationship. You need plenty of space, and when someone pursues you, you either dash to escape or enter blissful domesticity with someone who allows you the freedom you need.

67 YOUR SEXUAL STYLE: You can seem distracted, as if you are observing rather than taking part. You are more interested in what makes your partner tick than in getting them into bed. You are not always sure of the difference between love and lust, and easily confuse the two. As a result, you tend to jump into bed quickly and have many brief affairs that fizzle out as your infatuation wanes. When you do eventually find your true soul mate, it is a great relief as you prefer to be in a stable relationship. You are not overly affectionate and your detachment may leave partners wondering how much you really care for them - even when sex is passionate and intense. HOW TO SEDUCE YOU: You do not respond to subtle approaches and sometimes even a blatant, sledgehammer approach goes over your head. The best way to get you into bed is to let you talk yourself into it. A good listener and keen intellect will really get you going. Mental rapport is more important to you than physical attraction. BEST EROGENOUS ZONE: The Ankles and Lower Legs. Gentle stroking and light massage here can really get you going - but you are turned off by heavy fumblings. WHAT YOU ARE LIKE IN BED: You are unpredictable and like to be different - partners should expect the unexpected with you; no two times in bed are likely to be the same. You are quickly bored by too much passivity and respond best to other forceful characters whose inventive approach to sex gets you trying new things. Too many carnal or emotional demands can make you retreat, however - you like to keep things light and uncomplicated. You love to talk dirty and vocal foreplay is your speciality. You do not like too much heavy touching or being held tightly, but light massage really turns you on. You love your partner to gently entwine their legs around you. FANTASIES: Many of your sexual encounters take place in your head and you rarely repeat the same fantasy twice. You are attracted to kinky sex and may fantasise about being abducted by aliens and subjected to their sexual experiments. FAITHFULNESS: There is an unpredictability to your nature. You are frightened by love and it is a big thing for you to truly commit. You tend to have a series of affairs as part of brief but intense infatuations. Once you find your true love, you do tend to be faithful, but there is an unpredictability about you that keeps your partner on their toes. You need space as well as intimacy in your relationships - part of you wants to be close and part wants to be free. As a result, you can erect a mental fence that keeps people out - this may mean your partner suspects infidelity even though you aren't straying.

MALE: Your perfect partner is another Aquarius. Partner's Sign

Compatibility with you (a Aquarius Male)

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

FEMALE: Your perfect partners are: Aries, Libra and Aquarius Partner's Sign

Compatibility with you (a Aquarius Female)

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces | February 2012



- Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The heyday of a woman's life is the shady side of fifty.

Can you to Be


February 2012 |


The menopause is a natural stage in your life that some women find easier to cope with than others. Diet plays a major role, and nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville offers a number of tips and recipes to help you through this transition easily and comfortably.

Eat eat ause Hot flushes and night sweats are among the most common and uncomfortable symptoms and their frequency and severity can vary from woman to woman. Certain foods and situations can trigger some hot flushes and these can include spicy foods, caffeinated drinks, alcohol and stressful situations. Phytoestrogens can help alleviate menopausal symptoms so make sure you include plenty in your diet. Phytoestrogens are found in almost all fruit, vegetables and wholegrains but they are most beneficial when they are found in legumes, such as soya, lentils, peas and chickpeas. The risk of osteoporosis increases with age especially after the menopause when oestrogen levels decline. Other risk factors are a family history of the disease, having a small frame and digestive problems. Some of these risks, like your family history, can't be

changed but there are plenty of things you can do to help prevent it. The most important nutrients for your bones are without doubt calcium, magnesium and vitamin D so be sure that you eat foods rich in these nutrients. Trace minerals such as boron and manganese also play a role in calcium metabolism. Calcium is the key component of bone, and essential for bone health throughout our lives. Calcium is found in dairy products but don't forget that you can also get plenty of calcium from dark green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, fish with bones, tofu, nuts and seeds. Vitamin D is necessary for healthy bones and teeth because it helps maintain good levels of calcium, which it does by increasing calcium absorption from food, as well as controlling how much calcium you lose in your urine. Much of your vitamin D is synthesised in your skin on exposure to sunlight but this manufacture will be blocked by sunscreen. Magnesium is also essential for calcium to be absorbed properly in our bodies and bone density to be maintained. About 60% of the magnesium in your body can be found in your bones. Finally, as well as eating a healthy, bone building diet a regular exercise programme is crucial for warding off osteoporosis. This is because the more physically active we are, the more bone we will build. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes exercise five times a week.

