Youth Resources' 2017 Community Investment Report

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community investment report

“this organization has inspired, developed and changed me into a person who values the potential in others and sees the potential in myself.”

At Youth Resources, our mission is to engage youth in leadership and community service. T H A N K YO U for the role you play in our ability to accomplish that mission every day. We can’t do it without you. This year our team grew, our supporters hit it out of the park and all four of our programs were at capacity, even with increased space! We celebrated Y R ’ S 30 T H B I R T H DAY with students, alumni, parents, volunteers and friends from across the decades and the revelry energy will surely sustain us for the next 30 years and beyond! Read more inside these pages about the year-long party and our final birthday event with special guest Kelly Schaefer. Our students S E R V E D OV E R 8,000 H O U R S with more than 100 local organizations, and they planned 63 service projects with their peers. They opened their hearts to the needs in our community and put their hands to work making a difference. 384 individuals, foundations, and corporations supported our mission this year. With all this amazing support, we raised $436,000 to sustain the Teen Advisory Council, TEENPOWER, Make A Difference Grants, and Vanderburgh County Teen Court. Since 1987 we’ve worked with over 151,000 students and funded more than 3,350 service projects in 6 counties. Our alumni give, serve, and lead in education, healthcare, business, law, nonprofits, tech and more, using the skills they learned through YR’s programs. Read their inspiring stories in the pages that follow. As we end our 30th birthday year, we will continue to give voice to the vision set in 1987 that still deeply resonates with YR’s board, staff and volunteer team: When young people are invited to the table, eccouraged to lead and engaged in service to others, our community thrives. Celebrating # Y R T U R N S 30 was incredible, and we know year 31 will be even better. T H A N K YO U F O R B E I N G PA R T O F O U R Y R FA M I L Y !


W W W . YO U T H - R E S O U R C E S . O R G

Laura Ferguson YR Alumna ‘07 Executive Director


B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S Ryan Beal, Chair Chase Kelley, Past Chair Chip Tiemann, Vice Chair John Schenk, Treasurer Don Apple Meghana Bhaskara † Aaron Brothers Alexander Burton * Vinnie Ciuffetelli Dr. Dana Clayton Elizabeth Elsea † Jan Elsea Jordan Fenwick * Carlada Flowers * Dr. Bo Hargett Kendall Hurt † Kathryn Kornblum-Zelle Sarah Krampe * Dr. John Reid Reed Schmitt Katelyn Skinner † Tamara Skinner * Jordan Whitledge


* Alumni Youth Directors

OUR PROGRAMS MAKE A DIFFERENCE GRANTS YR’s founding program provides grants for local youth-led service projects that address community issues. Recipients have fun volunteering while augmenting their academic learning.

T E E N A DV I S O R Y CO U N C I L TAC is a group of high school leaders that builds a stronger local community through active leadership, civic engagement and thousands of hours of service each year.

T E E N P OW E R This evidence-based program addresses substance abuse prevention and leadership for middle and high school students. Students participate through school clubs and summer conferences.

VA N D E R B U R G H CO U N T Y T E E N CO U R T YR’s restorative justice diversion program provides essential services for first-time juvenile offenders and involves youth volunteers in the justice process. Learn more about our programs at

YO U T H - R E S O U R C E S . O R G



“what does youth resources mean to you?”

41,704 people impacted through youth service



youth involved in YR’s programs


hours volunteered by YR youth


local agencies served


grant funding awarded for youth-led service projects


schools represented 7

make a difference grants LINDSEY KOESTER


Lindsey utilized a Youth Resources’ Make A Difference Grant to create 25 “Hug Packs” for foster children being placed in new homes. The “Hug Packs” were backpacks filled with basic needs such as shampoo and tooth brushes, but also customized with stuffed animals and blankets to provide foster children with something to call their own. “Family is really big for me. Two of my aunts have adopted foster children and they are what inspired the project,” said Lindsey, “As you grow up you see the things going on in the world and realize how fortunate you are,” Lindsey said. “I love making others feel good about themselves and I can’t stand to see people not feeling their best.” The Koesters delivered the completed packs to the Stand Up Foundation, which aims to creatively serve foster children and families.


L I N D S E Y is a North Posey senior and was one of YR’s Youth of the Month winners in 2016. She was recently awarded the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship and will attend Purdue in the fall.


teen advisory council HOLDEN ABSHIER

TAC , T E E N P O W E R , M A K E A D I F F E R E N C E G R A N T S & T E E N CO U R T A L U M N U S

Serving on the TAC’s Executive Committee for three years gave college freshman Holden Abshier the chance to work closely with new people he said he wouldn’t have been able to meet otherwise. “I have met some of my best friends through Youth Resources. TAC helped me discover my inner strengths that I didn’t know I had. I was able to learn, teach and lead my peers. TAC gives students the opportunity to change lives and shape futures,” said Holden. Not so sure about that 5:55 a.m. start time? Holden suggests speaking to a current or past member of TAC about the benefits of joining TAC! “Talk to a student who was involved with Youth Resources. They will tell you how their involvement positively impacted their life!” said Holden.


