Yummm Magazine - Sydney

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October 2014


Asian Recipes 方寸之间,百般滋味

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E n g l i s h1 October

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《煮意》还是个概念的时候,家人问我:网络时代,纸媒的处境已 经日渐窘迫,为什么还要做这样一份杂志?

当澎湃新闻轰轰烈烈上线的时候,媒体圈的朋友们分享发刊词、发评论, 好不热闹,都在期待着这个标榜“理想主义”的时政新媒体项目会给我们 带来什么惊喜。 为什么还要用这样传统的形式,来做这样一份不能带来思想冲击的媒体? 我想用一碗白粥来解释原因。曾经有一位经历过人生起落、吃遍山珍海味 的人说:世上最好吃的莫过于一碗白粥。也许你会觉得,不就是白米和水 煮出来的东西吗?可世上最难的烹饪,是用最简单的食材做出最美妙的味 道。选米、浸泡、裹油,加水用砂锅明火来煮,期间需伺候在旁不时搅拌 以防溢出或焦糊。要做到软、绵、滑的口感,水的份量和放水的方式都有 讲究,火候的要求更是严格,那是电饭锅、压力锅等等现代厨具所无法完 成的、正宗的味道。 老广的经典早餐:白粥配“油炸鬼”(油条),因为简单所以百吃不厌。 一碗入口绵滑的明火白粥,加上不同的配料,可以做出变化万端的生滚 粥。方寸之间,生出百般滋味。 媒体人的生活不是一碗白粥,尤其是在中国跑政治、财经和社会新闻的记 者,爆料、揭黑幕、报道大事件成为生活必须。他们经常看到的、想到的 是现实中的黑暗与不公,带着满满的新闻理想,写出让人或义愤填膺、或 热血沸腾的文章。 我们生活在一个各种社会思潮碰撞的时代,可再刺激再复杂的江湖,也是 要吃饭的!越是那样的环境下,我们越需要静下来,细细体验生活的滋 味。每天早上醒来,我们需要的只不过是清清淡淡的一份早餐而已,好吃 营养已能让人心满意足。《煮意》虽然无法让人产生各种情绪,但是却时 时提醒我们,永远不要忘记美食,不要忘记生活的品质。 尽管平板电脑的出现的确改变了很多人的阅读习惯,包括我自己,但是一 本纸书拿在手上的感觉仍然是很不一样。就像Ikea Catalogue 2015的广告 里说的一样,“it’s a bookbook”。不管未来纸媒这种既不时尚也不环 保的形式是否会被淘汰,此刻我仍然希望用这样传统的方式来让读者知道 我们,在一本杂志的方寸之间,呈现美食与生活的酸甜苦辣。对于多媒体 版,我们充满期待。 Michelle Liang Editor October


Contents导读 家常

Regulars 08





Exciting Appetizers

烧吞拿鱼沙拉 Tuna Tataki



Ginger beer short ribs

景坡鬼鸡 Jingpo (Chingpo) Chicken




Coconut oshiruko

Green curry roasted duck


Feature 26



White radish

大厨的秘密 Chef’s secret






冰箱的冷冻室 必须大!




周末 Weekend

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赛螃蟹 Crab-like-taste scrambled egg white 记忆中,九、十月份是吃螃蟹赏菊花的日子,偏偏地球分南北,春秋各不同, 身处大洋洲,虽说蟹从来不是什么难得的食材,可大闸蟹、庵仔蟹等等各种美妙的滋味却总是让人念念不忘。 老祖宗说,“不时不食”,意思是要尊重自然规律,安分守己的做大自然的臣民。 但是如果胃口穿越了怎么办?那就用最平常的食材做出那秋天里的鲜美,果然欲望才是进步的动力。

四人份 鸡蛋清 5个 瑶柱 30克,用清水浸泡1小时,撕碎 鸡蛋黄 1个,加入1/8 茶匙盐搅拌均匀 姜 3片,切末 镇江香醋 2汤匙 蔬菜油 4汤匙

Serves 4 5 egg whites 30g dried scallops, soaked in water for 1 hour and torn into thin shreds* 1 egg yolk, mixed with 1/8 teaspoon of salt 3 fresh ginger slices, finely chopped 2 tablespoons Zhen Jiang vinegar* 4 tablespoons vegetable oil

1  姜末和镇江香醋混合成姜醋汁; 2  蛋清加瑶柱碎搅匀; 3  锅内放3汤匙油,小火加热30秒后 倒入蛋清,用筷子不断搅拌,直到慢 慢凝结成松散碎片状的蛋白碎,立即 盛出; 4  锅内再放1汤匙油,立即倒入蛋 黄,同样用筷子搅拌,至蛋黄刚刚凝 固后,倒入蛋白碎,稍稍翻拌均匀盛 出,与姜醋汁一同上碟。

1  Mix the ginger and vinegar, set aside. 2  Combine the egg whites with dried scallop shreds. 3  Add 3 tablespoons of oil to the wok, cook over low heat for 30 seconds, and pour the egg whites into the wok. Keep gently stirring until the egg whites solidify, and transfer to the dish immediately.

Tips: 如果买不到瑶柱,可以用熟虾肉碎代 替,同时必须在蛋清中加1/2茶匙盐。

4  Add the remaining oil to the wok, and add the egg yolk, stir gently till solidified. Return the egg whites to the wok, toss well and dish out. Drizzle with ginger and vinegar sauce. Tips: If you don’t have dried scallops on hand, use finely chopped cooked prawns as substitute. Meanwhile, ½ teaspoon of salt must be added to the egg whites. *  Dried scallops are available in selected Asian supermarkets and Chinese herbs stores. Zhen Jiang vinegar is available in selected Asian supermarkets.







Exciting Appetizers 人生五味 史上最腹黑的开胃菜!又苦又甜的柠檬,又酸又香的萝卜,又咸又辣的草莓, 看似风马牛不相及的食材与调料撞击出一层又一层的复杂滋味, 用一重又一重的惊喜挑战你的味觉想像力! Will you try lemon marinated with coffee? How about sour cinnamon daikon radish? Or spicy strawberries? Why not? Just surprise yourself with the exciting combination of flavour. They are super-easy, but fantastic.

肉桂橙香萝卜 白萝卜1段(约10厘米长),切2毫米 薄片 橙子2个,1个取橙肉,1个榨汁 柠檬1个,榨汁 蜂蜜1汤匙 肉桂糖粉1茶匙 1  萝卜片与橙肉放入大碗内,加入 橙汁、柠檬汁、蜂蜜,搅拌均匀 2  撒上肉桂糖粉 3  放入冰箱,冷藏半小时 Daikon radish with orange and cinnamon 10cm piece daikon radish, cut into 2mm slices 2 oranges, one peeled and segmented, another one squeezed for orange juice 1 lemon, squeezed for juice 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon cinnamon sugar 1   Put the daikon radish and orange segments in a bowl, mixed with orange juice, lemon juice, and honey. 2  Dust with cinnamon sugar. 3  Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

辣渍草莓 草莓8个,去蒂 白糖1茶匙 盐1/4茶匙 辣椒粉1/4茶匙 1  锅内烧开800亳升水,放入草莓浸 泡约30秒后捞出,再放入冷水降温, 之后捞出备用 2  依次加入糖、盐和辣椒粉搅拌均 匀 3  放入冰箱,冷藏10分钟 Spicy strawberries 8 strawberries, hulled 1 teaspoon caster sugar ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon red chilli powder 1   Boil 800ml water in a pot, add the strawberries and simmer for 1 minute. Drain and chill the strawberries in cold water. 2  Drain and mix the strawberries with sugar, salt and red chilli powder. 3  Chill in the fridge for 10 minutes.

