Urban dairy- Space of Uncertainty

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Urban Dairy

Space of Uncertaity 空間不確定 城市記事

Urban Dairy






















Urban Dairy


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School building and classroom now become residential building for refugees.

01 Near Ehrenfield district of Kรถln, the reused residential building and yard for refugees have exist for 3 years. Before, the place was a school being abondanded for almost 5 years. Besides all the refugees living here, there are only one security from security firm support by Stadtkรถln, and two other people help. Age range, of the residents here, is quite board covers from baby(1 year old) and teenager (14,15) to old people Unit as family. Only by basic rules which defines the function, users(residents) transfer the abandoned school slowly into a new place. Laking of design control the place still remains lots of unvertainty compare with other certain places.


1. A refugee family lives in the school sits in front of a kiosk near the building. The little girl plays along the narrow sidewalk besides car parking lot . 2. The outlook of the school and the street. Quiet district and surrounded by residential houses.



1 _ Cloth hanging in the bike parking space and the abandoned sofa, the roof of bike parkinglot create a residential living space causally and accidently.

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1. Bike laydown in the centre, kids sharing this only bike together. 2. Bike car ramdonly lay in the yard. 3. Heavy felt lay on the pingpong table casually.

the space being occupied by living objects, which indicates the occupy of life of residents in it. Through their life, people living there transform the space slowly, and are re-defining the open space, school yard, through everyday life.


Urban Dairy


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1.social workers and volunteers from outside 2. one social wrker with the refugee kid plant together 3. the plants condition in the first month

Social workers from outside start a urban farming project in the community, try to dress the refugees there to work together and build the garden together. To help the children and teenagers in the refugee community.




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The old gate of fire station still retained, but being added graffiti.

02 Local Old Fire Station for over 25 years in the community center Alte Feuerwache The community center Alte Feuerwache is a self-managed center. It sees itself as a place where a variety of social, ecological and democratic initiatives and associations not only able to use a room temporarily or permanently, but also encounters of people from arts, crafts, education, culture, community work and party independent policy allows they would not otherwise take place. 1.old fire building now being used as office building 2. courtyard wall fills of graffiti


Urban Dairy


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1.teenager doing graffiti 2. one mother is teaching kids how to do graffiti 3. art work on the grassland besides office building

Art related cultrural events like graffiti kind of re-define the space. The results of all the activities and events remains in the space and occupied slowly.




man-made grass slope in Carlsgerten, Müheilm, Köln

03 The CarlsGarten locates in Carlswerk, Müheilm. Formed by shipping containers and gardening wooden boxes, and earth slope inside of the garden which already exist before the garden. It was besides abandoned factory and then the garden transform the place from uncertian abandon space into an urban encounters. Not merely from uncertain to certian, but from uncertain to another level between uncertain and certian base on the needs of citizens. introduction board in the entrance of the garden


Urban Dairy


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1. events board in the entrance 2. pvarious self made urban furniture on the area 3. urban gardening

Found by theater professionals and gardenning amemters, the Carlsgarten not only a place for gardening, but a urban encouter for helding various cultural events.




leftover space along the ubahn trail in ehrenfield

04 Right besides the ubahn trail, there is a large empty leftover space. (Volsangerstr 231) Not only open space but also empty factory as indoor space there are. Make it as the bed for multi events. Every Saturday there is a flohmarket start at 5pm and live bands show starts at 8 Pm in the abundant house. Some other temporary events like Street festival also happened here. Every week there is a flohmarket and some events. the entrance of the leftover space , besides is the vendor which being used in some events like street food festival in Köln


Urban Dairy


1. urban farming DIY communication sheltor

4.cars parks liner way near the enrance

2. the entrance to urban farming

5. golf playing party in te space

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3. the urban farming community occupied northern 6. teenager walking dog on the construction earth macorner of the leftover site. terial hill ignoring the fencesh

Art related cultrural events like graffiti kind of re-define the space. The results of all the activities and events remains in the space and occupied slowly.




