Yummm! X'mas & New Year 2015

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X’mas & New Year 2015

Fusion Party 圣诞新年特辑


菠菜圣诞树沙拉 Christmas Tree Salad Page 9

Recipes in English and Chinese

免e Fre 费 X’mas & New Year


留言有好礼! Comments Wanted! 如果你按照《煮意》食谱做了美食,现在就晒出来吧,加上评论或建议发给我们,将可刊登在下期 的《煮意》杂志上,并获得礼品一份。 现在通过微信或电子邮件发送照片及文字,一经采用,即可获得猎人谷Wynwood Estate 提供的价 值28元2014 Cherry Blossom Moscato 750ml Sparkling一支,送完即止。 Have you tried the Yummm! recipes? If yes, let us know your comment or advice, which will be published on our next issue, and receive a gift. Now send us the photo of your dish and comment by WeChat or by email, to win a $28 dollar 2014 Cherry Blossom Mascato 750ml Sparkling provided by Wynwood Estate Hunter Valley. Limited stocks. 2014 Cherry blossom Moscato Variety - Muscat of Alexandria Region - Hunter Valley Vintage - 2014 Volume - 750ml bottles Alcohol - 8.5% Food matching - as an aperitif, fruit based deserts or on it’s own Cellaring potential - this wine was made to be enjoyed now.

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007年的动画电影《料理鼠王》中总是重复着这样一句话:人 人都可以做大厨(Anyone can cook)。这句话最适用在筹备 派对的时候。 一年中最受期待的一个星期,莫过于圣诞新年的长假期,这期间没有旅行 计划的人,总不能没有派对。不要认为自己不擅煮便放弃开派对,或者受 到邀请便买瓶红酒或巧克力了事。这不但是你一展身手的时机,还是让全 家人参与动手的一项快乐家庭活动。我总是特别怀念小时候一大伙人筹备 过年食品的春节,节日的气氛不是依靠家里的装饰,而是用人气来营造。 圣诞与新年的派对食品有些需要提前准备,有些适合边煮边吃,做法需简 单省时,还要让参加派对的人不断有惊喜。看到这些要求,是不是觉得有 点头大?有简易的食谱,不必拘泥哪一国的风味,加上全家人做帮手,还 有什么好担心的呢? 在长假期间,来个混搭美食的派对,发挥所有人的想象力,让家人都变身 大厨和美食家吧。

Fusion foods party


quote from movie Ratatouille (2007) says: anyone can cook. This is particularly true when you prepare for a party.

Christmas and New Year holidays must be the most expected week in a year. If we have no plan to travel, we usually will have some parties. Instead of bringing a bottle or a box of chocolate to a party, you can take this opportunity as your show time. Or, host a party and ask the whole family to spend a happy cooking time together. What to prepare must be simple, timesaving, and giving surprise. Is that hard? No, not at all. Don’t worry about the cuisines, take everyone’s ideas, and have a happy party with fusion foods. Anyone in the family can be a good chef and critic at this moment. Michelle Liang Editor

X’mas & New Year


Classical chocolate cake 古典巧克力蛋糕

Prawns & vegetables terrine 蝦仁蔬菜凍



Tiramitsu chocolate 提拉米蘇巧克力

Custard Daifuku 卡士达大福

Cold ramen noodles 中華冷面

Christmas tree salad 菠菜聖誕樹沙拉

Black truffle ice cream 黑松露雪糕

X’mas & New Year



Contents Christmas & New Year 2015 Edition




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趣味派对 Fun party 除了好吃,还要好玩,这些食品更添节日气氛

Let the kids find the fun of cooking, and add some festive elements to your party

欢乐分享 Food to share 独享美食总是很无趣,分享的时候最快乐 We like the moment of sharing



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Magazine Team Editor Food Editor Food Editor Art Director Designer Contributors Advertising IT support

Michelle Liang Jenn Yang Ragny Zhang Lei Song Lvjiao Meng Lan Lu, Angela luo, Jame Xu, Ken Lee Leon Ho 0406 086 086 Asbing Technology Pty Ltd

亚洲风味烤 Asian Bakes


试试亚洲风烧烤带来的新鲜感 Try some Asian style grilling and baking

甜蜜假期 Sweets 假期一定要吃很多甜食,偶尔一次,就让口福之欲战胜理智好了 Don’t resist to the sweets in the holiday, let your appetite triumph over the reason

夏日轻食 Light meals for summer 吃得太多太腻?让肠胃轻松一下吧 Take a break for your stomach

Yum Media Pty Ltd ABN: 44 600 650 155 1A/66 Planthurst Rd, Carlton NSW 2218 T: (02) 8034 6508 E: info@yummm.com.au www.yummm.com.au

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Disclaimer  Yummm! Magazine considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible. However, reporting inaccuracies can occur, the publisher accept no responsibility in respect of any products, services or goods, or give any warranty for the completeness or accuracy for content, explanation or opinion presented in this publication. Prices and cooking time listed in the magazine are for reference only.

©Yum Media Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. 免责声明  《煮意》杂志认同其内容来源的可靠性,并尽力进行验证。然而,报道失准情况仍有发生的可能,关于杂志中任何产品、服务或其他物品本刊不承担责任,也不保证内 容、解释和观点的完全性和准确性。杂志中所示产品价格和烹饪时间只作参考之用。 版权归Yum Media Pty Ltd所有。未经书面许可,不得转载。 X’mas & New Year


虾仁蔬菜冻 ● ●


六人份 ● 准备时间20分钟 烹饪时间10分钟 ● 冷藏时间24小时

去壳虾仁150克 西葫芦(翠玉瓜)1个,切片 红甜椒1/2个,切条 火腿片75克 大白菜叶4片,去梗 新鲜罗勒5、6片 鸡汤500毫升 吉利丁粉10克 盐1/2茶匙

