PanzhihuaHongge Ecological Community Planning

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攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假 2008.03

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Table of Contents Masterplan Design Description (English) ...................................................1 Masterplan Design Description (Chinese) ..................................................2 Site Information ...........................................................................................3



Marina .......................................................................................................................29 Conference/Banquet/Ballroom Facility ......................................................................30

Location Maps ..............................................................................................................3

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway ....................................................31

Site Boundary Plan ......................................................................................................4

Panzhihua Golf Resort, the Acropolis ........................................................................32

Original Grading Analysis ............................................................................................5


Original 3D Topography ...............................................................................................6

Golf Clubhouse .........................................................................................................34

Original Sloping Analysis .............................................................................................7

Pool Complex ...........................................................................................................35

Design Grading Plan ...................................................................................................8




Conceptual Masterplan ............................................................................... 9

Meeting Rooms .........................................................................................................37

Golf Course Conceptual Design ..................................................................................9

Lodge .......................................................................................................................38

Illustrative Masterplan ................................................................................................10

Golf Course ...............................................................................................................39

Planning Structure Analysis ..................................................................... 11

Golf Estates ..............................................................................................................41

Land Use Plan ........................................................................................................... 11 Residential Density Analysis .....................................................................................12

Terraced Orchards .................................................................................... 42 Residential Product Illustration ................................................................ 43

Road System Analysis ..............................................................................................13

Type A - Lodge Suites ...............................................................................................43

Road Sections ...........................................................................................................14

Type B - Private Casitas ...........................................................................................44

Green / Open Space Analysis ...................................................................................18

Type C - Condominiums ...........................................................................................45

Grand Boulevard ......................................................................................19 Focal Monument ......................................................................................20 Eastern Foothill Neighborhoods ..............................................................21 Lower Lake Park and Swim Lagoon .........................................................22 Western Foothill Neighborhoods .............................................................23 Lakeside Town Center .............................................................................. 24

Type D - Stacked Townhomes ..................................................................................46 Type E - Patio Villas ..................................................................................................47 Type F - Villas ...........................................................................................................48 Type G - Estate Villas ...............................................................................................49

Activity Programs and Venues ................................................................. 50 Numerical Scaling ................................................................................... 51

Tennis/Skate Park ....................................................................................................25 Dining ........................................................................................................................26 Bars, Music, Theatre .................................................................................................27

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Table of Contents (English) 英文目录


目录 社区规划设计英文说明.............................................1 社区规划设计中文说明.............................................2 用地分析图.......................................................3

零售商店 .................................................................28

区位分析图 ................................................................3


用地红线图 ................................................................ 4

攀枝花高尔夫度假胜地 .....................................................32

原始等高线分析图 ..........................................................5

绿色高尔夫 ...............................................................33

原始三维地形分析图 ........................................................6

高尔夫会所 ...............................................................34

原始坡度分析图 ............................................................7

游泳池综合设施 ........................................................... 35

设计等高线分析图 ..........................................................8

温泉浴场 .................................................................36


会议室 ................................................................... 37

高尔夫球场概念设计图 .....................................................9

酒店客房 ................................................................. 38

规划彩色表现图 ...........................................................10

高尔夫球场 ...............................................................39


高尔夫庄园别墅 ........................................................... 41

功能分区图 ...............................................................11 居住组团密度分析图 ....................................................... 12

梯田式果园......................................................42 建筑单体意向图..................................................43

道路规划结构图 ...........................................................13

A型-酒店套房 .............................................................43

道路剖面图 ............................................................... 14

B型-平层度假别墅 .........................................................44

公共绿地景观规划结构图 ...................................................18

C型-花园洋房 ............................................................. 45

社区大道........................................................19 地标 .........................................................20 东麓邻里组团....................................................21 湖滨公园与人造沙滩..............................................22 西麓邻里组团....................................................23 湖滨小镇中心....................................................24

D型-叠拼联排别墅 .........................................................46

码头 .....................................................................29 会议/宴会/舞厅设施 .......................................................30

E型-露台式别墅 .......................................................... 47 F型-独立别墅 ............................................................. 48 G型-庄园别墅 .............................................................49

社区活动与场所..................................................50 经济技术指标....................................................51

网球设施/溜冰场 ..........................................................25 餐饮.....................................................................26 酒吧、音乐、影剧院 ....................................................... 27

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Table of Contents (Chinese) 中文目录


COMPELLING REASON TO BE Panzhihua: It’s The Climate USA and European Vacation Venue Precedent:

Since the early 20th century in the United States, and since the late 20th century in Europe, the curative effects of sunlight, warm air, and low humidity have beckoned the ageing, the weary, and the winter depressed. In the United States regions such as Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tucson, Arizona; and Palm Springs and Rancho Santa Fe, California offer Midwesterners, Northeasterners, and Northwesterners an escape from their winter blues. In Europe southern Spain, southern Italy, southern Greece, and even northern Africa have offered Northern Europeans the same escape.

Tropical vs. Desert Escapes

There are two types of winter escape climates popular throughout the northern hemisphere: warm and dry Desert; and warm and wet Tropical. These climates compete for winter escape travelers from colder, more northern climates Tropical climates are almost always associated with the sea, beaches, water sports, and boating; to which golf is an addition. Desert climates are built around golf as a core activity; to which is added lakes and luxurious swimming pools. For vacationers, these are not permanent, “either/or” choices. They are free to alternate vacation venues from one to the other. For retirees and other home purchasers, it is a more permanent choice. Panzhihua is potentially a Desert resort vacation destination equal to Sanya as a Tropical vacation destination. Comparing China Destination USA Destination Tropical Sanya, Hainan Island………......Hawaii, South Florida, Caribbean Desert Panzhihua……………………….Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tucson, Arizona; Palm Springs and Rancho Santa Fe, California China Origin USA Origin Beijing, Taiyuan, Mongolia….Midwest: Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis Dalian, Tianjin……………….Northeast: Boston, New York Chengdu, Shanghai…………..Northwest: Seattle, San Francisco

The Immediate Impact of Climate Change:

Leaving the snow and ice of Beijing in January, or leaving the bone chilling overcast, rainy, wet cold of a Chengdu winter day for Panzhihua at first seems like just another short flight. But the moment one steps off the plane in Panzhihua one realizes they have traveled to another world. The sky is deep blue. The air is warm. People are wearing short sleeve shirts and short pants. There is no need for a jetway because the weather is mostly perfect. Put away the jacket and put on your sun glasses. Traveling down from the mountain top airport one looks out at a beautiful clear panorama of mountains and valleys. Bougainvillea are blooming. Oranges and mangos hang from trees in full leaf.

