A Child of
y first week of SERVE is one I will never forget. Growing up in small-town South Dakota, I was used to the lie that attending church and doing right will get you into Heaven. I attended the local youth group and always earned a good grade in my Bible class. Jesus surrounded my life, but Jesus was not in my life. That course forever changed in 2016 at Platte, SD SERVE.
10 | Fall 2019
I think a positive attitude can make any situation manageable, but I’ll admit I did not start my week of SERVE with a positive attitude. Previously a very quiet person, I served on the host team for the Platte site, which meant I had to help welcome everyone to the community, assist them and, ultimately, talk to them. It was a situation I did not enjoy. However, while talking to other teenagers on that first day of SERVE, I realized people had not come to Platte for the sights. They came to serve, which made me want to serve, too.