Prawns and vegetables terrine

1  虾仁在沸水中烫熟,捞出放凉; 2  鸡汤煮沸,加入西葫芦,红甜椒, 大白菜,中火煮2分钟捞出放凉; 3  鸡汤过滤掉渣质后静置至室温,加 入吉利丁粉,搅拌至完全融化,加盐和 黑胡椒调味; 4  模具内倒入3毫米鸡汤,在冷冻室 内放置10分钟快速凝固,取入后,依 次辅上罗勒、西葫芦、甜椒、虾肉、 火腿片和白菜叶,倒入剩余的鸡汤, 保上保鲜膜放入冰箱冷藏24小时至完 全凝固。

各种肉冻是法国菜里非常传统的食物, 但脂肪含量较高,而这一款则完全没有油腻感, 色彩缤纷又晶莹剔透,非常有夏天节日气氛, 是很适合提前一天准备好的派对食品。


西葫芦 (翠玉瓜)








Serves 6 ● Prep 20 mins Cooking 10 mins ● Chill 24 hrs

150g peeled prawns 1 green zucchini, thinly sliced ½ red capsicum, thinly sliced 75g sliced ham 4 wombok leaves, white parts removed 5-6 basil leaves 500ml chicken stock 10g gelatine powder ½ teaspoon salt 1  Cook the peeled prawns in boiling water, drain and set aside. 2  Boil the chicken stock in a large sauce pan, add the zucchini, red capsicum and wombok leaves, and cook over medium heat for 2 minutes. Drain and allow to chill. 3  Use a strainer to separate the scum from the chicken stock. Allow the chicken stock to chill, add gelatine powder, mix well. Add salt and pepper, to taste. 4  Pour the chicken stock into a baking pan at 3mm high, chill in the fridge for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the fridge, place the basil leaves, zucchini slices, capsicum, cooked prawns, ham and wombok in the pan, pour the remaining chicken stock over. Cover the pan with a cling wrap and chill in the fridge for 24 hours or until firm.


工 趣的



有 这么 mas 诞 树 做 吧 ! he Christ 圣 b! 装 饰 朋 友 去 corate t un jo 小 de his f t o 给 t e s v 交 ill lo e kid w th Ask they lad, a s e tre

菠菜圣诞树沙拉 ●

六人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间10分钟

鲜虾云吞汤 ●

波菜600克,切长段 香油1汤匙 蛋黄酱4汤匙 港式茶餐厅怎么可以没有云吞面,熬汤、做馅、打面都 芝麻酱1汤匙 极费功夫和讲究,是外表普通内在不凡的代表,在家想 蛋清1个,打散 要模仿的话,可是需要一番耐心。 清水50克 生粉2茶匙 樱桃番茄1个,切成星花型 玉米粒若干 番茄圈或红椒条若干 1  波菜用沸水烫软,捞起拌入香油, 放凉后堆成树状; 2  清水与生粉混合,慢火加热至沸 腾,离火,倒入蛋清液,稍稍搅拌至 蛋白凝结; 3  蛋黄酱与芝麻酱混合,淋到波菜 树上,浇上煮好的蛋白,树顶放上樱 桃番茄,用玉米粒和番茄红椒等装饰 即可。


Serves 6 ● Prep 10 mins Cooking 10 mins

600g English spinach, cut widthways into twos 1 tablespoon sesame oil 4 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon sesame paste 1 egg white, lightly beaten 50g water 2 tablespoons tapioca starch or corn starch 1 cherry tomato, cut a zig-zag pattern around the circumference corn kernels capsicum slices, or tomato slices (seeded) 1  Cook the spinach in boiling water until tender, drain and combine with sesame oil. Allow to chill, and pile up. 2  Combine the water and the tapioca starch in a small sauce pan, cook over low heat until just boiled. Turn off the heat, pour the egg white into the pan, lightly stir and allow the egg white to solidify. 3  Combine the mayonnaise and sesame paste, drizzle on the spinach pile, and decorate with egg white, cherry tomato, corn kernels and capsicum slices.

Authentic Canton wonton soup

X’mas & New Year


中华冷面 ● ●

二人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 冷藏时间1小时 ● 烹饪时间13分钟

鸡蛋1个,打成蛋液 黄瓜半根,切丝 火腿半盒,切丝 西红柿1个,切薄片 日本拉面250克 醬汁: 鸡精1/2汤匙,加热水3汤匙,搅拌均匀 芝麻酱2汤匙 白芝麻2汤匙 味噌1/2汤匙 酱油3汤匙 米醋3汤匙(可用白醋) 糖3汤匙 香油1/2汤匙 姜汁1茶匙(可将生姜磨成末,然后挤 出姜汁来) 水120毫升 1  将醬汁材料搅拌在一起,放在冰箱 里冷藏一个小时左右; 2  鸡蛋液煎成薄薄的蛋饼,切细丝; 3  煮好拉面,倒入笊篱里,用凉水反 复冲洗,直至面变得和凉水一样温度; 4  面控完水之后装入盘中,上面放 好鸡蛋丝,黄瓜丝,火腿丝和西红柿 片,浇上醬汁,拌好即可享用。 Tips: 可用鸡肉代替火腿,用白水将鸡肉煮 熟,然后用手撕成细丝。也可用烧鸡 来代替。 10



Serves 2 ● Prep 10 mins

Chill 1 hr ● Cooking 13 mins

1 Egg, beaten ½ cucumber, cut into matchsticks 50g sliced ham, cut into strips 1 tomato, thinly sliced 250g Japanese ramen Dressing: ½ tablespoon chicken powder, mixed with 3 tablespoons hot water 2 tablespoons sesame paste 2 tablespoons white sesame ½ tablespoon miso 3 tablespoons soy sauce 3 tablespoons rice vinegar (or white vinegar) 3 tablespoons sugar ½ tablespoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon juice of ginger (grate a ginger and squeeze to make the ginger juice)

120ml water 1  Combine all the dressing ingredients, chill in the fridge for 1 hour. 2  Use a frypan to cook the egg into skinny omelette, and cut into thin strips. Set aside. 3  Boil a large pot of water, and cook the ramen until tender. Transfer to a strainer, and rinse the noodles with cold water until the noodles’ temperature as low as the water. 4  Drain and transfer the noodles to a dish, place the omelette, cucumber, ham and tomatoes on top, drizzle with the dressing. Mix and serve. Tips: You can also use shredded chicken to take the place of ham, and roasted chicken is also good.

