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Size four models that look like they haven’t had a bad hair day or a zit in their entire life, celebrities airbrushed beyond recognition, one thousand and one ways to get an orgasm, articles encouraging girls as young as thirteen to go out dressed in little more than a hanky, a one thousand five hundred dollar scarf advertised as a wise investment, girls ‘dressed’, posed and photographed for the pleasure of perverted old men and pubescent little boys, 20 question quizzes that will determine the rest of your life, miracle diets and miracle creams. That’s not life that’s a glossy magazine. Life’s is an amazing, beautiful, eye opening journey, a learning process through which we gather the knowledge and experience required to pass from this life into the next. Youth in revolt will evoke thought, feeling and discussion from start to finish, life will never be a glossy magazine but this, is progress. This is YOUTH IN REVOLT.

Nicole Daphne

Olivia Mróz



Writer and journalist.

Photographer and artist.



04__ 07__ 09__ 10__ 12__ 14__ 16__ 19__ 20__ 22__ 24__ 26__ 28__ 34__ 36__ 40__ 42__ 44__

FOR YOU bL0GG3Rz SKIN Fishwrinkle Comics Headphones in, world out YiR_MOD Our Fragmented Youth Omnom’s Nu Wave Fashion Lights, camera, review. The View From My Lens The Supermarket Chronicles PRETTYPUKE Y.I.R Book Club Friday I would do anything for love… but I won’t do that. OHJAMIE Yuta Sakakilara




By Mykayla Joy







bL0GG3Rz Lauren/Eighteen/Italian-German/Pisces Where are you from? California. Do you have any animals? A Yorkie named Layla. Who’s your favorite artist? The Smiths. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done/seen? I was peeing in my friends sink at her house and she walked in on me (Iwasintoxicated). Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I wish I could be my own best friend. How do you want to die? Alongside the love of my life. What revolts you? Closed-minded people. Do you believe in true love? Sadly, yes. If someone gave you too much change at a store, and you knew they did, would you keep it? Probably because I am an evil little girl. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? If I even had any advice for a newborn child they wouldn’t be able to understand it.



Gillian/2old/Scottish/Gemini Where are you from? Glasgow. What do you do? Dance alone in my flat like a maniac and talk to myself a lot. Do you have any animals? 1 guinea pig called Curious George. He’s so happy. He eats and sleeps. All day. I envy him. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? Desperately trying to hold onto my mind a lot of the time. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? I’m very loyal. But perhaps a bit neurotic and unreliable. What’s your favorite thing to blog about? I blog personal pics, inspo pics, random shit that I like and then ramble a bit sometimes about music or clothing or whatevers in my head. What inspires you? Ideas, eccentrics... and the universe (wowowow it’s masssssssive, endless, infinity... wow just think of that!! My mind explodes!!) Do you create? Everyone creates everyday... our whole lives we create little experiences and moments and share them with people.... but, em yeh, I make bags and t-shirts and draw a lot and keep endless scrapbooks and sometimes take photographs and at work I design flyers and posters and booklets... so lots of creation. Do you believe in God? Fuck God, believe in yourself. Have you ever seen anything die? I accidentally strangled my hamster as a child... It was escaping and I shut the cage on its neck. It died not long after. Maybe that’s why I have bad karma :-/. What revolts you? Prejudice and small mindedness. What’s your favorite sound/smell/touch/taste? Silence, lavender, water, vanilla. Do you believe in true love? Forever. If you started a revolution what would it be? Revolution girl style now!!!! :-P. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? I’m a young soul with a lot to learn. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Don’t learn from society, learn from within. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? Fart. Apparently 12-14 farts is the average a day... I SMASH that record!




