CHEN Y.H. design portfolio 2013

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陳 泳 勳

design portfolio


CHEN Yung-Hsun

design portfolio 2009-2013

CHEN Yung-Hsun








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Public & Med i cal

Service Interface


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Chen Yung-Hsun design works 2008 - 2013


陳 泳

Chen Yung-Hsun Taipei, Taiwan

_tel / +886.928602328 _mail / _home /



Exchange student, Institute of Art & Design. Tsukuba University Ibaraki, Japan


Graduate Institute of Design. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan


B.A. in Design. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan




Tokyo design week


Next Chair Tokyo, Japan


Personal creation exhibition

Never Finished Taipei, Taiwan


Gaki Ibaraki, Japan


Milan furniture fair Next Chair Milan, Italy


Taipei world design EXPO 2ize Taipei, Taiwan


Taiwan design EXPO Under the tree Taipei, Taiwan


PV Taiwan exhibition Hello! Sunshine! Taipei, Taiwan


Cutting-edge designer exhibition

YODEX exhibition Never Finished Taipei, Taiwan


Taiwan Design EXPO Bloom Taichung, Taiwan



ASIA award, Japan


Next Chair Work Exhibition


TIDC, Taiwan

Hello! Sunshine! 300 pre selection


Balance Hook Nomination


reddot design award, Germany

TIDC, Taiwan


Liteon design award, Taiwan


iF concept award, Germany Never Finished 100 winner

Taipei industrial design award, Taiwan Bloom Honorable Mention


illuminative Sheet Philips special award


iF concept award, Germany Bamboo Stone 300 pre selection

2ize Honorable Mention


Taipei industrial design award, Taiwan Under the tree Sponsor Award

Next Chair winner


iF concept award, Germany

Universal design award, Taiwan So Stable Nomination


Chiayi souvenirs design award, Taiwan Tea of Chiayi Bronze winner




U15 Generative Form Making Workshop (TA) National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art Taichung, Taiwan


Open HCI workshop 4th (TA) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan


Maywadenki 20 Anniversary Exhibition,Taiwan (staff) Eslite Taipei, Taiwan


Open HCI workshop 3rd, Taiwan (Chair) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan


Cross-Taiwan Straits “Traditional Culture and Creative Industry� Workshop (Participate) Jiangnan University Jiangsu, China



Sustainable Design Workshop (Participate) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan


MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Art and Design Workshop (Participate) National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan


Open HCI workshop 2nd, Taiwan (Participate) National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan


Annual Exhibition of NTUST ICD Department (Chair) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan


Design Department of Volleyball team(Captain) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan




I am 25 years old and I come from an ordinary family in Taipei, Taiwan. I am fond of this land where I live in. I like the people here and the whole city. Of course, I like design as well. After finishing my college design education in Taiwan Tech, now I’m obtaining a master's degree in industrial design in Taiwan Tech. My major are creative thinking and design culture. There are three parts in my academic career.

- Design Throughout my academic years, I enjoyed taking up different kinds of challenges and trying various design subjects such as human care, energy saving, environmental protection, material application and service design. And now I am focusing on “User Aesthetic Cognitive” and “Interactive Product Experience”. Since 2009, I started participating in both domestic and overseas competitions. After winning some prizes, I found out that the most important thing is to combine different territories through design in order to change people’s real life, or to recall ones innermost values. To fulfill these missions, when being a postgraduate, I kept attending many kinds of workshops like cultural commodities development, sustainable operation and humancomputer interaction design. I work with the people from different regions, of different nationality and in different fields.

- Exhibition & Events During my college years, I was once the chief of activities in the Student Organization of our department. Furthermore, I was the chief of the media group in our graduation project. I prepared many design exhibitions and events. I was the coordinator of the 2009 annual design exhibition of our department. I also participated in Taiwan Design Expo and Taipei World Design Expo. Besides, I made preparations for cross-field design workshop. My work was invited to be displayed on Yanko Design Website. After taking part in "Open HCI 2nd" and other cross-field workshops, I deeply realized the importance of design in the cross-field collaboration and I would like to help people to understand it more. Now I collaborate with the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia at National Taiwan University to establish the 2012 Human Computer Interaction Workshop. I cultivated my practical ability and team spirit by preparing the activities. To me, these experiences are the most valuable assets.

- Creative Research I now major in “Open Design”, which is basically about user aesthetic experience and interaction with the products. Throughout the observation of user’s daily life, we could find out their potential needs and demands. These user experience and demands then become the foundation of our design. Moreover, the user can participate in the design process.



Statement of Purpose

After 4 years of college and 2 years of master in design field, I gradually have an interest in innovative design that represents one’s cultural characteristic and belief. Not only a wealth of design knowledge and professional abilities, but also a rich life experience is needed. I take it as a valuable opportunity to broaden my mind as well as expose myself to other civilizations and surroundings.

- Cultural & Inheritance Design in Asia is fascinating. There are many beautiful elements surround us. And they make a great impact on design. There are many famous oriental designs that are full of oriental cultural elements in terms of their appearances, materials and even product core value. Therefore, the subject attracts me most is how I can design a product that represent not only one’s belief and emotion, but also cultural belief and traditional remembrance.

