Yummm - Nov/Dec 2014

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Nov/Dec 2014

Hong Kong Style 柚子蜜烧排骨 Honey citron spare ribs Page 10

Bistro at Home

家里的 港式茶餐厅


R e c i p e s i n E n g l i s h a n d C h i n e s e1 Nov/Dec







港式茶餐厅 碰撞中自成一格

友一家多年未回过香港,难得飞回去一次,遇上了一个不同寻常的 时期。许多道路被堵,朋友原想去购物和品尝美食的地方不能去, 总有些遗憾。 幸而,一个城市的美食精粹往往或藏于老旧的街道旁,或窄窄的小巷中。 寻找平民的美味,当然要去茶餐厅,是到香港旅行不可不去的地方。代表 中式传统的有烧腊和云吞面,源于西餐的有腿蛋治、西多士,还有独具特 色的下午茶必吃——菠萝油和鸳鸯。 对于升斗小民来说,传统中餐文化根深蒂固,把高档西餐平民化就更为理 想,港式茶餐厅正是中西文化碰撞下的产物,融入小市民日常的生活中, 历经岁月,最终自成一格。茶餐厅三个字,似乎任何英语单词都无法翻译 出其中包含的所有含义。 现时的香港,正处于激烈碰撞的时刻,两派意见支持者有明显的年龄差 别,走上街头占领街道的是学生为主的年轻人,而反对“占中”的则多是 中年人。我们是否也可以把香港这场运动看作是理想与现实的战争?年轻 的时候,我们棱角分明、热血、有理想;但走入社会之后,成为打工仔或 小生意的东主,棱角逐渐被生活磨平,热血和理想被现实冷却,因为要解 决生存问题、要照顾一家老小。 理想与现实之争,或许也可以如同港式茶餐厅一样,香港人在两者的夹缝 中找到自己的路。 这一期,我们要把港式茶餐厅搬回家,家里的吃法,保留传统但应该更健 康一点、简化一点,因为,我们爱家人,也爱自己。

Hong Kong style bistro: a perfect mix of eastern and western cuisines


t’s hard to translate the word “cha chaan teng” to English. What does it exactly mean? It’s not simply a bistro or café, but it is a must to visit when you travel to Hong Kong. Where can you find the Hong Kong folks’ favorite foods? Definitely, “cha chaan teng”. “Siu Mei”, which means Cantonese roasted meats, and wonton noodles are representing the traditional Cantonese cuisine in the Hong Kong style bistro; the ham and egg sandwich and French toasts come from classic western cuisine. Besides, the polo (pineapple) bun and Yuan Yang (coffee with tea) are the must haves for a Hong Kong style afternoon tea. In this issue, we are going to move the “cha chaan teng” to our home, but we make them healthier and more simplified, for example, less butter and no deep frying. No doubt we will remain the tradition. Michelle Liang Editor



Contents 导读 专题

11 脆皮烧肉

08 鲜虾云吞汤

Canton wonton soup


27 葱香车打司康

Spring onions & cheddar scones

28 甜辣肉丸蛋

Manga sago dessert

16 红薯菠萝包配鸳鸯

Polo buns stuffed with sweet potatoes & Yuan Yang


Sweet chilli scotch eggs

30 大厨的秘密:椒盐鸡翼

Chef’s secret: crispy salt & pepper chicken wings




32 甜蜜人生

Living a sweet life


Kway Teow with Tom Yum paste

19 杨枝甘露



23 冬阴功炒粿条

Crispy roast pork belly


34 布艺书签

Handmade fabric bookmarks

Yummm! ideas 《煮意》推介



22 素食炸酱面

Noodles with soy bean paste


18 葡式蛋挞

Pastéis de nata

Quick & Easy

13 煎鱼片配三色酱

Basa fillet with three sauces

Magazine Team Editor Food Editor Food Editor Art Director Designer Contributors Advertising

29 素心莲花汤

Lotus soup

Michelle Liang Jenn Yang Ragny Zhang Lei Song Lvjiao Meng Ken Lee, Vivian Hong, Nana Dai Leon Ho 0406 086 086

24 百变可丽饼

Sweet & Savoury crepe

26 盆栽酸奶蛋糕

Seedling-like yogurt cake

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鲜虾云吞汤 港式茶餐厅怎么可以没有云吞面,熬汤、做馅、打面都 极费功夫和讲究,是外表普通内在不凡的代表,在家想 要模仿的话,可是需要一番耐心。

Authentic Canton wonton soup 8






1 小时


10 分钟

云吞皮 1包 猪肉碎 200克 虾仁 150克,切小粒 韭黄 50克 (可选) 鸡蛋 1个 高汤 2汤匙 生抽 1茶匙 蚝油 2茶匙 盐 1/2茶匙 料酒 1/2茶匙 糖 1/2茶匙 胡椒粉 1/4茶匙 葱花 1汤匙 清水 2公升







1  除云吞皮以外,所有材料都放入搅 拌盆,用筷子向同一方向搅拌,直至 完全拌匀,并且形成粘性; 2  用筷子或小匙掏10克左右的肉馅 放在皮的中心位置,皮的边缘部分抹 一点清水,对折成三角形状,再把旁 边两个角往中间一角挤压折叠,捏成 鱼尾状; 3  锅内煮开清水,放入云吞,水再次 沸腾后,转小火盖上锅盖保持沸腾3分 钟后捞出,放入大地鱼汤底,撒上葱花 即可。配全蛋面享用。

1 pack wonton wrappers* 200g pork mince 150g prawns, peeled and diced 50g Hotbed (yellow) chives (optional)* 1 egg 2 tablespoons chicken stock 1 teaspoon soy sauce 2 teaspoons oyster sauce ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon cooking rice wine ½ teaspoon sugar ¼ teaspoon white pepper 1 tablespoon thinly sliced spring onions 2 litres water




25 分钟












1  To make the filling, combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, except the wonton wrappers, mix well, and stir the mixture until sticky.

2  Place 1 teaspoonful (approx. 10g) of filling in the centre of the wrapper. Brush the edges of the wrapper lightly with a little water. Fold the wrapper in half to seal the edge. Repeat the step with remaining wontons.

3  Boil the water in a stock pot, add the wontons. Reduce the heat when the water is boiled again, and then cover the stock pot with a lid for 3 minutes. Remove the wontons from the stock pot and drain. Transfer the wontons to a bowl, pour the soup over and garnish with spring onions. Serve with egg noodles.

and cook for 2 hrs. Strain through a strainer.

Tips: 大地鱼干 一条,烤至香味散出 猪骨 500克,飞水洗净 虾壳或虾干 300克 鸡骨架 300克(可选),飞水洗净 老姜 3大片 清水 5公升 1  所有材料放入汤锅中,大火煮沸, 转小火慢熬二小时,过滤即成。 Tips: 如果时间许可,用可继续慢火熬制一两 个小时。

1 dried flounder, toasted until fragrant* 500g pork bones, put in cold water and boiled for 10 minutes, drained and rinsed* 300g chicken bones (optional), put in cold water and boiled for 5 minutes, drained and rinsed 3 ginger slices 5 litres wate

1  Add all the ingredients in a stock pot, cook until boiled. Reduce the heat to low,

It is recommended to cook for 1 more hour over very low heat. The soup should be very clear.

*  Wonton wrappers are available in Asian supermarkets. There are yellow ones with eggs and the eggless white wrappers. Egg wonton wrappers are used in this recipe. Hotbed (yellow) chives and dried flounders can also be found in Asian grocery stores. Pork bones and chicken bones for soup are available in most Asian butchers. Nov/Dec


排骨是那种比较虚张声势的食材之一,随便弄弄就很豪华的样子,味道也不会差到 哪里去。但是,想要让这么大众化的菜式变得更加出色,就要不走寻常路了。普通 人用普通蜂蜜都能做出好吃的蜜汁排骨,那要是换成人见人爱的柚子蜜来烹制的 话,还会惊艳到什么程度呢?