By Alice Bellette

like peaches in milk, soft & supple synthesis of a fresh plucked lullaby. closing credit music of climax. intermission. you can’t see the weight of my heart. but the skin gently vibrates; pulsing ribcage in time to the beat. 9


Fishwrinkle Comics By Pixie Mishra-Pekte





Headphones in, world out. Sam Moss - Neighbors 2012 Not often when purchasing a CD do I get a personal thankyou note from the artist, but with Sam Moss this was the case. The joy I was hit with when this came in the mail was nothing if not unexpected. Having only paid under $10 for postage and the disc, the deal was hard to pass up. What makes this even better is the quality shown in this 6 track EP from this young American singer/songwriter. Growing from earlier releases of instrumental work, his vocal delivery really adds to his crisp and extremely engaging string work, via both the guitar and banjo. The track that encompasses all this is the final track “Rotary”. With banjo playing to really immerse yourself into, this song creates a certain mood. It makes you feel like you are in the studio with him. Hearing every little nuance and every pluck of the banjo, it has such a mature feel. Although only 20 minutes, the replay value involved in Neighbors is extremely high and a must for fans of simplistic and beautifully arranged fingerpicked music. Gillian Welch – Revival 1996 Out of my whole collection there is one genre that is rarely seen or listened to, Country. With the reasons varying from lyrical content not being what I am interested in, to the sound of male country artists giving me the irks. This is not the case of veteran U.S country singer/songwriter Gillian Welch. Over 5 albums and one soundtrack, for the George Clooney movie “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?”, Gillian and her musical partner David Rawlings have crafted some of the most beautifully consistent records in the genre. Her voice has a calming quality and is a soothing listen. One of her best albums to date was also the first exposure any got to her voice, her debut Revival. Having the sound of Nashville and a spontaneous live feel, Gillian and David showcase all their talents. From slide guitar to harmonious vocals the sound of the Americana Country is shown. My favourite track has to be “By The Mark”. A simple guitar and vocal track which strongest suit is the harmonies of Gillian and David that really mesh together well. Although the lyrics are not exactly what I want out of my music, the delivery more than makes up for that. The atmosphere created within this album is soothing, calming and down right beautiful. 12


Here We Go Magic – A Different Ship 2012 From the time I heard my first Here We Go Magic single a few years ago, Collector, my excitement hit fever pitch. When the album that single came off, Pigeons, was released I was happy but not ecstatic. Although being a very good album, I knew if they had the application they could make something greater. They just needed a more concerted effort. And on A Different Ship this Brooklyn 5 piece delivered. Nigel Godrich, the producer behind every classic Radiohead album, meticulously crafts every sound on this album. The production can become claustrophobic at times, but I feel that adds to the aesthetic. The greatest instrument this band has is the lead vocals of Luke Temple. His tone is great and personality shown in most of these songs really adds another layer to the synths, multiple guitars and drum kicks. “Over The Ocean”, the slowest song on here, has to be my favourite; a played down song that builds into an airy composition of synths and guitars containing Luke’s great high pitched vocals and choruses of women singing “So far, so good”. I get the incredible urge to sway my head when this song hits its climax, when all the sounds culminate into a wash of beauty. This record is what I have wanted from Here We Go Magic, and I hope to hear a lot more out of them. .

Smog – A River Aint Too Much To Love 2005 It is not often you come across a voice as distinctive as Bill Callahan’s, aka Smog. His deep voice has this amazing ability to evoke sadness and despair. Having started his career way back in 1990 with his debut album “Sewn To The Sky” to just last year releasing his 14th studio album “Apocalypse”, his whole back catalogue includes superb storytelling and genuine feeling behind everything he sings. “A River Aint Too Much To Love” is the last album to be released under the Smog moniker before he switched to using Bill Callahan. And this album is a quintessential Smog album, including that vocal delivery I feel only he can deliver. An extremely deep yet incredibly tuneful delivery that may turn people off but requires an open mind. One of the best songs to illustrate this is “Rock Bottom Riser”. This is when Smog is at his most compelling. With minimal instrumentation, just guitar, a faint little drum beat and at about 2 minutes in a piano played by Joanna Newsom, his lyrics is where this song excels. During the chorus he repeats “I am a rock/bottom riser/and I owe it all to you” which I interpret as someone addicted to a drug and rising from the bottom, from rock bottom. If you are looking for something very different and something your ears won’t expect, Smog is perfect. By Cam Johns 13


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Floral Summer Dress ($80) Bronte Oversized Floral Crown Headband ($57) Ollio Womens Oxfords Ballet Flats Loafers Lace Ups ($17)


Nell Layered Contrast Collar Sheer Blouse ($27) Magellanic Cloud Nebula Skirt ($130) JUJU Babe Jellies Womens 70s Jelly Summer Sandals ($20) Hollywood Mirror Backpack Yellow Smile ($24) 15


“Isn’t it odd how our fragmented youth leaves us both vacant and full?”