- Design Innovation From the environment to the social corner of this world, there are many issues worth to be solved. However, these issues require long term field research and multiprofessional knowledge. To construct a complete design, the solution to the problem should gradually become reasonable through design innovation. This is another topic I would like to try.

- Multy-disciplinary Team Work When it comes to teamwork, communication skill is the most important thing to me. There are much more chances than usual we work with different people with different backgrounds. Powerful communication skill makes multi-disciplinary team work effective and efficiency.

- Language Ability Now I spend 2-3 hours every morning watching speeches from TED and reading English novels to train my English. My expectation studying abroad, I will practice what I learned in experiencing all kinds of things. More importantly, take any possibility to learn.


LIVIN 私はいつも生活のデザインについて興味がありま す。 生 活 デ ザ イ ン と 我 々 の 生 活 は 非 常 に 近 い ​と 思 っ て い ま す。 私 は、 よ く 自 分 の デ ザ イ ン が ユ ー ザ ー の 生活の中に本当 に 実 行 す る こ と を 想 像 し て い ま す 。

I've always loved about the living design. It makes me feel that design is very close to our lifestyle. I like to imagine these designs really workable into the user lives.

012. Next Chair 024. Hello Sunshine 034. So Stable 042. Tea of Chiayi


Next Chair NEXT-chair is an adjustable chair. It is very easy to fold and change form a normal chair to a baby chair. Its long lifecycle can fit for child from age 6 months to adult. It’s great for a child and adult to have their own chair for any situation.


_category / baby chair _material / teak & wool felt _size / 35Ă—35Ă—60 (unit/cm) _date / 2011.06 _co-designer / Chen, Yan-Ting


Foreword Children are growing very fast. However, there are many preschool children living items became quickly obsolete items. In order to make the product to extend its life, we try to redesign the baby chair as a start.


Initial Idea We want to make baby chair can change adult can sit. After discussion, we decided to use folding way to achieve this objective. So we draw some sketches for developing folding way and styling.



1:1 confirmation

After checked the initial concept, we immediately doing the prototype to make sure the folding way and mechanism problem which may encounter when we doing the final product.

Then draw the 1:1 side view dimensinal drawing of the baby chair. make the size to conform to ergonomic between baby and adult.


Modeling We discuss with a professional carpenter trying to achieve the best capacity. then start building geometric modeling, also, fine-tuning the shape continuously to make it prefect in the production.


Easy to change Just a simple flip,the chair can change its shape for baby, child, teenager and adult.


Teak The chair is made from 100% natural teak wood which is hard and durable but light in weight. The chair’s legs not only have natural beautiful warm teak colors but also resistant to moisture.

Wool felt The wool felt sitting cushion provides an ergonomically correct seating position which improves posture and support to your child’s developing spine.



Just a simple steps: Lift up → pull out → buckle up. The chair can easily be transformed into comfortable baby chair.



_category / lgreen design, alarm _material / metal, plastic, led, solar panels _size / 200×200×65 (unit/m) _date / 2009.06

Hello! Sunshine! “Hello! sunshine! ,” a night-time light & alarm clock powered by a tiny thin solar panel, is capable of energy-converting and conserving for a whole night’s lighting. It enables users to wake up to enjoy sunshine and convert solar energy as well by simply attaching its base to the window. The affixation takes place by making use of the difference between air pressure inside and outside of the apparatus. At night, "Hello! sunshine! ” becomes a night-light, when it is removed from the window base. After the alarm clock rings in the morning, users need to put "Hello! sunshine! " back onto its base on the window while users wake up to also enjoy the sunshine as the sun streams through the window, getting ready for starting a great day.



Initial Idea Sunlight can make people have a good spirit. Through research, the morning sun can make people quickly access to the waking state. In order to make people easy to awake, we try to make user contact the sunlight when the alarm rings.


Idea Sketching In the conception stage, I have an idea that this product can get energy by sun when people contact the sunlight. in that way, the sun can be an energy source between user and product. I draw the sketch to show the product scenarios, styling and usage.


Mockup I did a 1:1 mockup to confirm product shapes and sizes.



In the morning When alarm rings, the user must be pushed Hello! Sunshine! back by the window base. the solar panels on the base will start charging Hello! Sunshine! In this way also allows users to get up to contact the warm sunshine.


At night It launched a nightlight feature provides users with night lighting when user remove the Hello! Sunshine! It can give a comfortable sleep environment. the nightlights of its energy from solar energy during the day. it like the sun's image light continues into the night.


Testing We tried many ways to make led light spread out. To make clock face showing beautiful light, we tested the distance between light source and the pointer. We used simple sensor switch make hello! Sunshine! shines when it away from the base.