15 分钟


45 分钟

猪小排 500g,切小块 料酒2汤匙 生抽2汤匙 姜蓉2茶匙 柚子蜜 4汤匙 清水 250ml 盐 1/2茶匙 白芝麻 2茶匙,炒熟 油 1汤匙 1  猪小排加入料酒、生抽、姜蓉,拌 匀后放入冰箱冷藏一晚; 2  锅烧热后放油,下排骨煎至两面金 黄,大约5至8分钟; 3  3汤匙柚子蜜与250ml清水调匀,倒 入锅里,沸腾后转小火焖煮20分钟; 4  加盐调味,转中火继续煮至汁液基 本收干; 5  盛出后,撒上白芝麻及一汤匙柚子蜜。











500g spare ribs, cut across the bone by your butcher, and then cut into individual rib pieces 2 tablespoons cooking rice wine 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons ginger, grated 4 tablespoons honey citron tea 250ml water ½ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons white sesame seeds, roasted 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

3  Combine 3 tablespoons of honey

1  Marinate the spare ribs with cooking

citron tea with water, and add to the wok. When the sauce comes to boil, reduce the heat and cook for 20 minutes.

rice wine, soy sauce, and ginger, store in the fridge overnight.

4  Add the salt, increase the heat to medium and cook until the sauce almost dry out.

2  Heat the wok, add the oil and swirl to

5  Dish out and drizzle 1 tablespoon of

coat. Fry the spare ribs for 5-8 minutes or until golden.

honey citron tea on top, sprinkle with white sesame seeds.





30 分钟


8 小时


50 分钟

带皮五花肉 一块(约500克) 海盐 2茶匙 五香粉 1茶匙 砂糖 1茶匙 料酒 1茶匙 生抽 1汤匙 小苏打 1/8茶匙 植物油 2茶匙 葱 1颗,切长段 姜片2片

面对某些食物,身体明明很渴望,嘴上却坚持说不要,最后结果如何就要看你的定 力,例如这种表皮如薯片一样松脆、肥肉软糯而瘦肉香韧的脆皮烧肉。












500g Pork belly (skin on) 2 teaspoons sea salt 1 teaspoon Chinese five spice 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon rice wine 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1/8 teaspoon bi-Carb soda 2 teaspoons vegetable oil 1 bunch spring onion, cut into matchstick length 2 slices ginger

1  Heat 4 litres of water in a stockpot, add the rice wine, spring onions, ginger and the pork belly and cook until the meat whitened. Remove the pork belly from the stockpot, rinse with cold water and pat with paper towel. 2  Use the tip of a sharp knife or a skewer to poke the rind repeatedly until the surface is covered with holes (as many as possible).

3  Marinade the pork rind with sea salt.

Set aside for 20 minutes, and then rub the rind with Bi-Carb soda.

4  Turn the pork belly over, make cuts about 3cm apart, deep to the fat layer, but do not cut the rind.

5  Combine 1 teaspoon sea salt, 1 teaspoon Chinese five spice, 1 teaspoon sugar and 1 tablespoon soy sauce, rub thoroughly over the meat, except the rind.

1  汤锅内放入4公升清水,加入料 酒、葱段、姜片,放入五花肉煮至肉 变色,用竹签插穿后没有血水溢出即 可,捞出放入冷水中清洗干净并用厨 房纸擦干; 2  用铁叉在肉皮上扎出小洞,尽可能 多且细密; 3  在猪皮上抹上1茶匙海盐,静置20 分钟后,抹上小苏打; 4  翻转五花肉,在瘦肉一面每隔3厘 米切一刀,深至肥肉层即可,不要切 到肉皮; 5  混和1茶匙海盐,1茶匙五香粉,1茶 匙砂糖,1汤匙生抽,均匀涂抹在除了 肉皮以外所有部分,包括切开的缝隙; 6  把3支竹签平行插入瘦肉层,防止 烤制的时候肉块卷曲变形; 7  取两层锡纸,把剩下的腌料倒在中 间,肉块瘦肉面向下包住底部及四边, 仅仅露出肉皮,放入冰箱冷藏一晚; 8  第二天提前取出回复室温,烤箱预 热240度,连锡纸一起,用上火烤制 35分钟,至颜色金黄后取出; 9  除去锡纸,用刀刮去烤焦的部 分,再往肉皮上刷上一层植物油,烤 箱温度降至200度后继烤15~20分 钟,到肉皮开始出油后即可取出,切 块上碟。

6  To avoid distortion during baking, stab 3 bamboo skewers from a flank of the meat.

7  Wrap the meat with foil, but keep the rind uncovered. Place the pork belly into the fridge to dry out overnight.

8  Take the meat out of the fridge and bring it to room temperature. Preheat the oven at 240°C, bake the pork belly for 35 minutes together with the foil, or until golden.

9  Take out the pork belly, discard the foil and use a knife to remove the charred parts from the rind. Brush the rind with some vegetable oil. Reduce the oven heat to 200°C, bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the skin is crackled. Remove the pork belly from the oven, allow to rest for a while. Chop it and serve. Nov/Dec


XO酱焖萝卜牛腩 ● ●

Tips: 1   萝卜炒过之后再加入牛腩中 焖煮,可以保持完整的形状, 防止萝卜融化到汤里; 2   焖煮期间,如果水份干得太 快,可以适当添加一些沸水, 但不能加冷水。 1  Daikon radish can be easily burnt to a frazzle without stir frying beforehand. 2  If the water dries out during braising, simply add boiling water, but no cold water.

在小店吃萝卜牛腩,店家提供的辣酱总是最抢手的,这种重口味大概才是对街头小 吃上瘾的原因吧?如果在家中制作,拿用料考究的XO酱直接把香辣的味道煮到食 物里,添加了一股街头风的萝卜牛腩,很江湖,很不羁。


Serves 4 ● Prep 20 mins ● Soaking 1 hrs ● Cooking 65 mins

1kg beef brisket, cut into 3 cm dices, soaked in water for 1 hour 800g daikon radish, cut into 2cm thick pieces 150g XO sauce* 4 ginger slices 40g rock (crystal) sugar 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce 2 cinnamon sticks 2 star anises 3 bay leaves 3 dried citrus peels* 1 tablespoon cooking rice wine 1000ml boiling water 1 tablespoon Chu Hou paste* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1  Heat the wok, add the oil and swirl to



coat, and add the ginger slices. 2  Drain the beef brisket, stir fry in the wok for 1 minute, and add cooking rice wine. 3  Continue to stir fry the beef brisket until the water in the wok dried out, add the rock sugar, dark soy sauce and all the spices. Cook until the beef brisket lightly brown. 4  Add the XO sauce, mix well. Transfer the beef brisket and spices to a casserole, add 1000ml boiling water, and cook over low heat for 40 minutes. 5  Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the wok, add the daikon radish, and stir fry until shrunk. 6  Add the daikon to the casserole, and the Chu Hou paste as well, braise at low heat for 10 minutes or until the daikon soft.

*  Available in Asian groceries.

