Comme Des Garçons Marketing Report

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CONTEXT 1. Executive Summary 2. Situation Analysis 2.1 Company overview 2.1.1 BCG matrix The Star Products The Problem Child Products The Cash Cows Products 2.2 Context 2.2.1 Hong Kong Retail Environment 2.2.2 COMME des GARÇONS in Hong Kong 2.2.3 COMME des GARÇONS Location 2.3 Consumers 2.4 Competitors 2.4.1Competitors overview 2.4.2Market positioning 2.5 Collaborators 2.5.1 I.T Apparels 2.5.2 Collaboration 3. Brand Health Audit 3.1 Brand Identity Prism Personality Culture Self-image Physique Relationship Reflection 3.2 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats 3.3 Conclusion and Recommendation

4. Market Targeting 4.1 Market Segmentation 4.2 Target Market 4.3 Market Positioning 5. Marketing Strategy 5.1 Marketing Goals 5.2 Marketing Mix 5.2.1 Product 5.2.2 Price 5.2.3 Place 5.2.4 Promotion COMME des GARÇONS Exhibition Promotion Leaflet Online Promotion Website 6. Implementation Timeline 6.1 Master Plan & Schedule 6.1.1 COMME des GARÇONS Exhibition 6.1.2 Promotion Leaflet 6.1.3 Online Promotion Website 7. Conclusion 8. Reference 9. Bibliography


This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current COMME des GARCONS business environment in the Hong Kong context. Methods of analysis include BCG matrix, Brand Identity Prism, SWOT Analysis and shop observation. All shop observation photo can be found in the appendices. Results of data analysed show that the brand is underperformance in the franchising of I.T Apparels. The report finds the prospects of the company in its current condition are not positive. The report evaluates this range and concludes that COMME des GARÇONS brand image becomes blurred due to having multiple diffusion labels. It is recommended: 。To reinstate COMME des GARÇONS unique selling proposition to the Target Market 。To increase the business performance in the honk kong context



COMME des GARCONS is an extremely successful company in the early twenty-first century. It is a Japanese fashion label by Rei Kawakubo. Kawakubo’s producing clothing under the label Comme des Garçons in 1969. Kawakubo's clothes are known for independence from mainstream fashion. and it is characterized by complicated pattern, avant-garde and non-commercial design. For this reason, Kawakubo launched different subline, in order to spread the brand value in a simpler way while retaining the brand's DNA. The products range from women's wear, men's wear, perfumes, shoe and accessories, whether it is high-end, ready-to-wear or trendy. The Play line was established in 2002 and is the most recognized line of COMME des GARCONS so far, featuring T-shirts, POLO shirts, sweaters and more. The most iconic love symbol is designed from the hands of Polish illustrator Filip Pagowski.

COMPANY OVERVIEW The Star Products The Star Products in COMME des GARCONS diffusion labels is Play, Black, shirt, shirt boys, tricot, Junya Watanabe Comme des Garçons and Junya Watanabe Comme des Garçons men. As of this moment, these 8 diffusion labels are COMME des GARCONS best selling lines. The product that comes in mind when thinking of COMME des GARCONS. These Star Products cause massive amounts of cash because of their sturdy relative market share. The Cash Cows Products The Star Products i is their mainline COMME des GARCONS which show the core DNA of the brand and other diffusion labels like COMME des GARCONS COMME des GARCONS, Homme, Homme plus, Homme Deux, wallet and perfume. As the heads in the market and cause more cash than consume. Also, it has the High market share in a gradually building market.

The Problem Child Products CDG Breaking News is a new collection line and the biggest difference between CDG and the other 16 line is that the whole series will be launched globally on its exclusive website and dedicated retail spaces. Furthermore, the price point is cheaper than the main Comme des Garҫons line and focusing on casual wear. The new CDG line is likely to succeed with an expanded demographic of consumers. In further future, CDG Breaking News will definitely be more popularize like play line and has the potential to increase market share to become the Star Products.


