IFB_Fashion Concepts and Innovation Project_Stage3

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Old Clothes New Looks STAGE 3

Nottingham Trent University School of Art & Design Institute of Vocational Education – Hong Kong




Module: Fashion Concepts and Innovation Project


Module reference: FASH30006 Module Leader: Cassandra Ng

Fashion Concepts and Innovation Project Declaration This submission is the result of my own work. All help and advice other than that received from tutors has been acknowledged and primary and secondary sources of information have been properly attributed. Should this statement prove to be untrue, I recognise the right and duty of the Board of Examiners to recommend what action should be taken in line with the University’s regulation on assessment contained in its handbook. I confirm that this work has gained ethical approval and that I have faithfully observed the terms of the approval in the conduct of this project.

Signed ………

………….……(YUNG YEE TUNG)

Date …………18thApril,2019…………………………………………………… (Word count: 5429 )

Old Clothes, New Looks STAGE 3

Yung Yee Tung, Iris

FIG. 1.






SSIONAL The demographics of professional is age 30-50. The consumer in this segment has a high educational background, they have higher consciousness on sustainable fashion and environmental issues. The target in this segment has a wide range of income. They are upperlevel employment staff whose occupation Graphic Designer, Marketing Executive, fashion designer and more. their income is around HKD 100,000 or above. They look for functional or workwear attire with values.







Our strategy in this marketing plan is to reeducate the hong kong citizen consciousness on sustainable fashion through upcycling secondhand clothing by target this two age demographic. Besides, To educate these younger people who know or not know about sustainability, who wants to try up new things, who like fashionable things and try to become a better mature person when they go to mid-thirsty to also engage in a sustainable lifestyle. Covering up the range whereby the different stages of understanding what sustainable lifestyle is. By using our voice and our creativity to change the hong kong citizen overconsumption and their prejudice on used apparel, that worn clothing is not outdated and filthy like it used too and giving old clothes a new life.



The location of the interactive upcycling Pop-Up event will be held in the K11 mall. The reason to choose the K11 mall because it is not only a simple shopping mall, but it is a mall that has a museum retail concept and combines art and commerce in the business. The mall is focused on three core values, Art, People and Nature. It is a mall that cares


for the environment and sustainability which is suitable for our concept. Beside, K11 will also hold unique art and cultural events, such as art exhibitions, theme workshops, film screenings, local independent music performances, crossborder cultural exchange symposiums, etc. which is a suitable location for our Upcycling Pop-Up event. Furthermore, other than notable fashion brand K11 has independent designer

brand in their mall unlike others, therefore their mail will gather different types of consumer. Hence, it can attract different types of consumer to browse our pop-up event. K11 mall is a place that both of our target consumers will go to and a place that is easiest to shop. It located in high footfall areas, Tsim Sha Tsui. where target customer can easy to get to the location by bus, ferries and MTR.

PRODUCT According to the interview and motivational factors towards second-hand shopping, it shows that fashionability, fun and enjoyment and unique pieces were the key elements that clients looking for in the product. Hence, this key element is adapted to our product. There will be two types of collection that sell in the pop-up event.

The first type of product is upcycling clothes from deadstock clothing of MUJI where the upcycling design is base on their brand philosophy, minimalist style and no label. The Second type of product is secondhand upcycling apparel from EVERGREEN collection, Green+ and Reedit. Green+ is a functional clothing line made from


secondhand clothes. It is a unisex design that can suit the body of both men and women. It is a timeless style that can wear for any age or occasion. There is no secondhand upcycle functional clothing in the market which is our advantage compared with other upcycle brand. Reedit is a unisex line that focuses on the young

generation who like trendy and vintage styles. The selling point of this line is each piece of the clothing has unique patchwork design with a wide range of styles like Kimono, Noragi, bomba jacket and more to target different needs of customers and provide more utility to our customers and captures more of the market.







Instagram User In Hong Kong December 2018 2 661 000 User 56.6 % WOMEN 43.4 % MEN


16.6% 14.2% 11.4%

10.9% 8% 3.7% 3.3%

2% 1.6% 13-17 3.5%

1.3% 1.1% 18-24 25.6%

25-34 39.8%

35-44 18.9%

45-54 7%

Facebook User In Hong Kong March 2019 4 575 000 users

65+ 2.7%.