四人份 ● 准备时间20分钟 浸泡时间1小时 ● 烹饪时间65分钟

牛腩 1公斤,切成麻将大小,清水洗 净后浸泡1小时 白萝卜 800克,切2厘米厚半圆块 XO酱 150克 姜片4片 冰糖 40克 老抽 1汤匙 肉桂枝 2段 八角 2颗 香叶 3片 陈皮 1片 料酒 1汤匙 沸水 1000毫升 柱候酱 1汤匙 烹饪油 2汤匙 1  炒锅内放入烹饪油,下姜片炒香; 2  牛腩沥干水后下锅,开大火翻炒1 分钟后,加入料酒; 3  继续炒至锅内水份消失后,加入冰 糖、老抽及各种香料,炒至至表面稍 有焦黄; 4  放入XO酱拌均匀后,倒入有盖砂 锅,加1000毫升沸水,转小火焖煮40 分钟; 5  炒锅内放1汤匙油,下萝卜块翻炒 至表面收缩,盛出备用; 6  40分钟后,放入炒过的萝卜,加 入柱候酱,继续焖20分钟,至萝卜软 糯入味即可。

一个人的丰盛 一个人吃饭是非常孤独的事情,即便吃罐头食品,也要好好吃饭,用最简便的办法 造出丰盛的气势,用满桌的食物来对抗形单影只。

煎鱼片配三色酱 ● ●

一人份 ● 准备时间15分钟 腌制时间20分钟 ● 烹饪时间15分钟

巴沙鱼片 1条,切厚片(约0.5厘米厚) 蒜头 3瓣,压成蓉 姜 两片,切丝 生抽 2汤匙 料酒 1汤匙 面粉 1汤匙加玉米淀粉 1汤匙,拌匀 蔬菜油 2汤匙 辣牛肉汤罐头 1/2罐 胡萝卜(小) 1个,切粒 土豆(中) 1个,切粒 鸡蓉粟米汤 1/2罐 玉米粒 罐头1/3罐 番茄汤罐头 1/2罐 新鲜番茄 1个,去皮切块 清水 50ml 1  鱼片用蒜蓉、姜丝、生抽、料酒拌匀后,腌制20分钟入味; 2  胡萝卜粒与土豆粒煮软后沥干水,再下辣牛肉汤煮开后盛出; 3  番茄汤煮开后,下番茄块和清水再次煮开,继续煮5分钟盛出; 4  鸡蓉粟米汤煮开后,下玉米粒煮2分钟盛出; 5  烧热平底锅,下油。鱼片拣出姜丝,放入生粉和玉米淀粉混合物中两面 都蘸一下后放入锅内,两面各煎大约2~3分钟,直到表面金黄,盛出配三色 酱享用。


三色酱用来拌饭也很美味。 The sauces are good to serve with rice.


Serve 1 ● Prep 15 mins ● Marinating 20 mins ● Cooking 15 mins ½ can chicken and corn soup 1/3 can sweet corn kernels

3  Boil the tomato soup, add the tomato dices and water, simmer for 5 minutes, dish out and set aside.

½ can condensed tomato soup 1 tomato, peeled and diced 50ml water

4  Boil the chicken and corn soup, add the corn kernels and simmer for 2 minutes.

1 basa fillet, sliced (about 0.5cm thick) 3 garlic cloves, grated 2 ginger slices, shredded 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon cooking rice wine 1 tablespoon plain flour and 1 corn flour, combined 2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1  Marinate the basa fillets with garlic, ginger, soy sauce and cooking rice wine.

½ can spicy beef soup 1 carrot, diced 1 potato, diced

2  Cook the carrots and potatoes in boiling water, drained. Add the spicy beef soup to the sauce pan, cook until boiled, dish out and set aside.

5  Heat the frypan til very hot, add the vegetable oil. Remove the ginger from the basa fillets, coat the basa fillets with the flour mixture and gently shake off the excess. Add the fish fillets to the frypan, fry each side of the fillets for 2-3 minutes, or until golden. Dish out and serve with the three sauces. Nov/Dec



A Sweet Afternoon Tea

西多士和丝袜奶茶是港式茶餐厅里甚受欢迎的下午茶餐点,源自于欧洲的饮食文化。 可是邀请朋友来家里茶聚,做东那位主妇一般都会暗暗地花些小心机来准备, 然后装作漫不经心地展示出不凡的品味。 下面这套组合就特别适合这种场合,提前24小时开始准备的如布丁一样软嫩的法式吐司, 和慢火熬制的焦糖奶茶,把茶餐厅式餐点升级成优雅下午茶!


煎法式吐司 ●




法国长棍白面包(约30厘 米) 1条 鸡蛋 3个,打散 牛奶 100毫升 鲜奶油 80毫升 砂糖 30克 香草精 1/4茶勺 牛油 15克 橙酱 两汤勺 1  混合好鸡蛋、牛奶、鲜 奶油、砂糖和香草精,放入 大一点的平底容器内; 2  长棍面包斜切3厘米左 右的厚片,平铺到蛋奶混和


液里,两块之间要有1厘米 以上的距离; 3  把容器包上保鲜膜,放 入冰箱静置12个小时; 4  12小时后取出,将面 包翻面,再次放入冰箱继 续浸泡12个小时,直至 面包完全将所有蛋奶液吸 收; 5  平底锅内加入牛油融 化,放入泡好的面包,以小 火慢煎至两面金黄,每面大 约煎5分钟左右; 6  取出装盘,淋上橙酱后 趁热享用。

Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins ● Soaking 24 hrs ● Cooking 15 mins

1 White French stick (approx. 30cm in length) 3 eggs,lightly beaten 100ml milk 80ml cream 30g sugar ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract 15g butter 2 tablespoons orange jam 1  Combine the eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla extract in a large container. 2  Cut the white French stick into 3cm thick pieces, and soak them in the egg mixture. Give at least 1cm space between

each piece of toast. 3  Cover the container with the cling wrap, store in the fridge for 12 hours. 4  Remove the container from fridge, turn the toasts over and return to the fridge for another 12 hours, until all egg mixture adsorbed. 5  Melt the butter in a fry pan, add the toasts and fry with low heat until golden. (Fry each side of the toast for about 5 minutes) 6  Dish out and drizzle with orange jam. Serve warm.

Tips: 1   面包片在浸泡了24小时后会涨大一些,所以两片之间必须有一定间隔; 2  泡好的面包非常软嫰,要小心不要弄破了。 3  搭配任何你喜欢的果酱都可以,或不加酱也很好吃。 1  The toast pieces will expand after soaking in the egg mixture for 24 hours, so you must give some space between pieces. 2  Be careful the toasts will be very soft after soaking. 3  Serve with your favorite jam, it’s still delicious even if serve without jam. 14



焦糖奶茶 ●




Serves 4 ● Prep 5 mins ● Cooking 15 mins

牛奶 500克 砂糖 50克 红茶末 2汤勺

500g milk 50g sugar 2 tablespoon black tea dust

1  砂糖放入小锅内以最小火加热,先不要搅拌,见到底 层砂糖开始融化后,用长柄木勺慢慢搅拌直到全部砂糖融 化; 2  继续小心搅拌,并注意观察糖浆的颜色,当颜色变得金 黄、锅底开始有细小汽泡产生时,立即离火并倒入牛奶, 糖浆会凝固在锅底; 3  锅内加入红茶末,继续以小火慢煮并不时搅拌,控制牛 奶不要沸腾; 4  当所有凝固的糖浆重新全部融化后马上关火,过滤后倒 入茶壶即可。

1  Add sugar in small sauce pan, cook with very low heat. Do NOT stir until the sugar at the bottom start to melt. Use a wooden spoon to slowly stir until all sugar melted.

2  Pay attention the colour of the syrup, when it turns golden and comes with bubbles, remove the sauce pan from the stove, and then add the milk. The syrup will start to solidify.

