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Contents OPENING NOTE: LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCES. . ......................... pg. 3 FACES OF YOUTH UNLIMITED ............................................. pg. 4 WHAT NOW?.. .......................................................................... pg. 6 YOUTH UNLIMITED STAFF PICKS ....................................... pg. 7 CHANGED LIVES CHANGING LIVES .................................... pg. 8
YOUTH UNLIMITED | FALL 2014 Youth Unlimited has a rich 90 year history of assisting churches ministering to youth. Birthed out of the Christian Reformed Church, Youth Unlimited remains committed to the reformed perspective while serving alongside congregations of any denomination. We strongly believe that the local church is the tool God is using to reveal himself to this world, and we are blessed to partner with congregations to offer faith-forming experiences that reach this generation of youth for Jesus Christ! This informational magazine is printed in the United States as a free resource to churches across North America. It is published triannually by Youth Unlimited, Grand Rapids, MI.
Design & Publication Director | Jim Bowerman Contributing Writers | Youth Unlimited Staff, Ivory Niewenhuis and Carlye Tazelaar Cover Photo Credit | Houston, TX Serve Site 2014
SERVE 2014 PICTURES ..................................................... pg. 12
Editor | Mandi Merritt USA | Postmaster, please send undeliverable copies and address
SERVE 2015 ......................................................................... pg. 16 LIVE IT 2015 ........................................................................ pg. 24
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Youth Unlimited 1333 Alger Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507
Canada | Canada Post International Sales Agreement
RESOURCE BOX . . .................................................................. pg. 29 Not sure what these boxes are? They are QR codes: two-dimensional barcodes that can be read by smart phones. Own a smart phone? 1. Download the app. 2. Scan the code.
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#41124116. Please send undeliverable copies and address changes to: Youth Unlimited PO Box 1100 Norwich, ON, N0J 1P0
Jeff Kruithof 616.241.5616 ext. 3043 jeff@youthunlimited.org
Missions Director:
Jerry Meadows 616.241.5616 ext. 3040 jerry@youthunlimited.org
Program Coordinator:
Alesha Schut 616.241.5616 ext. 3038 alesha@youthunlimited.org
Design & Brand Manager: Jim Bowerman 616.241.5616 ext. 3039 jim@youthunlimited.org
Communications and Finance Administrator: Mandi Merritt 616.241.5616 ext. 3046 mandi@youthunlimited.org youthunlimited.org
youthunlimited.org | 1
What NoW?
Continue Serve-ing by helping people escape poverty You can continue the good work God has
Pray for direction
begun in you at Serve by urging your church
Give of your time and blessings
to participate in World Renew’s annual World
to end world hunger
Hunger campaign (October 19-November 2). Just as you have experienced community change during your week-long placement, so communities around the world are taking steps towards long-term improvement
Fast during the campaign using Fast Forward (worldrenew.net/fastforward)
through World Renew programs. Talk with your pastor or
shout about your experience
meet with your church council now to see how you and your
at worldrenew.net/shout
church can use your blessings to help them end poverty. You can find resources to do just that at worldrenew.net/shout.
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id the students you took on Serve (or another faithforming experience) this summer return home with an experience and a teaching that will forever impact how they live their lives? Hopefully your answer is a yes that causes you to celebrate God’s goodness. I know my life was forever changed by a trip I took back in 2011. I will never forget my hike up Mount Azekah and the teaching I received while sitting up there under a shade tree over looking the Elah valley. The Elah valley is where Israel faced the Philistine army and where David killed Goliath.
tool to teach, train and point students to the love of Jesus Christ and the joy found in living for him. Therefore, in this issue we are eager to lay out our 2015 summer youth group opportunities. Many congregations throughout Canada and the United States who are living missionally, will again host a Youth Unlimited Serve mission experience next summer. Our theme for 2015 will be, “The Other 51”, focusing on what it means to live for Jesus after returning home. It will be based on John 20:21-22 where it says, “Again Jesus said, Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. And with that he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit”.
One of the many things I learned that day was how this battle was really not about David or Goliath, but rather how God used them to reveal himself. God, through David’s gift and ability (the use of a slingshot), showed how he is greater than any other god. There is many times when I reflect back on that teaching and am reminded how God can reveal himself through me if I am willing to be used.
The Live It experience, an event where students learn about their value in Christ while exploring how to use their talents to spread God’s love to their friends, community and world, returns in 2015 as well. It will be hosted at Trinity Christian College, near Chicago, IL. Just like Serve, Live It will also use the theme, The Other 51.
I believe trips and experiences like the ones created by Youth Unlimited (and many others) can be such a powerful
As you begin a new year of ministering to students through your church, know that the Youth Unlimited
staff will faithfully pray for you as well as be working hard to create those faithforming experiences that will assist you with such an important calling. If we can assist you in any other way, please ask! Eager and thankful to partner with you in student ministry,
Jeff Kruithof Executive Director
has 17 years of experience in non-profit leadership and a love for God’s work through the local church.
