Mega Food that harm heal

Page 1

Flying With a

Baby in Tow

Are you getting a full

Curvy ladies

look good in the gym too!

body workout? An Ancient

Secret for modern living

Focus on

Foods that Harm & Heal wellness nutrition // wellness debate // relationship wellness // emotional wellness

editor’s note

the gateway to living well

Editor-in-chief Dr Sarah Brewer Project Director Michael Kitt Advertising Sales Art Director Nilesh Parab Graphic Designers Rekha G Bisht Mandar Asabe Staff Writers Dr Arjita Kumari Francine White Jenny Catton Kieran Ball Steve Miscandlon Tracy Morton

Dr. Sarah Brewer This month’s special focus looks at the fascinating world of nutrition and which foods are beneficial or potentially harmful for health. Elsewhere, we show you how to get a full body workout, investigate the ancient Hawaiian practice of Lomilomi and explore the effects that magazines such as Playboy can have on relationships. We offer some painless ways to fix your finances, our experts answer a reader’s query on eye glare while this month’s debate asks whether or not pupils should have to wear school uniform. We also celebrate the benefits of eating more mushrooms with a selection of delicious recipes to make at home. Yourwellness is unique in covering all aspects of wellbeing, from health and relationships, through fitness and family, to work and finances. What’s more, we also explore all the options available, from Ancient to Modern and Scientific to Holistic. If you enjoy reading this issue, look for similar articles and features at Why not tell your friends so they can also sit down, take a well-earned break and browse our pages. Until next month,

Editor PS.: You may notice these three symbols reflect which features relate to


appearing throughout the magazine. These physical, or

physiological wellness.

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Disclaimer | yourwellness is dedicated to providing useful, well researched information on every aspect of your wellness. We do not pioneer any particular therapy or school of thought, instead we offer all the options to allow our readers to make an informed choice. All our contents are not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis of individual problems or circumstances, nor should it be implied that we are a substitute for professional medical advice. Readers are always advised to consult their healthcare professionals prior to starting any new remedy, therapy or treatment.



The Complete CBT Guide for Anxiety


Painless ways to fix your finances?

family wellness 22 Fat cats shouldn’t rule wellness debate 25 Should Pupils Have to

Wear School Uniform?

exercise wellness 28 Try Donna and Tora’s

08 wellness focus

on Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal

18 emotional wellness An Ancient Secret for modern living

24 family wellness

Flying With a Baby in Tow

26 exercise wellness Are you getting a full body workout?

03 wellness news 05 kitchen wellness 06 garden wellness 07 ancient wellness


The Pinocchio effect

Instant Body Upgrade

29 Curvy ladies look good in the gym too!

relationship wellness

32 Does The Newsagent’s ‘Top Shelf’ Affect Relationships?


How to handle conflict in the workplace

33 holistic wellness 34 wellness experts 36 wellness reviews wellness nutrition 38 Why you should eat more mushrooms


43 modern wellness 44 scientific wellness


Give your lips the kiss of life

Roasted Mushrooms and Onions in Filo Tartlets


news Do you see? When did you last have a routine eye examination? In the last year? More than five years ago? Never? If you’ve not had an eye test recently, you are not alone. A recent study found that more than one in two Brits have not had an eye test in the last five years despite being aware of the benefits. Not only can eye tests determine if you need glasses, they can also identify conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and eye problems such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. If you are a driver it’s even more important to get tested regularly. In the study, commissioned by the Simplyhealth Advisory Research Panel, a scary one in seven people admitted to driving even though they couldn’t see clearly.

Stop at One The National Osteoporosis Society has launched a campaign called Stop at One to raise awareness of bone health. One in two women over 50 have suffered a bone fracture but many are only diagnosed with osteoporosis after they’ve broken three or more bones. As a fracture relating to osteoporosis occurs once every two minutes across the UK, it’s vital to make your first break your last. GPs and hospital staff often fail to talk about bone health with those at risk, and an astonishing one in ten people experiencing more than three broken bones said they had never discussed bone health or osteoporosis with medical professionals treating their fractures. Stop at One encourages you to find out more about osteoporosis by taking an on-line bone health quiz or talking to your GP. Contact

the National Osteoporosis Society for information, advice and support at or phone 0845 450 0230.

Eating at the table is better for kids

Busy lives and changing habits mean that fewer families now eat their evening meal at the dining table, preferring to tuck into their meal in front of a television or computer instead. Yet a recent study of children aged between two and five found that those who eat their main meal at the table are slimmer than those who are served in front of a screen. Researchers believe that children served at the dinner table eat less because they recognise when they are full, while those eating in front of the TV are too distracted to spot when they’ve eaten enough. Children allowed to serve their own portions also tend to put less food on their plate than if their food is simply handed to them.

Five-a-day offers beauty benefits You may know that eating five or more portions of fruit and vegetables per day is good for your heart, but new research shows it also makes you more attractive. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables gives your skin a healthy, golden glow. Researchers at York, St Andrews and Cambridge Universities found that eating just a couple of extra portions each day made a positive difference to skin tone. Other studies have shown that plant pigments known as carotenoids contribute to the golden glow, as well as offering some protection against sunburn. Don’t overdo the carrots, however, or you may acquire an orange ‘cheap tan look’ that is less than attractive!




news New Advice for Drinkers Advice not to mix drinks when enjoying a boozy night out usually refers to not mixing wine with beer to avoid a nasty hangover. However, experts now warn that mixing alcohol with energy drinks also increases the risk of alcohol poisoning. The problem is that energy drinks keep party-goers alert, so they keep on drinking alcohol when they would normally start to flag and go home. Energy drinks can also impart a ‘wired’ feeling which, when combined with alcohol, leads to antisocial behaviour and more runins with the police.

How many kitchen gadgets have you disowned? Everyone loves a time-saving kitchen gadget, but while we’re quick to lust after the latest smart invention, in reality clever kitchen equipment is rarely used. A survey by insurance company Direct Line found that two out of every three households own an appliance that was only used a handful of times. Items such as coffee machines, food processors and bread makers are commonly bought then ignored, but the toasted sandwich maker appears to be the most redundant piece of gadgetry – one in four people own one and claim to rarely use it. So next time you’re tempted to invest in a piece of pricy kitchen equipment, ask yourself if you really will use it – or if it’s simply destined to gather dust at the back of a cupboard.

The Pinocchio effect It may sound unlikely, but the key to identifying whether someone is being dishonest may lie in the nose after all. While Pinocchio’s nose grew longer when he was less than truthful, researchers at the University of Granada in Spain have discovered that your nose grows warmer when you are about to lie. Researchers asked subjects to answer a variety of questions, with half told to lie half the time. Using thermal imaging, they found that nasal temperature increases when people are thinking about being dishonest, but not while actually telling the lie. Emilio Gómez Milán, of the university’s Department of Experimental Psychology, said: ‘It rises during lie planning, due to mental effort or anxiety, and drops during the act of lying.’

Wash those dirty mitts! British children are failing to learn proper hand hygiene habits due to lack of time, cost and poor facilities in nursery, pre- and primary schools. Even worse, an expert panel claims there is little emphasis on teaching good hand washing in the National Curriculum. Teachers identified a shortage of wash basins, queues at busy periods, limited supplies of soap, poorly maintained facilities that are unpleasant to use, and water at the wrong temperature. As the nation’s growing resistance to antibiotics becomes a ‘ticking time bomb’ it’s important to encourage your kids to wash their hands regularly with soap and warm water to avoid spreading germs.

kitchen wellness

sugar Go halves on

A new study from the University of Newcastle suggests that if you want to keep your teeth until the day you die, you should follow new draft guidelines from the World Health Organisation to cut the amount of free sugars you can consume by half. Free sugars are those that are added to foods by manufacturers, cooks, or in the kitchen to sweeten meals, plus those naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit concentrates. The W.H.O now recommends that you limit your intake of free sugars to 5% of your calorie intake, which works out at around six teaspoons a day. Researchers have found that cutting previous recommendations in half would dramatically cut the chance of ever needing a filling. They also found that while fluoride (added to water supplies or dental products such as toothpaste) has a positive effect on dental health, you shouldn’t rely on it. Removing sugar, the root cause of tooth decay, would have a much bigger effect. This advice

is especially important for children. While it may sound like bad news for those with a sweet tooth, nutritionist Suzie Walker says it doesn’t have to mean the end of sweet treats. ‘While we’re hearing more and more negative things about sugar and the impact it can have on our teeth and waistline, the opposite is true of a natural sugar alternative called xylitol. It looks and tastes just like sugar, but studies show that it actively promotes healthy teeth and reduces plaque. So don’t panic, you can still indulge your sweet tooth and stay within the new limits that this study suggests.’

Xylitol is available as Total Sweet in supermarkets and health stores.





Grow Your Own

Superfoods Superfoods are among the most popular ingredients in television cookery shows, but what exactly makes a food ‘super’? Although there’s no standard definition, a superfood is generally agreed to be one that gives particular health benefits. Supermarkets often charge a premium for these nutrient-rich ingredients so why not grow them at home?

Broccoli contains a wide range of nutrients including folate, vitamins C and A, and calcium, as well as phytonutrients such as sulphoraphane which help to protect against cancer. Broccoli is easy to grow and suits colder climates very well. Blueberries were one of the first ingredients to be called a superfood; the blueberry is a rich source of antioxidants that protect against a range of diseases from heart disease and gout to loss of vision and memory. If you don’t have

a lot of space in your garden, grow blueberry bushes in pots.

Carrots contain carotenoids and a total of seven anti-cancer substances. If you grow your own, aim to eat a serving of carrots or 100ml carrot juice at least three times a week. Garlic has been used for centuries to ward off the common cold and is now known to protect against heart disease, too. Buy a garlic bulb from a seed supplier and break into individual cloves to plant. Eating 2.7g fresh cloves per day – each clove weighs around 1g - may not win you any friends, but can lower your total cholesterol level enough to cut your risk of a heart attack or stroke by a quarter. Beetroot is used in natural medicine to treat a wide range of ailments including constipation, anaemia and high blood pressure. Beetroot is ideal if you are short on space as it can be grown in pots.