3  Add the black tea dust, cook with very low heat and keep stirring. Do NOT make the milk boiling.

4  Turn off the heat when the caramel re-melted. Use a tea infuser to remove the black tea dust.

Tips: 1  牛奶和糖的份量比为10:1时甜度刚刚好; 2  煮糖酱的时候一定要小心看守,冒汽泡时就要离火加奶,不然就会有苦味。 1  Milk/sugar ratio is 10:1. 2  When you see bubbles in the process of making caramel, remember to remove the sauce pan from the heat and add milk. There will be a bitter taste if the caramel is over cooked in this step. Nov/Dec



Polo (Pineapple) Bun stuffed with sweet potatoes 菠萝油是最著名的茶餐厅食品, 也就是新鲜热辣的菠萝包中间夹一块牛油。 在这个食谱中, 我们把那块牛油改成更健康的红薯牛油馅, 仍然非常好吃。 没有面包机又不想揉面? 不用担心, 用手持电动打蛋器也能10分钟打出手套膜。

鸳鸯 Yuan Yang (Coffee with milk tea)

The authentic polo bun is a pineapplelike bun stuffed with butter. In this recipe, we use sweet potatoes to take the place of butter.






普通面粉150克 奶粉1汤匙 盐1/4茶匙 糖30克 酵母1茶匙 温水90毫升 全蛋液1汤匙 黄油15克

150g plain flour 1 tablespoon milk powder ¼ teaspoon salt 30g sugar 1 teaspoon dried yeasts 90ml warm water 1 tablespoon beaten egg 15g butter

红薯60克 黄油30克 砂糖30克

1  酵母用温水混 合,静置5分钟; 2  面粉与奶粉、 盐、糖混合,倒入酵 母水和蛋液,搅拌并 揉成光滑的面团,再 加入黄油继续揉,直 到面团可以拉出薄而 有宽大的膜; 3  面团滚圆,放置 于温暖处,发酵至两 倍大; 4  将面团排气,平 均分成四份,分别滚 圆,盖上保鲜膜松弛 15分钟; 5  取一个面包面团, 包入30克馅,整理成 圆型;酥皮面团按扁, 盖在面包面团上,用刀 背压出菱形纹路,放置 在烤盘上,盖上保鲜膜 二次发酵至1.5倍大; 6  烤箱预热180度,放 入面团烤15分钟即可。

1  Combine the dried yeasts with warm water, allow to stand for 5 minutes.

Tips: 红薯可以换成紫薯、南 瓜、红豆等任何你喜欢 的口味,或者什么也不 放,也很好吃。


2  Combine the flour, milk powder, salt and sugar, add the yeasts mixture and egg. Knead the dough until smooth, add the butter and knead until you can form a window-pane.

3  Roll the dough into a ball, allow

红薯煮熟,趁热压碎 并拌入黄油和砂糖, 冷藏备用。

SWEET POTATOES FILLING 60g sweet potatoes 30g butter 30g sugar Steam the sweet potatoes until very tender, mash the sweet potatoes, add butter and sugar. Mix well, and chill in the fridge.



普通面粉30克 自发面粉30克 砂糖25克 黄油30克 全蛋液1汤匙

30g plain flour 30g self-raising flour 25g sugar 30g butter 1 tablespoon beaten egg

黄油放在室温下软 化,加糖搅打至蓬 松,分三次加入蛋 液,搅打均匀;两种 面粉混合后,筛入黄 油中,混合成面团, 分成四份备用。

Melt the butter at room temperature, add sugar and beat the butter until fluffy. Add the egg in 3 batches, mix well. Combine the flours and sift over the butter. Mix the ingredients into dough, divide into 4 portions, set aside.



to ferment until its size doubled.

4  Pinch the air out, and divide the dough into 4 portions. Roll each portion into a ball, cover with cling wrap, allow to stand for 15 minutes.

5  Working with 1 portion at a time, roll out to a wrapper, place approx.30g fillings in the centre and fold the wrapper, make it into a ball. Make the pastry into a round disc, place on top of the bun, use the back of a knife blade to do the texture as shown. Put the buns on a baking pan, cover with cling wrap, allow to ferment until 1.5 times the size.

6  Preheat the oven at 180°C, and bake for 15 minutes.

You may also use purple potatoes, pumpkins, red (adzuki) beans or any of your favorite ingredients as the fillings, or even no filling.


黑咖啡200毫升,冻 成冰块 浓红茶200毫升,放 凉并冷藏 淡奶200毫升 砂糖20克 1  将咖啡冰块倒入 红茶中,冲入淡奶, 根据喜好加糖即可。 Tips: 可以趁冰块没融化时 先喝奶茶,剩下等咖 啡慢慢融化后享用 冰咖啡;也可以搅拌 至冰块融化后享用鸳 鸯,一切随便。

Serves 2

200ml black coffee, frozen into ice cubes 200ml black tea, chilled in the fridge 200ml evaporated milk 20g sugar

1  Place the coffee ice cubes into the black tea, pour the evaporated milk over, and add sugar.

Tips: Serve the milk tea before the coffee ice cubes melt, and serve the ice coffee later; or wait until the coffee and milk tea mixed well.



蔔式蛋挞 ● ●

八人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间20分钟

冷冻酥皮2块,室温化冻 牛奶65克 淡奶油80克 炼奶5克 砂糖25克 蛋黄2个 低筋面粉6克 1  牛奶、奶油混合,加入砂糖和炼 奶,小火加热至糖融化,离火冷却; 2  加入蛋黄与低筋面粉搅拌均匀后, 过筛两次; 3  2块酥皮切成八份,放在蛋挞模中 间,用拇指按压贴服在模具上,除去 多余的边角; 4  每个模子中倒入八分满的蛋挞液, 烤箱预热220度,烤15~20分钟,出 现焦糖斑点即成。 Tips: 低筋面粉可以用玉米粉或普通面粉替 代,但不是可以用自发粉。

Pastéis de nata (Portuguese custard tart) ● ●

Serves 8 ● Prep 10 mins Cooking 20 mins

2 frozen puff pastry sheets, defrost at room temperature 65g milk 80g light cream 5g condensed milk 25g caster sugar 2 egg yolks 6g cake flour

1  Combine the milk and cream, add sugar and condensed milk, heat the mixture with a small sauce pan until the sugar melted. Chill for a while.

2  Add the egg yolks and cake flour and mix well, use a strainer to make the mixture smoother.

3  Cut the puff pastries into 8 portions, use your thumb to press the pastry into the tart mould. Remove the excess.

4  Pour the egg mixture into the moulds, preheat the oven at 220°C, and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Tips: cake flour can be replaced by corn starch or plain flour, but don’t use self-raising flour.



葡式蛋挞,多少人专程赶去澳门就是为了一尝它的美味。 隔着大洋,在家想要做出不输专业出品的葡挞, 就要好好来搜搜本地超市的食材了,会有意想不到的惊喜哦!


Classic Hong Kong style dessert MANGO SAGO DESSERT

杨枝甘露 ●





Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins ● Cooking 30 mins ● Chill 1 hr

熟透的芒果2个,切小粒 西柚1/2个,去皮去膜撕碎 小西米100克 花奶150克 椰浆200克 砂糖20克

2 ripe mangos, diced ½ grapefruit, peeled and shredded 100g sago (tapioca pearls) 150g evaporated milk 200g coconut milk 20g sugar

1  用汤锅煮沸清水,把西米放进沸水中煮一分钟,关火, 盖上锅盖焖20分钟,冲凉水让西米冷透;另外煮沸一锅 水,加入冷西米煮大约5、6分钟至完全变成透明,再次冲 凉后捞出备用; 2  把2/3的芒果粒放入料理机,加入糖、淡奶和椰浆一起 打成浆; 3  在碗内先放入西米,倒入芒果浆,撒上西柚丝和芒果 粒,放入冰箱内冷藏一个小时后即可。

1  Cook the sago in a pot of boiling water for 1 minute, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Allow to stand for 20 minutes. Transfer the sago to a bowl, rinse with cold water. Boil another pot of water, add the cold sago and cook for 5-6 minutes until transparent, and rinse with cold water for the second time.