泰式牛肉沙拉 ● ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间15分钟 腌制时间10分钟 ● 烹饪时间5分钟 冷藏时间30分钟

牛排(RUMP)200克 黑胡椒碎1茶匙 海盐1茶匙 橄榄油1汤匙 杂菜450克 - 紫色卷心菜,切丝 - 白色卷心菜,切丝 - 胡萝卜,切丝 - 香葱,切丝 - 红甜椒,切丝 - 香菜,切段 - 青豆角,沸水烫2分钟,冲凉水 生抽1汤匙 白醋1茶匙 鱼露1茶匙 砂糖1汤匙 泰式甜辣酱1汤匙 1  牛肉用黑胡椒碎和海盐腌10分 钟。平底锅烧至高温,在牛排上刷一 层橄榄油,下锅煎至五成熟,取出放 凉(至少5分钟),切薄片备用; 2  杂菜加入所有调味料拌匀,铺上牛 肉片,放入冰箱冷藏半个小时。


Serves 4 ● Prep 15 mins ● Marinate 10 mins ● Cooking 5 mins ● Chill 30 mins

200g Rump steak 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 tablespoon olive oil 450g Vegetables - red cabbage, shredded - white cabbage, shredded - carrot, shredded - spring onions, thinly sliced - red capsicum, cut into 5cm sticks - coriander, chopped - green beans, boiled for 2 minutes and chill with cold water 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon white vinegar

1 teaspoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon Thai sweet chilli sauce 1  Marinate the beef with black pepper and sea salt for 10 minutes. Heat the frying pan over medium high heat, brush the rump steak with olive oil, and add to the pan. Cook until medium rare and transfer to a dish and allow it to rest (at least 5 minutes). Thinly slice the rump steak and set aside. 2  Combine the vegetables and the remaining ingredients, mix well. Line the beef slices on top, and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

快捷方式 Sneaky way 直接在超市购买包装好的蔬菜沙拉,可以节省洗和切的时间。 Use the vegetable salad pack purchased from supermarkets and save your time.

X’mas & New Year



Creamy Christmas soup 白红绿三色的圣诞奶油汤充满了浓郁的节日气息, 推荐亲子一起动手烹制,为圣诞节再增添几分欢乐吧。

圣诞奶油汤 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间45分钟

土豆2个,去皮 红甜椒1/4个,切丁 西兰花1/4个 吐司四片,剪成圣诞树形状 鲜奶油100毫升 牛奶350毫升 盐和黑椒粉少许 1  土豆蒸软,趁热加入牛奶,盐,黑椒 粉,用搅拌器打成液体状,倒入锅中; 2  开水煮西兰花一分钟,煮红甜椒 20秒,捞出沥水备用; 3  将圣诞树状的面包片放入烤箱,烤 成金黄色; 4  加热锅中的土豆牛奶汤,将鲜奶油 加入锅中,用盐和黑椒粉继续调味; 5  汤沸腾前关火,盛入盘中,将西 兰花掰碎,和红椒丁一起随意撒入汤 中,最后放进圣诞树吐司即可。


Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins Cooking 45 mins

2 potatoes, peeled ¼ red capsicum, diced ¼ broccoli 4 pieces toasts, trimmed into shape of Christmas tree 100ml light cream 350ml milk Salt and pepper, to taste 1  Steam the potatoes until tender, transfer the potatoes to the container of a blender, add the milk, salt and pepper when the potatoes still warm. Blend the ingredients until smooth, and transfer to a large sauce pan. 2  Cook the broccoli in boiling water for 1 minute, and cook the red capsicum dices for 20 seconds. Drain and set aside. 3  Toast the Christmas tree toasts in the oven until golden. 4  Heat the potato soup in the large saucepan, add the light cream, salt and pepper. 5  Turn off the heat before the soup boil. Transfer the soup to bowls, scatter each bowl of soup with small broccoli florets (break the cooked broccoli into small florets) and red capsicum dices, and place a piece of Christmas tree toast in the centre.




Caramel onions puff pinwheels

超市有很多非常方便的食材,特别适合喜欢别出新裁的人, 比方说这种甜洋葱味的酥皮卷,味道有惊喜哦!

焦糖洋葱车轮卷 ● ●

五人份 ● 准备时间20分钟 烹饪时间45分钟

洋葱1个,切细丝 黄油15克 红糖50克 盐1茶匙 黑胡椒1/4茶匙 冷冻酥皮2块 提前解冻 全蛋液2汤匙 红甜椒1/3个,切小粒(可选) 1  小锅加热黄油至融化后,放入洋 葱,中火炒至变软,加入全部红糖, 转小火慢煮20分钟,中间不时翻拌防 止糊底; 2  加入盐和黑胡椒调味,盛出放凉; 3  取1张酥皮均匀铺满洋葱,卷起, 用棉线切成5份,两张一共10份,表 面涂蛋液; 4  烤箱预热200度,烤12分钟或烤至 金黄。


Serves 5 ● Prep 20 mins Cooking 45 mins

1 onion, thinly sliced 15g butter 50g brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed 2 tablespoons beaten egg 1/3 red capsicum, cut into small dices (optional) 1  Melt the butter in a milk pan, add the onions and cook until tender. Add the brown sugar, and reduce to low heat, keep stirring to avoid burning at the bottom, cook for 20 minutes. 2  Add salt and pepper, transfer to a dish and allow to chill. 3  Spread the caramel onions and red capsicum dices within each pastry sheet, and carefully roll up to form a cylinder. Use a dental floss or thread to slice each roll into 5 thick slices, 10 slices in total. Brush with beaten egg. 4  Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 12 minutes or until golden. X’mas & New Year