咖啡腌柠檬 柠檬1个,切3毫米半圆片 黑咖啡粉10克 冰糖20克,敲碎 1  在柠檬片上铺上黑咖啡粉,然后 再撒上碎冰糖 2  放入冰箱,冷藏1小时 Black preserved lemon 1 lemon, cut into 3mm slices 10g ground coffee 20g crystal sugar (rock sugar), cracked* 1   Dust the lemon with the ground coffee, and arrange the crystal sugar on top. 2  Chill in the fridge for 1 hour. *  Available in selected Asian supermarkets. October




培根煲仔饭 Bacon and Rice Casserole 前段时间悉尼的气温很低,某个大风天,想起国内唱的歌仔“秋风起,食腊味”, 突然特别想念那油亮丰腴的腊味煲仔饭。 可惜我住的这个村只有西人超市,唐人食材那是一样也找不到。 馋虫来了等不急趋车去买,就着冰箱里现有的食材,做了一锅高仿的西料煲仔饭。-----Jenn Yang

二人份 澳洲茉莉香米(或者其它长米)150克,加花生油一茶 匙,盐1/4茶匙,清水240毫升,拌匀并浸泡一小时 带皮培根3条,切3段 洋葱半个,切丝 圆蘑菇4、5个,切片 短柄西兰花5、6小朵 姜2片,切丝 鸡蛋1个 生抽2汤匙,香油1汤匙,白糖1茶匙,调成煲仔饭酱油 现磨黑椒少许 植物油1汤匙(烹饪用) 1  培根洋葱下锅煎3分钟后盛出备用; 2  蘑菇入锅炒3分钟盛出备用; 3  西兰花焯熟备用; 4  泡好的米与水一起放入砂锅,开大火煮至沸腾,然后 转小火再煮5分钟左右; 5  水接近煮干时,在饭面上均匀地铺上姜丝和熟洋葱 丝,放入培根和熟蘑菇; 6  在中间的位置打入一只鸡蛋,盖上锅盖继续焖10分钟; 7  等到鸡蛋表面凝固,放入焯熟的西兰花,把煲仔饭酱油 均匀地淋到饭面上,最后撒上一些现磨黑胡椒即可上桌。

Serves 2 150g Jasmine rice (or long grain), 1 teaspoon peanut oil, ¼ teaspoon salt, 240ml water, combined and soak the rice for 1 hour 3 Long cut bacon, cut into 3 pieces ½ onion, thinly sliced 4-5 button mushrooms, sliced 6 broccoli florets, boiled 1cm piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut into matchsticks 1 egg 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1 teaspoon sugar, mixed ½ teaspoon ground pepper 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1  Brown the bacon and onion for 3 minutes. Remove from the wok, set aside. 2  Stir fry the mushrooms for 3 minutes. Remove from the wok, set aside. 3  Boil the broccoli till just done. 4  Pour the soaked rice and water into a casserole, heat until boiled, then reduce to low heat and cook for 5 minutes. 5  When the casserole is boiling dry, add the ginger, cooked onion, bacon and mushrooms on top of the rice. 6  Crack the egg and place it over the rice. Cover the casserole and continue to cook for 10 minutes. 7  Add the broccoli florets, pour the soy sauce mixture evenly on top of the rice, season with ground pepper.



Tuna Tataki 烧吞拿鱼沙拉 吞拿鱼味道鲜美,略微煎过之后给予了更丰富的层次, 用它来款待朋友,是不是假日里一个很好的选择呢? 色泽鲜艳的鱼肉配上各色蔬菜,再淋上柠檬香气的开胃酱汁, 朋友们一定会对这道前菜赞不绝口哦!

三至四人份 刺身级吞拿鱼 300克 洋葱半个,切丝,泡冷水 30~60分钟 蒜粒2颗,切片 橄榄油1汤匙 生菜叶5片 迷你蕃茄6个 酱汁材料: 日式柑橘酢(Ponzu) 4 汤匙 日式或韩式烧烤酱 4汤匙 新鲜柠檬汁 2汤匙 糖 1汤匙 香油 1汤匙

Serves 3-4 300g sashimi-grade tuna ½ onion, thinly sliced, soaked in cold water for 30-60 minutes 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon olive oil 5 small lettuces 6 cherry tomatoes, halved Dressing: 4 tablespoons Japanese Ponzu* 4 tablespoons Japanese or Korean BBQ sauce* 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice



1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon sesame oil

fridge, remove the paper towel, slice the tuna 3mm thick.

1  Pat the tuna sashimi with paper towels, marinade with salt and pepper, set aside.

5  Lay lettuces on a dish, top with the tuna slices and cherry tomatoes. Drizzle with dressing and garnish with onions.

2  Combine all the ingredients for dressing in a bowl, set aside. 3  Heat the frypan, add olive oil, and garlic. Grab the tuna with a pair of grill tongs, fry each side of the tuna for 10 seconds, remove from the pan. Wrap the tuna with paper towel, store in the fridge for 30 minutes. 4  Take out the tuna from the

Tips: 1  It is also good to add avocado in this dish. 2   You can add more BBQ sauce in the dressing for a stronger flavour. *  Available from Asian food shops.

1  用厚餐巾纸将吞拿鱼表 面水分擦干,盐和黑胡椒粉 撒在鱼块正反两面入味; 2  把 所 有 酱 汁 材 料 混 合 备用; 3  锅热后用橄榄油炒蒜 片,出香味后用夹子夹住 鱼块,每个表面各煎10秒 钟,变色后从锅内捞出,用 厚餐巾纸包住后放入冰箱; 4  约30分钟后取出鱼块, 弃去餐巾纸,切3毫升厚的 鱼片; 5  盘中铺好生菜,鱼片放 在上面,摆好蕃茄,淋上酱 汁,再撒上洋葱丝即可。 Tips: 1  可根据自己喜好加入牛 油果; 2  此道菜口味微酸,喜欢重 口味的可以多加些烧烤酱。

二人份 长通粉 150克 韩国泡菜 50克,切方片 洋葱 1/2个,切丝 小型胡萝卜 1个,切片 圆白菜 2片,撕成5厘米左 右大片 鱿鱼圈 50克 甜不辣(或鱼丸) 100克 青口 8个 韩式辣酱 1汤匙 白糖 1汤匙 白芝麻 1茶匙,预先用微波 炉高火档加热5分钟,放凉 备用 植物油 2汤匙(烹饪用) 1  长通粉煮熟沥干水备用; 2  锅烧热后,放入植物油, 下洋葱、胡萝卜和圆白菜炒两 分钟,再下泡菜炒出香味; 3  加入鱿鱼和甜不辣,翻 炒均匀后,把青口均匀摆 在锅内,下150毫升清水煮 沸; 4  放入通心粉,韩式辣酱 和白糖,稍微翻动一下, 继续煮沸至汤汁只剩下一 点点; 5  装盘后,趁热撒上白芝麻。