Meno Support

Dr Marilyn Glenville has developed a multivitamin and mineral supplement as a natural alternative to HRT. As well as vitamins and minerals, it contains digestive enzymes for maximum absorption. Meno Support costs ÂŁ21.77 for 60 capsules from

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK's leading nutritionist specialising in women's health. For a consultation, contact Dr Glenville's clinic on 0870 5329244 or by email: For details of her latest book, Natural Solutions to Menopause, visit | February 2012


nutrition Breakfast muffins (Makes 12) Muffins for breakfast may seem naughty, but this recipe is full of goodness. The proanthocyanidins in the blueberries and cranberries play a major part in the prevention of heart disease and strokes. As they help to preserve the integrity of the capillaries they play a role in preventing varicose veins. These excellent antioxidants also contribute towards osteoporosis prevention because of their effect on collagen: by cross-linking collagen fibres, they strengthen the collagen matrix and stop its destruction. Nuts and dried fruits are particularly rich in nutrients and the B vitamins in the pecan nuts are often classed as 'calming foods'. Apricots contain high levels of potassium, beneficial for reducing high blood pressure and water retention, and their betacarotene levels are increased in their drying.

Ingredients Olive oil for greasing 200g plain flour, preferably wholemeal 3 tablespoons soya flour Pinch of freshly ground sea salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 free-range eggs 55g butter, melted 175ml soya milk 125ml maple syrup 125ml fresh blueberries 125ml dried cranberries, chopped 125ml seedless raisins 125ml dried apricots, chopped 50g pecans, chopped 1 teaspoon grated orange zest 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

February 2012 |

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas mark 6 and, using olive oil, grease some muffin tins with 6cm diameter indentations. 2. Sift the flours, salt and baking powder into a bowl. In another bowl, lightly beat the eggs, then stir in the melted butter, soya milk and maple syrup. Pour this into the bowl of flour, then add the remaining ingredients, and combine quickly without overworking (it’s fine if there are a few lumps left in the mixture – you want it sticky rather than fluid). Spoon the mixture into the muffin tins. 3. Bake for 20–25 minutes until well risen and browned. Leave to cool in the tins for a few minutes before turning out, then allow to cool completely before serving or storing in an airtight tin.



No Cook Borscht (Serves 6 – 8) This traditional Eastern European soup makes great use of the highly nutritious vegetable, beetroot. Cooked beetroot has good levels of vitamin C and potassium, which help to control water retention.

Ingredients 350g large cooked beetroot, peeled and cut into chunks 225g red or savoy cabbage, roughly chopped 4 spring onions, quartered 1 garlic clove 2 celery heart stalks, roughly chopped 1 litre boiling water, miso broth or vegetable stock 150ml sour cream, plus a little more to serve 1 tablespoon cider vinegar Freshly ground sea salt and black pepper Freshly grated nutmeg Grated cucumber (peel included), to serve Grated horseradish, to serve (optional)

Nutrichef Flapjacks


Nutrichef Flapjack bars are an ideal healthy breakfast. Containing no trans fats, salt, wheat, dairy and artificial colours or flavours, they are available in three flavours: Apple & Ginger, Cherry & Almond and Full of Fruit. £17.49 for 12 bars from

1. Put the beetroot, cabbage, spring onions, garlic and celery in a food processor or blender and blitz to a purée. Pour and spoon out into a large bowl or pan and mix in the water, broth or stock, sour cream and cider vinegar. Taste and adjust the seasoning with salt, pepper and nutmeg. 2. Chill thoroughly before serving. Swirl some more sour cream over the soup in each bowl and scatter with some grated cucumber. Grated horseradish is a nice finishing touch for those who like it hot.