H O L D E N has been involved with Youth Resources since 2011 and served as TAC President his senior year at Memorial. He is a now a freshman at Indiana University studying law and public policy. He manages the IU track and field teams and continues to lead and serve as fundraising co-chair for IU Dance Marathon. 11




“I became involved with Youth Resources through my school’s TEENPOWER club. TEENPOWER sends a great message to youth that drugs and alcohol are dangerous, and you don’t need them to be cool or relevant. The program shows youth that they are not alone in their good choices and that they can be the leaders in their communities,” said Labria. Labria, who now works at Toyota Boshuku, said attending TEENPOWER was like becoming part of a family. “I met people that loved me for who I was and supported me. It changed how I look at the world and how I treated people. It helped shape who I am today. The youth and community impacted is worth every hour put into sustaining and creating these programs, and I wouldn’t trade my involvement for anything.”


L A B R I A has been involved with Youth Resources since 2010, when she attended TEENPOWER as a Bosse student. She continues to volunteer with YR and also serves at her church, Line Street Church of Christ, with the children’s ministry, media ministry, Vacation Bible School and chorus.


vanderburgh county teen court SAMYUTH SUBRAMANIAN

T E E N CO U R T & T E E N P O W E R A L U M N U S

“Youth Resources has made me a better student, friend and person,” said Samyuth, who was an active volunteer with Youth Resources’ Vanderburgh County Teen Court. “Youth Resources instilled the importance of support groups and how to maintain relationships between friends. I learned how to speak clearly and concisely, manage my time and really listen to the opinions of others. Most of all, I loved seeing the difference YR’s programs made in the community.” Samyuth’s credits his involvement with Teen Court to helping him become a better public speaker and teaching him the importance of maintaining healthy peer friendships. Although he doesn’t see his YR friends every day, when he does they pick up where the left off: “It’s like picking up a conversation that happened yesterday.”



S A M Y U T H has been involved in Youth Resources since 2009. He was a Wells Scholar at Indiana University during his undergraduate career and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Physiology at Georgetown University.




Senior male contestants represent their school at this creative, family-friendly take on a male pageant. These outstanding young men highlight their talents, smarts, charisma, and school spirit in BMOC’s four show segments. The contestants are scored by local community leaders, and the audience votes for their “Crowd Favorite.” Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults. All proceeds benefit Youth Resources’ Teen Advisory Council.

S AV E T H E DAT E : A P R I L 26 , 20 1 8





april P U R C H A S E YO U R T I C K E T S To join us, return the card on page 38 or go online to


Each year we have the pleasure of celebrating our stars: the outstanding students and adults we are privileged to lead and serve alongside at YR. Our Hall of Fame honors seniors, alumni, volunteers and Make A Difference Grant recipients through a number of awards – including Youth of the Year – during an evening of recognition and gratitude. All proceeds benefit Youth Resources’ Make A Difference Grants.

S AV E T H E DAT E : A P R I L 1 9 , 20 1 8

2017 YOUTH OF THE YEAR ABBY MUELLER Youth Resources named 18-year-old Abby Mueller as its 2017 Youth of the Year during its 23rd Annual Hall of Fame Celebration. As voted on by Youth Resources’ Board of Directors, Mueller was tabbed Youth of the Year as a result of her creation of Job Search Resource Books for Albion Fellows Bacon Center clients. Mueller obtained a Make A Difference Grant from Youth Resources to cover the printing costs of the book that provides tips for how to conduct oneself, answer interviews questions, how to dress, and also includes empowering quotes to give readers encouragement as they seek employment. “Abby’s passion was evident within her project,” said Rachel Gumble, Albion’s Community Engagement Director. “It is so refreshing to see a youth in our community with fervor for helping others the way that Abby does.”

Nominate a student age 5-18 at



YO U T H O F T H E M O N T H W I N N E R S Champ Brinkley Landon Eisenhut Sophie Fanok Josee Gibson

Geoffrey Greer Samantha Johnson Hadley Mosby Abby Mueller

Grant Riordan Audrey Watson Emily Westrich


scooter scramble supporters



september GIVE THE GIFT O F T E E N P OW E R With your gift, more students can attend TEENPOWER to meet positive adult and peer role models, learn about making healthy choices, develop their leadership skills, and make life-long friends. Simply mark your donation “In Memory of Scooter Tiemann.”