Kimchi and seafood pasta 泡菜海鲜炒意粉 韩剧看多了,眼睛自带美图秀秀模式,连泡菜炒年糕也显得无比诱惑。 年糕一般家里不常备,但意粉家家都有, 偷梁换柱做了个泡菜海鲜通粉,幻想一下当韩剧女主角的感觉。

Serves 2 150g penne 50g kimchi, roughly chopped ½ onion, thinly sliced 1 small carrot, sliced 2 large wombok leaves, torn into approx. 5cm pieces 50g squid, sliced into rings 100g crab flavour nuggets (or fish ball)* 8 black mussels 1 tablespoon Korean red chili paste 1 tablespoon caster sugar

1 teaspoon white sesame, heated in microwave with high heat for 5 minutes 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1  Cook the penne in boiling water until al dente. Drain. 2  Heat the wok until very hot, add the vegetable oil. Add the onion, carrots, and wombok, and stir fry for 2 minutes. Add the kimchi and stir fry. 3   Add the squid and crab nuggets, and stir fry. Arrange

the black mussels in the wok, pour 150ml water and cook until boiled. 4   Add the cooked pasta, Korean chili paste and sugar. Gently stir and cook until the sauce thickens. 5  Dish out. Scatter with white sesame. *   Crab flavour nuggets are made of fish fillet, available at the frozen food section in selected Asian supermarkets. October


Beef and Celery San Choy Bau 芹菜牛肉生菜包 曾经有一个北京大妞跟我抱怨, 说湖南菜总是切成小粒小粒的, 吃起来一点也不爽快。 面对越来越缺乏耐心的吃客们, 恐怕只有连容器都一起吃掉的菜式才能取悦他们。 所以,餐厅里生菜包的花样越来越多, 而芹菜牛肉生菜包是我的最爱。 -----Jenn Yang


四人份 牛肉碎250克 盐1/2茶匙 糖1茶匙 生抽2茶匙 料酒2茶匙 胡椒粉1/4茶匙 生姜0.5厘米厚,切末 西芹2根,去叶后切小粒 红色甜椒半个,去籽后切小粒 洋葱半个,切小粒 老抽1茶匙 蚝油1汤勺 现磨黑椒1/4茶匙 橄榄油2汤勺(烹饪用) 生菜洗净沥干,修剪成大小相近的叶片

Ser ves 4 250g beef mince ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 2 teaspoon soy sauce 2 teaspoon rice wine ¼ teaspoon pepper 0.5cm piece fresh ginger, finely chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped ½ red capsicum, chopped ½ onion, chopped 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon oyster sauce ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper 2 tablespoon olive oil (for cooking) 4 large lettuces

1  牛肉碎加入盐、糖、生抽、料酒以 及胡椒粉拌匀,腌30分钟; 2  锅内放一半橄榄油炒香姜末,下牛 肉碎炒散,至肉色全部变浅色后盛出; 3   放另一半橄榄油,依次放入洋葱 粒、红椒粒和芹菜粒,翻炒十分钟; 4  把牛肉碎重新倒入锅中,加入老抽 和蚝油拌匀,撒上黑椒碎盛出; 5  用生菜叶包住牛肉及蔬菜碎,就成 了美味的牛肉生菜包。

1   Marinade the beef mince with salt, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine and pepper for 30 minutes.


2   Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a wok, add ginger and stir fry for 1 minute. Add the beef mince, stir fry until cooked. Remove the beef mince from the wok, set aside. 3   Pour the olive oil to the wok, add the onion, the red capsicum and the celery, stir fry for 10 minutes. 4   Return the beef mince to the wok, add the dark soy sauce and the oyster sauce. Season with ground black pepper, and dish out. 5   Place a spoonful of beef mince and vegetables on each lettuce leaf and serve.

Carrots with Soy Sauce, Rice Wine and Basil 三杯胡萝卜 就因为我5岁的女儿坚持认为自己是只可爱的小白兔, 胡萝卜多年来一直是我家冰箱里的常驻食材。 不论炖肉吃煮汤吃,它总是以配角的身份抢掉了主角的风头, 可是一但让它单独站在盘子中央,又好像少了点压阵的气势, 于是这道三杯胡萝卜粉墨登场,罗勒和黑胡椒带出的异域风味, 让它有了惊艳的感觉。-----Jenn Yang

四人份 小胡萝卜6个,切块 洋葱1/3个,切丝 生抽2汤匙,米酒2汤匙, 白糖1/2汤匙,调成三杯汁 干罗勒碎少许 黑胡椒碎少许 新鲜罗勒叶5片 植物油4汤匙(烹饪用) 1  锅里放植物油,下胡萝 卜煎至七八分熟后盛出, 倒出多余的油; 2  利用锅里剩余的油,下 洋葱丝炒到接近透明,放 入煎好的胡萝卜; 3  加入三杯汁煮到只剩三 分之一时,撒上干罗勒碎 和黑胡椒碎拌匀; 4  最后加入新鲜的罗勒 叶,稍微拌一拌即可出锅。

Serves 4 6 small carrots, cut into small bite-sized pieces 1/3 brown onion, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons rice wine and ½ tablespoon sugar, mixed 1 teaspoon of dry basil 1 small handful basil leaves 4 tablespoons vegetable oil 1   Heat the wok and add the oil, fry the carrots till just cooked. Transfer the carrots to a dish, drain all but a little bit of oil from the wok. 2  Reheat the wok, cook the onion until translucent, and return the carrots to the wok. 3  Pour the soy sauce mixture, simmer until sauce reduced by 2/3. Sprinkle with dry basil and pepper, to taste. 4   Add the fresh basil, toss well. Dish out and serve hot. October


Baked barramundi with orange



香橙烤鱼 Baked barramundi with orange 澳村的橙子正当季啊!切开吃、榨汁吃、做甜点吃, 总觉得吃不够似的,做为一名勇于尝试的煮妇, 当然要发挥应季食材的最大功能!

二人份 去骨盲曹 1片(带皮) 中型橙子 2个,取1个磨橙皮屑及榨汁,另一个切2毫米厚 圆片备用 洋葱 1/2个,切片 白葡萄酒 1汤匙 海盐 1/2茶匙 现磨黑胡椒碎 1/4茶匙 红色小米椒 1/2个,去籽切圈 香菜三条,切碎 橄榄油 1汤匙(烹饪用)

Serves 2 1 barramundi fillet (skin on) 2 oranges; zest and juice taken from 1 orange, the other one cut into 2mm slices ½ onion, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon white wine ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper ½ small red chilli, seeded and thinly sliced 3 bunches coriander, coarsely chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil

1  盲曹洗净擦干,两面均匀抹橙皮屑、海盐和黑胡椒 碎,淋上橙汁和白葡萄酒,静置一小时; 2  烤箱以200℃预热; 3  平底煎锅烧至极热后加入橄榄油,将鱼片两面各煎一 分钟盛出; 4  橙子片、洋葱片入锅煎出香味; 5  烤盘上垫锡纸,放一半煎香的橙子片和洋葱片,将鱼 片铺在上面,再盖上另一半橙子片洋葱片后,把锡纸两端 合拢,仔细折叠好封口; 6  把锡纸包放入烤箱烤15分钟; 7  打开锡纸包,撒上小米椒圈和香菜碎。

1   Pat the barramundi fillet with paper towel, sprinkle with orange zest, sea salt and black pepper on both sides, and drizzle with orange juice and white wine. Marinade for 1 hour.