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

And the sun begins to do its magic. Drop your eyelids and point your face to the sky and you see and feel the orange warm glow of solar energy pouring into you. Roll up your sleeves and open your collar and the sun caresses your skin. In less than an hour your achy damp bones have warmed up and winter is just a memory. With the new highway complete Panzhihua Golf Resort is less than 40 minutes away. A 7:00 am departure from damp, chilly Chengdu puts you teeing off under warm sun and blue skies in the hills of Panzhihua Golf Resort by 10:00 am. This is precisely the experience, in the USA, that a San Franciscan might have jetting down to Palm Springs for the weekend.


The Local Area:

Like Palm Springs, California, named after and originally known for local natural hot springs and mineral water, Panzhihua has been known to many for its weather and natural hot spring waters. Only recently has a full service jetport opened the area up to convenient tourism. Golf is a natural here; and a critical recreation venue for Panzhihua to realize its tourist/vacation potential. The small town of Hongge 1 hours drive from downtown Panzhihua is famous for its hot springs and home to a nationally renowned resort spa. Already resort amenities have been developed. But without golf these resort facilities have been less than successful. Panzhihua Golf Resort will add this important recreational venue to the region.

The Approach:

Current access is through very narrow streets between farm houses however a new full width arterial road planned by the government will come to within 20km of the site and a spur road planned off of this will directly access the site at the northeastern tip.

The Site:

Deeply eroded canyons starting up at a ridge to the southeast cut down to the northwest where they fan out into the valley floor. Between canyons, narrow ridges rise up offering spectacular vistas. Panzhihua Golf Resort begins at the base of these canyons and ridges and climbs up with them. Hand terraced orchards punctuate the hillsides and ridges adding a domesticated agricultural counterpoint to the harsh terrain. Scrub bushes dominate the ridges and long needled pines dominate the canyons where there is some sun and wind protection and water is easier to access. Several dams have impounded water in the canyons making delightful small alpine lakes. Just a few farmhouses dot the area.

MARKET Vacation/Leisure/Visitor Rental Pool Second/Third Home Time Share Hotel/resort package Corporate event/tournament Corporate compound

Permanent Residents Local Wealthy Local Professional Active Adult

Masterplan Design Description (English) 社区规划设计英文说明


令人向往的度假胜地 攀枝花:得天独厚的宜人气候 基地文脉 美国与欧洲度假胜地先例


自美国20世纪早期,及欧洲20世纪晚期以来,温暖和煦的阳光、晴朗清澈的天空,和干燥温润的空气已渐渐治 愈人们由于各种原因所造成的身体与心灵上的双重疲乏与抑郁。 在美国的中西部、东北部和西北部,亚利桑那州的凤凰城、斯科茨代尔、塔什干,以及加州的棕榈泉、兰乔圣菲 等地成为了人们远离冬季忧伤的避难所。 在欧洲的西班牙南部、意大利南部,以及希腊南部,甚至非洲的北部,都是北欧人休闲度假的理想之地。

像加州的棕榈泉得名并成名于当地的天然矿物温泉一样, 攀枝花也因其舒爽宜人的气候与天然温泉而闻名 已久。但直到近年来才开始全面地开发建设其旅游设施与服务。这里有适于高尔夫运动良好的自然条件, 而高尔夫也将成为该度假休闲社区的核心活动与场所,以充分发展其旅游/度假的潜力。 红格镇距离攀枝花市中心大约1小时车程,是全国闻名的温泉度假胜地。当地已经建设了相当部分的度假休 闲设施,但美中不足的是还没有引进高尔夫运动。攀枝花度假休闲社区的建设将为这一地区休闲娱乐产业 的发展锦上添花。

湿热气候与干热气候的冬季度假胜地之比较 在北半球的冬天,有两种度假地的气候最受人们喜爱:干热的“沙漠”与湿热的热带气候。 这两种气候各有所长,吸引着大量来自北方寒冷地区的游客们。 热带气候类型一般总是和大海、沙滩、水上运动,以及游船等联系在一起,高尔夫只是额外的选择。 干热气候类型则是以高尔夫为中心开始发展,然后围绕其加以水面或豪华的游泳池设施。 对于游客来说,这并不是只能一成不变地选择一种,他们可以自由地变换度假地。而对于退休者或其他购房者来 说,这一选择将更为固定一些。 正如三亚是一个热带型的度假城市,攀枝花将成为一个“沙漠”干热型的度假旅游胜地。 气候对照关系 中国 美国 湿热(“热带”) 海南三亚………………………….夏威夷、南佛罗里达、加勒比海 干热(“沙漠”) 攀枝花…………………………….亚利桑那州的凤凰城、斯科茨代尔、塔什干 加州的棕榈泉、兰乔圣菲 中国 美国 北京、太原、内蒙古…………….中西部:芝加哥、底特律、明尼安纳玻利斯 大连、天津……………………….东北部:波士顿、纽约 成都、上海……………………….西北部:西雅图、旧金山