简便又无拘无束的做法和吃法, 绝对适合好朋友之间热闹的聚会。

欢乐分享手撕面包 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间15分钟 烹饪时间20分钟

维也纳大面包1个 马苏里拉芝士碎200克 黄油 50克,室温放至变软 蒜头 4瓣,剁成蒜泥 培根3条,切碎 洋葱1个,切碎 红椒1/2个,切碎 青椒1/2个,切碎 蘑菇5个,切片 新鲜欧芹碎 2 汤匙 黑胡椒碎1/2茶匙 1  培根、洋葱、红椒、蘑菇放入锅内 炒3分钟盛出备用; 2  大面包表面每隔3厘米纵向横向分 别切开,注意不要切断,用锡纸包住 底部; 3  黄油与蒜泥拌匀,用刀抹在面包的 缝里,尽可能多地塞入炒过的食材, 然后撒上欧芹碎和黑胡椒碎,盖上大 量的芝士碎; 4  烤箱预热180度,放入面包烤20分 钟,至芝士融化即可。 Tips: 所有你喜欢的披萨馅料,都可以用在 这个大面包里,但要减少番茄酱的用 量。


Serves 4 ● Prep 15 mins ● Cooking 20 mins

1 white Vienna loaf 200g shredded mozzarella cheese 50g butter, softened under room temperature 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 3 pieces bacons, chopped 1 onion, chopped ½ red capsicum, chopped ½ green capsicum, chopped 5 mushrooms, sliced 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley



½ teaspoon ground black pepper 1  Heat a fry pan, stir fry the bacons, onion, capsicums and mushrooms for 3 minutes. Dish out and set aside. 2  Slice the bread horizontally and vertically into 3cm cubes. Do not slice all the way through the loaf — leave bottom of the loaf intact with the bread pieces still attached. Wrap the bottom of the loaf with foil. 3  Combine the softened butter and

garlics, spread in the cuts. Stuff the cooked ingredients into the bread as more as possible, and sprinkle with parsley and pepper, finally, stuff with shredded cheese. 4  Preheat the oven at 180°C, bake the loaf for 20 minutes, or until the cheese melted. Tips: You may put all your favorite pizza topping in this loaf, but less tomato paste.

日式烤串 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间15-30分钟

鸡腿肉600克,切成小块; 葱3棵,切成3cm的小段; (可加洋葱,蕃茄,甜椒等蔬菜适量,切成 小块) 醬汁: 蚝油 50毫升 味霖 20毫升 生抽 20毫升 白糖 2大匙 米酒 2大匙 蒜1块,磨成末 1  用少许酱油,米酒和白糖将鸡肉块腌制30 分钟; 2  将鸡肉块,葱段和蔬菜块用竹签串在一起; 3  用炭火或煎锅两面烧烤,肉熟透即可;烤 箱预热至250度,烤串20~30分钟,直至两面 都呈现焦黄色; 4  调好醬汁,刷在烤串两面。 Tips: 蔬菜可根据个人喜好选择,蘑菇,青椒,南瓜 和菠萝都不错哦。


Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins Cooking 15-30 mins

600g chicken thigh fillet, cut into 2cm dices 3 bunches spring onions, cut into 3cm in length (you can add onions, tomatoes, capsicums, etc.)

Dressing: 50ml oyster sauce 20ml mirin 20ml soy sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons rice wine 1 garlic clove, grated 1  Marinate the chicken for 30 minutes with 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon rice wine and 1 tablespoon sugar. 2  Thread the chicken dices and spring onions, and vegetables onto the bamboo skewers. 3  Grill the skewers over charcoal or in a griddle; or preheat the oven at 250°C, grill the chicken skewers for 20-30 minutes until golden. 4  Combine the remaining ingredients for dressing, brush onto the skewers. Tips: Just add your favorite vegies and fruits on the skewers, such as mushroom, green capsicum, pumpkin and pineapple. X’mas & New Year


菠萝烤鸡腿 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间90分钟

鸡腿4个 蕃茄2个,切大块 菠萝1/2个,去皮切块 大蒜1头,不用去皮 洋葱1/2个,切丝 百里香3支,折小段 罗勒1支 海盐1.5茶匙 黑胡椒1茶匙 白葡萄酒1汤匙 橄榄油1汤匙 1  蕃茄块和菠萝块铺在烤盆底层,放 上鸡腿,淋白酒,撒上盐和黑胡椒, 把橄榄油涂抹在鸡皮上; 2  带皮蒜瓣放在鸡腿旁边,洋葱丝用 橄榄油炒香,与百里香和罗勒一起铺 在鸡腿上; 3  烤箱预热190度,放入鸡腿后,转 170后,烤90分钟即可。 Tips: 盐要撒在皮上,橄榄油也要擦在皮 上,这样表皮才会香脆。 16



Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins ● Cooking 90 mins

4 drumsticks 2 tomatoes, cut into wedges ½ pineapple, peeled and sliced 1 head garlic ½ onion, thinly sliced 3 sprigs thyme, broken into small sections 1 bunch basil 1.5 teaspoons sea salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 tablespoon white wine 1 tablespoon olive oil 1  Line the tomatoes and pineapple pieces in the baking dish, and then put the drumsticks on top. Drizzle with white wine, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and brush the olive oil on the chicken skin. 2  Heat a fry pan and cook the onion slices with olive oil until fragrant. Transfer the onion slices to the baking dish. Place the garlic cloves around the drumsticks, scatter with thyme and basil. 3  Preheat the oven at 190°C, put the dish in the oven, reduce the heat to 170°C, and

bake for 90 minutes. Tips: Rub the chicken skin with sea salt and olive oil will help to make it crispy.