February 2012 |


Crab and Avocado Salad (Serves 6) Crab contains zinc and magnesium as well as selenium, which is antiageing and cancer-protective. Avocados have been shown to help produce collagen, which is important for maintaining healthy skin and bones. They also have high amounts of the mineral potassium, which helps prevent water retention.

Ingredients 1 large avocado, preferably Hass Juice of 1 lemon 200g dressed fresh crab meat (brown and white) 1⁄2 teaspoon anchovy paste 1⁄2 teaspoon mustard powder 2 tablespoons golden linseeds

mustard powder and linseeds, with seasoning to taste.

3. Into the white flesh, gently mix the egg and Method 1. Peel, halve, stone and dice the avocado. Toss the pieces in the juice of half the lemon. 2. Pick over the crab meat to remove any residual pieces of shell. Put the brown meat in one bowl and flake the white into another. Into the brown meat, mix the remaining lemon juice, the anchovy paste,

the mayonnaise with any remaining lemon juice drained from the avocado and some seasoning. Arrange the salad leaves on serving plates.

4. There are two ways of serving this: either combine the contents of both bowls together with the avocado dice and spoon mounds of this on top of the salad; or arrange in layers, with the avocado on top of the leaves, followed by the brown meat and then the white. Layering inside a round pastry cutter helps give a neat and attractive shape.

Cranberry juice goes sugar-free Ocean Spray 100% Juice Cranberry Blend is now sweetened naturally with the flavour of other fruits. With no added sugar, artificial sweeteners or additives, it is ideal for preventing cystitis. According to Professor Stuart Stanton, urogynaecologist at St Georges Hospital, Tooting, ‘Men and women should drink 500ml of cranberry juice every day as it contains proanthocyanidins which stop harmful bacteria sticking to the bladder and causing infections. It may also prevent atherosclerosis in the arteries, lowering the risk of heart attacks and it is high in antioxidants, helping to protect against cancer. Drink a high concentration cranberry juice (minimum 25% cranberry such as Ocean Spray 100% Juice Cranberry Blend) in two 250ml hits. It’s effects last for around 10 hours so by taking two doses you prolong the protection.”£1.75 for a 1litre carton in ASDA. | February 2012


nutrition LadyMel Soothe the menopause naturally with new LadyMel Day and LadyMel Night. These functional honeys are produced by bees with a diet of powerful plants including red clover, agnus castus, purple passion flower and peppermint. Just one spoonful of LadyMel Day and LadyMel Night each morning and evening helps to menopausal symptoms of hot flushes, restlessness and unease. £50 for a pack of one 120g jar of LadyMel Day and one 120g jar of LadyMel Night from health food stores. The jars are also available separately.

Clafoutis (Serves 6) A French dish, clafoutis is traditionally made with cherries but you could use any seasonal fruit including pears, apples and apricots. This version is marvellously simple to make, and quite delicious as well as healthy. The soya milk gives a good supply of plant hormones and the cherries contain useful antioxidants.



25g butter

1. Preheat the oven to

100g flour

180°C/350°F/gas mark 4 and put a shallow baking dish containing the butter in the oven. In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, milk, eggs, honey and kirsch to a smooth batter. When the oven is at the right temperature, take out the hot tin and tilt it at all angles to coat it well with the melted butter. Pour in the batter, then sprinkle the cherries into the batter and return to the oven for about 35–40 minutes, until well puffed-up and coloured. Serve warm, and don’t worry that it sinks as it cools – this is normal.

2 teaspoon freshly ground sea salt 300ml soya milk 4 free-range eggs 3 tablespoons honey 100ml kirsch 450g ripe tart black cherries

Variation: you can also make this dessert using stoned black cherries from a tin – make sure you drain them first.