基地入口 目前只有一条狭窄的街道穿过农房到达基地的入口。但当地政府已经规划了一条标准主干道位于距离基地 20公里的地方,然后另一条主路将连接其直至基地的东北端。

基地环境 深度风蚀的河谷始于基地东南侧的山脊,转向西北方向后慢慢汇成峡谷的河床。河谷中高耸狭长的山脊错 落其间,景致壮观。攀枝花度假休闲社区由这些河谷与山脊开始,并随地势逐渐上升。休整后的果园梯田 穿插在山间,为原本粗糙的山体带来了不一样的田园风光。山脊上长满了灌木,而河谷中则是长针叶松林 的天下,可以起到一部分遮阳避风的作用,并有利于排水。 河谷中还建有堤坝,围成几个高原小湖,星星点点的农庄散布其间,风光旖旎。

市场定位 度假/休闲/旅游


租赁式地产 第二 / 三居所 合租地产 酒店/度假套餐 商业活动/锦标赛场所 企业会所

本地富豪 本地的专业工作者 老年人

地域变化的即刻感受 离开了北京寒冬中的冰天雪地,或是成都冬季潮湿阴冷的下雨天,来到攀枝花,看起来不过只是一次平常的短途 飞行。但是在攀枝花机场踏出舱门的一刹那,你就会感觉到其实已经来到了另一个世界:湛蓝的天空,温暖的气 候,人们都穿着短衫短裤,一身短打。脱掉外套,戴上太阳镜,从山顶的机场出发,展现在眼前的是连绵不断的 山脉与峡谷,景色秀美壮丽。沿途九重葛花在盛开,橘树与芒果树枝叶繁茂,果实累累。 太阳开始展现出它的魔力了。闭上眼睛,抬起头对着天空,你会感觉到温暖的橙色阳光笼罩在身上。卷上衣袖解 开衣领,让阳光轻抚你的肌肤。不出一个小时,你就会从里到外地暖和起来,而寒冷的冬季也已经成为回忆。行 驶在高速路上,攀枝花度假休闲社区就在40分钟车程外的地方等着你呢。早上7点从阴冷潮湿的成都出发,10点 之前就可以在攀枝花度假休闲社区享受湛蓝的天空与温暖的阳光了。在美国也有类似的体验,例如从旧金山到棕 榈泉去度周末。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Masterplan Design Description (Chinese) 社区规划设计中文说明


Location Maps 区位分析图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Site Information 用地分析图


3700亩 (246.67公顷) 610 ACRES

Site Boundary Plan 用地红线图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Site Information 用地分析图


Elevation (M) 1480 - 1505 1460 - 1480 1440 - 1460 1420 - 1440 1400 - 1420 1380 - 1400 1360 - 1380 1340 - 1360 1320 - 1340 1300 - 1320 1280 - 1300 1260 - 1280 1240 - 1260 1220 - 1240 1200 - 1220 0 - 1200

Original Grading Analysis 原始等高线分析图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Site Information 用地分析图


Original 3D Topography 原始三维地形分析图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Site Information 用地分析图


Slope (M) 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 50 50 - 100

Original Sloping Analysis 原始坡度分析图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Site Information 用地分析图


Design Grading Analysis 设计等高线分析图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Site Information 用地分析图


Golf Course Conceptual Design 高尔夫球场概念设计图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Conceptual Masterplan 规划概念设计图


Illustrative Masterplan 规划彩色表现图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Conceptual Masterplan 规划概念设计图


Residential 居住用地 Commercial & Facilities 商业用地 Golf & Park 高尔夫球场与公园 Open Green Space 公共绿地 Lake & Canal 湖面与运河

Land Use Plan 功能分区图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Private Casitas 平层度假别墅 Condominiums 花园洋房 Stacked Townhomes 叠拼联排别墅 Patio Villas 露台式别墅 Villas 独立别墅 Estate Villas 庄园别墅

Residential Density Analysis 居住组团密度分析图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Community Entry 社区入口 Community Parkway 社区大道 Neighborhood Thoroughfare 小区主干道 Neighborhood Local 小区次干道

Road System Analysis 道路规划结构图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Road Sections - Map 道路剖面索引图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Section A - A

Section B - B

Road Sections - Illustrative Drawings 道路剖面示意图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Section C - C

Section D - D Road Sections - Illustrative Drawings 道路剖面示意图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Section E - E

Section F - F Road Sections - Illustrative Drawings 道路剖面示意图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Green / Open Space Analysis 公共绿地景观规划结构图

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Planning Structural Analysis 规划结构分析图


Grand Boulevard

A spur road planned off of the planned regional arterial road will directly access the site at the northeastern tip. At this point entry monuments, and perhaps a security building will demark the entry to Panzhihua Golf Resort gates here are primarily symbolic as it is intended to invite the public up to the Lakeside Town Center. They may function as actual gates later at night once Lakeside Town Center retail dining and entertaining venues have closed. From here, a 600 meter perfectly straight slightly uphill “Grand Boulevard” serves to separate Panzhihua Golf Resort from surrounding farms and local construction with this very strong simple landscape gesture. This Grand Boulevard has a palm lined landscape median and a double palm alley on either roadside. Ground plane is formal lawn and annual flowers changed with the season.

社区大道 社区主干道入口位于基地的东北角,入口处设有标志性建筑与 保安设施,并由此将人们引入湖滨小镇中心。在晚上,当湖滨小 镇中心的商业、餐饮与娱乐场所停止营业后,这里将可以具备真 正的门房保安功能。从这里,一条600米长的笔直的“社区大道 ”缓缓上升,并借由其简单而强烈的景观设计将攀枝花高尔夫度 假休闲社区与周围的农田和现存建筑分隔开。社区大道两侧分别 种有双排棕榈树,道路中间还设有棕榈树绿岛。地面景观设计包 括草地与各种季节性的花卉。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Grand Boulevard 社区大道


Focal Monument

The Grand Boulevard points directly to a knoll top sculptural monument at its terminus. A cascade of water falls 4 meters from the Focal Monument’s base to the Grand Boulevard below.