56.2% WOMEN 43.8 % MEN



55-64 2.5%

1.8% 1%

14.6% 10.5%



6.8% 6.3% 4.4% 3.9%

0.7% 0.7%



ROADSHOW SUMMARY The second marketing initiatives are we will hold an educational roadshow three times in a year at a different primary school and secondary school. Early youth education on sustainability has been implemented movement in many countries, yet, hong kongs development in this area is relatively behind and it is our duties to educate our younger self to conserve their future. UNESCO (1997) stated that in order to achieve sustainable, development Education is the most effective way. The educational roadshow is to

teach the young generation on what is sustainability through upcycling used clothes. By teaching them instead of buying new clothes to replace them. We can use old or secondhand clothing refashion into new clothes or other product. Teaching the young generation what is a sustainable lifestyle throughout the reuse and the importance of environmentalism because the young generations have a tremendous role in the present and future. According to the World Bank Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2017, There is 42 per cent of people are under the

age of 25 in 7 Billion of the world population. Hence, it is important to educate the young generation to engage in the present and future environmental issues to create a Sustainable Future. According to Samuelsson and Katz (2007) about the Contribution of Early Childhood Education to a Sustainable Society, it mentions that the young generation can develop a sense of concern for the natural environment, animals and natural resource if their youth education is related with environmental studies and experiences. Davis and

Cooke (1996) stated that to educate the young generation about their attitudes, values, knowledge and skill on sustainability to rethink and improve the current dilemma is an important task. Also, Davis(2014) specifies that if early education is lacking, It is difficult to implement education for sustainability. Base on the above information, it supported that it is important to educate the practice of sustainability in early education to develop a proactive environmental consciousness at a young age.

FOR PRI For the idea of Educational Roadshow for primary school, we will be focusing on the age of 8 to 11 children. Since the target of the primary school children is still at a young age, we will do it in a more fun and exciting way to let them learn in the progress. The Educational Roadshow will divide into two sections. For the first section, we will show an interesting 30 min video to them. In the video, the 30 min is teaching them what is sustainability, upcycle and how it is related to them. After the video, there will be Stimulating and entertaining games activities like quiz game that are related to the 30

mins of video to enhance their knowledge about sustainability and upcycle. Furthermore, we will show them upcycle product like a pencil case, t-shirt tote bag or even plush that made from secondhand clothes. For the Second section, we will do interactive DIY actives with primary school children. In the DIY actives, we will provide secondhand clothing for the student to make a flower brooch or embellishment with an easy step. Firstly, the student needs to draw four circles on paper to make the petal pattern by using an old bottle. Then, traced and cut out several of the petal groupings on the secondhand

EDUCATIONAL ROADSHOW IMARY SCHOOL clothes. Thirdly to sew four of the folded petals into a circle and continued to add petals until the flower is full. Then, gathered one petal in the centre and sewed it directly toward the centre of the flower. Lastly, the student can flip over and sew a brooch pin or hair ties to the back of the flower. The aims of this primary school educational roadshow are bringing the ideas of sustainability and upcycling down to a level that youngsters can understand and experience through DIY and games. After the educational roadshow for primary school, we are

hoping to empower the young generation to take action and encouraging them to teach their parents or others to do the same.


Y SCHOOL, NIVERSITY For the idea of the educational roadshow for secondary school, College and University. we will be focusing on form 3 to form 6 students. Since the target of the secondary school student is more mature, We will do a one hours seminar with secondary school student and upcycling DIY activities. In the seminars, it will be in-depth information about what is sustainability and upcycling. By Telling the student about what are the benefits of upcycling. The difference between upcycling and recycling due to

the general public has always mixed up with the idea or have no idea what upcycling is it. Furthermore, it is important to re-educate the secondary school student, not to overconsumerism. Also, To engage secondary school student to purchase good quality secondhand clothes inserted from buying new clothes. After the seminars, there will be DIY activities to teach the participant to upcycle secondhand clothes into a tote bag with no sewing is needed.


IMPLEME Activities, Responsibility, and Timetables for Completion All Implementation activities are to begin at the start of this year in August. Unless specified, all activities are the responsibility of Evergreen’s president, Iris Yung.