All recipes are from Healthy Eating for the Menopause by Marilyn Glenville (Kyle Cathie)

February 2012 |

debate For Against

Should you eat

red meat? Are you For or Against? For: Carrie Ruxton

Against: Josie Brookes

Although maligned in the past, red meat is coming back into fashion. This is due to recognition of the nutrient profile of meat, as well as progressive changes in farming and butchery practices which have lowered the fat content by around 80%. Pork, beef, lamb and veal now contribute less than 10% of average fat intakes in the UK, but 20-30% of key vitamins and minerals, making them nutrient-dense foods. Significant quantities of iron, zinc, selenium, Bvitamins, potassium and vitamin D are found in red meat. The iron and zinc are in a bioavailable form, meaning that the body can use them more effectively. As average iron intakes are lower than recommendations, especially amongst toddlers, teenagers and women, meat represents an important source of bioavailable iron. Meat is also one of the few natural sources of vitamin D. The Department of Health advises that up to 90g of cooked red meat can be consumed daily, as part of a balanced diet. Average intakes are below this limit, at 76g per day, suggesting that most people don’t need to eat less red meat. Given the nutritional benefits, there are plenty of reasons to continue including red meat in our diets.

After 23 years experience in skin care I believe that what you eat and drink shows in your skin. Just as drinking sufficient water makes a difference, I've found that skin concerns and complaints can be exacerbated by food choices. Red meat releases uric acid which is excreted through the skin, causing dryness/redness. And it's not just your skin - the World Cancer Research Fund indicates that not eating red and processed meat can reduce bowel cancer in the UK (the second most common cause of cancer death) by as much as 15%. The body has more difficultly and takes longer digesting certain foods statistics show that this is true of red meat, particularly if processed in any way. Why ask your body or your skin to work harder than it needs to? At Skin Kind we help people with skin concerns and we often suggest an elimination diet – sensibly cutting down or eliminating certain foods to see how your body reacts. It is surprising how the body prefers less red meat. When your body is working effectively you look and feel great! We have such a great variety of foods available, find your favourite healthy alternatives and you won't miss red meat!

Dr Carrie Ruxton is a dietitian and member of the Meat Advisory Panel

Josie Brookes is a director at Skin Kind

Experts tips if you want to eat less red meat: • Meat is a source of a number of important nutrients including protein, iron and vitamin B12. • Non-meat sources of vitamin B12 include fortified foods and supplements. • Non-meat sources of iron include shellfish, egg yolk, wholemeal bread, green vegetables and fortified breakfast cereals.

What do you think? Are you For or Against? Visit to register your vote!

February 2012 |




Christopher Pick, Naturopath

Torben Hersborg, Osteopath

Nurse Shirley Scott, RGN

Francine White, Nutritionist

Dr Tim Robinson, GP

February 2012 |

m n l l e w ts to your exper 5 d an e ask chapm i k c i help N ve her sol em: probl

TV presenter Nicki Chapman presents a number of lifestyle and current affairs programmes including Wanted Down Under and Escape to the Country. She finds she must take extra care of her joints to ensure she keeps up with her hectic schedules. Nicki says, ‘I’ve always had issues with my joints particularly my ankles. I wanted to be a theatrical make-up artist but decided against it as it would mean standing up, and long spells on my feet had already led me to develop ankle spurs. Before I moved into the television and music industry I had an operation on my ankle which proved successful and I felt relief for a number of years. However my ankle issues came back with a vengeance following completion of a charity run a few years ago. A second operation has rectified the problem but I would appreciate any advice and tips to help me maintain my joint health as it’s always at the forefront of my mind.’