地标 社区大道的尽端面向一座位于小丘之上的地标性雕塑。4米高的 跌落式瀑布水景从雕塑的基座部分一直流向社区大道。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Focal Monument 地标


1. Condominiums 花园洋房 2. Stacked Townhomes 叠拼联排别墅 3. Patio Villas 露台式别墅

Eastern Foothill Neighborhoods

At this point the road “T’s” and heads (1) to the southeast where to a private gate, and then on to serve condominium, stacked townhome, and patio villa neighborhoods. It also heads (2) southwest, continuing as a public way past two gated condominium and stacked townhome neighborhoods.

东麓邻里组团 道路从这里开始呈"T"型分叉。一端转向东南,经过小区门房后, 可以到达花园洋房、叠拼联排别墅,以及露台式别墅小区;道路 另一端则指向西南方,继续作为公共道路,并经过两个封闭式管 理的花园洋房与叠拼联排别墅小区。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Eastern Foothill Neighborhoods 东麓邻里组团


Lower Lake Park and Swim Lagoon

The entry gate to the condominium and stacked townhome neighborhood south of the public way also controls access to the resident serving Lower lake park and swim lagoon. To the northeast and below the Lakeside Town Center, is the lower lake. This small lake is a pleasant landscape feature for surrounding condominiums, and can also accommodate passive (walking and sitting) and hobby (model boat sailing) recreation. Visually connected to it is proposed a children’s swim lagoon. These swim lagoons (pioneered in Southern California) are essentially large shallow swimming pools with partial sand bottoms and surrounding sandy beach. They serve children from toddler to perhaps age 7 and their parents.

湖滨公园与人造沙滩 位于社区公共大道南侧的花园洋房与叠拼联排别墅小区入口处设 有大门,同时也可以管理控制通向湖滨公园与人造沙滩的道路。 湖滨公园位于湖滨小镇中心的东北侧下方。这个小湖为周围的花 园洋房带来了优美动人的景色,也为人们散步、休憩、航模等休 闲活动提供了理想的场所。距此不远是为小孩子们建造的人工沙 滩。这些人造沙滩(风行于南加州)实际上是一些大的浅水游泳 池,部分池底及泳池周围铺有细纱。从1岁多的小孩子到差不多 7岁,以及他们的父母都可以在此活动。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lower Lake Park and Swimming lagoon 湖滨公园与人造沙滩


1. Condominiums 花园洋房 2. Stacked Townhomes 叠拼联排别墅 3. Patio Villas 露台式别墅

Western Foothill Neighborhoods

Moving further west the public way climbs to, and runs along the northwestern property boundary. Along this road on its southeast side is another gated condominium and stacked townhome neighborhood. These homes sit on a bluff overlooking the Lower Lake or looking over the tennis club to the main lake. The public road then turns due south and drops towards the Lakeside Town Center; enjoying a straight ahead main lake vista for about 400 meters. On a high bluff west of the road is a truly spectacular promontory condominium complex that enjoys sweeping panoramas of Main Lake, Town Center Park, Marina, and the 16th hole island fairway and green.

西麓邻里组团 社区公共大道继续向西延伸,一路沿着基地的西北边界依山向上 前行。另一个花园洋房与叠拼联排别墅小区就位于这条道路的东 南侧。这些别墅地势较高,可以俯视低湖区,或越过网球场直视 主湖面。在此之后,社区大道转而向南并沿地势逐渐下行,直到 湖滨小镇中心。其中有一段约400米的距离可以直接欣赏到主湖 面的开阔景色。 一组花园洋房建筑位于道路西侧的陡峭高地上, 拥有绝佳的景观朝向,可以远眺主湖面、小镇中心公园、码头, 以及高尔夫第16洞小岛的全景。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Western Foothill Neighborhoods 西麓邻里组团


1. Tennis Club 网球俱乐部 2. Tennis Course 网球场 3. Conference / banquet / Ballroom Facility/ Theatre 会议/宴会/舞厅设施 / 电影院 4. Retail / Dining 零售 / 餐饮 5. Marina 码头 6. Skate Park 溜冰场 7. Amphithratre 室外剧场 8. Lake 湖面

Lakeside Town Center

Along the northern shoreline of the main lake, and spanning from near the 17th green to the main lake’s dam, stretches the Lakeside Town Center. Here waterside restaurants, park space, and small boat docks overlook the water’s edge and beyond to the 16th hole’s island fairway and green. Retail shopping, tennis club, large conference, banquet, ballroom facility, and theatre tuck away where there are no view premiums.

湖滨小镇中心 湖滨小镇中心沿着湖面的北岸逶迤而生,从靠近17洞的高尔夫绿 地一直延伸到湖面主体的堤岸部分。从临水的餐厅、停车场,以 及小码头都可以一直看到水面的边沿,以及16洞所在的小岛、周 边的球道与果岭。小商店、网球俱乐部、大型会议、宴会、舞会 设施,以及影剧院对景观的需求稍弱,因此都位于离水面相对较 远的地方。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心


Tennis/Skate Park

This will include a small clubhouse for coaches office, snacks and limited changing facilities, there are10 courts plus 1 exhibition court, which will accommodate about 200 players in a day at full capacity. Facilities here may include indoor racquet sports (handball, racquetball, squash). Except for limited supplies (tennis balls, sweat band etc.) at the court check-in area, other equipment will be available at an adjacent larger sporting goods retail space tied into the retail street.

网球设施 包括了一个小型网球俱乐部,设有教练办公室、快餐店与少量更 衣室。场地部分则包括10个网球场,以及一个观摩表演场地,最 大容量为200人/日。其它设施还包括室内壁球室。场地管理处可 以租借少量的活动器械与用品(如网球拍、防汗绑带等),其余 设备可以在相邻商业街的体育用品商店里买到。

Skate Park

A low area at the base of the main lake’s dam offers an interesting opportunity for new age teenage and young adult recreation. This can include skateboarding, bike jumping, and inline skating. A more elaborate development could include standing wave boogie boarding and surfing. Adjacent to this, and also taking advantage of the terrain there can be an outdoor amphitheatre.

