YULA Boys High School
2016-2017 Annual Report 5777
YULA Boys High School 2016 -2 0 1 7 A n n ua l R e p o r t 5777
Table of Contents Q&A With Rabbi Arye Sufrin
Letter from the President
Annual Revenue and Expenses
Donors 2016-2017
Q&A with Rabbi Arye Sufrin Incoming Head of School Q: Every morning, I’m grateful for... A : My amazing wife, our four beautiful children, and extended family who are sources of inspiration for my own personal growth. I am grateful to be surrounded by incredible educators and administrative staff at YULA who tirelessly devote their lives to impacting our students. “It takes a village to raise a child” and our students are blessed to be part of an incredible village committed to providing them with an uncompromising Torah and general studies education. Q: I got into education because... A : It is a special calling with an incredible responsibility. Educators inspire, impact, and mold the future. I am passionate about helping every individual realize his or her full potential. I am passionate about infusing and inspiring the next generation to be loud and proud Jews who love Torah, Medinat Yisrael, and have refined middot tovot as they become 21st century leaders. Q: The educator who most directly impacted my life was... A : My father. I grew up in a home with a father, mentor and role model who is passionate about Jewish education. His love for his students, his vision, leadership, and tireless work ethic is inspiring to observe. Most importantly, he lives a meaningful and purposeful life that impacts the next generation. Q: My plans for the first year in my new role as Head of School will be... A : To focus on asking a lot of questions, to be an active listener, and to evaluate the school’s strengths so we can identify growth opportunities for the future. As Head of School, I have the responsibility to ensure the financial sustainability of the school so we can provide our students with an uncompromising Judaic and general studies education. Simultaneously, this is a crucial year as we transition into a beautiful new state of the art campus. I will help all faculty, students, and administrative staff be fully prepared to ensure a smooth transition. I aim to lead in a way that is supportive, accessible, passionate and sincere, and to build upon our school culture of continuous growth and improvement.
Q: Three things I expect in my colleagues are... A : To make teamwork a priority, to open dialogue and communication, to be active and ongoing learners, and to have a sincere love for their profession. That’s four. I have great expectations! Q: If I could pass advice onto the next generation of Jewish leaders, I would say... A : Take advantage of every Rabbi, faculty member, class, and moment at YULA. YULA gives you the tools to be a proud, observant Jew and equips you with knowledge and skills to further advance in yeshiva, college, and your career. My hope is that you will have a sincere love for Hashem, Torah, and Judaism and understand not just the “what” of Judaism, but also the “why.” Remember that whatever profession you assume, you will likely become the spokesperson and unofficial rabbi of the office who is called upon to answer all Jewish related questions, whether it is about why Jews leave the office early for Shabbat or Israeli news and politics. Our heritage, faith and love for Judaism is something we must be proud of. People may have questions, but most respect a person with knowledge, articulate answers, and a person who is proud of who they are. The best way to be prepared is to take advantage of YULA now. As it is stated in Pirkei Avot, “Im ein acshav – eimatai” – If not now, then when?
#TeacherPride At YULA, we have both Judaic and General Studies and there’s no compromise between the two. - Daniel Silvera ‘18
Science department members, Vickie Bellomo (department chair) Dr. Deborah Rosser and Cody Staves attended 4-Day National Science Teacher Conference in March where they explored new teaching methods and tools for the science classroom.
Rabbi Shimon Abramczik and Rabbi Sandy Shulkes are members
of the first cohort of Teachers On Fire, a unique program for Judaic studies teachers.
Pam Felcher, English Department Chair, invited to present at the annual Columbia University CSPA
Convention on the topic “The Academic Interdisciplinary Journal: Why Your School Needs One.”
#StudentPride We are proud of our students’ accomplishments both in and out of the classroom:
students awarded President’s Education Award
Benjamin Tarko
Accepted to Children’s Hospital LA Health Care Career Exploration Program for the summer of 2017
Of 1,100 student publications submitted to the annual Columbia Scholastic Press Association, YULA Boys was the only yeshiva high school to receive the coveted Gold Crown Award. Polymatheus, our interdisciplinary journal, was commended on being a conceptual trendsetter by the judges. Kudos to the Polymatheus editors and contributors under the guidance of English Department Chair, Mrs. Pam Felcher, on this well-deserved honor.
students participated in the Mock Trial in a case involving human trafficking and false imprisonment
Following last year’s fascinating exploration of the Persian community, we delved into the Syrian community this year. Students in YULA’s Arabic program presented on topics ranging from the Aleppo Codex to the use of Arabic in understanding the Torah, and a discussion on how Israel is helping the injured in the Syrian war.
students received Presidential Volunteer Award for their efforts making the world a better place
Giving back to the community! This is a hallmark of YULA Nation. Our students volunteer their time and energy to the following organizations in addition to giving back in so many other ways:
Bnei Akiva
Cedars Sinai
Friendship Circle
Chai Lifeline
Tomchei Shabbos Yachad
#EthicalPride An extremely popular course is YULA’s Ethical Leadership Seminar, or ELS. Rabbi Joseph Schreiber brings dozens of fascinating speakers who bring their invaluable insights from the world of law, real estate, entertainment, politics, medicine and more.