Spinach was made famous as a superfood by the comic book character, Popeye. Its iron content helps to boost energy levels and strength. Spinach can be grown all year round making it a really versatile ingredient. Red bell peppers contain three times as much vitamin C as the same weight of oranges, while green peppers have twice as much, making both a great addition to your diet. Peppers do like warm conditions so are best grown in a greenhouse although you may be able to grow them in the garden if you position them in a warm spot. Whether you believe the hype surrounding superfoods or not, including a wide range of fruit and vegetables in your diet will certainly boost your overall health. And if you can grow them in your own garden, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve improved your diet cheaply and organically yourself.

For more information about growing your own fruit and vegetables, visit:

ancient wellness The Five seasons of Traditional Chinese Medicine In the 21st century we recognise four seasons in the year. In ancient China, however, the year was divided into five seasons, each corresponding to a different element, which still influences traditional Chinese medicine today. Spring (wood) starts at the Spring Equinox, Summer (fire) begins at the Summer Solstice and is followed with Late Summer (earth) in late August. Then Autumn (metal) arrives with the Autumn Equinox followed by Winter (water) at the Winter Solstice. Each season has its own rhythm and is linked to specific parts of the body – for example summer’s fire corresponds to the heart and the small intestine, while winter’s water is linked to the kidney and bladder. The peaks and troughs of energy in each of the organs is supported throughout the year by eating appropriate foods and adjusting your daily rhythms and activities in harmony with the seasons.

Massage is an ancient art Massage can deliver a number of wellness benefits, from stress and pain relief to relaxation and improved sleep. Many different forms are practised in the modern world, but massage has roots dating back as far as the 24th century BC. Paintings in the Egyptian tomb of Akmanthor show men having their hands and feet massaged, while ancient Chinese medical documents outline how different massage techniques should be used to treat certain ailments and injuries. There are indications that massage existed in most ancient cultures, from the Mediterranean to the Far East, and Hippocrates, the Greek father of medicine, declared that ‘The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly in rubbing’.

- Plato

Were Neanderthals house-proud, too?

The part can never be well unless the whole is well.

Scientists have found evidence that Neanderthal man wasn’t so savage when it came to housework. In fact, it’s possible they organised their caves in a similar way to other house-proud people today. ‘Neanderthals were purposeful when it came to domestic space,’ said anthropologist, Dr Julien Riel-Salvatore from the University of Colorado. ‘They were more sophisticated than many have given them credit for.’ The team found that Neanderthals undertook different functions in different parts of the cave. Butchering meat, for example, would occur in a separate space to that for making tools. He adds, ‘If we are going to identify modern human behaviour on the basis of organised spatial patterns, you have to extend it to Neanderthals as well.’




Focus on

- La Rochefoucauld

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.

Although he lived 2500 years ago, Hippocrates, the so-called Father of Medicine, was ahead of his time in recognising that good nutrition is the best defence against illness. His famous saying, ‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food’ underlines the healing potential of following a healthy diet. When you consistently make poor food choices, you will inevitably become ill – sometimes in a relatively short time, but often only after many years of following an unhealthy diet. The advice of Mark Twain to ‘Eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside’ is best avoided!

Foods that Harm & Heal


Why good food choices are important Every cell in your body is composed of different molecules than those present just one year ago. All these new building blocks are derived from your diet. Your food therefore needs to provide all the energy, essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals you need for optimum health. Fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds also provide substances that contribute to colour and flavour as well as protecting plants against sun, viruses, bacteria and other predators. Known as phytochemicals, these have beneficial effects on human health, too, providing some protection against high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, visual loss and even cancer. The average diet is believed to supply more than 1 gram of phytochemicals per day. Aim for colour on your plate for a good mix of phytochemicals – mix dark green, orange, yellow, red and purple fruit and vegetables as much as possible.

Food for Boot Camp Xtreme Boot Camps Instructors James, a recruit in the Royal Marines reserves, and Karl, an ex-Parachute Regiment soldier, firmly believe that nutrition is key to Xtreme fitness. They offer some top tips for healing foods while training: • Coconut oil is excellent for endurance, recovery and stamina.

• Eggs help you stay fuller for longer and lead to eating less throughout the day, so are perfect for breakfast. A high protein breakfast also helps you naturally burn fat throughout the day.

- Dr Eddie Ramirez

People who eat a plantbased diet live longer, have less cancer and heart disease, weigh less, and have healthier diets. • To stop stacking on the pounds, start snacking on fruit and vegetables. • Eating tomatoes regularly is good for your heath, as well as your palate. Ripe, red tomatoes are likely to contain more lycopene than paler, watery ones. • All beans are good beans. • Two great sources of vitamin C, potassium and fibre are mangos and sweet potato. • Salmon, mackerel and sardines cut your risk of heart disease, are good for brain stimulation, and as a food source have one of the highest protein contents per gram. Xtreme Top Tip – Keep to foods that grow or eat of the land! Meet James and Karl at




Food for Life According to Lovisa Nilsson of Lifesum, you should aim to eat foods that are rich in essential nutrients that support your immune system, make your cells ‘stronger’ or which help with specific body functions. For example, foods containing dietary fibre are amazing for your digestive system. The following foods are among the most healing:

Green leafy vegetables include

a range of vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, C, K, Calcium and Iron. • Spinach • Chard • Kale • Collards

Cruciferous vegetables are rich sources of phytochemicals • Broccoli • Cauliflower • Brussel sprouts • Cabbage

Oily fish

are a good source of vitamins A and D as well as the most important nutrient for a healthy heart and immune system - omega 3 fatty acids. • Salmon • Sardines • Herring • Anchoives • Mackerel • Tuna

Whole grains


include all three parts of the grain, the bran, endosperm and germ which provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Whole grains also produce a slower blood sugar spike than the refined alternatives and keep you fuelled significantly

Vegetable oils increase your level of good cholesterol (HDL) and lower the bad (LDL) which is important for a healthy heart and circulation. • Flax seed oil • Olive oil • Rapeseed oil • Walnut oil Herbs contain a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals which, aside from their obvious health benefits, provide flavours and fragrances in your food and can replace more unhealthy ingredients like salt, fat and sugar. • Ginger • Peppermint • Garlic • Rosemary • Parsley

Root vegetables store plant nutrients including vitamin A in the form of betacarotene, vitamin C, and many different natural antioxidants called polyphenols and betalains. • Beets • Yams • Carrots Probiotic foods are commonly used to calm the digestive system and to boost immunity as most of your immune protection is programmed in the gut. • Natural unflavoured yoghurt • Sauerkraut • Kefir • Miso • Pickles • Kimchi


Food to Avoid A good general rule is to avoid processed foods, as the problem is not only what has been added but also what has been taken away - processed foods are often lacking nutrients such as antioxidants and fibre. Aim to keep away from foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients – these foods have no positive effect on health and contain at least one of these treacherous ingredients.:

Trans fatty acids – manufactured (unnatural) fatty acids that increase the risk of clogged arteries leading to heart diseases including heart attack and stroke. If fat/margarine remains solid at room temperature, it is likely to contain more trans fat. It also exists in a lot of other ready made products: • Fast food (mostly fried) • Packaged cookies • Doughnuts • Frozen ready meals Artificial sweeteners (eg aspartame) don’t contain calories or sugar but have still been linked to weight gain/obesity due to their ability to increase hunger and food cravings. Some have also been linked to certain types of cancer, although this is still speculative. Avoid: • Light foods/sugar free products • Diet sodas • Energy drinks Sodium (Salt) – while you need small amounts of salt for fluid balance, too much can lead to fluid retention and high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Go easy on: • Salty snacks • Processed meats – these foods also include a lot of nitrites which transform into chemicals in the body that have been linked to colorectal cancer • Crisps • Cooking sauces • Tinned soups • Cheese

Refined grains – are handled in the same way as sugar in your body. They increase the risk for type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease as well as obesity. Opt for whole grain alternatives and reduce your risk of these diseases. Eating white refined grains leads to a spike in blood sugar levels. These refined grains also lack fibre and key nutrients that are naturally present in whole grain alternatives. Avoid: • White rice • White bread • White pasta • Cookies, cakes, crackers and snacks made of white flour

Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and its cousins are hidden almost everywhere and is harmful to your health in multiple ways; sugar in its many forms is known to increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and liver problems. The unnatural HFCS is even worse for your health as some sources contain high levels of mercury which damage the nervous system. Avoid: • Sodas/carbonated drinks • Sweetened yoghurts • Ketchup • Cereals

Lovisa Nilsson is the in-house nutritionist at Lifesum, Scandinavia’s leading health and fitness app that recently launched in the UK. The app helps users to reach their weight and nutritional goals through a personalised plan.




Free From

Foods - Julia Child

You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.

For some people, foods that are usually considered ‘healing’ can trigger harmful reactions linked with allergies and intolerances. Official figures suggest that one in fifty adults and one in twelve children have a classic food allergy involving IgE antibodies which can trigger an immediate and dangerous reaction such as swelling of the mouth, difficulty breathing or collapse.


As many as one in three people also recognise that they cannot eat certain foods without experiencing the delayed onset of a variety of intolerance symptoms such as: • Stuffed up, runny nose (rhinitis) • Excess mucus • Headache • Pre-menstrual syndrome • Eczema • Asthma • Irritable bowel syndrome • Inflammatory bowel disease • Arthritis • Tiredness • Chronic fatigue Some people also develop an intolerance to certain foods due to a lack of the enzymes needed to digest it. Lactose intolerance, for example, is due to a deficiency of the enzyme lactase which breaks down the lactose sugar in milk. Without this enzyme, lactose passes down into the large bowel where it is fermented by gut bacteria to produce symptoms such as bloating, pain and diarrhoea. For others, eating foods that contain gluten leads to symptoms of intolerance, with some resulting from an immune reaction to a protein (gliadin) found in the glutens of wheat, barley and rye. It is also possible to be intolerant to other proteins found in wheat, cows’ milk, soy, eggs and even more exotic items such as avocadoes or kiwi fruit. Everyone is different and has different reactions to eating certain foods.