溜冰场 湖堤底部的低洼处形成了一个供青少年活动的天然溜冰场,包括 了滑冰板、花样自行车与溜旱冰。也可以进一步考虑风浪板与冲 浪等项目。为了更充分地利用地形,紧临溜冰场可以设置室外剧 场。

Tennis/Skate Park 网球设施/溜冰场

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心



While the most elegant dining is located up at the lodge, Lakeside Town Center dining is very casual. This can range from indoor/outdoor seating and table service, to barbeque events, to food vendor carts and booths (a la Jing Li Street in Chengdu).

餐饮 比较正式的餐饮由酒店部分提供,湖滨小镇中心里的餐饮则休闲 了很多。这些可以包括室内/室外座椅与点菜服务、烧烤、食品 贩卖车/亭等(类似成都的锦里街)。

Dining 餐饮

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心


Bars, Music, Theatre

A movie theatre will be a focal feature of a very intimate entertainment district. This area will include bistro/club/bar venues for music, dancing and socializing. It ties directly to the amphitheatre and skate park at the base of the dam. The dam itself may incorporate part skate ramp and part outdoor casual seating and eating/drinking. (Ciutadella, Menorca, Spain). This is a teenager/young adult hang out, and a place for older folks to go to watch their entertaining antics, fashion trends, and social adventures.

酒吧、音乐、影剧院 电影院将成为这个娱乐活动区的焦点。这里还设有小酒馆、俱乐 部与酒吧,人们可以在此充分享受音乐、舞蹈与各种社交活动。 娱乐街与位于湖区坝底的室外剧场及溜冰场直接相连, 而这条 堤坝本身就是溜冰场坡道,以及室外休闲茶座、餐饮空间的一部 分,老年人也可以在此观看各种丰富多彩的娱乐活动,或是千奇 百怪的流行趋势与新鲜玩意儿。

Bars, Music, Theatre 酒吧、音乐、影剧院

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心



This will combine local convenience retail (small grocery, cleaners/laundry, video rental, pharmacy, sundries, household products) with resort retail (resort apparel, sporting goods, art galleries and gift shops).

零售商店 包括了当地的便利店(小型蔬果超市、干洗/洗衣店、影碟出租 、药店、百货店、家庭用品商店),以及度假休闲商店(休闲服 装、体育用品商店、艺术画廊、礼品店)。

Retail 零售商店

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Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心



This small lake can accommodate small scale row, paddle or peddle boats, available for rent at the "marina”. (aerial and scale comparison with Houhai Lake in Beijing.)

码头 湖区面积不大,可以容纳小型的船只。湖滨设有码头,用以租借 游船。(湖区面积与尺度与北京的后海类似)

Marina 码头

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心


Conference/Banquet/Ballroom Facility

This facility is a necessary element for Panzhihua Golf Resort to be able to host golf tournaments, larger corporate retreats and events, and small conferences. It would be sized to accommodate a full golf tournament banquet (+/-300 seats at least). While it is primarily a specific event indoor use that does not need to occupy prime real estate, it could overlook the lower lake creating an elegant photo opportunity for weddings.

会议/宴会/舞厅设施 这是攀枝花休闲度假社区要举办高尔夫锦标赛、大型企业招待会 及小型会议活动所必需具备的设施。它可以容纳300名左右观众 观看正式的高尔夫锦标赛。作为一个具有指定室内服务功能的建 筑设施,它并没有必要占据最优势的地点。然而从这里依然可以 远眺低湖区的优美风景,使它也成为举办婚礼庆典与宴会的理想 场所。

Conference/Banquet/Ballroom Facility 会议/宴会/舞厅设施

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Lakeside Town Center 湖滨小镇中心


1. Golf Clubouse 高尔夫会所 2. Pool Complex 游泳池综合设施 3. Driving Range 练习场 4. Hotel / Meeting Rooms 酒店 / 会议室 5. Lodge Suite 酒店客房 6. Spa 温泉浴场 7. Private Casitas 平层度假别墅 8. Golf Course 高尔夫球场 9. Lake 湖面

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway

Beyond the Lakeside Town Center, public access terminates and a monumental gateway marks the beginning of the Golf Resort and Golf Estate Neighborhoods.

高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产 经过湖滨小镇中心,公共道路至此结束;一个地标性的大门设计 标志着开始进入高尔夫度假休闲社区。

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Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Panzhihua Golf Resort, the Acropolis

The primary and initial amenity venue will be the golf club and lodge/spa complex located high on the western edge of the property. Both holes 1 and 9 begin with spectacular vistas and long drops off the tee. Here a lodge building, spa facility and golf clubhouse create an iconic acropolis of spectacular architecture. Lodge guestrooms (distributed in 2-3 story 8-10 plex buildings), and detached private guesthouses nestle in among 6 golf holes; the driving range, and resort pool complex.


Panzhihua Golf Resort, the Acropolis

作为社区内最主要的公共设施,高尔夫会所与酒店/温泉综合设 施位于基地的西侧边界。1洞与9洞都开始于这里,视野开阔,景 色优美,并沿着球道顺势而下。酒店客房、温泉浴场,以及高尔 夫会所建筑造型独特,是社区内的标志性场所。客房为2-3层的 8-10拼楼,以及独立的私人住所,分布于高尔夫6洞区域、击球 区和休闲游泳池周边。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产



Golf consists of a single 18 hole course. It will be very challenging with lots of lost balls. Steep terrain will require golf carts. Maximum capacity of 350 golfers per day presumes starting foursomes every 7.5 minutes over 8 hours and in addition starting 9 hole rounds on the back 9 for 2 hours in the morning and 9 hole rounds on the front 9 for 1 hour after the last 18 hole round start. Additionally, a driving range can provide some activity for an additional 50 or so golfers, over and above its use in conjunction with playing a round. And small putting parks can add another venue serving about 100 residents.