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FACES OF YOUTH UNLIMITED RYAN LINK Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning? Usually, I’d be just beginning some sort of project around our house or yard unless it’s the first Saturday of the month. Then, our family would be at Home Depot with a billion other kids suffering a headache and sore fingers from pounding wire thin nails into craft projects, but my wife and I enjoy it. We really do. What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why? We have a great restaurant at a local golf clubhouse that I like to take students to. It has a really cool atmosphere and students feel very comfortable there (and the food is great!). Most students expect Burger King or Juice Stop (which are OK), but I like to treat them to something special so they feel that our time together is important and valued. What do you do to stay relevant to the youth of today? I go right to the source. I spend a lot of time intentionally listening to what our students are interested in – what video games they’re playing, the music they’re listening to, their favorite movies, etc. I follow their Twitter and Instagram feeds,
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join their Clans in Clash of Clans, etc. Then, I incorporate themes and ideas from these things in my messages. What do you do in your free time? It is important that my free time is spent with my wife and kids. Ministry often demands you make a lot of sacrifices of your family for the benefit of other families, so I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids doing activities that they enjoy doing. We play a lot of games as a family and enjoy the beautiful park system that Sioux Falls has to offer. If I do steal some time to just myself, I could probably be found racing RC Cars at the local track or working on a model train layout I have in my basement. What is one website that you visit every day? I go to www.regonline.com to check up on our Sioux Falls Serve information. Who doesn’t visit this website every day?
SONYA WUBS I never leave for youth group without my Dodgeball game face. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say? I asked them and this is what they said: Motherly, Caring, Compassionate,
Friend, Cheerful. (Note: I didn’t even bribe them!) What resource has inspired you for ministry lately? Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, Elastic Morality: Leading Young Adults in our age of Acceptance by Chris Thompkins and Building a Youth Ministry that Builds Disciples by Duffy Robbins. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser? Our fundraisers are pretty typical: meals, cookie baking, movie nights, yard sales. However, in 2013, in Canada, the government phased out the penny. So, we took it as a great opportunity to do a penny drive. We spent a very long time counting the pennies that came in afterwards. We raised over $150! That’s a lot of pennies. What is at least one website that you visit every day? I often visit these blogs: emilywierenga.com aholyexperience.com Oh, and of course Facebook.
JEFF SCHIPPER What’s your favorite place to meet with students, and why? My favorite place would be at a local breakfast joint (The Windmill in Holland is tough to beat). Breakfast combines three of my favorite things: coffee, food and conversations in a booth. I also appreciate connecting with students before the pace of a regular day kicks into full gear. What do you do to stay relevant to the youth of today? I never felt the need to try until recently when I turned 30. Even now that I feel a bit irrelevant, I spend my time connecting with them personally at sporting events, dance competitions and coffee shops. In my mind, being present is more important than being relevant. I never leave for youth group without my Kickball and a jumbo box of sidewalk chalk. The options are endless, and lately, our kids have become somewhat obsessed with 8 or 15-square. It’s a great mixer that anyone can play. What resource has inspired you for ministry lately? Other than the Heidelberg Catechism, I have been spending the most time
lately reading and applying Mark DeVries’ Sustainable Youth Ministry. I’ve also been blessed & challenged by Bonhoeffer’s Life Together as I think about Christian community. What do you do in your free time? Free time is hard to come by as a youth director, homeowner, husband, and father of two kids under 2.5 years old. When I carve out a little “me time”, I’m probably on the golf course or downtown Holland meeting up with some guys from church.
ELLEN LYZENGA Where could we find you at 10:00 AM on a Saturday morning? If there are no youth retreats, fundraisers or leadership events, then I would be relaxing on my couch with a good book and a cup of coffee, probably with my cat sitting on my lap. If your students described you in five words or less, what would they say? Best youth leader ever!
who examine why our young people are walking away from the church and their books are full of good information and ideas on how to connect with our youth. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a youth group fundraiser? I haven’t done it yet, but I want all the kids to paint a picture on canvas, something that inspires them or their favorite Bible verse or Bible story. Then we will display and sell the paintings in a silent auction. Where would you like to travel someday? Turkey, Greece or Italy. I was blessed with an opportunity to see Israel with Youth Unlimited a few years ago and walk where Jesus walked. Now I want to travel and see where the Apostles started the early church. I want to walk in Paul’s footsteps where he went to share the gospel and preach the word of God. Let us know if you’d like to be interviewed for a future issue of the Youth Unlimited Magazine at interview@youthunlimited.org
What resource has inspired you for ministry lately? Both Essential Church? by Thom and Sam Rainer and The Millennials by Thom and Jess Rainer. These are some great researchers and authors youthunlimited.org | 5
ove Jesus. Love Others. Like the directions on a shampoo bottle; lather, rinse, repeat.