香菇焗鹌鹑蛋 ● ●

准备时间10分钟 烹饪时间15分钟


鹌鹑蛋20个 小香菇20个,清水泡发,剪去香菇梗 猪肉碎100克(牛肉、鸡肉都可以) 白胡椒粉1/2茶匙 姜蓉1茶匙 香葱1条,切碎 生抽1汤匙 料酒2茶匙 黑胡椒碎2茶匙 海盐1茶匙 海苔碎2茶匙 1  肉碎内加入白胡椒粉、姜蓉、香葱 碎、生抽、料酒混合均匀,用筷子顺 时针搅拌两分钟,至粘稠; 2  小型玛芬蛋糕模内壁刷油,每个模 内依次放入1小匙肉馅,1个香菇(底 面朝上),在香菇盏内打入一个鹌鹑 蛋; 3  烤箱预热200度,烤15分钟,取出 后,撒上黑胡椒碎、海盐和海苔碎即 可。


Prep 10 mins ● Soaking 1 hr Cooking 15 mins

20 quail eggs* 20 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked in water for 1 hour, stems removed* 100g pork mince (beef or chicken minces are also good) ½ teaspoon ground white pepper 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 bunch spring onion, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 teaspoons cooking wine 2 teaspoons ground black pepper 1 teaspoon sea salt 2 teaspoons crumbed seaweed (sushi seaweed sheets, crumbed) 1  Combine the pork mince, white pepper, ginger, spring onion, soy sauce and cooking wine, stir clockwise for 2 minutes or until sticky. 2  Brush the mini muffin pan with oil, add 1 spoonful of pork mince into each cup, place a shiitake mushroom on top and break a quail egg into each mushroom cap. 3  Preheat the oven at 200°C, bake for 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven, and transfer to a dish, sprinkle with ground black pepper, sea salt and seaweed crumbs. X’mas & New Year


力 克 蛋 巧 典 糕 古

h c o l c a o c i l a s s te c ak a l C




古典巧克力蛋糕 ●



黑巧克力 130克 无盐黄油 90克 鲜奶油 75克 蛋黄 4个 细砂糖 180克 低筋面粉 25克 纯可可粉 75克 蛋白 5个,冷藏 1  巧克力和黄油隔热水融化,加入蛋 黄搅拌均匀; 2  鲜奶油隔热水加热至人体温度,加 入巧克力蛋黄糊搅拌均匀; 3  低筋面粉与可可粉混合,筛入糊 里,加入一半份量砂糖(90克),隔 热水搅拌均匀; 4  蛋白分三次加入剩余的90克砂 糖,打至提起打蛋器形成小弯勾的程 度(湿性打发); 5  取1/3量的蛋白与巧克力糊切拌均 匀,再把剩下的蛋白全部加进来,切 拌均匀,倒进模具,在台面上稍微震 几下除去大汽泡; 6  在一个大的烤盘上注入2厘米的热 水,烤箱预热160度,把模具放在烤 盘中,烤制50分钟,关火焖10钟; 7  取出放凉,撒糖粉及巧克力树叶装饰。 Tips: 1  鸡蛋选用中等偏大一点的,每个大 约60到65克; 2  如果喜欢生一点的口感,可以缩短 烤制时间至半小时,趁热吃会有流心 蛋糕的感觉。


Prep 30 mins ● Baking 50 mins

130g dark chocolate 90g unsalted butter 75g cream 4 egg yolks 180g caster sugar 25g self-raising flour 75g cocoa powder 5 egg whites, chilled in the fridge 1  Combine the chocolate and butter in a mixing bowl over a warm water bath, add the egg yolks and mix well. 2  Heat the cream over a warm water bath until approx. 37°C, add the chocolate mixture and mix well. 3  Combine the self-raising flour and cocoa powder, sift over the chocolate mixture. Add 90g caster sugar, and mix well. 4  Beat the egg whites to soft peak form, add the remaining sugar in three batches

during the course of beating. 5  Fold 1/3 of the egg whites in the chocolate batter gently, and then add the remaining egg whites until combined. Pour the batter into a baking pan, lightly tap on the work surface to knock out any bubbles. 6  Fill a large baking tray with water to 2cm high, preheat the oven at 160°C, put the baking pan in the tray and bake for 50 minutes, remain the cake in the oven for 10 minutes. 7  Remove the baking pan from the oven, and chill. Dust with icing sugar and decorate with Chocolates leaves. Tips: 1  Select large eggs approx. 60g-65g each. 2  If you like a softer texture, reduce the baking time to 30 minutes, and the cake will be very soft in centre when warm.

HOW TO MAKE CHOCOLATE LEAVES 50g dark chocolate 6-8 fresh leaves

巧克力树叶的制作方法 黑巧克力 50克 新鲜树叶6~8片 1  隔水融化巧克力; 2  在叶子背面涂一层巧克力,放入冷 藏室15分钟后取出,再涂一层,冷藏 一个小时至完全冻硬,揭去树叶。 Tips: 选择较厚且背面叶脉突出的叶子作为模具。

1  Melt the chocolate in a small sauce pan or mixing bowl over a hot water bath. 2  Brush the melted chocolate on the back of the leaves, transfer to the freezer to freeze for 15 minutes. Remove from the freezer, brush with chocolate for a second layer. Chill in the fridge for 1 hour until firm. Remove the leaves. Tips: Use thick leaves with conspicuous leaf veins as the chocolate mould. X’mas & New Year


TIRAMISU CHOCOLATE 100g mascarpone cheese 60g cream 100g water 30g caster sugar 1 egg yolk 2g gelatine powder 40ml black coffee 15ml marsala wine or rum 1 piece chiffon cake, cut into 1cm dices 150g dark chocolate 90g butter Cheese batter 1  Use a hand mixer to beat the egg yolk until pale and thick. 2  Combine the sugar with 75g water, and bring to boil. Turn off the heat, slowly add the egg yolk and use a whisk to beat for 5 minutes. Set aside. 3  Beat the mascarpone cheese until smooth, and combine with the egg yolk batter. 4  Whip the cream to soft peak, add to the cheese and egg yolk mixture. 5  Combine the gelatine powder with 25g water, mix well and pour into the cheese batter. Allow to rest for 30 minutes or the mixture start to solidify. Tiramisu chocolate 1  Combine the black coffee and marsala wine. Set aside.

