Youth Unlimited Magazine | 100 Anniversary Special Edition | 2019

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100 Years of Belonging to God YOUTHUNLIMITED 1919 2019


YOUTH UNLIMITED | 100th Anniversary Youth Unlimited has a rich 100 year history of assisting churches ministering to youth. Birthed out of the Christian Reformed Church, Youth Unlimited remains committed to the reformed perspective while serving alongside congregations of any denomination. We strongly believe the local church is the tool God is using to reveal himself to this world. We are blessed to partner with congregations to offer faith-forming experiences that reach this generation of youth for Jesus Christ! This informational magazine is printed in the United States as a free resource to churches across North America. It is published biannually by Youth Unlimited, Grand Rapids, MI.

Editor | Mandi Grasmeyer Design & Publication | SDPcreative USA | Postmaster, please send undeliverable copies and address changes to: Youth Unlimited 1333 Alger Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507

Canada | Canada Post International Sales Agreement #41124116. Please send undeliverable copies and address changes to: Youth Unlimited PO Box 1100 Norwich, ON N0J 1P0


Rick Zomer 616.241.5616 ext. 3043

SERVE Director

Sandra Bork 616.241.5616 ext 3046

SERVE Coordinator:

Amanda Roozeboom 616.241.5616 ext. 3038

Youth Unlimited Ambassador: Ron deVries 780.619.6566

Communications and Events Coordinator: Elizabeth Bosscher 616.241.5616 ext. 3039

Contents From the Director...........................................1 Timeline: Through the Years..........................2 Convention: The Call to Action.......................4 SWIM: Exhausting and Exhilarating...............6 Other YU Programs........................................7 SERVE: The Story Behind the Service............8 Celebration Dinner....................................... 10



his calendar year marks Youth Unlimited’s 100th anniversary. What started in 1919 as the American Federation of Reformed Young Men’s Society is now a bi-national ministry that partners with churches across Canada and the United States to provide mission trip experiences for young people. The tendency for many organizations facing a landmark event like an anniversary is to focus on the present and the work they are currently doing. During our 100th year, Youth Unlimited is resisting this temptation by taking the opportunity to reflect on the different ministries God has called us to during our history. This publication is comprised of stories from The Young Calvinist Magazine, Convention, Insight, Summer Workshops in Ministries (SWIM) and more. I believe that the opportunity to reflect on the many ways God has blessed Youth Unlimited’s ministry over the past 100 years has done two things for our staff. First, it has placed SERVE, our current ministry partnership with the local church in a different context. It is easy in the day-


to-day routine of planning, implementing and evaluating mission trips to become so focused on the work, that we forget SERVE is part of a bigger ministry story God has been leading for the past century. In addition, our anniversary has reminded us that while the ministry offerings and our organization’s name may have changed over the years, our mission has not. Youth Unlimited has always been a part of the faith formation process of young people within the context of their local church. Our anniversary gives the opportunity to look back on the past with gratitude as we celebrate what God has done over the past 100 years. It also causes us to wonder and dream about the future and what else Youth Unlimited might be called to as we seek to remain faithful to our mission and to God.

Youth Unlimited has always been a part of the faith formation process of young people within the context of their local church.

Rick Zomer Executive Director Youth Unlimited | 1


The American Federation of Reformed Young Men’s Societies (A.F.R.Y.M.S) formed

First A.F.R.Y.M.S Convention


THROUGH THE YEARS YCF and the rest of the UCY moved into their Grand Rapids headquarters at 1333 Alger St SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan



Young Calvinist Federation, Calvinist Cadet Corps, and Calvinettes combined under one central agency called United Calvinist Youth (UCY) (Later changed to Dynamic Youth Ministries)


First Summer of SERVE

1989 Young Calvinist Federation changes their name to Youth Unlimited

1993 2 | 100th Anniversary

First Live It!


The American Federation of Reformed Young Women’s Societies (A.F.R.Y.W.S) formed


First A.F.R.Y.W.S. Convention


First full-time employee hired, John Hofstra


Summer Workshop in Ministries (SWIM) was started as a joint CRC/YCF program


Youth Unlimited turns 100

A.F.R.Y.M.S and A.F.R.Y.W.S. combine to form the Young Calvinist Federation (YCF)



2019 To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen. –Ephesians 3:21 (NIV)

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CONVENTION The Call to Action



Following is an excerpt from the October 1948 issue of The Young Calvinist:


he high spot in the activities each year is the annual convention. The first was held in Grand Rapids, Mich., on December 8, 9, and 10, 1920. It was the first convention of a national character held by any group in our circles and we wondered how well it would succeed. What was experienced went beyond our fondest expectation. Of it the editor of The Young Calvinist wrote:

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“Such is the opinion of all that have attended. They enjoyed it. They received inspiration from it. They found instruction in it. They went home with a new determination to work for the up-building of the various societies of which they are members. Yes, it was good, indeed.” It was not until 1937 that we dared to venture as far [from Grand Rapids] as Denver. That outstanding convention still lingers in the memories of those who were privileged to attend. In the mile-high city the Federation was lifted to the top of the mountains. And He from Whom all blessings come blessed us abundantly. War clouds were lowering when the convention was held in Sheboygan, Wis., in August, 1941. The rumbling of the thunder of war in the distance was becoming audible. The lightning of conflict was flashing. How fitting the words of the Federation president at the closing meeting: “Boys, the future looks dark and threatening. I do not know whether or not we will be able to have a convention next year. I do not know whether or not we’ll ever be able to

It! set to launch in July 2011. Live It!, a large youth worship through track programming, is the spiritual th to begin living their unique lives for Christ. meet again. To those of you

rstly, we tual gifts up, recable with d talents. ned to youth to condly, dividunity in ion of nder one d wormbining Youth mold in


who must go, I say: ‘Go with God. Follow the Youth Unlimited is enthusiastic about the Christ wherever He leads you. He is unveiling of this modern day event for always near … God be with you … till youth. Being involved in planning Youth we meetevents again.” Unlimited and working with the The first post-war was youth in her church for over 30convention years, YouthinUnlimited Events Manager, Millie Mich. Few held 1946 at Grand Rapids, It! years experience willattended ofHoekstra thosesays, who“The in Live past had enrich the God given gifts of young people conventions were present. Their places and awaken a desire to serve Christ so were taken by younger men. that they will return to their local church Though we many of those empowered to live formissed Him and make a with whom we had worked so many difference.” years and with whom we had become Join your youth group with many others acquainted so well, we rejoiced that in connecting with God, and gain an unyounger brothers wereinready to fill derstanding where they belong His Kingthe ranks. dom, and realizing how they can know and

“...enrich the God given gifts of young people and awaken a desire to serve Christ...”

And now we are attending our May there come from this contwenty-fifth Convention. We had vention a great urge to serve Him as looked forward to this event. We devoted and consecrated young men. thank God that it has arrived. It is the Here truly is the CALL TO ACTION. convention at which we thank God for His marvelous grace and guidance Track It! A brief glimpse at the tracks to be offered at the 2011 Live It! throughout the years. Create It! (Arts): Work with other musicians, vocalists, actors/actresses, drama and video proIt is the convention at duction specialists. Learn and experience how to enhance and use your God given talents with greater purpose and intention. which we dedicate and re-dedicate ourselves Do It! (Service): to His service. Learn that service is not just about feeling the joy of giving selessly to others

serve the purpose He has for them! Come to Youth Unlimited Live It! at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana from July 20-24, 2011. We look forward to building momentum for Christ with you!

Live It! 2011-2014 “Youth Unlimited introduces Live It! set to launch in July 2011. Live It!, a large youth event incorporating experiential worship through track programming, is the spiritual catalyst for your high school youth to begin living their unique lives for Christ.”

but expressing the love and joy of God to the people we serve!

Grow It! (Discipleship):

Want to grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ? Would you like to have devotions that come alive, learn new ways to pray and how to practice spiritual disciplines? Learn how your story ts into God’s story and be able to share your story with others.

Lead It! (Youth Ministry):

Youth leaders, along with student leaders (if applicable), will receive help in creating an intentional and sustainable youth ministry plan for the upcoming ministry year.

Play It! (Athletics):

Opportunities to use your God given talents to play, to learn, and to share. How better to praise God for the talents he has blessed you with than to spend time playing your favorite sport with other kids who are less fortunate or who have special needs?

Pull It Together! (Worship):

How do we make sense of all these different areas at this event? Each one of us has a special place and purpose in the body. Through worship we will pull it all together. | 5




Exhausting and Exhilarating

For 40 years Youth Unlimited and Christian Reformed Home Missions partnered to offer a program called SWIM (Summer Workshops In Ministry). SWIM provided an opportunity for young people to explore ministry during their summer vacations. For many this served as a catalyst for a career in ministry. HOW TO SWIM Handbook for SWIMers (2000)


ongratulations! You're about to embark on a unique summer service experience—the Students Working In Ministries (SWIM) program. Expect surprises. As a SWIMer, the training you'll receive is like none other. SWIM may open up a whole new world you never knew existed. Because of SWIM you'll do, say, think and feel things that leave you a changed person. You'll discover things about yourself. You'll see God

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answers prayers. You'll learn to walk closer with your Lord. Doing the Lord's work is exhausting and exhilarating all at once. That's why SWIMers work hard while being team players. As one former SWIMer tells it, "Be prepared to grow by leaps and bounds. Those growing pains may hurt a bit, but you'll learn a lot." Your SWIM summer will change other people too—children, teens, parents, elderly persons, the hosts you stay with, even your own team members. On SWIM, God will work through you to reach others. That's the most exciting discovery you'll make on SWIM: that God uses you and your gifts to do his work, that he uses you as part of his worldwide team. SWIM Stories