2  Add 2/3 mango dices to a blender, and blend the mango with sugar, evaporated milk and coconut milk.

3  Spoon the sago to a small bowl, pour the mango mixture over, scatter with grapefruit strips and mango dices. Chill in the fridge for 1 hour.






Shell burger & beer pork belly 中式汉堡or升级版肉夹馍,随你怎么叫它, 反正是超级有满足感的一款主食。

啤酒烤五花肉 ● ●

准备时间10分钟 腌制时间20分钟

● ●

浸泡时间30分钟 烹饪时间13分钟

火锅用五花肉片 200克 啤酒 一罐(375毫升) 韩式烤肉酱 50克 白芝麻 5克 生菜叶 5片 1  五花肉片自然解冻,倒入啤酒浸泡 30分钟; 2  啤酒倒掉,五花肉滤干,用韩式烤 肉酱腌制20分钟; 3  烤箱预热至200度。烤盘铺好锡 纸,把五花肉铺在烤盘里,放入烤箱 烤8分钟; 4  取出后撒上熟芝麻,再放进烤箱烤 5分钟。烤好的五花肉配生菜夹在扇贝 夹饼中享用。


Prep 10 mins ● Soaking 30 mins Marinating 20 mins ● Cooking 13 mins

200g thinly sliced pork belly (for hot pot)* 375ml beer 50g Korean BBQ sauce* 5g white sesame 5 lettuce leaves

1  Defrost the pork belly in room temperature, soak in the beer for 30 minutes.

2  Drain and discard the beer, marinate the pork belly with Korean BBQ sauce for 20 minutes.

3  Preheat the oven at 200°C. Line the baking pan with aluminum foil, place the pork belly slices on the pan, and bake in the oven for 8 minutes.

4  Take the baking pan out, scatter the white sesame over the pork belly and return to the oven to bake for 5 minutes. Open the shell buns with a knife and place the pork belly and lettuce in between.



扇贝夹饼 ● ●

四至五人份 ● 准备时间40分钟 发酵时间2小时 ● 烹饪时间30分钟

普通中筋面粉 200克 砂糖 15克 干酵母 3克 牛奶 130克 1  牛奶用微波炉加热至40度,加入酵 母混合均匀,静置5分钟; 2  面粉与砂糖混合,倒入酵母牛奶, 揉匀成为光滑的面团,放入盆中,发 酵至两倍大; 3  取面团放在台上排气,再次揉均匀 后,切分成70克一份,滚圆后净置15 分钟; 4  取一个小面团擀成长椭圆形,上下 对折,用刀背竖向压出7条平行线,两 端向中间捏紧成型,放入蒸笼二次发 酵30分钟; 5  锅内放冷水,架上蒸笼以大火加热 至沸腾,转中火蒸20分钟熄火,等3 分钟后开盖。


Serves 4-5 ● Prep 40 mins ● Ferment 2 hrs ● Cooking 30 mins

200g plain flour 15g caster sugar 3g dried yeasts 130g milk 1  Warm the milk to 40°C, add the yeasts, mix well and allow to stand for 5 minutes. 2  Combine the plain flour and sugar, add the milk mixture and knead until dough surface is smooth. Place the dough in a large mixing bowl, stand until double in size. 3  Transfer the fermented dough to the kitchen board, and pinch the air out. Divide it into small portions (70g per portion), roll them into balls and stand for

15 minutes 4  Take one ball and use a rolling pin to roll it into a long oval, and fold it. Use the back of a knife blade to make 7 lines on it. Turn the both ends towards the centre to form the shell. Repeat the step to finish all the portions. Put the buns in a large bamboo steamer and allow to stand for 30 minutes. 5  Pour cold water in a wok, put the bamboo steamer with buns over and steam with high heat until the water boiled. Then reduce the heat to medium, and continue to steam for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, keep covering for 3 minutes. Nov/Dec






10 分钟


20 分钟

挂面150克 胡萝卜一个,刨细丝 鸡蛋一个,搅打均匀 杏鲍菇(中型)一个,切丁 厚香干一片,切丁 洋葱半个,切丁 姜两片,切末 甜面酱两汤匙 生抽一汤匙 白糖一茶匙 橄榄油四汤匙(烹饪用) 1  胡萝卜刨成细丝,与挂面同入沸水 煮熟; 2  锅里烧热两汤勺橄榄油,下鸡蛋炒 碎盛出; 3  烧热另外两汤勺橄榄油,下姜末炒 香,放入杏鲍茹、香干、洋葱翻炒,注 意不要糊底; 4  待杏鲍茹的体积开始缩小,放入甜 面酱、生抽、白糖,翻炒均匀; 5  大火继续翻炒两三分钟至酱料完全 熟透,加入鸡蛋碎搅拌均匀盛出,淋 在挂面上享用。








150g fine dried noodles 1 carrot, shredded 1 egg, beaten 1 king oyster mushroom, diced 1 dried tofu, diced ½ onion, diced 0.5cm fresh ginger pieces, finely chopped 2 tablespoons soy bean paste 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon sugar 4 tablespoons olive oil

1  Cook the noodles and shredded carrots in boil water. Transfer to a bowl, keep warm.

2  Heat the wok, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, add the egg to the wok and scramble until cooked. Dish out.

3  Reheat the wok, add the remaining olive oil, and fry the ginger. Add the king oyster mushroom, dried tofu and onion.

4  When the king oyster mushroom dices shrink, add the soy bean paste, soy sauce, and sugar.

5  Stir fry at high heat for 2-3 minutes, add the egg and toss well. Serve with the noodles.







15 分钟


10 分钟








干粿条(河粉)200克,沸水浸泡1分钟,冲 凉水 冬阴功酱2汤匙,加椰浆150毫升,调匀 鲜虾 200克 泰式鱼饼 2个, 切片 蘑菇 5个,切片 香茅1条,切小段 柠檬叶3片,切碎 红辣椒1个,去籽切小粒 姜1片,切丝 香菜1根,切段 鱼露1茶匙 生抽1茶匙 植物油3汤匙

200g rice stick noodles (kway teow), soaked in boiling water for 1 minutes, and rinsed with cold water 2 tablespoons tom yum paste, combined with 150ml coconut milk 200g fresh prawns 2 thai fish cakes, sliced 5 fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced 1 lemon grass stalk (white part only), thinly sliced 3 kaffir lime leaves, finely chopped 1 small red chilli, seeded and thinly sliced 1 ginger slice (approx. 3mm thick), shredded 1 bunch coriander, coarsely chopped 1 teaspoon fish sauce 1 teaspoon soy sauce 3 tablespoons vegetable oil

1  炒锅内放油,中火加热,下鲜虾,蘑菇, 香茅,柠檬叶,姜丝,红辣椒,炒出香味; 2  放入粿条翻炒均匀,分三次加入冬阴功椰 浆,边煮边翻拌,每次煮至汁液基本消失后再 加下一次; 3  调入生抽和鱼露,下香菜段兜匀后出锅。

1  Heat the oil in a wok over medium heat, sauté the prawns, shiitake

Tips: 不能吃辣的话,红辣椒可最后放入。


mushrooms, lemon grass, kaffir lime leaves, ginger and red chilli until fragrant.