Give online at

Robert “Scooter” Tiemann was an advocate for youth and a long-time volunteer with YR’s TEENPOWER and Teen Advisory Council programs. We were, and still are, broken-hearted at his unexpected passing in 2013. The Scooter Scholarship Fund was founded in his honor to help teens attend TEENPOWER who couldn’t otherwise afford it. To date, fund donations and proceeds from the Scooter Scramble have sent 74 students to TEENPOWER to have the time of their lives. Special thanks to Bob, Tee, Carlee, Chip and Melissa Tiemann for their unwavering support of Scooter’s legacy.

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Title Sponsor

Lunch Sponsor

R O B E R T “ S COOT E R ” T I E M A N N T E E N P OW E R SCHOLARSHIP FUND Terry Brown Connie Bussing Daniel and Jennifer Foley Sheryl Hambidge Chris and Marva Harris Health Insurance Associates Jochem Family Fund Dave and Donna Knapp Ralph Koressel KWR Ventures J.D. and Marsha LeClere Jerry and Mary Linzy Steve and Stacie Mackecha Marcia Matthews Hocker Barbara McGregor Stephen Moors Myranda O’Bara Jim and Hope Rold Mike and Linda Tiemann United Fidelity Bank Mike Volkman Lisle and Sheila Wayne Beverly Williams Justin Woolsey

Tee Gift Sponsor

IN KIND 14 WFIE 911 Gives Hope Anonymous (3) Armstrong Bonefish Grill Cambridge Golf Course Cottage Florists & Gifts Custom Sewing Services Droste’s Jewelry Shoppes Edgewater Grille El Patron Mexican Restaurant Evansville Basketball Academy Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Evansville Power Yoga Evansville Thunderbolts Expressive Dance Academy Phil Ferguson Fresh Market Frontier Liquors Bill Frost Gayla Cake Gelhausen Floral German Township Gerst Hause/Smitty’s/Sportsman’s Golf Plus Hacienda (First Avenue & West) Indiana Pacers It Can Be Arranged

Cart Sponsor

Beverage Sponsor

Bob Jones Just Rennie’s Children’s Museum of Evansville Lamasco Bar & Grill Life Choices Logan’s Roadhouse Pangea Kitchen Penny MacLeod Men’s Warehouse Midget Links O’Charley’s Oak Meadow Country Club Old North United Methodist Church Outback Steakhouse Pet Food Center Pie Pan Resurrection Church & School Seek & Find Consignments Shannon Aleksandr’s Salon & Spa Showplace Cinemas Shyler’s BBQ Specialty Pet Grooming Starbucks (Green River & North Park) St. Joseph Church & School St. Philip Church & School Sunshine Juice Co. Swonder Ice Arena Tracy Zeller Jewelry Tropicana Evansville

Hole In One Sponsor

USI Varsity Club Vectren Wayback Burgers West Side Nut Club Wildflower Boutique

SPONSORS Acceptance Capital Mortgage Dean & Karen Bosler Aaron Brothers Browning Funeral Home Chauffeurs, Teamsters & Helpers #215 Custom Sewing Services Documents 2 Digital Donut Bank Kyle & Kristin Fields F.O.P. Lodge #73 Charles “Mack”Gadd, Jr. Hamlin Equipment Rental John & Jane Hodge Key Construction Dennis & Catherine Lamey McMahon Exterminating Mel-Kay Electric Butch & Kim Moors Old National Bank Pollux Systems Project Associates Simms Painting Company Tracy Zeller Jewelry



fall festival volunteers


T H E R E ’ S N O T E A M L I K E # T E A M B ACO N Thank you to the enthusiastic and hard-working volunteers who made the Big Orange Booth the most fun place to be on Franklin Street in 2017! It takes more than 200 people to make it all happen and together, we raised over $6,000 to support Youth Resources.

october # T E A M B ACO N B R I N G S T H E B ACO N Look for more menu additions coming your way from the Big Orange Booth in 2018!


This year we mixed up some delicious Confetti Cake Puppy Chow to celebrate YR’s 30th birthday. It was a huge hit, and we plan to keep it on the menu!