Hong Kong Retail Environment

Hong Kong has a reputation as a shopping paradise but in recent years the retail environment is facing a downfall. And, recently lots of brands retreat or reduce their business from hong kong market. According to the latest news Reuters, coach parent company Tapestry decided to withdraw it listing status in Hong Kong on March 2. In 2015, Coach suddenly retired the 4 storeys flagship store in central, which became the first international luxury retailer to retreat from Hong Kong’s market in recent years. Moreover, under the impact of fast fashion and e-commerce such as ZARA and H&M, some of the Hong Kong clothing brands having a hard time to survive from the fierce market.

Hong Kong Retail Environment

Hong Kong’s retail sales were increasing by strong consumer spending and a rise in visitors from the Chinese mainland. Government data showed that retail sales rose 12.9 per cent from a year earlier in value terms to HK$40.5 billion ($5.16 billion) in May. it leads to 11.6 per cent retail sales growth. Although the retail sales keep on rising, the retail sector is still facing an uncertain future. To conclude, Under the rule of survival of the fittest, Hong Kong's appeal to fashion brands is declining, and Hong Kong has no longer played a key role in brand building in the Chinese market. It is becoming difficult for Hong Kong to become a shopping destination for mainland tourists.

COMME des GARÇONS in Hong Kong

COMME des GARÇONS is also popularised among fashion lovers in Hong Kong. COMME DES GARÇONS store has opened in Hong Kong for 11 years, located in central and Causeway Bay. Also, available at I.T store According to Street observation, COMME des GARÇONS play, black and shirt collection line is the product that Hong Kong consumer wears the most because of the style is more daily wear.

COMME des GARÇONS Location According to Street and store observation from Causeway Bay store in the afternoon, the base location is a high street with high footfall rate with other notable fashion brands. Causeway Bay store is selling women and accessories product. Although it is base on a high footfall street, only a few people have entered the store during the observation time. Due to the store decoration is low profile and minimal that there is no signboard and window outside the store. The brand name is printed on the glass door and only see it while the customers are walking into the shop. The central shop has a strong artistic atmosphere by use illustration and photography on the wall.

Furthermore, both of the stores are located in the prime location. COMME des GARÇONS has opened for 11 years, but there is no expansion of business to open more stores in Hong Kong. Therefore, it can be proved that the business in Hong Kong is doing not so well.


According to VALS, Comme des Garçons target Consumers are in between Innovators and Thinks. the buyers of Comme des Garçons are not influenced by the latest fashion trend. They like to find an aspect that best suits their personality. And they don’t care about what people think about them and wear their freedom. Since Comme des Garçons delivers a language of equality and acceptance, one that is blind to age, class and gender through their clothes, the buyers are self-directed consumers. The customers are more focused on their own individual appearance rather than cost. Since is very pricey, it helps to narrow down the demographic. And they are the brand loyal customer that Comme des Garçons targeted and values.

For the actual customers that purchase Comme des Garçons in hong kong, they have influenced their peers. Since Comme des Garçons is a low profile brand, it didn’t use any promote their brand like other notable brands. They used their customer to promote the brand while they are wearing it. As it mentions before, The hong kong customer wears play line and they see COMME des GARÇONS as a streetwear brand instead of their true brand image anti-fashion. Also, they usually buy the items that collaborated with Comme des Garçons. Furthermore, Comme des Garçons customers like clothes with nice silhouettes design and layering. According to VALS, Hong Kong customers are strivers. They are the centre of the street culture and style is essential to them as they endeavour to follow the people they admire. Also, The customer tends to wear the wealth on themselves to feel more superior.


COMPETITORS OVERVIEW Ann AnnDemeulemeester Demeulemeesterestablished establishedinin1985, 1985,Motion Motionand andGravity Gravitywas wasaatheme themethroughout throughoutofofthe the brand. brand.Demeulemeester Demeulemeestersignature signaturesilhouettes silhouettescombine combinelanguid languidtailoring tailoringininaristocratic aristocraticfabrics fabrics with withsensual sensualasymmetries asymmetriesand andthe thetwist twistofofsheer sheerand andnon-transparent non-transparenttextiles. textiles. These Thesethree threebrands brandshave havethings thingsininshared, shared,they theyare arenot notmainstream mainstreamfashion fashionwith withunique unique silhouettes silhouettesdesign. design.

