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M a s t e r

o f


L a n d s c a p e


A r c h i t e c t u r e ,

2 0 11 - 2 0 1 4

C l e m s o n

U n i v e r s i t y ,

B a c h e l o r

o f

A r t

RESUME Yue Ren 109 Cross Creek CT APT J Centtral, SC 29630 Cell 857-205-5376 renyue891114@gmail.com

EDUCATION Clemson University, Master of Landscape Architecture 2015-2012 East China University of Sicence and Technology Bachelor of Product Design 2012-2008


Graduate Assistant in a.LINE.ments—Clemson’s public outreach studio -Clemson University Sandhill campus conceptual pathway design -Clemson University Campus Recreation design -Graniteville downtown restoration


Graphic Designer -CTRIP Travel agency company, Shanghai, China


Exhibition Designer -Industrial51 co.ltd, Shanghai, China


SKILLS AutoCAD Rhino 3DMAX Photoshop Illustrator Indesign LaserCutting AWARDS 2014 ASLA Tri-state Award: Merit Student.


01 FEED & SEED Urban Farm Greenville, SC 02 THE PINES Sandhill Campus Conceptual Trail Columbia, SC 03 MILL PARK Downtown Restoration Graniteville, SC

04 Green Belt Sustainable Urban Plan Oman

05 Agriculture Museum 06 Construction Documentation 07 Product Design 08 Exhibition Design 09 Street Banner Design 10 Freehand Sketch




FEED & SEED is community enhancement

Year Location Collaborators

2014 Fall Greenville, SC Sarah Stumpo, Brianne Burdy

The abandonded Feed and Seed building is on the outskirt of downtown Greenville, and also at the extention of Swamp Rabbit Trail, a multi-use greenway system that runs along the Reedy River connecting Greenville County. The design goal is by creating positive synergy between bicycle transportation and healthy eating choices through the design solution. The Feed + Seed will become a destination, not only a stop, by connecting healthy eating and conveniant exercise solutions to enhance lifestyle choices in the community. This Project include two Sites: 1. Abandoned Feed + Seed 2. Spinx Station

Mobile Truck

FEED + SEED Mobile Truck in Spinx Station

Si t e

K e y

L o c a t i o n SPINX STATION

C o n c e p t

FEED + SEED Provide organic food for Spinx store Mobile Truck to sell vegetables FEED + SEED

Ex i s t i n g



C o n t e x t Swamp Rabbit Trail in Greenville

Better City, Healthier Life

Cyclists in organic farm

The Feed + Seed is right at the expansion of the Swamp Rabbit Trail, which provides a great opportunity to intergrate bicycle transportation with urban farm. It offers health, environment and economic benefits while also contributing to the community involvement.


S t r a t e gy

F r a m e w o r k Pathway Strategy: Curve the pathway for cyclists along different program.

Entrance Strategy: More entrance from Swamp Rabbit Trail to Feed + Seed Farm.

Hierarchy Strategy: Two vibrant public space in 5.5 acre farm.

Our design intergrates the landscape architecture and architecture, and solves the food crisis problem in the upstate of South Carolina in en educational way. The Feed + Seed building will be complexity functional, mainly works as a grocery store and Cafe. 5.5-acre farm on the back of the building will provide local farmers and students examples of different farming method.

P r o g r a m

L i s t

M a s t e r

P l a n

Green Tunnel

Bike Share

Feed+Seed Building


Farm Storage

Seed Educational Garden


Bicycle Plaza

Rain Garden

Green House

Edible Garden



Terrace Farming


F e e d

Building Strategy

Space in front of building


S e e d

G r o u n d

Intergrate outside and inside

F l o o r

P l a n

Garage store

Pr ogr am l i s t 13 23















27 28







5 4

3 2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Green Wall Main Entrance Chek-out Counter Retail Refrigerated Product Meat Counter Public Women’s Restroom Public Men’s Restroom Dish Washing Meat Processing Red Meat Cooler Poultry Cooler Receiving Office Meat Loading Dock Product Loading Dock Receiving Office Storage Closet Dairy Cooler Producer Cooler Freezer Produce Processing Employee Locker Room Employee Women’s Restroom Employee Men’s Restroom Bike Help Area Restaurant Equipment Dining Counter Garage Door Bike Plaza