“Repeating” asks us to do it again and again. Maybe you heard something like this in grade two: Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out and who was left? That could go on and on, my friends. Slightly more fun was changing it up to: Pinch Me and Punch Me were in a boat… but I digress. In the past, student mission trips have seemed that elementary at first glance. It seemed the directions were go, return home and repeat. That’s changed and we are realigned with the command of Christ. The emphasis in student missions is no longer on the mission trip. The principle worth repeating is living with the mission mentality. Love Jesus. Love others. Repeat daily (not annually after raising the proper funds). The mission of life is loving and serving with a clear
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gospel focus, especially at home where caring for others is most effective. The goal of mission trips is not to accomplish missions. “Missions” are not something you accomplish – they are lived. Part of the goal is learning alongside of those we’re sent to serve. We learn how God is working in their community so we can better understand how he is working in our own. In 2007, the Fuller Youth Institute developed the resource Deep Justice In a Broken World: Helping Your Kids Serve Others and Right the Wrongs Around Them by Chap Clark and Kara E. Powell and in 2009, followed that up with the student companion journal, Deep Justice Journeys: Moving From Mission Trips to Missional Living by Kara E. Powell and Brad M. Griffin. Thank God, after seven years we are living this idea more fully. Youth Unlimited has woven this key thought into our mission trips: You are being invited to serve alongside
a local church and community for a week, learning from them how to compassionately care for a community. Then, you are asked to return home to engage more fully with your church to compassionately care for your own community and the world. As the summer draws to an end, what now? As the school year gears up to start, what now? How will your students repeat missional living each day and all through the year?
“Missions” are not something you accomplish – they are lived.
YO U T H U N L I M I T E D STA F F P I C KS : Mandi: Serve God, Save the Planet by J. Matthew Sleeth is a long time favorite book of mine. It focuses on the biblical call to care for God’s creation and challenges Christians to a fuller understanding of stewardship while waking them up to the frightful situation of our environment. The book compels readers to re-evaluate their views and practices and gives them a practical guide for simplifying their lives. In the book, Sleeth shares his own family’s story of simplifying their lives as he left his medical career and moved his family to a house the size of their old garage, reducing their energy usage by more than two-thirds and cutting back their trash production by nine-tenths. Sleeth urges readers to modify their lives to more accurately obey God’s command to exercise stewardship over his creation, and he shares the many benefits of doing so. Jerry: The Week - theweek.com. While I have a great affinity for world news and global situations, I typically like an update in less than 300 words. I do like the BBC for global news, but to read multiple views of a story, I reach for The Week magazine. If TIME Magazine, the Wall Street Journal and People Magazine offered an at-a-glance version, this might come close, only better. In each short segment, multiple editors and journalists are summed up on every given subject. Once a week I get some very serious insight to global, political
news and justice issues along with a small dose of pop culture. Here’s just a sampling in the Speed Read category online: The Digital Economy is Hurting Women; How America is Failing Its Veterans; Mad Men Creator – Don and Peggy will never hook up. Alesha: Notes From A Blue Bike by Tsh Oxenreider. Notes From A Blue Bike shares the personal stories of author Tsh Oxenreider and her quest to live a more intentional and simple life. Oxenreider found that striving to live this way actually led to a fuller, richer life. In the book, she says, “We were made to live slower than our fast-paced Western culture deems normal. But it means paddling upstream through strong currents.” I, personally, have been challenged by this book to make choices more intentionally and purposely. I’ve realized that I don’t want to look back at my tomorrows and say that they were busy. I want to look back and say that they were full of good, fulfilling choices. Jim: Neon Steeple by David Crowder. I have been a fan of David Crowder since the album All I Can Say by The Unity Baptist Church Band. I remember being frustrated that no one was listening to him until he and the band hit CCM mega star status. However, as a typical music snob, I want everyone to listen to what no one is listening to until everyone is, and then I’m over it. In this case, I did keep in touch enough to know that the David Crowder*Band separated in 2012 and
now Crowder himself has released a solo album, Neon Steeple. I gave it a shot and loved it. Beyond the hype of stardom and the signature raspy voice coming out of a very wildly bearded man is just a man pouring out his heart and doing it with great writing and passion. Though I don’t love every track on the album, this album has remained one that really moved me to worship anew. Standouts for me are: My Sweet Lord featuring Emmylou Harris, Come As You Are and Here’s My Heart. Jeff: Stand Out Website – standout. tmbc.com. Marcus Buckingham is an expert on outstanding leadership and management practices powered by the use of your strengths. He has invested over 20 years in researching the world’s best managers, leaders and workplaces. To enhance my own leadership and management skills, I visited his website and took the StandOut Assessment. This $15 assessment identified my two greatest strengths (out of nine possibilities) and generated a 15-page report, which showcased the results that I found very accurately described me. The report identified things like: the qualities of someone with the strengths identified for me, my ideal work environment, how to make an immediate impact, how to take my performance to the next level as well as what to watch out for. Now, every week or two I get an email from his site with a helpful tip that I can use to be a better leader. Pictured above from left to right is: Jim, Alesha, Jerry, Mandi and Jeff. If you have a book, blog, website, music or anything that you would like us to check out, let us know at reviews@youthunlimited.org youthunlimited.org | 7