Can’t eat certain things? Try shopping with FoodWiz Food allergies make shopping a nightmare as you stop to check every label. Now your smart phone can do this for you. Scan the barcode of a food produce with your mobile and the app immediately tells you if it contains ingredients you can’t eat. Download the free FoodWiz App from The database can be updated daily so it’s always accurate. For those with severe allergies, this is potentially life-saving. In a survey of 1,500 people, 15% confirmed that someone in their household avoided certain foods ‘to be on the safe side’, while a further 17% said a family member refused to eat certain foods in order to live a healthier life style. The FreeFrom Food Awards celebrate innovation in great tasting food that is free from one or more of the allergens (including wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts, soya and sulphites) that those with allergies and food intolerances must avoid. For more information about FreeFrom Foods, visit and

The healing power of curry Best-selling cookery author and chef Mridula Baljekar, who has catered at Downing Street and prepared private dinners for stars like Jerry Hall, has

developed a Cold Cure Curry that’s packed with exotic spices with medicinal qualities. The tasty dish, offered to diners at The Mango Lounge in Windsor, is based on the traditions of ‘Ayurveda’, an ancient system of medicine that originated in India thousands of years ago. Mridula says, ‘Many spices have anti-viral and antibiotic properties which help to heal the dreaded colds, cough and flu that many of us suffer at this time of year. My Cold Cure Curry is based on ancient knowledge of how our daily

diet can help us to fight off illness and remain healthy.’ Ingredients include: Ginger – a decongestant that also helps you digest food. Garlic – a natural antibiotic and anti-viral. Black Pepper – great for curing throat infections and fever; Turmeric – a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties Nutmeg – a traditional cure for headaches, colds and coughs Mridula is the author of 27 Indian cookery books, including Great Indian Feasts, which was named Best Asian Cookbook in the World at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.




Cold Cure Curry (serves 4)

This meatball (kofta) curry recipe is easy to make and gorgeous with any Indian bread or plain rice.

Ingredients For the meatballs: 450g/1lb lean mined lamb or beef 2 cloves garlic, crushed to a pulp 1 fresh green chilli, finely chopped 2 tsps dried fenugreek leaves, crushed lightly with your fingertips 1 tbsp fresh mint leaves, chopped or 1 tsp dried mint 1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg 1 egg yolk 50g/2oz mild cheddar cheese, grated Salt to taste

For the sauce: 3 tbsps light olive oil 2.5cm/1â€? piece of cinnamon stick 5 cardamom pods, bruised 4 cloves 1 large onion, finely chopped 4 cloves garlic, crushed 2.5cm/1â€? piece ginger, grated 1 tsp ground turmeric ½-1 tsp red chilli powder 2 tsps ground cumin 2 tsps dried fenugreek leaves, crushed lightly with your fingertips 200g/7oz chopped canned tomato with the juice 50g/2oz plain yogurt

Method 1. Combine all the ingredients for the meatballs in a mixing bowl, knead until

fairly smooth, cover the bowl and chill for 30 minutes. This will make it easier to form the meatballs later.

2. Divide the mixture into approximately 20 equal sized balls. Rotate them between the palms to achieve a smooth surface, and set aside.

3. In a roomy pan, heat the oil over a low heat and add the cinnamon,

cardamom and cloves. Let them sizzle for 30-40 seconds and add the onion. Increase the heat to medium and fry the onion until soft but not brown. Add the garlic and cook for about a minute. Add the ginger, turmeric, chilli powder and cumin. Continue to cook for a further minute and add the fenugreek and half the tomatoes. Cook until tomato juices evaporate and add the remaining tomatoes. Cook until tomatoes reach a paste-like consistency and the oil floats on the surface.

4. Whisk the yogurt (this stops the yogurt curdling during cooking) and add

Salt to taste

to the pan. Add the salt, sugar and 150ml/5 fl oz warm water. Mix well and carefully add the meatballs in a single layer and bring it to a slow simmer.

1/2 tsp sugar

5. Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes, stir gently half way through to ensure

15g coriander leaves and stalks, chopped

6. Add the coriander leaves and stir carefully. Remove from the heat and serve.

that the thickened sauce does not stick to the bottom of the pan.


Can food heal your


For more information on foods that heal different conditions, read Eat Well, Stay Well by Yourwellness editor, Dr Sarah Brewer. (Connections £12.99)

According to Sam Hutchinson, founder of The British Back Institute, ‘Eating the wrong foods and not drinking enough water when suffering with any kind of pain can have a big impact on the level of pain that someone is suffering. Foods that are classed as ‘healthy’ and good for general wellbeing are also likely to be good pain relievers. Bad nutrition can lead to conditions such as obesity, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, sciatica and as well as other chronic pain syndromes. ‘Empowering yourself with the facts and maintaining proper nutritional balance helps to strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints while shedding unnecessary weight that contributes to a large majority of sciatica and back pain. Below is a list of foods that we highly recommend to someone suffering with any kind of back or neck pain: • Ginger provides a strong anti-inflammatory compound. • Garlic is also a powerful anti-inflammatory food. • Grass-fed beef. Most beef is corn fed but if you can get hold of grass-fed beef it is known to contain many positive nutrients. • Green Tea helps to detoxify the body. • Turmeric is another natural anti-inflammatory. • Pineapple contains anti-inflammatory enzymes. • Cold water fish that is rich in omega 3 and fatty acids has been found to reduce pain and inflammation. • Berries such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries also contain powerful anti-oxidant properties. In addition to all of the above, eating raw, organic and unprocessed foods is also a great way to ensure that the body is in the best possible condition to repair itself.” Download a free pain relief guide from the British Back Institute at




The Complete CBT

Anxiety Guide for

- by Professor Roz Shafran

- Gandhi

Nobody can hurt me without my permission.

17 Mental health has long been considered the ‘Cinderella’ of health services. Compared to physical health services, mental health has been relatively underfunded and neglected. Recently, however, the tide has started to turn. In February 2011 the Government set out a cross-party strategy to improve the mental health and well-being of the nation. The strategy emphasizes the close interconnections between mental health, physical health, housing, employment, and the criminal justice system. This strategy is welcome and ties in with other Government initiatives designed to improve the treatment of people with common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. One initiative is called ‘Improving Access to Psychological Therapies’ or ‘Talking Therapies’ and £400 million has been invested to help ensure that people with depression and anxiety can access the therapies needed. The therapies offered as part of these initiatives have scientific support to show they work, and the type of therapy with the strongest scientific support for anxiety and depression is cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). A unique aspect is that people with these mental health problems are assessed and might be offered an intervention which is less intensive than traditional face-to-face therapy. It may be computerised CBT, or telephone support, or even guided self-help. While self-help for anxiety and depression can be therapeutic, it is more likely to work if someone is available to offer guidance and support. It’s too easy to skim read a book without doing the exercises, or to give up half-way, or never fulfil your good

intentions due to exhaustion at the end of a busy day at work or with the family. Having a guide can help keep motivation going, and help understand areas in the book that are unclear. A new book, The Complete CBT Guide for Anxiety, edited and written by leading experts in the field provides a general account of anxiety and the means to overcome it, as well as giving specific guidance on strategies for overcoming particular forms of anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety, or know someone who does, and the anxiety is persistent, interferes with functioning and causes distress, then you may want to read this book. It is designed for all forms of anxiety including social anxiety, panic disorder, specific phobias, obsessive compulsive problems, worries about your health and general worries. It provides strategies to help you manage and

overcome your problems, and provides tips for supporters who may be guiding you through the program. With increased recognition of how mental problems can affect you and your loved ones, we hope this book can help sufferers and their families break free from their anxiety. If you think you may have an anxiety disorder • Educate yourself about the nature of anxiety and what therapies have scientific support. The website of the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence is particularly useful ( • If you intend to follow a selfhelp approach, find a friend to help you. • Try to identify the triggers of your anxiety. • Think about factors that may explain why your anxiety persists and how to break those vicious cycles. • Go to your GP or use to find a local free service to help you with your anxiety.




An Ancient Secret for

modern living Lomilomi is known as Hawaiian massage, an ancient practice renowned as a soothing, flowing and relaxing healing experience. Seek out a traditional Lomilomi therapist and you will experience a massage like no other, the free flowing movement from head to toe mimics the ebb and flow of ocean waves, the continuous long strokes and loving touch often results in an energy shifting, transformational experience of both time and space. Yet Lomilomi massage is just the tip of the iceberg. In truth, Lomilomi is a complete, holistic ‘Island Style’ healing art that includes massage, physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathic type manipulation, nutrition, psychology and much, much more. Today this ‘old art’ is known as Lomilomi Hoku and is practiced by a Kauka (Doctor) of Lomilomi. Using a beautifully choreographed dance, the Lomilomi Kauka gracefully and systematically weaves their way

through the soft tissue of your body, creating harmony, balance and alignment of the musculoskeletal system. This gently aligns your body’s energy and healthy vibration to the natural rhythm of the universe. You will be uplifted in body, mind and spirit with the empowering, flowing and loving touch of Aloha. It will help to improve blood and lymphatic flow, toxin release, improve breathing, reduce swelling, general stiffness, insomnia, reduce menopausal symptoms, back ache and muscle cramps. You will leave each session nourished, energised and feeling radiant. Energy is our life force and yet we act as if we have no control over it. When undertaking a life changing Lomilomi Hoku programme, re-energising and healing takes place on many levels, soothing your nerves, restoring your spirit and rejuvenating your body. Old ‘blocked’ energy is removed and a connection opened to the universal source of energy,

so the vibration of your body’s own energy circuitry system is elevated to the level of holistic healing. A constant flow of cosmic energy waves, carrying lifeenhancing energy, starts to cascade throughout your body. This energy shifting bodywork can change your mind, body, emotions, and life for the good. Healing energy is like water - it is life giving and lifesaving. Commit to this ancient healing art and you will experience an abundance of energy. Your whole life starts to resonate at a completely different vibration, allowing you to face each day with a new joyful enthusiasm. Kevin England DC.DD has over 40 years’ experience in the healing arts and is the world’s foremost authority Kauka of Lomilomi Hoku. Read more about these ancient secrets in ‘Starlite~ the Secret Lomi’ available from Amazon and other book outlets or go to:




Painless ways to fix your

finances - Serena Williams

Tennis is just a game, family is forever.

