Transient Reminiscences 2011
20.02.2011 Singapore Conference Hall
卡门组曲 Les Toreadors
from Carmen Suite
走西口 Towards the
Western Gate
伦敦德里小调 Londonderry Air
Robe of Clouds
社日 Offering to
the Earth God
雅鲁藏布江 The Yarlung
Zangbo River
大合奏 Orchestra
笛子协奏 Dizi Concerto
弦乐齐奏 Strings Ensemble
古筝独奏 Guzheng Solo
大合奏 Orchestra
大合奏 Orchestra
休息 Intermission 7
伊犁河畔 By the Ili Riverside
古筝齐奏 Guzheng Ensemble
都市雀鳴 Warbling City Birds
笛子五重奏 Dizi Quintet
太鼓 Taiko
打击乐齐奏 Percussion Ensemble
北方民族 Sketches of Life 生活素描 in Northen China
月琴协奏 Yueqin Concerto
太行印象 Impressions of
大合奏 Orchestra
Mt. Taihang
Tonight's Programme 今晚的节目
Orchestra Introduction In 1983, Nanyang Technological University Orchestra (NTUCO) was formed and has been holding its annual Transient Reminiscences performances since 1997. This is an annual event that aims to preserve the rich Chinese culture heritage and to cultivate a love for Chinese classical music among the Chinese as well as other races. In 2006, NTUCO embarked on a journey to Tsinghua University and Beijing University for a cultural exchange concert.
Being invited by three Hong Kong Universities, NTUCO went to Hong Kong in December 2008, for a joint public performance as well. In May 2010, NTUCO visited Taipei to participate in an exchange concert with National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, and National Taipei University of Education. With Mr Ng Seng Hong as its helm, NTUCO strives to reach for greater heights in the year 2011.
南洋理工大华乐团成立于1983年, 迄今已经聚集了不少热爱华乐的南大 学子,是南洋理工大学文化与艺术协 会属下最活跃的团体之一。自成立以 来,南大华乐团在指挥以及各个声部 指导老师的悉心指导下茁壮成长。 承蒙校方和各界人士的鼎力支持, 南大华乐团自1997年以来也经常有 幸举办常年大型公开演奏会 – “南大云音”,深受观众好评。
2006年至今,南大华乐团已远赴北 京、香港(2008)和台北(2010), 与各地的顶尖大学进行文化交流并联 手举办音乐会,得了热烈回响和高 度评价。其中包括北京大学、清华 大学、香港科技大学、国立台湾 大学、国立台湾科技大学和国立台北 教育大学。我团将全力以赴,希望在 2011年能奏出更耀眼的成绩。
Ng Seng Hong
乐团指挥 Conductor NTUCO Conductor and Bowed Strings Instructor Mr Ng Seng Hong, who was the winner of the 1993 Youth Arts Award (Music), is a young and talented homegrown musician. He is currently the music director for People’s Association Youth Chinese Orchestra.and is also the conductor for Temasek Junior College Chinese Orchestra and Anderson Junior College. In 1987, Mr Ng became the first foreign winner of China Jiang-Nan String and Woodwind Competition held in Shanghai. He also won the Erhu category Outstanding Award and the Special Award in the Erhu category at the first Beijing ART Cup China International Music Competition in 1989. He was also one of the ten finalists for the Outstanding Young Person of Singapore Award in 1992. In 2004, Mr Ng’s biography and achievements are also recorded in the Chinese Ethnic Music Best Selections, published in by Zhong Hua Publications. Mr Ng had also performed with many overseas orchestras and in recent years, he has been actively involved in the development and promotion of fusion between traditional and modern music.