Aug Create A Facebook & Instagram Page IGTV video (2) IGTV video (3) Muji & Evergreen Invitation Email Local Newspaper advertising Flyer Promotion Press Preview Opening Of The Upcycling Pop-Up Event End Of The Upcycling Pop-Up Event Share And Repost The Content From The Guest Educational Roadshow primary school Educational Roadshow primary school Educational Roadshow primary school




DEC August 1 August 5 August 7 August 12 - November 14 August 13 - November 14 August 14 - November 14

September 12 September 15 - November 14 September 15 - November 14 September 15 - November 14

December 16 December 18 December 20

POP-UP-EVENT 。On August 1, create a Facebook and Instagram page to generate buzz before the pop-up event.

。On August 5, there will be an IGTV video (2) from every

Monday teaching audience how to upcycling old clothes into another product to promote upcycling practice in Hong Kong

。On August 7, there will be an IGTV interview video (3)

from every Wednesdays to ask Hong Kong general public perceive or question regarding the environmental issue, sustainability, sustainable fashion, secondhand clothing and upcycling

。On August 12, MUJI and Evergreen will send information email to invite the customer about the upcycle pop-up event

。On August 13, There will be Local Newspaper

advertising placing a small ad in the newspaper and run it every single week before and during the event to captures more attention from different age group.

。On August 14, There will be one-page 8.5 x 11-inch flyer made of recycled paper place into MUJI and Evergreen store to promote the event.

。On September 12, A Press Preview inviting Hong Kong

local journalists and Hong Kong influence to have exclusive look and experience at the pop-up shop

。On September 15, The opening of the upcycling

pop-up event with Hong Kong influencer, Hana Tam

。 On November 14, the end of the upcycling pop-up event

。On November 15, share and repost the content

from the guest and the EVERGREEN social channels.


For educational roadshow will be held three times in a year at a different primary school, secondary school, college and university

。On December 16, Educational Roadshow for

primary school with SKH Lui Ming Choi Memorial Primary school in Kennedy Town

。On December 18, Educational Roadshow for

secondary school with St. Stephen's Church College

。On December 20, Educational Roadshow for

secondary school with Hong Kong Design Institute For educational roadshow in 2020, the activities are to begin at the start of September 24.

CONCLUSION In order to popularize secondhand upcycling practice as a sustainable lifestyle in hong kong. For future directions, EVERGREEN will hold a secondhand upcycling event with a different notable brand every year. In the event will have different theme and actives to attract the general public to attend as an annual upcycling event. For educational roadshow will be held three times in a year at a different primary school, secondary school, college and university with

different actives. For social media, we will continue posting information about upcycling to arouse more attention. To pass the ethos of upcycling is better than replace to the future generation. Covering up the all age range whereby the different stages of understanding what sustainable lifestyle is. By using our voice and our creativity to change the hong kong citizen overconsumption. Additionally, to empower customers to

reduce waste by extending the life cycle of used clothing through upcycling and reducing tonnes of apparel ends up in the landfill. Create a better and greener Hong Kong in the near future. Also to make this marketing strategy itself sustainable.

Reference (Napoleoncat, ‘Facebook users in Hong Kong’Online, Accessed: 17/04/19) (Napoleoncat, ‘Instgram users in Hong Kong’Online, Accessed: 17/04/19) (Khokhar, ‘How Is the World's Youth Population Changing’ Online, Accessed: 17/04/19) (Index Mundi, ‘World Demographics Profile 2018’ Online, Accessed: 17/04/19)

(Davis, Young Children and the Environment: Early Education for Sustainability, 2014, 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.) (Hollingshead, Young children, environmental education and the future, 2010, Vol. 4, issue: 2, P.307309)

(Davis and cooke, Young Children, Environmental Education, and the Future, (Szaky, ‘Educating youth is key 1998, Volume 26, Issue 2, to creating the next generation pp 117–123) of environmentalists’ Online, Accessed: 17/04/19) (WORLD BANK DATA TEAM, ‘The 2017 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals: a new visual guide to data and development’ Online, Accessed: 17/04/19) (Samuelsson and Katz, ‘The Contribution of Early Childhood Education to a Sustainable Society’ Online, Accessed: 17/04/19)

Bibliography CFI. n.d. ‘Penetration pricing’ Available at: https:// corporatefinanceinstitute. com/resources/knowledge/ strategy/penetrationpricing/ Accessed: 17/04/19.

