HKFYG June 2020 | Youth Hong Kong
Summer Youth Programme Activities galore, indoors and outdoors, throughout the summer. Here is just a sample. LNT Walk Out [Leave No Trace] Date Until August
Venue/ organizers 21 HKFYG Youth SPOTs Activities Outdoor adventure challenges that introduce principles of LNT [Leave No Trace] while appreciating and respecting nature: stand-up paddling, hiking, camping, cycling Fees
Varies from $30 to $550
(members / non members)
Online Course Series Date until August
Venue Students’ homes Organizers Various Activities A range of online courses from innovative arts and personal development, including sign language and handicrafts; fascinating skills to learn from the comfort of home Fees
Varies from $60 to $800
(members / non members)
STEM LEADer Science Camp Date 3-5 August
Venue HKFYG Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp Activities Three-day, two-night science camp to encourage creative youngsters to invent paper boats, robot arms, water filters and edible treats by experimenting with scientific theory * LEAD lab certificate awarded to every participant who completes the Camp *
$2,000 / $2,030
Age Details
8 –12
(members / non members)