_category / kitchen things _material / PP food grade raw materials rubber granule coating _size / 400Ă—250Ă—12 (unit/cm) _date / 2009.11 _co-designer / Sun, Li-Xuan / Yen, Mu-Chen

So Stable. Cutting board is a necessity in every kitchen, helping us to cut a whole fresh ingredient. But round fruits and vegetables are always rolling when we cut or chop them. It becomes an even more difficult task for the elderly or the hand-disabled. Increasing friction by the design and materials, this cutting board fixes fruits, vegetables and meat on its surface, thus makes cutting or chopping the ingredients more easily and securely.streams through the window, getting ready for starting a great day.


Initial Idea Cutting board is a necessity in every kitchen, helping us to cut a whole fresh ingredient. But round fruits and vegetables are always rolling when we cut or chop them. It becomes an even more difficult task for the elderly or the hand-disabled.


Some common inconvenience in using 1. Globular and strip fruits and vegetables roll easily in processing, so that cutting or chopping them is not only difficult but also prone to accidents.

2. Raw meat chops and slices slip easily with the blade when the knife is moved back and forth because of the surface mucus. 3. After cutting or chopping the ingredients, the scrap often drop the desktop.


Feature 1 "So stable!" increases friction by the design and materials, makes fruits and vegetables fixed on the cutting board; thus making cutting or chopping the ingredients more easily and securely. Convex circular arc increases the area of contact surface with the fruit, it makes fruits and vegetables stand more stable on the chopping block.


Feature 2 Two colors can be used to clearly identify the type of cutted or chopped ingredients.White surface is used to process fruits and vegetables, which makes the ingredients appear to be more clean and fresh. Raised strip lines can increase are of the contact surface with the fruits and vegetables, so that food is not easy rolling; horizontal and vertical lines provide two directions of processing ingredients.


Feature 3 Black surface is used to cut or chop meat, which makes the blood of meat not so obvious. Raw meat is often with blood and a small amount of mucus, and slides easily when cutted or chopped.Convex particles increase the friction in contact with the meat, improve stability, and save efforts even when using with only one hand.


Feature 4 We dig triangular space on the block, and use soft and non-slip rubber in the material, makes it easiler to bring the chopping block with a finger. For the elderly or the hand-disabled, the design is more close to the ease of use. The uplift sides of cutting board prevent the ingredients from rolling around; users can use the cutting block as a plate and put the ingredients into the pot directly. The uplift around two sides prevents ingredients in the work area from directly touching the desktop, which is clean and sanitary.


Tea of Chiayi The concept of this design comes from festivals, geographical features and beautiful natural scenes of Chiayi County. It makes users image the graceful scenery of Chiayi and the sunrise on Alishan when they are making and tasting Taiwanese tea.

_category / tableware _material / wood & ceramics _size / 350Ă—350Ă—450 (unit/mm) _date / 2009.05 _co-designer / Liu, Chih-Chiang Yen, Mu-Chen Yeh, Ming-Chieh



Background Alishan in Chiayi is one of the most important tea habitats in Taiwan. Going to Chiayi to view sunrise on Alishan has been one of the representative activities when people are traveling around Taiwan. Moreover, Chiayi is rich in many kinds of tea and people love all of them, therefore we select the tea set to highlight Chiayi County.


Objective We combine the scenery of sunrise with the tea set design to let the user be like near Alishan looking the sunrise when they are tasting the tea with our design.


Concept Sketch We consider the characteristics os Chiayi County and try to combine them with our design. Chiayi is famous for its tea, Alishan's sunrise, animal husbandry and rice paddy. Various elements turn into different objects of the set.





Components Each components of Tea of Chiayi represent the different characteristics of Chiayi. The teapot represents Alisan. When the top os it becomes warm, the special printing ink will change color from blue to red just like the sunrise. The tea tray take the shape of Chiayi as the concept and represents the plain and the tea. The justice cup is symbolizing the rice with heavier ears bending lower. The teacups are the herd onn the plain. The canister represents divine trees on Alishan.



LIGHTI 私はもうこんなに多くの照明デザインを行ってき たことに気づいていない。私は " ライト " は非常に 興 味 深 く、 魅 力 的 な 要 素 だ と 思 っ て い ま す 。 私 は また次のライトを設 計 し て 続 け る と 思 い ま す 。

I have not noticed that I've done a lot of lighting design. I think "light" is a very interesting and charming design element. I think I will keep doing a better lighting design.

054. Never Finished 064. Illuminative Sheet 072. Bloom


Never Finished “Never finished” was inspired by the prototype of a tubular lamp. It does not include a lampshade and is meant to be unfinished. This lamp encourages the creativity of the user, who can add any type of cloth to create a lampshade and decorate it in his or her own style. Additions and changes can be made to the lamp as often as desired. Whatever is used to decorate the lamp also takes on new meaning. This ultimately takes the final decision on how the lamp should look out of the hands of the designer and gives this privilege to the user. As a result, “Never finished” can never be finished.

_category / lighting _material / stainless steel _size / 40×40×150 (unit/cm) _date / 2010.05



Background Nowaday, "consumer culture" broken old trade relations. Instead of specific "need", "Desire to consume" or "propensity to consume" become the purpose of consumption. On the other hand, everyone have their thought. I have an idea that those consumer goods can be reuse and can be connect with the style of the users.