This year’s speakers included: Don Etra z”l, Defense Attorney Behrouz Saroudi, Real Estate Developer Robert Millman, Employment Attorney Steven Heumann, Sports Agent Howard Levkowitz, Investment Management Lou Shapiro, Defense Attorney
Dan Schnur, USC Political Science Chair Fred Leeds, Real Estate Developer Lisa Stern, Attorney Ben Shapiro ‘00, Radio Personality Seth Berkowitz, President, Edmunds.com Richard Sandler, Director of the Milken Institute
Gary Finder, Entrepreneur Paul Cohen, Sports Agent Ilana (Wernick) Berenson, TV Producer David Nagel, Real Estate Developer Sunny Sassoon, Entrepreneur Jonny Ritz, Jeweler
#YeshivaPride YULA is exceptionally proud that a significant number of our students spend a year or more continuing their formal Torah education in yeshivot in Israel. Our students have been accepted to the following programs: AISH Gesher Ashreinu Derech Derech Eitz Chaim Gush (Har Etzion) Hakotel Kerem B’Yavneh (KBY) Lev Hatorah Mikdash Melech Mevaseret Tzion Netiv Aryeh Ohr Yerushalayim Orayta Reishit Sha’alvim Tiferet Yerushalayim Torat Shraga Yesod Yesodei HaTorah
The majority of the Class of 2017 will be spending a year or more studying in Israel
Over 50% of the Class of 2016 who spent a year in Israel will be staying for shana bet
#CollegePride We are proud that yet again 100% of our 2017 graduates were accepted to one or more colleges including among others:
American Jewish University Binghamton University Boston University Brooklyn College of the CUNY California State University, Northridge Drexel University
IDC Herzliya - Raphael Recanati International School Indiana University at Bloomington Loyola Marymount University New York University University of California, Irvine University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego
YULA junior Micha Steinberg Residence Honors program.
University of Maryland, College Park University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Miami University of Pennsylvania University of Southern California University of Wisconsin, Madison Yeshiva University Yeshiva University Honors
‘18 was admitted to the University of Southern California’s prestigious
#AlumniPride YULA’s alumni continue to bring a palpable energy to YULA Nation.
alumni work at YULA
We proudly honored Dael
Alumni events in 2016-17 included: Guys Night Out Reunion Classes of ‘86, 96, ‘06 Lunch and Learns Alumni Programs in New York
alumni have children who are current students
Geft ‘96 at YULA’s Annual Trustees Event. Over 60 alumni attended this event.
The camaraderie that YULA creates between the student body, the staff and administration is what separates YULA from every other Jewish High School in the country. I, along with all my fellow YULA alumni, have great pride acknowledging the fact that we are YULA graduates. We associate everything we do with YULA and I don’t believe any other school has this connection to their students.
- Josh Kohan ‘13
#IsraelPride Medinat Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael play a pivotal role in the YULA mission. It’s no surprise that so many of our students spend a year or more learning in Israel following their graduation. We were honored to host new Israel Consul General Sam Grundwerg at a private Trustees reception where he was interviewed by YULA’s Zionism teacher, Jamie Frankel . The AIPAC Policy Conference is an important component of YULA’s connection and devotion to Medinat Yisrael. We are exceptionally proud of our students who play an active role in this important annual event.
Elnatan Zaharya ‘17 will be enlisting in Tzahal immediately upon graduation from YULA.
#CampusCompletionPride This past December, we embarked on our ambitious and exciting Campus Completion Project. The construction area is a hub of activity.
friends and supporters attended historic Groundbreaking
27,611 ft. (5.05 miles) of rebar in the footings
$13.5m+ the amount raised so far of the $17,000,000 construction budget
cubic yards of earth excavated, enough to fill six Olympic-sized swimming pools!
truckloads of dirt removed at an average of about 100 truckloads per day!
86 feet the deepest area excavated
cubic yards of concrete poured = 3,200,000 pounds = the weight of 266 Asian elephants
When you walk into YULA, you really feel the connections that people have to each other, to the teachers, to the rebbeim. - Azriel Menachem ‘17
I’m on the soccer team. When we’re out on the soccer field, we show our opponents that the Torah that we learn really impacts us, not only in the classroom but also in our daily lives.
- Rabbi Joseph Schreiber, Incoming Principal
- Moshe Fhima ‘19
As a staff, we collectively see our roles to be both mentors and facilitators, eager to give guidance and ready to support our students helping them become the Jewish leaders of tomorrow.
It’s exciting to watch the boys grow in their learning of Torah and General Studies, realizing the connections and relevance of each. In their four years at YULA they transform into young men ready to take responsibility for themselves and the path that lies ahead.
