Liow Yuh Qing | 0344135 | IAD Sem 6 E-Portfolio

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As I walked through the bustling streets of Petaling Street, I was struck by the overwhelming number of stalls selling counterfeit luxury items like LV and Chanel. This iconic street, known for attracting tourists from all over the world, seemedtobelosingabitofitsculturalessence.Inacountryasculturallyrichas Malaysia,Iimaginedthattravelerswouldbeseekingsomethingmoreauthentic and meaningful to bring home something that truly reflects the heritage and spiritoftheplace.

As I continued exploring, something caught my eye—a stall that stoodoutamidsttheseaofimitationgoods.Thisparticularstallwas selling handmade rattan products, each crafted with care and skill that spoke to Malaysia's rich cultural heritage. The rattan items, rangingfromintricatelywovenbasketstobeautifullydesignedbags and decorative pieces, were a stark contrast to the counterfeit goods surrounding them. These products embodied the true essenceofMalaysiainawaythatnofakeluxuryitemevercould.

Holding one of these rattan pieces, I could almost feel the hands that had woven it, the generations of knowledge and skill passed down through the ages, and the deep connection to nature that rattan weaving embodies. It was a powerful reminder of the importanceofpreservingandcelebratingourculturalheritage,even inthefaceofglobalizationandcommercialization.



Phase 1


Begin a journey of discovery within a chosen location or site, by fully immersing in a scenario that acts as the primary narrative for the project. Participate in the speculative process and uncover the narrative within the selected theme, initiating the development of a series of scenariosthatfitsintocontext.

In Phase 1, we are to articulate your findings through various mediums, including conceptual speculative drawings, photography, films, lyrics, poems, and/or short stories.


ForPhase1ofmyproject,Icreatedaboardthatnarratesthejourney of rattan from its initial stages to the final product The board is designed to visually guide viewers through the entire rattan-making process, beginning with harvesting at the top and ending with the finishingtouchesatthebottom.Eachphase harvesting,smoothing, bending, weaving, and finishing—is represented in sequence to illustratethecomprehensivetransformationofrattan.

Additionally, I incorporated wheels and gears into the design to symbolize the numerous stages and efforts required to turn raw rattanintoabeautifullycraftedproduct.Theseelementsconveythe idea that the creation of rattan items is a complex, multi-step process.

On the side of the board, I added illustrations of hand postures to demonstrate the specific techniques used in making and weaving rattan products. These hand postures serve as a visual guide, showcasing the craftsmanship and skill involved in each step of the process. Through this board, I aimed to create a visual experience thatcommunicatestheintricatejourneyofrattan,fromrawmaterial tofinishedproduct.

Physical Model

To enhance the board’s presentation, I used laser cutting, which not onlyaddsprecisionbutalsohighlightstheraw,naturalcolorofrattan. This choice emphasizes the material's organic qualities and ties the visualnarrativetotheauthenticityofthecraft.

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Phase 2

Byexploringthesite'snarrative,you'llcreatelive installationscenariosthatrespondtothearchitectural contexttoengagewiththecommunity.GroupTaskThis installationshould:

•Encourageuserinteractionandparticipationthrough achosenmedium.

•Bemobile,compact,andmodulartomeetlogistical requirements.

•Integratelocalartisanaltechniquesandnew technologytocreateatransdisciplinaryheritage crossover.


Site Context

RexKL(SideAlley)isauniqueandvibrantspacethat adds to the venue ' s charm. It features creative murals, outdoor seating, and often hosts pop-up markets, food stalls, and art installations. This alleywayenhancestheculturalexperience,providing alivelyandintimatesettingforvisitorstoexploreand enjoy.

Target Users

Petaling Street attracts a diverse crowd, including families,elderly,adults,youngadultsandchildren

Form Inspiration

Rectangular seating is inspired by the interior of Bookxcess and from the Chinatown shophouses arrangement.

