Thesis book 1

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A new way to know Chinese tea culture

Brand Guide Book

The Voice of Tea



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(415)671-9363 Academy of Art University

79 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA94105

The Voice of Tea

目录 Table of Contents First Cup Brand Background Brand Mission Brand Positioning

Second Cup Brand Logo Brand Typography Brand Color

Third Cup Brand Photo Style Brand Graphic Element Brand Stationary Items

壹 章节 First cup


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In traditional Chinese culture, a cup of tea is more than just water and leaves.

Brand background

剖 析

The brand will represent of Chinese tea culture influences during modern century and spread out widly in the world. Chinese tea culture has a history of more than three thousand years, and it is an irreplaceable part in the history of the Chinese culture. The tea culture plays a very important role in the daily life of Chinese people. Whether considering from the point of the classic culture or from the perspective of Chinese’ daily routine, after a long time accumulation, tea has been recognized as the well-known culture, Tea Culture.


The Voice of Tea


Culture Chinese tea culture refers to the methods of preparation of tea, the equipment used to make tea and the occasions in which tea is consumed in China. The terms chayi “Art of Tea 茶藝” and “Tea Ceremony” have been used, but the term “Tea Culture茶文化” includes more than just the ceremony. Also “culture” is easier to translate into English from the Chinese term “art 藝”. Tea culture in China differs from that of Europe, Britain or Japan in such things as preparation methods, tasting methods and the occasions for which it is consumed. Even now, in both casual and formal Chinese occasions, tea is consumed regularly. In addition to being a drink, Chinese tea is used in traditional Chinese medicine and in Chinese cuisine.

The Voice of Tea



years of history of tea

number of tons of tea exported per year

number of tons of tea yearly output in China


annual industry growth rate

number of people who drink tea in the world

The Voice of Tea

9 3,000 305,000 1,400,000 6%-8%

steps to drink tea

Why Choose Tea Culture as Thesis Topic?

00 Thesis Topic Choosing Chinese Tea Culture as the topic

lenge for those trying to incorporate cultural

of my graduate thesis, I have two points.

influences into American standards.

First of all, as an international student studying in the US, Culture shock and the English language are the first problems Chinese visitors to the United States face.

The Voice of Tea


A lot of work needs to be done to produce a satisfactory brand. On one hand, combining Chinese culture with a modern brand is challenging.

Consequently, customizing the Chinese

On the other hand, it will further

style of thinking and routine into Amer-

propagate Chinese culture and many factors

ican standards is challenging for Chinese

need to be considered for the brand to

graphic designers in America. These

succeed. For example, culture shock may

challenges are reflected in the organization

become an issue if the Chinese culture is not

of work and the introduction of cultural

presented in an acceptable and understand-

design implementations.

able way. Also, presenting Chinese style

China’s economy and foreign policies

factors into English typesetting and then

are attracting more Americans to the Chi-

balancing them is an important problem

nese culture who expect to learn the culture

that must be resolved. Chinese tea culture

by experiencing it. For Americans, blending

presents a great opportunity to find this

different cultures into one is not a new prob-

balance between traditional Chinese and

lem since it is an immigrant country. But

modern western cultures.

blending cultures does not come as easily for the Chinese, presenting a significant chal-



韵味。 013

The Voice of Tea

Why tea culture is important for the young generation?


Drinking tea is a good time to build up the relationship between family and friends. Normally, Chinese people drink tea at noon or after dinner and family will stay together and chat. However, the young generation likes to drink Soda instead of tea but they lost the chance to can talk with the elders of their family. The benefit for the young generation to talk with their family during the teatime is they can get the knowledge from their elders. At the same time, communication always is the good manner to care about our family via talk. I want to call on the young people to remind them how important it is to build up a great relationship with family.

Important manner


The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of “savoring.” “Savoring tea” is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schedule, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with


enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and

The Voice of Tea

tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.


Drink for health Regarded for thousands of years in the East as a key to good health, happiness, and wisdom, tea has caught the attention of researchers in the West, who are discovering the many health benefits of different types of teas. Studies have found that some teas may help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes; encourage weight loss; lower cholesterol; and bring about mental alertness. Tea also appears to have antimicrobial qualities.

From green tea to hibiscus, from white tea to chamomile, teas are chock full of flavonoids and other healthy goodies. —Julie Edgar trast other claims, including antinutritional

ever since the first infusions of Camellia

effects such as preventing absorption of iron

sinensis about 4700 years ago in China.

and protein, usually attributed to tannin.