Tips: 如果想吃辣一点的口味,可以把小米椒圈放入锡纸包内一 起烤制。

2  Preheat the oven at 200°C 3   Heat the fry pan with high heat, add olive oil, fry the barramundi fillet for 1 minute each side. Transfer to a dish and set aside. 4  Fry orange slices and onion slices in the pan for 2 minute. 5  Grease a baking tray, line with aluminium foil, add some of the fried orange slices and onion slices. Place the barramundi fillet on top, and add all of the orange slices and onion slices left. Fold the foil to make a sealed parcel. 6  Bake the parcel in the oven for 15 minutes. 7  Open the parcel, garnish with the red chilli and coriander. Tips: To have a more spicy flavour, add the red chilli in the parcel together with the barramundi to bake.



姜汁啤酒牛仔骨 Ginger beer short ribs 会吃的人都知道,靠近骨头的肉更好吃, 因为那里的肉质更加细嫩,经得起煎炒烹炸各种折腾。 作为这种“友好型”肉类的代表, 牛仔骨做出来的菜式兼具西式扒类的豪迈和中式肉菜的圆熟, 所以做法和配料大可以中西不拘、信手捻来。

牛仔骨 500克,切块 洋葱 1/2个,切块 姜汁啤酒 80毫升 意大利黑醋 1/4杯 鸡汤 3杯 新鲜迷迭香 2条,掰成小段 香叶 2片 黄油 1汤匙 现磨黑胡椒碎 1/2茶匙 1  热锅融化黄油后,加入洋葱块炒香; 2  放入牛仔骨,煎至外表呈金黄色; 3  把牛仔骨和洋葱倒入炖锅,加入 姜汁啤酒、黑醋、鸡汤、迷迭香和香 叶,大火煮开后,转小火炖45分钟至 肉质软熟; 4  撒上黑胡椒碎,即可装盘享用。

Tips: 这里选用的是厚切牛仔骨,如果买到 的是韩式的比较薄片的,要缩短炖煮 的时间,以免炖得太烂;多出来的酱 汁,可以在盛出牛仔骨之后开大火煮 至剩1/3左右,淋在盘中即可。

500g beef short ribs, cut into 5cm pieces ½ onion, coarsely chopped 80ml ginger beer ¼ cup balsamic vinegar 3 cup chicken stock 2 stalks rosemary, coarsely chopped 2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon butter ½ teaspoon ground black pepper 1  Melt the butter in a fry pan, add the onion pieces. 2   Fry the short ribs in the pan until golden. 3   Transfer the short ribs and onion pieces to a pot, add the ginger beer, balsamic vinegar, rosemary and bay leaves, and cook over high heat until boiled. Reduce the heat to low, cook for 45 minutes or until the beef tender. 4  Scatter the ground black pepper over and enjoy. Tips: Reduce the cooking time if you use Korean BBQ style short ribs (thinly sliced). You can transfer the short ribs to a dish after step 3, and boil the remaining sauce over high heat until reduced to 1/3, then pour the sauce over the short ribs.



黑蒜牛肉粒 Beef with brown garlic 如果家里有小朋友,而某天又煎了牛排当晚餐,中国的妈妈总要免不了帮他们切好 肉蘸好汁,恨不得喂到嘴里才满意。很不幸,我就是这种妈妈。于是乎,为了省 事,牛排在下锅之前就被我切成小块,加入大量蒜头和酱汁后,半煎半炒,成了这 道蒜香浓郁的黑蒜牛肉粒。-----Jenn Yang

二人份 蒜头2球,剥去蒜衣 后腿肉牛排 250克,切去脂肪部分 后,切成2厘米左右的小块 香菜5根,切段 胡萝卜1条,切小块 玉米油1汤匙(烹饪用) 黄油15克(烹饪用) 腌料: 白葡萄酒1汤匙 生抽1汤匙 黑胡椒碎1/4茶匙 酱汁: 老抽1汤匙 生抽1汤匙 蚝油1汤匙 糖1汤匙

1  牛肉粒与香菜段、胡萝卜块混 合,加入腌料搅拌均匀后,静置1小 时腌制入味; 2  取煎锅用中火加热玉米油,放入 大蒜瓣煎至呈现金黄色; 3  加入黄油,待融化后,倒入牛肉 粒,大火煎炒至牛肉变色; 4  倒入调好的酱汁,翻炒大约5分 钟,至酱汁基本收干后,挑出香菜和 胡萝卜块,把牛肉粒与大蒜瓣上碟后 趁热享用。 Tips: 据说大厨师们在腌制肉类时喜欢用一 些新鲜蔬菜来增加鲜甜味,但煮完之 后即弃之不食,我觉得这未免有点可 惜。这道菜里,除了香菜已经煮得太 烂而影响色相需要拣出,胡萝卜还是 非常好吃的,不防吃了它!

Serves2 2 heads of garlic, peeled 250g rump steak, trimmed, cut into 2cm strips 5 bunches coriander 1 carrot, cut into small bite-sized pieces 1 tablespoon corn oil 15g butter Marinade: 1 tablespoon white wine 1 tablespoon soy sauce ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper Sauce: 1 table spoon dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon oyster sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1  Pour the marinade to the beef and mix together with coriander and carrots, set aside for 1 hour. 2  Heat the corn oil in the fry pan, and cook the garlic cloves until brown. 3   Melt the butter in the pan, add the marinated beef, and cook over high heat until brown. 4   Pour the sauce mixture into the fry pan, stir fry for 5 minutes or until the sauce boils and thickens. Transfer to a dish, serve immediately. Tips: For a better presentation, Coriander could be picked out before serving. October


景坡鬼鸡 Jingpo (Chingpo) Chicken 这是云南景颇族人在祭神驱鬼的时候用的食物,听上去很诡异,而吃起来颇为火辣 热情,不但能驱散心中郁结,更因为它低脂低盐,帮助驱散脂肪和胆固醇,对于现 代人来说,这可是谢天谢地的事。

二人份 去骨去皮鸡腿肉2个 生姜6片,切末 香菜3根,切小段 小米辣椒4个,切碎 菠萝1/4个,切片 樱桃番茄6个,切块 盐1茶匙 糖2茶匙 香油1茶匙

Serves 2 2 skinless chicken thigh fillets 6 fresh ginger slices, finely chopped 3 bunches coriander, cut into short length 4 small red chilies, finely chopped ¼ pineapple, cut into bite-size pieces 6 cherry tomatoes, halved 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1  poach the chicken thigh fillet in boiling water until cooked. Remove the chicken from the pot, rinse with cold water. Tear the chicken thigh fillet into 0.5cm strips. 2  Toss the chicken with ginger, coriander, pineapple, cherry tomatoes and red chilies. 3  Add sugar, salt and sesame oil. 4   Mix all the ingredients, wait for 15 minutes to marinade and enjoy. Tips: You can put less red chilies in this dish if you cannot accept the hot flavour.