Christopher Pick, says : Nicki, it appears you may have osteoarthritis - a joint disease that mostly affects cartilage. Cartilage is the slippery tissue that covers the ends of bones in a joint. Healthy cartilage allows bones to glide over each other and helps to absorb the shock of movement. In osteoarthritis, the top layer of cartilage breaks down and wears away. This allows bones under the cartilage to rub together, causing pain, swelling, and loss of joint movement. Over time, the joint may lose its normal shape, and bone spurs may grow on the edges of the joint. Bits of bone or cartilage can break off and float inside the joint space, which causes more pain and damage. These spurs can be removed via a simple operation but for osteoarthritis to be treated effectively, the cartilage and synovial fluid in the joint must be protected from further destruction. At the same time, it's desirable to stimulate the formation of new joint cartilage and synovial fluid. Numerous published studies document glucosamine's ability to protect cartilage. In nine European studies, glucosamine produced major reductions in joint pain, joint tenderness and joint swelling.


Torben Hersborg, says : Nicki should try the following general mobility exercises of the foot and ankle to improve flexibility. Hold the foot with both hands and grab and wiggle the joints in the middle of the foot – doing a clockwise movement with one hand and an anticlockwise with the other, do this daily. Another good exercise for Nicki is to stand barefoot and rise onto the toes as high as possible (like a ballet dancer). This will really stretch all the joints in the foot. A third exercise is to put one foot on a chair and move the knee forward as far as possible. Keeping the heel on the chair, Nicki should feel a good stretch on the calf muscle. These exercises must feel comfortable – please do not overstretch. As Nicki has had to have the same operation twice I would suggest she has her posture checked. Stiffness in the foot, knee or hip joint may indicate a misalignment in the posture or a muscular imbalance. An osteopath will be able to assess and rectify any misalignments. Good, supportive footwear is important. Taking a daily supplement containing glucosamine and omega-3 fish oil (such as SevenSeas JointCare) will help keep her joints supple and flexible. Shirley Scott, says : Arthritis usually affects more women than men and the pain and stiffness are often worse after long periods of inactivity, such as first thing in the morning. Clearly there is a link here with Nicki's previous surgery and injury. There's no real cure but symptoms can be managed with a little trial and error. Diets rich in animal and dairy products and wheat can contribute to the problem for some people, so experiment with your diet to see if there are any triggers here. Pain relief such as paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories may help in the short term but do have side effects. Far better to crack on with other measures such as exercise - immobility can lead to further stiffness. Keep the joints warm if possible; steam baths and massage will also help to improve mobility. Natural health supplements include glucosamine, chondroitin, omega-3 fish oils and cod liver oil. These will probably need to be taken long term. Calcium, zinc and vitamin C are also of benefit. I expect your symptoms are less severe when working in a warm climate! Francine White, says : Certain foods help to ease symptoms while others aggravate. Avoid acid forming and inflammatory foods like high fat meats, processed meats and cheeses, packaged foods and refined wheat flour products like pasta, bread and biscuits. Avoid

sugary and salty foods and drinks like sweets, crisps and fizzy drinks. Load up on alkalizing and anti-inflammatory foods like brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens. Eating fresh whole foods will ensure a good intake of vitamins important for joint health like A, C, E and the mineral selenium. Increase your intake of Omega 3 rich fatty fish like trout, salmon and mackerel. Omega-3s are strong anti-inflammatory which help reduce the process of inflammation and subsequent joint damage, so take a good quality fish body oil, krill oil or an organic cold-pressed flaxseed oil supplement daily. Spices like ginger and turmeric have potent anti-inflammatory properties when taken every day. Ginger is fantastic in stir-fries, salad dressings or added to juices, while fresh ginger makes a delicious warming, cleansing and alkalizing hot drink with freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey. If you don't make many Indian style dishes with turmeric, simply take half a teaspoon in water, or a supplement. Apple cider vinegar has medicinal and alkalizing properties; drink 2 tsp with hot water and honey and use in salad dressings. It's vital to drink plenty of water, at least 2 litres daily fresh juices and herbal teas also help to hydrate the body and flush out any acids causing joint pain. Dr Tim Robinson, says : Recurrent joint problems are common in General Practice, especially during winter months. The cold and damp tend to get into larger joints, particularly the hips, knees, ankles and back, so they become stiff and painful to move. I offer either conventional medicine or homeopathy to my patients. Conventional treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs – ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac – is effective but unfortunately they can cause side effects such as indigestion, stomach ulcer and asthma attack. Painkillers can also lead to side effects; paracetamol may cause liver damage if taken in excess and codeine causes constipation. Homeopathy offers a safe and gentle alternative to conventional medicines. Rhus Tox, derived from Poison Ivy can be effective in joints in which the pain is worse in cold, damp weather and improved with heat such as a hot bath. Bryonia, derived from wild hops, is indicated in joints that are made worse by the slightest movement. Ruta, derived from Rue is especially effective in conditions involving tendons in and around joints. All three medicines can be safely taken at the 6c potency for joint pain - one dose twice a day until the pain settles. It is perfectly safe to self-medicate in this way. The medicine will not interfere with other conventional medicines. Initially I would encourage Nicki to experiment with Rhus Tox to keep her bouncing about!