My SWIM story started when my sister, who was four years older than me, went on SWIM. It probably actually started long before that because my dad had gone on SWIM to Bakersfield, California when he was in high school, but seeing my sister go on SWIM made me super excited for when I could go. I had the amazing opportunity to spend a summer in Merced, California for the month of July in 2000. That may have been one of the last years of SWIM. SWIM

played an influential role in my life because I grew up in a place that was mostly Christian, in a small Dutch farming community where everyone knew everyone and everyone went to church because that’s just what you did. But in Merced, I met some amazing high school students who were on fire for Jesus. Complacency had no room in their lives and I learned a lot from their example over the summer. They gave up so many hours that summer to help us do the work of Jesus, just because they loved Jesus, not because they had to or because it was what was expected of them, but just because they had a relationship with Jesus. I also learned many things that summer that were far outside the realm of my spiritual life. I flew across the country for the first time by myself. I learned to live with a family that was not my own. I was introduced to new foods and new places. I got to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Half Dome. And I realized that there was a whole other world outside of the little community I had grown up with. SWIM changed my life in many ways. I work with high school students now in youth ministry so we have gone on many SERVE trips.” –Cassandra DeDoes

Other YU Programs: Early Teen Ministry (ETM): With an emphasis on grades 7 and 8, ETM would help churches start and maintain an effective coed ministry to early teens. Through ETM regional rallies, retreats, leadership training, and providing members with helpful resources, ETM helped churches reach youth at one of the most critical points in their life. We may not have a separate department for Early Teen Ministries anymore but we do have Middle School SERVE trips! Learn more at

One of the most fun parts of ETM was the Teen Bible Challenge!

R.A.K.E. (Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere) Week: Encourages teens to perform random acts of kindness to people in their church and community— all in the name of Christ. Through Youth Unlimited’s R.A.K.E. Packet churches are provided the promotional material, organizational tips, and practical ideas necessary to mobilize their teens into action. Encounters: An extension of SERVE and evolution of SWIM, Encounters was a three-phase leadership development program designed to give high school and post-high individuals experiences in a ministry atmosphere in order to develop their sense of mission and calling in life.

I did my first SWIM between my junior and senior years of high school, summer 2001. I went to Tualatin, OR with three other girls from Iowa. The experience was life changing for me in so many ways. My faith first became real on SWIM. The pastor’s son was really into apologetics and shared a lot with us. I loved hearing how we can defend our faith. I loved the intellectual side of Christianity, learning how the Old Testament connects to the New. I started reading my Bible in a completely different way. It was also on SWIM that I first heard of Reformed Bible College. I was interested in becoming a missionary and the pastor thought it would be a great school for me. I immediately started researching the school and quickly fell in love with it. I ended up going there for three years and while I never did become a missionary that school had a huge impact on every area of my life. If it wasn’t for SWIM I never would have gone to RBC and my faith would not be what it is today.” –Amanda (Gross) Kolar”

Praise Rallies: A worship experience in many locations to give a taste of convention and promote Youth Unlimited events. With themes like “Raise the Roof”, “Under Construction” and “The Power of One”, these rallies were held from 2000-2005. Project Bridge: A two-week summer opportunity that places teens in a multicultural setting. Through work, evangelism and urban “real-world” exercises, participants identify their own unwarranted fears of different cultures. In the end, teens gain a deeper understanding, respect and appreciation of the ethnic and cultural diversity which God has created. Soul Care: Designed to support, encourage and minister to professional and volunteer youth workers alike. Held in the fall/winter in various North American locations, Soul Care provided a time to relax and network while remaining focused on the soul care of each youth worker through engaging speakers, times of worship, small groups and more. eQuip Magazine: eQuip was a quarterly magazine that was intentional about addressing the needs of the Volunteer Youth Worker. Written by Youth Workers and Volunteers for the volunteer youth workers, it included resources like a 365-day plan to youth ministry, how to lead a Bible study, leadership development, how to build community and more. Compass 21: A tool which is used to evaluate and revitalize your student ministry within the context of the whole church. With a facilitator, your students, youth leaders, parents and pastors will openly communicate to set an intentional direction and goals that fit your unique youth ministry. You can still participate in Compass 21! For more information contact Ron deVries at | 7