S AV E T H E DAT E : OC TO B E R 1 - 6 , 20 1 8

Jeff Abell Chris Adams Claire Adler Nate Alexander Carmen Alford Don Apple Jason Ashworth Bailey Balbach Adam Bastawros Luke Batten Jessica Beal Ryan Beal Halie Beard Manisha Bethi Meghana Bhaskara Favene Billa Julie Bowman Kate Brackett Aaron Brothers Terry Brown Alex Burton Christina Butler Nicholas Cain Clay Carlton Lily Casavant Abbey Chapman Jenny Chapman Jim Chapman Edmund Chua Dana Clayton Hudson Coates Jessica Coates Kerry Coates Maggie Couch Bailey Daniels

Annie David Alicynn Delancy Faith Delancy Jaden Diaz Jerad Diaz Sam Doepker Claudia Duncan Henry Duncan Ben Early Drew Early Addison Elpers Alexa Elpers Carlie Elpers Emily Elsea Jan Elsea Evan Englert Madeline Erdell Jessica Fehrenbacher Katelyn Fehrenbacher Jordan Fenwick Laura Ferguson Sally Ferguson Terry Ferguson Molly Finn Allie Folz Kellie Forney Faith Frank Kelly Frank Olivia Frank Robbie Frank Kim Fruit Sarah Fruit Ann Gerteisen Sammy Gerteisen Ben Glaser

Dena Goebel Rosa Gomez Gabe Gries Raelynn Grossman Ron Grundhoefer Lyndsi Gruszewski David Guerrettaz Leanne Guerrettaz Eric Hagerty Kati Hagerty Meredith Hagerty Sam Hagerty Olivia Hamilton Seth Hansen Stephanie Hansen Tami Hardebeck Dick Harrison Sandy Harrison Robert Hart Josh Heisler Reaghan Herrin Andrea Herschelman Karri Hillenbrand Alee Hofman Julie Holtz Taylor Howard Joel Humphrey Seth Humphrey Dana Hunt Kendall Hurt Shachia Jackson Bill Jaggers Laura Kalna Olivia Kalna Mitchell Karcher

Avery Kelley Chase Kelley Krystal Kennedy Laine Kennedy Joel Kerr Sydney Kleiman Deborah Koch Lily Koch Donna Krampe Sarah Krampe Morgan Lamberton Sarah Lehman Kristen Lockard Lori Lovell Mackenzie Lowe Erin Macke Grace Martin Jenna Martin Karen Martin Kerry Martin Matt Martin Sam Marx Valerie Marx Olivia McAllister Olivia McIntire Morgan McWilliams Warren McWilliams Erin Meyer Kylie Miller Paige Miller Ellison Mills Andrew Mitchell Grace Mitchell Jessica Mitchell Melissa Mitchell

Hadley Mosby Tensei Nakamura Chris Neidig Isaiah Noble Matt Oliver Dev Olivey Blake Palmer Carlada Patterson Shamario Patterson Sami Pauli Zack Potter Cain Proudfoot John Purdue Jessica Quates Labria Reed Abby Regacho Brittany Riecken Phoebe Roache Natalie Roth Matt Ruffing Amy Samm Jacob Samm Rebecca Samuel Keandre Saunders Ellie Schenk John Schenk Mary Schiff Michael Schiff Alex Schmitt Reed Schmitt Addie Schnautz Kristen Schneider Natalie Schneider Caroline Schultheis Elise Schultheis

Abby Shafer Alec Sievern Claire Sievern Luann Sievern Brian Spradlin Molly St. Clair Leila Stratman Emma Strawn Zac Stroud Kari Syroney Sam Syroney Jayne Tang Nathaniel Tang Jay Taylor Skye Terhune Gwen Thompson Chip Tiemann Eva Traylor James Vincent Danielle Walker Madalynn Wargel Bonnie Weinzapfel Emily Weinzapfel HollyWeinzapfel Brett Weyer Keith Weyer Trey Whipple Sam Winiger Ashley Wire Nate Wire


TRIVIA NIGHT At this evening of fun, organized by members of the Teen Advisory Council, youth and adults are challenged in ten themed rounds by thought-provoking (but fun!) fact and figure questions with door prizes between each round! Attendees are encouraged to register in teams of eight, and the cost to participate is $8 for students and $12 for adults. In 2017, TAC organized their fifth annual Trivia Night, which included 27 teams and over 170 participants!


All proceeds benefit the Teen Advisory Council.

S AV E T H E DAT E : N OV E M B E R 1 5, 20 1 8

SPONSORS The Herendeen Family The Makhecha Family


Pierre Funeral Home


WE THREW AN ONLINE PA R T Y F O R Y R ! A 24-Hour Celebration of YR

NOVEMBER C E L E B R AT E # Y R DAY ! 1. Share your YR story with us so that we

On November 4, the YR family came together to celebrate the first-ever YR Day. In just 24 hours, we raised critical support and painted the world with our YR pride. As one donor put it “You guys took over the internet!” Together we raised $ 20 ,26 5 for the love of YR. We couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

H A P P Y 30 T H B I R T H DAY , Y R !