The legendary emperor Shennong claimed

The vast majority of studies have been of

in The Divine Farmer’s Herb-Root Classic

green tea; however, some studies have been

that Camellia sinensis infusions were useful

made of the other types of tea derived from

for treating conditions including tumors,

Camellia sinensis, such as white, oolong, and

abscesses, bladder ailments, and lethargy.

black tea. Green tea has been claimed to be

Possible beneficial health effects of tea

helpful for atherosclerosis, LDL cholesterol,

consumption have been suggested and

cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes,

supported by some studies, but others have

liver disease, weight loss, neurodegenerative

found no beneficial effects. The studies con-

diseases, and even halitosis.


The Voice of Tea

The health effects of tea have been examined

Brand Mission

盎 ć ‡

The main goal of this tea house is to preserve and promote Chinese tea culture within the developing global culture. New technologies, alongside global culture, have eye-catching visual values for the younger generations. For these generations, the idea of inheriting traditional cultural legacies has never occurred to them. To avoid losing our legacies, and in an effort to protect them, traditional Chinese tea culture needs to be promoted through a visual and universal system. These systems can make it easier for younger people to understand older ways of living, while also introducing them to the art of tea.

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea

现 犜

What’s the problem we meet right now underneath the golablization culture effect.

Developing globalization has enabled countries to become more connected. While the connections might bring economic prosperity and enhance communication between people throughout the world, some negative results are generated, too. The ease of information can adversely affect the local culture, as it tends to largely promote outside cultures. For example, since younger people spend much of their time on the internet, they are often exposed to advertisements for global fast food chains. This increases their likelihood to buy from those companies rather than preserve what 018

appears to be tedious, local culture, by comparison. It seems that the younger generations are prone to accepting non-local cultural information over local options. As a result, most young people

The Voice of Tea

lose interest in local culture. The main purpose behind The Voice of Tea brand is to raise awareness among younger generations regarding the importance and enjoyment of promoting and preserving classic culture.


The Voice of Tea

Globalization Influences

The Voice of Tea


How to solve the problem

解 ç­”

Again, tea culture is an irreplaceable part of traditional Chinese history. It is not only a cultural medium but also a lifestyle for the Chinese. From ancient times to the present, tea has become a necessary part of people’s lives. When tea culture blended into traditional Chinese culture, it grew more complex and harder to understand. This partly explains why tea culture is not easily accepted among the younger generations. However, it is this complexity that reflects the soul of the culture. This presents the challenge of transforming tea culture into a more understandable practice without losing its soul in order to attract a wider variety of people.


The Voice of Tea

After doing a necessary survey, I found that most tea brands focus on product sales without propagating tea culture from a visual

The Voice of Tea

people’s eyes. Traditional tea culture must also

standpoint. Introducing this kind of culture

be modernized. Unlike modern culture,

to people first requires an eye-catching visual

traditional culture has special features and

component to get people talking. This will

characteristics. Before broadcasting tradi-

require numerous, beautiful advertisements

tional culture in modern society, people’s

and colorful posters to garner attention,

real needs must be determined to gain a

because people tend to instinctively choose

more targeted approach toward modernizing

the most beautiful things from what they

ancient traditions.

see. It cannot be denied that a successful


and valuable visual advertisement catches

From the point of broadcasting, Chinese tea culture plays an increasingly prominent position in the international societies. There is an old Chinese saying “music,

only tastes good but it also reduces the negative effects of fast food and can help adjust

connects six other social activities, all of

other health conditions. Tea can also help

which are represented in modern life now.

people connect. While drinking tea, people

As far as marketing is concerned, Chinese

may share interesting topics and knowledge

tea culture plays an increasingly prominent

with each other, enhancing friendships

position in international societies. Modern

through communication. At any age, com-

life is accompanied by fast tempo and high

munication promotes relationships. Chinese

pressure. Naturally, people begin to seek

tea culture plays an increasingly prominent

ways to release pressure and enjoy some

role in international societies, as well. More

leisure time. Drinking a cup of tea can relax

people are becoming interested in Chinese

people and allow them to temporarily forget

tea culture and want to learn more about it,

the painful things in the life. Like yoga, tea

presenting a great opportunity to promote

makes people feel comfortable and happy.

and propagate it.

Tea is the best choice among other beverages from a health perspective. It not


The Voice of Tea

chess, books, art, poems, wine and tea.� Tea

Considering the above factors, The Voice of Tea brand was chosen because it is a little bit different than a typical tea house. The tea house will be placed in a Chinese garden. So, while drinking tea, people can enjoy the happy atmosphere of the garden and appreciate the classic Chinese art. Meanwhile, the traditional Chinese culture is blended with Chinese tea culture. Alongside the tea services, The Voice of Tea will also offer a lot of introductory brochures and posters for brand promotion. While serving tea, customers will be provided with tea-related products, all of which will be labeled with The Voice of Tea logo to establish brand advertising through word of mouth and customer referrals. A corresponding website will also be created to coincide with the other promotional efforts.