- Serena Williams

Tennis is just a game, family is forever.


Did you know that re-assessing your monthly outgoings could save you £400 or more per month? According to Wealth Dragons, the brainchild of dynamic Brits John Lee and Vincent Wong, successful entrepreneurs and even billionaires the world over regularly re-evaluate their spending, both on a corporate and personal level. They set the example. The hard part is being disciplined, taking action and making the change. But Wealth Dragons’ Top 10 Financial Tips to save money over a 30-day month are easy to remember as they are acronyms linked to your phone: SMS, CHAT and WIFI.


Stop buying your daily Starbucks or similar– bring your own. £2.50 x 30 = £75.00 saved. Make your own lunch, rather than buying an average takeaway (sandwich, drink and fruit). £5.00 x 30 = £150 saved. Switch

credit cards to zero per cent – look online for offers and ask your existing lender if there are any

available offers for the New Year. On a 19% APR card (example only) you will save £15.83 per month in interest on a £1000 loan (less any transfer fees). If you have very heavy debts, a loan consolidation company or debt charity may also be appropriate for you to contact to help.


Coupons and vouchers: sign up to daily voucher companies and see what you can get as 2 for 1 – from dining out to beauty treatments or holidays, there are offers to grab.

Habits: give up bad habits such as smoking. Puffing away at 40 cigarettes a week can set you back a staggering amount. £70 per month saved, on average. Accounts: do a spread sheet of all your monthly outgoings and be strict with yourself in terms of nonessential monthly expenditure. Teach yourself to cook: spend less on eating out and make cooking a family, partner or individual pleasure. Making your own food saves money and is often healthier, too. For a couple eating out three times a month, cutting out two monthly dinners could save up to £100 based on costs of £25 per person.


Walk: save on fares and petrol by doing all non-essential travel on foot. It’s great exercise, can reduce your risk of a number of health problems, and is more eco-conscious too.

Insurance and Utilities: look online and see if you can consolidate utility bills or get cheaper car, house or pet insurance etc – companies are incentivising customers to switch by offering significant savings. Fixed rate mortgage: ask

your broker or lender if you can switch to a fixed rate on your mortgage payments so that you have a clearer vision of spending.

Invest in yourself:

learn from others and embark on a voyage of self-discovery. If your external world is not how you want it to be, this is usually a reflection of what is going on internally. Don’t bury your head in the sand allowing money problems to escalate. Interest rates on credit cards don’t go away just because you don’t open the envelope, and certainly don’t get sucked into the short-term appeal of Peer-toPeer lending or PayDay loans. There are other more tangible solutions that you are able to achieve in the first instance. Wealth Dragons’ John Lee and Vincent Wong are no strangers to hardship. Both broke free from their family and cultural expectations to create the life they wanted, rather than simply plodding along ‘just because’. These highly experienced property investors, international speakers and mentors, share with people of all ages and backgrounds how to change their lives on every level. For more information, visit




Fat cats shouldn’t rule - Burns pet nutrition

If your dog is overweight you are not getting enough exercise!


Raisins can be harmful to dogs. Symptoms of raisin toxicosis can include vomiting, lethargy or diarrhoea. As signs progress, dogs become increasingly dehydrated, can refuse to eat and may show a transient increase in urination followed by decreased or absent urination in later stages.



Ribs may be visible in short coated cats. Bones can be easily felt with minimal or no fat cover. Abdominal tuck after the ribcage is very pronounced. In very thin cats loss of muscle mass may be evident.

Ribs should be easily felt with a slight fat covering and a waist (abdominal tuck after the rib cage) should be seen when viewed from the side and above.


Did you know that giving your pet an extra ‘little’ treat can have a large impact on their weight? Just one ‘small’ human biscuit is the equivalent of eating ten biscuits for the average sized family dog! Combined with a common misconception of what a healthy weight looks like, the current pet obesity epidemic is no surprise. Many pet owners think their pet is too thin and overfeed if their ribs are easily felt and the pet has an abdominal tuck after their rib cage. But this is in fact an ideal weight.

Cats are classed as overweight if they weigh 10 - 20 % more than their ideal body weight.* Ribs cannot be easily felt. The waist is starting to disappear and the back looks broader. The abdomen is starting to become rounder and may begin to sag.



Cats are classed as obese if they weigh more than 20 % of their ideal body weight.* Ribs are very difficult to feel. Obese cats have a broad back and no waist is visible when viewing from the side or above. Fat deposits are visible around the neck and limbs and the abdomen is large and sagging.

* Toll P, et al. 2010 . Obesity. In: Hand M, et al. 2010., (eds). Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, 5th ed. Topeka, KS : Mark Morris Institute p501

The ribs should be easily and clearly felt with little flesh between the fingers when you pinch the skin. According to vets, at least one in three dogs carry a few too many pounds, yet in a census carried out by Burns Pet Nutrition, nine out of ten owners think their pet’s weight is fine when the truth is that many need to go on a diet.

As with humans, pet obesity is associated with a shortened lifespan and increases the risk of a number of diseases affecting the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and joints. An overweight pet cannot tolerate warm weather, is less able to exercise and generally has less fun than one which is lean and healthy. When putting your pet on a diet, it is better for them to lose weight slowly rather than rapidly - 0.5 lb per week for a small dog and up to 2 lb a week for a large dog. Burns Weight Control+ recipe for dogs can help control obesity as it is low in fat and protein, and contains oats which have a

higher fibre content than rice which, together with high digestibility, means your dog can feel satisfied by a small volume of food. Vegetables (cooked and raw) can safely be included to help further fill up your dog if you think that is needed. It is important to check their weight regularly to ensure that the weight reduction programme is on course. And if you want to treat your pet, try Kelties (£2.89 from www.burnspet. which are low fat, hypo allergenic and 100% natural. Leftover vegetables are also a safe option for a snack. Burns pet nutritionists are available on a free customer helpline. Call 0800 083 6696 or email if you need dietary advice for your pet or have any nutritional concerns




Flying With a

If you had a choice when flying, you’d probably choose to sit beside an adult rather than a mother and baby, and when you’re the new parent you’d probably rather not fly at all. When it’s not avoidable, however, all you really want is to get to your destination with the least amount of crying and upset. Fortunately, seasoned travellers know exactly what to do to make flying with a baby less traumatic.

Hand baggage is baby baggage Now that hand luggage is reduced to just one bag on many airlines, it’s important to realise that this is where you must keep all your baby essentials – not your bikini! Make your hand luggage a nappy bag or your child’s main travelling bag. Avoid packing too much into one small suitcase that must be

Baby in

stored in the overhead locker. Instead, pack a smaller bag you can store under the seat in front of you – unless you are travelling with another adult who can hold the baby while you retrieve, open and rummage through the bag for wet wipes.

Accessorise Many

parents opt for a baby sling when flying, as this leaves your hands free for luggage. Even if you’re travelling with a buggy, you might have to pick the buggy up from the baggage carousel at your destination, so having baby attached to you and your arms free is a great help.

Sleeping babies are cute babies Aim to keep baby

awake in the hours before take-off. If you’re really lucky they’ll sleep for

Tow the duration of the flight. If this isn’t possible, remember their favourite toys and make sure you’ve had plenty of sleep, so you can keep the child entertained yourself.

In-flight entertainment As well as

nappies, wipes and ready-made feeds, have something absorbent handy to clean up inevitable spillages. During take-off and landing, giving your child a drink will help with ear discomfort (it opens the eustachian tubes between the middle ear and mouth, to equalise pressures). If breastfeeding, a shawl comes in handy for discrete feeding. Like anything else, once you’ve flown with a baby in tow a few times, you’ll know what to expect and what works best for you both!


debate For Against

Should Pupils Have to Wear School Uniform? Are you For or Against

Traditionally, most schools have a uniform which pupils are required to wear. But many children would prefer not to wear them, and parents often complain they are an inconvenient expense. So should pupils still be made to wear school uniforms?

For: Marvin School uniforms are an essential part of establishing discipline within a school. They give children a sense of belonging and, when they put their uniform on in the morning, it puts them in the right frame of mind for a day of learning. Without a uniform, schools would turn into a fashion show and pupils would be more interested in what everyone was wearing than in concentrating on their lessons. Having a uniform also helps to prevent bullying by making pupils more equal – no-one can be singled out for not wearing the latest trend or for not having expensive designer labels. As a parent I love the fact that my children wear a uniform – it makes getting ready so much easier as there are no arguments about what they are going to wear. The school uniform also ensures pupils are properly dressed and comfortable. I don’t have to worry about my daughter wearing a miniskirt in the middle of winter for example – or walking to school in high heels. When children finally grow up and start work they will have to dress appropriately and follow a particular dress code. Wearing a uniform at school is therefore good preparation for the future. I would hate to see schools become more lenient and definitely think uniforms should be here to stay.