Do you need expert advice? Send your problem, in confidence, to: Problems can only be answered on the page, we are unable to answer personally. You can also visit the forums at and ask advice from other readers online. | February2012


modern Avatars and virtual reality improve social skills

New drugs against

Breast Cancer

Psychologists have feared that youngsters immersing themselves in computer-generated worlds might become disengaged from real life. But the opposite was true in one study. Young people interacting in 3D virtual situations by controlling avatar characters, developed organisational and thinking skills that can help them cope with real world communities. Obviously the virtual setting needs to be appropriate – those depicting warfare and other forms of violence are likely to have less beneficial effects.

- Henry Ford

Anyone can do anything that he imagines.

Should mammography start earlier? Women have a one in eight chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. Mammography x-rays can detect early changes in breast tissue at least two years before a breast cancer lump would be found during breast examination alone, and reduces the chance of dying from breast cancer by a third. As eight out of ten cases occur in women over the age of 50 years, breast screening programs in many countries, such as the UK, start routine mammography from the age of 50, although screening below this age is available if you have a family history of breast cancer. However, new findings suggest that women in their 40s with no close relatives affected are just as likely to develop invasive breast cancer as those with a family history of the disease. The researchers suggest that all women should be screened annually from the age of 40. February 2012 |

Not one, but two new experimental drugs have shown excellent results in women with advanced breast cancer. In a trial involving over 800 women, an antibodybased treatment, pertuzumab stopped advanced breast cancers progressing any further for an average of 6 months longer than usual, when added to standard treatment. Pertuzumab works by targeting a protein, HER2, that triggers tumour growth. The second trial drug, everolimus, is normally used to suppress immunity in people receiving organ transplants. When added to the treatment of women with metastatic breasts cancer (which has spread elsewhere in the body) it slowed progression of the disease by 4 months longer than usual treatment. More research is needed before the drugs will become available.


scientific New weapon against super bugs

According to the World Health Organisation, antibiotic-resistant superbugs are one of the top three threats to health – especially for those in hospital. Microbiologists have now developed a liquid containing special designer viruses that only infect bacteria. Known as bacteriophages, these viruses alter the genetic make-up of resistant bacteria so they become susceptible to important antibiotics again. And as well as being effective, the bacteriophage solution costs just a few dollars per litre to make. Job done!

Witch doctors show the way forward When doctors analysed a medicinal tea used by African witch doctors to make childbirth easier and quicker, they found more than they bargained for. Leaves of the plant, known locally as kalata-kalata, contained remarkable new types of protein chain, known as cyclotides. These resilient proteins aren't broken down by the usual microbial enzymes and human stomach acids and pave the way for creating new drugs to overcome antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses such as HIV. They could even be used to produce an oral version of human hormones such as insulin, oestrogen and progesterone that can't currently be given by mouth (because they're quickly broken down during digestion).

