Isolated Utopia

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05 - 2018

ISOLATED UTOPIA. Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. (KABK) INSIDE: Master of Interior and Architecture

Studio3: Corrupted Space Tuters Anne Hoogewoning Gerjan Streng Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius Jillian Chen

Yunkyung Lee.


Contents. Intro.


Living alone in a country I have never been before, I sometimes feel like I am quite obsessed with my social network services. Due to loneliness, I cannot stop checking my Instagram and Facebook feed to get the feeling that I am still connected with my friends and family through tiny electric devices. Though, each time I checked SNS, afterwards I felt much lonelier than before because I compared my life with other’s


Nomadic Lifestyle & Off-grid Living


Energy Stealer


and felt jealous that they hanged out together without me. Since I can keep in touch with them and see their pictures, I cannot enjoy my personal life in the present anymore. At the same time, I have noticed that I cannot be perfectly separated from this virtual world for my studies, getting useful information from school for instance and buying products. Therefore, I started to wonder how social media affects my life and how I can live in an autonomous and independent way without digital devices. My utopian concept starts from these questions.

Isolated Utopia



Yunkyung Lee.



While people browsing on the Internet, their data

others are living better. This leads people to feel much

answer this question, it is necessary to be aware of the

histories and cookies are tracked and recorded

loneliness and socially isolated in comparison. For

mechanism that how the technology and the Internet

unconsciously by the system or government. In the

example, according to the research that published in

have influenced on people in a negative way. Due to

case of surveillance done by an individual, if someone

American Journal of Preventive Medicine, around 90%

the development of technology, the Internet and digital

viewed my personal information on Facebook, I would

of young adults in the United States visit social network

devices are omnipresent and the distance between

never know. Just like the inspector in the panopticon

website such as Facebook at least once a day. They

people are shortened. On the other hand, the frequent

who seems invisible for the prisoners, similarly, our

tend to substitute social media use for face-to-face

exposure to the virtual world acts as a catalyst for the

internet activities are always being observed by

interactions. This could be associated with the cause of

new type of Panopticon – Digital Panopticon.

any anonymous internet users. However, we can also

mental health problem like depression. (Brian A. Primak,

monitor the others’ information at the same time. In

2017) In this situation, people cannot be emotionally

other words, cyberspace has become the hotbed of

autonomous from what others doing. They might lose

the mutual surveillance. In the context of the mutual

their ability of self-determination due to the constant

surveillance, people are more likely to live under the

comparing and caring how their life looked like through

pressure as a result of comparing themselves with

the social media. Consequently, how can we overcome

others’ life. Moreover, people who are frequently

the circumstance on excessive exposure to the social

exposed to highly distilled, unrealistic portrayals on

media? There is two possible ways to prevent us from

social media are more vulnerable to the belief that

the addiction of social media use.

Originally, Panopticon is the model of prison specialized Isolated Utopia 2018

to control the inmates, which was proposed by Jeremy Bentham in his book Panopticon; or The Inspection

House (1787). A typical structure of panopticon prison was built in a shape of an octagon with individual cells along the circumference of the building. There was an inspection tower constructed in the centre of the prison but with the strong light from the top, it was invisible to the prisoners. Through this strategy, the prisoners were aware of they were under surveillance, but none of them did not know when they were monitored. This mental state of being watched without being able to see [figure 1] Elevation, section and plan of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon penitentiary, drawn by Willey Reveley, (1791)

the inspector could make the inmates regulate their own behavior to avoid punishment. (Brignall, 2002) With this in mind, digital Panopticon works fundamentally the same mechanism as the original Panopticon, yet without a tangible structure. With wireless technology, the Internet can be viewed from almost anywhere on the planet. Only those that refuse to use the technology will be free from being observed. Even if individuals do not use the Internet, friends, family, and peers may use it thereby extending some of that social control over nonusers. (Brignall, 2002)

[Figure 2] Comparison between original Panopticon and Digital-Panopticon



Yunkyung Lee.

First of all, how social media affects my life? To

Nomadic Lifestyle & Off-grid Living. Off-grid Living.

