Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly Asamblea Parlamentaria Euro-Latinoamericana Assemblée Parlementaire Euro-Latino Américaine Assembleia Parlamentar Euro-Latino-Americana
EuroLat Plenary Session on 13-15 May 2010 in Seville, Spain, on the eve of the VI EU-LAC Summit (art. 7, § 2 of the EuroLat Rules of Procedure). Organised by the EP and Parlatino.
Executive Bureau meetings scheduled: on 30 - 31 March 2010 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. EuroLat's organisational work plus Plenary Session planning to be fixed - organised by Parlasur and PE.
on 13-15 May 2010 in Seville, Spain in parallel with the Plenary Session - issues relating to the work of the Plenary will be dealt with - organised by the EP and Parlatino .
on 4-5 November 2010 in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, in parallel with Committee meetings, to deal with organization of such meetings and 2011 Programme of Activities - organised by the Parlasur and PE.
Executive Bureau
Unforeseen circumstances may eventually necessitate extraordinary meetings of the Executive Bureau.
As adopted by EP Standing Delegation on 21.10.2009, by the EuroLat Executive Bureau on 29.10.2009 and by the EP Conference of Presidents on 10.12.2009 and on 17.12.2009..
PROGRAMME Two ordinary meetings:
on 13-15 May 2010 in Seville, immediately prior to the Plenary Session. The meeting will be organised by the EP and Parlacen. Discussions to focus on amendments tabled to the Committee draft report, vote on the draft motion for resolution and recommendations to be submitted to the Plenary
4-5 November 2010 in Salvador da Bahia. This meeting will be organised jointly by the Parlasur, EP and Parlacen. Discussions will focus on a draft report plus an additional theme for debate of special interest.
Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights
Two ordinary meetings :
on 13-15 May 2010 in Seville, immediately prior to the Plenary Session. The meeting will be organised by the EP and Parlandino. Discussions to focus on amendments tabled to the Committee draft report, vote on the draft motion for resolution and recommendations to be submitted to the Plenary.
4-5 November 2010 in Salvador da Bahia. This meeting will be organised jointly by the Parlasur, EP and Parlandino. Discussions will focus on a draft report plus an additional theme for debate of special interest.
Committee on Economic, Financial, and Commercial Affairs
Two ordinary meetings:
on 13-15 May 2010 in Seville, immediately prior to the Plenary Session. The meeting will be organised by the EP and Parlatino. Discussions to focus on amendments tabled to the Committee draft report, vote on the draft motion for resolution and recommendations to be submitted to the Plenary.
4-5 November 2010 in Salvador da Bahia. This meeting will be organised jointly by the Parlasur, EP and Parlatino. Discussions will focus on a draft report plus an additional theme for debate of special interest.
Committee on Social Affairs, Human Exchanges, Environment, Education and Culture
Delegation meetings scheduled :
EP Delegation to EuroLat
10 March 2010, in Strasbourg : preparatory meeting for EuroLat Executive Bureau meeting,
21 April 2010, in Strasbourg : preparatory meeting for EuroLat Plenary Session.
20 October 2010, in Strasbourg : preparatory meeting for EuroLat Committee meetings.
2 December 2010, in Brussels : evaluation and follow–up of activities carried out in 2010.
Three ordinary meetings:
Working Group on Migration
on 27-28 January 2010 in Brussels, Belgium
on 30 - 31 March 2010 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in parallel with the Executive Bureau meeting, organized by Parlasur and PE
on 13-15 May 2010 in Seville, Spain in parallel with the Plenary Session - organised by the EP.