2  Add the rice sticks and stir fry, add the tom yum and coconut milk mixture in 3 batches (stir fry until the sauce nearly dry out and then add the next batch).

3  Add the soy sauce and fish sauce, scatter with coriander and dish out.

Red chilli could be added in the final step if you don’t like the kway teow too spicy.



喜欢厨房创意的朋友, 一定非常喜欢可丽饼这种简单而又富于变化的料理。 除了普通的甜味,还可以配咸味和辣味, 甚至其它任何你想像得到的口味。 怎么样,想试试吗?

辣巧克力可丽饼 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间15分钟 烹饪时间10分钟

辣巧克力酱: 黑巧克力40克 黄油20克 辣椒粉1/4匙 砂糖5克 可丽饼: 全麦面粉100克 鸡蛋2个 牛奶200毫升 鲜奶油50克 黄油20克,融化 砂糖25克 盐1/2茶匙 玉米油20克 杏仁片30克,烤香 1  黑巧克力与黄油放入容器中,隔热 水融化,加入辣椒粉和糖搅拌均匀; 2  全麦面粉过筛,加入鸡蛋、牛奶、 奶油、黄油、砂糖和盐,搅拌均匀, 至提起匙子时面浆成呈一条线流下; 3  烧热平底锅,放少许玉米油,加入 一大匙面糊,转动至铺满锅底;转中 火每面煎大约1分钟; 4  取出可丽饼,趁热涂上辣巧克力 酱,撒上杏仁片即成。 24



Sweet & Savoury Crepes SPICY CHOCOLATE CREPE ●

Serves 4 ● Prep 15 mins ● Cooking 20 mins

Spicy chocolate dressing: 40g dark chocolate 20g butter ¼ chilli powder 5g caster sugar Crepe: 100g wholemeal plain flour 2 eggs 200ml milk 50g thickened cream 20g butter, melted 25g caster sugar ½ teaspoon salt 20g corn oil 30g almond flakes, toasted

1  Add the dark chocolate and butter in a mixing bowl, resting in a warm water bath, add chilli powder and sugar, mix well. 2  Sift the wholemeal flour, add the eggs, milk, cream, butter, sugar and salt. Mix into smooth batter. 3  Heat the fry pan, add the corn oil, and then a large spoonful of the batter, swirl the pan to coat the bottom. Reduce the heat to medium, fry each side of the crepe for 1 minute. 4  Transfer the crepe to the dish, drizzle with spicy chocolate dressing when the crepe still warm, scatter with almond flakes.

培根菠菜可丽饼 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间25分钟

可丽饼: 普通面粉100克 鸡蛋1个 牛奶300毫升 黄油20克,融化 砂糖10克 盐1/2茶匙 黄油10克(烹饪用) 馅料: 培根2条,切小块 嫩菠菜叶100克 蘑菇 80g,切片 鸡蛋4个 海盐1/2茶匙 现磨黑胡椒1/2茶匙


Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins ● Cooking 25 mins

Crepe: 100g plain flour 1 egg 300ml milk 20g butter, melted 10g sugar ½ teaspoon salt 10g butter (for cooking) Filling: 2 bacons, cut into bite-size pieces 100g baby spinach leaves 80g mushrooms, sliced 4 eggs ½ teaspoon sea salt

½ teaspoon ground black pepper 1  Sift the flour, add the egg, milk, butter, sugar and salt, mix well. 2  Heat the fry pan, add butter and a large spoonful of the batter, swirl the pan to evenly coat the bottom. 3  Place the bacons, mushrooms and spinach leaves on the batter, and break an egg in the centre, fold the four sides of the crepe to form a square. 4  Reduce the heat to low, cook for 3-5 minutes, dish out and sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper. Repeat the step to finish the 4 serves.

1  面粉过筛,加入鸡蛋、牛奶、 黄油、砂糖和盐,搅拌均匀; 2  烧热平底锅,放少许黄油, 加入一大匙面糊,转动至铺满锅 底; 3  在面糊中用培根、蘑菇和菠菜 围一个圈,中间打入1个鸡蛋,用 铲子将饼的四边向中间折叠,形 成正方型; 4  转小火加热3~5分钟,撒上海 盐和黑胡椒即可。重复以上步骤做 成四份。



酸奶盆栽蛋糕 ●


柚子蛋糕,切小块或杯子直径大小的圆片 酸奶 200克 鲜奶油150毫升,加糖打发 各式水果,切小块 巧克力曲奇5块,压碎 薄荷叶 4、5片 1  把前四项材料随意填进杯子,在上面撒满巧克力曲奇碎,插上 薄荷叶即可。也可以随意搭配你喜欢的其它水果、坚果或果酱,做 出你自己的风格。


Prep 10 mins

Honey citron cake, diced or cut into small round pieces 200g yogurt 150ml thickened cream, whipped with sugar added fruits (eg. strawberries and kiwis), diced 5 chocolate cookies, crushed 5 mint leaves 1  Layer the cake dices, yogurt, cream and fruits in a glass or cup, cover with crushed cookies, and then “transplant” a mint leave on top. Use any of your favorite fruits, nuts or jam, have fun and enjoy!

柚子蛋糕片的制作方法 ●



蛋黄 4个 蛋清 3个 柚子蜜 20克 砂糖 50克 自发粉45克,过筛 黄油 10克 牛奶 24克 1  柚子蜜加热至40度,加入蛋黄和10 克砂糖,搅拌至颜色变浅,体积增大; 2  蛋清冷藏后打发,分三次加入40 克砂糖,提起搅拌头可见慢慢弯下的 长尖角即可; 3  将一半打发后的蛋白霜加入蛋黄 糊,切拌均匀,并筛入自发粉拌匀; 4  加入剩余蛋白霜,切拌均匀; 5  黄油和牛奶加热至即将沸腾后,立 即加入到面糊里搅拌均匀; 6  烤盘铺烘培纸,倒入面糊后铺平, 在平整的台面上用力震几下以除去大 气泡; 7  烤箱预热180度,再以170度烤13 分钟。


Prep 30 mins ● Cooking 13 mins

4 large egg yolks 4 large egg whites, chilled in the fridge 20g honey citron tea 50g caster sugar 45g self-raising flour 10g butter 24g milk 1  Use the microwave to lightly heat the honey citron tea (approx. 40ºC), add 10g caster sugar and all the egg yolks, mix with hand mixer until pale. 2  Remove the egg whites from the fridge, whisk until firm peak form. The 40g caster sugar should be added in 3 batches during the course of whisking. 3  Fold in half of the egg white mixture with the egg yolk batter, sift the self-raising flour over and mix well. 4  Fold in the remaining egg white mixture gently. 5  Heat the butter and milk in a small sauce pan until pre-boiling status, and pour over the egg mixture. Gently mix well. 6  Spread the mixture in a baking tin, knock on the tabletop to remove air bubbles. 7  Bake in the preheated (preheat at 180 ºC ) oven for 13 minutes at 170 ºC.



葱香芝士司康 ● ●

八人份 ● 准备时间30分钟 烹饪时间20分钟

普通面粉110克 自发面粉110克 细砂糖 16克 含盐黄油80克,切小块冷藏 奶油110克 鸡蛋2个,打成蛋液 车打芝士碎50克 香葱3根,切碎 1  混合面料和糖,放入黄油,用手指 把黄油搓细至完全混入面粉中; 2  加入奶油和大部分蛋液,再放入芝 士和香葱碎,搅拌至没有干粉之后, 整理成表面粗糙的面团即可,不需要 过度揉面; 3  将面团用保鲜薄包好后放入冰箱 冷藏15分钟,取出压成2厘米厚的圆 饼,切成8份,表面涂剩下的蛋液; 4  烤箱预热到180度,烤20分钟。


Serves 8 ● Prep 30 mins ● Cooking 20 mins

110g plain flour 110 self-raising flour 16g caster sugar 80g salted butter, diced and chilled in the fridge 110g thickened cream 2 eggs, beaten 50g cheddar cheese, grated 3 bunches spring onion, thinly sliced 1  Combine the flours and the sugar, add the butter, and use your fingers to crush the butter until mixed well with the flours.