高尔夫场地包括一个18洞的高尔夫球场。陡峭的山地使高尔夫球 车成为必需。球场每天可容纳350人活动,在8小时中,每7.5分 钟可以开始四人对抗赛。除此之外,还可以在早晨后9洞进行2小 时的9洞赛, 以及在最后一轮18洞开始之后,在前9洞进行1小时 的9洞赛。 此外还有一个高尔夫练球场可以再为50位客人提供服务,结合其 场地可以进行一轮练习。一些小型的迷你高尔夫公园也可以为大 约100名住户提供击球练习的场地。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Golf Clubhouse

This will be a relatively small facility serving daily golfers needs with pro-shop, starter, lockers, and caddy and golf cart staging. A small restaurant serving breakfast and lunch, an après golf bar, and gracious patio lounging will all enjoy beautiful hilltop vistas. Larger restaurant facilities and dinner service will be available in the adjacent lodge.


Golf Clubhouse

该会所规模相对较小,用以满足日常来打高尔夫球的客人的需求 。会所内设有便利店、初学者练习场、更衣室、高尔夫球僮服务 ,以及电瓶车库等。无论是在可以提供早餐与午餐的小餐厅,或 是打完高尔夫后休息放松的酒吧,亦或是宽敞的休息平台,都可 以欣赏到绝佳的山顶风光。大型的餐厅与正餐服务则设在相邻的 酒店内。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Pool Complex

A multi-pool swimming complex will accommodate about 200 guests with adequate lounging, deck space, food and towel service. This will accommodate adults and older children (younger children and beach sports will be located at the swim lagoon).

游泳池综合设施 由多个大小不一的游泳池组合而成,可以容纳200人,并提供足 够的休息室、休息平台、餐饮与浴巾服务等设施。这里主要适合 成年人及青少年活动(小孩子及沙滩体育项目将由人造沙滩活动 区域提供)。

Pool Complex 游泳池

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产



A full scale spa will be the primary occupant of the lodge building. Here state of the art exercise equipment, aerobic and dance class space, massage rooms, specialized treatments and local hot spring mineral water baths will pamper Panzhihua Golf Resort guests. Health programs, yoga and meditation programs, spa cuisine foodservice and cooking classes, and medical recovery programs will promote a healthy mind and body. Indoor sports activities such as handball/racquetball/ squash may be included.



一个标准规模的温泉浴场将成为酒店客房部的主要构成部分。在 这里,攀枝花度假休闲社区的客人们可以尽情地享受各种舒适惬 意的休闲服务,包括艺术级的锻炼设施、有氧运动与舞蹈练习室 、按摩房、专业治疗与温泉疗养等。各类健身养身、瑜伽、餐饮 服务与烹饪课程、医疗休养等项目将促进身体与心灵的健康发展 。还可以考虑加入一些室内体育项目,例如手球、短柄与长柄壁 球。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Meeting Rooms:

Small meeting rooms with spectacular vistas will be located at the lodge.

会议室 Meeting Rooms



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Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产



Guestrooms are distributed in smaller buildings. Closest to the central lodge and spa are guest suites grouped into small 2-3 story building with about 10 suites in each building. Further away and more private and luxurious are individual detached guest "casitas". The lodge will be the primary gathering space for guests and will include elegant dining facilities (+/- 150 seats), bar, nighttime entertainment lounge, and generous patios; all with spectacular vistas of the golf course and natural terrain laid out below. This complex enjoys the most spectacular site on the whole property. Nearly 360 degree vistas look down onto most of Panzhihua Golf Resort and the valleys and villages to the north and east. Space is precious up here and it is therefore proposed that large bulky spaces that do not need require great views be located down in the lakeside town center (large conference/ballroom/banquet venue; theatre; shopping).



酒店客房散布于几栋小型建筑内。靠近温泉浴场的中心地带是23层高的客房楼,每栋有10间套间。稍远处为独栋的平层度假别 墅,更为私密与豪华。客房楼为客人们提供了主要的聚集空间, 包括环境优雅的餐厅(大约150座)、酒吧、晚间休闲娱乐厅, 以及宽阔的室外休息平台;所有空间都具有良好的视野,可以俯 视高尔夫球场与自然绿地。 这一组酒店客房综合楼位于整个基地内最好的地段。这里拥有开 阔的360度全景视野,可以欣赏到该度假休闲社区的绝大部分, 以及东北侧的山谷与村落。此处地势高,地价昂贵,因此一些不 需要较好景观朝向的大型空间建议设在山下的湖滨小镇中心内( 大型会议/舞会/宴会场所,影剧院,商店)。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Golf Course

Golf at Panzhihua Golf Resort will be challenging. Lofty tee shots drop into deep canyons….. A round goes something like this. Hole 1: From the “acropolis” tee off east dropping into a canyon bottom fairway and play to the green across a stream. Holes 2, 3, and 4: Play up and back a canyon they share with a streambed. Roughs quickly turn to steep canyon walls with native brush and pine trees. Hole 5: After the 4th green out of the eastern canyon to a ridge top tee and play “up canyon” to the west. Climb out of this canyon and: Hole 6: Tee off a narrow ridge onto a perched promontory green at his unforgiving par 3. Hole 7: Climb down off of the 6th green perch and tee off back to the canyon sharing the fairway with the 5th hole and the east across water to a raised green. Hole 8: Is another par 3 sky hole tee off high across a deep ravine and watercourse and land, hopefully on the green or its tiny landing area to the north. Hole 9: Tee off making the long carry across the same deep ravine to a fairway landing to the west. Take the cart over a bridge, find your ball and finish this par 5 with a long “up canyon” trek. Cruise back past the driving range, by the lodge and back to the clubhouse for a break.

