Shichi Go San - Blessings of growth

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seven five three


preface There are lots of coming of age festivals in Japan but what makes the Shichigosan unique is that it is a festival that celebrates the first three ages in childhood, the three first times in life. In this time and age, certain traditional rites and values of the festival are already forgotten. Hence in this parent and child handbook, treasured values of the past are brought up and rebranded in modern context in hoping to bring shichigosan to another level of meaning. Divided into three parts, the festival is placed on a new emphasis of values and symbolism of growing up.

Dedicated to all parents and children growing up.


contents: Book







753 today


七五三 成長の祝福 2010年12月16日発行 Zhou Huiling Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design Media for VIS 320 GRAPHIC DESIGN


Outside a shrine


History The Shichi-Go-San Festival originates from Japan during the Heian Period (794-1185) when aristocrat’ children celebrate the coming of ages 3, 5 for boys and 7 for girls. Infant mortality rate was high at the time so this festival was celebrated to thank the gods for blessing the child’s growth and pray for the continued good health and safety of the children. There are also the three basic rituals namely the Kamioki, Hakamagi and Obitoki a child goes through that partly formed this festival too.

By the Kamekura Period (1185-1333), the festival was said to be set on the fifteenith day of November. Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi celebrated the health of his 3rd year old son who was physically weak, on this day. He then later become the fifth shogun.

The ChitoseAme is designed with motifs of the crane, tortoise, pine, bamboo and plum symbolising longevity


Ceremonial Gift In Shichi Go San, after going through the rituals in the shrine, the Chitose-Ame (thousand year candy) and packets of coloured paper are usually given or can be purchased. The Chitose-Ame is a candy in two long sticks of red and white and offered as a blessing of longevity. The family also tend to have a good feast on this day.



Shichi Go San Taking Family Photos

Western Suits and Dresses

Nowadays, Shichi-Go-San is also a day whereby a formal family photo is taken to commemorate this day. The child is dressed up in their traditional costume while the parents are usually seen either wearing western-styled formal clothings or in the Japanese traditional costume as well. Some parents take their children to the photo studio where they offer traditional costumes rental, make up, hair-styling services in a package additional to just taking a family portrait. They value this a good opportunity to capture the best childhood moments of their child.

Sometimes the Western suit and dress is adorned instead of the traditional Hakama and the Kimono.


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seven five three



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Seven is an age whereby girls put on an obi for the first time. This is a young girl’s first step into the society. Let’s look at the ceremonial rites and wishes for our growing young lady.

ceremony :


The Obitoki ceremony is for young girls who have reached 7 of age. It is an age whereby they are allowed to wear the Obi for the first time. A deeper research upon this meaning of the obi, is said to keep a person’s soul sealed inside. It is a waist belt of sensitivity, an expression of beauty and harmony.



Obitoki is still carried out in Shichi Go San today. Girls put on their favourite kimono and the obi for the very first time. It is a joyous event for girls to look their best on this day. Let’s look into the values in which the ceremony holds and the wishes and hopes we would like our girls to become.

Blessings for the seven year old


gracefulness gentle compassion sensitivity virtuousness

values :



Qualities of a plum tree, representing vitrtuousness.

The Plum blooms in the dead of the winter. Although the flower and the tree itself may not be striking to sight, the subtle fragrance of its flowers will give itself away. The beauty of the plum tree lies in its quiet appearance and showing its exquisiteness in the desolation of winter. This humble and inner display of beauty under such harsh conditions is a beautiful virtue that can tie in to the values of a woman. Hence plum is chosen to represent virtuousness for 7.

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七五三 成長の祝福 2010年12月16日発行 Zhou Huiling Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design Media for VIS 320 GRAPHIC DESIGN

seven five three


Preface is an age whereby the boys officially wear the hakama. Donning the traditional suit of man’s wear, the boy is on his first step in approaching manhood. Let’s look in to the ceremonial rites and wishes for our growing 5 year boys!




ceremony :




The Hakamagi Ceremony is for young boys who have reached 5 years of age. Other than putting on the Hakamas, this ceremony also has a part whereby the boy has to stand on a Goban (go board) and pray facing 4 directions. This notion is said to be imitating a fight and the boy has to fight off obstacles coming in the 4 directions thus, in hope that the boy will be a strong person that can fight off obstacles in the future.

Hakamagi Today

Hakamagi is still practised today. Boys put on their hakamas for the first time and visit the shrine for prayers. Let’s look at the values in which this ceremony is based on. What are the wishes and hopes we would like for our boys to become?

Blessings for the five year old


vigour strength resilience enthusiasm

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vigour strength resilience enthusiasm

values :





The Bamboo grows quickly to its full height, known to be one of the fastest growing plants on Earth. It is considered to be full of strength, indicating nobility, purity, honesty, and serious character. It also remains green theroughout winter like the pine but the unique thing about bamboo is that, it grows out segment by segment reaching out with stamina to withstand the cold winter. Known for its strength and flexibility, it represents human values of endurance and cultivation.










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七五三 成長の祝福 2010年12月16日発行 Zhou Huiling Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design Media for VIS 320 GRAPHIC DESIGN

seven five three


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grow d to e w o ll he nly a st and t o s i a child the p d y the high in believe b e r s e s a a h te w ge w . It w an a rtality ra s health eemed e b ’ o o t d sd own t time. M heir chil hair wa n k s t s d 3 wa r the fir ayed for God an f r fo hair e often p n envoy o l a p peo baby is a o that pectful. k int s l loo r l i w dis e t, we es mple the hop a p s i In th story and our 3 i e th h ishes for w and lds. o year

Congratulations, you are 3!

ceremony :



A photo of Kamioki in the past.

3 year old girls wear the hifu.

amioki today

This ceremony has much less been omitted in shichigosan today. Hair is no longer needed to be shaved in modern context, living conditions have improved and mortality rate in Japan has gone down to one of the lowest in the world.



Hair represents life force and vitality yet it is said to attract spirits. Thus dressing the children up with elderly white hair was believed to harness good fortune and the child to live up to a ripe old age.

which means putting on hair” is an ancient ritual held for both boys and girls who reach the age of 3. In the past, babies were not allowed to keep their hair until they were three years old. It is said that babies were a gift of god and keeping hair would be seem disrespectful and also partly because babies below 3 wouldn’t be able to manage their hair. In this ceremony, an elderly person would place a white cap onto the child’s head and wishing the child live to a ripe old age till the hair turns white.

But let us not forget the values in which the ceremony was based on — Wishing our child good health and longevity.


Blessings for the three year old

life energy endurance vitality spirit

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生命力 endurance longevity

Qualities of a pine tree, representing vitality.

The Pine Tree remains green all winter. The appearance of the pine, which remains unchanging, is thought to bring feelings of happiness and luck. With its straight and powerful trunk, the tree is tall, seeming to reach up to the sky. The tree symbolises a much like a wise old man who has withstood much life experience. The trunk, like an upright person with all the strength to overcome odds. Like the pine tree, may our children grow to become.




七五三 成長の祝福 2010年12月16日発行 Zhou Huiling Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design Media for VIS 320 GRAPHIC DESIGN

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