“His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” Words from Betty Bartlett’s favorite song ring true each and every day in her home. Betty, a 72-year-old, cancersurviving widow expressed her joy as eight high school students painted the cupboards and walls in her warm, loving home. With appreciation in her voice, Betty said she felt strengthened by this group of students; making her feel like a person instead of “just a little old lady”. Coming from eight cities across the United States and Canada, the 156 high-school-aged Youth Unlimited Serve participants were mobilized by their home church to Grand Rapids, Michigan, not knowing exactly what was in store for them. With a week packed full of opportunities planned by the local host church to serve the community, these students would change more lives than they could count. Serving people, like Betty, in their homes, in organizations, in warehouses, in thrift stores, in soup kitchens or even out on the streets, the volunteers discovered excitement in sharing the love of Christ. Equipped with a helpful, Christ-centered heart, these volunteers 8 |FALL 2014
were giving the gift of confidence, love and respect back to the community; especially to people like Betty. Sharing God’s heart of compassion for the poor, broken and lonely, the host church(es), Youth Unlimited and World Renew worked together to enrich the lives of teenagers. After exposing the growing physical, mental, emotional and social needs of people in the world to the students, Youth Unlimited and World Renew wanted them to see what they can do. Youth Unlimited used principles and messages from LIVE 58 to create a curriculum that inspires students to live missionally. With the solid application of scripture and a compelling global vision exhibited in LIVE 58 resources, it was natural for Youth Unlimited to seek real life stories of gospel impact from World Renew and urge students to engage with their church in global issues upon their return home. Together, these organizations are empowering and equipping people to live out the gospel message through words and actions. Bob Grussing, the youth pastor at LaGrave Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, MI, explained
how Serve helps equip and shape teenagers’ futures. Giving teenagers the opportunity to serve in communities across Canada and the U.S. allows for them to expand their thinking and know they are part of a bigger world. The Serve volunteers shared in the mission of Isaiah 58, showing the love of God through their work. As Grussing explained, embracing your own church and then your own community sets you up for embracing the broader community, eventually leading to embracing the world. Continuing on, he said, “This is a beginning of what students can do with their lives. They can make an impact here at Serve and then at home by showing that same hope and passion.” “In doing the work, we are building relationships,” said Jennifer Heerema, a Serve participant. “It changes how you look at people and it’s a lot easier than what you would expect,” said Chris Beezhold, another Serve participant. Nick Moelker, Worksite Coordinator of Grand Rapids Serve said, “Our shirts say ‘Serve’ and that is a piece
of it, but it’s more of getting the kids to build a relationship with Christ.” Building a relationship with Christ is the foundation for building a relationship with other people. Jay Knoblock, the leader of street evangelism at Grand Rapids Serve, said, “Being the hands and feet of Jesus is what we are created for. We need to minister to people where they are at; reaching outside the community and being willing to take a risk.” Nick Hoffman, a Serve leader from Minnesota, took that risk to reach outside the community. Previously, he went on a World Renew mission trip to Guatemala with a church group where he was inspired by Lazaro Aguin, a man that has collaborated with World Renew over the years. As an expert in organic agriculture, Lazaro teaches countless communities around the area how to fertilize, water and maintain crops. After seeing what Lazaro was doing, Nick saw the hope and excitement of growing plants in Guatemala and wanted to bring that back to his home community. During his week at Serve, Nick thought of ways to give hope back to people. One idea was to have a community garden to give people hope,
dependence, excitement and ambition. Although the plans are just an idea yet, Nick has learned through a lifechanging World Renew Guatemala trip and a Youth Unlimited Grand Rapids Serve trip that people are in need everywhere. “Physical needs are slowly being met, both in Grand Rapids and in Guatemala; but the lack of hope, the lack of love, that is the real poverty.” Deepening the understanding of global issues and encouraging action is what Youth Unlimited and World Renew are working to do for today’s youth. By broadening their perspectives and challenging their previous world views through experiences, relationships and passion for Christ, Serve participants get fully engaged into God’s community So what’s next? What will these kids do the other 51 weeks of the year? What can you do to mobilize the Church and help build the world view of global service to Christ in the next generation? Pray for direction in continuing the good work God is doing through Youth Unlimited and World Renew. Give of your time and blessings to end world hunger by participating in the