30 Y E A R S O F YO U T H L E A D E R S H I P

The year concluded with our 30th birthday celebration, which featured special guest Kelly Schaefer, who shared her amazing story of courage and resilience. After a Q&A session, the crowd sang Happy Birthday to Youth Resources! We couldn’t think of a better way to end the year, than celebrating the milestone with all of you.

S AV E T H E DAT E : N OV E M B E R 3 , 20 1 8

can let others know the impact of YR

2. Raise funds for YR by creating a personal Facebook fundraiser

3 . Give to the YR cause closest to your heart on our crowdfunding site

4 . Wear your YR gear and share a picture on social media using #YRday

5. Tweet and post on social media and tag #YRday to spread the word


Learn more at



mentors Mentors are dedicated supporters who make monthly gifts to sustain YR. As a Mentor, your monthly commitment will provide financial stability and security, and ensure that YR has the tools and resources to keep our kids thriving!

F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N Contact Erin Meyer, Development Director, at

B E CO M E A M E N TO R To set up your monthly gift, use the card in the back of this investment report or go online to


ben & kim early M O N T H L Y DO N O R S How has YR impacted your life? Ben: YR has helped form the person I am today. TEENPOWER brought me out of my shell as a young adult. As an adult, it has given me the opportunity to give back to our community. The amazing thing about YR is no matter how much I give, I continue to receive. What is your favorite YR memory? Ben: Of all the memories over all the years, having our son, Drew at Middle School TEENPOWER last year is easily my favorite. Seeing him get to fully participate in the camp that has always been part of his life and truly thrive in the TEENPOWER culture has been amazing. Mentors’ regular gifts make an enormous difference at YR. Why did you decide to start giving monthly? Ben & Kim: Grants and backing for YR from longtime sources are becoming more difficult to obtain. YR is an integral part of our community and as the old saying goes “every little bit counts.” What impact do you hope your monthly gift will achieve for YR? Ben & Kim: That the best programs in our community are still here for generations to come.

B E N is a dispatcher for the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County. He was named Outstanding Alumni at YR’s Hall of Fame in 2016. K I M is a trained chemist and volunteers alongside Ben with Boy Scouts, Tiger Archery and St. Benedict Cathedral and School.



kincaid cooper legacy society The Kincaid-Cooper Legacy Society was created as a means to allow planned giving through a gift of stock, will or estate. Named in honor of YR’s founding Executive Director Phyllis Kincaid and H. Lee and Ann Cooper, the Kincaid-Cooper Legacy Society ensure that YR will here for kids for decades to come.

M A K E A L E G AC Y G I F T Contact Erin Meyer, Development Director, at


ann & kent burnworth K I N C A I D COO P E R L E G AC Y S OC I E T Y DO N O R S How did you get involved with Youth Resources? We heard about the good work Phyllis Kincaid and the Youth Resources group was doing throughout the region in the late 80s. We never cared what our kids turned out to be - we just didn’t want them to grow up to be jerks. YR’s programs helped them become the compassionate, caring, generous, thriving adults they are today! Bequests make an enormous difference for YR. Why did you decide to put Youth Resources in your plans? We saw the enormous positive changes being made through YR’s programs, not only with our own kids but with all students served through YR’s programs. With nonprofit budgets always being in flux, we felt it was our duty to revise our wills and add YR as a bequest. What impact do you hope your planned gift will achieve for YR? We hope others in the community follow suit. We certainly are not rich, so if we can add YR into our monthly budget and wills, then any family can. Our gift alone will not keep YR going in perpetuity, but if we don’t start somewhere and if each of us who cares about young people doesn’t act YR will not be around for future generations.

K E N T is a stalwart of YR’s Fall Festival volunteer crew, but he has volunteered in many capacities over the years since he and Ann’s daughters started in Youth Resources. Kent retired after more than 30 years with the Evansville Police Department. A N N retired as the Executive Director of Youth Resources in 2015. In she and Kent’s new Kentucky community she is helping to launch a nonprofit dedicated to training service dogs.



“A strong community comes from strong young leaders. I believe with all my being that youth resources is the heartbeat of the youth in our community.”

alumni spotlight


TAC , T E E N CO U R T & T E E N P O W E R A L U M N A

“Youth Resources is without a doubt why I am the person I am today. For the past eight years of my life, this organization has inspired, developed and changed me into a person who values the potential in others and sees the potential in myself,” Lauren said. “If you’ve never witnessed 150 plus students shouting encouragement at 5:50 am, a jury of teens collaborate and fight for the well-being of a firsttime offender, a young mind with a big idea turn their goal into reality with a Make A Difference Grant, or been in a room of 250 students hugging, laughing, and crying with people they met a few days before, it’s hard to understand the impact of YR on this incredible community!” “If you haven’t seen a YR program in action, take my word for it - I’ve been involved in every single one. The youth in these programs take in these resources and exhale talent, enthusiasm and hope.”