Direction My design follows two directions: First, users participate in the design process. Users may create more ideas through their different life experiences and thought. Second, the design element can come from the user’s every day life items. It can bring new value to the every day items. It can also highlight the difference of user’s ideas and design results.


Styling development

1:1 model test

After sketching, I want to use the line to describe this idea. This would be like the image of imagery rendered by pen. I use a lot of wire to bent the styling of lamps and chairs.

I use heating bent the plastic pipe to make sure manufacturing processes. 1:1 models can also be sure that the relationship between the product and the user's height.


Manufacturing Process This work process using a metal pipe. Because the size of tooling, the work needs to be slightly bending angle adjustment. Then polished welded parts become the final product.


About Archetype In Wikipedia, An archetype is “an original model of a person, ideal example, or a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated; a symbol universally recognized by all.” Thereafter Subsequently, “Archetype” has been copied and represented again and again by many authors, artists, and architects. “Archetype” refers to the most core design concepts and characteristics in design. It can be widely extended and used.


Serendipity I would like to design a floor lamp that people may already have the shape in mind with by the most primitive and simple lines. Next, creating the lampit extends the different design results by users. In this way, it shows the several funny styles of different users.





Illuminative Sheet Illuminative Sheet is a new type of environmentally friendly lighting which include of transferring energy, energy saving and energy creating. The use of thin solar panels and organic light-emitting diode ( OLED ) technology. Putting the thin paper Illuminative Sheet in sunlight to charge. After completing the charging, witha simple bending, it can become a lighting!

_category / green design, lighting _material / thin-film solar panels, oled, lithium battery _size / 230Ă—370Ă—2 (unit/mm) _date / 2011.04 _co-designer / Huang, Hsiao-Yuan


Initial Idea

Origami Mockup

We want to make friendly design between user and environment. This concept was inspired by origami. After brainstorming, we wanted design a lamps like origami operation. Through folding and technology so that the original plane can be an use lamps.

In order to develop modeling, we did a lot of origami. Through fold line, it can show the light image. also make the paper from soft become strong.


Model Making After shape confirmed, we do the final product by material ABS with laser cutting.


Objective In order to live with the earth and keep it sustainably developing, seeking alternative energy sources has become the primary trend at the moment. Illuminative Sheet provides people with a simple tip to reach the spirit of environmental protection.

Demonstrate 1. Remove illuminative sheet sun drying off 2. Assemble molding 3. Assemble bottom 4. Turn on the power


Features In the morning, sun provides the light and energy for us. At night, Illuminative Sheet storage the illumination of sun and transform the sun’s energy into light that extend the sun light from day til night. Under the thinking of green, Illuminative Sheet’s user don’t have to pay high cost that can protect environment. Not only being eco-friendly, but also showing the spirit of environmental protection.


Copper Indium Gallium Selenide Its manufacturing cost is low, can be made rigid and the flexible, coating thickness can be as thin as 2 microns. The best efficiency achieved as of December 2005 was 19.5%. It can be used as portable folding charge.

OLED An organic light emitting diode (OLED) is a light-emitting diode (LED) in which the emissive electroluminescent layer is a film of organic compounds which emit light in response to an electric current. This layer of organic semiconductor material is situated between two electrodes.

Lithium-ion polymer battery Lithium-ion polymer batteries, polymer lithium ion, or more commonly lithium polymer batteries are rechargeable batteries (secondary cell batteries). Normally batteries are composed of several identical secondary cells in parallel addition to increase the discharge current capability. Its features can be made of thin-film battery, which can be as thin as 0.5mm thick.

Touch switch A touch switch is a type of switch that only has to be touched by an object to operate. It is used in many lamps and wall switches that have a metal exterior as well as on public computer terminals. A touchscreen includes an array of touch switches on a display. A touch switch is the simplest kind of tactile sensor.



Bloom Through pressing to see the very moment of blooming; Through touching to experience the process of nourishing. The lighting of blooming touches the heart of modern city. "Bloom" combines the image of traditional lantern and modern life style.

_category / lighting _material / pp, stainless steel _size / 350Ă—350Ă—450 (unit/cm) _date / 2009.10



Inspiration The idea inspired by the blinds. Blinds let the sun shone through the chink. This is beautiful scene, just like the flowers bloom. I want design a lamp using this image.


Idea Sketching I want to make the lamp shape difference when user turn on or turn off the lght. When lamp changing, light will shone through the chink.


Operating Through the press the switch to see the flowers of the moment, the experience byphysically touch, feel a kind of moving towards maturity after the bud to bloom. The bloomof light and shadow Yun dye touched the heart of the city people.



Scenario When the light is turn off, it's like flowers not bloom yet. When turn on lamp, foliar expansion along operation, just like flowers bloom, and lights are bright at the same time.




Material Application I try to use the thin slice of bamboo. Bamboo is a very environmentally friendly materials. Using o fthe thin slice of bamboo can present oriental beauty. Light through Bamboo texture can also be more fun. Also achieving environmental protection objectives.