新加坡杰出音乐家。1993年青年艺术 奖(音乐)得主。现任南大华乐团指 挥兼弦乐组指导老师,新加坡人民协 会青年华乐团音乐总监,也是淡马锡 初级学院及安德逊初级学院华乐团 指挥。 黄歆峰于1987年参加了由中国音乐协 会在上海主办的首届海内外江南丝 竹演奏比赛,荣获三等奖,是第一 位在中国参加音乐比赛得奖的海外 人士。1989年参加在北京举行的第一 届ART国际中国乐器比赛,荣获青年 二胡专业组的表演奖及特别奖。1992 年,黄歆峰更是荣获新加坡十大杰出 青年奖。黄先生的个人生平介绍及艺 术履历收录在2004年出版的《国乐 典藏》中。 黄先生多次受邀与海外著名乐团合作 演出,如:上海民族乐团,上海交响 乐团,台北市立国乐团等。近年来在 流行素材与华乐的结合上更做了大量 的尝试与推广,并成功地带领人民协 会青年华乐团举办过多场具有本土色 彩及现代流行风格的演出。
Tan Jun Qiang
Jonathan 陈俊强
《走西口》笛子独奏者 Dizi Soloist for “Towards the Western Gate” Jonathan began learning Dizi under the tutelage of SCO musician Mr. Boo Chin Kiah at the age of 13. During his days in Junior College, Jonathan was the Sectional Leader and Student Conductor of the college’s orchestra, and had led the orchestra for many performances. In 2004, he participated in the National Chinese Music Competition and was awarded Certificate of Merit for the Intermediate Category for Dizi. In 2005, Jonathan attained Dizi Grade 8 with Distinction in the grading examination, jointly organized by China Central Conservatory of Music and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, and was invited to perform at the High Scorers’ Concert subsequently. Jonathan continued improving his techniques in performance under SCO musician, Mr. Lim Sin Yeo in 2009 and successfully attained his Dizi Diploma with Distinction in the grading examination, organized by the National University of Singapore, Centre For the Arts. He was also honored to have the chance to be guided by Dizi maestros, Mr. Qu Xiang and Mr. Li Zhen, during their trips to Singapore. Jonathan is currently the Student Conductor of Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra, Sectional Principal of the Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra (SYCO) for Dizi, Chairperson and Woodwind Sectional Principal of Tampines Changkat CC Chinese Orchestra.
陈俊强在13岁时开始学习笛子。 启蒙老师为新加坡华乐团演奏家巫振 加先生,巫老师启发了他对笛子的无 穷兴趣,更打下了扎实的基本功与 技巧。 在2004年, 他参加了国家艺术理事会 所举办的全国华乐比赛,并获得了优 等奖。 升上南洋初级学院之后,俊强在南初 华乐团不但担任吹管乐组长,还出任 学生指挥,带领华乐团参加了无数 演出。在2005年,俊强以特优的成绩 考取了由中央音乐学院与南洋艺术学 院所联办的八级考试,并受邀参与 ‘高分音乐会’的演出。 在2009年,俊强开始向新加坡华乐团 著名笛子演奏家林信有先生学习。 在同一年,他也成功以特优的成绩考 取到由新加坡国立大学艺术中心领发 的笛子演奏文凭。在笛子大师曲祥先 生与李镇先生来到新加坡时,俊强也 有幸得到他们的指导,使得自己的笛 子造诣大有所进。 目前,俊强活跃于新加坡华乐界。 他在南洋理工大学华乐团担任学生 指挥,新加坡青年华乐团担任笛子 首席,同时也是淡滨尼尚育民众联络 所华乐团的团长兼吹管首席。
Sim Wei Long
《云裳诉》古筝独奏者 Guzheng Soloist for “Robe of Clouds”
Wei Long started learning the Guzheng when he was 14, in Nanhua Secondary School Guzheng Ensemble and is currently under the tutelage of renowned Guzheng instructor, Madam Yin Qun. He displayed much talent and passion while playing in the ensemble. Despite having only learnt the instrument for 2 years, he obtained a Certificate of Distinction for his Grade 9 examination, jointly organised by Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and the Central Conservatory of Music, when he was 16. In 2006, Wei Long joined the National Junior College Guzheng Ensemble and was appointed the President. In the same year, he joined the Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra. As an experienced performer, he is active in the Guzheng scene and has represented the school in external performances on many occasions. That includes performances at the Istana for State Functions. Wei Long is currently the Guzheng principal player and sectional leader at NTUCO.
沈伟龙,师从著名古筝家尹群。 14岁开始在南华中学古筝团学习古筝, 对古筝表现出良好的能力与浓厚热情, 学琴仅2年便以优秀成绩取得南洋艺 术学院和中国中央音乐学院联合领发 的古筝9级证书。2006年担任国家初 级学院古筝团团长,并于同年考入新 加坡青年华乐团。 伟龙活跃于演出活动,多次演出于校 内外以及海外,也曾多次于总统府 演奏。现任南洋理工大学华乐团古筝 组组长。
Wong Wai Foong
《北方民族生活素描》月琴独奏者 Yueqin Soloist for “Sketches of Life in Northern China”
Wai Foong began learning the Zhongruan and Liuqin under Mdm Huo Ruowei in Northland Secondary School Chinese Orchestra, where he was appointed the plucked strings ensemble Concert Master and Ruan/ Liuqin Section Leader. In 1999, Wai Foong came under the tutelage of Mdm Zhang Ronghui and experienced great improvement in his ruan technique. From time to time, he also received instruction from Mdm Liu Yan and Mr Goh Yew Guan and benefited immensely from it.