Our Fragmented Youth

By Nicole Daphne

Illustrations by Nina Rejcic




“You’re only coming because you got the mushrooms and you’re the only one who can drive.” I turned the radio up full blast ignoring everyone’s complaints, trying hopelessly to drown out the memory of Sam’s harsh words. It wasn’t working. “You’re only coming because you got the mushrooms and you’re the only one who can drive.” I mean fuck, to think I thought for a time that I loved this girl. The words playing over and over in my head like a broken record. Finally my thoughts were interrupted by Sam turning down the radio; she turned to me with a look of frustration on her face “What the fuck’s wrong with you? You’re acting even weirder than normal.” “You’re only sitting up the front Sam, because you made the CD and you’re the only one who knows what’s on it.” She kept pretty quiet after that. Everyone else seemed baffled or maybe that’s how their faces always looked. I’d never really taken the time to get to know any of them except Sam, what was the point? They’d already made their minds up about me. 19 and working two jobs, one as a waiter and the other helping out at my uncles’ garage whilst selling drugs on the side, with no other family to speak of. I wasn’t exactly offering up and explanation for my circumstances either. To them I am an enigma and a dangerous one too. My house has been broken into on several occasions when I have managed to work myself into some sort of drug debt that I can’t afford to pay, and Johnny had even copped a beating once when someone I owed money to recognised him as one of my ‘friends’. I don’t blame them for thinking I’m irresponsible but on the other hand it’s never stopped them from asking me for my services from time to time. 17


Like any of them are the image of perfection anyway; Sam, sleeping with me, fucking Johnny, kissing Jess. Johnny, molested by his mother, sleeping with every girl on campus except his virginal girlfriend of almost a year and Jess, devoted girlfriend despite knowing that Johnny is fucking anything with a vagina expect her – Or maybe not so devoted? She did kiss Sam after all. Alice is the only one who you might consider ‘normal’, I guess cause she managed to stay out of the twisted love triangle that has manifested it’s self within our group. But all that was about to change I thought to myself as I jumped out of the car and we began the long trek to the campsite.



Cinnamon Rice Pudding Serves 1-2


1 cup pre-cooked medium or short grain brown or white rice* 1 cup milk of your choice 1 tbsp ground cinnamon 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp honey (agave or maple syrup for vegan) 1 tsp vanilla essence or scrapings of inside a vanilla bean 1 tsp of brown sugar (can omit or use Natvia Natural) Pinch of salt Optional add-ins and toppings: sliced banana, apple or pear, dried fruit, chocolate chips, nuts, seeds etc.

METHOD > > > >

Using a small sauce pan, add half a cup of milk to the rice and bring to a boil. Stir constantly until most of the milk has evaporated. Reduce heat, add cinnamon, pinch of salt, remaining milk and bring to boil. Add lemon juice and honey, then stir continuously until milk has evaporated to the consistency of your liking. > Add the vanilla and sugar just before turning off the heat, stir through. > Serve with a drizzle of honey and dust with more cinnamon if desired. *brown rice: chewier, slightly harder and has a nuttier taste than white rice* 19


sam is www.l a ninteen y.o fr olsam om La adams .tumb





Lights, camera, review. My Own Private Idaho - Gus Van Sant (1991) Gus Van Sant’s dreamtime riff on Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Parts I and II features Mike Waters, a narcoleptic male hustler who is first seen drifting on a stretch of highway in Idaho. Mike shifts from Seattle to Portland, where he has taken up with Scott Favor, who is also a hustler. The difference between them is Mike’s sleepy state portrays an uncertain future, while Scott is ready to inherit a fortune from his father within a week. Mike feels a real affection for Scott, but Scott does not believe men can really love each other. Besides, Scott is mostly hustling as a means of slumming and killing time before he inherits his money. Mike, however, delusionally thinks Scott will continue with his life as a drifter after receiving his inheritance. Mike’s belief is shared by the dregs of Portland, who live out of an abandoned hotel with their spiritual leader, Bob. They’re convinced Scott’s fortune will benefit them all, when in reality Scott has other plans.