If we cannot be apart from the

The official definition of a nomad is a

To b e i n g d e v i a t e d f r o m D i g i t a l

technology and the Internet because

member of a people that travel from

Panopticon, the existence of

of the prevalence, how about

place to place to find fresh pasture

electricity would be an obstacle to

making a restriction of the physical

for its animals and has no permanent

quitting to use electric devices. But

environment? Without access to

home according to Oxford dictionary.

in the city, electricity is connected

the energy sources and the city

They have a freedom of choosing

everywhere through the energy grid.

infrastructure, people could make

where they go to live and when they

It is addictive and convenient so,

a regulation to use electric devices

move to another place. In my utopia,

it is difficult for people to control

themselves. By living as a nomad,

the citizen should be a new type of

their desire to access to electricity

people can keep a distance from

nomad - an individual nomad to be

when they are living in the on-grid

others physically to prevent others’

autonomous to being influenced by

situation. So, getting off from the city

disturbance. Also, by living off the

others. They would repeat the routine

infrastructure such as electricity

grid, they can gain an inconvenience

that living alone and approaching the

grid would be a solution to escape

to access to social media and

city centre. Keeping physical distance

from the surveillance that happens

the technology due to the lack of

from the city infrastructure and

on the Internet and social media. In

electricity. These discomforts would

being isolated would be exclusive

the off-grid situation, there would

help to improve the quality of mental

others’ opinion such as fashion trend

be a restriction and coercion of use

health of people who are stuck in the

that highly polished by the media.

of electricity due to the limitation of

mud of virtual world.

This could help people to be free

accessibility to the energy grid. This

from the life-long competition that

limited amount of electricity would

usually happens in the middle of

be only allowed to use for people’s

society. However, unfortunately, face-

basic needs such as lightening and

to-face communication is inevitable

cooking. This would lead them to be

as a human. If someone has been

independent from electric devices

isolated for too much time, he would

and Digital Panopticon. Therefore, the

suffer from mental illnesses such

citizen in my utopia should live in the

as insomnia. (Brian A. Primak, 2017)

off-grid situation in usual time.

Yunkyung Lee.

Isolated Utopia 2018

Nomadic Life.

[Figure 3] Diagram for explaining why nomadic life and off-gird living.

This is a fatal problem to humans. As a prevention of morbidity, the citizen who lives in my utopia should be able to decide how often they have


a social interaction with others and nomadic life would support it. With the possibility of social interaction people are going to be much relaxed and would reduce the anxiety and

Then, how about the appearance of the citizen who lives in my utopia based on nomadic and off-grid lifestyle? How can these two kinds of lifestyle affect to them and their daily life?

stress that comes from being alone. Therefore, nomadic lifestyle would be one of the major strategy of living in my utopia.



Energy Stealer.

From the evolutionary perspective of human being, I started to come up with the idea of futuristic human species – “Energy Stealer”. A person who is living without a settlement and foraging a little amount of electricity from the energy grid for surviving. In the near future, some people would start to proclaim to live a different way with others by being against to use the technology and electric devices. However, they do not give up all the convenience of the civilization, which means they find a way of using the existed city Isolated Utopia 2018

infrastructure such as electricity grid to maintain their Yunkyung Lee.

basic needs to survive. Therefore, people start to adjust to the circumstances given to them and to extract a bit of electricity from the grid that they can easily see in the street such as transmission lines, street lights and so on. Energy stealers are evolved to obtain a special skin, equipment, and habits to improve their life. Donna J. Haraway, the professor at the University of California, United States, said in her text The Companion Species “that man makes himself by realizing his intentions in his tools, such as domestic animals (dogs) and computers (cyborgs), is evidence of a neurosis that I call humanist technophiliac narcissism.” (Harraway, 2003) This could imply that human is evolving not only throughout their body but also in their tools and surroundings. To give an illustration, I intend to embody the characteristics of Energy Stealer. [Figure 4] Imagination of Energy stealers characteristics.



Characteristics of Energy Stealer.


Portable Wire& Stealing Tool& Battery.