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1. bushes near trailway goes wild 2. pebble groud mixed with the earth 3. wild grass invaid inside slowly

In additional, the site slowly back to natural groud through wild grass and bushes, plants, while after a long time of remain uncertian


Urban Dairy


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unmaintenance of the park

05 Without good maintenance , disorder and chaotic becomes the charter of this park in SĂźdstadt KĂśln. Even there are residential districts, but the park still seems abandoned.

1. office building besides the gate of the port 2. Fallen leaves anD grass blurs the groud boundaries of sidewalk and void space besids the office building




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void grass land in front of a wall, living luggage collected in the corner under the bush

06 / 07 Void places with wild grass bushes indicate unmaintainent for a while. Life trash collected in the specific position of the void place shapes the space somehow in a low control level without intention through everyday life. Those small scale urban space can be seem as uncertian thredholds. Slowly loosing the oringnal function and getting wild through time and human everyday activities. An abandoned aprtment in Carlswerk, Müheilm Köln with the wild trees and grass in the courtyard


Urban Dairy


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the benches not in good condition in the corner of the park

08 It is a park in SĂźdstadt ,KĂśln. Surrounding is residential district.Although have potential locals, the park condition now more like abandoned. Without good maintenance , disorder and chaotic becomes the charter of this park. In the plan this park will be renewed, but through this only regulation or superficial plan. then it is been leftover and becomes uncertian through then for a long time. 1. railing cannot hold the spreed of weeds 2. the abandonded builing surrounded by fences with graffiti




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1. empty drink bottle on the earth groud 2. natural hole on the bench

4. unmaintenance grassland 5. construction fence surrounded, graffiti on th fences

3. two construction concret as a temporary solotion for puddles on the road

Even the space ‘formally‘ been abondant, but the trace of everyday life still have various trace and impact on the park.


Urban Dairy


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Leftover place seen from the street besidest

09 Right besides the park is an abandoned office building and hotel, the courtyard now been used as temorary storage. Shipping containers inside the fence. Near the site is Ubahn and bus station, the busy street besides the site.

1. shipping containers inside and renting information on the fence 2. seen from the small alley from park to the main street




Seen through the fence when pedestrain pass by the site


Urban Dairy


people use private alley use in public

10 Near Ubahn station in Mßheilm, the abandoned space being left over waiting for another construction and design. Now, fences simply and f´directly define the boundaries , wild grass and weeds grow freely inside.

uncertian landscape seen from outside




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fenced wild grassland in Carlwerk, Müheilm

11 Another empty grassland near Carlswerk, Köln is surrounded by fences. Nearby buildings around are residential buildings, and closed the the main street. The grass on the ground blurrs the boundaries the artificial fence control setting. Near the site few graden belongs to the neighbors exit and become part of this wild uncertian andscape. 1, wide inside grassland 2, residential building besides the space


Urban Dairy


1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 1. hidden garden on the boundary of the void place 2. private garden


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3. private garden 4. entrance of private garden 5. object on the groud in the center of the place 6. info signage on the ground

Contract to the rough fence control and the empty impression, the gardens besides and objects on the site has showed more human control by users.




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fenceds lead to the bridge of trail

12 A place of buffer zone near train trail bridge. fenced by private uses. Inside it, some shelters and containers make up the new space, transform the buffer zone there slowly via uses.

1, wide inside grassland 2, residential building besides the space


Urban Dairy


construction site

13 / 14 Another process landscpae along the street Different level of losing control of design and the design by users


buffer zone with fences



Urban Dairy


1 _ 2 Waidmarkt collapse site, SĂźdstate, KĂśln

15 Near the Ubahn severinerstr. station is the Archive construction site. Different as other construction site planned to construct into place and given new function and meaning, the Archive building was collapsed by accident in 2009. Because of the construction of new Ubahn line underground, the Archive building collapsed. Two people died and quatities of archive materials were barried under concret. This accident not only affects the Archiv site itself but also the Gymnasium across the street and the church tower the otherside around. Various impact happened after the collapse to the neighborhood.