The competitors for Comme des Garçons is Yohji Yamamoto and Ann Demeulemeester Yohji Yamamoto is a Japanese fashion brand started the label in 1972 in Tokyo, it is known for Yamamoto’s tailoring, featuring oversized silhouettes and a restricted, dark palette.

MARKET POSITIONING For market position, Comme des Garçons it Unique selling point is anti-fashion, the brand positioning in Luxury fashion and streetwear, the 28 different product line to target different needs. and Loyal customer, follow the same way of living and are loyal to the brand as customer follow the brand philosophy. Furthermore, Consider of Comme des Garçons unique view of the aesthetic and strong customer base and the customers see the brand as a channel to express their characters in an unconventional fashion. In the positioning, Comme des Garçons is the highest price and the most uniqueness. secondly is Yohji Yamamoto for is over-sized silhouettes and a restricted design, lastly is Ann Demeulemeester. According to the market position come to the conclusion that Comme des Garçons is not similar to these two brands since Comme des Garçons design concept is about creating art, not clothes, Kawakubo’s has influenced a whole generation not only of the designer but also artist and architects, though her work. Comme des Garçons design is all about creativity, innovation makes you rethink the point of view about beauty, And breaking down the by creating hybrid identities. combine different clothing garments, ideas, techniques, and that is what makes this brands so unique.


I.T Apparels Since its establishment, Comme des Garcons is a privately owned company. In hong kong, it is under the licenses of I.T Apparels Limited. I.T founded in 1988 by Sham Kar Wai and Sham Kin Wai, it is a Hong Kong fashion and investment conglomerate. Furthermore, I.T represents a number of European and Japanese fashion brands and also designs and manufactures many of its own brands. The capital letter "I.T" sells high fashion Brands. and currently only available on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. For the lowercase letter "i.t." is a fashion for young people selling the product at a mid-price. and branches are located in Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories.

Due to the continued downturn in retail sales in Hong Kong, I.T focuses on the mainland market Due to the retail sales of I.T in Hong Kong is declining. The business in I.T is complex. Since they own a lot of in-house brands and licenced brand. Therefore, the allocation of resources are insufficient and Comme des Garcons is underperformance in the licence of I.T.


Comme des Garรงons collaborate with other notable brands like Nike, dr martens, anti-social club, the north face and more. It is a good market strategy to catch public awareness and promote the brand by targeting different market segment but it starting to lose the Comme des Garรงons anti-fashion brand image.


BRAND IDENTITY PRISM Physique The physical characteristics and iconography of Comme des Garçons are the Distinctive Looks and Products. Kawakubo's broaden her vision beyond clothing to embrace every facet of her company, she presented her clothes within the architecture of her shops includes photography, graphics, and packaging. furthermore, the result of Comme des Garçon's work is the same because of everything that Kawakubo's does or that she had seen. They are the all different viewpoint of expressing the same values. Relationship Comme des Garçons creates clothes for almost every aspect of a person’s lifestyle. Wear your freedom is one of the slogans on the online website, COMME des GARÇONS has shown an alternative path by telling people to wear what they like, it building a bridge to connect to the public. Reflection COMME des GARÇONS customer like to use dressing to speak for themselves, They like to find an aspect that best suits their personality. The customers view the brand as a channel to express their personalities. The customer's view Comme des Garçons as a trendy streetwear brand instated of their unique selling point, anti-fashion.