黄伟锋自中学时期在霍若薇女士的 启蒙下学习中阮,并担任德景中学 弹拨乐团首席兼阮、柳琴声部首席。 1999年,他师从张容晖女士学习 中阮,在演奏技巧与音乐表达方面 得到了极大的提高。多年的习琴生 涯中,他也曾得到吴友元先生及刘燕 女士的指导,获益良多。
Wai Foong was a former member of the Singapore Youth Chinese Orchestra SAF MDC Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Ruan Chamber Ensemble, and Cheng San Echoes of the Valley Chinese Orchestra. As a Chinese music veteran, he has performed solo in various concerts.
伟锋于2000年及2002年的全国华乐比 赛中阮高级组中,分别荣获了亚军及 季军。2002年的赛事中,他也随静山 空谷回音华乐团参赛,囊获小合奏公 开组冠军。除了华乐演出,伟锋近年 来也活跃于本地琼剧社团,担任中阮 演奏员。
伟锋曾是新加坡青年华乐团、新加坡 武装部队华乐团、静山空谷回音华乐 团及阮咸印象室内乐团的成员,演奏 经验丰富,并多次担任独奏。
While competing in the Zhongruan Senior Category in 2000 and 2002, Wai Foong was awarded 2nd and 3rd prize in the National Chinese Music Competition. He also competed in the Ensemble Open Category in 2002 as one of the representatives of Cheng San Echoes of the Valley Chinese Orchestra and was awarded the 1st prize. In recent years, Wai Foong has been actively performing in various local Hainanese Opera troupes.
乐曲在 讲些什么? 1
Les Toréador from Carmen Suite Composed by Georges Bizet, Arranged by Peng Xiuwen 大合奏:
卡门组曲 之 《斗牛士之歌》
What are the
songs saying? Les Toreadors was originally a choral arrangement from the renowned opera, Carmen, composed by Georges Bizet. The entire suite was completed in the autumn of 1874, and is considered to be Bizet’s magnum opus. This fiery and fast-paced tune is a tribute to his fans, by the charismatic bull-fighter, Escamillio.
《斗牛士之歌》是比才的四幕歌剧歌剧《卡门》中 的一首合唱曲。《卡门》完成于1874年秋,是比才 的最后一部歌剧,也是当今世界上上演出率最高的 一部歌剧。著名的 《斗牛士之歌》,是埃斯卡米 里奥为感谢欢迎和崇拜他的民众而唱的一首歌曲。
Dizi Concerto:
Towards the Western Gate Composed by Nan Weide, Wei Jianian and Li Zhen Arranged by He Zhan Hao Soloist: Tan Jun Qiang Jonathan
Composed in the 1980’s, this epic concerto depicts the hardships and optimism of a newly-wed couple from the countryside, during the Qing dynasty. The piece is divided into four distinct sections: 1. The Newly-Weds: Using the Bangdi, the joyful theme of the piece is presented, portraying the loving scene between the newly-wedded young couple. 2. Weeping: The Dizi plays a stirring melody, mimicking the cries of the couple. This is accompanied by the piercing strikes of the Bangu which represents the heart-ripping emotions. 3. Departure: The emotive second theme is presented and is followed by the reappearance of the first theme. The stark contrast between them portrays the vast difference between the couple’s dreams and realities. The cadenza depicts the pain and strong emotions of the couple. 4. Hope: The reappearance of the second theme demonstrates the people’s hopes for better lives and their protest to inequality.