Against: Tiffany I hated wearing uniform at school – it was hot, itchy and incredibly unstylish. Two decades on and little has changed – my children hate wearing their uniforms too. I think uniforms are an outdated idea that should have been scrapped by now. We live in a society that encourages free thinking and creativity but then we make our children all dress the same at school, removing their individuality and freedom of choice. I know people say that a uniform helps prevent bullying but from what I’ve seen, bullying happens anyway – uniform or not. Pupils can be picked on for having the wrong haircut or for not wearing their backpack in the ‘right’ way so having a uniform sadly doesn’t stop bullying. There are lots of other ways to encourage children to be respectful and disciplined at school – saying that it comes down to what they wear is too simplistic. A badly behaved child will behave badly no matter what they are wearing and I’ve heard of some very high performing schools that promote a no-uniform policy. With three children at secondary school, buying the uniforms is very expensive. I’d much prefer it if they could wear their own clothes instead as it would save me a fortune. I’d like to see all schools scrap uniforms and allow pupils to express their personalities through what they choose to wear. What do you think? Are you For or Against school uniforms? Visit to register your vote!





Are you getting a full body

workout? Sometimes at the gym, people tend to concentrate on working only certain parts of their body. These training tips from British Military Fitness target your whole body and are part of the routine they use to help people get fit all over the country.


Deep squat – Start with your feet a shoulder width apart, put your hands on your shoulder to keep your back straight and keep your head up. Lower your bum ALL the way to the floor under control and then stand up. By going all the way down you will activate all the muscles in your legs and get that amazing all over look. Lunges – Step forward, landing the heel first, and lower until the knee is at 90 degrees and directly above your toes. The back knee should continue until it nearly touches the ground. Drive up with the front leg to the starting position. This is great for tightening up the legs.

27 way up so you maintain tension in the abs and then slowly lower but don’t let your shoulders touch the ground. Aim to complete 10 – 20 repetitions and repeat three to five sets.

Exercise 4 – V-sits

Lie flat on the ground and raise your feet off the ground about 6 inches. Slowly raise your legs and sit up with your torso, bringing your hands to touch your toes. You then slowly lower to the start position, keeping your back and legs straight. Aim to complete 5 – 15 repetitions and repeat two to three sets.

Bust Arms

Diamond push-ups – Place your

palms on the ground and touch thumbs and forefingers together to create a diamond. Perform the pressups by slowly lowering the chest to your hands and push back up. Put your knees on the ground if you struggle to do 10-12 reps. This will get your triceps working hard and tighten them up in no time.

Bench dip – You’ll need a chair

or a bench about knee height. Place hands on the bench directly under the shoulders. Legs are straight out away from the bench so they are behind you, lower your body slowly until your bum nearly touches the ground and push back up. Work hard through the burn and you’ll see the success at the other side.

Bum To really achieve a shapely bum, you need to strip excess fat away: The Tabata method – As an alternative to counting reps you can follow a timed method, which is one of the most effective methods for fat loss. You work at high intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest. Repeat for 4 minutes (8 cycles). This is a great way to burn calories and it really works. There’s no substitute for hard work and to get the amazing results of high intensity training, you need to work hard. The good news is these workouts are much shorter; a 20 –

30 minute high intensity workout will burn the same amount of calories as a 1-hour cardio session. With an increased metabolism for up to 36 hours, overall you will burn much more calories.


Spend 5 - 10 minutes, three times per week, working on your core muscles and feel the benefits.

Exercise 1 – The plank

Adopt a pose similar to a press up but keep your forearms on the ground and shoulder width apart beneath your chest. Keep your body straight and your feet together and balance on your toes. Pull the belly button up to your spine to feel the full effect. Just hold still in this position. Aim to hold for 20 to 60 seconds and lower slowly. Repeat three to five times.

The T-Plank - Using five to 10-pound weights as handles, hold your body up in a pushup position, with your legs wider than hip width for more stability. Lift your right arm, holding the weight up, and open your body all the way to the right making a ‘T’ shape with your body. Return to your starting position and do the same on left side. That’s one rep. Do 10 to 20 reps. The Chest Fly - Lay down on floor, keeping your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Start to raise your arms up with a slight bend in your elbows. Inhale and open your arms wide like you were going to give someone a big hug, stopping with your arms above your chest. Exhale and bring your arms back to a starting position. Repeat 10 to 25 times.

Exercise 2 – Plank superman

The Elbow Squeeze - Raise the weights up to eye level, pressing them together. Open your elbows wide, then squeeze your elbows back together without letting the weights drop down past eye level. Repeat 20 to 40 times.

Exercise 3 – Half sit

Richard Smith is a British Military Fitness Instructor. British Military Fitness is the UK’s No.1 provider of outdoor fitness classes, running over 400 a week in more than 120 local parks and outdoor spaces. Each session lasts an hour, and is run by serving or ex-armed members of the forces. Although it can be a gruelling test of fitness, they cater for beginners too. To try a free class near you, visit

From the normal plank, lift your left foot off the ground slowly. Then slowly extend your right arm in front of you. You should now be balancing on your left forearm and right foot. Again hold and squeeze in the abdominal area. Aim to hold for 10 – 30 seconds and repeat two to three times on each side. Lie flat on your back with your knees bent at 90 degree. You then squeeze your abs and slowly raise your shoulders and body keeping your back straight. Come about half




Try Donna and Tora’s Instant Body Upgrade

Donna and Tora are two women on a mission: to help women (and some men!) transform how they feel about themselves and find the courage to be their best. They show you how to upgrade your health without dieting and deprivation because no one loves to be on a diet or to deprive themselves of things they like. You see, both Donna and Tora had their own major eating issues. Donna was over five stone heavier than she is today and Tora weighed less than six stone by the time she was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa. They both know what it’s like to have an unhealthy relationship with food and their body. But, importantly, they also know what it takes to get back to your confident healthy weight and stay there, something they’ve achieved for the last 15 years. Nowadays Donna and Tora offer books, DVDs and online video training programmes that use three key factors, Mindset, Motivation and Metabolism to help you find body confidence and feel fantastic. You already know that eating and exercise (Metabolism) are important components for health and weight loss, yet that’s only one third of the solution. The old school belief that all you need do to lose weight and be healthy is to eat less and exercise more is why diets don’t work for the long-term, and your exercise routine disappears as soon as you go on holiday. The new world approach also includes Mindset Mastery and Motivation Strategies because we all know what to do, it’s just a matter of getting yourself to do it... right! And that’s where Your Body Upgrade comes in. So to give you a kick-start right now, here are three tips from the program:

Engage Your WhyPower First write down why you really want to lose weight and be body confident. Then write out why you desire this and, finally, what’s the consequence of not doing it. Review this every day until you feel motivated to start on a new healthy habit. Create a Healthy Habit Define one, and only one, new healthy habit you would like to start, such as: Drink 2 litres of water per day. Implement your Healthy Habit Choose a start date (today is good!) and your seven-day reward date. Then take action on your new healthy habit and give yourself a small but meaningful non-food reward after a week. e.g. a manicure, massage or even just time for you. The key to this motivation strategy is to Take Action because Action creates Confidence. If you’d like to know more then please visit www. to understand how you too can have the Body Confidence you desire.


ladies look good in the

gym too! Have you stopped going to the gym to avoid parading your curves in front of other people? When you’re shifting excess pounds, exercise is vital but plus-size ladies can struggle to find suitable clothes in which to work-out and feel good. Drawstring trousers teamed with a baggy T-shirt offer little for your self-esteem. Welcome FittaMamma whose range of flattering exercise wear is designed to fit and support where you need it most. Their leggings, originally designed for pregnancy, have a wide waist panel that comes right up over a large tummy, holding it firm while smoothing your contours. The High Support Top sits snuggly around your hips and won’t ride up when you exercise – so no gaps or draughts when you bend over! With a unique back panel to support your back and improve your posture, it encourages you to stand tall and helps reduce backache, too. The built-in bra support gives extra lift, although the shoulder straps are wide enough to wear a sports bra underneath. ‘When I put on my FittaMamma gear I feel encouraged to exercise’, says Katy who is a curvy size 18. ‘Rather than hiding away at the back of the class, these clothes just make me feel good about myself. I have a problem with my back and the extra support really helps.’ The range is made from soft cotton with Cool Dry technology to wick moisture away from your skin, with a high elastane content to stretch when you do. FittaMamma support tops, leggings and shorts are available via or call 01444 876900. Colours include a flattering jet black, stylish greys and hot pinks up to size 20.






How to

conflict in the

workplace Few people enjoy conflict, yet sometimes it’s unavoidable. Even between best friends, disagreements and silly arguments can turn to anger and resentment. With family, it is sometimes even worse. And then, of course, there are your work colleagues. People who you have no choice but to spend time with, for hours a day, several days a week. - Paulo Coelho

Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.