LAUREN has been involved with Youth Resources since 2009, and she was named Outstanding Senior at YR’s Hall of Fame in 2016. She is a sophomore at IUPUI where she studies nonprofit management, serves on the Morale committee for Jagathon and works as a campus ambassador, giving tours to prospective students and families.


thank you to Our Community Partners LIFETIME SPONSORS

Lee & Ann Cooper Phyllis & Bob* Kincaid


Kent & Ann Burnworth Duane & Krista Decker Tony & Jessica Fehrenbacher Reed & Lori Schmitt Jim & Kathryn Zelle


Zach & Natalie Adams Ryan & Jessica Beal Julie Bowman Jeremy & Aubrey Brown Kent & Ann Burnworth Randy & Dana Clayton David & LaDonne Craig Duane & Krista Decker Ben & Kim Early Laura Ferguson Terry & Sally Ferguson Kellie Forney Jon & Arica Headlee Nancy Sieben Koehler* Zach & Nina Kovack


Sarah Krampe Nick Leaf Shaunda Lynch & Chad Schmidt Pete & Chelsi Moore John & Pepper Mulherin David & Jan Perkins James & Stephanie Roland Greg & Jenny Schaperjohn Jeff & Julia Smith David & Ann White Jordan & Robin Whitledge Rich & Jamie Whittington


14 News 44 News Alta Information Services Azzip Pizza Barnes & Noble Blick Art Materials Buffalo Wild Wings (West Side) Hudson Coates Jessica Coates Coldstone Creamery Dairy Queen (North Park) Donut Bank EAD Photography Evansville Bar Association Evansville Courier & Press First Federal Savings Bank

Flowers & More Fresh Market Gayla Cake Hacienda (First Avenue) Ivy Tech Community College Krispy Kreme Lefler Collision Center Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden Orange Leaf Pacetre Bake & Brew Qdoba Sam’s Club Serendipity Designs & Decor Southwest Grafix & Apparel Spudz-N-Stuff Starbucks (North Park) Swonder Ice Arena Tin Man Brewing Co. Townsquare Media Tracy Zeller Jewelry University of Evansville University of Southern Indiana Vanderburgh County Courts Vanderburgh County Juvenile Court Walther’s Golf & Fun WEHT/WTVW

R E F L E C T S G I F T S R E C E I V E D B E T W E E N J U L Y 1, 2016 A N D J U N E 30, 2017 $ 10,000+

Alta Information Services, Inc. Alcoa Foundation Golf Gives Back John L. Sanders Memorial/Evansville Bar Foundation Old National Bank Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana Vanderburgh County Commissioners Vectren Foundation

$ 5,000-9 ,9 9 9

911 Gives Hope Deaconess Health System First Federal Savings Bank Bob & Lisa Jones University of Evansville

$ 1,000-4,9 9 9

Alan & Sharon Braun Family Foundation Frank & Pauline Amodio Don & Karen Apple Audubon Chrysler Dean & Karen Bosler Braun’s Nursing Home Carl & Kay Chapman Vinnie & Bonnie Ciuffetelli Commerce Bank

“This organization has had a huge impact on the person I am today. I will never be able to repay what YR has done for me. Thank you for your donation!” - L U K E

Crescent-Cresline-Wabash Plastics Elizabeth Albon Foundation Trust Empire Contractors Janice Farmer Terry & Sally Ferguson Jon & Julie Frazier Donny & Chase Kelley Phyllis Kincaid Heath & Lori Lovell Magnum Construction Team McClintock Reed & Lori Schmitt Judy Stewart Utility Pipe Sales Vanderburgh Medical Alliance West Side Nut Club Keith & Theresa Weyer Kim Will Eric & Jude Williams Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel, Shoulders

$1-9 9 9

Jeff Abell Shaun & Melissa Abshier Alexander Funeral Home Amy W. MacDonell & Randall T. Shepard Fund Anchor Industries Sarah Antey Alan & Lynn Arteberry

Kelsi Auker Betty Barning Mark & Deanna Barton May Bastawros Darren & Amy Bickett Mike & Jenny Blake Don & Cheryl Blemker Bob’s Gym & Fitness Center Boilermakers Local 374 Nathan & Amanda Boruff Steve & Barbara Bowman Chris & Kristie Brackett Keith & Dawn Bratton Jim & Mary Breivogel Brinker’s Jewelers Ken & Naomi Ann Briody Aaron Brothers Jeremy & Aubrey Brown Linda Brown Randy Brown Terry Brown Brown Orthodontics John & Susan Browning Browning Funeral Home, Inc. Alexa Bueltel Donna Bueltel Burnie’s Benefiting Beads Connie Bussing John & Amy Casavant Dave & Debby Castrale