Watch the Prized Science video about this cutting edge research here:

February 2012 |

Triple therapy brings your blood pressure down, down and down An estimated 80% of people with high blood pressure don't take their medication as prescribed, often because they have to take more than one drug, despite feeling perfectly well. A new 3-in-1 blood pressure pill should improve compliance – you only have to take one a day to achieve good blood pressure control. Sevikar HCT simplifies treatment by combining three drugs in one tablet: olmesartan medoxomil, amlodipine and hydrochlorothiazide. So, if you have high blood pressure and it is not well controlled, or you keep forgetting to take all your tablets, talk to your doctor. Another treatment, or a combination pill might suit you better.

- Caskie Stinnett

The trouble with being a hypochondriac these days is that antibiotics have cured all the good diseases.



holistic A gingerly approach to cancer prevention Herbal medicines are gaining increasing acceptance amongst mainstream doctors, many of whom recommend herbal remedies to their patients. Ginger is traditionally popular for treating joint pain and nausea, but new research published in the American Association for Cancer Research Journal suggests ginger root extracts might reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Thirty volunteers took either 2g ginger or an inactive placebo daily for 28 days. Biopsies showed that those taking ginger had lower levels of inflammatory eicosanoids which are linked with the development of cancer in the colon and rectum. Another recent study suggests that ginger may also protect against prostate cancer. Now where did I put those dark chocolate coated gingers?

A massage is as good as a rest A study from the Annals of Internal Medicine shows that Swedish massage can ease low back pain – even when pain has been present for more than six months. After ten weeks treatment, one in three said their pain was much better or gone, compared with only one in 25 of those who received usual treatment of painkillers and rest. As a result, those receiving massage became more active, were more able to work and take care of themselves.

Acupuncture improves radiation outcomes People undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer often experience dry mouth due to radiation damage of the salivary glands. A new study suggests that receiving acupuncture during treatment can help to prevent this. Benefits were seen as early as three weeks into treatment, with better salivary flow rates in those having acupuncture than in those not receiving the additional holistic treatment. Although researchers aren't sure exactly why stimulation of acupoints is effective, they suspect it relates to improved blood flow through the parotid gland.

Transcendental meditation reduces healthcare costs The effects of long-term stress are the number one cause of high medical expenses. A new study from the US suggests that people with high healthcare costs who take up Transcendental Meditation (TM) can reduce their total doctors' fees by 28%. TM is usually practised for 20 minutes, twice a day, and uses the silent repetition of short words or phrases to achieve a state of restful alertness. Transcendental meditation lowers stress hormone levels, anxiety and blood pressure as well as improving mood. One study found that Transcendental Meditation reduced blood pressure by an average of 11/6 mmHg. This is enough to significantly reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Ommmmm. | February 2012



ancient Medicinal plants used 77,000 years ago

Wake up and

smell the roses

Archaeologists have found evidence that medicinal plants were used 50,000 years earlier than previously believed. Bedding made from insect-repelling sedge leaves was discovered under a stone age rock shelter in Sibudu, South Africa. It would have helped to repel mosquitoes at night, suggesting that ancient man was aware of the medicinal uses of certain plants. The remains were found in at least 15 different layers at the site, and were regularly burned after use – possibly to remove pests.

To sleep, perchance to dream‌ Dream analysis dates back over 6000 years, with their meanings inscribed on ancient clay tablets. Aristotle believed that dreams were caused by the body's physiological function and used them to diagnose illness and predict future disease. Now, scientists from the University of California believe that dreams are important to process emotionally painful ordeals. Volunteers were shown two sets of emotive images, twelve hours apart. Those viewing the images in the morning and evening, staying awake in between, had a greater emotional response than those who viewed the images in the evening, then viewed the second set in the morning after a night's rest. During the REM phase of sleep, in which we dream, our brain chemistry changes so we produce less stress-related brain chemicals, which is believed to soothe our emotional response to the events of the previous day. February 2012 |

Aromatherapy has been used for at least 4,000 years. Widely practised in Ancient India, Rome, Egypt and Greece, even Hippocrates - the father of Medicine - recommended aromatic oils for their relaxing properties. Cleopatra perfumed her body with rose oil as an aphrodisiac, and used it to drench the sails of her ship, announcing her arrival from afar. Today, rose absolute is one of the most expensive essential oils as over 60,000 blossoms are needed to distil a single ounce – around 60 roses per drop. Research from Germany suggests the scent of roses has a positive effect on our dreams. Volunteers who had different smells wafted under their nose when in the REM phase of sleep did not report smelling anything during their dreams, but the smell of roses evoked pleasant emotions. Rotten eggs had the opposite effect! So to encourage pleasant dreams, try scenting your bedroom with Rose Absolute.