提拉米苏巧克力 马斯卡彭芝士 100克 鲜奶油60克 清水100克 细砂糖30克 蛋黄1个 吉利丁粉2克 浓缩咖啡40毫升 马萨拉酒或朗姆酒15毫升 戚风蛋糕片1片,切成1厘米见方的小 粒 黑巧克力150克 黄油90克 芝士糊 1  蛋黄用打蛋器打发到浓稠的状态; 2  取75克清水与砂糖混合成糖水, 加热至沸腾,关火,缓缓加入蛋黄, 继续搅打5分钟,放凉备用; 3  马斯卡彭芝士用打蛋器搅打到顺 滑,加入蛋黄糊中拌匀; 20


4  鲜奶油搅打至刚刚出现纹路,加入 拌匀; 5  吉利丁粉加入25克清水中,混合 搅拌至融化,加入芝士糊中拌匀,静 置半小时,待芝士糊稍稍凝结; 提拉米苏巧克力 1  咖啡与朗姆酒混合成咖啡酒; 2  巧克力与黄油隔水水融化; 3  取中型巧克力模具,在模具内涂刷 一层稍厚的巧克力液,放入冰箱冷冻 室冻15分钟至凝固; 4  取出模具,在每个模子内填入少量 的芝士糊,把蛋糕粒在咖啡酒中快速 地蘸一下,放在中间,再用适量芝士 糊覆盖。重复这一步骤填满模具; 5  放入冰箱冷冻15分钟再拿出来, 最后用巧克力液完全封口; 6  放入冰箱冷藏室,冷藏2个小时以 上,取出小心脱模。

2  Melt the chocolate and butter in a mixing bowl over a hot water bath. 3  Brush the melted chocolate in a chocolate mould, and freeze in the fridge for 15 minutes. 4  Remove the mould from the fridge, put a spoonful of cheese batter in a cup of the mould, dip a cake dice in the coffee and rum mixture quickly and place it in the center of the cup, and cover with another spoonful of cheese batter. Repeat the step to fill all the cups of the mould. 5  Freeze for 15 minutes and remove from the fridge, brush with chocolate to seal. 6  Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours, remove the chocolate from the mould carefully.


Black truffle ice cream 只需一点点黑松露,就能让这款甜品散发强烈的芳香, 圣诞派对上怎能缺少令人惊喜的味觉体验。

黑松露冰淇淋 ● ●

六至八人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 冷藏时间120分钟

鲜奶油250克 蛋黄2个 细砂糖65克 松露15克,切碎 牛奶25克 1  蛋黄中加入砂糖和牛奶,隔热 水用打蛋器混合打发至发白,加入 松露碎放凉备用; 2  鲜奶油打发至纹路明显且不会 消失; 3  取1/4的奶油加入蛋黄液中混合 均匀无颗粒,再加入剩下的奶油, 切拌均匀,倒入保鲜盒中 冷冻2个 小时以上。 Tips: 如果购买瓶装的黑松露有松露油, 可以代替牛奶加入。


Serves 6-8 ● Prep 10 mins Chill 120 mins

250g thickened cream 2 egg yolks 65g caster sugar 15g black truffle, finely chopped 25g milk 1  Combine the egg yolks with the sugar and milk in a mixing bowl, put the bowl over a hot water bath, use a hand mixer to whisk the egg until pale. Add the black truffle. 2  Whip the cream to soft peak. 3  Combine ¼ of the cream with the egg yolk batter, mix well, and add the remaining cream, gently fold the mixture until just combined. Pour the mixture into a container, cover and freeze in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Tips: If you purchase the black truffle with truffle oil in bottle, use the truffle oil instead of milk. X’mas & New Year


大福(或麻薯)看起来简 单,但是要做出好口感,关 键在糯米皮。除了水和粉的 比例,制作过程有诀窍哦。

卡士达芒果大福 ●


糯米皮 糯米粉 50克 苹果番茄汁(或番茄汁)50毫升 牛奶 45毫升 砂糖 25克 生粉少许,撒在菜板上 卡士达芒果馅 1  苹果番茄汁与牛奶混合; 2  糯米粉与糖放入碗中,慢慢倒入步 骤1的混合液,搅拌至糯米粉完全溶 解; 3  在碗上盖好保鲜膜,微波炉调500 瓦或中火加热2分钟; 4  把碗从微波炉中拿出来,用勺把面 团与未凝固的水分搅拌均匀,盖好保 鲜膜,再放入微波炉继续加热1分钟; 5  用湿过水的小勺挖一块面团,放 在撒了生粉的菜板上,用手把面团滚 圆,压扁,再抻开成圆形糯米皮,包 入卡士达芒果馅,收口即成。 Tips: 馅料先做好,加热好的面团要趁温热 的时候包馅,弹性与黏性最好,放凉 之后稍微变硬,难以操作。


Serves 6

Sticky rice wrappers 50g glutinous rice powder 50ml apple tomato juice (or tomato juice) 45ml milk 25g caster sugar corn flower, scattered on a chopping board custard and mango filling 1  Combine the apple tomato juice with the milk. 2  Put the glutinous rice powder and sugar in a bowl, slowly pour the mixture made in step 1 and mix well. 3  Cover the bowl with microwave-safe cling wrap, heat in the microwave oven at 500 watt (or medium heat) for 2 minutes. 4  Take the bowl out, use a spoon to mix the dough and juice mixture. Cover with cling wrap and return to the microwave oven, cook for 1 minute at medium heat. 5  Use a wet spoon to scoop a small piece of the dough, put on the chopping board. Roll the dough piece into a ball, and press, then stretch into a disc. Wrap the filling in, and seal. Tips: Make the filling first. It’s easy to do the wrapping when the dough still warm. The heated glutinous rice dough is sticky and stretchy, but turns firmer after chilling.