1  鸡腿肉放入清水煮熟,取出用 凉水冲洗干净,撕成0.5厘米宽的肉 碎; 2  依次拌入姜末、香菜末、菠萝 块、樱桃番茄块,和小米辣椒碎; 3  拌入糖、盐,及香油; 4  静置15分钟入味,即可享用。 Tips: 不能吃辣的话,可以减少或不放辣 椒。

二人份 糯米粉100克 冷水(凉开水)100毫升 椰奶1罐 牛奶500毫升 糖3汤匙 煮红豆80克或适量 1  糯米粉加水,揉成面团,再做成 一个个的小丸子(约20个); 2  锅里烧水,沸腾之后加入小丸子,用 勺子不停搅拌,待小丸子煮开浮上来; 3  事先在盆里准备好冷水,用笊篱 捞出小丸子,立刻放入冷水中; 4  用锅来煮牛奶,热了之后加入椰 奶和糖,这时用笊篱捞出冷水中的小 丸子,待牛奶沸腾之后加入,熄火; 5  将小丸子和牛奶盛入碗中,根据 喜好加入红豆。 Tips: 1  此甜品冷食热食均可,在冰箱里 冷藏几个小时就是消暑良品。 2  喜欢黑珍珠和西米露的话也可以加入。

Serves 2 100g glutinous rice flour* 100ml water 1 can of coconut cream 500ml milk 3 tablespoons sugar 80g red bean paste (azuki bean paste)*, or to taste 1  Combine the glutinous rice flour with water, knead the dough until smooth. Divide the dough into 20 small portions and roll into 20 balls. 2  Boil water in a large saucepan, add the glutinous rice balls. Keep stirring with a spoon until they are cooked through. 3   Prepare a big bowl of cold water. When the glutinous rice balls float to the surface, use a slotted spoon to transfer them to the cold water.

4   Clean the saucepan, and reheat it with medium heat. Add the milk and cook for 3 minutes. Add coconut cream and sugar, mix well. Remove the glutinous rice balls from water and add to the saucepan when the milk boils. Turn off the heat. 5  Transfer the balls and milk to bowls, add red bean paste and enjoy. Tips: 1  It is also great to serve cold. Simply chill the oshiruko in the fridge for a few hours. 2  You can pair tapioca balls (pearl for milk tea) or sago with oshiruko. *   Glutinous rice flour and red bean paste are available from most Asian supermarkets. You can cook some red beans and add sugar to substitute red bean paste.

Coconut oshiruko 椰奶汁粉 汁粉是日本传统甜品之一, 在慢慢熬制而成的红豆汤里, 加入糯米团子、年糕、煮好的甜栗等, 食欲不振的时候吃上一碗代替正餐, 营养可口,浓浓的豆香沁入鼻孔, 仿佛回到小时候被妈妈照顾的日子。 如果在传统汁粉的基础上加入椰奶, 这道甜品马上充满了东南亚风情。 October


自制青咖喱酱 Green curry paste

新鲜罗勒 10克 新鲜芫茜(梗) 30克,切小段 红葱头 1个,切块 蒜瓣 3个 香茅 1条(白色部分),切小段 青辣椒 5个,切块 南姜(5厘米) 2个,切小块 柠檬叶 3片 椰糖 2汤匙,磨粉 孜然粉 1茶匙 芫茜粉 1茶匙 青柠 1个,榨汁 泰式虾酱 1汤匙 鱼露 1.5汤匙 橄榄油 3汤匙 1   所有材料混和,放入料理机内打碎 搅拌均匀。 Tips: 不能吃辣,可将部分青椒换成灯笼青椒。

10g fresh basil 30g fresh coriander (with stalks), coarsely chopped 1 shallot, coarsely chopped 3 garlic cloves 1 lemon grass (white parts only), cut into short lengths 5 green chillies, coarsely chopped 2 galangals (approx.5cm per piece), coarsely chopped 3 kaffir lime leaves 2 tablespoons palm sugar, grated 1 teaspoon ground cumin seeds 1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds juice of 1 lime 1 tablespoon shrimp paste 1.5 tablespoons fish sauce 3 tablespoons olive oil 1  Mix all the ingredients, blend them in an electric blender. Tips: You can replace some of the green chillies with green capsicum, if you don’t want your curry paste too spicy.



青咖喱酱烧鸭 Green curry roasted duck

四人份 烧鸭 500克,切块 青咖喱酱 1汤匙 葱 5条,切斜长段 蒜瓣 2个,切碎 香叶 2片 芫茜 30克,切段 新鲜薄荷叶1/4杯 椰奶 300亳升 罐头菠萝 半罐,沥干 花生油 1汤匙(烹饪用)

Serves 4 500g Chinese-style roasted duck, chopped* 1 tablespoon green curry paste 5 spring onions, cut into 5cm lengths 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 bay leaves 30g fresh coriander, coarsely chopped ¼ cup fresh mint leaves 300ml coconut milk ½ can pineapple pieces, drained 1 tablespoon peanut oil

1  炒锅烧热,加入花生油,下葱段、 蒜末、青咖喱酱翻炒约1分钟; 2  加 入 香 叶 、 芫 茜 、 薄 荷 和 椰 奶 煮沸; 3  转小火,加入烧鸭和菠萝炖10分 钟左右即可。

1  Heat the wok, add peanut oil and stir fry the spring onions, garlic and green curry paste for 1 minute. 2  Add bay leaves, coriander, mint and coconut milk and cook until boiled. 3  Reduce the heat, add the BBQ duck and pineapple to the wok, cook for 10 minutes.

*  You can ask the restaurant to chop the duck for you. October


Authentic Gyu Don (Japanese Beef Bowl) 日式牛肉饭 牛肉饭在日本是道老少皆宜的国民家常饭, 快捷美味,煮时香气四溢,极受孩子们欢迎, 我家小朋友每次都可以吃满满一大碗。 做一大锅正宗的牛肉饭够全家人美美地吃上一顿, 剩下的汤汁还可以煮面条, 一点都不会浪费。-----Ragny Zhang

六人份 洋葱2个 切丝 火锅牛肉片500克~600克 水800毫升 日式鱼粉(海鲜素)1汤匙 米酒6汤匙 黄糖6汤匙 生抽4汤匙 老抽4汤匙 姜末1汤匙 生鸡蛋黄6个(可选) 葱花少许

Serves 6 2 onions, thinly sliced 500g-600g beef for hot pot* 800ml water 1 tablespoon hondashi* 6 tablespoons rice wine 6 tablespoons raw sugar 4 tablespoons soy sauce 4 tablespoons dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon ginger, finely chopped 6 egg yolks (optional) 1 spring onion, very finely sliced, to garnish 1   Boil the water in a large



saucepan, add hondashi and onions, cook for 5 minutes with high heat. Lower the heat to medium. 2  Add the rice wine, sugar, soy sauce and dark soy sauce. 3   Add beef, and stir with chopsticks. 4   Lower the heat, cook for 10 minutes. Add the ginger, and cover the saucepan for 1 minute, then turn off the heat. 5  Serve on a bed of the rice, topped with egg yolks and spring onions.

Tips: 1   You can also serve with pickled ginger. 2  Kimchi can bring a flavour of Korea to your beef bowl. 3  If you can’t finish the beef soup, simply add udon, eggs and your favourite vegetables to make beef udon soup. *   Beef for hot pot is the frozen beef which is very thinly sliced. The beef and hondashi are available in selected Asian supermarkets.