Ross & Candace Chapman Jennifer Chapman Aman & Jugesh Cheema Janet Cikra Stephanie Clark Roger & Susan Colman Joseph & Amity Colston Committee to Re-Elect Missy Mosby Michael & Lottie Cook Alan & Leigh Costlow Carol & Terry Courtney David & LaDonne Craig Crescent City Civitan Club Cron’s Body Shop Bailey Daniels Raphael & Carla Danziger Annie David Michael & Laura David Cecelia Deeg Amanda DeHart Jun & Gail Diaz Susan M. Diaz Dan & Erin Diehl Documents 2 Digital Fred & Trina Doepker Marcie Doty Byron Douglas Downtown Optimist Club of Evansville Dr. Stephen Buedel, DDS Richard & Pauline Dube

Kevin & Jane Dugan Phil & Dawn Durcholx Aaron and Mary Dy Ben & Kim Early Darrell Eddings Frank & Laura Edge Michael & Joanna Egler EI Sports & Apparel Brad & Beth Elpers Carlie Elpers Laura & Craig Elpers Erik & Emily Elsea Jan & Pat Elsea Trent & Kim Engbers Celeste Englert Marcia Evans Evansville Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #73 Evansville-Area Human Resources Assocation Ron & Norma Faust Jordan & Veronica Fenwick Laura Ferguson Kyle & Kristin Fields Matt & Sue Finn Mike & Carol Finn Jennifer Foley David & Patty Folz Michael & Donna Folz John & Lisa Forzley

“I love volunteering around the community and seeing how I can positively affect others. YR helps so many people throughout the community, and I love being a part of an organization that makes such an impact. Thank you!” - C L A I R E 35

thank you to Our Community Partners Diane Foster Igleheart Foster O’Daniel Hambidge & Lynch Ed & Bettye Fritz Katherine E. Fuchs Fulton Interior Systems Betty Geiser Russell & Ann Gerteisen Good Shepherd Catholic Church Bryon & Amy Goodman Scott Gowdy Ray & Teresa Graham Michael & Ann Green Doug Gresham Robert E. Griffin Mark & Cheryl Grimm Becky Grossman Scot & Becky Grossman Stephen & Shirley Gubler Robert & Joanne Guth Dean & Tonya Haas John & Deborah Hale Sheryl Hambidge Nathan Hamlin Butch & Shelli Hancock Tami Hardebeck Bo & Jennifer Hargett Jacquelyn Harmon Marva Harris Dick & Sandy Harrison Hasgoe Cleaning Systems


Lynn & Clare Hassler Jon & Arica Headlee Health Insurance Association Alex & Laura Heister Scott & Meagan Henderson Wayne & Jewell Henning Ron & Lisa Herendeen Hetts Graphics & Gifts Nathan & Carrie Hillyard Nancy Hitch John & Jane Hodge Kimberlee Hofman Hook’s Apothecary Hope Matters Ron & Alice Huffman Gregory & Susan Hulsey Bob & Mindy Humphrey Scott & Diana Hurt David & Mindy Jochem Vera Johnson Jessalyn Julian Michael & Diana Julian Mark & Laura Kalna Bill & Kim Kelley Travis Kendall Brant & Stephanie Kennedy Michael & Krystal Kennedy Terence & Sharon Kensell Robbie Kent Colin & Brenda Kerr

Dennis & Joan Kissel Ben & Julie Klipsch Dave & Donna Knapp Nancy Koehler Stephen & Mary Ann Koewler Ralph & Judith Koressel Zach & Nina Kovack Dan & Julie Kruse KWR Consulting Dennis & Catherine Lamey JD & Marsha LeClere Lehman Roofing Matt & December LeTexier Wei Hua & Ailian Liang Jay & Angela Lindsey Jerry & Mary Linzy Joelle Lynch Shaunda Lynch & Chad Schmidt Tom Magan Steve & Stacie Makhecha Ava Martin Jason & Kerry Martin Jim & Karen Martin Katherine Martin Tonya Mason Marcia Matthews Hocker Lisa Mauck Todd & Shanie Maurer Nancy McCleary Barbara McGregor