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea


The Voice of Tea

行茶注点,如人饮水,各有异趣。 心眼手杯,顺势滑落,一如指尖的延伸 气畅神清,茶如是,人,如是。

Brand positioning

睆 解

The brand will represent the influence of Chinese tea culture throughout the modern century and the rest of the world. The Voice of Tea will represent the influence of Chinese tea culture throughout the modern century and the rest of the world. This brand will not be designed to focus on tea sales. Rather, it will instead spread the influence of traditional Chinese culture. Considerations will be made regarding the brand’s distribution into the international market as an initial step in building the business. It is a natural step to broadcast this traditional Chinese culture in an international market due to the goal of blending multiple cultures into one, The pilot project will start in the United States since it accepts people from different countries and incorporates various cultures into its native culture. This indicates that Chinese cultures will less likely be ignored there and will be a plus for propagating


the brand.

The Voice of Tea

To build the brand, The Voice of Tea

needs a solid basis in Chinese culture. Since

upper class. At the same time, the brand will

Chinese culture has a long history and is

be promoted through multiple layers with a

oriental in nature, a research group con-

meaningful design. This will allow the brand

sisting of professional people from various

to tastefully display Chinese tea culture from

countries, including China, will be formed

the inside out.

to provide cultural direction for our brand.

The Voice of Tea

The main difference between tea and

This will help tailor promotional efforts for

other products, in terms of production strat-

Chinese tea culture to a variety of other

egy, is that its cost performance cannot be

cultures. The Voice of Tea will also only use

judged solely by its appearance. To evaluate

tea that comes from China. For the people

the tea accurately, price, smell, appearance,

who do not really understand Chinese tea, a

taste and value must be considered. From

tea-growing area map will be used as an easy

retailers’ perspectives, The Voice of Tea’s

way to inform audiences of where the best

advertisements and posters should not only

tea comes from.

focus on appearance, but other promotions

Considering its potential target


within the general public instead of the

for the tea products will be necessary,

customers, The Voice of Tea, as a brand,

including taste testing and creating free

should broadcast a kind of traditional culture

drinking areas.


The Voice of Tea

贰 章节 Second cup


Brand Logo

标 志

signature is the most meaningful part of our brand, and it represents our entire company, present and furture. From product packaging and ads to stationery system and paper grids, it functions as a personal sign-off on the ideas we’re presenting and sharing. The signature consists of two elements that work together as a whole.

The Voice of Tea


Symbol The logo is the defining feature of our design system, and the starting point for many graphic elements you’ll see later in this document. Inspired by Chinese traditional window, Chinese calligraphy and red stamp. The outside window shape represents ideas and information in “see” and “learn”. It places “TEA” at the center of outside window shape, with red background color of ideas to present tea could give you more than a cup of water.


The Voice of Tea

Logotype The logotype is a typographic descriptor which includes the name of the denomination, associate, agency, agency division, area conference or congregation as well as a parent line which (except in the case of the denomination) identifies its relationship to the denomination.




The Voice of Tea




The Voice of Tea

Clear Space For ultimate visibility and impact, it’s important to retain a designated ‘clear space’ around the signature. The minimum clear area is shown below. This area is designated as being equal to the height of the letter ‘t’ in the logotype. It should never be intersected or intruded upon by any other graphic object or edge. Nor should it be enclosed in a shape. Maintain this clear space in all uses to give the signature the proper “breathing room” to visually stand out.

The Voice of Tea





t t






The Voice of Tea

* Symbol Only Clear Space *




t t



* Symbol Analysis *





The Voice of Tea



t t



Minimum Size We have established various minimum sizes for our signature to help it stand out as much as possible. While the minimum sizes shown here should accommodate most applications and reproduction techniques, make sure that our signature is never smaller than what can be clearly executed. Applications such as the Web, signage or merchandise may require larger sizes.


The symbol should never be used smaller .55in

than 3/4 inch in height. Do not reproduce

the signature in a small size if poor quality or distortion is likely to result.


The Voice of Tea

Incorrect Use An important factor in creating and maintaining a visual identity is the consistent presentation of the identity elements. Therefore, the way the signature is displayed must be given careful attention. Shown below are examples of incorrect or unacceptable uses of the

The Voice of Tea


symbol, logotype and signature.


The Voice of Tea

One Color The one-color version of our signature is used for applications and collateral where the layout needs to be simple and focused without too many color variations. The one-color version may also be used to enhance particular design concepts.