World Renew World Hunger Campaign this fall. Find out more at: worldrenew.net/worldhunger. Fast during the campaign using Fast Forward Resources at: worldrenew.net/fastforward Shout about your experience at: worldrenew.net/shout Show the LIVE58 Film to your church. Find it at live58.org/empower Just as these teens had a week-long experience of community change, we can make a change together. Talk with your pastor or meet with your church council to see how your church can use your blessings to help spread the gospel and mobilize the Church. Together, we can make a difference around the world, feeling comfort in knowing that, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”
What can you do to mobilize the Church ...? youthunlimited.org | 9
n June of 2011, when I was 16 years old, I was the most reluctant person in my youth group to go on a Serve trip. I hated physical labor, and the thought of the Texas heat beating down on me while I worked without pay seemed beyond ridiculous. My parents sent me on the trip despite my best attempts to convince them otherwise, and for that, I will forever be grateful. I had grown up in the church, so I knew the ‘stuff’ of the Christian faith, and let’s just say I was less than thrilled by it. But getting away to Stephenville Serve rocked my world in a way I had never imagined. Thanks to our amazing speaker, Troy Matchett (Buctouche, New Brunswick, Canada), I made a commitment to follow Jesus wherever he would call me to go. That commitment has changed my life in so many ways. Now let me back up. My week at Stephenville Serve was full of new
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relationships, lots of laughter and a whole lot of Truth. I had the best small group in the history of small groups (shout out to Team Cow 2011!), and we worked at a crisis pregnancy center, helping them to arrange a fund-raising garage sale. During that week, I grew closer to not only my youth group but also to peers and leaders from other youth groups. I am so thankful to God for bringing people into my life during that week who have played a huge role in my Christian discipleship! It’s hard to believe three years have passed since my first Serve experience. The Lord has done so many things in my life since I made the choice to say “yes” to him at Serve in 2011. When I arrived back home, I knew my life would never be the same, and I began to take ownership of a passionate relationship with my Savior. I have since been blessed to go on another Serve trip to Washington D.C., I have served as a teacher in an
after-school program in South Africa, I have laid hands on and prayed for dozens of women all over India, I have started a youth ministry program in Lincoln Nebraska, and this August, I will become the youth pastor at my church in Sioux Center, Iowa. I am currently a youth ministry major at Dordt College, and I’m so thankful to the Lord for calling me to youth ministry as a career. I am amazed at what the Lord can do with a willing heart that simply wants to love him by loving others. It is because of his amazing grace that I can confidently say that my life’s work is love.
... I knew the ‘stuff’ of the Christian faith, and let’s just say I was less than thrilled ...
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2015 Serve Sites
erve Sites are a one-week mission experience hosted by a local church that requests 40 - 100 students from four or more Sending Churches to help with their community outreach and revitalization.
Alamosa, CO
Brighton, ON
Burlington, ON
This “Land of Cool Sunshine” is home to some of the most beautiful mountains in the world and also home to some of the poorest counties in the U.S. Help us serve residents who need assistance with their housing needs and do light construction, repair, painting and yard work.
Drive through our community and you’ll see at least three things our church is passionate about: students, senior citizens and military families. Brighton, a quiet, clean and friendly small town is largely considered a retirement community. Still there is a great work to be done for Brighton’s youth. We invite you to work alongside us at a dropin centre for local youth or with New Life Girls Home, a Christian home for young women who struggle with many different life issues.
Nestled between the western shores of Lake Ontario and the Niagara Escarpment, Burlington is consistently voted one of the best places to live. Even with that, there are many hidden needs in the city that God is still revealing. Seek to experience the transformational love of Christ in Burlington by bringing hope and healing through being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Bradenton, FL While a Spring Break paradise, Bradenton is also home to many lowincome families who need tangible help and spiritual hope. Encourage families as you serve at many of the worksites. Dates set around Ontario Spring Break.
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Byron Center, MI (Middle School Site)
Hamilton, ON
Muskegon, MI
Close to the thriving metropolitan area of Grand Rapids and the rolling hills out in the country, this site gives a unique perspective on the needs of people who come from various backgrounds. Middle school students will love the variety of work and meeting students from Canada and the U.S.
Hamilton, Ontario, the city of waterfalls, is located along the Niagara Escarpment on the western shores of Lake Ontario. Work at the Good Shepherd Centre Ministry for the entire week with a day away to Niagara Falls and impact the lives of others as they impact you.
Gallatin Valley, MT
Holland has evolved from a Dutch farming town into a diverse city with many different cultural traditions. Be an agent of reconciliation at this site, working at homes of individuals and families, many that are connected with the Holland Free Health Clinic.
Community strengths and needs mix with the creativity and resources of the body of Christ to make this a powerful experience in God’s love. On Michigan’s West Coast, come work with community-based organizations to clean up inner city areas, do light construction such as building wheelchair ramps or doing maintenance on homes, stock local food pantries, help with landscaping for the elderly, or visit and care for people in the nursing home.