Golf Course

Hole 10: Finally something easy with a wide fairway gently dropping to the green. Hole 11: Playing southeast from perch to perch; a long over water carry takes you onto small patch of fairway and then another, mercifully short this time, carry back over the same watercourse to the green. Hole 12: Climb up onto a perched tee and tee off due south, yes over water, to fairway and green. Hole 13: Climb up onto a ridge and tee off onto another perched green like hole 6. Hole 14: Cross the easternmost ridge and tee off, overlooking farms and orchards beyond down into a canyon along the eastern boundary. Playout this par 5 against a watercourse along the fairways eastern edge. Hole 15: Climb back up west and play back down east and north. Hole 16: Climb onto a bluff over main lake and survey the grandeur of the island fairway and green below. Go for it. Hole 17: From a shore side tee, you are either on the green in 1 or in the water at this par 3. Hole 18 (finally): Another par 5 uphill trek up to the acropolis. Back to the clubhouse for cocktails on the patio.


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


高尔夫球场 在攀枝花度假休闲社区内打高尔夫球具有一定的挑战性。发球基 座自高处开始,延伸跌落于深谷之中……一轮的完整经过大致如 下: 第1洞:从高处的球座开始向东击球,落入位于谷底的球道之中 ,直到一条小溪对岸的果岭。 第2、3、4洞:在一条山谷之中蜿蜒来回,并绕以溪水。然后迅 速回转至陡峭的山壁处,周围植有灌木与松树。 第5洞:在4号果岭之后,出了东侧山谷到达位于山脊顶部的球座 ,在山谷上向西击球,翻过这座山谷然后: 第6洞:由一道狭窄的山脊向下击球,落入隆起的果岭中,这是 一个3杆洞。 第7洞:由6号果岭下来,回身向与5号洞位于同一球道的山谷击 球,并向东穿过溪水到达一处升起的果岭。 第8洞:另一个3杆洞,从高处越过深深的溪谷、水面与陆地,可 以直接落入果岭或北边它自己的小着陆区。 第9洞:击球穿过同一溪谷,距离较长,到达西侧的球道后着陆 。乘球车过桥,找到球后继续完成这一5杆洞。 经过练习场,回到位于酒店旁的会所休息一下。

Golf Course

第10洞:由宽阔的球道落入果岭,这一洞比较容易。 第11洞:向东南方向击球,长途越过水面后连续到达两小块球道 ,然后返回越过同一水面到达果岭。 第12洞:爬上位于高处的击球点,向南边击球,越过水面到达球 道与果岭。 第13洞:爬上山脊,向另一处隆起的果岭击球,类似第6洞。 第14洞:穿过最东端的山脊向下击球,在这里可以俯视山下的农 田与果园,以及位于东侧边界的峡谷。这是一个5杆洞,沿着球 道的东边设有水面。 第15洞:回头爬上西侧山坡,向东北侧山下击球。 第16洞:爬上主湖旁的山壁,可以欣赏到其下球道小岛与果岭的 壮丽景象。 第17洞:从位于湖边的球座击球,可以到达1号果岭,这是一个 3杆洞。 第18洞(终于到了):另一个5 杆洞回到最初的球座。现在,可 以回到会所在露台上享受一杯鸡尾酒放松一下了。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Golf Estates

There is a neighborhood of patio villas just beyond the Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway with about 37 patio villas set between citrus terraces. The remainder of the Golf Estates are accessed via a bridge and causeway across the Main Lake. A narrow width private collector road winds its way up onto ridges and accesses small residential plateaus where Patio Villas, standard Villas, and Estate Villas are mixed and intermingled as natural siting opportunities dictate.


Golf Estates

一组露台式别墅位于紧靠高尔夫度假休闲社区的入口处,共有 37栋建筑,间隔以梯田式的柑橘果园。跨过主湖区上的桥梁与堤 道后,可以到达其余的高尔夫地产。一条狭长的私家车道沿着山 脊蜿蜒而上,通向各个居住组团。露台式别墅、独立别墅与庄园 别墅根据基地的自然条件混合分布,相互交融。


Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Golf Resort and Golf Estates Gateway 高尔夫度假休闲中心与高尔夫地产


Terraced Orchards

Where slopes have been graded between residential plateaus they are terraced with dry stacked stone walls to create planting terraces for citrus and tropical fruit orchards. Similar to current planting and appropriate to the local idealized climate, these orchard terraces become a signature and memorable component of the golf and the living experience of the Panzhihua Golf Resort.

梯田式果园 居住组团之间的坡地被修整成阶梯式的台地,周围垒砌石墙,用 以种植柑橘和热带水果。这些果园的种植方式非常适于当地宜人 的气候,与现有的类型相似,并成为该高尔夫休闲与居住社区的 标志之一,给人们带来与众不同的生活体验,令人印象深刻。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Terraced Orchards 梯田式果园


Lodge Suites

These are luxury guest suites, adjacent to the lodge, of about 85 m2 each. They are configured 4 to a floor in 2-3 story home size buildings, giving each unit a corner configuration and 2 sides of natural light. Expansive bed areas and open bathtub decks express sensuality and luxury while patios and decks invite outdoor lounging in Panzhihua’s wonderful climate.

酒店套房 这一产品为豪华型的酒店套房,紧邻其它的客房区,面积约85平 方米/套。每幢建筑2-3层,每层4套。每一套间均拥有转角的开 阔视野及来自两个朝向的自然采光。宽敞的卧房区和开放式的浴 池体现出豪华与奢靡的氛围。露台与阳台则提供了室外起居的理 想场所,使客人们可以充分享受攀枝花地区舒爽宜人的气候。

Type A - Lodge Suites A型 – 酒店套房

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图


Private Casitas

Still within the lodge grounds; these “casitas’ (little house in Spanish) are 1 story private residences within their own walled private grounds. They are in open studio to two bedroom configurations averaging 120m2. They provide a taste of true home life at Panzhihua Golf Resort.