A s a s t u d e n t , o ff i c e e n v i ro n m e n t a n d stationery are the stuff that make me always want to re-design. After all, this is most close to my life of a g r a dua t e s t ud e n t . オフィスの環境や文房具は、学生としての私は よくに再設計したいものです。やはりこれは私 の大学院生の生活 に 一 番 近 い で す か ら 。

084. 2ize 092. Bamboo Stone



オ フ ィ ス 文 具

_category / ruler _material / aluminum-magnesium alloy _size / 50×50×15 (unit/mm) _date / 2011.07

2ize Both the function and shape of “2ize” tape make users feel intimate. On the one hand, by the design of printing on both sides of the tape, users can read metric and imperial dimensions directly. On the other hand, users feel fit when touch the “2ize” tape.



Initial Idea Different measurement systems use different units in each country. The most commonly used system is the centimeter and inch system. Two units conversion is a troublesome thing. I want to let length can easy to be converted.


Prototype Test


I used the pen to mark the length scale on the back of the tape measure. This is the frist prototpe testing.

In order to determine the usage between product size and hands. I used a tape and cardboard to do the styling testing.



Feature By the design of printing on both sides of the tape, users can read metric and imperial dimensions directly.


Scenario Users can also read two information.


Touch Both the function and shape of "2ize" tape make users feel intimate. Users feel fit when touch the "2ize" tape.



_category / usb _material / metal, plastic, oled, bamboo _size / 80Ă—43Ă—25 (unit/mm) _date / 2010.02 _co-designer / Tsui, En-Chuan / Chang, Shyh-Chang / Tsai, Jen-Shih

Bamboo Stone Bamboo Stone is a portable USB with massage function and scent technology. With portability, users can have an aromatherapy massage anywhere and anytime. The appearance of Bamboo Stone is a pebble stone. The side of Bamboo Stone looks like chinese calligraphy, which brings out oriental aura.


Background Due to the financial crisis, more and more people suffering from heavy stress, and there is more possibility for them to contract chronic disease than others.


Objective In order to alleviate the stress, our team attempt to change the form of portable USB into a massager. Therefore, user can have a massage anywhere, anytime.



Operation By long pressing on the power button to show the main page, user can start enjoying Bamboo Stone by touching the screen. By short pressing the power button, user can easily lock and unlock the keyboard.


Scent Card There are seven different scent inks in Scent Card. According todifferent codes, Bamboo Stone can produce various scents bymixing different inks from the scent card. In addition, People canalso download their favorite codes from websites.


Natural materials Bamboo Charcoal can release infrared rays when using Bamboo Stone. Infrared rays can promote blood circulation and activate cell to achieve physical relaxation. Bamboo Stone is covered with a piece of bamboo, users would absorbed in the natural sensations while holding Bamboo Stone in their hands.


P u b lic M e d ic 公共施設や医療の課題を設計するのは私の大学院 の 時 初 め て で す。 医 療 に つ い て は 、 今 回 の デ ザ イ ン は、 多 く の 研 究、 分 析、 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー が 含 ま れ て い ま す。 私 に と っ て こ の 分 野 は 大 き い チ ャ レ ン ジだと思います。

At graduate school, this is my first time to design the issues of public facilities and health care. On the Medical, the whole design contains many research, analysis and interviews. For me this field is a challenging task.

102. Under The Tree 110. Safer Shot

lic & ic a l

用 · 医


Under the Tree Under the tree, an eco-friendly and energy-saving bus stop design, passes down the memory of people resting under the leafy shade. In the daytime, the sunshine darkens silver chloride which could form the leafy shade. At night, the restored power gathered by polar panel is transferred into oled light for people.

_category / public facility _material / metal, plastic, led, solar panels, oled _size / 320Ă—220Ă—250 (unit/m) _date / 2010.10 _co-designer / Huang, Hsiao-Yuan / Huang, Yu-Hao Huang, Tzu-Yen / Lin, Tsen-ying Liu, Szu-Yu


Background Due to the financial crisis, more and more people suffering from heavy stress, and there is more possibility for them to contract chronic disease than others.


Initial Idea This idea comes from the image of people in old days they will take rest under the tree, but now people is too busy to do like this. Therefore we try to recall the memory and make the connection of people and nature.




By rening the shape of a bus stop from a traditional vertical design to a curve one, it increases shelter for the people and make a graceful sculpture on the bustling streets. e bus stop roof is coated with leaf-shaped silver chloride, and its transparency changes with light intensity.

Beautiful sunshine darkens silver chloride, thus drops tree shadows on to the oor and provides shelter for passengers. e branch and trunk parts are embedded with lm solar panels, which collect daylight and furnish passengers with illumination at nights.


Illumination Daylight is the energy source for night time lighting. is marks the bus stop location and make it easier for bus drivers to see if there are people waiting.


Features 1.Redesign from a traditional vertical design to a curve one. 2.Shelter for the people on the bustling streets,aslo a graceful sculpture . 3.Silver-chloride coated roof changes its transparency with light intensity. 4.The branch and trunk parts are embedded with lm solar panels to collect daylight . 5.Daylight power is the source of illumnation at nights. 6.Illumination at nights makes it easier for bus drivers to see if there are people waiting.