Tr e n c h

D r a i n

Grass Gravel Dome Wire Strainer Grate 6� Concrete Siding

Waste Pipe

Earth 10’ Diameter Single Wall 20,000 Gallon Cisten Protecting the Feed+Seed will use 15,000 gallons for irrigation and toilet flushing per month


S e c t i o n

F e e d + S e e d G a r a g e S t o r e a n d B i c y c l e P l a z a w i t h Tr e n c h D r a i n In order to manage the amount of runoff that will be flowing from the topography on the site and also offer a sustainable solution, trench drains will be placed in the design of bicycle spikes in the bike plaza with a large cistern buried beneath it.

Te r r a c e

F a r m i n g

Ex ist in g Te r r a c e s | Top o g rap h y

K e e p m o s t o f t h e e x i s t i n g t r e e s a n d m a k e u s e o f t h e t o p o g r a p h y

F e e d

F e e d


S e e d

E d u c a t i o n

C e n t e r

C ov er C r ops

H ar v es t

H ar v es t Seed



S e e d

C ov er C r ops

W h e e l

Seed H ar v es t C ov er C r ops

02 THE


Sandhill Campus conceptual trail design

Year Location Advisor

2013 Fall Columbia, SC Mary Beth Mccubbin

As the area has grown and changed, the focus of Sandhill REC has also evolved to better meet the needs of the community. As part of a commitment to the local community, the University has allowed public access to the site for daily recreation activities as well as special events—including fairs, markets, and sporting events. Building on the historic farm landscape and the history of research on the site, this system provides a variety of experiences through experimental pine plantations and orchards, wetlands, riparian and lake ecosystems. New sensory gardens have been suggested, the play area renewed and enlarged, and sculpture integrated into the landscape to attract more people and encourage them to stay for longer periods. Sandhill Campus

Award: 2014 ASLA Tri-state Merit Student

Tw o







n so


Ke y

C o n c e p t


Woodland Wetland


Woodland Wetland





Grassland Human Activity

Pu b l i c

M e e t i n g

I n v i t a t i o n


D e s i g n

Human Activity


Woodland Wetland

Education Culture

Lake Grassland


Education Culture

Culture Entertainment

Human Activity





P u r p o s e | O b j e c t i v e s The objective of this project is to create a system of trails that knits together key areas of special interest—education about ecology, farming, and history; art; event spaces; and multiple opportunities for exercise, accessible to people of all abilities. Additionally, connectivity to adjacent neighborhoods was increased and event spaces better accommodate programming.

M a s t e r

P l a n

P ro g ra m l i s t A. Vista Point

High point on site Interesting viewshed

B. Longleaf Pine Tree Center

Plant pine trees to creat a circular trail Different ages of trees

C. Fishing Area Fishing club Outdoor recreation Entertainment

D. Community Garden

Close to western residential areas Close to water

E. Picnic Area

Between two lakes Close to Lake House

F. Wetland Trail Existing trail Broad walk way Protect habitat

G. Children’s Garden Existing playground Education

H. Sculpture Park

Continues along side the trail Public Art

I. Education Garden Education & Culture

J. Energy Garden Solar energy light Limited tree cover

K. Playgound

For children / colorful

L. Seasonal Garden

Landscape value Different colors in different season

M. Shrub Maze

With tower in center

L. Lawn Terrace Event place

O. Farmer’s Market

L a n d s c a p e

Va l u e

U n it e o f l o n g l e a f p i ne tree ed u c a t i o n c e n t e r

- -

P i n e s

Gr owth of longleaf pine tr ee

M a tu re p i ne tree s (do m inate tr ees, codom inant tr ees, inter m edi ate tr ees , ov er topped or s uppr es s ed tr ees ) w i l l be pl anted i n the c enter, a n d th e n sa p l i n g , b o ttl ebr ush, and gr ass. Fr om the center, the hei ght of pi ne tr ees c hange gr adual l y.