- Rick St. Laurent, General Studies Principal
As a proud Yeshiva High School, our aim is to instill within our students a passion for inspiring and serious Torah learning, refined middot tovot, and love for medinat Yisrael. To a YULA student, Torah is never archaic, but must always have relevance, sense of transcendent purpose, and serve as a guide and inspiration for the way we live our lives.
- Rabbi Arye Sufrin,
Incoming Head of School
YULA has given me the tools to succeed and thrive. - AJ Kahan ‘17
What I like about YULA is the comfort you feel with the rebbeim. It’s like family. You can go to them whenever you want, for whatever you want. - Ilan Bocian ‘19
YULA, at its core, strives to elevate. From the fantastic rebbeim and General Studies teachers to administrators and lay leadership, they work together closely to ignite the ambitious and lofty goal: to elevate.
Ryan Hyman, Director of Institutional Advancement
Letter from the President Dear YULA Nation, What a year it’s been for YULA Boys High School. Our school continues to grow academically and spiritually and YULA continues to be acknowledged as the school for the highest quality Torah education coupled with an exceptional general studies education; a distinction of which we are certainly proud. We saw record attendance and record-setting fundraising yet again at this year’s Golf Tournament, Trustees Event and Celebration of Torah Campaign. This fundraising is critical to YULA’s mission to provide an excellent education to our students, regardless of their financial situation. I thank each of you for your passionate commitment to our school. One of our proudest achievements, after many years of planning, is that we broke ground on our highly anticipated Campus Completion Project. Tons of earth was excavated, foundations have been dug, and we are now well on our way to delivering this new, expanded campus by late Spring 2018. I would like to thank our generous Capital Campaign supporters for their generosity and vision to Shape The Future of YULA Boys. I am pleased to report that we have now raised over $13 million, but we have a ways to go. I invite you to join us as a Capital Campaign donor and to be a partner in YULA’s bright future. We have continually challenged ourselves – board, administration and faculty - to be the very best we can be so that every YULA student receives the best possible Judaic and general studies education. We will continue to push the envelope, daily. We have set our goals high, but our mission is vital, and our students - your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors - are so worthy of our investment! David Nagel President & Chairman of the Board YULA Boys High School
#DevelopmentPride YULA continues to raise funds from multiple sources to ensure that a high quality YULA education is available to all students no matter what their financial situations may be.
Eclectic seating areas, exposed brick walls, classic cocktails, gourmet food by YULA alum Adam Dweck ‘97 of A.D. Catering and a high-energy atmosphere punctuated the annual Trustees event. A special thank you to a record number of guests who helped us break our fundraising record again this year and played a pivotal role in Shaping The Future. Congratulations to our honorees Tina ‘85 and Michael Loboda , Dael Geft ‘96 and Rachel Margolies ‘99.
Record amount of $1,400,000+ raised in support of the YULA Scholarship fund.
200 golfers at the annual YULA-Decron Golf Tournament, raising a record $500,000+.
Annual Revenue 4% 22% Tuition & Fees Fundraising Grants
Annual Expenses
15% 2% 4% 77%
Compensation & Benefits Education Expenses Technology Expenses Non Educational Expenses Student Activities
The above charts are representative of YULA’s annual budget and fall within the national standards seen by similar private schools.
All Donors Over 500 individuals and families, grandparents, alumni, foundations, corporations and friends have supported YULA Boy’s fundraising efforts this year, which include contributions to the YULA Boys Campus Completion Project, Trustees Event, Golf Tournament, I Love Torah Because… Campaign, Class of 2017 Graduates Campaign, our Parneis Hayom Initiative, program sponsorships and general donations. We extend our heartfelt thank you for including YULA in your charitable giving.