_category / medical goods _material / metal, plastic, rubber _size / 65Ă—10Ă—13 (unit/mm) _date / 2011.06 _co-designer / Lin, Tsen-ying

Safer-Shot Safer-Shot is a new syringe design that could effectively reduce the nurses from being pricked. Safer-Shot, without changing the original training and using experiences, we deigned the new opening from the side of cap so that nurses could recap the needle safely and easily.



Issue In Taiwan, the medical SOP training requests the paramedic to recap with single hand for the safety. But under the urgent situation or without working surface, they might recap with both hands and the caliber of the cap is too small to do without putting themselves at risk of being pricked.


Target group

Not calm enough when being injected

At high risk of being pricked during injection or re-cap.

Without re-cap, cleaner is easily pricked when recycling.


Main Problem The problem can be divided into three aspects -The human factor due to negligence of medical staff. -The out-of-control situation caused by patients. -The last but not the least, the desing of the syringe, which is our goal.


Problems Definition 1. The opening of the cap is too small to recap. 2. Must recap vertically or it will prick. 3. Too busy to follow the SOP process. 4. Recaps with the wrong cap. 5. Can't find the cap because it's transparent. 6. Cap is round which is easily rolling around. 7. The pressure on the single point is so high thatcould pierce the cap easily.





Idea Sketch & Mock up The direction to recap? 1/ Backward

to recap

The first stage, we try to recap from the back to front, which is quite dangerous cause user's fingers might be pricked by the bevel easily when recapping.


Protector Extra material consumption.

Joint To hard to move/ The style is not good-looking.


Small Tool

Just like the function of lip stick. - Too slow to recap.

Easily slide to cover the tip of the syringe/ Hard to fix.


Idea Sketch & Mock up The direction to recap? 2/ Forward

to recap

Recap from front to back. There are two solution. First, try to hide the needle inside the body. First, it's quick, but complicated in manufacturing, which also needs to redesign the body. Second, enlarge the opening so that it's easier for recapping.

Rotate Just like the function of lip stick. - Too slow to recap.


3 Slide Just like the function of cutter. - Too complicated.


Larger Opening Beautiful curve-shape. -Also with sucker on the bottom.


3/ Sideward

to recap

Finally, we came out the idea that recapping form the side is the best way to prevent access from the bevel.




Side Opening It's better way to recap. There is little chance for users to touch the bevel.


Operation with Both Hands

The side-opening is shorter than the pinpoint so that the needle doesn’t pierce easily.

The green rubber part is for re-cap guiding and making Safer-Shot sealed tightly.

The curved surface makes it easier to recap the needle.The form makes it easily held.


Operation with Single Hand

The shape makes the Safer-Shot more stable.

On a messed working surface, the size of cap and needle hub are matched by color.


S e r vice I nte r f ユーザー · インタフェースの分野も私が大学院の時 に新しい試みです。空港で項目はサービスデザイン と シ ス テ ム デ ザ イ ン の 概 念 ​を 含 む 、 私 に と っ て と っ てもいい経験だと思 い ま す 。

User Interface is also my new attempt fields at the graduate school. In the airport projects, it includs the knowledge of service design and system design. For me, it is a great learning experience.

124. U-card 132. Airport survice design

vice fa ce

サ ー ビ ス · イ ン タ フ ェ ー ス


Ü-card Ü-card is a personal intelligent ID card for the working area. Using RFID technology and Region network, colleagues will not miss any meeting, any phone call or any important information, and increases working efficiency.

_category / electronic ID card _material / metal, plastic, rubber _size / 110×60×6 (unit/mm) _date / 2011.02 _co-designer / Lin, Tsen-ying / Huang, Yu-Hao


Idea Concept Through Ăœ-CARD, make people can reach other colleagues to invite them a lunch date or an after-work party. Thin solar panel is used both power charger and the screen, makes the energy flow more fluent and more valuable. Office-paperless is also the statement that Ăœ-card made.



Meeting The short notice would be sent to staff via region internet to make sure the tight connection bwteen employees and employeer.


ID card When stepping in the firm, through RFID, personal puch-in would be sensed automaticlly.

Date Ăœ-card can invite colleagues to enjoy the meal together.


Reminder There is no messages missing when someone is not at his/ her desk because any calls would divert to personal Ăœ-card.


Interaction Staff could make friends via Ăœ-card. Through bluetooth, it;'s easy for them to exchange personal info.


Airport Luggage Service System Design _category / service system design _date / 2011.06 _co-designer / Lin, Yun-Chia


By using the location based service (LBS) on mobile phone, our app can automatically download and serve users once they are near the area of the airport. Thus users do not have to search for the information they need on their own. We also take advantage of the space in front of the checkin counter, which is not planned to have any function. There, we made it a semi-private space for users to re-package their luggage without feeling embarassed.