走西口 南维德、魏家稔、李镇作曲 何占豪编曲 独奏:陈俊强
此曲作于二十世纪八十年代初,取材于内蒙西部二 人台《走西口》,描写清末一对农村新婚夫妻的苦 难遭遇和对幸福生活的向往。全曲由四段组成, 具有叙事性: 1.“新婚”:以北方梆笛明亮的音色奏出欢乐的第 一主题,渲染小两口新婚的幸福情景。 2.“哭别”:竹笛模拟“二人台”的哭腔,奏出凄 楚的旋律,配以撕裂人心般的板鼓“撕边”敲击, 表现悲剧的终于到来; 3.“相送”:先由低沉委婉的曲笛吹奏出如泣如诉 的第二主题,描写夫妻难舍难分,互诉衷肠的情 景。突然出现了欢乐的第一主题。形成鲜明的对 比,深刻揭示了美好理想和残酷现实之间的巨大矛 盾。紧接着笛子奏出华彩段,淋漓尽致地抒发了内 心的痛苦和不平; 4.“盼望”:笛子变化再现了凄婉的第二主题, 深刻地表现了离别的亲人对不平社会的怨恨和控 诉,及对幸福生活的渴望。
Strings Ensemble: Irish Folksong
Londonderry Air Arranged by Chua Seng Chee
弦乐齐奏: 爱尔兰民歌
伦敦德里小调 蔡承志编曲
Air, is a variant of the musical song form, is the name of various song-like vocal or instrumental compositions. Londonderry Air is an Irish anthem and is played as the victory anthem of Northern Ireland at the Commonwealth Games. It was then published by the Society for the Preservation and Publication of the Melodies of Ireland in the 1855 book - The Ancient Music of Ireland. The tune was listed as an anonymous air, with a note attributing its collection to Jane Ross of Londonderry. 这是北爱尔兰在某些场合中所使用的国歌。北爱 尔兰没有自己的州歌或区歌,在英联邦运动会上, 北爱尔兰代表队使用《伦敦德里小调》。这首小调 的历史悠久,作曲家不详,首次发表于1855年的 《爱尔兰古曲》刊物中。
Guzheng Solo:
Robe of Clouds
Composed by Zhou Yuguo Soloist: Sim Wei Long Piano Accompaniment: Chua Wan Yuan, Liza 古筝独奏:
云裳诉 周煜国作曲 独奏:沈伟龙 钢琴伴奏:蔡婉媛
Rearranged based on the Guzheng piece Xiang Yun, this masterpiece chronicles the romantic tragedy of Concubine Yang and Emperor Tang Xuanzong. The tune is divided into four distinct parts and uses the melancholic elements of Shan’xi folk tunes to retell their gripping and dramatic love.
此曲是在筝曲《乡韵》的旋律基础上改编扩展而成 的,并赋予了它新的乐曲含义。曲名取自诗句 “云想衣裳花想容”,描绘了杨贵妃与唐玄宗之 间流传百世的爱情故事。全曲共分四个段落: “歌颂爱情”、“兵乱事发”、“魂断马嵬坡”、 “刻骨思念”。曲调运用了陕西音调中的“碗碗 腔”,凄婉哀怨,生动描绘了两人之间戏剧性的悲 剧爱情故事。
5 Orchestra:
Offering to the Earth God
Composed by Law Wai Lun 大合奏:
社日 罗伟伦作曲
During the Earth God’s birthday, people gather to celebrate playing drums and praying for good fortune. This piece depicts the joyous mood of the Hakkas during the festival, by using three different musical themes.
所谓“社日”,俗称“伯公诞”。在这一天,民间 的家家户户有的鼓乐赛迎,有的礼拜祈福。乐曲在 引子之后,以三个不同的音乐材料,表现节日的喜 庆,以及客家人对地神的顶礼膜拜。
6 Full Orchestra:
2nd Movement of Journey to Lhasa:
The Yarlung Zangbo River
Composed by Guan Naizhong
The Yarlung Zangbo River sits at the south of Lhasa and is Tibet’s greatest river. By using the pentatonic scale for the theme, coupled with intertwining entries of it by various sections, the composer constructed a scenic portrait of the picturesque river with the music.