In an ideal world, every workplace would be a model of professional efficiency, with people working effortlessly together to achieve a common goal. But in reality, human nature can mean tempers and hurt feelings, suspicions and jealousy, prejudices and grudges. In a work environment, these things can quickly get out of hand if they aren’t handled properly, and the consequences of a conflict spinning out of control can hurt not only the business, but in some cases your own career and prospects. By understanding how to manage difficult situations, you can keep them under control and stop things escalating. This applies equally whether you’re a manager or supervisor experiencing friction between members of your team, or if you are directly involved in the clash yourself. Resolving conflict isn’t always easy as it requires all parties involved to want to work things out. Not everyone reacts to disputes in the same way, and a stand-up argument in the middle of the office is not the only sign that something is wrong. Some people become sullen and withdrawn, or may burst into tears with no apparent provocation. Others might seem outwardly normal and only release their frustrations when they are home in a secure environment. In most cases, however, the individual’s work will suffer. While it’s important not to jump to conclusions, if you spot any of these signs in a colleague - or in yourself it’s possible that unresolved conflict is at play. Although it’s not easy to do, it’s

best to bring things out into the open and confront it directly. This helps to prevent resentment from building, and is surprisingly effective at getting each party to understand the other’s point of view. How you go about this depends on your role in the workplace. If you are a manager, speak to individual team members privately and informally. It’s important at this stage not to make hasty judgements or take sides. Listen to grievances (it may take a while to probe to the root of the problem) and aim to get a full picture, who is involved and whether there are any underlying issues. For example, an argument may have kicked off because John was twenty minutes late back from lunch, but it’s useful to know whether this was a one-off or if his colleagues are resentful because John is always late coming back. Once you fully understand the issues and the perspectives of individuals involved, it is easier to decide what action to take. If you are involved in the conflict, it can be difficult to know what to do. In its early stages, speak to the other person or people involved with the aim of sorting out your differences in a conciliatory, nonconfrontational way so you don’t risk making things worse. If the conflict is more serious or long-standing, consider talking to your supervisor or line manager (or, if appropriate, a staff union representative). They will listen to your concerns, counsel you on next steps and, if necessary, act as a mediator to help resolve the matter. Regardless of your role, the key to successful conflict resolution is to make a genuine effort to understand everyone’s point of view and, perhaps more importantly, to address behaviours rather than the person. There’s a big difference

between saying ‘John is often late back from his lunch which means the rest of the team have to put in extra work’, and saying ‘John is lazy and doesn’t pull his weight’. The final piece of advice can be a tough one to swallow, but may make all the difference: accept that you could be at least partly to blame. For example, if you challenged John the first time he was late back from lunch - rather than letting it go on for weeks while complaining behind his back - the problem may have been resolved much sooner. As difficult as it is at times, taking a calm, rational and adult approach to dealing with your work colleagues - in good times and bad - can make your working environment a more pleasant place for all involved.




Does The Newsagent’s ‘Top Shelf’ Affect Relationships? Playboy, the notoriously ‘topless’ magazine for men, recently celebrated its 60th anniversary with several spreads featuring a nude Kate Moss. But what effect can reading these magazines have on relationships, and what about the more extreme pornographic content of other sites on-line? According to media analysts, ‘pornography’ is the most searched for term on the Internet. It’s easy to access, cheap and readily available. Most debate focuses on the effect of pornography on children and young adults, but it can affect the personal and intimate relationships of adults too. Compulsive porn viewing can even lead to a couple separating, although other couples may use it successfully to spice up their sex life.

Why men are more drawn to pornography than women

Researchers have found that excessive pornography can ‘rewire’ the male brain. ‘Pornographic images seem to activate a man’s visual system in a manner that goes beyond just looking at trees or people’, says William Struthers, the author of Wired For Intimacy. ‘It’s almost like a highdefinition signal

compared with a standard signal.’ Once this signal hits the male antenna, the mesolimbic (reward) system kicks in, producing a rush of feel-good dopamine. This reinforces the behaviour in a similar way to addictive drugs. Scientists have also linked the motivating power of porn to the ‘mirror neuron system’, a part of the brain that compels us to imitate the actions we see other humans perform. In one study, men who watched erotic videos experienced mirror neuron activation and reported a desire to replicate the acts they saw. The stronger the mirror neuron response, the more aroused they became. ‘When you’re viewing something sexual, the mirror neuron system enables you to vicariously experience it,’ says Struthers.

When pornography becomes harmful

Pornography is only a problem when it becomes addictive and isolating. Individuals then use it to withdraw into a world where they don’t have to deal with normal relationships. Patrick Carnes, a US author and expert on sexual behaviour, says that most people who view porn do so as recreational users. However, about six per cent are at risk of developing

problems as a result, and one in ten become compulsive users, which can lead to difficulties when the user forms a physical and emotional relationship with the material being viewed. Something that began as a harmless pastime takes up more and more emotion, energy and time so that real relationships lose priority. Discovering that a partner is using pornography can cause some to question their strength as a couple. Trust, loyalty, honesty and intimacy can all be compromised, throwing the relationship into crisis. You may have an unhealthy fixation with pornography if you • Are spending hours viewing pornography when you should be sleeping or working. • Would you rather view porn than spend time with family and friends. • Find it difficult to cut back on the amount of time you spend viewing porn. • Prefer porn to real intimacy with your partner. If you think you could have a problem, talk to someone you can trust, such as a friend, therapist, or your GP in the first instance. In the UK, Relate is a good source of help.

Use the Postcode Search facility at where you can also talk to a counsellor via Live Chat, or phone 0300 100 1234.

holistic wellness Acupuncture for weight loss

New research published in the journal “Acupuncture in Medicine” suggests that ear acupuncture can help weight loss. During a recent study, 91 people were divided into three groups. One group received standard Korean acupuncture with stimulation of five ear points traditionally used to treat obesity, while another group received acupuncture on a single ‘hunger point’. A third ‘sham’ group had five ear points stimulated but the needles were then removed immediately. In the other two groups, the needles were left indwelling and replaced every week for eight weeks. On average, those who had the five point stimulation reduced their Body Mass Index (BMI) by 6.1%, those receiving acupuncture on a single point showed a 5.7% decrease while, as expected, the sham group lost no weight at all. This study suggests that both the five ear acupuncture points used in Korean clinics and the single ‘hunger point’ treatment are both effective for weight loss.

- Buddha

You only lose what you cling to.

Aloe may help the brain, too

Aloe vera is one of the most popular natural remedies, used for its soothing benefits on both the skin and digestive system. Researchers have recently found that Aloe vera may also be good for the brain, helping to improve memory and learning while lifting depression. Some practitioners believe this is due to the detoxifying effect of Aloe vera, while others point to its content of tryptophan which acts as a building block for making the ‘happy’ brain chemical, serotonin. Another possibility is that it enhances absorption of vitamin B12 - blood levels significantly increase within two hours when Aloe vera is consumed with foods or supplements containing vitamin B12.

Yoga Nidri offers wakeful sleep The ancient tantric technique of Yoga Nidra, or yogi sleep, was developed in India thousands of years ago. Practitioners are able to experience dreams and the relaxation benefits of deep sleep while retaining conscious awareness. During a meditative state known as lucid sleeping, individuals are able to alter their alpha, theta and delta brain wave patterns to achieve a state known as Turiya, or ‘super consciousness’. Within this state, you can influence your metabolism, lower your blood pressure, reduce bad habits, and even speed your metabolism to lose weight. During a typical Yoga Nidra class, teachers use guided imagery, body scanning and relaxing poses to help you quiet an overactive mind. With practice, you learn to drift into a meditative state in which you feel calm and slightly euphoric. After achieving true sleep with awareness, you will emerge feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.





Dr Mark Kirby,

Scientific Advisor

Prof. Robert Scott,

Consultant Ophthalmologist

Dr Tim Robinson, GP

Dr Emma Mardlin,

Clinical and Medical Therapist

Francine White, Nutritional Therapist

Glare is an issue which has always bothered me. My sensitivity to bright lights often causes headaches and fatigue. While my optician has provided a suitable pair of sunglasses, I cannot wear these when driving at night, for example. As a result this task, in particular, has become distressing as the glare of oncoming headlights sometimes blinds me for seconds at a time. Is there anything else I can do to reduce my sensitivity to bright light and the discomfort I experience with glare?

Dr Mark Kirby says: Glare is one of the most common complaints to high street opticians. The root cause is exposure to ‘blue’ light which is high in energy and degrades visual quality. This causes ‘blue haze’, which reduces your ability to see fine detail in bright conditions such as road signs when driving on a sunny day. The way your eye copes with blue light is with macular pigment, a yellow, dietaryderived pigment which accumulates at the back of the eye to filter blue light. However, because macular pigment is dietary in origin (from fruit and vegetables), many people have low levels. Low macular pigment is strongly associated with poor vision under glare conditions and reduced recovery time from exposure to bright light such as car headlights. Increasing your macular pigment through diet or supplements is proven to enhance vision under such conditions. In fact, doubling your macular pigment can improve your contrast sensitivity by 30% and speed up your recovery time after exposure to glare by 5 seconds (impressive when you consider the distance travelled in 5 seconds when driving at 60mph). Macular pigment is composed of three nutrients, lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin. These are provided together in supplement form as MacuShield. This combination rapidly enriches the macular pigment (potentially trebling the pigment level in 8-12 weeks) and dramatically improves vision under glare conditions.

Dr Mark Kirby has a PhD in Macular Nutrition and is a Scientific Advisor to MacuVision.

35 Professor Robert Scott says: Glare is a troublesome and difficult-to-treat symptom. In my practice, the most common three causes are scattering of light due to a poor quality tear surface, scattering from cataracts or blurring due to the defocus of refractive error. The tear quality problem is often due to dry eye or eyelid inflammation (blepharitis) and can be helped using tear substitutes or lid care techniques. Cataracts are readily removed and replaced with intraocular lens implants. The refractive error can be treated using spectacles, contact lenses or with laser eye surgery to reshape the cornea. All surgical techniques have a certain amount of glare as a side-effect; the trick is to make it significantly less than the original problem. Post-surgical glare usually improves spontaneously and in the case of corneal refractive surgery usually resolves within a few months of surgery. Fast-jet pilots who’ve had laser refractive surgery and need really acute vision for their work, report that they still get some symptoms of glare, but much less than before the surgery. So there is no magic bullet for glare; like all other medical problems it requires the doctor to listen to the patient, examine them thoroughly and communicate what the treatment is likely to do for them.

Professor Robert Scott is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at BMI Priory Hospital in Birmingham.