2  Add the cream and most of the egg wash, then add the cheese and spring onions. Mix and form a rough dough (do not over knead). 3  Wrap the dough with cling wrap and chill in the fridge for 15 minutes. Remove from the fridge, press the dough into a 2cm thick disc, and use a knife to evenly cut it into 8 portions. Brush the surface with the remaining egg wash. 4  Preheat the oven at 180°C, bake for 20 minutes. Nov/Dec


甜辣肉包蛋 ● ●

六人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间20分钟

鸡蛋6个,煮熟去壳 面包糠6汤匙 牛肉碎 200克 香茅1/2条,切碎 柠檬叶2片,切碎 香菜1颗,切碎 生抽1汤匙 鱼露1汤匙 椰糖1汤匙 姜蓉1茶匙 黑胡椒1茶匙 植物油500毫升(烹饪用) 泰式甜辣酱2汤匙(蘸酱) 1  牛肉碎加入所有调味料拌匀,用筷 子向一个方向搅拌2分钟; 2  小锅内加入半锅植物油,中火加热 至有少量汽泡产生,将鸡蛋用肉泥包 裹,再裹一层面包糠,下油炸至外表 金黄后捞出,置于厨房纸上; 3  把蛋切开,蘸泰式甜辣酱享用。


Serves 6 ● Prep 10 mins Cooking 20 mins

6 eggs, boiled and shucked 6 tablespoons breadcrumbs 200g beef mince ½ lemon grass stalk, finely chopped 2 kaffir lime leaves, finely chopped 1 bunch coriander, finely chopped 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon fish oil 1 tablespoon grated palm sugar 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon black pepper 500ml vegetable oil 2 tablespoons Thai chilli sauce (for dipping)

1  Combine all the spice and herbs with the beef mince, use a chopstick to stir in one direction for 2 minutes. 2  Add the vegetable oil in a small sauce pan over medium heat, wrap the egg with beef mince and then coat with breadcrumbs. Gently place the egg into the oil and deep fry until golden. Transfer to a dish lined with paper towel. 3  Half the eggs, serve with Thai sweet chilli sauce. 28


素心莲花汤 ● ●

六人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间1小时40分钟

莲藕1段,约15厘米长 中型胡萝卜1条,切块 黄豆芽100克 干海带1张,泡发 玉米1根,切3段 卷心菜1/8颗,撕成大块 大白菜1颗 清水3公升 盐 适量 1   把除黄芽白菜以外的所有蔬菜都放入清水 中,大火煮开后,转小火煮90分钟,加盐调味; 2  大白菜剥至剩大约16片菜叶,切掉上部, 留下菜根部份(约12厘米),用剪刀把菜叶修 剪出尖角,形成莲花瓣状; 3  把白菜花竖放入沸腾的汤中煮5分钟,待叶 片开始变软散开成莲花状,马上关火盛出。


Serves 6 ● Prep 10 mins Cooking 1hrs 40 mins

1 small lotus root (approx. 15cm long) 1 medium carrot, cut into pieces 100g yellow bean sprouts 1 piece of dried kelp, soaked 1 corn on the cob, cut into 3 pieces 1/8 head of cabbage, torn into medium size pieces 1 small wombok 3 litre water salt, to taste

1  Put all the vegetables into 3 litre of water, except the wombok. Cook over high heat until boiled, reduce the heat and simmer for 90 minutes, and add salt.

2  Remove a few layers of leaves (keep about 16 pieces). Cut the upper part of the wombok. The remaining part should be around 12cm high. Use the scissors to cut the leaves into petal shape.

3  Place the wombok uprightly in the boiling soup 这是一道充满自然能量、 令人赏心悦目的素汤,养身又养心。

and cook for 5 minutes, or until the leaves soft.



食谱来自Ken Lee Recipe by Ken Lee


Chef’s Secret 炸鸡翼如何才能脆而不腻?调料怎样做到香气四溢?大厨现在就把秘诀告诉你。 A good deep fried chicken wing must be crispy and fragrant, but not oily. Now let the chef tell you how to make it. 30


香脆的秘密:椒盐鸡翼 ● ●

六人份 ● 准备时间20分钟 烹饪时间15分钟

鸡中翼 1公斤 红辣椒(小) 2个,切小圈 葱 2根,切成葱花 蒜头4瓣,切碎 盐焗鸡粉 20克 胡椒粉,适量 薯粉(或生粉) 1茶匙 清水 30毫升 腌料: 料酒 2茶匙 鸡粉 1茶匙 酱油 1汤匙 玉米粉 4汤匙 1  鸡中翼用腌料拌匀备用; 2  烧热一锅油至油温大约180°C。 薯粉用清水稀释,与鸡翼拌匀,放入 油锅慢火炸至八成熟; 3  将鸡翼捞起,沥干油。油锅开猛 火,把鸡翼放回锅中再炸两分钟出锅 备用; 4  用干锅炒香蒜头、葱、红辣椒、盐 焗鸡粉和胡椒粉,加入炸好的鸡翼兜 匀上碟。


Serves 6 ● Prep 20 mins ● Cooking 15 mins

1kg chicken mid-wings 2 small red chilli, thinly sliced 2 bunches spring onions, thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped 20g spiced bake mix* pepper, to taste 1 teaspoon tapioca flour 30ml water

Marinade: 2 teaspoons rice wine 1 teaspoon chicken powder* 1 tablespoon soy sauce 4 tablespoons corn flour

1  Marinade the chicken mid-wings, set aside. 2  Heat enough oil in a wok until approx. 180°C. Combine the tapioca flour and water, mix with the marinated chicken wings. Add the chicken wings to the wok and deep fry to medium well. 3  Remove the chicken wings from the wok with a slotted ladle, allow to drain. Turn the heat to high, return the chicken wings to the wok and deep fry for 2

minutes. Dish out and set aside.

4  Use a cleaned wok (no oil) to stir fry the garlics, spring onions, red chilli, spiced bake mix and pepper over medium heat, add the chicken wings, mix well and dish out.

Tips: 1  把木筷子插入油中,有少许气泡产 生便是适合的油温; 2  鸡翼要炸出脆皮的口感,先包裹一 层很薄的薯粉浆,炸至半熟出锅,沥 干油再回锅猛火炸,可以把鸡翼吸收 的油份逼出来; 3  把调味料和葱蒜在干锅中略炒,香 气才会更浓; 4  没有盐焗鸡粉可以用干锅炒香鸡 粉、盐和胡椒粉代替。

Tips:  1  To test the oil temperature for deep frying, use a chopstick to dip into the oil. If you can see some small bubbles, it would be the right time to place the food in.