L a n d s c a p e

Va l u e

- -

P l a n t

l i s t

T h e l i st sh o w a suggestion for the plant choice in seasonal gar den. It pr ov i des di ffer ent v i ew i n di ffer ent s eas on. T hey ar e al l na ti ve i n S o u th Car olina, and will be gor ger ous in spr in g and fal l . Both of the fl ow er s and fr ui ts ar e attr ac ti v e.

We t l a n d

E c o l o g y



Na t iv e p l a n t s a t t r a ct more b i rd s, mix o f p l a n t s c r e ate a so n g b i rd bo rd e r.

To pr otec t habi tat, ac c es s fr om the tr ai l up to the l ak e i s l i m i ted. T he tr ees pr ov i de shade for pedes tr i ans and aquati c l i fe. At som e poi nts on the tr ai l al ong the l ak e, acc es s i s pr ov i ded for a good v i ew of the l ak e.



Graniteville Downtown Renovation

Year Location Advisor

2014 Summer Graniteville, SC Mary Beth Mccubbin

The central Mill District will be a mixed-use area including restaurants, retail and entertainment with a potential for residential use as well. The creek and canal can be used for kayaks and paddle boards, with launch sites placed throughout the trail system. The location is within easy walking distance of many Graniteville residents and a short bike ride from neighboring communities.

E x i s t i ng

C o n t e x t :

M a c r o

E x i s t i ng

C o n t e x t :

M i c r o

K e y

C o n c e p t

M a s t e r

P l a n

Pr ogr am l i s t A. Red Barn shop for outdoor recreation Kayas, bicycles, paddle boards B. Warehouse for Red Barn C. Farmers Market Agriculture education center D. Green House E. Mixed Use Development F. Historic Museum G. Arts Center Cooperate with the break staircase H. Events Center I. Playground / Adventure Center J. Canal Walk K. Waterfront Park L. Pedestrian-only pathway M. Parking Lot N. Commercial Development O. Service Entry with Accessible Parking P. Kayak Launch sites

D i a g r a m s

P h a s e s



URBAN DESIGN for Muttrah, Oman

Year Location

2014 Spring Muttrah, Oman

Muttrah, located near the ocean, is a well-developed city in Oman, it has a density and organic urban form. In this project, the site is much more empty and undeveloped. The urban design here will be consistent with the downtown area but more sustainable for the environment and economy. A greenbelt will be built in this interconnected design. The goal is to protect natural and semi-natural environments, improve air quality within urban areas, ensure that urban dwellers have access to countryside, with consequent educational and recreational opportunities, and protect the unique character of rural communities that might otherwise be absorbed by expanding suburbs.

F u n c t i o n o f d i ff e r e n t i n t e r e s t s i n f r o n t o f C i v i c C e n t e r

C o n c e p t u a l

M a s t e r

P l a n

Ex i s t i n g

K e y

C o n t e x t

P r o p o s e d

R o a d

C o n c e p t

Existing development

Vertical development

Create a city grid

Conventional center


Green belt

S i t e

P l a n

G r e e n

s p a c e s

b e t w e e n

b u i l d i n g s


Agriculture Museum

Sandhill Campus

Rendering and compost signage design for Agriculture Museum of South Carolina.

M o d e l

o f

f e s t i v a l

g a r d e n

EX P ECT: Rotated pieces show the m ov e m e n t a n d fo r m what we ex pe c t fr om the window of al l th e p i e c e s ?


p a th w a y. A n d


Construction Documentation

Sandhill Campus


Product Design

Sandhill Campus

A t a b l e s e t m a d e o f D e s i g n E x h i b i t i o n .

b a m b o o ,

s h o w e d

i n

S h a n g h a i

2 0 11



Sandhill Campus

Exhibition Design

Wo r k a s a n i n t e r n i n 5 1 . i n d u s t r i a l f o r e x h i b i t i o n d e s i g n .

c o . l t d


Street Banner Design

S tr e e t b a n n e r d e s i g n fo r a r t w o r k s P e n d l e to n , S C i n s p r i n g , 2 0 1 4 .

i n


Freehand Sketch

T h a n k

Yu e



y o u

8 57-205-5376


yuer @ c l e m s o n .e d u

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