- Jean Richepin

One may live without bread, not without roses.


reviews - Dale Carnegie

In Search of

Silence Former investment banker Rohan Narse had it all - a high flying career, wealth, prestige and respect. A horrific car crash which almost cost Rohan his life made him stop, assess and wonder if he was truly happy. The result was his book, In Search of Silence: Dropping the baggage – Discovering What's Real. £14.99 from

Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.

Pose like a

Pro On-Piste YourWellness verdict: If your life is filled with needless pursuits, momentary highs, a constant state of anxiety and an unexpressed sense of incompleteness, then this book can help you rediscover well-being.

Hit the slopes in style with Uvex Crow Pro sunglasses, like German Nordic World Ski Champion, Ronny Ackermann. Designed for extreme sports, the lenses are lightweight yet virtually unbreakable, even in a severe fall or collision. The wrap-around glasses protect skiers from winds and blizzards, UV radiation and snow-glare. Uvex crow pro, with three interchangeable lenses, costs £79.

Food allergies?

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Food allergies make shopping a nightmare as you stop to check every label. Now your smart phone can do this for you. FoodWiz provides info on over 80,000 products. Pre-select the ingredients you and other family members want to avoid, then scan the barcode of each item and the app immediately tells you if it's suitable. Download from iTunes for a free month's trial. From £15 for 3 months subscription at YourWellness verdict: The database can be updated daily, within seconds, so it's always accurate. For those with severe allergies, this is potentially lifesaving.

February 2012 |

YourWellness verdict: Loving the ingenious ventilation system which prevents fogging - even during hard exertion. Great for heavy breathers.



The boosts your mood Seasonal affective disorder reaches a peak in February. The revolutionary Valkee headset channels light directly through your ears to where it's needed – your brain. This stimulates your natural responses better than light detection by the eyes and can both prevent and treat SAD. Also helpful for lack of energy, post natal depression, migraine, and to regulate a normal sleep pattern. Use for just 8 to 12 minutes per day. Available in Black or White

YourWellness verdict: Based on research from the University of Oulu, Finland, bright light headsets can relieve 9 out of 10 cases of severe SAD within 4 weeks.


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- William Arthur Ward

If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you dream it, you can become it.

Soothe your The increasing complexity of smart phones means you almost need a training course to use them. For those who are not technologically minded, or who have impaired vision, all is not lost. The Emporia Vodafone RL1 offers two functions: phone calls and SMS, plus alarm clock, calculator and birthday reminder tools. Ideal for older people. Large buttons and adjustable font are also useful for those with reduced vision. Free with monthly plans from £10, or £75 with pay-as-you-go from

pain away

Warmth accelerates your body's natural healing processes, relaxes muscle tension and has a soothing effect on pain. When worn for 8 hours, ThermaCare HeatWraps provides targeted, penetrating pain relief against winter aches that lasts up to 16 hours. Different sized wraps are available for the Lower Back and Hips, Neck, Wrist and Shoulder, or Knee and Elbow. £6.12 per pack (containing two or three wraps) from supermarkets and pharmacies. YourWellness verdict: Friends and family can text their number to the phone and have it automatically added to the address book. And if a new caller is not already in your phone book, it will ask if you want to save the number.

YourWellness verdict: Research suggests that heat wraps are as effective against musculoskeletal pain as taking the analgesic anti-inflammatory drug, ibuprofen, at a dose of 400mg three times a day. If necessary you can, of course, use both approaches. | February 2012


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