iPad Mini Equipment Guide
Equipment Available
Presentations (Keynote)
Recording Video (Camera)
Editing Video (iMovie)
Preserving Work (Moodle)
Preserving Work (Dropbox)
Equipment Available • iPad Mini (16GB) • Charging Cable • Software Keynote, Camera, iMovie, Dropbox.
Please note a £10 charge will be payable on late return of iPad Mini Devices.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Creating Presentations on Keynote Keynote is an iPad application for creating presentations. To start press the
icon to launch the keynote app
Tap on the plus sign at the top left to Create Presentation
Tap to to select a theme
Double tap the screen to edit. Click on the plus sign at the bottom left to add a slide
To add content tap the plus sign at top right of screen.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Creating Presentations on Keynote You are now ready to start creating presentations using the many tools that Keynote has to offer.
Add content
Play Presentation
Add Slide
Screen Shot Slides To save your presentation simply take a screenshot of your slides To do that press play to go into presentation mode. Then simultaneously press the HOME Button and Lock button. If the image has been taken the screen will flash white for a second. Lock Button
Home Button
All screenshots are saved in the Photos app.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Recording Video Launch the camera app
On the right hand side the camera mode can be selected. To change camera mode to video slide the selected mode up to video.
To record video tap the red camera button on the right. Tap again to finish recording. The video will be saved in the iPad photo gallery.
Recording Tips Although the screen automatically roates, the home button should be at the right hand side (landscape) otherwise your video will play upside down. Exposure: If your image is coming out dark, tapping a darker part of the screen will make the iPad adjust its exposure and lighten. If your screen is too light, tap a light area of the screen. Focus: Although iPad autofocus is very good, tapping an area of the screen you wish to to focus on will manually focus on a particular item or person. Widescreen: Double tapping the screen turns the video into widescreen mode. AE/AF Lock: Pressing and holding the screen turns this on. It will stay active until you tap the screen again. AE/AF lock is designed to stop the camera autofocus and exposure from working. Useful when moving breifly from dark to light whilst recording (e.g. whilst walking past a bright window) Switch Cameras: You can switch between the front and rear cameras on the iPad by clicking on the camera icon, top right above the record button. You can only swap whilst not recording. 4
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Video Editing using iMovie Locate and prepare your clips
Open the iMovie app by tapping on the
When you open iMovie you will see timelines for all videos in your Camera Roll
Tapping on a timeline will select an individual video.
Pressing play will allow you to view the video. The yellow box can be adjusted by tapping and sliding the ends along the timeline. This allows you to select a portion of the video for further editing. Clicking on the heart icon on the right will mark the highlighted section as a favorite. Favorite clips are easy to find when ediitng videos together. When viewing a timeline favorite sections of a video are marked with a green line.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Video Editing using iMovie Editing video clips in your movie. Tap on ‘Projects’ at the top of the screen.
To create a new project tap on the ‘ + ‘ symbol in the top right of the scren Then tap on Movie
Select the appropriate movie template and tap Create Movie.
The Screen that appears is split into three sections.
Clip Library
Video Preview
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Video Editing using iMovie Swiping up and down through the clip library will allow you to select video clips you wish to use in your final movie. Selecting Photos and Audio will let you select audio clips or music, and photos saved in your camera roll to intergrate into your final movie Tapping on ‘All’ will let you filter your video clips, allowing you to see all video clips, or just the clips you favorite previously as well as any clips that have not been used before. Tapping a video clip will bring up the following options. 1. Clicking on the downwards arrow will move the clip to the timeline ready for editing. 2. Clicking on the play button will play the clip in the preview window to assist you in locating the correct clip 3. Clicking on the ellipsis (three dots) will open the following extra options
- Copy sound only to timeline - Copy video to timeline only. Video will overlay main video - Insert video ‘picture-in-picture’ - Insert video as a split screen with main timeline video.
Copy all the clips you wish to use down to the timeline. Any unwanted clips can be dragged off screen (a ‘puff of smoke’ will appear)
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Video Editing using iMovie Mangaging your clips and transitions
You can scroll through your video by sliding the timeline left or right. The vertical white line is the ‘Play head’ and indicates where in the video you are currently. Tapping on the timeline will bring up other editing options in the bottom right.
Tapping on the icon between two video clips will open up the transitions menu.
Transitions between clips can be changed by clicking on the transition icons at the bottom of the page.
Transition Types
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Video Editing using iMovie Trimming video segments
Tapping on the yellow up / down arrows will split the timeline onto two levels. Tapping and sliding on the yellow boundaries will move the ends of the video clip allowing you to customise where a clip finishes and transitions to the next clip. Tapping on the blue boundary allows the same thing for the audio clip. Photos and voiceover audio can be added by tapping on the camera or microphone icons at the foot of the screen.
Exporting Video Once you have edited your video tap on the back arrow on the top left of the screen. This will bring up the summary screen. Tap the video name to rename the movie. Tapping the play button will preview the movie. Tapping the export button will allow you to save or export the video. Clicking on the bin will delete the video. Clicking on the editing icon at the bottom will take you back into the video editor. Tap the export button and select save video. For uploading to Moodle you must choose the lowest export size option. For better quality videos experiment with the other options, however the higher the export quality the bigger the file size. The finished video will be saved onto the camera roll 9
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Preserving Your Work: Moodle You can also upload files directly to Moodle. Open the web browser on the iPad Mini and navigate to http://moodle.yorksj.ac.uk
Enter your York St John username and password.
Navigate to your course submission page. Tape on the ‘add submission’ button.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Preserving Your Work: Moodle Either tap on the add button or directly on the upload area on the screen.
Tap on choose file to browse for your video.
Select Photo library to view videos and images in your camera roll
Select videos to view the videos saved on the iPad.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Preserving Your Work: Moodle Tap on the video you wish to upload to Moodle.
Click use to upload the video to Moodle.
If you want to change the name of the file as it appears on the Moodle Server enter a new name in the Save As box.
Tap upload this file to save the video clip to Moodle as a submission. Once uploaded, tap Edit submission to re-upload or change your submission or Submit Assignment to send your assignment for assesment. Once you have tapped submit assignment you can no longer make any changes.
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Preserving Your Work: Dropbox Once the iPad mini has been returned to the ILS all the data is removed from the device. Before you return it make sure you back up the data you have created. The easiest way to backup your data is via an online storage service such as Dropbox or you can also upload directly to Moodle. Tap on the Dropbox icon
to launch the service.
Simply create an account or Enter the email addressand password registered to your account then tap ‘Sign In’
You will then see the current contents of your Dropbox account. To upload your files, tap on the ellipsis icon at the top of the app, then tap ‘add files‘
M e d i a S e r v i c e s E q u i p m e n t Lo a n
Preserving Your Work: Dropbox Select ‘Camera Roll’ to locate your video.
You will see all the images and videos saved on the iPad. Tap on the videos or images you want to upload. Selected videos will turn blue with a tick on them. Once you have selected all your video clips or images tap upload.
Your videos and photographs will now be uploaded to Dropbox.
Once uploaded to Dropbox you can now access the videos from any other computer or device with internet access. Simply visit dropbox.com and then log in to access your files. When your are finished uploading to Dropbox by pressing Settings and “Sign Out from Dropbox”