Why Weaving

One of the traditional techniques (cross stitch weave) used in Malaysia to produce Songket

To create contrast from the raw material of the Rex KL building (concrete and metal) with the colorful yarns

To beautify, an appreciation for the historical building



Tointegrateonetraditionalart(batik)withanothertraditionaltechnique(cross stitchweave)whichareusedtocraftfurniture,baskets,songketfabric






The Book Nook is a collaborative project between Taylor'sUniversityandRexKLthatcreatesacozy,inviting space blending contemporary design with traditional craftsmanship. Featuring modular seating, Songketinspired cross-stitch weaving, and a built-in bookshelf, the structure's curved design provides a safe and welcoming environment for all ages. This innovative piece adds a colorful, artisanal touch to RexKL's raw aesthetic, promoting reading and exploration while exemplifying functionality, comfort, and cultural heritage,ultimatelyfosteringasenseofcommunityand connection.

Bookshelves (Incollaborationwithbookxcess)


Survey Form & Website




Phase 3

In Phase 3, you shall combine all that you have developed throughout Phase 1. And in Phase 3 is where you re-invent and mould those narratives intospatialideas.

You are tasked with selecting a sequence of spaces which are to be further detailed using spatial depiction, all within your site selection in the vicinity of KL. Your spatial planning are to mirror the theme/storyline you have imagined and interpreted through the narratives of your chosentopic.

The exploration of your STORY TELLING displayed duringPhase1maybeintegratedintoyourPhase 3dependingonyournarrativedeveloped.


Bending is the initial stage where the raw rattan is shaped into various forms, utilizing its natural flexibility. This process is crucial, as it sets the foundationforthefinalproduct'sdesign.


Following the bending stage is weaving, where the rattan strands are intricately interlaced to create patterns and structures. This step showcases the skill and precision required to turn simple materials into functionalanddecorativeitems.


Finally,thecoloringprocessaddsthefinishingtouch,bringingthewoven rattan to life with natural or dyed hues that enhance its aesthetic appeal.Thecoloringprocessnotonlyenhancesthevisualappealofthe rattan products but also allows for creative expression, enabling each piecetoreflecttheuniquevisionofthemaker.

Pop-Up Model



Curated Plan

The primary aim of this space is to offer visitors an immersive experience in rattan weaving, allowing them to engage directly with the craft and gain a deeper understandingofboththeprocessandthematerialsused. Toachievethis,Ihavecarefullycuratedthespacetofocus on three key stages of rattan-making: bending, weaving, and coloring. My curated plan maps out the entire space, emphasizing the flow from the reception area to the bendingzoneontheleft,thecentralweavingarea,andthe finishing section on the right. The layout ensures a seamless and intuitive journey through the various stages ofrattancraftsmanship.


In my project, I decided to combine all the perspectives into one cohesive, longboard,integratingsectionsandelevationsalongsidetheperspectives. This approach not only provided a comprehensive view of the design but alsoenhancedtheoverallvisualpresentation,allowingforamorefluidand engagingnarrative.

Perspective 1

Perspective 2

Perspective 3



Board Composition



Reflecting on this semester, I've realized how much I've grown, not only in terms of my technical skills but also in my understanding of design, creativity, and cultural heritage. This journey has been about more than just completing assignments; it’s been about discovering the depth of traditional crafts like rattan weaving and learning how to incorporatetheseelementsintomoderndesign.

One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is the importance of storytelling in design. Through my projects, I’ve seen how a narrative can transform a simple space into an immersive experience that resonates with people on a deeper level.I’vealsodevelopedagreaterappreciationforthecraftsmanshipinvolvedintraditionalarts,whichhasencouraged metothinkcriticallyabouthowwecanpreservethesepracticeswhileadaptingthemtocontemporarycontexts. Moreover,I’vegainedabetterunderstandingofthedesignprocess,frominitialconceptdevelopmenttofinalexecution. Thissemesterhastaughtmethevalueofpatience,attentiontodetail,andtheimportanceofconsideringeveryaspectof aproject,fromthematerialsusedtotheuserexperience.

None of this would have been possible without the guidance and support of my lecturers. I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Ms. Fatimah, Ms. Chelsea, Ms. Yasmin, and Ms. Aisha. Their insights, feedback, and encouragement have been instrumental in helping me navigate the challenges of this semester. They’ve not only provided me with the knowledge and tools I needed to succeed but also inspired me to push beyond my comfort zone and explore new creative possibilities. Their dedication to teaching and their passion for design have been truly motivating, and I’m incredibly gratefulfortherolethey’veplayedinmyeducationaljourney.

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