1, residential buildings stand as the backgroud contract to the hole 2, view from the fence, deep hole full of water



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1. the 3rd annual commemorate events on site in March 2015 2. Köln mayer also here to disccuss about the future of the site and Köln with local people. 3. various people from neighborhoods gather together to join the openning of the collapse billboard, the

4. people watching the post hanging on the fence the fences becomes a temporary holding structure for exhibition 5. disscusion on the post about different phenomenons about urban public space in Köln. 6. teenager walking dog on the construction earth material hill ignoring the fencesh

Been aware of the collapse, ArcivKomplex initiative as an independent group found by artists, architects, writers and other dedicated citizens, who deal artistically and thus politically with collapse of Cologne city archive and its consequences. Various art project are held by ArchivKomplex, try to keep the invisible memory as process through tangible art projects, sometimes on site sometimes offsite. 018

Urban Dairy


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1-6. memos were spontausly put on the fence by citizens passing by the site in 4 hours 7. onsite experiment tool box ‘what do you think of the Archiv‘

Experiment ‘what do you think about Archiv‘

shows citizens still care about the site. Personal memories and thought towards the incident forms a new invisible space beyond the material space as Represent space in Levebvre’urban theories (Produce space, 1991).




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4 _ 5 _ 6 1. experiment tool box act as a triger that teenagers from the Gymnasium start disscuss about the incident gather together in from the Archiv site after course 2. teenagers and elder local people start meets in the same place 3-6. people step by to watch the site and memos on fences

Several people stepped by and had a look of the memos ont the site and the collapse itself. The bench. across the street of Gymnasium and besides fence, is potential meeting not for teenagers and elder citizens, locals and passengers, past and present, temporary and memorary...


Urban Dairy



1. pipes start from the construction site

4. pipe and steel stands

7. pipes stand high in gront og the Gymnasium

2. pipes across the street towads Gymnasium

5. pipes go through the green park

3. pipes hanging along the building

6. pipes across the tunnel

8. poster of the shop on the pipes across in front the shop

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9. pipes on the grass land

The Pipes

Social workers from outside start a urban farming project in the community, try to dress the refugees there to work together and build the garden together. To help the children and teenagers in the refugee community.



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abandoned construction site through fences

16 The construction site is near the Ubannstation Eifelwall and besides Uni Köln Centre. After building collapsed from 2009, the site is on the process of transition and planned in 2019, the city archive ‚Neubau Historisches Archiv, Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek‘ will finish on the site. Forbidden, chaotic, disorder, vacant, wildness is the impression of the spaces. Biologically, we perceive images through eyes. 1, view along the street 2, billboard in front of the construction site


Urban Dairy


1. empty paper package of firework

4. piece of paper

2. plastic glooves

5. paper cup

3. empty firework paper package

6. empty glass bottle of drink

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Not like that empty as the first impresion of the site, there are various life cues on the lawn.




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1. view of the tall building behind

4. wild weeds

2. close look through fence

5. bushes as the front view

3. disorder wild weeds and bushes on the site

6. mose


Urban Dairy


16 Occuppation of abandoned furnitures and other objects in public open space is not only a phenomenon but also a gesture. The gesture of placing abandoned objects transform the open public space where held this happening. Unlike other uncertain space being uncertain because of loosing control by design process first, in this case, the action or behavior itself defines the uncertainty of certain place, or give more uncertian meaning to the certain space via usage.


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1. unuse trampoline and wood construction materials lean on the wall 2. leftover bricks on open lawn 3. container space for abandoned furnitures become the second hand IKEA mall 4. bedside sructure lean on the wall besides the door on the street








1. leftover bricks and water tank 2. abandoned closet and chairs lean on the wall 3. tinz bear toz on the short wall of neighbor|s garden besides sidewalk


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