$250,000 +
Robin and Meir Gelman Lou and Trudy Kestenbaum z”l Gitta and Jack Nagel Lee & Anne Samson Charitable Foundation
$100,000 - $249,999 Susan and Michael Baum Joleen and Mitch Julis Lauren and Mark ‘81 Mintz Marnie and David Nagel Lisa and Yoni ‘99 Wintner
$50,000 - $99,999
Sassoon Family Foundation Barbara and Alan Gindi Amy and Mark Kestenbaum Elayne and Howard Levkowitz Benjamin and Irene Lowy Trust Meridian Capital – Ralph Hertzka
$25,000 - $49,999
Rita and Shalom Aynesazan Ruth and Seth Berkowitz CBRE – Rick Warner Decron Properties – David Nagel Do Good Feel Good Family Foundation IPA – Stan Jones and Greg Harris Cheryl and Ronald Nagel Sheryl Neuman and Mark Hyman
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. – Alex Glickman Michelle and Mark Barak Citi Private Bank – Halé Behzadi
Jacqueline and Victor Cohenca Ed Grush General Contractor, Inc. – Ed Grush and Bob Grush Elkins, Kalt, Weintraub, Reuben, Gartside – Keith Elkins Mahnaz and Asher Eshagpour Michal and David Gershov Rachel and Jack Gindi Sharon and Elie Gindi Lili and Ben Kohanteb Rosina and Robert Korda Tina ‘85 and Michael Loboda Melody and Daniel Mahboubi Museum of Tolerance Carol and Adam Reich Denise and Weston Richter RSL Construction – Russ Ornelas Debbie and Sunny Sassoon Suzanne and Kevin Schlanger Sheri and Arnold Schlesinger Seamless Flooring – Ryan Webb Elizabeth and Peter Steinlauf Betsy and Simon Timsit Valerie and Gary Weitzer Effie ‘90 and Uri Zisblatt
$5,000 - $9,999
20-20 Foresight Executive Search – Bob Cavoto 2H Construction – Ron Compton Advantage Fitness Products – Rob Newkirk Allbright Painting – Joshua Abramson Allied Universal Security Services – Raul Marroquin All Valley Washer – Ron Feinstein Anna Baum and Barry Novack Ilana and Ari Berenson Brascia Builders, Inc. – Mike Brascia CAM Services – David Herrera Capital One – John Blackwelder and Rick Lyon Cedars-Sinai Health System
Deutsche Bank National Trust Co. – Deidre Judge Tabitha and Brian ‘89 Dror Jenny and Emil Fish Rena ‘82 and Jamie Frankel Todd Franks Tracey and Joey ‘86 Goldstein Rachel and Akiva Greenfield Gruen and Associates – Larry Schlossberg Mazal and Victor Hadad Har-Bro – Jim Franklin HFF – Charles Halladay JSR Capital – Jona Rechnitz ‘00 Marlene ‘88 and Mark ‘87 Kahan Pariball and Nissan Kahen Parviz and Elham Kahen Eva and Abe Kaplan Elisa and Meir Keller Lesley and Brian Kleinman Liftech Elevator Service – Dan Simon Littler Mendelson – Robert Millman Mike Rovner Construction – Mike Rovner Musser Architects, Inc. – David Musser Nanas, Stern, Biers and Neinstein – Jack Neinstein Susie and Sam Porgess Julie and Adom Ratner-Stauber Ravco Construction Inc. – Jim Reineg Revive Real Estate Group – Randy Tasch Gittel and David Rubin Joanne Sacks Rivkie and Dani ‘86 Samson Helen and Moshe Sassover Savills Studley – Bill Bauman Helen and Howard Szabo Total Access Elevator – Wayne Tennis Helena ‘88 and Steven Usdan Wash Multifamily Laundry Systems – Clydette Dias Wells Fargo Regional Commercial Banking – Jeff Johnson Wolf, Rifkin, Shapiro, Schulman and Rabkin – Mike Wolf
$2,500 - $4,999
A & M Cabinets – Harry Batmazyan ABM Onsite Services – Robert Bayer Yael ‘92 and Craig Ackermann Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory and Natsis LLP – Timothy McGinity Alison ‘98 and Evan Anziska Mousah Babazadeh Judy and Eli Dromy Barak Richter and Dror – Brian Dror ‘89 David Bardarian Bryndie and Moshe Benarroch Esther and Jacob Blaich Jackie and Robert Bocian Lynda and Arie Buchman California United Bank – Sam Kunianski and David Peskin Career Strategies Temporary, Inc. – Jacquee Landry CBRE Brokerage Services – Rick Warner Chicago Title – Frank Jansen Commercial Roof Management – Dan King Dairy King Milk Farms Food Service – Joey Goldstein ‘86 Sue and Steve Darrison Deerwood Real Estate Capital – Jacob Cohen DePasquale, Kelley and Co. – James DePasquale Elements Architecture, Inc. – Steven Camp Yona and Isser Elishis