大合奏: 拉萨行 - 第二乐章:
雅鲁藏布江 7
关乃忠作曲 Guzheng Ensemble:
By the Ili River
Composed by Cheng Gongliang Arranged by Sim Wei Long 古筝齐奏:
伊犁河畔 成公亮作曲 沈伟龙编配
雅鲁藏布江位于拉萨之南,是西藏的第一大江。 乐曲的五声音阶特点主题,在不同声部交替出现, 推向高潮,刻划了西藏第一大江雅鲁藏布江的秀丽 景色和奔腾之势。此曲的和声写作手法上有欧洲后 浪漫派的风格。
Dizi Quintet:
Warbling City Birds
Composed by Tim Wilson Performers: Tan Jun Qiang Jonathan, Jesmin Yap, Ng Hsien Han, Huang Bian Xun, Tay Ivan
都市雀鸣 卫庭新作曲 演奏者:陈俊强,叶淑敏,黄显行, 黄边讯,郑智豪
This ensemble arrangement hopes to reproduce the Sai Nai Mu dance music of the Uyghurs. It portrays the joyous dance and songs of people living by the Ili River, which runs by the foot of the Tianshan Mountain. The composer cleverly fuses the elements of minority music with a traditional Chinese instrument. 此曲是模仿新疆维吾尔族歌舞“赛乃姆”音乐风 格写成,意在追寻汉唐历史上音乐文化交流的 踪影。乐曲将中原乐器与西域音调进行结合, 描绘出今日伊犁河畔的人们在美丽的天山脚下载 歌载舞的场景。
This piece was created in 1987 in the early days of the HK Academy for Performing Arts. The title “City Birds” is a reflection on the apparent paradox which arises from studying real Chinese traditional music in a highly urbanized environment like Hong Kong. Technically, “Warbling City Birds” is a fusion of the composer’s curiosity and knowledge of Chinese music and his jazz roots. The concept of creative imagination is reflected in the cadenzas near the end of the piece where each of the players is required to improvise. 这首曲子创作于1987年。标题“市鸟”反映香港这 样一个高度城市化的环境和大自然明显的矛盾。 中国的音乐灵感经常从自然或高尚的学者相对于平 静的生活为主题。另一方面,一般的香港市民处在 水泥森林而较少机会思考大自然的奥秘。这首乐曲 联合了作曲家的爵士乐根基与他对华族音乐的了解 与认识及好奇心。乐曲的旋律与形式是中国式的, 但节奏却是来自作曲家的内心深处,乐曲的创意及 想象概念全表现在乐曲尾部的华彩部分,每一位演 奏员须用自己的演奏方式表现内心感情与个人的演 奏能力。
Percussion Ensemble:
Taiko Composed by Scott R. Harding
太鼓 Scott R. Harding 作曲
Enthralled by a performance of the legendary Kodo, the composer decided to compose a piece inspired by Japanese drumming. This piece breaks no new ground in terms of style, but achieves its effectiveness through its brief brutality of an attack. Designed for six to eight players, it requires no indigenous drums but can be performed on commonly found instruments such as bongos, tom-toms and a bass drum instead. 作者在观赏了一场太鼓的演出后,为之所动,随后 动笔创作了这首作品。曲风强劲有力,振奋人心。 乐曲在编排与配器上别出心裁,虽名为《太鼓》但 却不用到日本的传统乐器,而改用了一般乐团都会 有的打击乐器如低音鼓、bongo和tom-tom。
Yueqin Concerto:
During the 1970’s, the composer visited the minorities of the northern Chinese provinces to collect folk songs. The result was this lovely concerto, a work in four movements for the YueQin and the orchestra.
Composed by Liu Xijin Soloist: Wong Wai Foong
1. Horseracing This song describes the thrilling horseracing at the Mongolian Nadam Fair.
Sketches of Life in Northern China
2. Deer-taming This movement describes the deer-taming practices of by the Ewenki people who reside in China’s northeastern frontier. “Ewenki” means “the people living in the mountain forests”. This melodious tune depicts the people’s joys and the docile nature of deers. 3. Fishing Song The fishing industry is the main source of livelihood for the Hezhes. The third movement replicates the jubilant singing of the Hezhes, who after a day of fishing, return home in the dusk, rowing their fishing boat that abounds with catch. 4. Winter Hunting The final movement depicts the winter hunting by the Oroqen people who inhabit the Xing’anling Mountains. The concise introduction describes the mystery of virgin forests and the tense atmosphere before the hunt and then fires into a fast-paced number that describes the excitement of the Oroqens during the hunt.