Travel is a wonderful event, however, throughout my daily conversation we noticed that everyone shared the same complaints about how badly their luggages are treated in the airport. Since airports are often travelers’ first impression of a country, we decided to improve the luggage service system in the airport.

First of all, we identified problems primarily through personal interviews and in-depth investigation. Then, we set the scenario to make sure the new system can satisfy the user’s need.

We use Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport as a case study, hoping to give travelers a good impression of Taiwan as they land in our airport.


During this process, we searched the internet of Taiwan Taoyuan Airport in order to get more specific details of the current condition in the airport. we also researched other international airports to develop a holistic view on luggage service system design.

Difine Through personal interviews and investigation, we concluded that the main service gap existed in the transparency of information. Often times, travelers do not know how to access the information that airport authorities provided, It need to engage the travelers more actively.

Luggage on board ?

Oh no! got the wrong luggage !

Don’t know what to pack...

Finally found a cart !

Can’t wait my luggage to come...


By considering that airport is not the place where most people would visit frequently, delivering information through a physical medium, like a guidebook, which is easily thrown away when leaving the airport, is ineffective. We also want to take care of traveler from the moment he packs to the moment he arrives at the final destination, so the object delivers our service should be something user already uses, or he would have to carry extra things along with his trip.



Idea Developing Thus, with the prevalence of smartphones and the many features smartphones provides, we decide to build our system in the form of smartphone app. The smartphone also enables users to tailor their preference to suit his own need.


Improvement in Service by Using Smartphone By using the location based service on mobile phone, the app can automatically download and serve users once they are near the area of the airport. Thus users do not have to search for the information they need on their own.



Before arriving the airport While packaging, it provide a list of what might be needed during the trip, which is collected from those who have the same destination as user. Traveler could also edit his own list for his/her next trip’s reference.



In the airport

In the airport

The app also has arrival and departure procedure guides, which has step by step instructions for novices or veterans to choose the information he needs.

By entering or scanning the ticket number of the flight, traveler could get the information about his luggage, such as “under securitycheck”, “already boarding”, ”landing already”, “reclaimed at D after 30 minutes” and so on, even alerting user when something goes wrong.

Leaving the airport The app gathers user’s feedback by providing a questionnaire with a sliderr interface so user could complete it with minimum effort. It also provides transportation information to travelers.


Improvement in infrastucutre Also, when observing users in the airport, I found that there is no place for users to settle their luggages. We all have had awkward experience of being asked to open our luggage in public area. Change the user experience by changing the hardware implementation of the airport. We take advantage of the space in front of the check-in counter, which is not planned to have any function. There, we made it a semi-private space for users to re-package their luggage without feeling embarassed.


Outside the space users could also weigh their luggage before checking in to prevent getting fined.

Inside this semi-private space users could re-package and reweigh their luggages. A simple list of items posted on the interior wall will also aid in the repackaging process.

An easy-to-spot logo displayed on the wall also help travelers to recognize the check-in counter of the airlines immediately.


I am interested in exhibition planning from university. Exhibitions can talk directly with the user and get feedback. In Institute, I began planning multy-disciplinary workshops with many good friends. It is also an opportunity for me to learn. 私は大学から展示の企画に興味を持っていま す。 展 示 に は、 ユ ー ザ と 直 接 的 な 話 し、 フ ィ ー ド バ ッ ク を 得 る こ と が で き ま す。 大 学 院 で は、 私は友達とワークショップの計画を始めまし た。それはまた 学 ぶ た め の 機 会 だ と 思 い ま す 。

148. Gaki 158. OpenHCI 2012




_category / exhibition _date / 2013.04.08-04.13 _place / Art Gallery T+, Tsukuba University _country / Japan


Gaki Gaki, is the meaning of naughty kid in Japan. In August 2012, I was the exchanged student in Tsukuba University. During this eight months, I have experenced different cultures and life. I was not good at Japanese, and not familiar with their life style, either. Everything for me is fresh and interesting. It reminds me of chirldhood. I organized this personal creative exhibition, as a memorial of my study abroad life in Japan.


Material I designed poster, post card and name card for this exhibition.



Website I also design my personal website. It includes the area of product, visual and montion design. please visit



Planning I spant almost one month to plan this exhibition. I choose the works for the exhibitoin and exhibition programming.


Outcome In the five days of the exhibition, there are totally 598 visitors. I showed not only the works of my undergraduate and graduate, but also showed the wood craft work in Tsukuba University. This work is made only by hand and a craft knife.



_name / Gaki _size / 1280Ă—720 _footage / 00:02:34 _editing / premiere CS6 _date / 2013.04


_category / workshop _Individual duties / 2012 chair 2013 teaching assistant _date / 2011-13.07/per year _co-organizer / dept. of industrial & commercial design, NTUST dept. of computer science, NTU dept. of digital content and technologies, NCCU _place / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


OpenHCI 2011-13 OpenHCI 2012 is the 3rd workshop on HCI held in National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. This workshop was initiated and organized by graduate students of National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and National Chengchi University. The main purposes of this workshop are opening the potential power of cross-disciplinary communication and collaboration and the preliminary knowledge of user experience engineering (UXE) and human-centered design (HCD).