Gilat and Yossi Englanoff Rochelle and Gary Finder Martha Frankel Liebe and Ivor Geft Gibson Dunn and Crutcher – Jesse Scharf Elizabeth and Joseph Gindi Nancy and Yasha Gofman HD Supply Facilities Maintenance – Joe Christopher Ann and Avi Hier HKA Elevator Consulting – John Reynolds Howard Roofing – Larry Malekow Rayme and Yaakov Isaacs Rina and Sherwin Isenberg Kessler and Kessler A Law Corporation – Warren “Skip” Kessler KHR Design – James Kawamura Kimball, Tiery and St. John, LLP – Deborah Biggs KJ Carpet Wholesale – Daniel Kim Aviva and Scott Krieger Jeffer Mangels Butler and Mitchell LLP – Benjamin Reznik and Seth Weisman Rebecca and Moshe Loboda Vivian and Jordan Lurie Evvy and David Mankowitz Aviva and Roy Mansano Med-Files – Greg Karson Millenium Enterprises – Philip Manoucheri Judy and Bob Millman M.I.S. Appliance, Inc. – Jim Mintz Mission Landscape Architecture – Rocco Campanozzi Mount Sinai Mortuary and Memorial Parks – Len Lawrence Debra and Scott Mund Annie and Daniel ‘02 Nagel NAI Capital, Inc. – Patrick Ortiz Newmark Grubb Knight Frank – Ian Brown
Rivka and Raphy Nissel Debi and Harry Peled Ziva and Dov Plattner PNC Bank – Mitch Davis Nancy and Michael Rabbanian The Rainmaker – Tim McInereney Rachel and Stephen Ross RSS Architecture, Inc. – Andrew Raymundo Yael and Dan ‘98 Shainberg Stay Green Landscape – Chris Angelo Shuli and Avi ‘88 Steinlauf TBG Danco, Inc. – Tom Danco Teichman Family Tower Saint Johns Imaging – Sandi Dobson TRG Fire System – Reiner De Los Santos Tyler Development – Ron Udall Walker and Dunlop LLC – Bryan Frazier Weinstock Manion Reisman Shore and Neumann Law Firm – Martin Neumann Fay and Irwin Weiss Wolcott AI – Sandy Turkowitz Pedram Yedidzion
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (2) Susie and Ernie Agatstein Gilda Aviles Beth and Gershon Bassman BC Painting - Christine Choi Shlomit and Shimon Ben Shushan Michael Lee Berman Cabral Roofing and Waterproofing Corp – Saul Hernandez Callidus General Contracting – Calvin Chung Cox, Castle and Nichelson LLP – Ronald Silverman Chava and Avi Dayan Helen and Haim Dayan Farnaz and Mehrdad Dayani Steve Dorfman EH National Bank – Fred Alavi Rosie and Avery Einhorn Ellner Consulting – David Ellner Englekirk Institutional – Russel Englekirk Environmental Landcare Euro Design Electric Seymour Fagan, Attorney at Law Fame Floor Covering, Inc. – Michael Nazarian Esthie and Walter Feinblum Shana ‘91 and Donny Feldman Fine-Stone – David Carideo First Century Bank – Josh Platt First Property – Mike Geller First Western Financial, Inc. – Kenneth Malamed Fischer, Zisblatt and Kiss – Benjamin Kiss FMV Opinions, Inc. – Brad Paul Devora and Moishe Frankel Victoria and Charlie Frankel Kindel Gagan – Tom Flintoff Erez Gargir Atara and Dael ‘96 Geft Natalie ‘01 and Jonathan ‘99 Gerber Deborah and Mark Goldenberg Gordon Law – Aviva Gordon Tami and Asher Gottesman
Felice Gottlieb ‘00 and Shmuel Barak The Greenspan Co. – Arnie Abramson Haitbrink Asphalt Paving – Dan Gelinas Harding Larmore Kutcher and Kozal – Kevin Kozal Efrem Harkham Maria and Peter Himmelman Hoffman Search LLC – Janice Hoffman Israel Discount Bank – Rafi Cohen Miriam and Jonathan Istrin Dalia and Nissan Kahen Kikuchi + Kankel Design Group – Steve Kikuchi Shnuer Klyne Eric Kranzler Bertie Krieger Esther Krieger Miriam and Daniel Krombach Leo’s Electric and Plumbing Service – Leo Shaferman Chavi Lerer and Vic Mellon Esther and Paul Lerer Ruthie and Steve Levy Jennie Lewkowicz and Emanuel Gottlieb Lillian and Rabbi Abraham Lieberman Sandy and Howard Loboda Marcus and Millchap – Ron Harris Joan and Michael Margolies Rachel ‘99 and Daniel Margolies McKently Malak Architects, Inc. – Ken McKently Dalya and Motti Meisels Debbie and Scott Mendler Merrill Lynch – Hal Schloss Judy and Louis Michelson Frances and Stuart Miller Carol and Larry Mizel Ruhama and Rabbi Elazar Muskin Na’amit and Zev ‘00 Nagel NWP Services Corporation – Amanda Cowens OneWest Bank – Scott Roe Jerry Orefice Pacific Commercial Company – Mike Hahn Melissa Papke Careena and Drew Parker Ronne and Josh Penn Shirley and Josh ‘97 Platt R and R Electric Co. – Raul Ramirez Jahanshah and Hourash Rabbanian Hamid Rashidi Doust Lynn and Marc Rohatiner Lisa and Hugo Rose Zahava and Avi Ryzman Thomas E. Schiff Brigitte ‘85 and Jonny Schoen Elisa ‘85 and Alan Schoenfeld Clara and Martin Shandling Shlemmer, Algaze and Assoc. – Nelson Agaze Mary and Aric Streit Sunrise Pools – Eduardo Rivas Rachel and Josh Tomaszewski UBS Financial Services – Philip Danishefsky Rachael and J.J. ‘85 Wernick Geri and Isaac Wiener Natalie and Chaim Williams Meshagh and Mitra Maghen Yaghoubieh Sarah and Farzad Yasharpour Lida and Said Yerushalm Zauner Manhattan Design – Alex Zauner
$500-$999 Anonymous (2) ACT – Richard Allen American General Security Susan and George Birnbaum Bunny Construction Works – Essam Bunny CPEhr – Victor Sacks Ram Dandillaya, MD Dorsand Management – Jay Stein Yvette and Eric Edidin Mark Ellman David Eskenazi ‘97 Howard S. Fisher Freeman Group, Inc. – Rodney Freeman Cantor Chayim Frenkel and Family
GE – Larry Lafata Elizabeth Greif Grundco – David Grund The Harris Group – Greg Harris Laurie and Darrin ‘86 Hirt Naomi and Jeremy ‘92 Ives Judy and Allan Kandel Alan Kaye Revital and Joseph Kempe Craig Levine and Family Eli Loebenberg Logan Investments – Ron Sentchuk Sandra and Ari Mackler Max Systems – Ryan London Robert Mayer
Anonymous (6) Laura ‘99 and Danny Abergel Harry Aaron Aboodi Linda and Mark Abraham Yiska and Rabbi Michael Abraham Huvi and Rabbi Shimon Abramczik Ariella and Yakov ‘00 Agatstein Cassi Alter AM House – Justin Brees Melanie and Geoffrey Anderson Cheryl and Khedouri Azair Robbie Banafsheha ‘00 Nathan Barzideh ‘10 Joseph Baum ‘09 Julia Baum ‘11 Stefanie Baum ‘07 Beleco Design, LLC Rachel ‘07 and Abraham Bendahan Ariana and Michael ‘98 Bernstein Peyton Berookim Joel and Dina Bess Myndell Betensky Blinded by the Light – Chris Young Lindsay ‘98 and Natan Bourkoff Rosalee and Chezkie Braunstein Cadtronics, Inc. – Bryan Montoya California Building Maintenance – Tony Lanni Carl Kleinman Accountancy Corp. – Carl Kleinman Chevra Bechurim B’Nei Menashe Kevin Chroman ‘87 Sari ‘88 and Jason Ciment Beth Cooper DB and R Marketing – Bruce Beck
De La Torre Landscape Solutions Corp. Jackie and Bernie Dimont Bluma and Shmuel Drebin Ruth and Sam Eshaghian Sheara and Dov Einhorn Sherry and Shervin ‘96 Eshagian Cindy and Leeran ‘01 Factor Anna and Simon Farhadel Fidelity Security Services Inc. Wendy and Yosi Finn First Service Residential – Di Thomson Jaclyn and Jacob ‘05 Fishbein Daniel Fishman Shari and Jeffrey ‘85 Fishman Shoshana ‘99 and Joel Fogel Randy Frankel and Family Fred Leeds Properties – Fred Leeds Adena and Jordan Frenkel Ben Fried Ruchie and Steve ‘96 Fried Steve Friedman and Family Jacqueline and Gabe Glazer Chavi and Baruch Gorman Gitty and Howard Gluck Alan Goldstein Eve and John Halwani Mindy and Ron Hami Cari ‘82 and Jonas Hanelin Ashley and Allen Hay Sarah and Avi Helfand Adi and Boaz ‘96 Hepner Simona and Steven Heumann Malka and Rabbi Marvin Hier Taylor Hill
Anonymous (8) Sipporah and Rabbi Dror Baalhaness Vickie and Richard Bellomo Dianne Brenners Jim Bush Shawn Clary CSL Management – Craig Levine Emerald Transcription – Tina Doherty Patricia and Felix Fhima Esther and Yitzy Frankel Tammy and Ezra Gamzo Rochel and Shachar Gargir
Sam Glaser Joshua Goodman Goodman Family Jennifer Gordon Amy and Ryan Hyman Micah Hyman ‘14 Judy and Allen Ishakis C. Jackson Jerry Jones Chaim Katz and Family Jacob Katz Deborah Klein
Marcie Meier Morgan Stanley Smith Barney – David Ruderman & Matt Ruderman Steven Oppenheim Partner Engineering and Science – Mark Lambson Evey and Martin Pollack Hindy and Rabbi Adir Posy Raider Painting – Allen Tabrizi Raider Signage – Alen Tabrizi Sandi and Avrum Reiss Karen and Victor Reuven Daniel Romano Royal Window Products, Inc. – Bonnie Jankovits Shabatian