Index Mundi. 2018. ‘World Demographics Profile 2018’ Available at: https://www. indexmundi.com/world/ demographics_profile.html Accessed: 17/04/19.

Davis and cooke. 1998. ‘Young Children, Environmental Education, and the Future’ Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol. 26, Issue 2, P.117–123

Khokhar. T. 2017. ‘How Is the World's Youth Population Changing?’ Available at: http://blogs.worldbank.org/ opendata/chart-how-worldsyouth-population-changing Accessed: 17/04/19.

Davis. 2014. ‘Young Children and the Environment: Early Education for Sustainability’ 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Napoleoncat. 2019. ‘Facebook users in Hong Kong’ Available at: https://napoleoncat.com/ stats/facebook-users-inhong_kong/2019/03 Accessed: 17/04/19.

Hollingshead, B. P. (2010) ‘Young People, Education and Sustainable Development: Exploring Principles, Perspectives and Praxis’, Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 4(2), pp. 307– 309.

Napoleoncat. 2018. ‘Instagram users in Hong Kong’ Available at: https://napoleoncat.com/ stats/instagram-users-inhong_kong/2019/03 Accessed: 17/04/19. Samuelsson and Katz. 2008. ‘The Contribution of early childhood education to a

sustainable society’ P. 136 Szaky. 2016. ‘Educating youth is key to creating the next generation of environmentalists’ Available at: https://www.treehugger. com/culture/educating-youthkey-creating-next-generationenvironmentalists.html Accessed: 17/04/19. The Desk. 2019. ‘Hong Kong’s social media landscape in 2019’ Available at: https://www. thedesk.com.hk/hong-kongssocial-media-landscapein-2019/ Accessed: 17/04/19. WORLD BANK DATA TEAM. 2017. ‘ The 2017 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals: a new visual guide to data and development’ Available at: http://blogs. worldbank.org/opendata/2017atlas-sustainable-developmentgoals-new-visual-guide-dataand-development Accessed: 17/04/19.

[Image] Fig. 1. Vô. (n.d.) Tree [Online image] Availble at : https:// pngtree.com/freepng/trees-treeslandscape-tree_1794466.html Accessed: 18/ 04/19 Fig. 2.1. Midweat Vinage (2019) Upcycle Demin bag [Online image] Availble at : https://deskgram.net/ p/1936830884356137357_286040882 Accessed: 18/ 04/19 Fig. 2.2. Midweat Vinage (2019) Upcycle Demin dress [Online image] Availble at : https://deskgram.net/ p/2004903624220472604_286040882 Accessed: 18/ 04/19 Fig. 2.3. Midweat Vinage (2019) Upcycle demin blazer [Online image] Availble at : https://deskgram.net/p/ 2016076447446095463_286040882A ccessed: 18/ 04/19 Fig. 3. Pause and Pounder (2019) upcycle dress [Online image] Availble at : https://www.facebook. com/pause.ponder.hk/photos/p.22 44862735832878/22448627358328 78/?type=1&theater Accessed: 18/ 04/19 Fig. 4. LASTBUTNOTLEAST (2017) UPcycled costumes from old bed sheet, stockings, clothing [Online image] Availble at :

https://www.facebook.com/ LLastbutnotleastt/photos/a.526 951864020631/12086890325135 74/?type=1&theater Accessed: 18/ 04/19 Fig. 5. kosu (2017) K11 mall enviroment [Online image] Available at: https://kosublog. com/en/hong-kong-1711part02/ Accessed: 18/04/19 Fig. 6.1 123Rf (n.d) Recycle paper [Online image] Available at: https://www.123rf. com/photo_34177223_greyrecycled-paper-texture-withcopy-space.html Accessed: 18/04/19 Fig.6.2 MUJI (n.d.) LOGO [Online image] Available at: https:// upload.wikimedia.org/ wikipedia/commons/6/60/ MUJI_logo.svg Accessed: 18/04/19 Fig.6.3 Freepik (2019). Instagram template [Online image] Available at: https://www. freepik.com/free-vector/ realistic-instagram-photoframe-iphone_4134622.htm Accessed: 18/04/19

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