First, they are specialized in accessing to the electricity

Energy stealer is developing a new type of skin for

To steal electricity, Energy stealer always carries

sources in the city infrastructure. The Most of the

the safety reason. Reaching to electricity sources is

their own portable wire, metal tool, and a battery that

sources that are exposed to the upper ground are much

always quite peril because sources have a possibility to

directly attached to the electricity sources which is the

higher than Energy stealer’s average height – such as

be killed by an electric shock. So, they started to wear

most hazardous and important part. All the equipment

transmission line, street light, tram line, and electricity

specialized material on the surface of their body for

should have a portability, mobility, and flexibility. So,

charger for cars. In order to reach to the electricity,

insulation – for example, rubber, plastic, or wood piece

they carry on a roll of wire on their back, grab the

Energy stealer started to exploit tools to make their

et cetera.

metal hook or stick to ground electrical facility with

body extended. This tool would help them to push beyond

rubber gloves and draw a portable battery to store

their limits and exceed our corporal boundaries. (Feuvre,

electricity that collected from the grid. With these tools,


they collect a small amount of electricity for a living and roam the city when they need the technology or the Internet.

[Figure 5] Finger Gloves – Rebbeca Horn (1972)

[Figure 6] Still from Performances 1, showing Shoulder Extensions – Rebecca Horn (1972)

[Figure 7] Evolution – Lucy McRae and Bart Hess (2008)

[Figure 8] Electricity theft in Lalitpur, Kathmandu

Therefore, these specific equipment makes Energy stealer looked like a new humankind and reflects their way of living on it. In addition, how Energy stealer’s daily life is going to be? There are two possible scenarios of their life – on-grid situation and off-grid situation.



Yunkyung Lee.

Isolated Utopia 2018

Body Extensions.

Taking a lecture

Exchange tools skills

Participate in other activities..

knowledges experiences materials “FUB” activities

On-grid Situation. Energy stealer is also human so, he is inherently born

Furthermore, some of them make a kind of flea market

as a social creature. Sometimes, he needs face-to-

to sell the material that they made or their art piece.

face interaction with other people. For this reason,

In this facility, some voluntary lectures and workshops

there is a gathering place for Energy stealer who lives

also happen. After sunset, all of Energy stealer hang out

in all different location. This basement for Energy

together, have some drinks, and stay all night. In the

stealer acts as not only a community place but also

next day, most of them decide to which direction they

exchange place. In the on-grid situation, Energy stealer

want to go and say goodbye each other. Again, it’s time

can go to the closest basement which usually located

to go back to the off-grid life.

Drawing Writing Reading Listening Working with laptop&phone

Transmission Line

Tram Line

Electricity Charger

Street Light

in the city centre and exchange their own tools, skills, and knowledge to collect electricity much efficiently.

Narrative #1



Basic Electricity Use

Exploit FUBʼs Energy

Go to sleep

Wake up



cooker : 317kWh/year



A+bar fridge : 100kWh/year =270Wh/day


Laptop : 30kWh/year


Phone : 2kWh/year


Taking a lecture

Exchange tools

Distance from the city

Lightening LED bulb : 6kWh/year


Participate in other activities..


Electricity Usage

experiences Drying hair Shower

Lightening Fridge


Doing Breakfast the dishes

materials “FUB” activities

Go to FUB



Doing the dishes

Social interaction Hang out with others


“FUB” activities 21.25

Time Line



























Shower Getting foods



Electricity Usage

Doing the dishes

Energy Stealing & Storing it

Move to the city

Coming back & Getting foods



Doing the dishes

Using electricity stored during daytime & Free time to do activities


Drawing Writing Reading Listening Working with laptop&phone

Go to sleep

Wake up Distance from the city

Transmission Line

Narrative #2


Tram Line

Electricity Charger

Street Light

+ [Figure 9] Virtual daily schedule of Energy stealer – off-grid and on-grid

Off-grid Situation.