Victor Sacks Shahin and Afsaneh Sadik Mareen and Michael Samson Rivka and Moses Scheinfeld Alice Schoenfeld South Bay Landscaping – Eduardo Garcia Tamar and Rabbi Arye Sufrin Terra-Petra – Nathan Shamosh Susan and Fred Toczek Universal Services of America – Ruben Karapetyan Koren ‘03 and Aaron ‘02 Wizenfeld
$100 - $500 Dahlia ‘05 and Asher Hoffman Rachel ‘05 and Aaron Inlender Joseph Kahan Frida and Ernie Katz Gila and Yitzy ‘00 Katz Malka and Josh ‘94 Katzin Sigal and Jonathan Kelly Kent Thompson Pool and Spa – Kent Thompson Lisa ‘84 and Steven Kirschenbaum Tally and Michael ‘01 Kleinman Elaine and Rabbi Boruch Kupfer Jacqueline ‘99 and Alain Kuppermann Land Graphics – Michelle Holmquist Kim Lawrence Marcus and Millichap - Marty Cohan Eliana and Jeff Marcus Miriam and Ari ‘95 Mark Ervin Mezey Samira and Ari Miller Risa and Mark Moskowitz Ariel Nagel ‘10 Jennifer and Tzvi Niman Dmitry Oussik Package Concierge – Regan Hartley Myra and Aryeh Pirak Lesley Portnoy Judy Posner Prero Orthodontics – Dovi Prero Naomi ‘00 and Dovi Prero Susan and Alan Press Stephanie ‘99 and Tzvi ‘95 RatnerStauber Republic Service Damian Rodriguez
Leah and Arnold Rotter John Rubinstein Yafa and Itzhak Sabag Sacks Family Nancy and Mark Schiff Eric Schneider Robin and Rabbi Joseph Schreiber Aaron Schweitzer ‘12 Ron Sentchuk Vera and Barry Silberberg Nomi and Daniel Silverman Doni and Steven Simons Dana and Joey ‘00 Small Sara and Ron Solomon Tova and Rabbi Joshua Spodek Sunset Janitorial – Daniel Vargas The Sussmans Travis Junge Pool Service – Travis Junge Upbeat Site Furnishings – Lauren McDonald Lauren Weiss ‘08 Stella and Ariel Wiener Will Wiener Alyssa ‘01 and Donny Wiesel Elaine and Bernie Wiesel Raizy and Rabbi Aharon Wilk Cindy and David Winston Chavi and Daniel ‘96 Wintner Jennifer ‘99 and Phillip ‘95 Wintner Tehillah and Arik Wolheim Mojgan and David York Adam Zagha Miriam and Edwin ‘96 Zaghi Zbra Studios – Zoey Smith
Other Gifts Clarita and Paul Kornreich Lapointe Construction – Jose Enriquez Millie and Murray Leben Boaz Mann ‘08 Joshua Milstein Mia Adler Ozair Pacific Energy Service, Inc. – Tom Squier Naomi and Adam Rich Natan Rose ‘20 Miriam and Rabbi Dov Rosenbluth Debra and Robin Rosser Grandma and Saba Schlanger
Catherine Schneider Rochel and Rabbi Sandy Shulkes Simon Family Marcia and Rick St. Laurent Ariella Teichman ‘06 Evan Teichman ‘17 Barbara and Stanley Treitel Eliana and David Weiss Michael Wiener ‘99 Robin Wilson Ethan Youssefzadeh ‘12 Orly Zarur
Campus Completion Project Gifts We are indebted to those donors who are the builders of YULA Boys High School. For many, YULA has been a top tzedakah priority and we are all beneficiaries of your vision and commitment. We cannot thank you enough for your ongoing generosity and profound effect on generations of YULA students.
$1,000,000 +
$100,000 - $249,999
Leah and Jacob Friedman Robin and Meir Gelman Gitta and Jack Nagel Lee & Anne Samson Charitable Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999 Louis and Trudy Kestenbaum z”l Marnie and David Nagel Miri and Ruben Robin Mirriam and Aaron Robin
$250,000 - $499,999 Museum of Tolerance Lisa and Yoni ‘99 Wintner
Rita and Shalom Aynesazan Michelle and Mark Barak Susan and Michael Baum and Family Ghazaleh and Ramin Bijari Tabitha and Brian ‘89 Dror Lauren and Ezra Kest Amy and Mark Kestenbaum Rosina and Robert Korda Elayne and Howard Levkowitz Lauren and Mark ‘81 Mintz Cheryl and Ronnie Nagel Nazanin and Farshad Nassibi Sassoon Family Foundation Sheri and Arnold Schlesinger Valerie and Gary Weitzer
$50,000 - $99,999
Anonymous Decron Properties Do Good Feel Good Family Foundation Mahnaz and Asher Eshagpour Jewish Federation of Los Angeles Jenny Lewkowicz and Emanuel Gottlieb
$25,000 - $49,999
Anonymous Chava and Avi Dayan Judy and Ely Dromy Lili and Ben Kohanteb Sheryl Neuman and Mark Hyman Carol and Adam Reich Suzanne and Kevin Schlanger
$10,000 - $24,999
Jacqueline and Victor Cohenca Lisa and Hugo Rose