卡士达芒果馅做法 芒果肉50克,切丁 卡士达粉 2汤匙 牛奶150毫升 糖1.5汤匙 1  卡士达粉、牛奶和糖混合均 匀,用小火加热并不停搅拌,直至 变成糊状之后,再煮3分钟; 2  撕一张保鲜膜摊在手上,放一 大匙卡士达糊在中间,放一颗芒果 丁在卡士达糊上,用手指把芒果丁 压进去,把保鲜膜收紧,馅料部分 泡在冰水中冷却; 3  彻底冷却之后,打开 保鲜膜, 馅料便可凝固成球型。

CUSTARD AND MANGO FILLING 50g mango, diced 2 tablespoons custard powder 150ml milk 1.5 tablespoons caster sugar 1  Combine the custard powder, milk and sugar in a small sauce pan, mix well. Cook over low heat and keep stirring, after the mixture turns into batter form, simmer for 3 minutes. 2  Tear off a piece of cling wrap, scoop a spoonful of custard in the centre, and then use your finger to press a mango dice in, fold up the cling wrap. Chill in cold water (filling part only). 3  The filling will solidify into a small ball for easy wrapping.

直接用清水代替苹果番茄汁可做 原味糯米皮。 Simply use water instead of apple tomato juice to make original flavour wrappers.



双色果汁苏打 ●



石榴1个 芒果肉100克,切块 菠萝片100克 蜂蜜 2汤匙 冰镇苏打水200毫升 1  芒果菠萝和蜂蜜放入果汁机中,搅 拌至糊状,蜂蜜完全融化为止; 2  石榴子捣碎磨汁,用筛网隔渣,石 榴汁倒入一个大碗中,加入苏打水搅 拌; 3  玻璃杯中注入打好的芒果菠萝汁, 用一根筷子贴在杯边,沿着筷子慢慢 注入石榴苏打水。


Serves 2 ● Prep 15 mins

1 red or pink pomegranate 100g cubed peeled mango 100g pineapple slices 2 tablespoons honey 200ml cold soda water 1  Combine the mango, pineapple and honey in a blender, blend until smooth. 2  Grind the pomegranate seeds, and use a strainer to remove the scum. Pour the pomegranate juice in a bowl, add soda water and mix well. 3  Pour the mango and pineapple mixture in a glass, cling a chopstick to the edge of the glass, pour the pomegranate soda along the chopstick.

X’mas & New Year



私房混搭乌冬 ●




乌冬面 1份(200克) 海鲜酱 1汤匙 芝麻酱 1汤匙 泰式甜辣酱 1/2汤匙 香油 1/2汤匙 1  乌冬面放入沸水煮2分钟,捞出冲凉水冷却; 2  拌入海鲜酱、芝麻酱、泰式甜辣酱,用香 油来调整酱汁的浓稠至你喜好的程度即可; 3  撒上日本饭素。


Serve 1 ● Prep 5 mins ● Cooking 5 mins

200g udon noodles 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce 1 tablespoon sesame paste ½ tablespoon Thai chilli sauce ½ tablespoon sesame oil 1  Cook the udon noodles in boiling water for 2 minutes, rinse with cold water and drain. 2  Combine the udon noodles with hoisin sauce, sesame paste, Thai chilli sauce and sesame oil. 3  Sprinkle with Japanese rice seasonings.

凉拌的菜式, 很多都符合“轻食”的概念, 吃下去让人感到身心愉悦之余又没 有什么负担感。 天气越来越热的夏日, 不如来一份凉风轻食。

日式溏心蛋 ●




鸡蛋 1个 日式酱油或生抽 1汤匙 味霖 1汤匙 清水 3汤匙 1  酱油、味霖和清水混合后煮开放凉备用; 2  鸡蛋放入冷水锅,开小火慢煮,期间不断 翻动鸡蛋; 3  水沸腾后,继续煮3~4分钟(视鸡蛋大小 调整),立即关火用流水冲至变凉; 4  把剝壳的鸡蛋和酱汁装进小密封盒内,放 入冰箱冷藏一晚。


Serve 1 ● Prep 15 mins ● Marinate 12 hrs

1 egg 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon mirin 3 tablespoons water 1  Combine the soy sauce, mirin and water and then boil. Set aside. 2  Starting with cold water, add the egg and bring to boil, use a spoon to turn the egg. 3  After it reaches a boil, cook for 3-4 minutes (depending on the size of the egg), turn off the heat and chill under running water. 4  Put the peeled egg and sauce in a small container, chill in the fridge overnight.




Healthy dinner in holidays 节日往往吃得太多太油腻,放假期间想要清淡一下,推荐这两个食谱,健康又美味, 在没有派对的时间里,就这样简简单单地解决晚餐吧。 You may have too many barbecue foods, too many sweets in too many parties. Wanna have a break? These two recipes are recommended for your easy dinner.

三色饭便当 ● ●

三至四人份 ● 准备时间5分钟 烹饪时间20分钟

鸡肉碎250克 鸡蛋5个,搅打均匀 姜汁1茶匙 酒3汤匙 糖2.5汤匙 生抽1汤匙 老抽1汤匙 盐1茶匙 豆角100克,煮熟之后切细丝备用 米饭 红姜丝少许 1  将姜汁,酱油,2汤匙酒和1.5汤匙 糖混在一个碗里调好; 2  锅里放少许油,炒熟鸡肉碎,加入 步骤1的调味料,继续翻炒,直到所有 水分收干,装盘备用; 3  盆中放入鸡蛋,1汤匙酒,1汤匙 糖和1茶匙盐,搅拌均匀; 4  锅中放少许油,热了之后加入鸡蛋 液,一边翻炒一边用铲子不停搅碎, 直到鸡蛋炒成小粒; 5  便当盒内装满一半米饭,饭上面依 序铺好鸡肉碎,鸡蛋碎和豆角丝,最 后加以红姜丝装饰。 Tips: 可以用煮好的菠菜来代替豆角。