Where The Truth Lies - Atom Egoyan (2005) A deconstruction of the celebrity, with the familiar mechanics of a murder mystery and a disregard for the retraints of genre. Maureen, an aspiring journalist tries to uncover the truth behind the breakup, years earlier, of a celebrated comedy team after the duo found a girl dead in their hotel room. Though both had airtight alibis and neither was accused the incident put an end to their act, but why? This barely trackable plot will make you feel like you’re lost in a labyrinthine for the most part but also successfully captures the attention of the viewer, leaving them with cravings for the outcome throughout.

The Karate Kid - John G. Avildsen (1984) Daniel is new in town, and is getting picked on by the local bullies, who all are adept in karate. Determined to stick up for himself, Daniel begins to teach himself karate, only to discover that the caretaker at his apartment seems to be a grand master in karate. Agreeing to teach Daniel, Mr. Miyagi shows Daniel that there is more to karate than violence, and perhaps the best way to solve the problem he has with the bullies is in the All Valley Karate Championship. The Karate Kid spawned into a franchise and launched the career Ralf Macchio (Daniel), turning him into a teen idol. It also revitalised Noriyuki “Pat” Morita‘s career who previously played Arnold on Happy Days. I’m sure most of have seen it but if you haven’t you really should, it’s a classic. There has since been three sequels and one remake. By Nazanin Behbehani



The View From My Lens

By Hannah Rockliffe





supermarket chronicles the anonymous diary of a checkout chick





Miller Rodriguez is a twenty-four year old Colombian Capricorn from L.A who once accidently walked in on his mother giving head and doesn’t believe in true love “cuz people R horny ass freaks.” Rodriguez likes to blog about super depressing shit “Because making people feel uncomfortable is rad.” When we asked him what his favourite smell, taste and touch was he said “Farts and Butts, because they’re cute” and he loves artist Judith Scott because “She didn’t know how amazing she was. She had Down Syndrome and truly made work because it made her happy 2 do so.” We love his kookiness and his honesty; he is upfront and doesn’t sensor his opinions or his art and we love him for it.













Y.i.R Book Club. Perfect Victim by Megan Norris and Elizabeth Southall 2003 One Night in March 1999, fifteen-year-old dance student Rachel Elizabeth Barber vanished. Perfect Victim recounts two stories: The Southall family’s heart-rendering experience – how they lived through unimaginable tragedy and the perspective of criminal court reporter Megan Norris who explores the astonishment of the professionals when faced with the killer’s weird and unsettling letters, and the police proceedings that led, eventually, to the Rachel Barber case being solved. I can’t say much else without giving away the story completely, but this is a chilling tale that left me with many sleepless nights after completion. All this considered I highly recommend it; this is Australian Nonfiction in rare form.



The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddon 2003 A story about a young boy named Christopher who has a photogenic memory, who understands maths and science, but who struggles to understand other human beings. When Christopher finds his neighbour’s dog dead on the front lawn, he decides he is going to track down the killer and write a murder mystery about it. But what other mysteries does Christopher uncover? Christopher describes himself in the book as ‘a mathematician with learning difficulties’ and author Mark Haddon says of the topic that “It’s a novel about difference, about being an outsider, about seeing the world in a surprising and revealing way. The book is not specifically about any specific disorder” Making it versatile and adaptable. The book won the 2003 Whitbread Book of the Year and the 2004 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best First Book. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night is such a good book; you will want to read it all at once and then all over again.