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea

Do not superimpose a one-colored symbol or signature on a contiguous colored background

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea

Brand Typography

字 体

Type plays an important role in

’s Visual Identity

Program. It must be used consistently along with other visual elements such as the symbol, logo, color, signature shape and publication formats to create and maintain the


Adobe Caslon Pro is the preferred typeface for all publications, signage, advertisements, forms and stationery. This classic serif type family is available in six weights: Regular, italic, bold, semibold, semibold italic, Bold and Bold italic. Syntax is a sans serif typeface that can be used for text, captions, charts, graphs or other short text. It is available in Roman, italic, bold and Black. When using Microsoft Office programs on the PC platform, and where these typefaces may not be available, it is recommended that you select the TrueType version of Times New Roman or 046

Bold (serif ) and Arial or Arial Bold (sans serif ) from your list of available fonts as an alternative for typing letters, memos, reports

The Voice of Tea

and other business applications.

Adobe Caslon Pro Adobe Caslon Pro_Regular

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?

Adobe Caslon Pro_Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?


The Voice of Tea

Adobe Caslon Pro_Semibold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?

Adobe Caslon Pro_Semibold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The Voice of Tea


0123456789 “:!@#%$&?

Adobe Caslon Pro_Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?

Adobe Caslon Pro_Bold Italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?


The Voice of Tea



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The Voice of Tea


0123456789 “:!@#%$&?


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 “:!@#%$&?


The Voice of Tea

汉仪小隶书繁 HYXiaoLiShuF

琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶

The Voice of Tea



方正楷体繁体 FZKai-Z03T

琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶 琴棋书画诗酒茶


The Voice of Tea

Brand Color

颜 色

Color is a critical element in creating a memorable and lasting identity. It can be used to link certain information, and to offer the viewer visual cues for continuity and/or differentiation. Using this color palette will lend consistency to

. There are two

approved color palettes: a primary palette and a secondary palette. They are based on the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM®. If PANTONE® colors are unavailable, CMYK simulations may be substituted. It’s important to note that the colors represented electronically are only an approximation. The most recent version of the PANTONE® color formula guide should be used for matching PANTONE® and CMYK color values. RGB color values have been provided for on-screen use such as PowerPoint® presentations and the web. Please note that colors may appear different depending on specific monitor settings.

The Voice of Tea



C20 M75 Y100 K10 R185 G88 B40

C65 M35 Y60 K10 R100 G130 B115

C0 M0 Y0 K80 R88 G90 B90


C25 M60 Y85 K10 R175 G110 B60

C35 M50 Y70 K10 R160 G125 B85


C20 M5 Y70 K0 R210 G215 B110

C0 M0 Y0 K20 R210 G210 B210

C0 M0 Y0 K100 R0 G0 B0

The Voice of Tea

C30 M10 Y20 K0 R185 G205 B200

Use of color The color specifications were developed to add flexibility and protect the appearance of the signature. Follow the rules below in handling preferred form of white background.

The Voice of Tea


logo or a signature. The signatures is one-color on a

* Primary signature color *

* Variation signature color *


The Voice of Tea

Backgrounds Signatures must always appear clearly and legibly on their background. Always observe clear space specifications and use preferred vendors and reproduction methods. The examples below show various background treatments for and the preferred color application of the signature.

The Voice of Tea




The Voice of Tea

叁 章节 Third cup


Brand Graphic Element

ĺ…ƒ ç´

Chinese calligraphy and brush stroke serves as a visual differentiator and uniquely identifies all


devices. Those shape can be filled with color chosen from the color palette, contain type, or be used as a mask over photography. The Chinese calligraphy and brush stroke has been created by my hand drawing. It is a subtle and unique reminder of


identity. Use the Chinese calligraphy and brush stroke wisely.

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea

Brand Pattern The pattern used to create

items, will appears inside

of the tea package design, at the top and bottom of official website, the smart phone apps, stationary pieces and the menu design. The inspiration behind the pattern is represent and build connection with traditional Chinese elements and English character.

The Voice of Tea



The Voice of Tea

Brand Photo Style

回 片

The images used to represent

and warm toned in colors. The images should not be cluttered or oppressive. Refer to the color palette on the brand manual when choosing photography. Consider using the keywords clean, bright, lively, placid and warmth.

The Voice of Tea


should be bright


The Voice of Tea

Art Director

Phil Hamlett Designer


Yufei Liu

Nikon D3



Yufei Liu

Inter Fit 160



Adobe Caslon Pro, Syntax

Mac OS X 10.6.8


Cover Stock

InDesign, Lightroom, Photoshop, Illustrator

Red River 47lb Premium Matte


Text Stock

EPSON 1400

Red River 32lb Premium Matte

Copy Writers


Yufei Liu, Li Wang & Yvette Journey

EPSON Perfection V300 Photo

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