Under $10,000
Helen and Haim Dayan Farnaz and Mehrdad Dayani Hamid Rashidi Doust Pariball and Nissan Kahen Hourash and Jahanshah Rabbanian Zahava and Avi Ryzman Sarah and Farzad Yasharpour Lida and Saeed Yerushalmi Mitra Maghen and Eshagh Yaghoubieh
Endowment Gifts We are indeed grateful to our donors who have had the vision to ensure YULA’s vibrancy well into the future through the establishment of our endowment fund. We look forward to continued growth of this important fund, which will continue to have an impact on our school for generations to come. Susan and Michael Baum Lynda and Arie Buchman Class of 2012 Tabitha and Brian ‘89 Dror Robin and Meir Gelman Felice Gottlieb ‘00 and Shmuel Barak Ann and Avi Hier
Amy and Mark Kestenbaum Trudy and Louis Kestenbaum z”l Lesley and Brian Kleinman Rosina and Robert Korda Elayne and Howard Levkowitz Tina ‘85 and Michael Loboda
Cheryl and Ronnie Nagel Gitta and Jack Nagel Marnie and David Nagel Sheryl Neuman and Mark Hyman Judy Posner Sassoon Family Foundation
Sheri and Arnold Schlesinger Stephen Sigoloff Sam Small Kity Wallace Fay and Irwin Weiss Geri and Isaac Wiener
#LeadershipPride Board of Directors
Trustees Committee
Parent Council
David Nagel, President & Chairman of the Board Yael Ackermann ‘92 Shalom Aynesazan Shmuel Barak Michael Baum Ilana Berenson Avi Hier Mark Hyman Brian Kleinman Benny Kohanteb Howard Levkowitz Dani Samson ‘86 Suzanne Schlanger Sheri Schlesinger Howard Szabo
Dina and Fred Leeds, Chairs
Marlene Kahan ‘88 Elayne Levkowitz Rachael Wernick
Laura ‘99 and Danny Abergel Yael ‘92 and Craig Ackermann Susan and Michael Baum (Trustees Event Chairs Emeriti) Ilana and Ari Berenson Seth and Ruth Berkowitz Lynda and Arie Buchman Shira and Rabbi Shlomo ‘96 Einhorn Rena ‘82 and Jamie Frankel Barbara and Alan Gindi Aziz and Jaclin Haboosheh
Development Committee
Sara and Benny Kohanteb
Mark Hyman, Chair Samuel Barak
Jacqueline ‘99 and Alain Kuppermann
Capital Committee
Lauren and Mark ‘81 Mintz
Aviva and Scott Krieger Elayne and Howard Levkowitz Dalya and Motti Meisels
Golf Committee Michael Bernstein ‘98, Co-Chair Eric Diamond, Co-Chair David Nagel, Co-Chair Rula Almquist Samuel Barak Sander DeWildt Mark Hyman Ryan Hyman Shannon Izydorek Chris McCauley Daniel Nagel ‘02 Zev Nagel ‘00 Alex Yamada
Dan Shainberg ‘98, President Jeremy Ives ‘92, Vice President David Pourati ‘01, Vice President Oren Shechter ‘11 Jonathan Wizman ‘14, Vice President
Tracey and Joey ‘86 Goldstein Gila and Yitzy ‘00 Katz
Shmuel Barak, Chair Dani Samson ‘86, Chair Shalom Aynesazan Joey Goldstein ‘86 Mark Hyman Suzanne Schlanger Joe Wachtel
YULA Boys Alumni Association (YBAA)
Ruhama and Rabbi Elazar Muskin Marnie and David Nagel Sheryl Neuman and Mark Hyman Stephanie ‘99 and Tzvi ‘95 Ratner-Stauber
Class Chairs Jason Isenberg ‘91 Steven Bernstein ‘94 Shervin Eshaghian ‘96 Yitzy Katz ‘00 Lesley Portnoy ‘01 David Ouaknine ‘06 Jeremy Shelton ‘07 Nick Sandlow ‘09 Nathaniel Barzideh ‘10 Josh Kohan ‘13 Jojo Himmelman ‘14 Donny Yellin ‘15 Shayan Kohanteb ‘16
Shifra and Rabbi Dovid Revah Lisa and Hugo Rose Rivkie and Dani ‘86 Samson Suzanne and Kevin Schlanger Elisa ‘85 and Alan Schoenfeld Yael and Dan ‘00 Shainberg
Administration Rabbi Dov Emerson, Head of School Rabbi Arye Sufrin, Principal Rabbi Joseph Schreiber, Dean Rick St. Laurent, Principal of General Studies
Dana and Joey ‘00 Small Jordana and Rabbi Kalman Topp Chavi and Daniel ‘96 Wintner Koren ‘03 and Aaron ‘02 Wizenfeld
Trustees Honorees Tina ‘85 and Michael Loboda Dael Geft ‘96 Rachel Margolies ‘99
Business Office Shawn Clary, Director of Technology Rochel Gargir, Administrator Chavi Gorman, Office Manager Ryan Hyman, Director of Institutional Advancement Judy Posner, Business Manager Sandy Roessler, Interim Director of Admissions Ziva Zeharya, Registrar
Yeshiva university of los Angeles Boys High school Nagel Family Campus 9760 West Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90035