Dr Tim Robinson says: Glare and sensitivity to bright light, as well as blurring and haloes around lights, can lead to squinting and eye strain as well as tension headaches. Studies show that anti-oxidants can reduce the chance of these developing and slow their progression. Vitamins A,C,E as well as the carotenoids in yellow/ orange vegetables – lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene – are beneficial to varying degrees. The trace elements zinc and selenium may also help. Omega 3 fish oils, in particular DHA, are essential for normal development of the retina; high intake of oily fish may reduce risk of developing AMD. Although I’ve had

little experience in using homeopathy for these symptoms, according to the books Phosphorus and Plumbum, at low potency on a regular basis may help. The former is the medicine for sensitivity at all levels and is certainly worth considering. I am glad your optician has recommended the use of sunglasses as these will reduce glare as well as protect your lens and retina from continued sunlight UV damage. I assume that he has also considered other risk factors for AMD such as high blood pressure, diabetes and advised ‘smoke stop’ if this applies.

Dr Tim Robinson MB BS MRCGP DRCOG MFHom is an NHS and private GP who practices homeopathy, nutritional medicine and acupuncture in Dorset.

Dr Emma Mardlin says: Having experienced this personally, I know firsthand how stressful it can be. However, stress ultimately induces panic which only magnifies problems, so it helps to alter your state before and during driving. Induce calm by entering into ‘peripheral vision’. This ensures you’ll suspend any negative emotion, allowing you to focus. First, focus solely on a single object above eye level, noticing everything about it. Remaining heavily focussed on this; expand your vision 180°either side of you while noticing everything in your peripheral vision at the same time as remaining focussed on the object in front of you. Now lower your eyes back to eye level, remaining in this state to drive. When driving, focus on following the road markings BUT remain in peripheral vision so you’re aware of all your surroundings WITHOUT them troubling you. Every single thought you have affects every physical response, so if you focus on the problem, the problem is all you’ll notice and react to. Instead, give yourself positive suggestions, re-programing your mind to activate a desired response such as: ‘I’m feeling calm and relaxed; my mind is effortlessly adjusting my resilience to the brightness as I notice them dim into my periphery and lower

Do you need expert advice? Send your problem, in confidence, to: Problems can only be answered on the page, we are unable to answer personally. You can also visit the forums at and ask advice from other readers online.

my focus only to the track in front.’

Dr Emma Mardlin PhD (CMH), MABH, BSc, DPsyc is a Clinical and Medical Therapist in Mind and Body Health. Francine White says: Many people have a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in their daily diet. The two key eye nutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin, are yellow pigments found in many plants. Unfortunately the human body does not synthesize these so they must be obtained from the foods your eat. The third xanthophyll in the macula of the eye, called meso-zeaxanthin, is not found in food sources and appears to be created in the retina from ingested lutein. Great sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are dark green leaves, especially spinach and kale, as well as green, orange and yellow vegetables. Use the chart to choose foods rich in these nutrients. Eating a rainbow of natural fresh foods with a minimum of 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day will ensure you get adequate amounts of the nutrients you need. Soups and fresh juices are a great way to get higher doses of vegetables and their nutrients. As carotenoids are lipidsoluble antioxidants they require the presence of fat for absorption. When cooking or preparing meals use extra virgin olive oil or make a dressing using olive oil or a cold-pressed nut/seed oil to drizzle on salads or steamed vegetables. Food

Serving Lutein and Size Zeaxanthin

Kale (Cooked)

1 cup


Spinach (Cooked)

1 cup


Spinach (Raw)

1 cup


Sweet Corn

1 cup


Green Peas

1 cup


Broccoli (cooked)

½ cup


Romaine Lettuce

1 cup


Carrots (cooked)

1 cup


Green Beans

1 cup



2 large


Francine White BSc(Hons) C.H.Ed DipNut Th is a nutritional therapist.




Rediscover the joy of living pain-free

Spray that flush away

ActiPatch is an award-winning, drug-free, medical device that uses Electromagnetic Pulse Therapy to reduce pain and inflammation while accelerating healing. It modifies nerve signals to reduce the transmission of pain and enhances blood flow. Each device provides 720 hours of low level, safe, electromagnetic pulses to provide pain relief therapy and is sensation-free.

Physicool, who made their debut on Dragons Den, have adapted their rapidevaporation technology to create Cooling Mist. The spray is clinically proven to ease symptoms of the menopause, with 90% of menopausal women reporting greater comfort after use, 87% reporting cooling benefits that lasted longer than an hour, and working faster than other treatments and products they’d tried. £9.99 from

£19.99 from

Yourwellness verdict: ActiPatch has been shown to relieve pain in eight medical trials. Treat back, neck, knee, hip, heel, wrist, tennis elbow or any musculoskeletal pain. Use while sleeping for optimal results.

- Lance Armstrong

Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.

Yourwellness verdict: Cooling Mist offers instant, long-lasting relief from hot flushes and night sweats. Using their unique rapid evaporation technology, the mist draws heat away from the skin, reducing skin temperature and calming redness.

Give your lips the kiss of life The Bakewell Soap Company’s new range of Nature’s Kiss lip balms will hydrate lips to keep them plump and soft in icy winds and hot, dry conditions. Comes in seven delicious flavours, Mixed Berry, Green Apple, Citrus Burst, Honey, Parma Violet, Strawberry and Pomegranate. £2.95 from Yourwellness verdict: Free from Phthalates, Parabens and Petroleum-based ingredients, the long-lasting formula is based on shea and cocoa butters plus apricot oil and vitamin E.


Protect your child’s ears ETY•Kids Safe-Listening Earphones prevent the long-term effects of listening to music that’s too loud. These clever earphones ensure the sounds your child hears through their portable devices are always at safe listening levels. Available in

Walk your way to health Tanita’s unique PD-724 pedometer uses advanced 3-Axes technology to give more accurate and reliable fitness measurements. It measures and records distance, steps, calorie count and activity time to give you feedback on your daily activities and exercise. The seven-day memory lets you monitor and review your daily and weekly totals.

£24.95 from

black, yellow or pink £39.99 from Yourwellness verdict: ETY•Kids seal the ear canal for higher fidelity at lower levels, and limit maximum sound output delivered to the ears. By controlling the earphones themselves, it’s not necessary to restrict the volume setting on the device.

Yourwellness verdict: Accurate, convenient and discreet, you can clip it to a waist band but it works equally well in a pocket or handbag.

Scent your home to relax or invigorate The new range of holistic diffusers from Green & Spring are ideal for adding therapeutic scents to your home. Try Relaxing which blends the soothing fragrance of lavender with the balancing and restorative properties of geranium and rosemary. £32.50 from www.

Yourwellness verdict: Also available in Revitalising (Peppermint, fennel and oak moss) and Indulging (rose, jasmine, lavender and Clary Sage) blends that provide fragrance for up to two months.




Why you should

eat more

mushrooms Mushrooms are less popular in the UK than elsewhere in the world, yet they offer some powerful nutritional benefits. Shiitake, for example, contains a compound called lentinan that has an immune-boosting action, and they have potent antimicrobial properties. In fact, antibiotics such as penicillin, streptomycin and tetracyclines all come from mushroom extracts. Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins, selenium and naturally generate vitamin D when exposed to light. Scientists have also recently discovered that mushrooms are one of the highest antioxidant foods in the world, in the same league as the red pepper and spinach. Although not classed as a vegetable, they

count towards your 5-a-day goal, with 80g, or about four mediumsized mushrooms, counting as one portion. Mushrooms contain hardly any fat, are low in calories, and have a low Glycaemic Index (GI) yet are surprisingly filling thanks to their fibre content. This makes them a great choice when you are watching your weight. In fact, substituting white button mushrooms for beef in familiar dishes such as lasagne can halve the calories but provide the same volume and filling power with no loss of palatability. Doing this ten times would help you lose one pound of fat. Doing it once a week for a year would help you lose 5lb in weight!

For more waistline friendly recipes... • Swap Chilli Con Carne for Spicy Mushroom and Bean Chilli • Swap Chicken Salad for Warm Mushroom and Sweet Potato Salad • Swap Chicken Korma for Mushroom Korma • Swap Beef Stroganoff for Mushroom Stroganoff • Swap Chicken Risotto for Mushroom Risotto • Swap Lamb Tagine for Squash and Mushroom Tagine

The Just add Mushrooms campaign aims to promote the purchase of fresh mushrooms in the UK. For more information and tasty recipes, visit

- Shirley Conran

Life’s too short to stuff a mushroom.


British Mushroom and Hazelnut Paté (Serves 3 - 4)

This gorgeous vegetarian paté will please even the most determined meat eater. Great to serve as an entrée or with crudités at parties.

Qi Teas have launched three new organic tea blends Green Tea & Blueberry, White Tea & Goji Berry plus Fairtrade Afternoon Tea. The specialist tea company imports green and white teas directly from Fairtrade farmers in South East China. From £1.59 at Holland & Barrett and

Ingredients 350g (12oz) closed cup mushrooms, chopped 1 medium onion, peeled & finely chopped 60-75ml (4-5 tbsp) olive oil 15ml (1 tbsp) fresh rosemary, chopped 15ml (1 tbsp) fresh thyme, chopped 5ml (1 tsp) yeast extract


400g (14oz) can butter beans, drained

1. Heat 30ml (2 tbsp) of the olive oil in a frying pan. Fry the mushrooms and

½ lemon, juice only 100g (4oz) chopped roasted hazelnuts 45ml (3 tbsp) fresh parsley, finely chopped

onions together until soft. Stir in the rosemary, thyme and yeast extract.

2. Remove from the heat and drain any liquid. 3. Place half the mixture into a food processor with the butter beans, lemon juice and enough olive oil to make a smooth paste.

4. Transfer to a bowl and stir in the remaining mushroom mixture, hazelnuts and parsley. Season to taste.

5. Cover and allow to stand at room temperature for about an hour before serving to allow the flavours to develop.

6. Serve on Melba toast or crackers as a starter or use as a sandwich filling with lots of crisp salad.




Crunchy Warm Mushroom Salad

(Serves 4)

Portobello or brown mushrooms work well in this salad with their dense meaty texture and deep mushroom flavours.