北方民族生活素描 刘锡金作曲 独奏:黄伟锋
刘锡津作于20世纪70年代末。作者曾深入北方各少 数民族地区生活采风,撷取了内蒙古、鄂温克、 赫哲和鄂伦春等民族生活和劳动中最具特征的场景 为内容,以简练、生动的笔触,勾勒出四幅充满生 活气息而又形象各异的北方少数民族的风情画。 1. 赛马 描绘善骑的内蒙人在“那达慕”大会上进行扣人心 弦的赛马场面。 2. 驯鹿 描写中国东北边疆的鄂温克族人驯鹿的情景。 “鄂温克”意即“住在大山林中的人们”。捕鹿驯 鹿是鄂温克人最主要的生产活动。乐曲表现了鄂温 克人驯鹿时的喜悦心情和鹿群的驯良、柔顺。 3. 渔歌 月琴以推拉滑音和均匀的滚奏唱出了以捕鱼为主的 赫哲族人在渔舟晚归时的欢乐歌声和愉悦心情。 末尾以富于色彩的和声及大提琴的低声吟唱渲染出 晚霞锦绣、船歌悠扬的美丽意境。 4. 冬猎 描写了居住在大小兴安岭的鄂伦春人的狩猎场面。 引子渲染出原始森林的神秘和狩猎前特有的紧张 气氛。接着栩栩如生地描绘了追猎的场景,随后乐 队全奏出欢乐明朗的歌调,抒发猎人满载而归时的 喜悦心情。
11 Orchestra:
Impressions of Mt. Taihang Composed by Liu Wenjin
太行印象 刘文金作曲
Liu Wenjin is adept at scoring majestic and splendid orchestral pieces. He frequently visits the provinces around Mt. Taihang for the purpose of researching folk music and is deeply impressed by the life of the people in the area. In this piece, he successfully weaved various Taihang folk tunes into a seamless tapestry, depicting the Taihang people’s diligent and joyful nature, as well as their optimism towards a better life. 刘文金先生擅长谱写景象壮阔的曲子,他曾多次深 入山西、河北、河南等太行地区采集民歌,並对当 地生活留下深刻印象。作者运用了多首太行民谣并 采用了很多山西,以及河北河南等地的民歌素材将 太行人勤奋爽朗的个性表达無遗,旋律里充滿了对 生活美好的憧憬和向往。 17
W ho's Talking?
谁在讲? Gaohu 高胡
Zhao Shuohan Ma Hau Yee Chen Wanting
Cello 大提琴 赵烁晗* 马孝仪 陈婉婷
Zhonghu 中胡 Wong Liang Chen Tee Yi Fei
黄良辰 郑宇斐
Erhu 1 二胡(一) Chua Wan Yuan, Liza Yap Chai Teng Tok Wei Ling Tan Qiuting You Xuangang Oo Hui Wan Jin Yelei Zinc Teo Zhi Yin Natalie Lio Jia Qi Pan Keshang
蔡婉媛 叶彩婷 卓玮玲 陈秋婷 游选刚 李慧雯 金叶蕾 张豑尹 刘佳绮 潘可尚²
Erhu 2 二胡(二) Zhou Huiling Feng Shibin, Alvin Rao Yong Liang Zheng Qi Liu Yihan Ong Chin Hwee Poon Yong Quan, Alan Chang Yi Hong Luo Wanjing Kua Hiong Poh
周慧玲 冯世彬 饶永良 郑琦 刘艺涵 王敬惠 潘詠权 张义鸿 罗婉菁 柯雄宝²
Yeoh Jung Chin Foo Peow Ee Tang Wen Qi, Jovita Tan Jian Rong Cheah Zhi Quan Ivan Thia Tzi Yu Tan Yung Chuen Joel Chou Chen Yanpo
杨荣勤 符标毅 邓文琦 陈建荣 谢志宽 程子瑀³ 陈勇全³ 周伟文³ 陈炎坡³
Double Bass 低音提琴 Tang Junli Phang Jian Kai
汤俊莉1 彭建凯
Guzheng 古筝 Sim Wei Long Yap Shu Mei, Jocelyn Soh Hui Shian, Sandy Tan Kok Teng Lian Huiting Kwang Hui Xin,Christine Wong Shao Jie Thay Lee Teng, Sylvia He Shuai Huang Jing Lü Muzhou Jia Zhunan
沈伟龙1 叶淑媚 苏慧娴 陈杺帷 连慧婷 关慧欣 黄兆杰 郑丽婷 何帥 黄婧 吕牧洲 贾祝楠
Yangqin 扬琴 Eng Yong Sheng, Alex Loo Lian Wei, William
翁永胜 吕威廉
Liuqin 柳琴 Tan Hui Boon Tan Kok Teng Lee Jiong Xian, Kelvin
陈慧文1 陈杺帷 李炯贤³
Pipa 琵琶 Chong Tai Khoon Ng Mei Feng Tan Khun Ling Wang Jingyun Wang Huang Tan Yi Hui Tan Yanjun Ize Alvin Chua Jia Qing
Bangdi 梆笛 庄黛君1 黄美凤 陈昆宁 王婧芸 王凰 陈怡卉³ 陈彦君³ 蔡佳庆³
Zhongruan 中阮 Wong Wai Foong Ang Zhi Wei, Kelvin Toh Xiu Hua Yap Shu Mei, Jocelyn Tan Zhong Xiao Loi Ee Vian
