Hello from ILS

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Hello from Information Learning Services

information learning services


Hello from Information Learning Services

The Service Desk

Hello from Information Learning Services Information Learning Services is the name of the department which runs the library and IT Service based in the Fountains Learning Centre. This is where you’ll find the Library books and journals, PCs and iMacs, IT teaching rooms, and the Lecture Theatre FT002.

Services we provide: –– borrowing books, accessing electronic books and journals –– computers, email, internet, laptop loan and WiFi access –– advice about finding resources for your study –– printing and photocopying.

Don’t worry about asking questions, we are here to help you. You can ask questions about books, the library, computers, WiFi, software, printing and photocopying at the Service Desk. The Service Desk is on the Ground Floor of the Fountains Learning Centre.



Top 10 things to remember


Studying and group work

Students at British universities are expected to learn to look for the information they need for their studies. You will get a list of books tutors think will help you. Information Learning Services can help you with this. We buy copies of the books on lists so that you can borrow them or read them online. The Fountains Learning Centre has study areas which you can use for group study sessions.


Searching for resources

You can search our Library Catalogue to find books and electronic books useful for your studies. Books can be borrowed for 7 days or 28 days. The library is selfservice, so you can go to the shelves and get the books you need yourself. www.yorksj.ac.uk/ils/catalogue


Hello from Information Learning Services


Finding a book Each book on the Library Catalogue shows:

–– a Class Number – tells you where to find the book –– a Loan Type - tells you for how long you can borrow the book –– status information - tells you if the book is available on the shelves or already borrowed by someone else. When you want to find a book on the shelves you will need the Class Number and the title of the book.


Borrowing & returning a book

You can use the self-issue machines on the Ground or 1st Floors of the Fountains Learning Centre to borrow books. You will need your student ID card and your library PIN. Your PIN number is your Birthday and month, so for example 22 January is 2201. You can return items to the returns machine on the Ground Floor of the Fountains Learning Centre. You can ask for a receipt for anything you have borrowed or returned. You can borrow up to 20 books (undergraduate) and 25 books (postgraduate).

When you want to find a book on the shelves you will need the Class Number and the title of the book.



You should check your Library Account regularly.


My Library Account

Your Library Account login is your student number and the password is your PIN. You should check your Library Account regularly. Your account will show you what books you have borrowed and when they are due back. You can also renew books if they are not needed by anyone else. This means that you can keep books for longer. www.yorksj.ac.uk/ils/catalogue/account


Hello from Information Learning Services


Connecting to WiFi

WiFi at York St John is provided through a service called Eduroam. To connect to Eduroam all you need is your university e-mail address and password.


Your IT account

All students at York St John receive an IT account at the start of their course. You will be given a username and password. Don’t worry if you forget your IT account details: just ask at the Service Desk for help.


Printing and copying

There are machines which can print and photocopy on every floor of the Fountains Learning Centre. You can send printing to these machines from any PC or iMac in the building or from your own laptop or wireless device. If you need help with printing or copying then ask the staff at the Service Desk.



Getting help

Information Learning Services staff are always happy to help. Do not worry about asking for help. Come and ask for help whenever you need it. You can come to the Service Desk on the Ground Floor of the Fountains Learning Centre or contact us: Phone:  +44 (0) 1904 876696 E-mail: ils@yorksj.ac.uk

Get to know your Academic Liaison Librarian

You have a specialist librarian who will support you with your studies: finding information, how to find resources, referencing and more. You can book tutorials with your Academic Liaison Librarian to get help.



© 2016 ILS at YSJ

Contact us Information Learning Services York St John University Lord Mayor’s Walk York, YO31 7EX T:  +44 (0) 1904 876696 E: ils@yorksj.ac.uk W: www.yorksj.ac.uk/ils

information learning services

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