2  The tapioca batter must not be too thick. Deep frying for the second time over high heat can help to extract the oil from the chicken wings. 3  Use a clean wok without any water or oil to stir fry the condiments and spices, this can help the ingredients to release the fragrance. 4  If you don’t have spiced bake mix, combine chicken powder, salt and pepper and stir fry in a clean wok to make a salt bake mix. *  Spiced bake mix and chicken powder are available in Asian grocery stores. Nov/Dec


家 常 百 科

Kitchenpedia Regulars


Living a sweet life 各种糖(还有蜂蜜)是我们的橱柜中不能缺少的成员,我们在糖的消 耗上比其他的调味剂要多得多。世界卫生组织建议成年人每日的糖摄 入量不要超过25克,但是大部分人都做不到,中国人平均每天摄入糖 33克,巴西人嗜甜程度世界第一,平均每天摄入153克糖,而澳洲人 则超过100克。这都是因为我们都拒绝不了甜蜜的诱惑,甜食让人心 情愉快,人生总是需要加点糖,不是吗? 关心自己的健康,细致地了解各种糖,有利于我们正确地使用这些甜 味剂。 We have different types of sugar (and honey) in our pantry, our sugar consumption is much more than other condiments. World Health Organization advices that the sugar intake per day for an adult should be no more than 25g. But most of us are not able stick to this guideline, as we can’t resist the sweet temptation. Brazil is the No.1 sugar loving country with 153g sugar intake per capita per day. Chinese people prefer less sugar in their food culture, with 33g intake per capita per day. An Australian’s sugar intake per day is over 100g. We are living in a sweet life, right? Knowledge about these sweeteners can help us to use them correctly and healthily.



原糖 (raw sugar)

片糖 (golden slab sugar)

红糖与黑糖 (brown sugar and muscovado sugar)

原糖是甘蔗经初步提炼获得 的褐色结晶体。一般只用在 热饮料中,特别是咖啡,是 为了避免白糖遮盖了咖啡高 度萃取的味道,破坏了浓醇 的口感。但在日常菜式中也 可以代替白糖使用。

片糖多为黄褐色,古法片糖 则颜色更深,更天然健康, 但已经不多见。片糖以中间 有夹心为佳,无夹心或夹心 少则为次。甜味介乎红糖与 冰糖之间,中式甜品必定少 不了片糖。

红糖是甘蔗经榨汁,通过简易处理浓缩形成。红糖中杂质 较多,但是其中的葡萄糖比白糖高,还有丰富矿物质和维 生素,被认为的健康的甜味剂。 黑糖与红糖属于同一个品种,但是制作工艺比红糖更加 精细。在各种甜点里用健康的黑糖替代原本的白砂糖, 口味也比白糖更丰富更有层次感,在台湾和日本食谱中 使用较多。

The product of the first stage of the cane sugar refining process.

Sandwich-like sugar bar, mostly used in Chinese dessert.

Its brown colour due to the presence of molasses., assumed to be more nutritional than white sugar, with rich minerals and vitamins.




Examples: coffee

Examples: Sweet red (adzuki) bean soup\Sweet potato soup

Examples: Brown sugar sticky cake (traditional Chinese food for lunar new year) \ Muscovado sugar cake

蜂蜜 (honey)

椰糖 (palm sugar)

白糖(white sugar)

冰糖 (rock sugar)

最天然最健康的甜味剂。蜂 蜜的香味、颜色、口味因花 粉采集的来源而不同,选择 非常多。凡是需要糖料的地 方都可以用蜂蜜代替,中菜 里也有许多使用到蜂蜜的菜 式,烤肉时刷一层蜂蜜瞬间 味道大不同。

椰糖或称棕榈糖,是从棕榈树 树液中提取的糖,产自东南 亚,以椰枣(date palms)和 巴尔米拉棕榈糖(Palmyra) 最珍贵。椰糖一般呈坚硬的筒 状或块状,使用前用细孔的擦 菜板磨成粉再煮,可以令椰糖 更快溶解。

A healthy and natural sweetener, the taste, aroma and colour determined by the nectar of different flowers.

Widely used in south east Asia, originally made from the sap of palm, best from dates palm and Palmyra palm.

白糖是含蔗糖95%以上的结 晶体,经过精炼及漂白而制 成,使用最广泛。一般说的 砂糖便是白砂糖,在腌牛肉 或猪肉的时候加糖可以使肉 质变柔软,做寿司的时候在 醋中加入白砂糖可以使米饭 中的淀粉质保持柔软,让米 饭可以摆放长一点的时间而 不变硬。

冰糖是白砂糖煎炼而成的 冰块状结晶,有单晶体和 多晶体两种,呈透明或半 透明状。冰糖以透明者质量 最好,杂质少,纯度可高达 99.9%,但甜度反而比白糖和 红糖低。冰糖时常用在中式 的炖甜品中,比如冰糖炖雪 梨,有清热润肺的功效。除此 之外,在中菜里的炒糖色也多 选用清甜的冰糖来熬煮。

推荐:蜜汁叉烧、蜂蜜柚子 茶、蜂蜜蛋糕


Examples: Cha Siu (Chinese BBQ pork) \ Honey citron tea \ Honey muffin

Examples: Sago with coconut milk

granulated sugar processed from raw sugar, consist of 95% sucrose.

推荐:白糖糕(伦教糕)、 各种西式蛋糕 Examples: Lunjiao rice cake \ All kinds of western cakes

Purity can reach 99.9%, but lower sweetness than white sugar and brown sugar.

推荐:红烧肉、冰糖炖雪梨 Examples: Stewed pear with rock sugar \ Pork belly braised in brown sauce






Handmade fabric bookmarks 把书捧在手上,一页一页地翻开,身旁放杯奶茶点心,过一个悠闲美好的下午。只要我们还享 受纸书带给我们的实在感,漂亮的书签就仍然有存在价值。自己动手做书签,除了实在感,还 有满足感。 A favourite book, a cup of tea and some cookies, what a wonderful afternoon!If you still enjoy reading a virtual book, a beautiful bookmark is essential. 34


Material: cloth, non-woven fabric (2 pcs) or cardboard, lace, ribbons, beads.

1  Wrap one piece of non-woven fabric with the cloth, stitch together as shown. (you can use double faced adhesive tape to bind them)

2  Stitch the lace and beads on it.

3  Stitch the ribbons on, or use the doublesided tape to keep the ribbons in place.

4  Adjust the position of the ribbons.

5  Pin the ribbon as shown, and use another piece of non-woven fabric to cover the thread.

6  Stitch up the front and back of the bookmark. You can also bind with hot melt glue or double sided tape.

7  Based on your design, find your thread colour match. Sew with ladder (hidden) stitch or lock stitch.

Demonstration by Vivian Hong





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Shimmering vintage X’mas 圣诞节临近,意味着期待已久的长假期要来了,要想有节日气 氛不能没有圣诞树,今年要怎么装饰家里的圣诞树?颜色搭配 最重要,若设计的段位不高,或没有特别的想法,百搭的银色 调是不需要太费神的选择。关键是精心挑选精致有趣的挂件饰 品,复古却又微微的闪亮,已足够体现你的品味。



Haven’t got Christmas tree decorating ideas? How about a shimmering vintage style? If you don’t want to choose something clash with your room decoration, a Christmas tree with a silver scheme never goes wrong. Simply search for some exquisite Christmas ornaments and have a bit of fun.


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X’mas & New Year Edition Coming soon ...

圣诞新年特刊即将发行 圣诞和新年假期在家举行派对大宴亲朋,或受邀前往参 加聚会,都是你大显身手的时机。派对食品,既要做法 简便,又让人有惊喜,的确要花点心思。 It’s party time! It’s your show time! Why not try something easy, fancy and yummy for your party?





Classical chocolate cake

Prawns and vegetable terrine

Christmas tree salad




Christmas soup

Japanese chicken skewers

Caramelized onions pizza rolls




Sweet chilli beef salad

Chinese cold noodles

Roast drumsticks with pineapple


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你的投入 是否物有所值?

Contact us T: (02)8034 6508 M: 0406 086 086 E: info@yummm.com.au www.yummm.com.au Nov/Dec




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