Serves 3-4 ● Prep 5 mins ● Cooking 20 mins

250g chicken mince 5 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon juice of ginger 3 tablespoons cooking wine 2.5 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce 1 teaspoon salt 100g green beans, boiled and thinly sliced cooked rice

pickled red ginger, to garnish 1  Combine the juice of ginger, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine and 1.5 tablespoons sugar in a bowl. 2  Heat a fry pan, add oil and stir fry the chicken mince, pour the sauce made in step 1, mix well and cook until the sauce dried out. Transfer to a dish, and set aside. 3  Combine the eggs, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1

teaspoon salt in a mixing bowl. 4  Add oil in the fry pan, and then add the egg wash when heated. Keep scrambling until solid. 5  Place the chicken mince, scrambled eggs, and green beans on bed of the rice, garnish with pickled ginger. Tips: You may use spinach in place of green beans. X’mas & New Year


泰式炒豆腐 ● ●

四人份 ● 准备时间10分钟 腌制时间15分钟 ● 烹饪时间20分钟


油豆泡200克 鸡肉碎300克 蒜蓉1汤匙 姜末1汤匙 香茅碎1/2汤匙 柠檬叶3片,切碎 香菜1支,切段 蚝油1汤匙 生抽1汤匙 鱼露1/2茶匙 青柠汁1/2茶匙 料酒1汤匙 盐1茶匙 胡椒1/4茶匙 清水150毫升 玉米油2汤匙(烹饪用) 1  鸡肉碎加入料酒、盐和胡椒腌制 15分钟; 2  加热炒锅,下2汤匙玉米油,倒入 蒜蓉和姜末炒出香味,下鸡肉碎炒至 肉色变白,加入香茅碎和柠檬叶翻炒 1分钟后,放入油豆腐,下蚝油、生 抽、鱼露、青柠汁翻炒均匀,然后加 入清水煮沸,待汤汁基本收干之后, 拌入香菜即可出锅。 26


Serves 4 ● Prep 10 mins ● Marinate 15 mins ● Cooking 20 mins

200g deep fried tofu 300g chicken mince 1 tablespoon finely chopped garlics 1 tablespoon finely chopped ginger ½ tablespoon lemongrass, thinly sliced 3 kaffir lime leaves, finely chopped 1 bunch coriander, coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon oyster sauce 1 tablespoon fish sauce ½ teaspoon lime juice 1 tablespoon cooking wine 1 teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper 150ml water

2 tablespoon corn oil 1  Marinate the chicken mince with cooking wine, salt and pepper for 15 minutes. 2  Heat the wok, add the oil, garlic and ginger, stir fry until fragrant. Add the chicken mince and cook until whitened, add the lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, stir fry for 1 minute. Add the tofu, oyster sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce and lime juice, toss well. Pour the water into the wok and cook until nearly dry out, add the coriander, mix well and dish out.

Tips: 也可以用北豆腐做这道菜,将北豆腐切小方块,裹上生粉后煎 或炸至金黄色,再进行余下步骤。 You can also use firm tofu in place of the fried tofu. Cut the firm tofu into small cubes, coat with tapioca starch or corn starch, and then pan fry or deep fry until golden.

Indian Aroma Restaurant

Change Your Notion of Indian Cuisine

Indian Aroma餐厅 让你对印度餐改观 印度菜总是给人一种非常辣的印象,Indian Aroma餐厅的Soman说这是个 错误的想法,他是悉尼最受欢迎印度厨师之一。印度菜中许多的菜式的味 道小朋友也能接受,使用多种香料和香草不仅仅是为了增加味道和香气, 还考虑到帮助消化和营养价值。 用酸奶和马萨拉(Masala)腌制的鲜嫩唐杜里烤羊排(Tandoori Lamb Cutlets),味道超赞;蒜香烧饼(Garlic Naan)口感香软;而帕帕丹 (Pappadams)则薄而脆,配着特色沾酱(Side Dish Platter),让人越吃越想 吃;爱吃辣的人,试试果阿辣咖喱牛肉(Goan Beef Vindaloo),与印度香米 饭(Basmati Steamed Rice)是绝配。 It is an incorrect notion that Indian food is always “hot”, says Soman, one of the most popular Indian chefs in Sydney. The spices and herbs are used not only for flavour and aroma but also for their digestive and nutritional values. The Tandoori Lamb Cutlets are made with lamb eye cutlets marinated in yogurt and tandoori masala. The Garlic Naan is tender, while the Pappadams are crispy, which come with sauces of different flavours (Side Dish Platter). If you are a spicy food lover, don’t miss the hot dish Goan Beef Vindaloo, a perfect match with the Basmati Steamed Rice.

Average cost per person: $30-$40 Address: Shop 1&2, 1 Ocean Grove Ave, Cronulla NSW 2230 Tel: (02) 9523 3200 www.indianaroma.com.au X’mas & New Year


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X’mas & New Year


2015年第1期预告 In the 1st issue 2015 Chinese New Year: Joyfulness never ends

农历新春:快乐不停歇 身在海外,悉尼的热辣农历新年依然很有气氛,圣诞和元旦假期余兴未尽?还有中国羊年 春节值得期待,虽然没有法定假期,但有夜市和游行不可错过,更有传统美食不可不吃。 Joyfulness is never enough even the Christmas and New Year holidays end. The Chinese New Year is another festive time in this summer. The Year of Goat (or Sheep) Spring Festival is worth expecting. don’t miss the night markets and twilight parade in Sydney, and definitely, the traditional Chinese foods.


Pork leg with preserved plums and coke


Various steamed gow gee


Crispy scalded chicken



蜜汁叉烧 Cha siu


Snow flake fry gow gee


Tofu salad with cherry tomatoes and avocado

芋笋年糕汤 Rice cake soup


Oysters with pickled chilli


Citron rice wine cocktail

X’mas & New Year




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