平层度假别墅 仍然位于酒店客房的区域内。这些一层的别墅小屋(西班牙式样 的小屋)为私人所有,并设有院墙。平面形式为开放的一居室或 两居室,平均面积为120平方米。它们为攀枝花度假区提供了一 种真实的"家"的感觉的住所。

Type B - Private Casitas B型 – 平层别墅

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图



Within the foothill neighborhoods at the northeastern end of the property these units average about 175m2 in 2 and 3 bedroom configurations. They offer ownership opportunity and are ideal candidates for inclusion in vacation rental pool or actual time share.

花园洋房 位于基地东北端山脚下的社区内,为两居室或三居室,平均面积 175平方米左右。它们可以对外销售,并可考虑采用度假租赁或 即时合租等方式。

Type C - Condominiums C型 – 花园洋房

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图


Stacked Townhomes

These are 3 story townhouse over 2 story townhouse units averaging 210 m2. They offer gracious living and are arranged to provide expansive views over the lower lake and, at the promontory, over the main lake.

叠拼联排别墅 此类型产品为三层的联排别墅叠加在两层的联排别墅之上,每户 约210平方米。起居空间宽敞舒适,开阔的视野可以俯视低洼的 湖水,位于高处的别墅则可以纵览整个湖面的主体部分。

Type D - Stacked Townhomes D型 – 叠层联排别墅

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图


Patio Villas

These are true detached villas containing 250 m2 or more. Their “zero lot line” configuration maximizes private lot utilization. Lot size is 13M x26M and they are terraced on the ridges and slopes to provide expansive panoramas of golf, natural canyons and ridges, and the open countryside beyond.

露台式别墅 本质为独立式别墅,每户面积不小于250平方米。"零红线"的边 界设计使得每户的宅院可以被最大程度地利用。宅院尺寸为13米 x 26米,建在山脊和坡地的阶梯式平台上,可以充分欣赏到高尔 夫球场的全景式画面、自然的峡谷与山脊,以及低处开敞的小村 落。

Type E - Patio Villas E型 – 露台式别墅

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图



These homes average 450m2 and have full size lots 20M x 30M. They too are terraced on the ridges and slopes to provide expansive panoramas.

独立别墅 这一类型的别墅每户面积约450平方米,宅院尺寸为20米 x 30米 。它们同样也建在山脊和坡地地阶梯式平台上,拥有极为开阔的 视野与理想的景观。

Type F - Villas F型 – 独立别墅

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图


Estate Villas

The best sites are reserved for large estate production and custom villas. Lot configuration may be more irregular and there is opportunity to incorporate terraced orchards within the individual parcels should owners chose to. Homes will average 550 m2. All golf villas enjoy the ridge top and plateau locations where natural open space, terraced citrus groves, and pristine golf fairways surround their own individual patios and gardens with a unique natural ambience.

庄园别墅 大型的庄园别墅和定制别墅位于最好的区域。宅院形状更为灵活 自由,并且在业主同意的情况下,可以将梯田式的果园引入私家 院落。每户别墅平均面积为550平方米。 所有的高尔夫别墅均建在山脊或坡地的高处。每户都拥有各自的 露台与庭院,周围环绕着原生的开放绿地、梯田式的柑橘园,以 及高尔夫绿色球场;建筑与周围独特的自然环境水乳交融,和谐 统一。

Type G - Estate Villas G型 – 庄园别墅

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Residential Product Illustration 建筑单体意向图



Second home markets in general and second home markets where regional amenities and recreational venues are not well developed in particular. Need to thoroughly understand, quantify and plan for a comprehensive recreational package appropriate in scale and preference of the projected total market and peak daily residency. At build out, Panzhihua Golf Resort will have some 302 detached homes, 37 detached casitas, 870 condominiums and townhomes, and 252 hotel rooms. Daily residency might be about 3200 people, all expecting access to recreational activity venues.

社区活动与场所 主要是满足对第二居所的市场需求,以及还不具备完善的区域性 公共与娱乐设施的第二居所市场。在充分理解这一点的基础上, 针对市场的总体需求及日常生活的最大需求,定量地规划并设计 一整套设施完善、比例适当的娱乐活动场所。 建成后,攀枝花度假社区将拥有302套独立别墅,37套平层别墅 ,870套公寓单元与联排别墅,以及252套酒店客房。每日居民约 为3200 人,并都可以使用社区内的娱乐活动设施。

Panzhihua Hongge Ecological Community - Green Sports and Vacation Destination 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假

Activity Programs and Venues 社区活动与场所


B C D E F G Total Residential Building Area ������������

������ Condominiums ���� Stacked Townhomes ������ Patio Villas ����� Villas ���� Estate Villas ����

















Land Use Type �������� 41400 Type 35200 ��

306610 1 2

Non-Residence �������

3 Type �� 1 2 3 4 5 Total Building Area ������������

Building Type �� Retail / Restaurant ����� Golf Clubhouse ����� Tennis Club ����� Skate Park ��� Resort ����

Building Area (S.Q.M.) ���������














land Use Type ���� Residential Land Area ���� Public Building Land Area ���� Road ���� Open/Green Space ���� Water Feature ���� Total Site Area ���� Residential Building Area ������ Public Building Area ������ FAR ��� Building Density ����

Area (S.Q.M.) ������� 541660 120010 99250 1309620 71110 2472540 306610 13700 0.15 5.73%

Guest Residence ������� Type �� A B C D E F G Total Residential Building Area ������������

Housing Type �� Lodge Suites ���� Private Casitas ������ Condominiums ���� Stacked Townhomes ������ Patio Villas ����� Villas ���� Estate Villas ����

Building Area (S.Q.M.) �����������

Number ��

Total Building Area / Type (S.Q.M.) ������������





















35200 306610

Non-Residence ������� Type

Building Type

Building Area (S.Q.M.)

Panzhihua Hongge and Vacation Destination �� Ecological Community �� - Green Sports ��������� Retail / Restaurant 攀枝花红格生态社区 - 绿色运动与休闲度假 1 ����� 5100 2

Golf Clubhouse �����


Numerical Scaling 经济技术指标


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