黄伟锋1 洪植伟 卓秀华 叶淑媚 陈忠孝² 雷晴雯³
Daruan 大阮 Sim Wei Long Lim Ying Shiang
叶淑敏1 黄显行 郑智豪 高漠晨
Qudi 曲笛 Tan Jun Qiang, Jonathan Huang Bianxun Han Yu Jing Lin Shengxuan Wang Jingyuan, William Wang Hao Ying
陈俊强1 黄边讯 韩雨静 林圣轩 王敬元 王昊颖
Gaoyin Sheng 高音笙 Wan Wing Chung, Steve Oh Guek Khim, Glenda
沈伟龙 林颖翔³
Zhongyin Sheng 中音笙
林珍卉1 罗玮胜 段小双 岑海鋒 郑杰锴 王榆嘉 段沁洋 沈伟龙 杨自在³ 洪淑桦³
Suona 唢呐
Percussion 打击乐 Lim Tin Huay Luo Weisheng Duan Xiao Shuang Sham Hoi Fung, Jimmy Tee Jie Kai, Calvin Wong Yu Jia Duan Qinyang Sim Wei Long Yong Zizai, Bernard Ang Soh Hua, Kelyn
Yap Shu Min, Jesmin Ng Hsien Han Tay Zhi Hao, Ivan Gao Mochen
Goh Siwei Tan Hwee Teng
温颖璁 胡月琴³
吴思伟 陈惠婷
Cheong Zhi Hao, Kenneth Lim Hui Chi Ng Chu Ying Goh Wei Hong Peh Jun Hao Wong De Li
钟治豪 林慧池 黄淑英³ 吴伟鸿³ 白俊豪³ 黄德励³
* Concert Master 1 Principal Player ² Alumni ³ Guest Player
乐团首席 声部长 校友 客卿
NTUCO Committee
Huang Bian Xun Club Chairperson
Tan Kok Teng • Yap Shu Mei Jocelyn • Chong Tai Khoon Vice-Chairperson
Tan Jun Qiang Jonathan Student Conductor
Han Yu Jing • Zhou Huiling • Kelvin Ang Zhi Wei • Lina Yap Marketing Officers
Lian Huiting • Li Jing • You Xuan Gang Business Managers
Yeoh Jung Chin • Yap Chai Teng Logistic Managers
Tay Zhi Hao Ivan • Tan Qiuting • Foo Peow Ee • Tan Khun Ling Score Manager
Welfare Officer
Public Relations Officer
Stage Manager
Lim Tin Huay • Yap Shu Min Jesmin • Sim Wei Long • Tang Junli Wong Wai Foong • Zhao Shuo Han Sectional Leaders
Acknowledgements We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the following:
Associate Prof Lok Tat Seng Dean of Students
VIPs of Transient Reminiscences 2011 For gracing our concert
All staff of Student Affairs Office, Alumni Affairs Office and Nanyang House NTU Cultural Activities Club People’s Association Youth Chinese Orchestra NTU Symphonic Band Hsing Hai Chinese Orchestra 指导老师:刘燕,靳世义,蔡承志,沈国钦 Our Sponsors Mr. Cha Weicong & Mr. Zhuang Haoyang for their contributions to the orchestra
Emcees, photographers, videographers and helpers Alumnis, and Guest Players for helping out in the concert
The audience, for attending our concert, thus making our concert a successful one.
支持机构 Supported by
Student Affairs Office Alumni Affairs Office Nanyang Technological University Chinese Orchestra Alumni
支持机构 Supported by
新加坡金宜中医针灸诊所: 中医作为华族传统文化精髓 之一,经过数千年的理论和 实践发展而形成了完整而系 统的医学体系。中医以维护 人体健康,预防疾病,调节 身心为目的,受到广大群众 的信任。金宜中医针灸诊所 的莊或勳中医师结合中医的 重要组成部分—针灸,为患 者进行治疗,用实力和真心 为您的健康撑起保护伞。 诊病时间: 早上九时至晚上十时,中午 十二时至一时休息 公共假期(预约时间)
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