1  水烧开后,加入鱼粉, 大火煮洋葱丝,5分钟左右 转为中火; 2  加入米酒,黄糖,生 抽,老抽; 3  加入牛肉片,用筷子 搅 拌,以免牛肉片黏在一起; 4  转为小火,煮10分钟之 后加入姜末,搅拌一下盖好 锅盖,煮一分钟,熄火; 5  碗里盛入米饭,上面浇 汁,盛入牛肉,加入生鸡 蛋黄,撒上葱花。 Tips: 1  喜欢姜丝的话可以在上 面加入一些红姜丝。 2  喜欢韩式口味的话可以 加入泡菜。 3  剩下的汤汁里面稍微加 盐,根据个人喜好可以加 入鸡蛋和蔬菜。用另外的 锅煮好日式乌冬面,将面 加入汤汁里,就成为了美 味的牛肉面了。

四至五人份 火锅五花肉片 200克,切成5厘米长 的肉段 圆白菜 1/4个,切成4公分左右的小 方块 新加坡面 400克 鱼粉 1汤匙 烤面酱汁(Yakisoba sauce)4汤匙 色拉油 1汤匙 盐 少许 红姜丝 少许 海苔丝 少许 1  用色拉油炒大头菜和猪肉,颜色 变了之后加入鱼粉继续炒10秒钟,盛 出备用; 2  再放入少许油,加少许盐,炒新 加坡面; 3  面熟之后加入炒好的大头菜和猪 肉,再加入酱汁; 4  盛到盘子里之后加入海苔丝和红姜丝。 Tips: 喜欢海鲜的朋友可以用章鱼块和虾仁 来代替猪肉。

serves 4-5 200g pork belly slices for hot pot, cut into 5cm pieces* ¼ cabbage, cut into 4cm square pieces 400g Singapore noodles* 1 tablespoon hondashi* 4 tablespoons yakisoba sauce (Japanese fried noodle sauce) 2 tablespoons vegetable oil salt, to taste red pickled ginger, to garnish roasted seaweed chips, to garnish 1  Heat half the oil in a grill plate (griddle) or a fry pan, sizzle the pork and cabbage over high heat until cooked. Add hondashi, and stir fry for 10 seconds. Dish out and set aside. 2  Heat the remaining oil, add the noodles and salt, toss well. 3  Add the cabbage and pork when the noodles are tender, and pour the yakisoba sauce over, toss well. 4  Transfer the noodles to a dish, top with red pickled ginger and roasted seaweed chips. Tips: This dish can become seafood grill noodles if use octopus dice and prawn instead of pork. *  Pork for hot pot and Singapore noodles are available from most Asian supermarkets. Hondashi is available in Japanese grocery store and selected Asian supermarkets.

Kansai grilled noodles 关西烤面 关西烤面和章鱼烧,大阪烧可以称为日本关西的代表食品, 浓厚的酱汁令简单的烤面吃起来不同寻常, 满嘴都是大阪的味道。 大伙围在一起热热闹闹地边烤边吃, 是否想一想都会开心呢?





白萝卜:不如随意 Best way to cook daikon radish 白萝卜:不如随意

(white Best wayradish) to cook daikon radish (white radish) 相传白萝卜从唐代开始种植,距今已有上千年历史,是一种十分具有东方色彩的蔬 菜,很多西方人对它无从下手。白萝卜在中日韩饮食中,最流行的做法莫过于炖 汤,在冷天回家喝上一锅热腾腾的萝卜汤,暖到心里去。 相传白萝卜从唐代开始种植,距今已有上千年历史,是一种十分具有东方色彩的蔬 白萝卜搭配肉类,非常解腻。虽然中医理论中对于白萝卜的吃法多有禁忌,然而时 菜,很多西方人对它无从下手。白萝卜在中日韩饮食中,最流行的做法莫过于炖 常又有研究报告提出与此相反的结论,让人无所适从。既然这样,不如就随意吧, 汤,在冷天回家喝上一锅热腾腾的萝卜汤,暖到心里去。 好好享受暖入心的这一刻。 白萝卜搭配肉类,非常解腻。虽然中医理论中对于白萝卜的吃法多有禁忌,然而时 常又有研究报告提出与此相反的结论,让人无所适从。既然这样,不如就随意吧, 好好享受暖入心的这一刻。 Most people have no experience with daikon radish, which is very common in East Asian countries. In Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisines, soup is the most popular way tonocook daikon radish. In coldradish, days, nothing is very bettercommon than a pot Most people have experience with daikon which is in of soup to warm you heart. East Asian countries. In Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisines, soup is the Daikon radishway can to help to melt theradish. fat in your body. Don't be afraid to cook most popular cook daikon In cold days, nothing is better thandaikon a pot radish with any high calories ingredients. of soup to warm you heart. Daikon radish can help to melt the fat in your body. Don't be afraid to cook daikon radish with any high calories ingredients.



Daikon radish and pumpkin soup 两人份 南瓜 200克, 去皮去籽,切大块 洋葱 1/4颗,横向切圆薄片 白萝卜 200克,去皮后切细丝,加 1/8茶匙盐搅拌均匀 香菜 4根,切碎 清水 200毫升 清鸡汤 250克 盐 1/4茶匙 胡椒 1/4茶匙 橄榄油 1/2汤匙 1  锅内下橄榄油烧热后,放入洋葱 炒至柔软; 2  放入南瓜,炒至南瓜颜色变深; 3  加入清水煮滚,转小火再煮 10~15分钟,至南瓜熟烂后盛出,稍 稍放凉; 4  把 南 瓜 倒 进 搅 拌 机 , 加 入 清 鸡 汤,搅拌成细腻的汤汁; 5  重新煮沸南瓜汤,放入萝卜丝, 边煮边搅动,直到萝卜丝软化变成透 明状; 6  加入盐和胡椒调味,最后放入香 菜碎,稍稍搅拌后即可享用。

银丝南瓜汤 南瓜是一种充满童话色彩的食物,从公主到巫婆都喜欢。 南瓜也很适合用于奇思妙想,西方人热爱的南瓜汤, 与东方人热爱的白萝卜,看看能不能碰撞出不一样的滋味。

Serves 2 200g pumpkin, peeled and seeded, coarsely chopped ¼ onion, thinly sliced 200g daikon radish, peeled and shredded, marinated with a teaspoon of salt 4 bunches coriander, chopped 200ml water 250g chicken stock ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper ½ tablespoon olive oil 1  Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add onion and cook until soft.

2  Add pumpkin, and stir fry until slightly golden. 3   Add water, and cook until boiled. Reduce to medium heat and cook for 1015 minutes, or until the pumpkin tender. Dish out and set aside to cool. 4  Blend the pumpkin and chicken stock in a blender until smooth. 5  Reheat the saucepan, boil the pumpkin soup, and add the daikon radish. Keep stirring until the daikon radish transparent. 6  Season with salt and pepper. Garnish with coriander leaves. (For a better presentation, cook some shredded daikon radish in boil water and arrange on top of the soup.) October


日式汉堡牛肉饼 Japanese burger patties 香甜多汁的汉堡是我家少爷的最爱,虽然是典型的西式料理,但我们用日式调味料加以改造,清爽开胃。 如果你喜欢肉食又怕肥腻,学会这道菜,善待自己和家人的肠胃。-----Ragny Zhang