More than 100 student participants join this event. Attendees are from different domains such as information engineering, industrial design, psychology, business, and administration. In this 5-day workshop, all attendees have tutorials and courses about HCI design processes and principles in 9 different topics. We also develop a series of post-lesson activities and labs for attendees to familiar these principles by practices. Through the complete training, all the attendees would experience several user-centered design iterations, collaborate with their cross-domain partners, and implement interactive prototypes for realizing their concepts.



Material In OpenHCI 2012, I was in a position of chair person, and also participated in the design of vision identity planning. Including licensing legislation, posters, brochures, websites and image videos.



_name / Open HCI 2012 snapshot _size / 1440Ă—1080 _footage / 00:04:35 _editing / premiere CS5 _date / 2012.07


S K I L 私はどこへ行ってもいつもノートを持っていま す。 ア イ デ ア が あ る 場 合、 す ぐ に 描 く こ と が で き ま す。 デ ザ イ ン の ア イ デ ア と か 、 見 た 面 白 い も の や 全 部 描 き ま す。 デ ザ イ ナ ー と し て、 ス ケ ッチ能力が一定のレベルを維持することを願っ ています。

I am used to carry a notebook. If I have any idea, I can draw it right away. Probably design idea, funny things or scene what I saw. As a designer, I hope I can maintain a certain level of skill capability.

168. Sketch 176. Modeling & Rendering 182. Motion design


_tool / pencil, ball pen, marker pen _graphic/ photoshop CS6 _date / 2009-2013




_tool / pencil, ball pen, marker pen _graphic/ photoshop CS6 _date / 2009-2013



_tool / pencil, ball pen, marker pen _graphic/ photoshop CS6 _date / 2009-2013


_tool / conpic, pastel _rendering / photoshop CS3, illustrator CS3 _date / 2008.08




_modeling / alias 2008 _rendering / 3ds max9 _graphic/ photoshop CS3, illustrator CS3 _date / 2008.08




_modeling / alias 2008 _rendering / image studio 2.0 _graphic/ photoshop CS3 _date / 2008.03

_modeling / alias 2008 _rendering / image studio 2.0 _graphic/ photoshop CS3 _date / 2007.11


_modeling / maya 8.5 _rendering / keyshot 3.0 _graphic/ photoshop CS5 _date / 2010.08

_modeling / pro engineer 2.0 _rendering / 3ds max9 _graphic/ photoshop CS3, illustrator CS3 _date / 2009.01



_name / reflection & illumination _size / 1440Ă—900 _footage / 00:02:18 _animation / 3ds max 2010 _editing / after effects 2.0 _date / 2010.04 _co-worker / Chiou Chin-Mao Shih Chuan

_name / e-motion _size / 640Ă—480 _footage / 00:02:06 _editing / after effects 2.0 _date / 2011.09



_name / my portfolio _size / 1280Ă—800 _footage / 00:01:00 _editing / after effects 2.0 _date / 2011.07

_name / openHCI 2013 opening _size / 1280Ă—720 _footage / 00:00:51 _animation / 3ds max 2012 _editing / after effects CS6 _date / 2013.06


_title / Chen yung-hsun design portfolio _size / 195Ă—275 (mm) _layout / Adobe InDesign CS6 _type/ Adobe Ming / Interstate / Helvetica Garamond / Kozuka Gothic _date / 2013.10

Published by Chen Yung-Hsun. All Right Reserved. Printed in Taiwan.

design portfolio 2009-2013

CHEN Yung-Hsun

_name/ shiyobirin _category / crafts _date / 2012.06

_name/ balance hook _category / home _date / 2012.02

_name/ Jiangnan _category / stayionery _date / 2011.09

_name/ taiwan pass _category / 3C _date / 2011.01

_name/ turn film _category / 3C _date / 2010.12

_name/ emerge _category / 3C _date / 2010.11

_name/ soundwaves _category / 3C _date / 2009.10



_name/ one breath _category / home _date / 2009.06

_name/ ringchager _category / 3C _date / 2009.04

_name/ reflection _category / Interaction _date / 2011.08

_name/ only one _category / stayionery _date / 2011.05

_name/ silvone _category / 3C _date / 2011.02

_name/ 100% pencil _category / stationery _date / 2010.12

_name/ irrigate _category / home _date / 2010.10

_name/ iron+eapot _category / home _date / 2010.10

HERS _name/ ice cream dish _category / home _date / 2008.11

_name/ barnacle _category / stationery _date / 2008.04

_name/ corrugated chair _category / funiture _date / 2007.05


陳 泳

Chen Yung-Hsun Taipei, Taiwan

_tel / +886.928602328 _mail / _home /

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, thank my parents and sister fully supporting me. Second, thank my professor and partners complete these designs with me. Furthermore, thank my all friends always been with me. Finally, thank you for spending time reading my portfolio and hope you like my design. For me, there are too many things to learn, and I will greet all the challenges with humble, modesty and hardworking. I've always been like this and I believe by keep doing so, my goal won’t be far from me.

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