A Game Of Thrones: A Song Of Ice And Fire By George R.R. Martin 1996 Smart, sexy and incredibly suspenseful, Martin’s world of A Game of Thrones is a cruel and brutally honest one. Written purely through first person perspective, each chapter bears the name of one of eight characters. It is here we realise the line between good and evil is as blurred as ever and the characters you root for don’t always make the best decisions. Love, honour, loyalty and jealously are just some of the themes weaved into this intricate story full of diverse and intriguing characters. If you’re interested in a mature, unpredictable story full of captivating characters and plots, then A Game Of Thrones is for you. By Nicole Daphne & Patrick Christopher









‘Friday’ By Olivia Mroz 39


‘I would do anything for love...but I won’t do that.’ And no, I’m not talking about anal. Guys and girls out there, a question: What would you be more willing to give up for a year: the possibility of regular sex, or a steady relationship with ‘someone special?’ I know what I’d pick... It has been nearly one year, to the exact day almost, since I was last in what you would call a ‘relationship‘ and, until quite recently, I have been very content and perfectly happy with my single status. I can spend time with my guy friends talking balls about Formula One whilst playing pool and drinking beer without having to worry about a jealous boyfriend storming into the room and impaling someone on a pool cue, creating an awkward, painful human kebab of rage. On the other end of the spectrum, I can spend all day Saturday sitting up in bed eating Tim Tams and trawling through Facebook, without shaving my legs or plucking my eyebrows. The single life and me fit together like Tequila shots and Hydrolyte rehydration fluids on a Sunday morning. And in this age of recession, being single has its financial advantages too. Playing the role of the ‘Lone Wolf ’ means not having to buy stupid romantic cards and pointless chocolates on Valentine’s Day, nor does it mean worrying about a gift on his birthday or figuring out what scented soap to buy your potential mother-in-law for Christmas. Which works well for me, because I am a tight-ass university student who only parts with money in order to pay for my rent or vodka. I simply have not felt the need, nor the desire for the close company of another human being in my life, asides from my boss, (because he is financially integral to my alcohol consumption) and a few close friends. For the last twelve months, I have been perfectly happy with going to and from work, going to classes at university and spending time in the evenings and on weekends with friends discussing our future travel plans together and eating chips. I’ve been as happy as a proverbial pig in mud, wallowing in the selfish puddle of mud that is my single life, without having to think about entertaining a dim-witted, financially-draining and pool-cue-wielding male partner. Now, the women who I have befriended, and who I work with, are all strong, independent women, who you’d expect to appreciate my attitude towards men, relationships, and my current decision to embrace my single status. Well, you’d assume wrong. The presence of a rather dashing young man, who entered the store searching for a box of Band Aids, drew attention to the hideous fact that I was, out of a group of nine or so women, the only one who was not married, in the throws of a romantic courtship, or living in a de-facto relationship. I am indeed, the lone wolf of the dating pack. Which, I’ll say it again, suited me just fine. Yet despite this, these women have decided to take it upon themselves to set me up with any good looking man who



happens to be warm and breathing. Hmm... Now, it’s not that I don’t appreciate their efforts. Nor do I detest the male species. I haven’t totally quit playing the game; hell, the occasional one-night-stand never goes astray, and I’m the first one to put my hand up to admit to the frequent day dream about the occasional dark and swarthy stranger I spy on the train home. I’ve not sworn off men for good. But, let’s just be realistic here. I, like many of you, am a young woman in my early 20s, who is just beginning to dip a tentative toe into the rough waters of life. We all live in the 21st century; a world in which we are independent, virile young things who can do what we want, whenever the bloody hell we feel like it. I mean, in 120 days I’m jetting off to England to live for 12 months. When I come back, I’ll be graduating from university. I want to save up and buy a new Ducati Monster Motorcycle, and perhaps find a trendy studio apartment somewhere in the city. Logically, do I honestly have the time for a man in my life? No. However, do I want a man in my life? Well, I don’t know. I thought perhaps not, until the shrill, squawking women I know began constantly gabbling on about it every chance they got. Now, hang on a minute here. I’m going to embrace my inner Shannon Noll and shout out, ‘What about me?’ What about my freedom? My singledom? My right to purchase a bag of m&m’s at the petrol station, rest them in my lap and devour the lot whilst I drive home? If I was in a relationship, or in the pursuit of one, my entire concept of freedom would have been demolished. Rather than revelling in the wonder that is the chocolate confectionary melting in my lap, I would have to worry about getting fat, having blue stained teeth and becoming unattractive to men. I’d have to worry instead about what I am doing each and every weekend and how I am going to spend that time with my man rather than plodding around home in my pajamas on a Friday night only to be spontaneously invited out to the pub for a night on the town. I can barely manage to organise my own life as it is, how in the world would I be able to juggle another human being, let alone a man, and all various strings attached. Am I willing to give up my Tim Tam-fulled Youtubing sessions on a Saturday morning? Am I ready to part ways with my beer drinking friends and their flatulent ways? Hell no. So, women of the world, rejoice in your freedom. Carpe the hell out of that Diem. But, perhaps more importantly, don’t let those unfortunate individuals trapped within the constraints of a relationship bully you into thinking that you deserve anything less than your freedom. By Made Stuchbery