Designated as an area for intertribal peace and serenity, Gallatin Valley’s beauty speaks for itself but the people of Yellowstone’s gateway often get overlooked. With worksites in the urban center of Bozeman along with the smaller towns of Manhattan, Churchill, Belgrade and Gallatin Gateway, come make a broad impact amongst a diverse group of Montanans. Grand Rapids, MI (Brookside) While there is affluence and an expanding health care hub on Grand Rapids’ “medical mile,” still nearly 16% of the population falls below the poverty line. Brookside Serve provides the opportunity to grow in your faith while serving the poorer side of this Grand Rapids community. Grand Rapids, MI (LaGrave) Grand Rapids, recently ranked number one on Lonely Planet’s Top 10 US travel destinations for 2014, is not so wonderful for everyone who lives here. Many are underemployed and have lost hope, and local non-profit organizations are sometimes overwhelmed by the needs. Come and experience God moving in mighty ways in the hearts of individuals as we care for people in our community.
Holland, MI
Houston, TX Spring, Texas is a sprawling suburb of Houston and an area in transition, sandwiched between the low income Houston outskirts and the very white collar Woodlands, TX. Team up with New Life and be involved in their community outreach, participating in ministries involving adults with special needs and low-income neighborhoods. London, ON Due largely to the recent downturn in the manufacturing economy, London is now experiencing the second highest unemployment rate in Ontario. Work closely with agencies that support the working poor, disadvantaged and those living at street level, particularly youth.
Ottawa, ON (Special Needs) Intentionally planned to accommodate individuals ages 14-30 with disabilities. These individuals live and serve sideby-side with peers and a personally assigned mentor in the Nation’s Capital, engaging in worship, small group study, personal devotions and meaningful service opportunities. Students are paired with a mentor who befriends and works alongside them at worksites that are carefully chosen. Peterborough, ON Peterborough is known to be a “cottaging” grand central, yet there is also a very large homeless population. Come help in food and clothing banks, pitch in with ministries that serve the atrisk, street level population and engage in the global issue of human trafficking. Platte, SD Platte is a small, rural community with a big heart to be a people and congregation involved in the Great Commission. Take a break from suburbia (if that’s where you live) and seek to impact the Platte community with the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
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Winnipeg, MB (Special Needs)
As the largest city in South Dakota, Sioux Falls offers a welcoming atmosphere and big city entertainment with a small-town feel. Our large immigrant and Native American population makes living and serving here unique and you’ll have many opportunities to work with people who come from a different background.
Intentionally planned to accommodate individuals ages 14-26 with disabilities, live and serve side-by-side with peers and a personally assigned mentor, engaging in worship, small group study, personal devotions and meaningful service opportunities. Worksites are carefully chosen and provide a wonderful way for youth/young adults to serve the community.
Thunderbay, ON Located on the north shore of beautiful Lake Superior in the heart of the rugged Canadian Boreal forest, Thunder Bay Serve seeks to reach people from the downtown areas of the city to the rural outskirts and cover this region with the gospel message. Washington D.C. (Fairfax), VA In Washington D.C. you can be near influential leaders who literally believe they will change the world and among persons on the street who feel they haven’t got a prayer. Serve on a variety of worksites, including soup kitchens, halfway houses, painting projects and yard work in inner Washington D.C. West Des Moines, IA Iowa’s largest city and capital, Des Moines, is home to many that have great physical and financial need. Sharing the Gospel with them and expressing Christ’s compassion will happen through “platforms” of light construction work, painting houses, and partnering with local ministries such as Hope Ministries.
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Woodstock, ON Woodstock is famous for being The Dairy Capital of Canada as well as “The Friendly City.” Our worksites are a good reflection of how our church is already serving Christ and how we can serve others even if the need is not obvious. Come be involved in painting, creation care, light construction and preparing food for those who need it.
Sioux Falls, SD
2015 Custom Serve Sites C
ustom Serve gives you the chance work with Youth Unlimited to build your own Serve experience.
Youth Unlimited supplies the key values found in all of our faith-forming experiences while allowing youth leaders to customize certain elements to serve the unique vision of their group.
Port Perry, ON
Stephenville, TX
Regina, SK
See your hometown through new eyes. Scratch below the surface of this middle class small town on Lake Scugog just northeast of Toronto and you will find that Port Perry has the same needs and issues as any other town in North America. Our economy has been affected by factories closing and we have 100 ministries and organizations that help those in need. See what your church can do through God’s eyes. Come and serve with Hope Church as we help those in our own backyard with open hearts and minds to learn more about God, others and yourself!
Communities near Stephenville have been hit by tornados and revitalization is taking much longer than expected. Here in the “Cowboy Capital,” people are determined to help one another rebuild. Beyond that, 26% of the population live below the poverty line in rural areas without the support systems of a major city. Worksites include light construction, minor renovations, visiting the lonely, organizing at a clothes bank and working at a pregnancy care center.
Come to Saskatchewan for a unique cultural experience, working alongside the Aboriginal population that influences every aspect of life in our community. Many urban families are in need and you can help make their houses more like homes with some light maintenance, painting and the joy of Jesus Christ. You’ll also work with the Indian Metis Christian Fellowship (CRC inner city native ministry) on children’s ministry opportunities and Food Bank assistance.