Narrative #1


Energy stealer spends most of their time in the off-grid

the electricity sources with the tools. He sneaks up the

situation. Their daily life in this situation is based on

sources, steals electricity, and stores it. This behavior

minimizing the used amount of electricity. For minimum

would be the majority part of his daytime. After

use of electricity, they use limited electronic devices

collecting enough energy for him, he would come back to

such as cooking and lightening at the meal time. The

his place and enjoy his break time with electricity that

daily life of Energy stealer starts at 6.00 in the morning.

he has got in the daytime to draw, write, or read. These

After waking up, he can get some veggies and fresh

activities are related to the creativity so he can create

ingredients from the closest food sources – farmland,

a piece of artwork with this time and bring them to the

Exploit FUBʼs Energy

Go to sleep

Wake up

Distance from the city

Electricity Usage

Drying hair Shower

Lightening Fridge


Doing Breakfast the dishes

mountain, or river et cetera. Then, he starts to leave his Go to FUB

“FUB” activities


habitat and gets a little bit closer to the city to reach to

exchange place later on. Social interaction Doing


the dishes


Hang out with others




Electricity Usage

Shower Getting foods



Doing the dishes

Move to the city

Energy Stealing & Storing it

Coming back & Getting foods



Doing the dishes

Using electricity stored during daytime & Free time to do activities



Isolated Utopia.


From my perspective, to achieve the perfect freedom

Nevertheless, there are several obstacles to be

and equality in the society, every individual should be

isolated physically and mentally from others due to

separated from others. Grouping with all kind of people

the innovation of technology. For instance, via smart

always occurs controversy like that they take into

devices and social media, many young generations would

account each other’s preferences, opinions, culture, and

be easily connected with each other yet still feel lonely,

backgrounds. Meanwhile, to the extent that hierarchies

as known as subjective social isolation, or perceived

are inevitable. And in general, people can hardly be

social isolation. (Brian A. Primak, 2017) This perception

themselves when they are with someone unfamiliar.

of being socially isolated and lonely is related to the


Article; Extending Bodies, Lisa Le Feuvre, Tate Modern Art Museum, 2016


Body building, Ava Aghakouchak, Interactive architecture lab, 2016


Discipline and Punish, The Birth of The Prison, Michael Foucault, 1975

Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the U.S.,

In the isolated situation, however, there would be no

under surveillance. That is to say, the Digital Panopticon.


comparison, disturbance, hierarchy, and competition

To avoid the negative impacts from the social media


with others. Also, being alone would encourage people

where usually feature highly-distilled and unrealistic

Brian A. Primack, Ariel Shensa, Jaime E. Sidani, Erin O. Whaite, Liu yi Lin, Daniel Rosen,

to look back on their life and to concentrate on their

portrayals, some people start to live in a different way

own values and preferences which have been influenced

by reducing the use of electric devices. As a result, the

by others through the social media. Only when totally

Energy Stealer is born in these circumstances. Though

being alone, people can start to live autonomously and

paradoxically, Energy stealers want to be segregated

independently from society. Therefore, isolation would

from the virtual connection with the electronic devices,

be the starting point to grab freedom and equality.

the face-to-face social interaction is the essential

Jason B. Colditz, Ana Radovic, Elizabeth Miller, American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, people, and significant otherness

(Vol.1), Haraway, D. J. , Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press(2003)

factor for living as a human. So, by taking nomadic and


off-grid lifestyle, they acquire the ability to regulate

ISSN : 1572-5558 Tom Brignall III, Tennessee Tech University 2002

The New Panopticon: The Internet Viewed as a Structure of Social Control

a distance between the electricity-free life and the electricity-depend life. What’s more, they start to evolve by optimizing their speacialised equipment such as skin, tools, etc., in order to meet their standard lifestyle. All things considered, the new type of humankind has been


The Transparent Society, Transparenzgesellschaft, Byung-Chul Han, 2012


Panopticon; or Inspection House, Jeremy Bentham, 1987

born and there will be more and more Energy Stealer living in the isolated utopia in the near future. It is a matter of time to see them evolve through my design.



Yunkyung Lee.

Isolated Utopia 2018

overuse of social media and the insecurity of being



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