三至四人份 肉碎(猪肉或牛肉)400克 洋葱1个,切碎 鸡蛋1个 牛奶3汤匙 面包粉4~5汤匙 日式柑橘酢(Ponzu) 5汤匙 白萝卜100克,磨成末 葱1根, 切葱花 色拉油2汤匙 盐 少许 胡椒粉 少许 1   将肉碎,鸡蛋,牛奶,洋葱碎放入盆中搅拌,加盐, 胡椒粉和面包粉; 2   肉碎硬度适中后,用手适当拿起一些捏成汉堡状,共 捏5到6个; 3   用平底锅热油,放入捏好的汉堡,大火煎至底面肉的 颜色变熟,反过来用小火继续煎。颜色变了之后加水,用 锅盖盖好继续加热,直到汉堡完全熟透; 4   用手将磨好的萝卜末里的水分挤出去一部分,然后将 汉堡入盘,上面放好萝卜末,撒上葱花和柑橘酢。 Tips: 1   可以清炒蔬菜,配起来吃。



Serves 3-4 400g beef mince or pork mince 1 onion, finely chopped 1 egg 3 tablespoons milk 4-5 tablespoons breadcrumb 5 tablespoons ponzu 100g daikon radish, mashed 1 spring onion, thinly sliced 2 tablespoons vegetable oil salt and pepper 1  Combine the mince, egg, milk, breadcrumb and onion in a mixing bowl, season with salt and pepper. 2  Shape the mixture into 5-6 patties. 3  Heat a fry pan, add vegetable oil, brown the patties in high heat, and reduce the heat. Add a little water, and cover the pan until the patties thoroughly cooked. Transfer to a dish, set aside. 4  Drain the mashed white radish, arrange on top of the patties. Sprinkle with spring onion slices and drizzle with ponzu. Tips: 1  It is good to serve with stir fry vegetables.

日式猪肉萝卜汤 Japanese pork and daikon soup 传统的日式猪肉萝卜汤最适合冷冷的天气,一碗下去,身心皆暖。 香香的五花肉片配着绵软可口的蔬菜,挑剔的小朋友们也会赞不绝口呢。 家有儿女的朋友一定要尝试哦。

四至五人份 火锅五花肉片 300克,切成5公分长的肉段 冷冻芋头1袋,拿出来泡到水里 土豆2个,切块,泡入水里 白萝卜半棵,切成半月型的薄片 胡萝卜1根,切成半月形的薄片 魔芋丝1盒,用开水煮30秒后捞出备用 葱1棵,切成葱花 鱼粉 3汤匙 香油 1汤匙 白糖 1茶匙 味增 200克 盐 少许 1  2  3  4

用香油炒猪肉,加糖和少许的盐,猪肉颜色变后盛出备用; 烧2公升的水,开了之后加入白萝卜,芋头,土豆,微软之后加入胡萝卜和魔芋; 加入鱼粉、味增和炒好的猪肉,用中火慢慢熬汤; 所有的食材都变软之后,加入葱花,熄火。

Tips: 1  喜欢洋葱的朋友可以切洋葱丝,然后和芋头土豆等一起加入锅中。 2  喜爱重口味的朋友可以选择红味增。

Serves 4-5 300g pork for hot pot(thinly sliced pork belly), cut into 5cm pieces* 1 pack frozen taro balls, soaked in water* 2 potatoes, coarsely chopped, soaked in water ½ daikon radish, thinly sliced and halved 1 carrot, thinly sliced and halved 1 box konjac, boiled in hot water for 30 seconds* 1 spring onion, thinly sliced 3 tablespoons hondashi* 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon sugar 200g miso Salt 1   Heat the sesame oil, add the pork, sugar and salt, and stir fry until cooked. 2   Boil 2 litre of water, add daikon radishes, taros and potatoes, cook until slightly soft. Add carrots and konjac. 3  Add hondashi, miso and the cooked pork, reduce the heat to medium. 4   Cook the soup until all ingredients tender. Garnish with spring onion slices. Tips: 1  You can also add onion slices in step 2. 2  White miso has a sweet taste, while red miso can create a mature taste in the soup. *   Pork for hot pot, frozen taro balls and konjac are available from most Asian supermarkets. Hondashi is available from Japanese grocery stores and selected Asian supermarkets.



四宝酱炒虾球 Zabal prawn 食谱来自Ken Lee Recipe by Ken Lee

四人份 鲜虾300克,去头去壳 西兰花 一颗,切成小朵 玉米油 2茶匙 四宝酱: 美乃滋 3汤匙 黄芥末酱 1/2汤匙 糖 1汤匙 花奶 1汤匙 1  鲜虾下滚水烫1分钟后捞出; 2  西兰花用滚水烫30秒后捞出备用; 3  大火烧锅,放入玉米油后转中火, 加入四宝酱翻拌均匀后,马上倒入熟 虾翻炒,直至每只虾都裹满酱汁; 4  盛入盘中,用熟西兰花围边即可。

Serves 4 300g raw prawn, peeled 1 broccoli, cut into small florets 2 teaspoons corn oil

Chef’s secret

大厨的秘密 同样的菜式,大厨做出来的味道和家里做出来的味道,总有那么点不一样。 差别在哪里?那就是大厨们的秘密。 已退休的大厨Ken Lee喜欢预先调出自己独特的酱汁, 烹饪时只需要放几匙秘制酱,简单的食材如同穿上新衣, 要想味香汁浓、色泽诱人,只需瞬间。 30


Zabal sauce: 3 tablespoons mayonnaise ½ tablespoon hot English mustard 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon evaporated milk 1  Cook the prawns in boiling water for 1 minute, transfer to a dish, set aside. 2   Cook the broccoli florets in boiling water for 30 seconds, dish out and set aside. 3  Heat the wok until very hot, add corn oil and reduce to medium heat. Add the sauce, and stir in the wok. Add the prawns and toss well. 4   Transfer to a dish, serve with the broccoli.

沙爹奶酱炒鸡肉 Restaurant style satay chicken 食谱来自Ken Lee Recipe by Ken Lee 肉类要烹制得鲜嫩, 腌制的过程最为重要。 餐馆为何能把鸡胸肉也做得那么嫩? 自然有其秘诀。

四人份 鸡胸肉 300克,切大片 腌料: 生抽1汤匙 盐1/2茶匙 小苏打1茶匙 清水50毫升 生粉1汤匙 蔬菜油1汤匙 腌制方法: 鸡肉片加入生抽、盐、小苏打拌匀 后,再倒入清水,静置大约30分钟, 直到水份完全被肉吸收;之后依次加 入生粉和油,搅拌均匀。

Serves 4 300g chicken breast fillet, sliced

沙爹奶酱: 沙爹酱 2汤匙 糖 1汤匙 咖哩粉 1茶匙 三花奶 3茶匙 洋葱 1颗,切大片 蔬菜油 2汤匙

Marinade: 1 tablespoon soy sauce ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon bi-carb soda 50ml water 1 tablespoon corn starch 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1  锅烧至极热,下1汤匙玉米油,加 入鸡肉片及洋葱片快速翻炒至鸡肉及 洋葱呈现焦黄色,捞出备用。 2  锅内下1汤匙玉米油,转中火,加入 沙爹奶酱翻拌均匀后,倒入鸡肉翻炒30 秒即可上碟。

Marinade method: combine the soy sauce, salt and bi-carb soda with the chicken breast fillet; add the water and marinade for 30 minutes or until the water has been absorbed. Add the corn starch and then oil, mix well.

Sauce: 2 tablespoons satay sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon curry powder 3 teaspoons evaporated milk 1 onion, sliced 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1   Heat the wok until very hot, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the chicken and onion slices, stir fry quickly until golden. Remove the chicken and onion slices from the wok, set aside. 2   Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, reduce to medium heat, add the sauce and stir in the wok. Return the chicken and onion slices to the wok, stir fry for 30 seconds. October




Why we need a big freezer?