The Story Behind the Service


od’s story of redemption is the most powerful love story that we can share with one another. As youth leaders, we desire to share God’s story, and engaging students in experiences like SERVE is a way for them to connect with God personally. It is an honor to serve alongside students and share with them in witnessing God’s redemptive work in new communities across the country. Those stories are what kept me involved with SERVE for seven years and eventually led me to my career in youth ministry. SERVE is known for setting up great worksites like building houses, or working in fields, stocking the local area food bank, perhaps even folding clothes at a local pawn shop. Although all of these sites are good and in need of help from willing and able youth, how often are we sharing the story behind the service that our youth are engaging in? One summer, I took a group of youth to Holland, MI on SERVE. We were assigned to paint a house belonging to an elderly couple who

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attended the Host Church. After two days of scraping off peeling paint, my group of six was running out of steam. The work was difficult, the sun was beating on us and my students were growing weary of the project. The elderly couple invited us inside, and we joined them for lunch with our brown sack lunches. We noticed that the man of the house was in a wheelchair, hardly able to speak or to move on his own. His lovely wife offered us lemonade and cookies. We decided to initiate a conversation with our new friends by asking questions in order to learn more about them. After our lunchtime interview, we learned that he had had a horrible stroke and that she was now his primary

SERVE Themes Right the Wrong (2008)

Shalom: Peace No Matter What. (2011)

A reminder that to “right the wrong” does not come from our own strength and abilities but from the overflow of what God is doing in each of our lives. When that happens, our focus will not be on ourselves but on how we can be used by God in every situation.


Jesus’ peace is more than inner peace. It is a peace that permeates the life of one and compels that one to help transform the community and ultimately the world. Theme verse: John 14:26-28

Theme verse: Isaiah 1:17 The Other 51 (2015)

Go Do Good (2019)

Serving God is not about going away for a weeklong “mission tourism” experience. It’s not just about hanging out, meeting new people, and seeing God in a different city. It’s about taking that experience, that one week, and making it their lives! It’s about participating in the Kingdom of God for one week in an intense way so that they can begin to (or continue to) see God’s amazing reign in the other 51 weeks of the year. It’s about seeing God in all aspects of what they do—all the time—The Other 51!

Although it is true every generation grapples with cultural tension, the past few years have presented Christian communities with a complex challenge of economic, political, religious and cultural strain. We see a different disposition in Scripture. The people of God knew God loved the world and expected them to dwell among its pain with a redemptive demeanour. The early church leader (Paul), while writing to a younger leader (Titus), suggested God dreams of making a people who are his own, eager to do what is good. (Titus 2:14) Eagerness is a key attribute of God’s people and a value that we will seek to instil within our SERVE participants this summer.

Theme verse: John 20:21b

caregiver. This woman was in her late 70s and was completely devoted to the care of her husband every day: bathing him, clothing him, feeding him. She didn’t complain once. She described to us the blessing of their marriage and how she was happy to care for him in all these ways.

Theme verse: Titus 2:11-14

We finished the house-painting project for our new friends that week. It took forever, but we completed the project! On the Friday evening before SERVE was over, I asked my group what their favorite part of the week was. I was blown away when they all agreed that it was spending time with

the elderly couple; learning about their life and their unconditional love for one another. The testimony of those being served can impact the life of a young person. As leaders, let us encourage our students to discover the story that lies behind the service. You will never know the story unless you ask. Make the service personal and engage with people’s stories; let them affect your group. In the end, SERVE is not so much about the work we do for people as it is about witnessing God’s glory through the people that we serve. –SERVE 2014 participant | 9

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Join us as we celebrate the past 100 years and dream about the 100 years to come!

October 3, 2019 Calvary Church Grand Rapids, MI

November 15, 2019 Maranatha CRC Woodstock, ON

For more information go to

YOUTHUNLIMITED 1919 2019 | 11

Registration Now Open Open Registration Registration Now Open Now T

A U G U S T 1 – 3 , W I N D S O R , O N TA R I O, C A N A DA 1 – 3 , AW U GI U NSD T S1 O – 3R , W , IO NN D STOA R ,R O I O N T, A C R IA ON , CAA D NA AD A

our opportunity Inspire 2019 can look like. can look it While is designed ititisisdesigned forfor 2019 is is your your opportunity opportunity canWhile looklike. like. While designed for sources, to connect new ministry leaders ministry ofleaders all kinds, ofofall several several to discover discover new resources, resources, connect connect ministry leaders allkinds, kinds, several y leaders, with share ministry share and workshops a plenary and speaker speaker willwill with other other ministry leaders, leaders,workshops share workshops andaaplenary plenary speaker will

from your others, stories, learn specifically and specifically focus on focus the needs of youth ofofyouth your stories,and learn from from others, others, and specifically focuson onthe theneeds needs youth e future reimagine of ministry what the future of ministry. ministry You ministry. won’t You want won’t want to miss to miss it. reimagine what the future of ministry ministry. You won’t want to missit. it.



Ron Rick DeVries Zomer Rick Zomer

Lesli Ron DeVries van Milligen Lesli van Milligen Ron DeVries Lesli van Milligen

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