Personality Comme des Garçons communicates with the outside world through clothes, Comme des Garçons ended clothing was meant not only to create beauty but also create a statement, imperfect is perfect. Rebel versus everything and challenge social standards expressed itself through the clothing. The brand is meant to provide clothes for those who want to express themselves through clothing and avoid mainstream fashion trends. Culture The value system and the principles that Comme des Garçons Culture base on is it coherent Image. Comme des Garçons roots are about the sense of independence and its uniqueness. Self-image Comme des Garçons Self-image is Anti-fashion and rebellious, as a brand character the concept of equality and acceptance, one that is blind to age, class and gender through their clothes. Comme des Garçons sell creative not clothes, and to create freedom through articles of clothing. Kawakubo’s is creating art not doesn't matter is Male or Female clothes, according to how you feel like to up dress yourself and be bold and fight for yourself. Represents your unique personality through the clothing. Comme des Garçons is fashion or anti-fashion, clothes are not clothes. The designer of Comme des Garçons once said that “the meaning is there is no meaning, it allows you to move beyond to experience the design of her clothes.”

SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths COMME des GARÇONS are well known as an innovative and luxury fashion brand. The brand is globally recognized. They have grown by offering the premium quality product with their unique design. It is well known for their independence from mainstream fashion. Furthermore, They have a strong relationship with other notable brands to launch exclusive collaborations to expand brand awareness. Additionally, COMME des GARÇONS have different diffusion labels to target different customer segmentation and fulfil different customer needs. They have a loyal customer based because of the brand characteristics.

Opportunities COMME des GARÇONS should improve their DIGITAL AND MARKETING CAMPAIGNS in hong kong market. And to communicate with the customer through their DIGITAL AND MARKETING CAMPAIGNS while maintaining the brand image. Furthermore, green fashion and socially conscious are going big these days, COMME des GARÇONS can improve their sustainability initiatives in order to promote long-term viability for the brand business and the environment.

Weaknesses It is a good market strategy that COMME des GARÇONS have different diffusion labels to target different customer segmentation. But the brand image is starting to get blurry due to the diffusion labels override the mainline. Moreover, COMME des GARÇONS doesn't locate itself in the market position. It can confuse the customers due to the large-scale product lines. Furthermore, It is difficult to understand the brand's values due to the brand do not advertise the message clearly. COMME des GARÇONS is a low-profile brand. It rarely communicates with the customer through marketing.

Threats Even though COMME des GARÇONS is an incomparable fashion brand in the industry, it might be facing the threat of avant-garde designers from new markets. Furthermore, COMME des GARÇONS play line is facing counterfeiting due to its simple silhouette design. Besides, the brand artistic and futuristic style is out of position from the potential market.


To sum up, All the analysis justifies an unshakeable view that COMME des GARÇONS diffusion labels starting to diffuse the market. Hence the brand image and characteristic of COMME des GARÇONS become blurred. Based on the above results, the new marketing and promotional campaign will be focusing on COMME des GARÇONS mainline and restate their core uniqueness of the brand image and characteristic to the customer.



Based on the research pointed that Comme des Garçons used differentiated marketing by applied the diffusion labels to target different Segment. Thus COMME des GARÇONS have these types of loyalty customers. The first Segment is to express their personalities through clothes and age is mid-twenties to fifties with stable economic income. The second Segment is a fashionista and viewing COMME des GARÇONS as a trendy streetwear brand. Also, their age is the early twenties to late thirties who like styling and endeavour to follow the people they admire. In this marketing and promotional campaign will change it to concentrated marketing to mainly focus on the one target Segment to promote the brand.


The target market mainly concentrated on the men and women who buy their diffusion lines product and viewing the brand as a trendy streetwear brand. Also, Their age is around the early twenties to late thirties who like styling and follow popular trend. Furthermore, The ones who like to participant in an exhibition and art events.


Since COMME des GARÇONS diffusion labels starting to diffuse their brand unique selling proposition which is anti-fashion. Therefore, the marketing and promotional campaign will be focusing on comme des garçons mainline and reinstate their core uniqueness (anti-fashion) of the brand to the target segment. COMME des GARÇONS is not a trendy streetwear brand. It is a profound influence brand with a unique personality.