Austin, TX Deep in the heart of Texas, Austin is known as the “Live Music Capital of the World” and has quirky shops and eclectic restaurants, but there is also lots of poverty, homelessness and class discrimination. Work alongside Sunrise Church to impact this community and learn how to love your own community and see others in the image of God. Crown Point, IN Experience worksites in urban areas of South Chicago where many struggle with unemployment and the financial, social and emotional difficulties that come with it. Partner with agencies like Habitat for Humanity, NWI Food Bank, Roseland Christian Ministries and 2nd Like Resale, as well as others. Minnesota West, MN Located on the plains of Minnesota, this site is a chance to reach out to the neighboring communities of Renville, Clara City, Willmar, Raymond and Prinsburg and to partner with local churches to show Christ’s love to the people who do not know about the hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Redlands, CA Redlands is a city rich with historic structures, museums, theatres and music, just 60 miles east of Los Angeles. Come and serve at local homeless ministries, student ministries and neighborhood ministries around our region and proclaim God’s love and care in the community. NYC, NY This is an exciting opportunity to serve in an urban area in the largest city in the U.S. This Serve experience will engage an incredibly diverse group of people encompassing many different languages and cultures. Join in on reaching out and serving the materially poor and the spiritually poor of this city, showing and telling the gospel of Jesus. 22 |FALL 2014
give a gift today, change a student's life forever
The single most important thing that can happen in a student’s life is that they form a lifelong relationship and commitment to Jesus Christ. After decades of doing youth ministry alongside churches, we know that mission trips and conventions are often where students discover God’s love for them. We set our prices for our experiences approximately $100 lower per participant than what is actually needed, accepting the responsibility of raising over $200,000 each year. In doing so, 1,600 participants were able to take part in Serve in 2014, giving 43,750 hours of service. With your monetary donation, more students will have the opportunity to participate in a faith-forming experience. Every dollar we receive goes toward impacting students with the message of Jesus Christ. One student sent us a thank you letter last summer that really hit home with why we do what we do. “Thank you for not losing hope in our generation” –she said. That gets to the heart of why we do what we do, and why we need your help to do it. Thank you on behalf of every student you have invested in over the years. God is using you to mold students into who he created them to be. Please take this opportunity today to give a gift that will help to further the efforts of our ministry partnership.
S C A N T O D O N AT E T O DAY ! or visit youthunlimiited.org/donations
Serve Frequently Asked Questions How much does Serve cost? Serve Sites start at $290 USD if registration is completed by March 31. Everything is included except transportation and a t-shirt (available for purchase). After March 31, prices increase by $50 USD. A few sites vary on price depending on length of experience and transportation. Check our site descriptions online for specific details.
Will my group be split up? Yes, the Host Team will place participants in work/small groups, intentionally splitting up those from the same church in order to promote community among the entire group. Furthermore, in order to facilitate strong team building and build new interpersonal relationships, it is necessary that groups of 15 or more be divided between two or more Serve Sites. If you want to keep your group together, check out the service track at Live It of email Jerry, jerry@youthunlimited.org, to explore other Serve options.
How do I register? Step One: Reserve spots for a specific location beginning November 1 by placing a Deposit (a.k.a Pre-registration) of $50 per person. At this time, you will indicate your top three site location choices. You will only need to indicate the number of youth and adult spots at this time.
Step Two: After you receive your Confirmation Letter of your site placement, your group can then Register in full online by providing specific participant information.
When will I find out what mission trip I got into? Please allow three to four weeks for your Deposit to be processed. You will receive written confirmation by mail and email.
What is the Serve Transportation Policy? Registration fees do not include transportation to and from sites (except where noted). Any exception is noted on the Site Descriptions as “onsite transportation included”. Each group must provide vehicle(s) and adult driver(s) to transport participants for the duration of the mission trip. If your group is unable to provide van transportation, please contact Youth Unlimited to discuss options and additional charges.
Are scholarships available? Yes! Needs-based scholarships are available for Serve. Download a scholarship form from the Digital Resource Box and/or contact us for more information.
What about insurance? Youth Unlimited carries secondary health insurance and liability insurance. All insurance claims must be submitted to the participant’s individual insurance first. Youth Unlimited’s insurance will begin where the participant’s insurance ends for any medical expenses incurred while at the site. If a participant does not have insurance coverage, Youth Unlimited’s insurance becomes the primary coverage. Submitting a claim does not ensure that the insurance company will pay the claim. Participants are not covered while traveling to or from the mission experience. Check with your insurance provider to verify your coverage in the state/province where you are traveling, and bring a copy of your insurance card.
What does a typical Serve day look like? 7:00 AM – Breakfast/Prepare Lunches 8:00 AM – Devotions 8:45 AM – Leave for Worksites 4:00 PM – Showers/Free Time 6:00 PM – Dinner 7:30 PM – Evening Session 9:00 PM – Small Group Discussion 10:00 PM – Snack and Free Time 11:00 PM – Lights Out
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2015 worship & more
The Andy Needham Band is a new modern rock worship group from the Boston area. The group’s national debut, Lifted High, produced by GRAMMY Award winner Mitch Dane (Jars of Clay, Bebo Norman, Brandon Heath), is a combination of original proven favorites and fresh offerings. Needham and bandmates Joel Rousseau, Jonathan Mason and Andrew Picha deliver a smart and accessible modern worship collection.