R E F L E C T S G I F T S R E C E I V E D B E T W E E N J U L Y 1, 2016 A N D J U N E 30, 2017 McMahon Exterminating Kim & Cindy McWilliams Erin Meyer& Matt Ruffing Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal Maita & Josel Mijares Avril Miller Chris & Sherri Miller Eric & Sara Miller Brian & Melissa Mitchell Matt & Jessica Mitchell Scott & Linda Mitchell Kendra & Gerald Montgomery Julia Moore Pete & Chelsi Moore Hugh & Kim Moors Stephen Moors Don & Susan Mosbey Jim & Mary Kay Muehlbauer John & Pepper Mulherin Dennis & Barb Mullen N. M. Bunge Brad & Debby Nash Ira & Jacqueline Neal Don & Jamie Neel Greg & Deborah Neidig Mimi O’Bara Old North Fair Trade Market Matt Oliver On Track Networks Rick & Carol Pace

“I love being a part of TAC and TEENPOWER. I hope to see even more amazing things happen within this orgnaization, and it would not be possible without donors like you.” - M A D E L I N E

Harshad & Maureen Parmar Shamario & Carlada Patterson Paul’s Menswear David & Jan Perkins Jon & Jane Perkins Mary Lou Petrisko Jim & Lori Pierre Lewis & Jeanette Plane Precision Surveying Ray & Nancy Pritchett Eric Provost John & Barbara Pulcini John & Kristi Purdue Frank & Frankie Purdy Don Rausch Steve & Madeleine Reffett John Reid Jon & Lauri Reitz Matt & Candi Rickard Jim Riordan River City Clowns James & Stephanie Roland Jim & Hope Rold Lawrence & Marilyn Roth Natalie Roth James & Tricia Ryan Jim & Rebecca Sandgren Greg & Jenny Schaperjohn Jerry & Ginger Schaperjohn Sanford & Jacqueline Schen

John and Katie Schenk William & Mary Schiff Kurt & Lynn Schnautz Christopher & Renae Scholz John C. Schroeder Kathleen Schroeder Talley Tom & Cathy Schuler Brad & Nina Schultheis Lisa Seif Noble & Londa Sevier Stuart & Melanie Shake Bill & Diane Shinn Roger & Jennifer Sieben Shane & Stacy Siegelin Bill & Luann Sievern Simms Painting Company, Jeff Simpson John & Tamara Skinner Jeff & Julia Smith Southern Indiana Gastroenterology Southwest Grafix & Apparel Brian Spradlin John & Marcia Staser William & Davi Renee Stein Kiley Bob & Laura Stephenson Caron Stofleth Todd & Emily Strahle Kari Syroney Jayne Tang TenBarge Seed Company

William Theby Jim & Pam Thomas Thrasher Boyd Insurance Agency Bob & Tee Tiemann Chip & Melissa Tiemann Mike & Linda Tiemann Tracy Zeller Jewelry Adam & Jan Unfried United Fidelity Bank Mary Valadares Vanstone & Kornblum Brian & Kendra Vanzo James & Tricia Vanzo Laurel Vaughn Vectren William & Sarah Vieth James & Theresa Vincent Michael & Lisbeth Vogel Michael Volkman Susan Vollmer Benjamin & Katherine Waits Jeana Walker Chip & Melanie Walsh Lucy Walsh Fred & Carol Walton Rich & Lynell Walton Jim & Angie Ward Kristina Wargel Kenneth & Cheryl Wathen John & Sue Watson

Sheila Wayne Dave Wedding Weichert Realtors - The Schulz Group Andrew & Holly Weinzapfel Stephan & Jeanne Weitzel David & Ann White Jordan & Robin Whitledge Rich & Jamie Whittington Beverly Williamson Randy & Shelly Willis Tom & Brenda Witten Jane Wittmer Kuhn Gary & Jeanine Witty Donita Wolf Chris & Gail Wolking Woodward Commercial Realty Justin Woolsey Working Distributors Andrew Wright Bob & Laura Young Kendall Young Alex Zenthoefer *Deceased

“YR has given me a second home. I have been truly blessed to have joined an organization like this. I want other teens to experience the same unconditional love and support that YR provides. Thank you!” - L OG A N 37

RESERVE YOUR SEAT! Thursday, April 19, 2018 St. Benedict Cathedral 1328 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, IN 47714 Doors open: 5:30pm | Program: 6:00pm

# of adults @ $20.00 # of students @ $10.00

YOUR GIFT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER Youth Resources teaches students that giving and serving is an essential part of a strong community. Please consider giving above and beyond to an organization that has been a postive force in our community for 30 years. Every single gift makes a difference.

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Attendee Name(s):



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This option authorizes Youth Resources to charge your card on the 15th of each month.

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Make checks payable to Youth Resources. Return this card and payment to Youth Resources, P.O. Box 3635, Evansville, IN 47735 or RSVP online at visit by April 11.



Signature Return to Youth Resources, P.O. Box 3635, Evansville, IN 47735 Give your gift online:


P. O. B O X 3635 E VA N S V I L L E , I N 4773 5

Community Investment Report

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