The marketing goals are to reinstate COMME des GARÇONS core uniqueness of the brand image and characteristic since the brand image becomes blurred. Reminded the customer COMME des GARÇONS unique selling proposition anti-fashion and it is different from mainstream fashion. Other than that to build brand awareness to the general public while maintaining their brand uniqueness.when the brand image is improved, the diffuse labels will also profit.


COMME des GARÇONS mainline is a complicated pattern, avant-garde and non-commercial design. The mainline product represents the fundamental DNA of the COMME des GARÇONS. In order to expand the brand value in a simpler way while retaining the brand's DNA, COMME des GARÇONS launched different subline to target different customer. The brand is more approachable because the sub-line is more wearable


COMME des GARÇONS mainline product is not a general income customer can afford. Besides, The diffusion labels product is affordable Luxury that provides a premium quality product and design. The price position is relatively cheaper than the mainline product, to makes sure more people can afford the product.


COMME des GARÇONS can create a cross-channel marketing where the brands are able to create cohesion between online and offline behaviour, it can be more diversified and more approachable to the target market.

PROMOTION : COMME des GARร ONS EXHIBITION In 2017, Met Gala held Exhibition for Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garรงons in new york to show her work from the 1980s to the present. The first promotion is to hold this Exhibition Galleries again in Hong Kong to promo the original brand image of Comme des Garรงons, anti-fashion, restate their brand image to the target customer and the citizen in hong kong. In the Exhibition, the Galleries will Show her work through the years and the Galleries will be designed with nine themes and showing it as a maze, and let the participant lost in the Comme des Garรงons artistic world while reminding them the image of the brand.

The Exhibition will be held in Central Harbourfront Event Space, the reason for choosing this place it because of it open-air space with easy accessibility to public transportation. The exhibition was specially designed for the exhibition venue, Project the different image at the wall outside of the exhibition. Apart from this, it is a place that the target customer will go to visit and It can promote the brand image to the public. further, it can produce a big wave for the Exhibition Galleries, to make the target customer and the citizen feel that they must be pilgrimaged. Take a look at the works of this influential fashion brand and get a closer look at the brand fashion aesthetics.


PROMOTION : Promotion Leaflet The Promotion Leaflet will have the information of COMME des GARÇONS Exhibition Galleries and QR code for the website. Since COMME des GARÇONS is a low-profile brand, they rarely do Advertising Campaign of their brand so the Promotion Leaflet will place in the COMME des GARÇONS store and diffusion line store to promote the COMME des GARÇONS Exhibition Galleries in hong kong and to recall the uniqueness of the mainline. Furthermore, It can promote this event through the COMME des GARÇONS customer and using a low-profile style to reach the target attention.

PROMOTION : Online Promotion Website For the Online Promotion Website, it is a short-term website that creates for this event. The design of the website the will suit COMME des GARÇONS artistic style and promote the brand uniqueness while providing the Exhibition Galleries information online and register for the event.



MILESTONE 1 & 2 2019







JAN 12 - MAY 13


JAN 12 - MAY 13


MARCH 13 - MAY 13


Online Promotion Website (TASK 1)

The COMME des GARÇONS: CO-EXIST Exhibition will be held on 13 rd March 2019 to 13th May 2019, open at 11 o'clock at morning to 9 o'clock at night in Central Harbourfront Event Space.

A short-term Promotion website for the Exhibition Galleries will launch two months before the Exhibition Galleries online and closed it after the event end.

Promotion Leaflet (TASK 2) The Promotion Leaflet will place it on the store in Causeway Bay, central and all the diffusion line store in I.T Apparels. The leaflet will put in the store two months before the Exhibition Galleries.


Taking all these factors into consideration, it has come to the conclusion that COMME des GARÇONS brand image becomes blurred due to having multiple diffusion labels. The campaign used Through the Line advertising to promote the brand core DNA to the target customer through Exhibition, Promotion Leaflet place it on the store and Online Promotion Website. It is strongly believed that this marketing and promotional campaign can reinstate COMME des GARÇONS unique selling proposition to the Target Market and increase the business performance in the honk kong context.


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