Jamie Wdziekonski, heard the name? No? Maybe OHJAMIE sounds a bit more familiar? Yes? We thought so. Young Melbourne blogger Jamie WdzieKonski who recently celebrated his 21st birthday at Melbourne’s Liberty Social has been blogging now for three years and has developed quite the following (us included). Residing in Melbourne’s CBD and currently working for STRATEAS.CARLUCCI he still finds time to keep us updated with everything OHJAMIE. From his signature black and white posts to his unique fashion perspective, something about Jamie has us hooked. Perhaps the reason people gravitate towards Jamie is his humility? Because when we asked him “What are some of your endeavours/accomplishments away from blogging?” He replied “To be completely honest I don’t really have any.” -We were puzzled. The boy has assisted on campaigns for Mimco and Nobody Jeans, covered the 2010 Rosemount Australian Fashion week in Sydney and currently, as previously stated, works for STRATEAS.CARLUCCI. That list alone at the age of 21 is impressive, but it doesn’t stop there. For Jamie’s 21st at Liberty Social on June 9th he not only kindly opened the event up to the public, but also produced his own zine ‘OH’ to be distributed at the event accompanied by a mix-cd he co-produced with the Cobrasnake. Here at Youth in Revolt we give credit where credit is due, and credit is due here. Melbourne can sometimes be a wonderful and exciting place for a young creative individual to be and other times it can be highly competitive and people can be extremely portentous and sometimes even downright nasty to each other, somewhere in the midst of it though you find Jamie, someone who has accomplished quite a bit for someone of his age, who is still humble, approachable and friendly. Soon Jamie will travel to New York and we await with anticipation to follow his New York adventures through his blog posts on ohjamie. com! In the meantime though you might catch him at Miss Chu the Vietnamese tuck shop, shopping for records to add to his ever growing collection or out enjoying Melbourne’s night life, you’ll never however find him sipping on beer or noming on Vegemite–Gross.



Yuta Sakakibara 30-year-old Yuta Sakakibara from Japan, who earlier this year created an amazing picture for Youth in Revolt, we are glad to report, is still doing his thing and showcasing his art which he describes as “scummy filthy trashy drawing with bad english sentence” on his Tumblr which we check religiously. Yuta Sakakibara is truly a unique individual who really cracks us up with his twisted humour. He uses pencils, markers, barfing virgin’s blood and bum cum (Yep, barfing virgin’s blood and bum cum, That’s no typo) to create his creations. Some people might not get Yuta’s ‘toilet-mind’, but welcome and embrace it, after all, what’s a little virgin’s blood and bum cum between creative professionals? And even if you don’t fall in love with Yuta’s art instantly (like us), we challenge you to look away, you won’t. Live by Yuta Sakakibara’s rules and live alone, hate people, die alone and be a cate, HA! We love it.











Team up with us! ADVERTISING AND PARTNERSHIP We welcome creative collaboration. Get involved with Youth in Revolt magazine! Any enquires? Reach us on: Subscribe to YiR mag on: Follow us on Tumblr: Facebook: Pinterest: Twitter: Instagram: yir_mag



*Alice Bellette* *Blogger BABEz* *Hannah Rockliffe* *Nikki Marie* *Pixie Mishra-Pekte* *Cam Johns* *Nu wave fashion BABE* *Nazanin Behbehani* *Nina Rejcic* *Miller Rodriguez* *Patrick Christopher* *Made Stuchbery* *Jamie Wdziekohski* *Yuta Sakakilara*


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