Ingredients 100g/4oz rocket, spinach and watercress leaves 1 avocado, peeled, stoned and sliced 1 orange pepper, deseeded and sliced


225g/8oz smoked mackerel fillets, skinned and flaked

1. Place the leaves in a large serving bowl, add the avocado, pepper and flaked

30ml/2tbsp olive oil

2. Heat 15ml/1 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan. Add the seeds and cook,

60ml/4tbsp mixed seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and Sesame 1 (250g) pack large flat mushrooms, sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 red chilli, deseeded and sliced

mackerel and set aside.

stirring for a couple of minutes until the seeds are toasted. Transfer to a piece of kitchen paper to drain out the excess oil.

3. Add the remaining oil to the pan, add the mushrooms and sauté over high

heat for 4mins, until nicely browned. Stir in the garlic and chilli and sauté for 1min. Then add the lemon zest and juice and season to taste.

4. Toss the hot mushrooms and toasted nuts and seeds into the salad leaves and toss well to mix. Serve straight away.

zest and juice 1 lemon salt and freshly ground black pepper

Sweet Chilli Mushrooms with Halloumi Cheese (Serves 4) This makes an impressive, super-quick starter or light lunch that’s simply yummy!

Ingredients 8 flat mushrooms 4 tbsp chilli flavoured or extra virgin olive oil 150g halloumi cheese, sliced 4 -6tbsp Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce rocket salad leaves to serve

Method 1. Heat the grill to high. Place the mushrooms gill-side up on a grill rack,

brush all over with oil and season with salt and ground black pepper. Cook under the grill for 5 minutes until the juices start to run.

2. Top with the halloumi cheese slices then return to the grill and cook for

a further 4-5mins until the cheese is golden and crisp. Arrange two on four serving plates and spoon a little chilli sauce over each. Serve with the salad leaves.


BEAR have introduced a new blackcurrant recipe to their range of award-winning yoyos. Made from 100% pure fruit picked in season, they are gently baked with no added nonsense absolutely no added sugar, sulphites or stabilisers. Packed full of fibre, they count as one of your kids’ 5-a-day. Just 49p (20g pack) or £2.29 for five from supermarkets and healthfood stores.

Update on Olive Oi1 The health benefits of extra virgin olive oil are reduced when glass bottles are exposed to light. Within the average usage time of ten months, a bottle can lose 40% of its antioxidant Oleocanthal. Try olive oil in special tins designed to prolong the health benefits, instead, such as Oi1 from Crete. £6.50 from Tesco and

Roasted Mushrooms and Onions in Filo Tartlets (Serves 4) Another gourmet starter or party snack that looks more of a fiddle to make than it actually is. The delicate flavour of oyster mushrooms is complimented by the stronger red pesto.

Ingredients 4 sheets filo pastry 1 large egg white, lightly beaten 3 x 75g (3oz) red onions, each cut into 12 wedges 15ml (1 tbs) olive oil 60ml (4 tbs) red pesto 2 x 125g packs oyster mushrooms, sliced Juice of one lime Salt and freshly ground pepper

Method 1. Pre-heat oven Gas 6/200º C/400º F 2. Lay one sheet of filo pastry on

the work surface and brush with egg white. Fold in half, then brush top with egg white. Fold in half again to give a rectangle approximately 20cm x 15cm (8” x 6”). Use to line the base and sides of a 10cm (4-inch) round loosebottomed fluted flan tin, pressing pastry into flutes, then trim excess pastry.

3. Repeat with remaining filo pastry to line three more flan tins.

4. Bake in the oven for about 8 minutes. 5. Remove from flan tins, carefully

brush outside with egg white, then return to oven, upside down on a baking sheet for 5 minutes, until golden brown.

6. Put onion wedges in a roasting tin, and then drizzle over the oil. Roast in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

7. Stir in the red pesto and mushrooms. Return to the oven for 8-10 minutes.

8. Spoon mixture into the warm filo pastry cases. Drizzle with lime juice.




Mushroom Bourguignon (Serves 6) This one-pot dish makes a quick and simple hearty meal with the additional health benefits of two types of mushroom.

Ingredients 30ml/2tbsp olive oil 1 large red onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 red pepper, deseeded and diced 1 green pepper, deseeded and diced


225g/8oz small new potatoes halved

1. Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onion and sauté for 5mins. Add

450ml/3/4pt vegetable stock 150ml/1/4pt red wine 1 tbsp tomato puree 1 bay leaf 2 (250g)packs closed cup mushrooms 100g/4oz shiitake mushrooms, halved 30ml/2 tbsp cornflour salt and freshly ground black pepper chopped fresh parsley to garnish

the garlic, peppers and potatoes and sauté for a further 4mins.

2. Add the stock, wine, puree and bay leaf and bring to the boil. Season well.

3. Stir in the mushroom, cover and simmer for 20mins or until the

mushrooms and potatoes are tender. Mix the cornflour to a paste with a little cold water and stir into the juices in the pan. Bring to the boil and simmer for 1min or until the juices thicken. Serve straight away.

Creamy Potato and Mushroom Gratin (Serves 4-6) Adding mushrooms and sweet potato to traditional potato gratin makes a flavoursome twist with added nutritional benefits. This delicious side dish goes well with grilled fish or chicken or even a Sunday roast.

Ingredients 25g/1oz butter 15ml/1 tbsp olive oil 350g/12oz mixture of open and closed cup mushrooms, sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed

2.5ml/ ½tsp freshly grated nutmeg 675g/1½lb old potatoes, peeled 450g/1lb sweet potatoes, peeled 300ml/½ pint full fat milk 50g/2oz Cheddar cheese, grated

Method 1. Heat the butter and oil together in a frying pan, add the mushrooms and cook over a high heat until the mushrooms are soft and the juices have evaporated. Stir in the garlic and nutmeg and remove from the heat.

2. Slice both kinds of potatoes to about the thickness of a pound coin. Arrange half over the base of a 1.4ltr/2 ½ pint ovenproof dish and season. Scatter over half of the mushrooms. Repeat the layers.

3. Pour the milk over the potatoes and mushrooms. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 1hour.

4. Remove from the oven, scatter over the cheese and bake for a

further 25mins or until the top is golden and the potatoes are golden brown.

modern wellness New Quit aid helps you cut back A new smoking cessation product, NicoBloc99, is based on the observation that US troops in Vietnam used glycerine on the ends of their cigarette filters to stop the taste of tar coming through their cheap, government-issued cigarettes. Adding NicoBloc99 (a food-grade liquid) to the filter of a cigarette blocks up to 99% of harmful tar and nicotine levels. It works by cooling smoke as it’s pulled through the filter, so harmful tar and nicotine vapours condense into solid form and become trapped. Used over a six week period, this gradually reduces the body’s nicotine dependence and reduces withdrawal symptoms helping to break both the habit and addiction.

NicoBloc99 is available on prescription from GP’s and can also be bought at independent retailers and pharmacies nationwide for £19.99. - Robert Ingersoll

Tea is good for kids If you’re concerned about giving your children tea to drink, a review on caffeinated drinks has concluded that up to two cups of tea daily may safely be consumed by younger children aged 4, while older school aged children can consume up to three cups of tea. According to Dr Tim Bond from the Tea Advisory Panel, ‘Tea is an example of a drink providing excellent hydration for children. Tea makes a tiny contribution to caffeine intakes compared with some caffeinated soft drinks but when consumed in moderation is likely to bring benefits associated with mood and cognition without affecting behaviour. When consumed with milk but without sugar, tea also contributes to calcium and flavonoid intakes which has got to be great news for children.’

You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well.

New defence against Salmonella approved Every year, millions of people become sick from foodborne infections such as Salmonella poisoning. In the US, the FDA has now approved a Dutch product called SALMONELEX that can be sprayed onto raw poultry to eliminate Salmonella bacteria during food processing. The product contains natural viruses that target and destroy Salmonella bacteria, including antibiotic resistant strains. A similar phage product, called LISTEX is already being used to prevent Listeria infection during food processing.

For more information visit





Are we getting closer to a cure for baldness? There are no shortages of ‘miracle’ cures for baldness but, despite decades of research, none are truly effective as the fundamental biological mechanisms involved in hair loss are not well understood. All scientists know for certain is that a by-product of testosterone, called DHT, gradually shrinks hair follicles in the scalp, reducing the length and thickness of hair fibres. Treatments containing finasteride and minoxidil can prevent or slow hair loss, but none can reverse the process. However, in 2012, a team from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore discovered a compound called Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) that plays a role in killing hair follicles by interacting with a receptor on follicle cells. Scientists are now researching drugs to either block the receptor or disable the enzyme that makes PGD2.

Promising new HIV vaccine on the horizon Researchers in the US have reported success in trialling a new HIV vaccine which has completely cleared a related virus, SIV, in monkeys. ‘To date, HIV infection has only been cured in a very small number of highly-publicised, but unusual clinical cases in which HIV-infected individuals were treated with anti-viral medicines very early after the onset of infection or received a stem cell transplant to combat cancer,’ said Louis Picker, associate director from Oregon Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute. ‘This latest research suggests that certain immune responses elicited by a new vaccine may also have the ability to completely remove HIV from the body.’ Picker’s team used engineered cytomegalovirus (CMV), a common virus carried by a large percentage of the population, to generate cells that sought out and destroyed infected cells.

- George Henry Lewes

Science is the systematic classification of experience.

Messy food is brain food Giving children free rein with messy foods such as porridge, yoghurt and soft desserts is good for their minds. Researchers at the University of Iowa studied how 16-month-old children learned words for non-solid foods such as soup or porridge and found that word learning increased when the children were allowed to play messily. Toddlers who interacted most with the food by poking, feeling and throwing them were more able to name them using texture as an identifier. ‘It may look like your child is playing in the high chair, throwing things on the ground, and they may be doing that, but they are getting information out of those actions,’ said Larissa Samuelson, a professor in psychology at the university. ‘And, it turns out, they can use that information later. Playing with these foods actually helped these children learn the names better.

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