John Eigege served as an intern at New Life Church in Houston, TX in 2011 while attending Calvin Seminary. He and his wife Chichi are now planting a church called Square Inch in the Midtown neighborhood of Houston. They are excited about how God will use them to live justice, love mercy, and walk rightly with Him.
Aaron Bart helps provide spiritual direction and leadership at Dordt College through overseeing Campus Ministries, teaching in the Theology Department and serving in the Andreas Center. He is passionate about creating stimulating environments for spiritual growth. He is a husband and father to four vibrant kids. He and his wife founded a non-profit in 2007 named, One Body One Hope.
The Skit Guys, Tommy Woodard and Eddie James, have been best friends since high school. Think of them as the wise guys in class who had everyone laughing and managed to make a career out of it. They’ve been teaching God’s word using comedy, drama and whatever category talking action figures fit into for over twenty years.
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Track options
Choose your experience for the week.
The Arts track emphasizes God’s love for creation and the arts which can be seen in those who have a passion for design, drawing, music, photography, acting, video and more. Participants will learn the value of becoming co-creators alongside the Creator of the universe while exploring, expressing and living out their passion. They will have the opportunity to work with a wide range of artists in order to learn how to use their God-given talents for the glory of Christ.
The Leadership track challenges participants to grow as leaders through group discussions, activities, prayer and practicing spiritual disciplines. Most importantly, participants will learn the joy in sharing their story of faith with others and how the relationships they have with others and God can be connected and grown. They will be equipped to have a greater impact on their peers and spread God’s love to their friends, community and world.
The Service track makes Live It a “mission trip meets youth convention” type of experience where participants are introduced to the concepts of justice and missional living. Participants will give of themselves to support and serve alongside their peers and leaders on various projects and restorative work for those in need. Projects may include tutoring, cleanup, building and helping out in urban and suburban communities.
The Athletics track allows participants to focus on how to use their athletic skill to reflect Christ’s love to all those they encounter through athletics. Through a variety of sports and activities, participants will explore ways to contribute to their teams while playing the roles of coaches, captains and players. Most importantly, participants will discover the joy of serving God and others as athletes and as members of a team. youthunlimited.org | 27
Live It FAq Live It is a five-day event that engages with high school age students at their point of interests and passions. By pairing students with like-minded peers and adults, they will see how God created them with a purpose so much greater than self-gratification. Students will learn how to use their interests to reflect Christ’s love and be challenged to return home and do the same. By offering four different tracks: athletics, arts, leadership and service, students will recognize how each person comes to the table with their own personality, interests and God-given talents. They’ll discover it’s their uniqueness that helps create the body of Christ and makes us ready to spread his love in our world.
HOW DO I REGISTER? Step One: Reserve spots beginning November 1 by placing a Deposit of $50 per person. You will only need to indicate the number of youth and adult spots for specific tracks at this time. Step Two: After you receive your Confirmation Letter, your group can then Register in full online by providing specific participant information.
DO I HAVE TO PAY IN FULL WHEN I REGISTER? You can register online and pay later. Register by March 31 to lock in the Early Bird Rate. Final payment will be due by June 1.
WHEN DO I CHOOSE WHAT TRACK I WILL BE A PART OF? You will choose your track when a Deposit is made. Tracks are filled on a first come, first served basis. You may switch to a different track if space is available until June 15. 28 |FALL 2014
Yes, your group will be housed together by gender. You can also make a request for a roommate when you register.
7:00 AM – Breakfast
5:00 PM – Dinner
Along with information on the website, you will receive more specific information about a month prior regarding transportation and event details. You will also receive information from the Coordinator of the track that you will be a part of.
9:15 PM – Youth Group Time
WHEN DOES THE LIVE IT EVENT BEGIN AND END? Check-in will begin at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, July 21. Live It will end with lunch on Saturday, July 25. All participants must depart the Trinity Christian College campus by 2:00 PM.
8:15 AM – Morning Session 9:00 AM – Track Time
7:30 PM – Evening Session
10:00 PM – Night Options 11:30 PM – Lights Out
Youth Unlimited offers Digital Resource Boxes for your Serve and Live It experiences. Our hope is that it will be like having a friend come alongside you to offer assistance as you prepare for your faith-forming experience. There are four, easy-to-use categories with downloads that will make planning your summer experience even better: Promotions, Registration, Leader Helps and Pre- and Post-Trip Resources. youthunlimited.org | 29
Dynamic Youth Ministries 1333 Alger Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507
YOUTHUNLIMITED.ORG Helping churches challenge youth To commit their lives to Jesus Christ And transform the world for him