冰箱的冷冻室必须大 你家冰箱的冷冻室只用来放肉类和速冻食品吗? 那可就太浪费了,冷冻室有着超乎你想像的强大食品储藏能力,快来一起长知识!


大块的肉买回来后,按每次所需的份 量切开,分别放进保鲜盒冷冻,每次 提前取出合适的份量解冻。(所以以 后各种食品外卖盒不要随便扔掉了, 留下来放冷冻室,就成标准尺寸的肉 类储藏容器。) 如果没有足够的盒子,你可以在切开 的肉块表面涂上油,放入大容器一起 冷冻,油脂会让肉块不至于冻成一块 而很难分开,而培根则可以用保鲜膜 分隔包起来速冻。 大份量的肉泥可以放进食品袋中,用 擀面杖轻轻擀成薄片放入冷冻室(大 概8毫米是最适合的厚度),使用时可 以按照所需份量轻易掰开,而且也很 容易化冻。


为了不再一大早起床给自己和孩子们 备午餐,比如胡萝卜和毛豆,可提前 略为烫熟,煮熟的米饭,压成圆饼冷 冻起来随时可做米汉堡。骨头和肉一 次过飞水,分别装盒冷冻,下次要煲 汤的时候,拿一盒出来与其他材料一 起下锅。


超市买来的包装清汤在打开后必须在 三天内用完,但是如果把它冷冻起来 的说,则能够放三个月。你可用冰格 冻成一小块一小块的,在煮蔬菜时掰 两块代替清水;也可用大一点的盒子 冻成比较大份量的冰块,用来煮面或 者炖菜。 32



自己在家里用新鲜食材做的酱料,比 方说新鲜做的咖喱酱,因为没有任何 的食品添加剂所以不能长期存放, 但是如果用冰格冻起来就不同了,放 一个月都没问题,随时掰一块出来煮 菜,又新鲜又干净。炼奶什么的也可 这样处理。 各种新鲜香辛料,如芫茜、葱、罗勒 等等,一次吃不完的话,过几天就蔫 了,非常浪费。你可以稍微切一下分 别放进冰格里,加满植物油冷冻起 来,使用时连油一起下锅,新鲜程度 和香味几乎没有任何差别。


饺子馒头类的就不用说了,如果是大 条吐司面包或者欧式大面包,估计几 天内吃不完的话,放进冷冻室吧。要 吃的时候拿出来直接放烤箱里,用中 档火力加热五分钟左右,跟新鲜出炉 的口感一模一样!只要是没有馅料的 面包都可以放,不但比放冷藏室的口 感更好,而且保存时间可以长达一个 月以上! 豆类等干货也可以放进冷冻室,不会 发霉和长虫。

使用冷冻室还有更多的小妙招,宗旨 就是让食材更久地保鲜,并且方便随 时取用。为了省时省力,家里的冰箱 冷冻室必须大! October




亚洲超市里还没有看见莴笋的踪影, 可是懂得在自家后院种蔬菜的中国人已经吃上了清脆爽口的有 机莴笋。 在悉尼地区,冬季种下耐寒的莴笋,等待了三个月, 有些已经可以采摘,莴笋茎用来炒肉、凉拌、炖汤或做腌菜, 嫩的叶子同样可以吃,而且营养丰富。 莴笋配上腊味,带给我们的是令人想念的家乡味道。 34


好吃又易种的莴笋 莴笋常年都可以种,以春秋两季是播种的最好时节,种子直接撒在泥土上,大约 14-25天便能发芽,莴笋幼苗之间的间隔至少要30厘米。虽然在全天都阳光充足的 地方长得不错,但是更加理想的是有部分时间阴凉的位置,而昼夜温差大更有利于 莴笋的茎长粗。只要不是特别炎热的天气,莴笋有肥沃的泥土便很容易生长。 当莴笋的茎长到直径3-4厘米,或15-20厘米高,便是收获的时候了。种得成功的 莴笋茎粗肉厚,重的可达一公斤。 留下一两棵莴笋不采摘,继续生长至1米多高,顶端开出许多黄色的小花,开花后 11-15天种子成熟,为银白或黑褐色。这样,又可以获得很多的莴笋种子,留着自 己再育苗,或送给亲友,必定很受欢迎。还没开始种?这个春天就试试看吧。

Celtuce Celtuce, known as “Wo Sun”, is originated from southern China. The name “celtuce” comes from its unique combination of celery-like stalks and lettuce-like leaves. Its flavour is milder and more delicate compared to celery. It’s more often compared to asparagus when cooked, so it is also named “asparagus lettuce”. Celtuce central stalk is very crispy and tender, with a mild taste. The soft, translucent green central core is the edible part. It is widely used in Chinese cuisine and good for stir-fry, salad, soup and pickled. October




nulla” Eye Cro a “Wave Cronull th n: Nor o ti er a tt c o o L L : Tom rapher Photog

到Cronulla过尽兴的一天 滑雪季结束了,可是热爱运动的人总是不会因此安静下来,春天的到来让海水 回暖,还有什么比冲浪更让人兴奋? 悉尼南区Cronulla海滩是冲浪爱好者的冲浪胜地,有方便的交通,渡船码头、 火车站、巴士站紧贴海滩,还有热闹的Cronulla Beach CBD,因此Cronulla 也成为许多年轻人喜欢居住的区域。

“Cronulla Bend” Photographer: Tom Lotter Location: Greenhills and Boat Harbour

100多年前Cronulla海滩已经是很受欢迎的海滨浴场,Cronulla Plaza的冲浪画廊记录下这里关于冲浪的历史,你能看 到冲浪运动如何演变一种生活方式,以及沙滩时尚的变迁。 周末到海滩晒个太阳、发个呆、看看冲浪戏水的帅哥美女;也可到Berkelouw书店翻翻书、装装文艺范儿;这里餐厅星 罗棋布,所以吃货们也不会无事可做;常常举办的活动适合爱凑热闹的人,比如春季庆典、沙雕活动,还有每月第二个 星期日在步行街上举办的集市,逛逛market淘点有趣的工艺品和衣服,也是澳洲人一种典型的度周末方式。 若还没尽兴,可以开车前往邻近的皇家国家公园(Royal National Park),爬山、骑车和划艇,一次过玩到够! 36


带齐装备冲浪去 It’s time to surf 天气渐暖,到海边去,你准备好了吗? 带上你的沙滩装,穿上色彩缤纷的人字拖, 去享受清凉与阳光吧。

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In next issue… 下期更精彩... 家里的港式茶餐厅

Hong Kong style café at home 到香港怎么可以不光顾茶餐厅,再没有别的地方更能代表香港的饮食文化,中西美食的融合形成了 一种独有的风味。茶餐厅这三个字所代表的内容,用英语词汇实在难以准确表达,想理解这个词, 不啰嗦,直接上菜吧。

法式多士配奶茶 French toast and milk tea

柚子蜜排骨 Citrus honey pork ribs



Wonton noodle soup

Crispy roast pork belly

And more … 其他还有...




秘制酱拌乌冬 配日式煮蛋

Steamed shell burger and Korean BBQ pork

Udon in special sauce and Japanese boiled egg

盆栽酸奶蛋糕 Yogurt cake

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